cflie Stole THbuie 0 nepajobfindercon, NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA'S LARGEST CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE VISA 2 fes UVJ r-i rm rrz 8 a ta 5 8:23 sa ta ''FAX four Eis ta us st 578-343-9143 s-csll: Ctessllls 37 5f Kuuii Sw.jiuu tor f.viwy 2j. OFFICE HOL'HS Monday-Friday 8:30 am to pm. Saturday 8:30 am to Noon. (--- fij 1... ZAL jL li.r'.j.
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EWWr: iimilfemi 1H I iM'Wfe- nl Employment services, help wanted to situations wanted. Cars for sale, vans, pickup trucks, SUVsand Please read your ad on the first day of publication. We accept responsibility for the first incorrect insertion only. When cancelling your straight classified ad, a cancellation number will be issued. Retain this number as proof of cancellation.
iflaami -wj Attorney services to lostfound strayed to tickets, personals travel. Antiques, appliances to garage sales, office supplies, sporting goods, food I crops. Also, home heating cooling, automotive parts, tires miscellaneous for sale. Homes for sale to lots acreage, home financing to business, income, farm vacation properties. Apartmentsfumished, houses, sleeping rooms, farms, vacation garage rentals to Av wanted to rent.
iffifflti jg. Schools, correspondence courses to personal instruction. if Business opportunities to mortgages contracts Veterinarians, boarding, breeding, horses to petssupplies. Boats, motorcycles, snowmobiles, ATVs, campersRVs to buses. The Publisher reserves the right to accept, reject or edit any advertising.
We will not intentionally misclassify any advertising. Some classifications require keywording. NfcNofai 1 Pubfc Notice 1 rams KiEE FREE BANKRUPTCY CONSULTATION Payment plan available. Weekend appointments available. Atty.
Carol W. Baltimore 822-1959. HAPPY ADS 21 PnymNonni A Family Tree Farm 138ft Wells Rd Greenfield Twp PA Exit 202 off 1-81 Rt 107 East to Bell Mountain Rd to Wells Rd Follow Signs to Farm OpmmrttndsONLfM Hw.n-Dtc.2l 570-222-2106 Sonia for Rent 25 I hr. -'40 ESTATE NOTICE Eitato of Jams J. Dempsey, late of Dunmora, Lackawanna County, PA (died 102403), Thomas Dempsey, Executor, Brian Yeagar, Esquire, Lenahan Dempsey, P.C., Attorneys, 116 N.
Washington Avenue, Screnton, PA 18503. ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Phyllis Mardo, deceased, late of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Letters Testamentary in the above estate having been granted to Michael Mardo, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same delay, to rt-V-Bryn 1 1050s, Execu without Mardo, 8 Pen-Scranton, PA Jerry Seinfeld Eagles, Flyers, 76ers, dmb Sting, Josh Groban, 3 Doors Down, Bette Midler Call Us For All Events 1-800-282-8499 Jim Lynch Tours 282-4844 878-1774 1-800-287-1800 200304 Overnight Tours Disnsy Christmas 1228102 New Years Evs Gala 1231-101 32 Day Florida Leisure 111-211 16 Day Florida Leisure 127-211 10 Day Florida Leisure 215-24 7 Day St. Augustine 229-36 Day Tours ear's Eve Atlantic City 1231 Douglas Fir Fraser Fir Cwan Scotch Pine Great trees ranging from $16-530 (professional) Liberty Restaurant 341-0410 The 313 327 414 420 54 Philadelphia Flower Show Evergreen Dinner Theatre Ace In The Hole Italian Festival Kli King Henry BriarPatch atThornhurst Nurseries CArtjmas tf Srnp Or jinn MON-FRI 125, SAT-SUN 10-5 236 PINE GROVE RD THORNHURST, PA 842-8072 OR 842-1266 Cbeentown I Route 507 676-9860 A Asst'd Christmas Trees 19.W Bailing Amiably Live Wreath Poinsettias A 9 Christmas Cactus 9 lnsideOutside Decorations Hows M-TH6Sat8-5pm FD-lpm SwiUpm 1HE CHRISTMAS TREE FARM AT PLVE HILL MISERY Chooss and cut your own less Douglas Bstosm Frassr Concolor Fir FtfSNKJUIDIMK WREATHS PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (Never known to fail) Ohr most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity.
Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me, herein you are my Mother, Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of Goa, Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your Kower. Oh show me erem you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse in thee (3x). Holy Mother, I place this cause in your hands (3x).
Holy Spirit, you who solve ail problems, light ail roads so that I cim attain my goal. You who gave me tne divine gift) to forgive and forget Ja II evil against me and jmat in all instances, injtfy life you are with raeT want in this short prfiyer to thank you for all things and to confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine. The Person must say this prayer 3 consecutive days. After 3 days, the request will be granted.
This prayer must be published after the favor is granted. Thank You Blessed Mother, St. Ann all the Saints, Nothing is impossible. JK January Getaway Cancun 7 nights. From $799 per person.
Punta Cana 7 nights. From $949 per person. Porta Plata 3 nights. From $609 per person. HOLIDAY GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLEI ATLANTIC CITY TUES.
A THURS. Phone 1-800-287-1800 JO JO'S TRAVELERS 562-0350 655-5050 WMW.pIrmhillnurierjMom $1,500.00. The assessment records indicate that the improvements on this property are none. The property is assessed for $1657 in the name of John Roskoski, Jr. and the delinquent taxes lodged against this property through total $726.73.
Property will be clear of all delinquent taxes pursuant to the Real Estate Tax Sale Law of 1947, section 613 (72 RS. 5860.613) as amended. You have forty five (45) days from date of publication to petition the Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna County if you object to this sale. This property has been offered at public sale for delinquent taxes on at least one occasion as follows: 9 -1999. TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF SALE: Full certified payment of bid price within twenty (20) days of bid acceptance.
Thomas Walsh, Director County of Lackawanna Tax Claim Bureau TAX CLAIM BUREAU COURT HOUSE SCRANTON PUBLIC NOTICE Vanguard Cellular Pennsylvania, LLC, dba Wireless, is proposing to erect a wireless communications facility at Box 466 Whites Ferry Road, Falls, PA 18615, Tunkhannock Township, Wyoming County, consisting of a 190-foot high lattice tower and associated equipment. Comments or questions regarding this proposal should be directed to: Martha Mackie, GeoTrans, 1465 Route 31 South, Annandale, New Jersey 08801 (phone 908-730-0014 or email to: a I PUBLIC NOTICE Vanguard Cellular Pennsylvania, LLC, dba Wireless, is proposing to erect a wireless communications facility at 72 Old Trail Road, Tunkhannock, PA 18657, Northmoreland Township, Wyoming County, consisting of a 190 -foot high lattice tower and associated equipment. Comments or questions regarding this proposal should be directed to: Martha Mackie, GeoTrans, Ino, 1465 Route 31 South, Annandale, New Jersey 08801 (phone 908-730-0014 or email to a i PUBLIC NOTICE YOUR RIGHTT0 KNOW and be informed of the functions of your government are embodied in public notices.
In that self-government charges all citizens to be informed, this newspaper urges every citizen to read and study these notices. We strongly advise citizens seeking further information to exercise their nght of access to public records and public notices. Searching For Birth Son who was Dorn Oct 17, 1967 was given up for adoption in Scranton, PA. Any information please email 10 Off Holiday Gift Certificate Purchases Of $50 Or More Made By December 19.
JO JO'S TRAVELERS 562-0350 CALL 348-91 87 TODAY TO PLACE YOUR AD IN THE CLASSIFIED8 POINSETTIAS The Largest Selection in NEPA AT OUTLET PRICESI KETTELLS GREENHOUSE ROUTE 92 RR 1 BOX 103 FALLS, PA 18615 PHONE (570)366-6423 Ponsettles from floral Haven GREENHOUSES A Holiday Tradition Amtryllli, Cactui, "pTl PiptrwhltM, Garland, vli Simoncelli Farma Dsalsrs at Piwnhus QpaUty Christaus Trass 10 Mki from Scranton on RU 802W, Moscow 13 8424792 I i Choose and Cut or Fresh Stock 1 WALCZAK LUMBER CHRISTMAS TREES PnUctmt Bagging Available FREE Greene I 0ffrnng STAND-STRAIT Tree Dnltmg Open thun-'tll Dusk I DAILY Af Located at the bottom of fe Finch HiU on Rt 106, 6 JJ jjf Miles West of Carbondale Armouncmnt 51, "Babies of 2003" Offering Sundmali "nee Drilling Free Netting FRASER Fir Douglas Rr Scotch I Pine, Noiwiy Spruce Blue Spruce 222-9651 or 282-1823 SPRUCE, PINE AND DOUGLAS FIR $25.00 III I Trunin HI rv 00 kb no inrciornKiBBmtfwrmTKBrg SmJLOOOffTM 'Coupon -A- Holiday Sale Pottery, Candles Ornaments Crafts, All Handmade Many 1 of a kind 650-8585', 450-01 51 By AppomfmerU only Special Orders FQUi by Christmas Clarks Summit, PA 2C ST. JUDE'S NOVENA May the Sacred Heartof Jesus be adored, glorified, loves, and preserved throughout the World now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us.
Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St.
Jude. JK THANK YOU GOD Prayer to God. Say 9 Hail Marys for 9 days. Ask for 3 wishes. First for business, second and third for the impossible.
Publish this article on the 9th day. Your Nothing is as special as The birth of a child, and No one is prouder than New parents Grandparents) The Timee-Tribune Is publishing "Babies of 2003 on January 1, 2004 to Highlight tne "new facet MonumwtCwnmriw CEMETERY PLOT Marcy Cemetery Duryea. $475 each. Call 670-654-7923 DOUBLE LOT FOR SALE In the Vaterana Section of tha Chapel Lawn Cemetery in Dallas, Pennsylvania. $1000.
Call: S70-740-1373. MOUNT OLIVET Double Lot. good location, near tha Chapel, Sells for $1180, asking $1080. Call 823-2821 OAK LAWN CEMETERY HANOVER plots with easy access good location. $6270 for all.
Erica negotiable. Call 570-31 -591 A if no answer leave message. Adult Notice CURIOUS? Meet Locals Tonightl Re-cordListen to Ada FREE 570-342-4746 Code: 2002 FIND TRUE LOVED From the privacy of your homel RecordListen to Ads Freel (570)342-4700 Use code: 2000 A Robas vFree Farmer Chooee i Cut Treat or Freth Cut In Our ChrMra Bim Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir, Concolor Fir, Balsam Fir A Blue Spruce All Trees Drilled, Staked Baled Wreaths -BAB Trees Live Reindeer Petting Zoo A Santa Daily Weekend Wagon Rides. om dbt Arm TUNKfeimw 141 to E41 199 take 524Wt Allow texgn- 563-2904 5 tor or to hia attorney, Richard S. Biahop, Hourigan, Kluger Quinn, Ste.
200, 434 Lackawanna Avenua, Scranton, PA 18503. Hourigan, Kluger Quinn, P.C. ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Rocco M. Summa, lata of Dunmora, PA, Lackawanna County, PA, died September 29, 2003, Letters Testamentary granted, all persona having claims against said estate shall make them known, present them and all indebted to decedent shall make immediate payment to Dominic J. Summa, Executor, or to Joseph Coviello, Esquire, 431 Lackawanna Avenue, Suite 300, Scranton, PA 18503.
INVITATION TO SID The Soranton Houelng Authority will be receiving sealed bids in duplicate for the following: BOILERS. HOT WATER HEATERS, BASEBOARD AND HEATING MATERIALS Bids will be received until 11:00 AM on FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 2004, at the office of the Scranton Housing Authority, 400 Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. All sealed bids must be returned in duplicate in an envelope plainly marked with the title shown above. NO LATE SUBMITTALS WILL BE ACCEPTED. A Five SK) bid deposit is required with this bid.
Specifications are on file and will be available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Scranton Housing Authority Offices, 400 Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA 18510. The Scranton Housing Authority reserves the right to waive any informalities in bidding and to reject any or all bids. The offerors agree that if this bid is accepted within 60 calendar days, to furnish any or all of the items upon which prices are quoted at the price set opposite each item.
Any inquiries concerning this bid should be directed to John A. Cappel-loni at 670-348-4414. Scranton Housing Authority Terrence Gallagher Chairman LEGAL NOTICE The special meeting for general purposes or the Scranton Board of School Directors scheduled for Monday, December 22, 2003 at 7 00 PM. has been rescheduled for 5 00 PM. on Monday, December 22, 2003, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 425 N.
