Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (2024)

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin left Hanoi, successfully ending his visit to Vietnam

  • News

Saigon Liberation newspaper


22 giờ ngày 20-6, sau khi dự chiêu đãi, Tổng thống Nga Vladimir Putin và đoàn đại biểu cấp cao di chuyển ra sân bay Nội Bài để lên chuyên cơ rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Nhà nước Việt Nam theo lời mời của Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng.

Tại sân bay Nội Bài, Tổng thống Nga Vladimir Putin đã có cuộc họp báo, trả lời phỏng vấn các hãng thông tấn, báo chí quốc tế đang có mặt tại sân bay.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (2)

Sau khi trả lời phỏng vấn, Tổng thống Nga Vladimir Putin đi bộ từ phòng họp báo ra thẳng chuyên cơ để về nước, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (3)
Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (4)

Kể từ khi đến Việt Nam vào lúc 1 giờ 45 ngày 20-6, chưa đầy 24 tiếng đồng hồ tại Việt Nam, Tổng thống Vladimir Putin và đoàn đã có lịch làm việc dày đặc với nhiều hoạt động quan trọng.

Tổng thống Nga đã có các cuộc hội đàm với Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng, hội đàm với Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm, hội kiến với Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính và Chủ tịch Quốc hội Trần Thanh Mẫn.

Chiều cùng ngày, Tổng thống Vladimir Putin đã đến đặt vòng hoa, vào Lăng viếng Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh và đặt hoa tại Đài tưởng niệm các Anh hùng liệt sĩ.

Tiếp đó, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm và Tổng thống Vladimir Putin đã gặp gỡ cựu sinh viên Việt Nam từng tốt nghiệp tại các trường đại học của Liên Xô (trước đây) và Liên bang Nga.

Trong bầu không khí thân tình và hữu nghị, hai bên đã trao đổi sâu rộng về nhiều nội dung và phương hướng thúc đẩy quan hệ Việt Nam – Nga trên các lĩnh vực chính trị, kinh tế – thương mại, khoa học – công nghệ và nhân văn. Hai bên cũng đã thảo luận về nhiều vấn đề quốc tế và khu vực cùng quan tâm trên tinh thần tin cậy.

Hai bên cũng đã ra Tuyên bố chung về làm sâu sắc hơn quan hệ Đối tác chiến lược toàn diện trên cơ sở thành tựu 30 năm thực hiện Hiệp ước về những nguyên tắc cơ bản của quan hệ hữu nghị Việt Nam – Nga.


Sources: https://www.sggp.org.vn/tong-thong-lien-bang-nga-vladimir-putin-roi-ha-noi-ket-thuc-tot-dep-chuyen-tham-viet-nam-post745565.html

More great benefits of walking

  • Medical

Thanh Nien Newspaper


Start your day with health news, readers can also see more articles: Does drinking too much, eating a full meal and then bathing cause a stroke?; Wearing contact lenses in the summer, what should you do to prevent infection?; This delicious fruit has been scientifically proven to reduce cholesterol extremely well...

Discover another amazing benefit of walking

New research published in the medical journal The Lancet, has discovered another great benefit of walking.

Accordingly, walking regularly helps people with low back pain relieve back pain.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (6)

A clinical trial by Macquarie University's spine pain research group (Australia) examined whether walking could be an effective, economical and accessible treatment for low back pain.

The trial followed more than 700 adults who were recently in remission from low back pain. The participants were divided into 2 groups. One group participated in a walking program and received physical therapy instruction for 6 months and a control group.

The researchers followed the participants for between 1 and 3 years. Lead author Mark Hanco*ck, professor of physiotherapy at Macquarie University, said the findings could have a profound impact on how low back pain is managed.

He said: The study results showed that the walking group had less pain than the control group and the pain relief period was longer before recurrence, an average of 208 days compared to 112 days in the control group. proof.Readers can see more of this article on health page May 21.6th.

Wearing contact lenses in the summer, what should you do to prevent infection?

High temperatures and dry air in summer will make contact lens wearers susceptible to dry and uncomfortable eyes. This condition can increase the risk of eye infections. Several measures can help contact lens wearers feel more comfortable and reduce the risk of infection.

Hot weather also means stronger sunlight, reduced humidity in the air, and dust and sand will be easily blown into the air by the wind. These are all factors that influence the wearer Contact lenses feel dry, scratchy and very uncomfortable.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (7)

To protect your eyes when wearing contact lenses in the summer, people can apply the following methods:

Wear sunglasses. People should choose sunglasses with lenses that protect against ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet rays are the main factor that increases the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Sunglasses help contact lens wearers avoid glare and also reduce other harmful agents to the eyes such as wind, dust or sand.

