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Statistics for Business

Derek L Waller


Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA First edition 2008 Copyright © 2008, Derek L Waller Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved The right of Derek L Waller to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (44) (0) 1865 843830; fax (44) (0) 1865 853333; email: [emailprotected]. Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier web site at, and selecting Obtaining permission to use Elsevier material Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-0-7506-8660-0 For information on all Butterworth-Heinemann publications visit our web site at

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This textbook is dedicated to my family, Christine, Delphine, and Guillaume. To the many students who have taken a course in business statistics with me … You might find that your name crops up somewhere in this text!

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About this book


Presenting and organizing data


Numerical Data Categorical Data Chapter Summary Exercise Problems

3 15 23 25

Characterizing and defining data


Central Tendency of Data Dispersion of Data Quartiles Percentiles Chapter Summary Exercise Problems

47 53 57 60 63 65


81 93 99 103 105


Probability analysis for discrete data 119 Distribution for Discrete Random Variables Binomial Distribution Poisson Distribution Chapter Summary Exercise Problems

120 127 130 134 136

Probability analysis in the normal distribution


Describing the Normal Distribution Demonstrating That Data Follow a Normal Distribution

8 150 161

169 172 174

Theory and methods of statistical sampling


Statistical Relationships in Sampling for the Mean Sampling for the Means from an Infinite Population Sampling for the Means from a Finite Population Sampling Distribution of the Proportion Sampling Methods Chapter Summary Exercise Problems

Basic probability and counting rules 79 Basic Probability Rules System Reliability and Probability Counting Rules Chapter Summary Exercise Problems



Using a Normal Distribution to Approximate a Binomial Distribution Chapter Summary Exercise Problems

Estimating population characteristics

187 196 199 203 206 211 213


Estimating the Mean Value Estimating the Mean Using the Student-t Distribution Estimating and Auditing Estimating the Proportion Margin of Error and Levels of Confidence Chapter Summary Exercise Problems


248 251 253

Hypothesis testing of a single population


237 243 245

Concept of Hypothesis Testing 264 Hypothesis Testing for the Mean Value 265 Hypothesis Testing for Proportions 272




The Probability Value in Testing Hypothesis Risks in Hypothesis Testing Chapter Summary Exercise Problems

274 276 279 281

Hypothesis testing for different populations


Difference Between the Mean of Two Independent Populations Differences of the Means Between Dependent or Paired Populations Difference Between the Proportions of Two Populations with Large Samples Chi-Square Test for Dependency Chapter Summary Exercise Problems


Forecasting and estimating from correlated data A Time Series and Correlation Linear Regression in a Time Series Data Linear Regression and Causal Forecasting Forecasting Using Multiple Regression

302 309

311 313 319 321

333 335 339 345 347


Forecasting Using Non-linear Regression Seasonal Patterns in Forecasting Considerations in Statistical Forecasting Chapter Summary Exercise Problems

360 364 366

Indexing as a method for data analysis


Relative Time-Based Indexes Relative Regional Indexes Weighting the Index Number Chapter Summary Exercise Problems

385 391 392 397 398

Appendix I: Key Terminology and Formula in Statistics


Appendix II: Guide for Using Microsoft Excel 2003 in This Textbook


Appendix III: Mathematical Relationships


Appendix IV: Answers to End of Chapter Exercises






351 353

About this book This textbook, Statistics for Business, explains clearly in a readable, step-by-step approach the fundamentals of statistical analysis particularly oriented towards business situations. Much of the information can be covered in an intensive semester course or alternatively, some of the material can be eliminated when a programme is on a quarterly basis. The following paragraphs outline the objectives and approach of this book.

The subject of statistics Statistics includes the collecting, organizing, and analysing of data for describing situations and often for the purposes of decision-making. Usually the data collected are quantitative, or numerical, but information can also be categorical or qualitative. However, any qualitative data can subsequently be made quantitative by using a numerically scaled questionnaire where subjective responses correspond to an established number scale. Statistical analysis is fundamental in the business environment as logical decisions are based on quantitative data. Quite simply, if you cannot express what you know, your current situation, or the future outlook, in the form of numbers, you really do not know much about it. And, if you do not know much about it, you cannot manage it. Without numbers, you are just another person with an opinion! This is where statistics plays a role and why it is important to study the subject. For example, by simply displaying statistical data in a visual form you can convince your manager or your client. By using probability analysis you can test your company’s

strategy and importantly evaluate expected financial risk. Market surveys are useful to evaluate the probable success of new products or innovative processes. Operations managers in services and manufacturing, use statistical process control for monitoring and controlling performance. In all companies, historical data are used to develop sales forecasts, budgets, capacity requirements, or personnel needs. In finance, managers analyse company stocks, financial performance, or the economic outlook for investment purposes. For firms like General Electric, Motorola, Caterpillar, Gillette (now a subsidiary of Procter & Gamble), or AXA (Insurance), six-sigma quality, which is founded on statistics, is part of the company management culture!

Chapter organization There are 11 chapters and each one presents a subject area – organization of information, characteristics of data, probability basics, discrete data, the normal distribution, sampling, estimating, hypothesis testing for single, and multiple populations, forecasting and correlation, and data indexing. Each chapter begins with a box opener illustrating a situation where the particular subject area might be encountered. Following the box opener are the learning objectives, which highlight the principal themes that you will study in the chapter indicating also the subtopics of each theme. These subtopics underscore the elements that you will cover. Finally, at the end of each chapter is a summary organized according to the principal themes. Thus, the box opener, the learning objectives, the chapter itself, and the


About this book chapter summary are logically and conveniently linked that will facilitate navigation and retention of each chapter subject area.

Glossary Like many business subjects, statistics contains many definitions, jargon, and equations that are highlighted in bold letters throughout the text. These definitions and equations, over 300, are all compiled in an alphabetic glossary in Appendix I.

Microsoft excel This text is entirely based on Microsoft Excel with its interactive spreadsheets, graphical capabilities, and built-in macro-functions. These functions contain all the mathematical and statistical relationships such as the normal, binomial, Poisson, and Student-t distributions. For this reason, this textbook does not include any of the classic statistical tables such as the standardized normal distribution, Student-t, or chi-square values as all of these are contained in the Microsoft Excel package. As you work through the chapters in this book, you will find reference to all the appropriate statistical functions employed. A guide of how to use these Excel functions is contained in Appendix II, in the paragraph “Using the Excel Functions”. The related Table E-2 then gives a listing and the purpose of all the functions used in this text. The 11 chapters in this book contain numerous tables, line graphs, histograms and pie charts. All these have been developed from data using an Excel spreadsheet and this data has then been converted into the desired graph. What I have done with these Excel screen graphs (or screen dumps as they are sometimes disparagingly called) is to tidy them up by removing the tool bar, the footers, and the numerical column and the alphabetic line headings to give an uncluttered graph. These Excel graphs in PowerPoint format are available on the Web.

A guide of how to make these Excel graphs is given also in Appendix II in the paragraph, “Generating Excel Graphs”. Associated with this paragraph are several Excel screens giving the stepwise procedure to develop graphs from a particular set of data. I have chosen Excel as the cornerstone of this book, rather than other statistical packages, as in my experience Excel is a major working tool in business. Thus, when you have completed this book you will have gained a double competence – understanding business statistics and versatility in using Excel!

Basic mathematics You may feel a little rusty about your basic mathematics that you did in secondary school. In this case, in Appendix III is a section that covers all the arithmetical terms and equations that provide all the basics (and more) for statistical analysis.

Worked examples and end-of-chapter exercises In every chapter there are worked examples to aid comprehension of concepts. Further there are numerous multipart end-of-chapter exercises and a case. All of these examples and exercises are based on Microsoft Excel. The emphasis of this textbook, as underscored by these chapter exercises, is on practical business applications. The answers for the exercises are given in Appendix IV and the databases for these exercises and the worked examples are contained on the enclosed CD. (Note, in the text you may find that if you perform the application examples and test exercises on a calculator you may find slightly different answers than those presented in the textbook. This is because all the examples and exercises have been calculated using Excel, which carries up to 14 figures after the decimal point. A calculator will round numbers.)

About this book

International The business environment is global. This textbook recognizes this by using box openers, examples, exercises, and cases from various countries where the $US, Euro, and Pound Sterling are employed.

Learning statistics Often students become afraid when they realize that they have to take a course in statistics as part of their college or university curriculum. I often hear remarks like: “I will never pass this course.” “I am no good at maths and so I am sure I will fail the exam.” “I don’t need a course in statistics as I am going to be in marketing.” “What good is statistics to me, I plan to take a job in human resources?” All these remarks are unwarranted and the knowledge of statistics is vital in all areas of business. The subject is made easier, and more fun, by using Microsoft Excel. To aid comprehension,

the textbook begins with fundamental ideas and then moves into more complex areas.

The author I have been in industry for over 20 years using statistics and then teaching the subject for the last 21 with considerable success using the subject material, and the approach given in this text. You will find the book shorter than many of the texts on the market but I have only presented those subject areas that in my experience give a solid foundation of statistical analysis for business, and that can be covered in a reasonable time frame. This text avoids working through tedious mathematical computations, often found in other statistical texts that I find which confuse students. You should not have any qualms about studying statistics – it really is not a difficult subject to grasp. If you need any further information, or have questions to ask, please do not hesitate to get in touch through the Elsevier website or at my e-mail address: [emailprotected].


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Presenting and organizing data

How not to present data Steve was an undergraduate business student and currently performing a 6-month internship with Telephone Co. Today he was feeling nervous as he was about to present the results of a marketing study that he had performed on the sales of mobile telephones that his firm produced. There were 10 people in the meeting including Roger, Susan, and Helen three of the regional sales directors, Valerie Jones, Steve’s manager, the Head of Marketing, and representatives from production and product development. Steve showed his first slide as illustrated in Table 1.1 with the comment that “This is the 200 pieces of raw sales data that I have collected”. At first there was silence and then there were several very pointed comments. “What does all that mean?” “I just don’t understand the significance of those figures?” “Sir, would you kindly interpret that data”. After the meeting Valerie took Steve aside and said, “I am sorry Steve but you just have to remember that all of our people are busy and need to be presented information that gives them a clear and concise picture of the situation. The way that you presented the information is not at all what we expect”.