Washington Avenue, Scranton, PA 18503. Todd J. O'Malley, President Scranton School District MEETHM NOTICE Greenfield Township Board of Supervisors will hold a el meeting Dec. 29th 7-00 pm. to adopt proposed budget 8 other matters before the board at 424 Route 106 Greenfield Twp.
Building. George H. Bell, Jr. Secretary NOTICE OP PROPOSED PRIVATE SALE I 8737 true, wishes will come even though you may not believe it. Thank you God.
P.S. It really does work. P.P. I Lost and Found 31 Northeast PA. Cost is $30 and the Deadline is Fri Dec.
19th Pick up information Sheet at the Customer Service Desk 1st Floor, Times Building 149 Penn Ave. Scranton or call For more information 870-348-9160 BELLYGRAMS By Moondance. Any oc cation. 070-961-8920 Do You Want A Free Website? The Times-Tribune it offering your community, church, or civic group a FREE webtite. For information go to Atlantic City Dally Casino Service Atlantic City Now Year', Eva.
NYC Wed. Sot. NYC New Year's Eva Cabella'a Outdoor Sugar Store or Vanity Fair Philadelphia Flower Show 310 313 Lily Langtry (Best of Broadway) 321 Sight A Sound (Behold The Lamb) 327 Overnight Tel Mahal Casino 125-26 $85 rebate. Troplcana 222-23 Caasars Casino 321-22 Foxwooda Casino 321-22 Casino Niagara 418-19 Caesar, Casino 418-19 Holiday Gift Certificates LAS VEGAS-ARIZONA-UTAH June Three nites at Luxor Hotel in Vegaa-Hoover Dam-Grand Canyon-Sedona-Meteor Crater-Canyon deChelly-Monument Val-ley-Bryce Canyon-Zion National Park-much, much more. $1189 per per-sondouble occupancy.
Single and triple rates available. Call Odyssey Travel at 587-2244 from 9 to 5 for more information. YOUR 1 CHOICE OR ON-LINE CLASSIFIED ADS Call today for mors Information 348-9157 Marry Christmas From MJ Sports Tours Basketball ND SyracuM 216 Conn Syracuse 37 76ers Nett 23 Lakers Nett 229 Hockey igu 5 Yankee Bate ball Gift Certificate Available Xmei Gift Vita MC accepted Cell 498-1361262-3934 Pace Tours SHOWBOAT CASINO 7 DAYS A WEEK "EVER DAY" Tickets $23 Rebate $17 CALL 883-9797 Now Taking Reservations for New Years Eve. Rebate for Total Rewards Members SIS 00 Penguins vs. Phantoms Nov 28th at Wachovia Center Tickets and bus $30 For information call Becky 570-239-9392 11 AttomySricci Auction! Vjjaa BLACK WALNUT, PA 201 Employment Employmtnt POUND CAT gray Iona hair.
Very friendly. Found on front borch on Williams St. in Dunmora Call to identify 570-961-0813. FOUND CAT TIGER STRIPED TABBY with white stripe on i female. Red leather no tegs.
Found by Scranton State School For I The Deaf. Call to identify. 570-815-1228. FOUND Cat. VeJ friendly.
Grey white, long hatred. In vicinity of Hill Section approximately 2 weeks ago. Call 570-348-2012. FOUND DOG: Mulberry St. area.
Black white dog Near Mulberry Bushes. Sat. 1213. Calf: 570-455-6795. FOUND Over 2,000 dogs Last Year alone Cali 586-3700 Humane Society Lackawanna County Visit us at FOUND WEDDING BAND with inscription inside Found in Eynon area.
Cali 222-4278 to identify. LOST CAT- white, yellow markings, yellow tail, birth mark near nostnl, male, 1 year old Named Duner. Wood St near Central City Little League 342-4923. TO 8ANTA of -Tribuna LETTERS hwtL ERS "Babies of 2003" AUCTION NOTICE Dee. 18 2:00 p.m.
Dispersal of sporting goods, store 6t complete estate. Moved for auction convenience. Check web site for details: www.shamrockauctions. com 10 Buyers Premium. Shamrock Auctions RH-171-L Auctioneers: Jerry Burke Family AU-116 1-800-384-8392 PENNAV A BON AUCTIONEERS Complete auction service.
AU704-L. 1-670-289-4533 or 1-800-368-4531. 201 Empleymait A BANKRUPTCY FREE Conference. Lower Fees. Payments OK.