Choose UV-protective contact lenses.For people who wear contact lenses, choosing contact lenses with UV protection is necessary. These glasses have a special coating that partially blocks ultraviolet rays and reduces eye discomfort.

Choose 1-day glasses.People who often feel allergic or dry eyes, especially in the summer, you can use 1-day contact lenses. In fact, this is a disposable contact lens, after opening it can only be used for a maximum of 1 to 6 hours.NThe next content of this article will be above health page March 21.6, XNUMX.

This delicious fruit has been scientifically proven to reduce cholesterol extremely well

According to nutritional scientist Alex Ruani, University College London (UK), red grapes can help reduce cholesterol and inflammation, while enhancing immunity.

Expert Ruani explained that red grapes are rich in polyphenols. These are antioxidant plant compounds.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (8)

Red grapes specifically contain anthocyanins, which have been shown to benefit brain health, and resveratrol, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects.

Red grape skins and seeds are also rich in antioxidants, including catechins and epicatechins, which work to reduce oxidative stress in the body.

Grapes are rich in fiber, so they help reduce bad cholesterol levels. Grapes do this because the soluble fiber in grapes can delay or reduce the absorption of cholesterol into the blood.

Research published in academic journal Food and Function journa In 2015, it was discovered that people with high cholesterol who ate 3 cups of red grapes every day for 8 weeks reduced their total cholesterol and bad cholesterol levels.Let's start the day with health news To see more content of this article, please!

Sources: https://thanhnien.vn/ngay-moi-voi-tin-tuc-suc-khoe-them-loi-ich-tuyet-voi-cua-di-bo-185240620192726579.htm

What products does Vietnam import from the Russian market?

  • Economy

Industry and Trade Newspaper


Coal imports of all kinds from Russia increased by 146,6% in volume. Vietnam's coal imports increased by 60% in volume.

According to preliminary statistics from the General Department of Customs, in the first 5 months of 2024, Vietnam spent 1 billion USD to import goods from Russia, an increase of 58% over the same period last year.

Products with the greatest growth momentum include fertilizers, which increased by 372% in turnover over the same period last year, from 32 million USD to 152 million USD in the first 5 months of 2024. The amount of imported fertilizer also increased. from 60.617 tons to 335.581 tons, equivalent to 5,5 times.

Other base metals are the items with the second largest growth in turnover with +100% over the same period last year, reaching 18 million USD. The amount of imports of other base metals also doubled, to 2 tons.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (10)
In the first 5 months of the year, Vietnam imported 2,4 million tons of coal from the Russian market

Behind are auto components and spare parts with an increase of 89% over the same period last year, reaching 8,7 million USD; chemicals increased by 71% over the same period last year, reaching 37,7 million USD... In the first 5 months of 2024, Vietnam spent 13,9 million USD to import wheat from this market, the same period last year did not record data.

Notably, the largest imported item from Russia, coal, also increased by 96% in volume, reaching 2,4 million tons; From there, coal import turnover increased to 471 million USD, up 58% over the same period last year. Currently, Russia is one of 7 main markets supplying imported coal to Vietnam. In the first 5 months of 2024, the total amount of coal imported from Russia accounts for nearly 9% of Vietnam's total coal imports.

In the opposite direction, seafood imports from Russia decreased by 10% over the same period last year, to 47 million USD; Rubber decreased by 28,4% over the same period last year, reaching 9,8 million USD; Pharmaceutical products decreased by 12,3% over the same period last year, reaching 13,5 million USD...

Some items have small turnover but have a deep decrease such as: Iron and steel decreased by 91% over the same period last year, electric wires and cables decreased by 77% over the same period last year, automobiles decreased by 45% over the same period last year. last year period…

In terms of turnover, in addition to coal and fertilizer, which are the two largest imported items from Russia, Vietnam also spent 51 million USD importing plastic raw materials, an increase of 19,6% over the same period last year importing wood and wood products. wooden products with 15,8 million USD, up 27% over the same period last year; Imported iron and steel products with 14,9 million USD, down 13% over the same period last year...

Sources: https://congthuong.vn/viet-nam-nhap-khau-nhung-mat-hang-nao-tu-thi-truong-nga-327301.html

World gold is still increasing, gold rings increased beyond the mark of 75 million VND/tael

  • Economy

Industry and Trade Newspaper


Gold price in the country this afternoon, June 20, 6

At the time of the survey at 18:00 p.m. on June 20, 6, gold price today 20 month 6 on the trading floor of some companies as follows:

Note that the SJC gold price listed by the gold house in the buying afternoon is 74,98 million VND/tael and the selling afternoon is 76,98 million VND/tael.

The 9999 gold price this afternoon was listed by DOJI at 74,98 million VND/tael purchased and 76,98 million VND/tael sold.