Statistics for Business

Table 1.1 35,378 109,785 108,695 89,597 85,479 73,598 95,896 109,856 83,695 105,987 59,326 99,999 90,598 68,976 100,296 71,458 112,987 72,312 119,654 70,489

Raw sales data ($). 170,569 184,957 91,864 160,259 64,578 161,895 52,754 101,894 75,894 93,832 121,459 78,562 156,982 50,128 77,498 88,796 123,895 81,456 96,592 94,587

104,985 96,598 120,598 55,492 103,985 132,689 114,985 80,157 98,759 58,975 82,198 110,489 87,694 106,598 77,856 110,259 65,847 124,856 66,598 85,975

134,859 121,985 47,865 152,698 81,980 120,654 62,598 78,598 133,958 102,986 60,128 86,957 117,895 63,598 134,890 72,598 128,695 101,487 81,490 138,597

120,958 63,258 162,985 92,875 137,859 67,895 145,985 86,785 74,895 102,987 86,597 99,486 85,632 123,564 79,432 140,598 66,897 73,569 139,584 97,498

107,865 164,295 83,964 56,879 126,987 87,653 99,654 97,562 37,856 144,985 91,786 132,569 104,598 47,895 100,659 125,489 82,459 138,695 82,456 143,985

127,895 97,568 103,985 151,895 102,987 58,975 76,589 136,984 90,689 101,498 56,897 134,987 77,654 100,295 95,489 69,584 133,984 74,583 150,298 92,489

106,825 165,298 61,298 88,479 116,985 103,958 113,590 89,856 64,189 101,298 112,854 76,589 105,987 60,128 122,958 89,651 98,459 136,958 106,859 146,289

130,564 113,985 104,987 165,698 45,189 124,598 80,459 96,215 107,865 103,958 54,128 135,698 78,456 141,298 111,897 70,598 153,298 115,897 68,945 84,592

108,654 124,965 184,562 89,486 131,958 168,592 107,865 163,985 123,958 71,589 152,654 118,654 149,562 84,598 129,564 93,876 87,265 142,985 122,654 69,874

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

Learning objectives After you have studied this chapter you will be able to logically organize and present statistical data in a visual form so that you can convince your audience and objectively get your point across. You will learn how to develop the following support tools for both numerical and categorical data accordingly as follows. ✔

Numerical data • Types of numerical data • Frequency distribution • Absolute frequency histogram • Relative frequency histogram • Frequency polygon • Ogive • Stem-and-leaf display • Line graph Categorical data • Questionnaires • Pie chart • Vertical histogram • Parallel histogram • Horizontal bar chart • Parallel bar chart • Pareto diagram • Cross-classification or contingency table • Stacked histogram • Pictograms

As the box opener illustrates, in the business environment, it is vital to show data in a clear and precise manner so that everyone concerned understands the ideas and arguments being presented. Management people are busy and often do not have the time to make an in depth analysis of information. Thus a simple and coherent presentation is vital in order to get your message across.

Numerical Data Numerical data provide information in a quantitative form. For example, the house has 250 m2 of living space. My gross salary last year was £70,000 and this year it has increased to £76,000. He ran the Santa Monica marathon in 3 hours and 4 minutes. The firm’s net income last year was $14,500,400. All these give information in a numerical form and clearly state a particular condition or situation. When data is collected it might be raw data, which is collected information that has not been organized. The next step after you have raw data is to organize this information and present it in a meaningful form. This section gives useful ways to present numerical data.

Types of numerical data Numerical data are most often either univariate or bivariate. Univariate data are composed of individual values that represent just one random variable, x. The information presented in Table 1.1 is univariate data. Bivariate data involves two variables, x and y, and any data that is subsequently put into graphical form would be bivariate since a value on the x-axis has a corresponding value on the y-axis.

Frequency distribution One way of organizing univariate data, to make it easier to understand, is to put it into a frequency distribution. A frequency distribution is a table, that can be converted into a graph, where the data are arranged into unique groups, categories, or classes according to the frequency, or how often, data values appear in a given class. By grouping data into classes, the data are more manageable than raw data and we can demonstrate clearly patterns in the information. Usually the greater the quantity of data then there should be more classes to clearly show the profile. A guide is to have at least 5 classes but no more than 15 although it really depends on the amount of data



Statistics for Business available and what we are trying to demonstrate. In the frequency distribution, the class range or width should be the same such that there is coherency in data analysis. The class range or class width is given by the following relationship: Class range or class width Desired range of the complete frequency distribution Number of grroups selected


The range is the difference between the highest and the lowest value of any set of data. Let us consider the sales data given in Table 1.1. If we use the [function MAX] in Excel, we obtain $184,957 as the highest value of this data. If we use the [function MIN] in Excel it gives the lowest value of $35,378. When we develop a frequency distribution we want to be sure that all of the data is contained within the boundaries that we establish. Thus, to develop a frequency distribution for these sales data, a logical

maximum value for presenting this data is $185,000 (the nearest value in ’000s above $184,957) and a minimum value is $35,000 (the nearest value in ’000s below $35,378). By using these upper and lower boundary limits we have included all of the 200 data items. If we want 15 classes then the class range or class width is given as follows using equation 1(i): Class range or class width

$185, 000 $35, 000 $10, 000 15

The tabulated frequency distribution for the sales data using 15 classes is shown in Table 1.2. The 1st column gives the number of the class range, the 2nd gives the limits of the class range, and the 3rd column gives the amount of data in each range. The lower limit of the distribution is $35,000 and each class increase by intervals of $10,000 to the upper limit of $185,000. In selecting a lower value of $35,000 and an upper

Table 1.2

Frequency distribution of sales data.

Class no.

Class range ($)

Amount of data in class

Percentage of data

Midpoint of class range

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

25,000 to 35,000 35,000 to 45,000 45,000 to 55,000 55,000 to 65,000 65,000 to 75,000 75,000 to 85,000 85,000 to 95,000 95,000 to 105,000 105,000 to 115,000 115,000 to 125,000 125,000 to 135,000 135,000 to 145,000 145,000 to 155,000 155,000 to 165,000 165,000 to 175,000 175,000 to 185,000 185,000 to 195,000

0 2 6 14 18 22 24 30 20 18 14 12 8 6 4 2 0 200

0.00 1.00 3.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 12.00 15.00 10.00 9.00 7.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 100.00

30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 190,000


Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data value of $185,000 we have included all the sales data values, and so the frequency distribution is called a closed-ended frequency distribution as all data is contained within the limits. (Note that in Table 1.2 we have included a line below $35,000 of a class range 25,000 to 35,000 and a line above $185,000 of a class range 185,000 to 195,000. The reason for this will be explained in the later section entitled, “Frequency polygon”.) In order to develop the frequency distribution using Excel, you first make a single column of the class limits either in the same tab as the dataset or if you prefer in a separate tab. In this case the class limits are $35,000 to $185,000 in increments of $10,000. You then highlight a virgin column, immediately adjacent to the class limits, of exactly the same height and with exactly the corresponding lines as the class limits. Then select [function FREQUENCY] in Excel and enter the dataset, that is the information in Table 1.1, and the class limits you developed that are demanded by the Excel screen. When these have been selected, you press the three keys, control-shift-enter [Ctrl - ↑ - 8 ] simultaneously and this will give a frequency distribution of the amount of the data as shown in the 3rd column of Table 1.2. Note in the frequency distribution the cut-off points for the class limits. The value of $45,000 falls in the class range, $35,000 and $45,000, whereas $45,001 is in the class range $45,000 to $55,000. The percentage, or proportion of data, as shown in the 4th column of Table 1.2, is obtained by dividing the amount of data in a particular class by the total amount of data. For example, in the class width $45,000 to $55,000, there are six pieces of data and 6/200 is 3.00%. This is a relative frequency distribution meaning that the percentage value is relative to the total amount of data available. Note that once you have created a frequency table or graph you are now making a presentation in bivariate form as all the x values have a corresponding y value.

Note that in this example, when we calculated the class range or class width using the maximum and the minimum values for 15 classes we obtained a whole number of $10,000. Whole numbers such as this make for clear presentations. However, if we wanted 16 classes then the class range would be $9,375 [(185,000 – 35,000)/16] which is not as convenient. In this case we can modify our maximum and minimum values to say 190,000 and 30,000 which brings us back to a class range of $10,000 [(190,000 – 30,000)/16]. Alternatively, we can keep the minimum value at $35,000 and make the maximum value $195,000 which again gives a class range of $10,000 [(195,000 – 35,000)/16]. In either case we still maintain a closed-limit frequency distribution.

Absolute frequency histogram Once a frequency distribution table has been developed we can convert this into a histogram, which is a visual presentation of the information, using the graphics capabilities in Excel. An absolute frequency histogram is a vertical bar chart drawn on an x- and y-axes. The horizontal, or x-axis, is a numerical scale of the desired class width where each class is of equal size. The vertical bars, defined by the y-axis, have a length proportional to the actual quantity of data, or to the frequency of the amount of data that occurs in a given class range. That is to say, the lengths of the vertical bars are dependent on, or a function of, the range selected by our class width. Figure 1.1 gives an absolute frequency histogram for the sales data using the 3rd column from Table 1.2. Here we have 15 vertical bars whose lengths are proportional to the amount of contained data. The first bar contains data in the range $35,000 to $45,000, the second bar has data in the range $45,000 to $55,000, the third in the range $55,000 to $65,000, etc. Above each bar is indicated the amount of


Statistics for Business

Figure 1.1 Absolute frequency distribution of sales data. 32


30 28 26 Amount of data in this range









18 16





12 10







4 2












to 5




to 5




to 5




to 5




to 13

5 12






11 11






to 85




75 to


to 65



55 to




35 35




data that is included in each class range. There is no space shown between each bar since the class ranges move from one limit to another though each limit has a definite cut-off point. In presenting this information to say, the sales department, we can clearly see the pattern of the data and specifically observe that the amount of sales in each class range increases and then decreases beyond $105,000. We can see that the greatest amount of sales of the sample of 200, 30 to be exact, lies in the range $95,000 to $ 105,000.

which is an alternative to the absolute frequency histogram where now the vertical bar, represented by the y-axis, is the percentage or proportion of the total data rather than the absolute amount. The relative frequency histogram of the sales data is given in Figure 1.2 where we have used the percent of data from the 4th column of Table 1.2. The shape of this histogram is identical to the histogram in Figure 1.1. We now see that for revenues in the range $95,000 to $105,000 the proportion of the total sales data is 15%.

Relative frequency histogram

Frequency polygon

Again using the graphics capabilities in Excel we can develop a relative frequency histogram,

The absolute frequency histogram, or the relative frequency histogram, can be converted into

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

Figure 1.2 Relative frequency distribution of sales data. 16 15.00

15 14 13 Percent of data in this range


12 11.00

11 10.00

10 9.00


9 8 7.00


7 6.00

6 5 4.00

4 3.00


3 2.00

2 1.00










17 5

to 5




to 5




to 5



14 14




















to 10












to 55










a line graph or frequency polygon. The frequency polygon is developed by determining the midpoint of the class widths in the respective histogram. The midpoint of a class range is, (maximum value minimum value) 2 For example, the midpoint of the class range, $95,000 to $105,000 is, (95, 000 105, 000) 200, 000 100, 000 2 2 The midpoints of all the class ranges are given in the 5th column of Table 1.2. Note that we

have given an entry, $25,000 to $35,000 and an entry of $185,000 to $195,000 where here the amount of data in these class ranges is zero since in these ranges we are beyond the limits of the closed-ended frequency distribution. In doing this we are able to construct a frequency polygon, which cuts the x-axis for a y-value of zero. Figure 1.3 gives the absolute frequency polygon and the relative frequency polygon is shown in Figure 1.4. These polygons are developed using the graphics capabilities in Excel where the x-axis is the midpoint of the class width and the y-axis is the frequency of occurrence. Note that the relative frequency polygon has an identical form as the absolute frequency polygon of Figure 1.3 but the


Statistics for Business

Figure 1.3 Absolute frequency polygon of sales data. 35








00 0,




00 0,



00 0,




00 0,



0 13






0, 11



00 ,0

0, 10




00 80




00 ,0

,0 60


00 50





Average between upper and lower values (midpoint of class)

Figure 1.4 Relative frequency polygon of sales data. 16 15 14 13 12

Frequency (%)

11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 30 ,0 00 40 ,0 00 50 ,0 00 60 ,0 00 70 ,0 00 80 ,0 00 90 ,0 00 10 0, 00 11 0 0, 00 12 0 0, 00 13 0 0, 00 14 0 0, 00 15 0 0, 00 16 0 0, 00 17 0 0, 00 18 0 0, 00 19 0 0, 00 0


Average between upper and lower values (midpoint of range)

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data y-axis is a percentage, rather than an absolute scale. The difference between presenting the data as a frequency polygon rather than a histogram is that you can see the continuous flow of the data.