Atty. Jim Beatrice 344-6300. $198 Divorce total. No- FaultUncontested Reisman Davis, Pittsburgh. No info 8004864070 Affordable Bankruptcy Free Consultation.
Payments Accepted. Atty. Maqone Barlow, 344-6543 AFFORDABLE DIVORCE Simple No-Fault $499 DUI-First ARD $475 Adoption Criminal Wills Atty. Marions D. Bartow 344-6843 Scranton DUIBankruptcy Payments OK, Cnmmei Personal injury, Atty Nepa ScrsntonCarbondale 2B2-7O0V880-202-2O73 Bankruptcy.
Free consult. Divorce, Support, Custody, DUI, Criminal 570344-1088 Anna Man Howells, Esq. BANKRUPTCY FREE CONSULTATION Atty. Raymond Ferrerio 93-7070 BANKRUPTCY 395 Guaranteed Lowest Fees Arty Brad Kurlancheefc 825-5252 or 800-324-9748 Atty. Fitzgerald SerentorVDtekeon City (070) 407-4102 CnrmnaiDUl Bankruptcy Personal Injury, Divorce (Payments ok) Advertisers: Fax us your Incolumn Deserted Line ads Delivery Drivers Grotto Pizza of Dunmora has immediate openings for Delivery driver.
We offer a company owned snd maintained delivery vehicle covered by our insurance. Only those with clean dnving record need apply. We offer strong earning potential and flexible hours. Apply person et our restaurant at: 301 Blakely Dunmora, PA. Check our Website I www.
catch thacurraot com To piece an ed, cell 340-9167 Electric City Classifieds Driver DRIVER Expenenced driver full time for local long distance auto parts delivery. Medical 4 Dental benefits provided. Valid PA license quired NO PHONE iLSI APPLY IN PERSON Mon -Fn 10am 4pm BCHANTON HOTO PAAT9 020 Pocky Glee Need Momete, PA North Pole Connection Kids, now you can get Your letter to Santa Claus The quick, easy way. When You send your letter to the Times-Tribune. we II Forward it to Santall Santa hat told ut that he Will write beck each and Every child who writes a Christmas letter to him Through the Timee-Tribune North Pole Connection.
In order for us to Guarantee delivery to Santa before Christmas, You should mail or Bnng your letter to: The Timee-Tribune North Pole Connection 149 Penn Avenue Scranton, PA 16003 Letters MUST BE RECEIVED BY Dec. 18, 2003 At p.m. ADULTS There ts NO Charge for this service Nothing is as special as The birth of a child, and No one is prouder than New parents Grandparents! The Timee-Tribune Is publishing "Babies of 2003 on January 1. 2004 to Highlight the "new faces" Around Northeast PA. Cost is $30 end the Deadline is Dec.
19th Pick up information Sheet at the Customer Service Desk 1st Floor, Times Building 149 Penn Ave Screnton or call For more information 670-248-9100 FAIR HOUSING REGULATION 6 The TtmetTnbure 4 Electric City Classifieds reserves the nght to edit any copy that does not conform to Fair Housing Regulations Ticfciti foul fan 41 SltUttiOMWMttd Do You Want A Free Webaite7 Th Timet-Tnbun Is offering your community, church, or civic group a FREE website For information go to Scrsnton-times com Drivers BUS DRIVERS NEEDED time position only. Cell 070-282-4044. Qenerel BOOKKEEPER Full time, flexible hours, salary 4 benefits Send resume to: Jiffy Lube, 521 Green Ridge St, Scr, PA 18509 Looking for individual to teach now to use recently purchased fax machine Model Sharp UX-P100. Call 570)842-0578. ANN MARIE 876-1 828 Caesars Tropicana Daily Moonlighter to Caesars Tropfcana on Sun.
Free Parking. Martz Scranton terminal, video bus. Martz agent Charters available too. HOCKEY TRIP 37 Penguin, v. Ranger, el the Garden Cell Sport, Tour, 3833607 The Lackawanna County Tax Claim Bureau has received and approved an offer to purchase property map number 02504)30-027 located st 67 River a orivate ante fnr YANKEES OPENING DAY 2004 Apnl 6 vs Chicago JF A TOURS, 803-1178 PRESSED FOR TIME NEED A RIDE? ie- Shop-png.
Dr visits, focal at-rands. Call 457-2663. 1 1 fc.