At Mi Hong Jewelry Company, Mi Hong gold price at the time of the survey listed SJC gold price at 76,00 - 76,98 million VND/tael (buy - sell).

SJC gold price at Bao Tin Minh Chau Co., Ltd. was also traded at 75,50 - 76,98 million VND/tael (buy - sell). At Bao Tin Manh Hai, it is being traded at 76,000 - 76,98 million VND/tael (buy - sell).

The price of SJC gold bars has not changed in price, meanwhile, gold rings today continue to increase accordingly, the price of 9999 round gold rings at DOJI is listed at 74,40-75,65 million VND/tael (buy). - sold out). Compared to yesterday's trading session, the price of 9999 gold ring at DOJI increased by 100.000 VND/tael in both buying and selling directions.

Saigon Jewelry Company lists gold ring prices at 73,55-75,15 million VND/tael (buy - sell). Compared to yesterday's trading session, the price of 9999 gold ring at Saigon Jewelry Company increased by 150.000 VND/tael in both buying and selling directions.

Bao Tin Minh Chau listed the gold ring price at 74,38-75,68 million VND/tael (buy - sell). Compared to yesterday's trading session, the price of 9999 gold ring at Bao Tin Minh Chau increased by 50.000 VND/tael in both buying and selling directions.

The central exchange rate is listed by the State Bank at 24.255 VND/USD, down 2 VND/USD. The USD price at commercial banks is traded around 25.217 VND/USD for buying and 25.467 VND/USD for selling.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (12)
Gold price today June 20, 6, SJC gold price, 2024 gold price, 9999k gold price, 24k gold price June 18, 20. Photo: Tra My
1. DOJI – Updated: 20/06/2024 13:24 – Time of website supplies – / Compared to yesterday.
SpeciesBuy intoSold out
AVPL/SJC Hanoi74,98076,980
AVPL/SJC HCM74,98076,980
AVPL/SJC SE74,98076,980
Raw materials 9999 – Hanoi74,000 200K 74,550 200K
Raw materials 999 – Hanoi73,900 200K 74,450 200K
AVPL/SJC Can Tho74,98076,980
2. NPC – Updated: 20/06/2024 23:32 – Time of website supplies – / Compared to yesterday.
SpeciesBuy intoSold out
HCMC – PNJ73.600 150K 75.250 100K
HCMC – SJC74.98076.980
Hanoi – PNJ73.600 150K 75.250 100K
Hanoi – SJC74.98076.980
Da Nang – PNJ73.600 150K 75.250 100K
Da Nang – SJC74.98076.980
The West – PNJ73.600 150K 75.250 100K
The West – SJC74.98076.980
Gold jewelry price – PNJ73.600 150K 75.250 100K
Gold jewelry price – SJC74.98076.980
Gold jewelry prices - Southeast regionNPC73.600 150K
Gold jewelry price – SJC74.98076.980
Gold jewelry price – Gold jewelry pricePNJ Ring (24K)73.600 150K
Jewelry Gold Price – 24K CZK Jewelry73.500 150K 74.300 150K
Jewelry Gold Price – 18K CZK Jewelry54.480 120K 55.880 120K
Jewelry Gold Price – 14K CZK Jewelry42.220 90K 43.620 90K
Jewelry Gold Price – 10K CZK Jewelry29.660 60K 31.060 60K

World gold price this afternoon, June 20final match.4 and world gold price fluctuation chart over the past 24 hours

According to Kitco, the world gold price recorded at 18:00 am today Vietnam spot time was 2.339,45 USD/ounce. Converted at the current exchange rate at Vietcombank, world gold costs about 70,876 million VND/tael (excluding taxes and fees). Thus, SJC's gold bar price is still higher than the international gold price of 4,104 million VND/tael.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (13)
Gold price fluctuation chart in the past 24 hours

Gold edged higher, boosted by a weaker US economic report released early this morning. The crude oil market's recovery to a six-week high today was also a bullish factor for metals markets.

Specifically, the US retail sales report for May showed a 5% increase over the previous month, compared to expectations of a 0,1% increase. April sales were revised down to 0,2% month-over-month from flat. The weaker sales data fell into the hands of US monetary policy hawks, who want to see the Federal Reserve cut interest rates sooner rather than later.

According to signals from CME's FedWatch Tool, as of 9pm on June 19 (Vietnam time), 6% believe that the FED will reduce interest rates at its meeting in September. Previously, this rate was only 67%.

The number of people who believe the FED will soon lower interest rates increased after the US announced that total retail sales in the US increased at a very modest level in May. This signal shows that the US economy is sagging, if there is no policy. Reasonably, the world's No. 5 economy could fall into difficulty.

Gold price forecast

In a report just published by the World Gold Council (WGC), many central banks are planning to add gold to foreign exchange reserves within the next 12 months due to political and macroeconomic instability. happenning.