Ogive An ogive is an adaptation of a frequency distribution, where the data values are progressively totalled, or cumulated, such that the resulting table indicates how many, or the proportion of, observations that lie above or below certain limits. There is a less than ogive, which indicates the amount of data below certain limits. This ogive, in graphical form, has a positive slope

Table 1.3

such that the y values increase from left to right. The other is a greater than ogive that illustrates data above certain values. It has a negative slope, where the y values decrease from left to right. The frequency distribution data from Table 1.2 has been converted into an ogive format and this is given in Table 1.3, which shows the cumulated data in an absolute form and a relative form. The relative frequency ogives, developed from this data, are given in Figure 1.5. The usefulness of these graphs is that interpretations can be easily made. For example, from the greater than ogive we can see that 80.00% of the sales revenues are at least $75,000. Alternatively, from the less than ogive, we can

Ogives of sales data.

Class limit, n

Range of class limits (‘000s)

25,000 35,000 45,000 55,000 65,000 75,000 85,000 95,000 105,000 115,000 125,000 135,000 145,000 155,000 165,000 175,000 185,000 195,000 Total

35 35 to 45 45 to 55 55 to 65 65 to 75 75 to 85 85 to 95 95 to 105 105 to 115 115 to 125 125 to 135 135 to 145 145 to 155 155 to 165 165 to 175 175 to 185 185

Ogive using absolute data

Ogive using relative data

No. n No. class Number Percentage Percentage Percentage but (n 1) limit, n limit age n age class limit but (n 1) limit, n 0 2 6 14 18 22 24 30 20 18 14 12 8 6 4 2 0 200

200 198 192 178 160 138 114 84 64 46 32 20 12 6 2 0

0 2 8 22 40 62 86 116 136 154 168 180 188 194 198 200

0.00 1.00 3.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 12.00 15.00 10.00 9.00 7.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 100.00

100.00 99.00 96.00 89.00 80.00 69.00 57.00 42.00 32.00 23.00 16.00 10.00 6.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 1.00 4.00 11.00 20.00 31.00 43.00 58.00 68.00 77.00 84.00 90.00 94.00 97.00 99.00 100.00


Statistics for Business

Figure 1.5 Relative frequency ogives of sales data. 100 90 80

Percentage (%)

70 60 50 40 30 20 10


5, 18

5, 17


0 00

0 00

5, 16

0 00

5, 15

0 5, 14


5, 13

5, 12


0 00

0 5, 11



00 10


,0 95


,0 85


,0 75


,0 65


,0 55

,0 45



0 35


Sales ($) Greater than

see that 90.00% of the sales are no more than $145,000. The ogives can also be presented as an absolute frequency ogive by indicating on the y-axis the number of data entries which lie above or below given values. This is shown for the sales data in Figure 1.6. Here we see, for example, that 60 of the 200 data points are sales data that are less than $85,000. The relative frequency ogive is probably more useful than the absolute frequency ogive as proportions or percentages are more meaningful and easily understood than absolute values. In the latter case, we would need to know to what base we are referring. In this case a sample of 200 pieces of data.

Less than

Stem-and-leaf display Another way of presenting data according to the frequency of occurrence is a stem-and-leaf display. This organizes data showing how values are distributed and cluster around the range of observations in the dataset. The display separates data entries into leading digits, or stems and trailing digits, or leaves. A stem-and-leaf display shows all individual data entries whereas a frequency distribution groups data into class ranges. Let us consider the raw data that is given in Table 1.4, which is the sales receipts, in £’000s for one particular month for 60 branches of a supermarket in the United Kingdom. First the

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

Figure 1.6 Absolute frequency ogives of sales data. 200 180 160

Units of data

140 120 100 80 60 40 20


5, 18

5, 17


0 00

0 00

5, 16

0 00

5, 15

0 14



0 00

5, 13

0 12



0 5, 11









00 85


,0 75


,0 65


00 55

,0 45




Sales ($) Greater than

Table 1.4

15.5 10.7 15.4 12.9 9.6 12.5

Less than

Raw data of sales revenue from a supermarket (£’000s).

7.8 16.0 16.0 9.6 12.0 10.8

12.7 9.0 16.1 12.1 11.0 10.0

15.6 9.1 13.8 15.2 10.5 11.1

14.8 13.6 9.2 11.9 12.4 10.2

data is sorted from lowest to the highest value using the Excel command [SORT] from the menu bar Data. This gives an ordered dataset as shown in Table 1.5. Here we see that the lowest values are in the seven thousands while the highest are in the sixteen thousands. For the stem and leaf

8.5 14.5 13.1 10.4 11.5 11.2

11.5 8.9 15.8 10.6 11.7 14.2

13.5 11.7 13.2 13.7 14.1 11.0

8.8 11.5 12.6 14.4 11.2 12.1

9.8 14.9 10.9 13.8 12.2 12.5

we have selected the thousands as the stem, or those values to the left of the decimal point, and the leaf as the hundreds, or those values to the right of the decimal point. The stem-and-leaf display appears in Figure 1.7. The stem that has a value of 11 indicates the data that occurs most



Statistics for Business

Table 1.5

7.8 10.0 11.1 12.1 13.2 14.8

Ordered data of sales revenue from a supermarket (£’000s).

8.5 10.2 11.2 12.1 13.5 14.9

8.8 10.4 11.2 12.2 13.6 15.2

8.9 10.5 11.5 12.4 13.7 15.4

9.0 10.6 11.5 12.5 13.8 15.5

Figure 1.7 Stem-and-leaf display for the sales revenue of a supermarket (£’000s). Stem 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total

1 8 5 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0



8 1 2 0 1 2 2 4 0

9 2 4 1 1 5 4 5 1


6 5 2 2 6 5 6


6 6 2 4 7 8 8

Leaf 6 7

8 7 5 5 8 9

8 5 5 8

No.of items 8

9 5 6

9 10 11

7 7

7 9


1 3 6 8 11 10 7 6 5 3 60

frequently or in this case, those sales from £11,000 to less than £12,000. The frequency distribution for the same data is shown in Figure 1.8. The pattern is similar to the stem-and-leaf display but the individual values are not shown. Note that in the frequency distribution, the x-axis has the range greater than the lower thousand value while the stemand-leaf display includes this value. For example, in the stem-and-leaf display, 11.0 appears in the stem 11 to less than 12. In the frequency distribution, 11.0 appears in the class range 10 to 11. Alternatively, in the stem that has a value of 16 there are three values (16.0; 16.0; 16.1), whereas in the frequency distribution for the class 16 to 17 there is only one value (16.1) as 16.0 is not greater than 16. These differences are simply because this is the way that the

9.1 10.7 11.5 12.5 13.8 15.6

9.2 10.8 11.7 12.6 14.1 15.8

9.6 10.9 11.7 12.7 14.2 16.0

9.6 11.0 11.9 12.9 14.4 16.0

9.8 11.0 12.0 13.1 14.5 16.1

frequency function operates in Microsoft Excel. If you have no add-on stem-and-leaf display in Excel (a separate package) then the following is a way to develop the display using the basic Excel program: ● ●

● ●

Arrange all the raw data in a horizontal line. Sort the data in ascending order by line. (Use the Excel function SORT in the menu bar Data.) Select the stem values and place in a column. Transpose the ordered data into their appropriate stem giving just the leaf value. For example, if there is a value 9.75 then the stem is 9, and the leaf value is 75.

Another approach to develop a stem-and-leaf display is not to sort the data but to keep it in its raw form and then to indicate the leaf values in chronological order for each stem. This has a disadvantage in that you do not see immediately which values are being repeated. A stemand-leaf display is one of the techniques in exploratory data analysis (EDA), which are those methods that give a sense or initial feel about data being studied. A box and whisker plot discussed in Chapter 2 is also another technique in EDA.

Line graph A line graph, or usually referred to just as a graph, gives bivariate data on the x- and y-axes. It illustrates the relationship between the variable

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

Figure 1.8 Frequency distribution of the sales revenue of a supermarket (£). 11 10

10 9

Number of values in this range



8 7






5 4

4 3 2




17 to
















11 11






9 to 8







Class limits (£)

Table 1.6

Sales data for the last 12 years.



Sales ($‘000s)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

1,775 2,000 2,105 2,213 2,389 2,415 2,480 2,500 2,665 2,810 2,940 3,070

on the x-axis and the corresponding value on the y-axis. If time represents part of the data this is always shown in the x-axis. A line graph is not necessarily a straight line but can be curvilinear. Attention has to be paid to the scales on the axes as the appearance of the graph can change and decision-making can be distorted. Consider for example, the sales revenues given in Table 1.6 for the 12-year period from 1992 to 2003. Figure 1.9 gives the graph for this sales data where the y-axis begins at zero and the increase on the axis is in increments of $500,000. Here the slope of the graph, illustrating the increase in sales each year, is moderate. Figure 1.10 now shows the same information except that the y-axis starts at the value of $1,700,000 and the


Statistics for Business

Figure 1.9 Sales data for the last 12 years for “Company A”. 3,500








0 1992






1998 Year












Figure 1.10 Sales data for the last 12 years for “Company B”. 3,100









1,700 1992






1998 Year


Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data incremental increase is $200,000 or 2.5 times smaller than in Figure 1.9. This gives the impression that the sales growth is very rapid, which is why the two figures are labelled “Company A” and “Company B”. They are of course the same company. Line graphs are treated further in Chapter 10.

Categorical Data Information that includes a qualitative response is categorical data and for this information there may be no quantitative data. For example, the house is the largest on the street. My salary increased this year. He ran the Santa Monica marathon in a fast time. Here the categories are large, increased, and fast. The responses, “Yes” or “No”, to a survey are also categorical data. Alternatively categorical data may be developed from numerical data, which is then organized and given a label, a category, or a name. For example, a firm’s sales revenues, which are quantitative data, may be presented according to geographic region, product type, sales agent, business unit, etc. A presentation of this type can be important to show the strength of the firm.

Questionnaires Very often we use questionnaires in order to evaluate customers’ perception of service level, students’ appreciation of a university course, or subscribers’ opinion of a publication. We do this

Table 1.7

A scaled questionnaire.

Category Very Poor Satisfactory Good Very poor good Score






because we want to know if we are “doing it right” and if not what changes should we make. A questionnaire may take the form as given in Table 1.7. The first line is the category of the response. This is obviously subjective information. For example with a university course, Student A may have a very different opinion of the same programme as Student B. We can give the categorical response a score, or a quantitative value for the subjective response, as shown in the second line. Then, if the number of responses is sufficiently large, we can analyse this data in order to obtain a reasonable opinion of say the university course. The analysis of this type of questionnaire is illustrated in Chapter 2, and there is additional information in Chapter 6.