According to a survey by WGC, 29% of 70 central banks of countries said they expected to increase gold reserves in the next 12 months, higher than the 24% done in 2023. According to WGC , the reason why countries are stepping up gold purchases is because of concerns about crisis risks as well as rising inflation.

Sources: https://congthuong.vn/gia-vang-chieu-nay-2062024-vang-the-gioi-van-tang-cao-vang-nhan-tang-vuot-moc-75-trieu-dongluong-327286.html

Cut down 188 trees to expand motorbike lanes on Ho Chi Minh City's East-West Highway

  • Sociocultural

Pioneers' newspaper


To repair and renovate the median strip and expand the motorbike lane on Vo Van Kiet Avenue, 188 old, poorly growing trees will be cut down and 48 trees will be uprooted.

Recently, the Urban Traffic Management Center announced that it is carrying out construction to repair and renovate the median strip on Vo Van Kiet Street (East-West Avenue).

Accordingly, currently the lane for motorbikes on Vo Van Kiet Street (District 6, Ho Chi Minh City) has a narrow cross-section, and vehicles are often congested.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (15)

48 trees were uprooted and replanted after completing the renovation. Photo: TT

Specifically, the 2-wheel drive lane (direction from Tan Kien intersection to Saigon River tunnel) includes 2 parts of the road from 3m-3,5m wide and 2m-2,5m wide, separated by a hard divider called a tank. The continuous grass has an average width of 7m and the lawn with trees has an average width of 2m.

However, vehicle traffic on the route is increasing, causing congestion as well as collisions between vehicles.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (16)

Repairing and renovating median strips expands vehicle lanes for safer motorbike traffic. Photo: TT

Therefore, it is necessary to improve the median strip between two two-wheeled lanes and adjust two-wheeled lanes from two parts of the road from 2m-2m and 3m-3,5m wide to 2m synchronously throughout the route. necessary to increase road capacity and ensure traffic safety.

According to the Center, the scope of repair and renovation is from km4+900 to km12+900 and there will be 236 affected trees that will have to be relocated. Therefore, this unit will uproot and replant 48 green trees (tamarind, ironwood) and cut down 188 old, poorly growing trees including camphor and phoenix.

In addition, the renovation of the grass separator will be continuous, with an average width of 2m and planted with trees.

Currently, the renovation and repair of Vo Van Kiet street has been started and is expected to be completed in mid-September 9.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (17)

Spending more than 12.000 billion VND, Binh Duong will have a chain of cargo ports by waterway

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (18)

The People's Council of Nhon Trach district held an extraordinary meeting regarding the case of the Chairman of the People's Committee being defrauded of 170 billion VND

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (19)

Ho Chi Minh City has had a lot of rain in the new week

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (20)

Women are tortured like in the Middle Ages; Dong Nai disciplined 2 female district leaders

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (21)

The district chairman lost 170 billion VND and was dismissed as deputy secretary of the Nhon Trach District Party Committee

According to Dan Viet

Sources: https://tienphong.vn/chat-ha-188-cay-xanh-de-mo-rong-lan-xe-may-tren-dai-lo-dong-tay-tphcm-post1647335.tpo

Suri Cruise dresses sexy

  • Photo

Pioneers' newspaper


Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (23)

TPO - Suri Cruise attracted attention with her makeup and sexy two-piece dress at her senior prom. Katie Homes' daughter was also seen walking into the party venue hand in hand with her boyfriend.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (24)

Page Six reported that Suri Cruise was spotted gathering with a group of friends on the streets of New York (USA) in the early evening of June 18. The whole group wore elegant outfits to attend prom (the senior dance in high school), held at the Ascent Lounge pub.

Suri and her friends at LaGuardia High School (New York) wait for prom to start. Source: Daily Mail.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (25)Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (26)Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (27)

Suri stood out among her group of friends when wearing a patterned strapless dress, showing off her plump body. The 18-year-old female student wore dark makeup, let her hair down, wore yellow high heels, carried a small clutch and tied flowers on her hand.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (28)Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (29)

Suri took souvenir photos with friends. She smiled in almost every frame taken by paparazzi. For high school students in America, prom is one of the most anticipated events.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (30)Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (31)

Daughter Katie Holmes has many close moments with boys at the same level.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (32)

International media gave many compliments to Suri's 18-year-old appearance. Page Six commented that Suri resembles her mother, Katie Holmes, especially in her figure. Standing among her friends, she stands out thanks to her impressive appearance and height.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (33)

This is Suri's last time in high school. Next fall, Suri will become a student at Carnegie Mellon University - a long-standing private school, founded in 1900, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. According to US News & World Reports, this is the 22nd best university in the United States.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (34)
Suri smiled and hugged a male friend. This seems to be a greeting hug between friends. While Suri was experiencing the most beautiful days of her youth, Tom Cruise was busy filming in London, England. The actor has no role in his daughter's growth process.
Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (35)Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (36)
Suri's companion at the prom is a good-looking guy, wearing an elegant dark blue vest. The couple was seen walking hand in hand into the party venue. Their true relationship cannot be determined because traditionally male students will invite female students to attend prom. The invitee can be the girl the guy likes or just a friendship invitation.