Pie chart If we have numerical data, this can be converted into a pie chart according to desired categories. A pie chart is a circle representing the data and divided into segments like portions of a pie. Each segment of the pie is proportional to the total amount of data it represents and can be labelled accordingly. The complete pie represents 100% of the data and the usefulness of the pie chart is that we can see clearly the pattern of the data. As an illustration, the sales data of Table 1.1 has now been organized by country and this tabular information is given in Table 1.8 together with the percentage amount of data for each country. This information, as a pie chart, is shown in Figure 1.11. We can clearly see now what the data represents and the contribution from each geographical territory. Here for example, the United Kingdom has the greatest contribution to sales revenues, and Austria the least. When you develop a pie chart for data, if you have a category called “other” be sure that this proportion is small relative to all the other categories in the pie chart; otherwise, your audience will question what is included in this mysterious “other” slice. When you develop a pie chart you can



Statistics for Business

Table 1.8 Raw sales data according to country ($). Group Country 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total

Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Italy Netherlands Portugal Sweden United Kingdom

Figure 1.11 Pie chart for sales.

Sales Percentage revenues ($) 522,065 1,266,054 741,639 2,470,257 2,876,431 2,086,829 1,091,779 1,161,479 3,884,566 4,432,234 20,533,333

2.54 6.17 3.61 12.03 14.01 10.16 5.32 5.66 18.92 21.59

UK 21.59%

Austria 2.54% Belgium 6.17%

Finland 3.61%

France 12.03%

Sweden 18.92%


Germany 14.01%

Portugal 5.66%

Netherlands 5.32%

Italy 10.16%

only have two columns, or two rows of data. One column, or row, is the category, and the adjacent column, or row, is the numerical data. Note that in developing a pie chart in Excel you do not have to determine the percentage amount in the table. The graphics capability in Excel does this automatically.

Parallel histogram

Vertical histogram

Horizontal bar chart

An alternative to a pie chart is to illustrate the data by a vertical histogram where the vertical bars on the y-axis show the percentage of data, and the x-axis the categories. Figure 1.12 gives an absolute histogram of the above pie chart sales information where the vertical bars show the absolute total sales and the x-axis has now been given a category according to geographic region. Figure 1.13 gives the relative frequency histogram for this same information where the y-axis is now a percentage scale. Note, in these histograms, the bars are separated, as one category does not directly flow to another, as is the case of a histogram of a complete numerically based frequency distribution.

A horizontal bar chart is a type of histogram where the x- and y-axes are reversed such that the data are presented in a horizontal, rather than a vertical format. Figure 1.15 gives a bar chart for the sales data. Horizontal bar charts are sometimes referred to as Gantt charts after the American engineer Henry L. Gantt (1861–1919).

A parallel or side-by-side histogram is useful to compare categorical data often of different time periods as illustrated in Figure 1.14. The figure shows the unemployment rate by country for two different years. From this graph we can compare the change from one period to another.1

Parallel bar chart Again like the histogram, a parallel or side-by-side bar chart can be developed. Figure 1.16 shows a 1

Economic and financial indicators, The Economist, 15 February 2003, p. 98.

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data


en Sw


l ga rtu

rla he N





ly Ita

y an m er G



d an nl Fi

m iu lg Be

st Au


4,800,000 4,600,000 4,400,000 4,200,000 4,000,000 3,800,000 3,600,000 3,400,000 3,200,000 3,000,000 2,800,000 2,600,000 2,400,000 2,200,000 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 ria

Revenues ($)

Figure 1.12 Histogram of sales – absolute revenues.


side-by-side bar chart for the unemployment data of Figure 1.14.

Pareto diagram Another way of presenting data is to combine a line graph with a categorical histogram as shown in Figure 1.17. This illustrates the problems, according to categories, that occur in the distribution by truck of a chemical product. The x-axis gives the categories and the left-hand y-axis is the percent frequency of occurrence according to each of these categories with the vertical bars indicating their magnitude. The line graph that is shown now uses the right-hand y-axis and the same x-axis. This is now the cumulative frequency

of occurrence of each category. If we assume that the categories shown are exhaustive, meaning that all possible problems are included, then the line graph increases to 100% as shown. Usually the presentation is illustrated so that the bars are in descending order from the most important on the left to the least important on the right so that we have an organized picture of our situation. This type of presentation is known as a Pareto diagram, (named after the Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923), who is also known for coining the 80/20 rule often used in business). The Pareto diagram is a visual chart used often in quality management and operations auditing as it shows those categorical areas that are the most critical and perhaps should be dealt with first.


Statistics for Business

Figure 1.13 Histogram of sales as a percentage. 24 22 20 18 Total revenues (%)

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2




rtu Po




l ga

s nd

ly N







y an

ce Fr



d nl


m lg Be






Figure 1.14 Unemployment rate. 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

Country End of 2002

End of 2001



ed en itz er la nd Sw


ai n Sp

nd s

et h

er la


pa n Ja N


Au st ri Be a lg iu m C an ad a D en m a Eu rk ro zo ne Fr an ce G er m an


0.0 Au st ra

Percentage rate


Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

Figure 1.15 Bar chart for sales revenues.

UK Sweden Portugal


Netherlands Italy Germany France Finland Belgium Austria 0









Sales revenues ($)

Figure 1.16 Unemployment rate. USA UK Switzerland Sweden Spain Netherlands Country

Japan Italy Germany France Euro zone Denmark Canada Belgium Austria Australia 0





5 6 7 8 Unemployment rate (%) End of 2002

End of 2001







Statistics for Business

Figure 1.17 Pareto analysis for the distribution of chemicals. 45






60 25 50 20 40 15



Cumulative frequency (%)


35 Frequency of occurrence (%)


er ea w

w n




ta D



en um D


ts lle Pa


ng ro

ke st ly

or po

s m ru D

co In


ea ts no

ct rre

rd O


g lin be la

w s er

s m ru D

ra pe




st ru

o to re tu

le du he


w lo

ge an ch

ag m da s Sc

m ru


0 d

0 ed






Reasons for poor service Individual

Cross-classification or contingency table A cross-classification or contingency table is a way to present data when there are several variables and we are trying to indicate the relationship between one variable and another. As an illustration, Table 1.9 gives a cross-classification table for a sample of 1,550 people in the United States and their professions according to certain states. From this table we can say, for example, that 51 of the teachers are contingent of residing in Vermont. Alternatively, we can say that 24 of the residents of South Dakota are contingent of working for the government.


(Contingent means that values are dependent or conditioned on something else.)

Stacked histogram Once you have developed the cross-classification table you can present this visually by developing a stacked histogram. Figure 1.18 gives a stacked histogram for the cross-classification in Table 1.9 according the state of employment. Portions of the histogram indicate the profession. Alternatively, Figure 1.19 gives a stacked histogram for the same table but now according to profession. Portions of the histogram now give the state of residence.

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

Table 1.9

Cross-classification or contingency table for professions in the United States.

State California Texas Colorado New York Vermont Michigan South Dakota Utah Nevada North Carolina Total







20 34 42 43 12 24 34 61 12 6 288

19 62 32 40 51 16 35 25 32 62 374

12 15 23 23 37 15 12 19 18 14 188

23 51 42 35 25 16 24 29 31 41 317

23 65 26 54 46 35 25 61 23 25 383

97 227 165 195 171 106 130 195 116 148 1,550

Figure 1.18 Stacked histogram by state in the United States. 240 220 200

Number in sample

180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 California Texas Colorado

New York

Vermont Michigan South Dakota



State Agriculture





North Carolina


Statistics for Business

Figure 1.19 Stacked histogram by profession in the United States. 450 400 350

Number in sample


300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Engineering





Profession North Carolina



South Dakota



New York




Figure 1.20 A pictogram to illustrate inflation.

The value of your money today

The value of your money tomorrow

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

Pictograms A pictogram is a picture, icon, or sketch that represents quantitative data but in a categorical, qualitative, or comparative manner. For example, a coin might be shown divided into sections indicating that portion of sales revenues that go to taxes, operating costs, profits, and capital expenditures. Magazines such as Business Week, Time, or Newsweek make heavy use of pictograms.


Pictograph is another term often employed for pictogram. Figure 1.20 gives an example of how inflation might be represented by showing a large sack of money for today, and a smaller sack for tomorrow. Attention must be made when using pictograms as they can easily distort the real facts of the data. For example in the figure given, has our money been reduced by a factor of 50%, 100%, or 200%? We cannot say clearly. Pictograms are not covered further in this textbook.

Numerical data Numerical data is most often univariate, or data with a single variable, or bivariate which is information that has two related variables. Univariate data can be converted into a frequency distribution that groups the data into classes according to the frequency of occurrence of values within a given class. A frequency distribution can be simply in tabular form, or alternatively, it can be presented graphically as an absolute, or relative frequency, histogram. The advantage of a graphical display is that you see clearly the quantity, or proportion of information, that appear in defined classes. This can illustrate key information such as the level of your best, or worst, revenues, costs, or profits. A histogram can be converted into a frequency polygon which links the midrange of each of the classes. The polygon, either in absolute or relative form, gives the pattern of the data in a continuous form showing where major frequencies occur. An extension of the frequency distribution is the less than, or greater than ogive. The usefulness of ogive presentations is that it is visually apparent the amount, or percentage, that is more or less than certain values and may be indicators of performance. A stem-and-leaf display, a tool in EDA, is a frequency distribution where all data values are displayed according to stems, or leading values, and leaves, or trailing values of the data. The commonly used line graph is a graphical presentation of bivariate data correlating the x variable with its y variable. Although we use the term line graph, the display does not have to be a straight line but it can be curvilinear or simply a line that is not straight!

Categorical data Categorical data is information that includes qualitative or non-quantitative groupings. Numerical data can be represented in a categorical form where parts of the numerical values are put into a category such as product type or geographic location. In statistical analysis a common tool using categorical responses is the questionnaire, where respondents are asked

Chapter Summary

This chapter has presented several tools useful for presenting data in a concise manner with the objective of clearly getting your message across to an audience. The chapter is divided into discussing numerical and categorical data.


Statistics for Business

opinions about a subject. If we give the categorical response a numerical score, a questionnaire can be easily analysed. A pie chart is a common visual representation of categorical data. The pie chart is a circle where portions of the “pie” are usually named categories and a percentage of the complete data. The whole circle is 100% of the data. A vertical histogram can also be used to illustrate categorical data where the x scale has a name, or label, and the y-axis is the amount or proportion of the data within that label. The vertical histogram can also be shown as a parallel or side-by-side histogram where now each label contains data say for two or more periods. In this way a comparison of changes can be made within named categories. The vertical histogram can be shown as a horizontal bar chart where it is now the y-axis that has the name, or label, and the x-axis the amount or proportion of data within that label. Similarly the horizontal bar chart can be shown as a parallel bar chart where now each label contains data say for two or more periods. Whether to use a vertical histogram or a horizontal bar chart is really a matter of personal preference. A visual tool often used in auditing or quality control is the Pareto diagram. This is a combination of vertical bars showing the frequency of occurrence of data according to given categories and a line graph indicating the accumulation of the data to 100%. When data falls into several categories the information can be represented in a crossclassification or contingency table. This table indicates the amount of data within defined categories. The cross-classification table can be converted into a stacked histogram according the desired categories, which is a useful graphical presentation of the various classifications. Finally, this chapter mentions pictograms, which are pictorial representations of information. These are often used in newspapers and magazines to represent situations but they are difficult to rigorously analyse and can lead to misrepresentation of information. No further discussion of pictograms is given in this textbook.