Photo: BackGrid.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (37)

Jennifer Lopez broke up with Ben Affleck because of love addiction?

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (38)

Angelina Jolie shows off her new tattoo in the middle of her chest

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (39)

Huynh Hieu Minh increased to nearly 100 kg

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (40)

Leonardo DiCaprio's girlfriend shows off her figure in a bikini

Tu Oanh

Sources: https://tienphong.vn/suri-cruise-mac-goi-cam-post1647915.tpo

Before the General Meeting of Shareholders, many leaders of Saigon Shipping Company resigned

  • Financial investment

Investment Newspaper


Before the General Meeting of Shareholders, many leaders of Saigon Shipping Company resigned

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Directors, and members of the Supervisory Board of Saigon Shipping Company all submitted applications to resign before the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

Recently, Saigon Shipping Joint Stock Company (stock code: SGS) announced that it had received resignation letters from the company's leaders.

Specifically, Mr. Le Minh, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SGS, submitted his resignation as a member of the Board of Directors for the reason of resolving family matters. Ms. Huynh Nhu Y, a member of the company's Board of Directors, submitted her resignation due to personal reasons and as assigned by the nominated shareholder. Ms. Nhu wants to resign from her position from July 10.

Not long ago, Ms. Duong Thi Kim Kieu, a member of the Supervisory Board, also submitted her resignation on the grounds that her family situation and health were no longer guaranteed to undertake the assigned work. Currently, she has to return to her hometown to stabilize her life.

Mr. Pham Van Huong, General Director of the company also submitted a resignation letter to resign from his position effective June 20, 6 for the reason of changing the company.

Thus, in just a short time, four key leaders of Saigon Shipping have submitted their resignations. It is worth mentioning that the senior leaders of this enterprise simultaneously resigned before the company's General Meeting of Shareholders is expected to take place in early July.

Ms. Duong Thi Kim Kieu alone has submitted her resignation three times. For the first time on May 3, 25, Ms. Kieu submitted her resignation but it was not approved. In June 5, she continued to submit her resignation letter. But in September 2022, the Court annulled Resolution 6/2022 of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Saigon Shipping, so he still could not resign.

Regarding business activities, in the first quarter of 2024, Saigon Shipping Company recorded sales and service provision revenue of 49 billion VND. Cost of sales increased from 34,4 billion VND to 37,8 billion VND. Gross profit on sales and service provision decreased sharply by 33% to 11,2 billion VND.

The company's financial revenue in the quarter increased from VND 999 million in 2023 to VND 1,65 billion.

After deducting expenses, the company earned a profit of 7,6 billion VND, down 35% compared to the same period in 2023. Explaining the sharp decrease in profits, the company said that the main reason was due to operating activities. Agents, warehouses and yards decreased. At the same time, other profits also decreased by nearly 68 million VND.

It is known that at present, the Company has a charter capital of 144,2 billion VND. The enterprise has 2 major shareholders: Saigon Transportation Mechanical Corporation - Limited Liability Company (SAMCO) is a State shareholder accounting for 51% of the capital. SAMCO does multi-industry business, in which the main industry is manufacturing traffic and transportation mechanical products and providing high quality traffic and transportation services.

The remaining major shareholder is Global Logistics Services Company Limited, accounting for 37,42% of the capital. The company specializes in providing sea, road, air and multimodal transport services with a branch system covering major cities, airports and seaports in Vietnam.

Sources: https://baodautu.vn/truoc-them-dhdcd-nhieu-lanh-dao-cong-ty-van-tai-bien-sai-gon-xin-tu-nhiem-d217841.html

Continue to promote educational cooperation between Vietnam and the Russian Federation

  • Political Activities

Ministry of Education and Training


The signing of this Agreement helps complete the legal framework for cooperation in higher education between the two countries, creating new motivation for cooperation between the two countries to develop more comprehensively and deeply in all aspects of activities. education and training activities; especially training high-quality human resources and promoting new directions of cooperation in priority scientific fields to best serve the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country in the new situation.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (43)

Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam Le Thanh Long and Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko presented the Higher Education Cooperation Agreement in the presence of President To Lam and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

Pursuant to the Agreement, the Russian side grants at least 1000 scholarships to Vietnam each year, and the Vietnamese side continues to grant no less than 75 scholarships/year. The Agreement also removes constraints on training occupations, qualifications/training programs to create conditions for Vietnam to be proactive in sending people to study occupations, fields and qualifications that Vietnam needs. ; Supplement specific regulations on creating conditions for international students while living and studying abroad...