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 1. Buyout – Part I Situation Carrefour, France, is considering purchasing the total 50 retail stores belonging to Hardway, a grocery chain in the Greater London area of the United Kingdom. The profits from these 50 stores, for one particular month, in £’000s, are as follows.

8.1 9.3 10.5 11.1 11.6 10.3 12.5 10.3 13.7 13.7

11.8 11.5 7.6 10.2 15.1 12.9 9.3 11.1 6.7 11.2

8.7 10.7 10.1 11.1 12.5 9.2 10.4 9.6 11.5 7.3

10.6 11.6 8.9 9.9 6.5 10.7 12.7 9.7 8.4 5.3

9.5 7.8 8.6 9.8 7.5 12.8 10.5 14.5 10.3 12.5

Required 1. Illustrate this information as a closed-ended absolute frequency histogram using class ranges of £1,000 and logical minimum and maximum values for the data rounded to the nearest thousand pounds. 2. Convert the absolute frequency histogram developed in Question 1 into a relative frequency histogram. 3. Convert the relative frequency histogram developed in Question 2 into a relative frequency polygon. 4. Develop a stem-and-leaf display for the data using the thousands for the stem and the hundreds for the leaf. Compare this to the absolute frequency histogram. 5. Illustrate this data as a greater than and a less than ogive using both absolute and relative frequency values. 6. After examining the data presented in the figure from Question No. 1, Carrefour management decides that it will purchase only those stores showing profits greater than £12,500. On this basis, determine from the appropriate ogive how many of the Hardway stores Carrefour would purchase?

2. Closure Situation A major United States consulting company has 60 offices worldwide. The following are the revenues, in million dollars, for each of the offices for the last fiscal year. The average



Statistics for Business

annual operating cost per office for these, including salaries and all operating expenses, is $36 million.

49.258 34.410 38.850 41.070 42.920 38.110 46.250 38.110 50.690 50.690

43.660 54.257 28.120 37.740 59.250 47.730 34.410 41.070 24.790 41.440

32.190 39.590 60.120 41.070 46.250 34.040 42.653 35.520 42.550 27.010

39.220 42.920 37.258 54.653 24.050 39.590 46.990 35.890 31.080 20.030

35.150 33.658 31.820 36.260 27.750 69.352 38.850 53.650 42.365 46.250

29.532 37.125 25.324 29.584 62.543 58.965 46.235 59.210 20.210 33.564

As a result of intense competition from other consulting firms and declining markets, management is considering closing those offices whose annual revenues are less than the average operating cost.

Required In order to present the data to management, so they can understand the impact of their proposed decision, develop the following information. 1. Present the revenue data as a closed-end absolute frequency distribution using logical lower and upper limits rounded to the nearest multiple $10 million and a class limit range of $5 million. 2. What is the average margin per office for the consulting firm before any closure? 3. Present on the appropriate frequency distribution (ogive), the number of offices having less than certain revenues. To construct the distribution use the following criterion: ● Minimum on the revenue distribution is rounded to the closet multiple of $10 million. ● Use a range of $5 million. ● Maximum on the revenue distribution is rounded to the closest multiple of $10 million. 4. From the distribution you have developed in Question 3, how many offices have revenues lower than $36 million and thus risk being closed? 5. If management makes the decision to close that number of offices determined in Question 3 above, estimate the new average margin per office.

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

3. Swimming pool Situation A local community has a heated swimming pool, which is open to the public each year from May 17 until September 13. The community is considering building a restaurant facility in the swimming pool area but before a final decision is made, it wants to have assurance that the receipts from the attendance at the swimming pool will help finance the construction and operation of the restaurant. In order to give some justification to its decision the community noted the attendance each day for one particular year and this information is given below.

869 678 835 845 791 870 848 699 930 669 822 609

755 1,019 630 692 609 798 823 650 776 712 651 952

729 825 791 830 878 507 769 780 871 732 539 565

926 843 795 794 778 763 773 743 759 968 658 869

821 940 903 993 761 764 919 861 580 620 796 560

709 826 790 847 763 779 682 610 669 852 825 751

1,088 750 931 901 726 678 672 582 716 749 685 790

785 835 869 837 745 690 829 748 980 860 707 907

830 956 878 755 874 1,004 915 744 724 811 895 621

709 743 808 810 728 792 883 680 880 748 806 619

Required 1. Develop an absolute value closed-limit frequency distribution table using a data range of 50 attendances and, to the nearest hundred, a logical lower and upper limit for the data. Convert this data into an absolute value histogram. 2. Convert the absolute frequency histogram into a relative frequency histogram. 3. Plot the relative frequency distribution histogram as a polygon. What are your observations about this polygon? 4. Convert the relative frequency distribution into a greater than and less than ogive and plot these two line graphs on the same axis. 5. What is the proportion of the attendance at the swimming pool that is 750 and 800 people? 6. Develop a stem-and-leaf display for the data using the hundreds for the stem and the tens for the leaves. 7. The community leaders came up with the following three alternatives regarding providing the capital investment for the restaurant. Respond to these using the ogive data. (a) If the probability of more than 900 people coming to the swimming pool was at least 10% or the probability of less than 600 people coming to the swimming



Statistics for Business

pool was not less than 10%. Under these criteria would the community fund the restaurant? Quantify your answer both in terms of the 10% limits and the attendance values. (b) If the probability of more than 900 people coming to the swimming pool was at least 10% and the probability of less than 600 people coming to the swimming pool was not less than 10%. Under these criteria would the community fund the restaurant? Quantify your answer both in terms of the 10% limits and the attendance values. (c) If the probability of between 600 and 900 people coming to the swimming pool was at least 80%. Quantify your answer.

4. Rhine river Situation On a certain lock gate on the Rhine river there is a toll charge for all boats over 20 m in length. The charge is €15.00/m for every metre above the minimum value of 20 m. In a certain period the following were the lengths of boats passing through the lock gate. 22.00 31.00 23.00 24.50 19.00

21.80 22.00 20.20 25.70 18.70

32.00 32.00 17.00 29.80 18.25

26.70 25.00 28.00 23.00 26.50

23.80 20.33 19.33 30.67 32.00

27.90 25.10 18.00 17.20 16.50

32.50 25.70 24.50 37.50 36.50

21.80 22.00 20.20 25.70 18.70

32.00 32.00 17.00 29.80 18.33

26.70 25.00 28.00 23.00 26.50

23.80 20.33 19.33 30.67 32.00

Required 1. Show this information in a stem-and-leaf display. 2. Draw the ogives for this data using a logical maximum and minimum value for the limits to the nearest even number of metres. 3. From the appropriate ogive approximately what proportion of the boats will not have to pay any toll fee? 4. Approximately what proportion of the time will the canal authorities be collecting at least €105 from boats passing through the canal?

5. Purchasing expenditures Situation The complete daily purchasing expenditures for a large resort hotel for the last 200 days in Euros are given in the table below. The purchases include all food, beverages, and nonfood items for the five restaurants in the complex. It also includes energy, water for the

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

three swimming pools, laundry, which is a purchased service, gasoline for the courtesy vehicles, gardening and landscaping services. 63,680 197,613 195,651 161,275 153,862 132,476 172,613 197,741 150,651 190,777 106,787 179,998 163,076 124,157 180,533 128,624 203,377 130,162 215,377 126,880

307,024 332,923 165,355 288,466 116,240 291,411 94,957 183,409 136,609 168,898 218,626 141,412 282,568 90,230 139,496 159,833 223,011 146,621 173,866 170,257

188,973 173,876 217,076 99,886 187,173 238,840 206,973 144,283 177,766 106,155 147,956 198,880 157,849 191,876 140,141 198,466 118,525 224,741 119,876 154,755

242,746 219,573 86,157 274,856 147,564 217,177 112,676 141,476 241,124 185,375 108,230 156,523 212,211 114,476 242,802 130,676 231,651 182,677 146,682 249,475

217,724 113,864 293,373 167,175 248,146 122,211 262,773 156,213 134,811 185,377 155,875 179,075 154,138 222,415 142,978 253,076 120,415 132,424 251,251 175,496

194,157 295,731 151,135 102,382 228,577 157,775 179,377 175,612 68,141 260,973 165,215 238,624 188,276 86,211 181,186 225,880 148,426 249,651 148,421 259,173

230,211 175,622 187,173 273,411 185,377 106,155 137,860 246,571 163,240 182,696 102,415 242,977 139,777 180,531 171,880 125,251 241,171 134,249 270,536 166,480

192,285 297,536 110,336 159,262 210,573 187,124 204,462 161,741 115,540 182,336 203,137 137,860 190,777 108,230 221,324 161,372 177,226 246,524 192,346 263,320

235,015 205,173 188,977 298,256 81,340 224,276 144,826 173,187 194,157 187,124 97,430 244,256 141,221 254,336 201,415 127,076 275,936 208,615 124,101 152,266

195,577 224,937 332,212 161,075 237,524 303,466 194,157 295,173 223,124 128,860 274,777 213,577 269,212 152,276 233,215 168,977 157,077 257,373 220,777 125,773

Required 1. Develop an absolute frequency histogram for this data using the maximum value, rounded up to the nearest €10,000, to give the upper limit of the data, and the minimum value, rounded down to the nearest €10,000, to give the lower limit. Use an interval or class width of €20,000. This histogram will be a closed-limit absolute frequency distribution. 2. From the absolute frequency information develop a relative frequency distribution of sales. 3. What is the percentage of purchasing expenditures in the range €180,000 to €200,000? 4. Develop an absolute frequency polygon of the data. This is a line graph connecting the midpoints of each class in the dataset. What is the quantity of data in the highest frequency? 5. Develop an absolute frequency “more than” and “less than” ogive from the dataset. 6. Develop a relative frequency “more than” and “less than” ogive from the dataset. 7. From these ogives, what is an estimate of the percentage of purchasing expenditures less than €250,000? 8. From these ogives, 70% of the purchasing expenditures are greater than what amount?



Statistics for Business

6. Exchange rates Situation The table on next page gives the exchange rates in currency units per $US for two periods in 2004 and 2005.2

16 November 2005

16 November 2004

1.37 0.58 1.19 6.39 0.86 119.00 8.25 1.33

1.28 0.54 1.19 5.71 0.77 104.00 6.89 1.17

Australia Britain Canada Denmark Euro area Japan Sweden Switzerland

Required 1. Construct a parallel bar chart for this data. (Note in order to obtain a graph which is more equitable, divide the data for Japan by 100 and those for Denmark and Sweden by 10.) 2. What are your conclusions from this bar chart?

7. European sales Situation The table below gives the monthly profits in Euros for restaurants of a certain chain in Europe.



Profits ($)

Denmark England Germany Ireland Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Czech Republic Spain

985,789 1,274,659 225,481 136,598 325,697 123,657 429,857 256,987 102,654 995,796

Economic and financial indicators, The Economist, 19 November 2005, p. 101.

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

Required 1. Develop a pie chart for this information. 2. Develop a histogram for this information in terms of absolute profits and percentage profits. 3. Develop a bar chart for this information in terms of absolute profits and percentage profits. 4. What are the three best performing countries and what is their total contribution to the total profits given? 5. Which are the three countries that have the lowest contribution to profits and what is their total contribution?