Previously, within the framework of the visit, leaders of the Ministry of Education and Training welcomed and worked with Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko and visited the Pushkin Institute in Hanoi.

At the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Chernyshenko reaffirmed the Russian side's readiness to support Vietnam financially and human resources to upgrade the Pushkin Institute in Vietnam into the Pushkin Center, to the Institute promote the mission of propagating and promoting Russian language, culture and education, supporting the development of research, teaching and learning of Russian language and Russian literature in Vietnam.

This State-level visit to Vietnam by Russian President V. Putin and the signing of the Agreement on cooperation in the field of higher education between the two countries will be a new lever, creating strong momentum, continuing continue to promote educational cooperation between the two countries, contributing to cultivating the faithful traditional friendship of the two countries, for the prosperity and sustainable development of each country.

Sources: https://moet.gov.vn/tintuc/Pages/tin-tong-hop.aspx?ItemID=9504

Information on the plan to increase base salary by 30%.

  • Political Activities

Ministry of Home Affairs


Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (45)

Minister Pham Thi Thanh Tra shared that implementing wage policy reform according to Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW is a very important issue, not only directly affecting the lives of millions of officials and workers. civil servants, public employees, armed forces, and public sector workers but also affects those who are enjoying policies tied to the base salary.

Therefore, it is necessary to study carefully, thoroughly, thoroughly and comprehensively to ensure benefits for officials, civil servants, public employees and workers.

Recently, the Central Steering Committee on wage policy reform, the Prime Minister and the Standing Government have held 21 meetings to thoroughly discuss the contents of wage reform; Adjust pensions, social insurance benefits, preferential benefits for meritorious people and social benefits from July 01, 7.

In particular, clearly identify the political and legal bases, viewpoints, principles and determine the specific contents of the new salary regime according to the requirements of Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW; At the same time, adjust pensions, social insurance benefits, preferential benefits for people with meritorious services and social benefits according to the principles of Resolution No. 28-NQ/TW and current legal regulations to ensure synchronization.

From there, it is necessary to ensure a balanced, harmonious, fair and equitable relationship between those receiving salaries and benefits; ensure social security policies for the People during the development process.

The Minister emphasized that the contents of the Central Resolutions are clear and meet the conditions for implementation, so they should be deployed immediately; Issues that are still difficult and inadequate should continue to be researched and gradually improved, without perfectionism or haste, in order to create social consensus and avoid major disturbances and complicated situations.

At the same time, improving the lives of salary earners and beneficiaries of allowance and subsidy policies, creating motivation to improve productivity and work efficiency, contributing to the country's socio-economic development.

Based on the conclusions of the Politburo at the meeting on June 19, 6, the Government reported to the National Assembly a number of solutions to adjust and increase wages, pensions, social insurance benefits, and preferential benefits for people with disabilities. public and social benefits according to "a roadmap, step by step, reasonable, cautious, and certain; ensuring feasibility, efficiency, and affordability of the state budget".

For the business sector, the Government proposes to fully implement Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW, including 2 contents: Adjusting the regional minimum wage (monthly and hourly) according to the regulations of the Ministry Labor Law (6% increase applicable from July 01, 7); Regulations on salary mechanisms for state-owned enterprises (applied from January 2024, 01 to be consistent with the enterprise's fiscal year).

For officials, civil servants, public employees and armed forces (public sector): The Government proposes to implement 4/6 contents of public sector salary reform according to Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW.

These are clear contents that are eligible for implementation, such as completing the salary increase regime to suit the transformation of management and salary payments for cadres, civil servants, public employees and the armed forces according to position. job position.

Additional bonus regime from July 1 (bonus fund equal to 7% of basic salary fund); perfect the salary and income management mechanism; clearly stipulate funding sources to implement the salary regime. The regulation of bonus regimes associated with the evaluation and ranking of the level of work completion of salary earners will create working motivation, improve quality, work efficiency, public service ethics, and professional ethics. industry, contributing to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the political system.

Clearly regulate and guide 5 funding sources to implement the salary regime, including: From revenue increases and local surplus resources that have been transferred to salary reform in previous years; From the Central budget; From part of career income; From 10% savings increase regular expenses; From sources due to staff streamlining.

Complete the salary and income management mechanism: Clearly regulate and guide 04 contents, including: Authority and responsibility of the head in evaluating and classifying cadres, civil servants and public employees for payment. salary and bonus according to job position and performance of tasks; The authority of the head is to use the salary fund and regular expenses to hire experts, scientists, and talented people to perform the tasks of the agency or unit and to decide on the level of income payment. associated with assigned tasks; The pilot application of increased wages to some localities (the National Assembly has issued a Resolution for some localities); The salary and income management mechanism is consistent with the state budget funding source and the revenue source of public service units.