8. Nuclear power Situation The table below gives the nuclear reactors in use or in construction according to country.3

Country Argentina Armenia Belgium Brazil Britain Bulgaria Canada China Czech Republic Finland France Germany Hungary India Iran Japan Lithuania Mexico Netherlands North Korea Pakistan Romania Russia Slovakia Slovenia South Africa


No. of nuclear reactors 3 1 7 2 27 4 16 11 6 4 59 18 4 22 2 56 2 2 1 1 2 2 33 8 1 2

International Herald Tribune, 18 October 2004.

Region South America Eastern Europe Western Europe South America Western Europe Eastern Europe North America Far East Eastern Europe Western Europe Western Europe Western Europe Eastern Europe ME and South Asia ME and South Asia Far East Eastern Europe North America Western Europe Far East ME and South Asia Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Africa (Continued)



Statistics for Business


No. of nuclear reactors

South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United States

20 9 11 5 17 104

Region Far East Western Europe Western Europe Western Europe Eastern Europe North America

ME: Middle East.

Required 1. Develop a bar chart for this information by country sorted by the number of reactors. 2. Develop a pie chart for this information according to the region. 3. Develop a pie chart for this information according to country for the region that has the highest proportion of nuclear reactors. 4. Which three countries have the highest number of nuclear reactors? 5. Which region has the highest proportion of nuclear reactors and dominated by which country?

9. Textbook sales Situation The sales of an author’s textbook in one particular year were according to the following table. Country Australia Austria Belgium Botswana Canada China Denmark Egypt Eire England Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong India Iran Israel Italy

Sales (units) 660 4 61 3 147 5 189 10 25 1,632 11 523 28 5 2 17 17 4 26

Country Mexico Northern Ireland Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway Pakistan Poland Romania South Africa South Korea Saudi Arabia Scotland Serbia Singapore Slovenia Spain Sri Lanka Sweden

Sales (units) 10 69 43 28 3 78 10 4 3 62 1 1 10 1 362 4 16 2 162

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

Country Japan Jordan Latvia Lebanon Lithuania Luxemburg Malaysia

Sales (units) 21 3 1 123 1 69 2

Country Switzerland Taiwan Thailand UAE Wales Zimbabwe

Sales (units) 59 938 2 2 135 3

Required 1. Develop a histogram for this data by country and by units sold, sorting the data from the country in which the units sold were the highest to the lowest. What is your criticism of this visual presentation? 2. Develop a pie chart for book sales by continent. Which continent has the highest percentage of sales? Which continent has the lowest book sales? 3. Develop a histogram for absolute book sales by continent from the highest to the lowest. 4. Develop a pie chart for book sales by countries in the European Union. Which country has the highest book sales as a proportion of total in Europe? Which country has the lowest sales? 5. Develop a histogram for absolute book sales by countries in the European Union from the highest to the lowest. 6. What are your comments about this data?

10. Textile wages Situation The table below gives the wage rates by country, converted to $US, for persons working in textile manufacturing. The wage rate includes all the mandatory charges which have to be paid by the employer for the employees benefit. This includes social charges, medical benefits, vacation, and the like.4 Country

Wage rate ($US/hour)

Bulgaria China (mainland) Egypt France Italy Slovakia Turkey United States 4

Wall street Journal Europe, 27 September 2005, p. 1.

1.14 0.49 0.88 19.82 18.63 3.27 3.05 15.78



Statistics for Business

Required 1. Develop a bar chart for this information. Show the information sorted. 2. Determine the wage rate of a country relative to the wage rate in China. 3. Plot on a combined histogram and line graph the sorted wage rate of the country as a histogram and a line graph for the data that you have calculated in Question 2. 4. What are your conclusions from this data that you have presented?

11. Immigration to Britain Situation Nearly a year and a half after the expansion of the European Union, hundreds of East Europeans have moved to Britain to work. Poles, Lithuanians Latvians and others are arriving at an average rate of 16,000 a month, as a result of Britain’s decision to allow unlimited access to the citizens of the eight East Europeans that joined the European Union in 2004. The immigrants work as bus drivers, farmhands, dentists, waitresses, builders, and sales persons. The following table gives the statistics for those new arrivals from Eastern Europe since May 2004.5

Nationality of applicant Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Slovakia Slovenia Age range of applicant 18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 Employment sector of applicant Administration, business, and management Agriculture Construction Entertainment and leisure 5

Registered to work 14,610 3,480 6,900 16,625 33,755 131,290 24,470 250 Percentage in range 42.0 40.0 11.0 6.0 1.0 No. applied to work (May 2004–June 2005) 62,000 30,400 9,000 4,000

Fuller, T., Europe’s great migration: Britain absorbing influx from the East, International Herald Tribune, 21 October 2005, pp. 1, 4.

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

Employment sector of applicant

No. applied to work (May 2004–June 2005)

Food processing Health care Hospitality and catering Manufacturing Retail Transport Others

11,000 10,000 53,200 19,000 9,500 7,500 9,500

Required 1. Develop a bar chart of the nationality of the immigrant and the number who have registered to work. 2. Transpose the information from Question 1 into a pie chart. 3. Develop a pie chart for the age range of the applicant and the percentage in this range. 4. Develop a bar chart for the employment sector of the immigrant and those registered for employment in this sector. 5. What are your conclusions from the charts that you have developed?

12. Pill popping Situation The table below gives the number of pills taken per 1,000 people in certain selected countries.6 Country

Pills consumed per 1,000 people

Canada France Italy Japan Spain United Kingdom USA

66 78 40 40 64 36 53

Required 1. Develop a bar chart for the data in the given alphabetical order. 2. Develop a pie chart for the data and show on this the country and the percentage of pill consumption based on the information provided. 6

Wall Street Journal Europe, 25 February 2004.



Statistics for Business

3. Which country consumes the highest percentage of pills and what is this percentage amount to the nearest whole number? 4. How would you describe the consumption of pills in France compared to that in the United Kingdom?

13. Electoral College Situation In the United States for the presidential elections, people vote for a president in their state of residency. Each state has a certain number of electoral college votes according to the population of the state and it is the tally of these electoral college votes which determines who will be the next United States president. The following gives the electoral college votes for each of the 50 states of the United States plus the District of Colombia.7 Also included is how the state voted in the 2004 United States presidential elections.8

State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi 7 8

Electoral college votes 9 3 10 6 55 9 7 3 3 27 15 4 4 21 11 7 6 8 9 4 10 12 17 10 6

Wall Street Journal Europe, 2 November 2004, p. A12. The Economist, 6 November 2004, p. 23.

Voted to Bush Bush Bush Bush Kerry Bush Kerry Kerry Kerry Bush Bush Kerry Bush Kerry Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Kerry Kerry Kerry Kerry Kerry Bush

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

State Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Electoral college votes 11 3 5 5 4 15 5 31 15 3 20 7 7 21 4 8 3 11 34 5 3 13 11 5 10 3

Voted to Bush Bush Bush Bush Kerry Kerry Bush Kerry Bush Bush Bush Bush Kerry Kerry Kerry Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Kerry Bush Kerry Bush Kerry Bush

Required 1. Develop a pie chart of the percentage of electoral college votes for each state. 2. Develop a histogram of the percentage of electoral college votes for each state. 3. How were the electoral college votes divided between Bush and Kerry? Show this on a pie chart. 4. Which state has the highest percentage of electoral votes and what is the percentage of the total electoral college votes? 5. What is the percentage of states including the District of Columbia that voted for Kerry?

14. Chemical delivery Situation A chemical company is concerned about the quality of its chemical products that are delivered in drums to its clients. Over a 6-month period it used a student intern to



Statistics for Business

measure quantitatively the number of problems that occurred in the delivery process. The following table gives the recorded information over the 6-month period. The column “reason” in the table is considered exhaustive. Reason Delay – bad weather Documentation wrong Drums damaged Drums incorrectly sealed Drums rusted Incorrect labelling Orders wrong Pallets poorly stacked Schedule change Temperature too low

No. of occurrences in 6-months 70 100 150 3 22 7 11 50 35 18

Required 1. Construct a Pareto curve for this information. 2. What is the problem that happens most often and what is the percentage of occurrence? This is the problem area that you would probably tackle first. 3. Which are the four problem areas that constitute almost 80% of the quality problems in delivery?

15. Fruit distribution Situation A fruit wholesaler was receiving complaints from retail outlets on the quality of fresh fruit that was delivered. In order to monitor the situation the wholesaler employed a student to rigorously take note of the problem areas and to record the number of times these problems occurred over a 3-month period. The following table gives the recorded information over the 3-month period. The column “reasons” in the table is considered exhaustive.

Reason Bacteria on some fruit Boxes badly loaded Boxes damaged Client documentation incorrect Fruit not clean Fruit squashed Fruit too ripe

No. of occurrences in 3 months 9 62 17 23 25 74 14

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

Labelling wrong Orders not conforming Route directions poor

11 6 30

Required 1. Construct a Pareto curve for this information. 2. What is the problem that happens most often and what is the percentage of occurrence? Is this the problem area that you would tackle first? 3. What are the problem areas that cumulatively constitute about 80% of the quality problems in delivery of the fresh fruit?

16. Case: Soccer Situation When an exhausted Chris Powell trudged off the Millennium stadium pitch on the afternoon of 30 May 2005, he could not have been forgiven for feeling pleased with himself. Not only had he helped West Ham claw their way back into the Premiership league for the 2005–2006 season, but the left back had featured in 42 league cup and play off matches since reluctantly leaving Charlton Athletic the previous September. It had been a good season since opposition right-wingers had been vanquished and Powell and Mathew Etherington had formed a formidable left-sided partnership. If you did not know better, you might have suspected the engaging 35-year old was a decade younger.9 For many people in England, and in fact, for most of Europe, football or soccer is their passion. Every Saturday many people, the young and the not-so-young, faithfully go and see their home team play. Football in England is a huge business. According to the accountants, Deloitte and Touche, the 20 clubs that make up the Barclay’s Bank sponsored English Premiership league, the most watched and profitable league in Europe, had total revenues of almost £2 billion ($3.6 billion) in the 2003–2004 season. The best players command salaries of £100,000 a week excluding endorsem*nts.10 In addition, at the end of the season, the clubs themselves are awarded price money depending on their position on the league tables at the end of the year. These prize amounts are indicated in Table 1 for the 2004–2005 season. The game results are given in Table 2 and the final league results in Table 3 and from these you can determine the amount that was awarded to each club.11 9

Aizlewood, J., Powell back at happy valley, The Sunday Times, 28 August 2005, p. 11. Theobald, T. and Cooper, C., Business and the Beautiful Game, Kogan Page, International Herald Tribune, 1–2 October 2005, p. 19 (Book review on soccer). 11 News of the World Football Annual 2005–2006, Invincible Press, an imprint of Harper Collins, 2005. 10



Statistics for Business

Table 1 Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Prize money (£)


Prize money (£)

9,500,000 9,020,000 8,550,000 8,070,000 7,600,000 7,120,000 6,650,000 6,170,000 5,700,000 5,220,000

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

4,750,000 4,270,000 3,800,000 3,320,000 2,850,000 2,370,000 1,900,000 1,420,000 950,000 475,000

Required These three tables give a lot of information on the premier leaguer football results for the 2004–2005 season. How could you put this in a visual form to present the information to a broad audience?