There are two remaining contents that have not been implemented step by step according to the roadmap, including: New salary tables (removing the base salary and salary coefficient) and restructuring and arranging 2 new allowance regimes.

These are contents that have many inadequacies and need to continue to be researched and improved gradually, cautiously and without haste. These issues must be reviewed and submitted to competent authorities to consider amending and adjusting a number of issues related to the principles of building each position's salary schedule, leadership title, and professional salary schedule of civil servants. , civil servants and the armed forces' salary tables to ensure a balanced, reasonable and fair relationship between subjects (not to allow a situation where when a new salary table is issued, some subjects are given an increase of over 30 %, many subjects will receive a small increase and many subjects will not receive an increase, or even a decrease compared to their current salary) or research and abolish regulations related to the base salary in the documents of the Government. The Party and many State legal documents accordingly; At the same time, continue to perfect and improve the quality of building a job placement system in each agency and unit of the political system...

Therefore, the Government proposes that while there are not enough conditions to abolish the base salary and salary coefficient, the Politburo agrees to have the Government report to the National Assembly to allow the implementation of solutions to increase public sector salaries. from July 1, 7.

From July 1, synchronously increase the base salary by 7% (from the current 30 million VND to 1,8 million VND/month) for all salary earners and beneficiaries of other policies. budget associated with base salary from the state budget.

Although salaries have not yet been paid according to job position, title, and leadership position, the goal of increasing salaries for officials and civil servants has been achieved (by 27, the lowest salary in the public sector will be higher). lowest salary of the corporate sector); The content of adjusting the base salary of the public sector (when the new salary table has not been implemented) is also the content of the salary reform stated in Resolution 2025, this increase also corresponds to the increase when implementing the reform. salary.

According to calculations by the Ministry of Finance, when fully implementing the public sector salary reform according to Resolution No. 27, the increase in the total salary fund (excluding bonuses) of officials, civil servants and public employees is 30,6 .XNUMX%.

In addition, while the conditions for implementing 9 new allowances are not yet met, the Government proposes to continue implementing the current allowances. At the same time, assign research to amend and supplement the allowance regime and a number of specific regimes of the armed forces and of cadres, civil servants and public employees in some specialized fields (especially occupational allowances) that In the recent implementation process, there have been unreasonable problems.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (46)

The Minister of Home Affairs also informed that in the coming time, the Government will continue to research and report to competent authorities to consider and evaluate some contents of Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW (especially the construction of Resolution No. XNUMX-NQ/TW). Develop new salary tables and allowances) to ensure feasibility, fairness, reasonableness, overall suitability to the socio-economic situation and resources of the country and will continue to implement monetary reform. Salary when eligible, reviewed and decided by competent authorities.

The Ministry of Home Affairs will coordinate and advise on continuing to complete legal documents on regimes and policies associated with the base salary; Coordinate and submit to competent authorities a list of job positions in the political system and focus on restructuring the team of cadres, civil servants and public employees according to job positions and organizational arrangements, streamlining staff mechanism.

"It can be said that the Government has submitted to the competent authorities to unanimously implement Resolution 27 on salary policy reform according to a roadmap, step by step, reasonable, cautious, certain, ensuring feasibility for all stakeholders. All subjects receiving salaries from the state budget will have their salaries increased in a fair, equitable, harmonious and stable manner. This is a correct policy decision that pleases the people and is accepted by both the political system and officials and civil servants. , officials, armed forces and related subjects agreed and agreed”, Minister Pham Thi Thanh Tra shared.

Besides, the issue is that the Government and the entire political system must well implement Resolution No. 93/NQ-CP dated June 18, 6 of the Government on key tasks and solutions to promote promoting growth, controlling inflation and stabilizing the macroeconomy to practically contribute to improving the lives of wage earners and comprehensive and sustainable socio-economic development.

Sources: https://moha.gov.vn/tintuc/Pages/danh-sach-tin-noi-bat.aspx?ItemID=56130

Top effective medications to treat nail fungus

  • MEDLATEC General Hospital



Nail fungus is a fairly common nail infection and can occur at any age. There are many methods to help prevent this condition, of which nail fungus medications are the most commonly used.

1. Learn the basics about nail fungus

Nail fungus is a disease caused by dermatophyte fungi, in addition to other fungal strains such as Fusarium, Aspergillus or Scopulariopsis, and even Candida in patients with weak immune systems with chronic nail fungal infections.

Anyone can get a fungal nail infection, but it is most common in people who are older, have had nail dystrophy in the past, have poor resistance, have diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, or are frequently exposed to nail fungus. for people with nail fungus or skin fungus.