Table 2 Club

Arsenal Aston Villa Birmingham City Blackburn Rovers Bolton Wanderers Charlton Athletic Chelsea Crystal Palace Everton Fulham Liverpool Manchester City Manchester United Middlesbrough

Games played 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38

Home Win Draw Lost 13 8 8 5 9 8 14 6 12 8 12 8 12 9

5 6 6 8 5 4 5 5 2 4 4 6 6 6

1 5 5 6 5 7 0 8 5 7 3 5 1 4

Away For


54 26 24 24 25 29 35 21 24 29 31 24 31 29

19 17 15 22 18 29 6 19 15 26 15 14 12 19

Win Draw 12 5 4 3 7 4 15 1 6 3 5 5 10 5

3 5 6 7 5 6 3 7 5 4 3 7 5 7

Lost For 4 10 10 8 7 9 1 11 8 11 11 7 4 7

33 19 16 11 24 13 37 20 21 23 21 23 27 24

Away 17 35 31 21 26 29 9 43 31 34 26 25 14 27

Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data


Newcastle United Norwich City Portsmouth Southampton Tottenham WBA

Games played 38 38 38 38 38 38

Home Win Draw Lost 7 7 8 5 9 5

7 5 4 9 5 8

5 7 7 5 5 6

Away For


25 29 30 30 36 17

25 32 26 30 22 24

Win Draw 4 0 4 1 5 2

7 7 5 5 5 8

Lost For 9 12 12 13 9 10

22 13 13 15 11 19

Away 32 45 33 36 19 37


Statistics for Business

Birmingham City

Blackburn Rovers

Bolton Wanderers

Charlton Athletic


Crystal Palace


Arsenal Aston Villa Birmingham City Blackburn Rovers Bolton Wanderers Charlton Athletic Chelsea Crystal Palace Everton Fulham Liverpool Manchester City Manchester United Middlesbrough Newcastle United Norwich City Portsmouth Southampton Tottenham WBA

Aston Villa

Table 3



– – – 1 – 3 2 – 1

3 – 1 – – – 2 – 0

3 – 0 1 – 2 – – –

3 – 0 1 – 0 2 – 1

2 – 2 1 – 1 1 – 2

3 – 0 4 – 1 5 – 2

2 – 2 0 – 0 0 – 1

5 – 1 1 – 1 0 – 1

7 – 0 1 – 3 0 – 1

0 – 1

2 – 2

3 – 3

– – –

0 – 1

6 – 3

0 – 1

1 – 0

0 – 0

1 – 0

1 – 2

1 – 1

0 – 1

– – –

0 – 1

0 – 2

1 – 0

3 – 2

1 – 3

3 – 0

3 – 1

1 – 0

1 – 2

– – –

0 – 4



2 – 0

0 – 0 1 – 1

1 – 0 2 – 0

1 – 1 2 – 0

4 – 0 0 – 0

2 – 2 0 – 1

4 – 0 0 – 0

– – – 0 – 2

4 – 1 – – –

1 – 0 1 – 3

1 0 2 0

1 1 2 2

1 2 0 3

0 0 0 1

3 2 1 0

0 0 0 1

0 1 0 1

4 3 3 3

– 2 2 0

– – – –

4 3 1 1

– – – –

1 1 1 0

– – – –

1 3 1 0

– – – –

1 2 0 1

– – – –

2 0 0 1

– – – –

1 2 0 1

– – – –

1 4 1 0

– – – –

0 1 2 1

– – – –

– 0 1 1

2 – 0

3 – 1

2 – 0

0 – 0

2 – 0

0 – 0

1 – 3

5 – 2

0 – 0

0 – 1 0 – 1

3 – 0 0 – 3

2 – 1 2 – 1

1 – 0 3 – 0

1 – 1 2 – 1

1 – 0 3 – 0

0 – 1 1 – 1

2 – 1 0 – 0

1 – 1 1 – 1

1 0 1 4 0

0 1 2 5 1

1 1 0 1 2

1 0 3 0 1

3 1 1 1 2

1 0 3 0 1

1 0 1 0 1

1 3 2 1 2

2 0 2 5 1

– – – – –

4 1 1 5 2

– – – – –

0 2 3 1 1

– – – – –

0 1 0 0 0

– – – – –

1 1 2 0 1

– – – – –

2 1 2 2 1

– – – – –

1 1 2 0 1

– – – – –

3 2 3 2 4

– – – – –

1 1 2 1 2

– – – – –

3 1 2 2 0



Manchester City

Manchester United


Newcastle United

Norwich City





Chapter 1: Presenting and organizing data

2 – 0 2 – 0 1 – 2

3 – 1 1 – 1 2 – 0

1 – 1 1 – 2 1 – 0

2 – 4 0 – 1 0 – 0

5 – 3 2 – 0 2 – 0

1 – 0 4 – 2 2 – 2

4 – 1 3 – 0 1 – 1

3 – 0 3 – 0 0 – 0

2 – 2 2 – 0 2 – 1

1 – 0 1 – 0 1 – 1

1 – 1 1 – 1 4 – 0

1 – 3

2 – 2

0 – 0

1 – 1

0 – 4

2 – 2

3 – 0

1 – 0

3 – 0

0 – 1

1 – 1

3 – 1

1 – 0

0 – 1

2 – 2

0 – 0

2 – 1

1 – 0

0 – 1

1 – 1

3 – 1

1 – 1

2 – 1

1 – 2

2 – 2

0 – 4

1 – 2

1 – 1

4 – 0

2 – 1

0 – 0

2 – 0

1 – 4

2 – 1 2 – 0

1 – 0 1 – 0

0 – 0 1 – 2

1 – 0 0 – 0

2 – 0 0 – 1

4 – 0 0 – 2

4 – 0 3 – 3

3 – 0 0 – 1

2 – 1 2 – 2

0 – 0 3 – 0

1 – 0 3 – 0

1 – 3 1

1 2 – 1

2 1 2 –

1 1 0 0

1 0 1 1

2 1 3 1

1 6 3 1

2 3 1 2

1 1 1 2

0 2 2 0

2 1 3 1

– – – –

0 – 1 1

– – – –

0 4 – 0

– – – –

1 1 1 –

– – – –

0 1 1 2

– – – –

0 2 1 1

– – – –

0 3 1 1

– – – –

0 0 0 1

– – – –

1 1 1 0

– – – –

0 0 0 1

– – – –

1 0 2 1

– – – –

1 0 0 1

1 – 0

2 – 1

0 – 0

– – –

1 – 1

2 – 1

2 – 1

2 – 1

3 – 0

0 – 0

1 – 1

1 – 1 1 – 4

2 – 0 1 – 0

3 – 2 4 – 3

0 – 2 1 – 3

– – – 0 – 0

2 – 2 – – –

2 – 0 2 – 2

1 – 1 1 – 1

1 – 3 2 – 1

1 – 0 0 – 1

4 – 0 3 – 1

0 4 3 2 1

1 1 2 1 0

2 1 0 2 2

2 2 1 0 0

4 2 2 2 1

2 1 1 1 0

– 1 4 0 0

2 – 2 3 2

2 4 – 5 0

0 1 1 – 1

3 3 2 1 –

– – – – –

1 3 3 0 1

– – – – –

2 2 0 1 5

– – – – –

3 3 0 1 0

– – – – –

0 0 2 1 3

– – – – –

4 1 2 0 2

– – – – –

1 1 2 0 0

– – – – –

– 1 3 0 0

– – – – –

2 – 1 1 0

– – – – –

1 1 – 1 0

– – – – –

2 0 0 – 1

– – – – –

2 2 2 1 –


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Characterizing and defining data

Fast food and currencies How do you compare the cost of living worldwide? An innovative way is to look at the prices of a McDonald’s Big Mac in various countries as The Economist has being doing since 1986. Their 2005 data is given in Table 2.1.1 From this information you might conclude that the Euro is overvalued by 17% against the $US; that the cost of living in Switzerland is the highest; and that it is cheaper to live in Malaysia. Alternatively you would know that worldwide the average price of a Big Mac is $2.51; that half of the Big Macs are less than $2.40 and that half are more than $2.40; and that the range of the prices of Big Macs is $3.67. These are some of the characteristics of the prices of data for Big Macs. These are some of the properties of statistical data that are covered in this chapter.


“The Economist’s Big Mac index: Fast food and strong currencies”, The Economist, 11 June 2005.



Statistics for Business

Table 2.1

Price of the Big Mac worldwide.

Country Argentina Australia Brazil Britain Canada Chile China Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Euro zone Hong Kong Hungary Indonesia Japan Malaysia

Price ($US) 1.64 2.50 2.39 3.44 2.63 2.53 2.27 2.30 4.58 1.55 3.58 1.54 2.60 1.53 2.34 1.38

Country Mexico New Zealand Peru Philippines Poland Russia Singapore South Africa South Korea Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey United States Venezuela

Price ($US) 2.58 3.17 2.76 1.47 1.96 1.48 2.17 2.10 2.49 4.17 5.05 2.41 1.48 2.92 3.06 2.13

Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

Learning objectives After you have studied this chapter you will be able to determine the properties of statistical data, to describe clearly their meaning, to compare datasets, and to apply these properties in decisionmaking. Specifically, you will learn the following characteristics. ✔ ✔

✔ ✔

Central tendency of data • Arithmetic mean • Weighted average • Median value • Mode • Midrange • Geometric mean Dispersion of data • Range • Variance and standard deviation • Expression for the variance • Expression for the standard deviation • Determining the variance and the standard deviation • Deviations about the mean • Coefficient of variation and the standard deviation Quartiles • Boundary limit of quartiles • Properties of quartiles • Box and whisker plot • Drawing the box and whisker plot with Excel Percentiles • Development of percentiles • Division of data

It is useful to characterize data as these characteristics or properties of data can be compared or benchmarked with other datasets. In this way decisions can be made about business situations and certain conclusions drawn. The two common general data characteristics are central tendency and dispersion.

Central Tendency of Data The clustering of data around a central or a middle value is referred to as the central tendency. The central tendency that we are most familiar with is average or mean value but there are others. They are all illustrated as follows.

Arithmetic mean The arithmetic mean or most often known as the mean or average value, and written by –x, is the most common measure of central tendency. It is


“On top of the world – In its taste for risk, the world’s leading investment bank epitomises the modern financial system”, The Economist, 29 April 2006, p. 9.

determined by the sum of the all the values of the observations, x, divided by the number of elements in the observations, N. The equation is, x




For example, assume the salaries in Euros of five people working in the same department are as in Table 2.2. The total of these five values is €172,000 and 172,000/5 gives a mean value of €34,400. (On a grander scale, Goldman Sachs, the world’s leading investment bank reports that the average pay-packet of its 24,000 staff in 2005 was $520,000 and that included a lot of assistants and secretaries!2) The arithmetic mean is easy to understand, and every dataset has a mean value. The mean value in a dataset can be determined by using [function AVERAGE] in Excel.

Table 2.2

Arithmetic mean.













Statistics for Business

Table 2.3

Arithmetic mean not necessarily affected by the number values.















Note that the arithmetic mean can be influenced by extreme values or outliers. In the above situation, John has an annual salary of €35,000 and his salary is currently above the average. Now, assume that Susan has her salary increased to €75,000 per year. In recalculating the mean the average salary of the five increases to €39,400 per year. Nothing has happened to John’s situation but his salary is now below average. Is John now at a disadvantage? What is the reason that Susan received the increase? Thus, in using average values for analysis, you need to understand if it includes outliers and the circ*mstance for which the mean value is being used. The number of values does not necessarily influence the arithmetic mean. In the above example, using the original data, suppose now that Brian and Delphine join the department at respective annual salaries of €34,000 and €34,800 as shown in Table 2.3. The average is still €34,400.