When suffering from nail fungus, patients often have the following symptoms:

  • Yellow or white spots appear under the tips of toenails and fingernails. In more severe stages, the nails also show signs of thickening, discoloration, and crumbling at the edge of the nail;
  • Patients with nail fungus often experience discomfort, loss of aesthetics in the nail area, pain, and potentially permanent nail damage;
  • Not only does it develop locally in the nails, the fungus also spreads to nearby skin areas, even to other organs and can be transmitted from sick people to healthy people.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (48)

Nail fungus is a disease caused by a fungus that causes serious aesthetic loss to the nail area

2. Classification of drugs to treat nail fungus

Below are some commonly used medications and nail fungus treatment methods today that you can refer to:

2.1. Nail cream

This type of cream is often used to rub into the nail where the fungus is infected. Before applying the cream, the patient should thin the nail because it will help the active ingredients of the drug easily penetrate deep into the nail, thereby destroying the fungal cells inside, providing effective treatment. Nail cream should contain urea to help make nails thinner. Or you can also use specialized tools to thin the nail surface.

2.2. Topical nail fungus medications

Some common topical nail fungus medications are: terbinafine, pommade ketoconazole, ciclopirox olamine, oxaborole, canesten, exoderil,... should be applied continuously for a long time. In addition, there are now new generation topical medications, efinaconazole and tavaborole, that are able to penetrate deep into the nail.

How to use topical medications is as follows:

  • Scrape and wash the damaged nail, then gently apply the medicine to the skin around the nail and the nail surface;
  • You should apply the medicine about 2-3 times a day. If applied at night before going to bed, you can cover it with a plastic bandage to prevent the medicine from smearing on the pillowcase;
  • Do not wash your hands or handle objects after applying the medication to avoid the medication washing away.

Nail fungus medications also have some side effects such as redness, swelling, and burning at the application site.

2.3. Nail polish

Nail polishes such as efinaconazole 10%, ciclopirox 8% or amorolfine 5% have local antifungal effects and can be used in combination with oral medications, especially in drug-resistant cases.

After the skin around the nail and the nail area have been cleaned, the patient needs to apply medicine to the damaged area about once a day. Next, 1 week later, clean the nails and apply a new layer of paint. To achieve effective treatment results, you need to use this paint consistently for 1 year.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (49)

Patients can apply nail fungus medications to limit the spread of this condition

2.4. Oral nail fungus treatment

Compared to topical medications, oral antifungal medications will be more effective faster, suitable for patients with severe nail fungal infections. For example, medications such as terbinafine and itraconazole will help regenerate new nails and replace the nail. damaged by fungal infection.

Depending on each person's medical condition, the duration of medication will be different. On average, a course of medication will last about 6 - 12 weeks. Sometimes it takes patients 4 months or longer for the fungal nail infection to be completely eliminated.

Some side effects when using oral nail fungus treatment include: liver damage, skin rash. Therefore, while taking these medications, patients should have regular blood tests. In addition, to prevent interactions with other drugs, patients should inform their doctor in advance about the drugs they are using.

2.5. Surgery

Surgery will often be used in cases that do not respond well to the above nail fungus medications. Therefore, to remove all damaged nail parts, the patient needs to have surgery, then directly apply antifungal medication to the infected skin area under the nail. If this antifungal medication is not effective, the patient sometimes has to have the nail removed permanently to prevent the infection from spreading.

3. Methods to help prevent the risk of nail fungus recurrence

To avoid the risk of nail fungus, patients can immediately apply the following methods:

  • Always keep your feet and hands dry every day, especially in the areas between your fingers to avoid creating an environment for fungus to grow;
  • Periodically cut toenails and fingernails short. If you love going to a nail salon, you should use your own set of nail tools. After each use, carefully sterilize this manicure set;
  • When using chemicals during cleaning, housekeeping or labor, wear gloves carefully to protect your nails;
  • For toenails, you can wear socks that absorb sweat well. In addition, you should avoid wearing old shoes without washing them for a long time because these shoes can contain a large amount of fungal spores. You should also avoid wearing damp shoes. Instead, wash and dry your shoes in the sun, using UV rays to disinfect the shoes.

Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (50)

Always protect your hands from chemicals to avoid the risk of nail fungus

Hopefully the above article has helped you better understand nail fungus in general and nail fungus in particular. There are many types of nail fungus medications, but to choose the most suitable medication, you should see a doctor to check the severity of the condition, then use the medication as prescribed by the doctor and strictly follow it. guidance from a specialist.

Sources: https://medlatec.vn/tin-tuc/top-cac-loai-thuoc-tri-nam-mong-tay-hieu-qua

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Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin rời Hà Nội, kết thúc tốt đẹp chuyến thăm Việt Nam - Vietnam.vn (2024)
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