Weighted average The weighted average is a measure of central tendency and is a mean value that takes into account the importance, or weighting of each value in the overall total. For example in Chapter 1 we introduced a questionnaire as a method of evaluating customer satisfaction. Table 2.4 is the type of questionnaire used for evaluating customer satisfaction. Here the questionnaire has the responses of 15 students regarding satisfaction of

a course programme. (Students are the customers of the professors!) The X in each cell is the response of each student and the total responses for each category are in the last line. The weighted average of the student response is given by, Weighted average ∑

Number of responses * score Total responses

From the table we have, Weighted average

2 * 11 * 21 * 3 5 * 4 6 * 5 3.80 15

Thus using the criterion of the weighted average the central tendency of the evaluation of the university programme is 3.80, which translates into saying the programme is between satisfactory and good and closer to being good. Note in Excel this calculation can be performed by using [function SUMPRODUCT]. Another use of weighted averages is in product costing. Assume that a manufacturing organization uses three types of labour in the manufacture of Product 1 and Product 2 as shown in Table 2.5. In making the finished product the semi-finished components must pass through the activities of drilling, forming, and assembly before it is completed. Note that in these different activities the hourly wage rate is different. Thus to calculate the correct average cost of

Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

Table 2.4

Weighted average.


Very poor 1

Score Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15



Very good




5 X


1 X X X X

X X X X X X 2


$10.50 $12.75 $14.25




Total responses 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15

If simply the average hourly wage rate was used, the hourly labour cost would be:

Weighted average.

Labour Hourly operation wage rate Drilling Forming Assembly



Total responses

Table 2.5


Labour Labour hours/unit hours/unit Product A Product B 2.50 3.00 1.75

1.50 2.25 2.00



labour per finished unit, weighted averages are used as follows: Product A, labour cost, $/unit is $10.50 * 2.50 12.75 * 3.00 14.25 * 1.75 $89.44 Product B, labour cost, $/unit is $10.50 * 1.50 12.75 * 2.25 14.25 * 2.00 $72.94

10.50 12.75 14.25 $12.50/hour 3 Then if we use this hourly labour cost to determine unit product cost we would have, Product A Product B

12.50 * 7.25 $90.63/unit $12.50 * 5.75 $71.88/unit

This is an incorrect way to determine the unit cost since we must use the contribution of each activity to determine the correct amount.

Median value The median is another measure of central tendency that divides information or data into two equal parts. We come across the median when we talk about the median of a road. This is the white line that divides the road into two parts such that there is the same number of lanes on



Statistics for Business

Table 2.6 9


Table 2.7 6


Median value – raw data. 12




Table 2.8 12

Median value – salaries.











Median value – ordered data. 9





one side than on the other. When we have quantitative data it is the middle value of the data array or the ordered set of data. Consider the dataset in Table 2.6. To determine the median value it must first be rearranged in ascending (or descending) order. In ascending order this is as in Table 2.7. Since there are seven pieces of data, the middle, or the median, value is the 4th number, which in this case is 11. The median value is of interest as indicates that half of the data lies above the median, and half below. For example, if the median, price of a house in a certain region is $200,000 then this indicates that half of the number of houses is above $200,000 and the other half is below. When n, the number of values in a data array is odd, the median is given by, n 1 2


Thus, if there are seven values in the dataset, then the median is (7 1)/2 or the 4th value as in the above example. When n, the number of values, is even, the median value is the average of the values determined from the following relationship: n 2


(n 2) 2


When there are 6 values in a set of data, the median is the value of 6/2 and (6 2)/2 or the linear average of the 3rd and 4th value.

Table 2.9

Median value – salaries ordered.











Table 2.10 Median value – salaries unaffected by extreme values. Helen










The value of the median is unaffected by extreme values. Consider again the salary situation of the five people in John’s department as in Table 2.8. Ordering this data gives Table 2.9. John’s salary is at the median value. Again, if Susan’s salary is increased to €75,000 then the revised information is as in Table 2.10. John still has the median salary and so that on this basis, nothing has changed for John. However, when we used the average value as above, there was a change. The number of values affects the median. Assume Stan joins the department in the example above at the same original salary as Susan. The salary values are thus as Table 2.11. There is an even number of values in the dataset and now the median is (35,000 40,000)/2 or €37,500. John’s salary is now below the median. Again, nothing has happened

Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

Table 2.11 Median value – number of values affects the median. Helen





Table 2.12 Mode – that value that occurs most frequently. Stan

20,000 27,000 35,000 40,000 50,000 50,000

to John’s salary but on a comparative basis it appears that he is worse off! The median value in any size dataset can be determined by using the [function MEDIAN] in Excel. We do not have to order the data or even to take into account whether there is an even or odd number of values as Excel automatically takes this into consideration. For example, if we determine the median value of the sales data given in Table 1.1, we call up [function MEDIAN] and enter the dataset. For this dataset the median value is 100,296.

Mode The mode is another measure of central tendency and is that value that occurs most frequently in a dataset. It is of interest because that value that occurs most frequently is probably a response that deserves further investigation. For example, Table 2.12 are the monthly sales in $millions for the last year. The mode is 12 since it occurs 3 times. Thus in forecasting future sales we might conclude that there is a higher probability that sales will be $12 million in any given month. The mode is unaffected by extreme values. For example, if the sales in January were $100 million instead of $10 million, the mode is still 12. However, the number of values might affect the mode. For example, if we use the following sales data in Table 2.13 over the last 15 months, the modal value is now $14 million since it occurs 4 times. Unlike the mean and median, the mode can be used for qualitative as well as for quantitative

January February March April May June July August September October November December

10 12 11 14 12 14 12 16 9 19 10 13

Table 2.13 Mode – might be affected by the number of values. January February March April May June July August September October November December January February March

10 12 11 14 12 14 12 16 9 19 10 13 14 10 14

data. For example, in a questionnaire, people were asked to give their favourite colour. The responses were according to Table 2.14. The modal value is blue since this response occurred 3 times. This type of information is useful say in the textile business when a firm is planning the preparation of new fabric or the automobile industry when the company is planning to put



Statistics for Business

Table 2.14 Mode can be determined for colours. Yellow Red Green

Green Blue Violet

Purple Brown Rose

Table 2.17

Blue Pink Blue












Table 2.18 Midrange – affected by extreme values. Table 2.15 9


13 17 19 7


Table 2.16






13 8 22







new cars on the market. The modal value in a dataset for quantitative data can be determined by using the [function MODE] in Excel. A dataset might be multi-modal when there are data values that occur equally frequently. For example, bi-modal is when there are two values in a dataset that occur most frequently. The dataset in Table 2.15 is bi-modal as both the values 9 and 13 occur twice. When a dataset is bi-modal that indicates that there are two pieces of data that are of particular interest. Data can be tri-modal, quad-modal, etc. meaning that there are three, four, or more values that occur most frequently.

Midrange The midrange is also a measure of central tendency and is the average of the smallest and largest observation in a dataset. In Table 2.16, the midrange is, 13 6 19 9.5 2 2











The midrange is of interest to know where data sits compared to the midrange. In the salary information of Table 2.17, The midrange is (50,000 20,000)/2 or 35,000 and so John’s salary is exactly at the midrange. Again assume Susan’s salary is increased to €75,000 to give the information in Table 2.18. Then the midrange is (20,000 75,000)/2 or €47,500 and John’s salary is now below the midrange. Thus, the midrange can be distorted by extreme values.

Geometric mean The geometric mean is a measure of central tendency used when data is changing over time. Examples might be the growth of investments, the inflation rate, or the change of the gross national product. For example, consider the growth of an initial investment of $1,000 in a savings account that is deposited for a period of 5 years. The interest rate, which is accumulated annually, is different for each year. Table 2.19 gives the interest and the growth of the investment. The average growth rate, or geometric mean, is calculated by the relationship: n冑

(苶 product of g rates) 苶苶苶苶 苶rowth 苶苶苶 苶苶


Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

Table 2.19 Year

Geometric mean.

Table 2.20

Interest rate (%)

Growth factor

Value year-end

6.0 7.5 8.2 7.9 5.1

1.060 1.075 1.082 1.079 1.051

$1,060.00 $1,139.50 $1,232.94 $1,330.34 $1,398.19

1 2 3 4 5












Dispersion of Data In this case the geometric mean is, 5 1.060

* 1.075 * 1.082 * 1.079 * 1.051 1.0693

This is an average growth rate of 6.93% per year (1.0693 1 0.0693 or 6.93%). Thus, the value of the $1,000 at the end of 5 years will be, $1, 000 * 1.06935 $1, 398.19 The same value as calculated in Table 2.19. If the arithmetic average of the growth rates was used, the mean growth rate would be: 1.060 1.075 1.082 1.079 1.051 5 1.0690 or a growth rate slightly less of 6.90% per year. Using this mean interest rate, the value of the initial deposit at the end of 5 years would be, $1, 000 1.06905 $1, 396.01 This is less than the amount calculated using the geometric mean. The difference here is small but in cases where interest rates are widely fluctuating, and deposit amounts are large, the difference can be significant. The geometrical mean can be determined by using [function GEOMEAN] in Excel applied to the growth rates.

Dispersion is how much data is separated, spread out, or varies from other data values. It is important to know the amount of dispersion, variation, or spread, as data that is more dispersed or separated is less reliable for analytical purposes. Datasets can have different measures of dispersion or variation but may have the same measure of central tendency. In many situations, we may be more interested in the variation, than in the central value, since variation can be a measure of inconsistency. The following are the common measures of the dispersion of data.

Range The range is the difference between the maximum and the minimum value in a dataset. We have seen the use of the range in Chapter 1 in the development of frequency distributions. Another illustration is represented in Table 2.20 which is the salary data presented earlier in Table 2.8. Here the range is the difference of the salaries for Susan and Helen, or €50,000 €20,000 €30,000. The range is affected by extreme values. For example, if we include in the dataset the salary of Francis, the manager of the department, who has a salary of €125,000 we then have Table 2.21. Here the range is €125,000 €20,000 €105,000. The number of values does not necessarily affect the range. For example let us say that we



Statistics for Business

Table 2.21 values. Eric

Range is affected by extreme


John Francis Helen Robert

40,000 50,000 35,000 125,000 20,000 27,000

Table 2.22 Range is not necessarily affected by the number of values. Eric



John Francis Helen Robert

40,000 50,000 37,000 35,000 125,000 20,000 27,000

add the salary of Julie at €37,000 to the dataset in Table 2.21 to give the dataset in Table 2.22. Then the range is unchanged at €105,000. The larger the range in a dataset, then the greater is the dispersion, and thus the uncertainty of the information for analytical purposes. Although we often talk about the range of data, the major drawback in using the range as a measure of dispersion is that it only considers two pieces of information in the dataset. In this case, any extreme, or outlying values, can distort the measure of dispersion as is illustrated by the information in Tables 2.21 and 2.22.

Variance and standard deviation The variance and the related measure, standard deviation, overcome the drawback of using the range as a measure of dispersion as in their calculation every value in the dataset is considered. Although both the variance and standard deviation are affected by extreme values, the impact is not as great as using the range since an aggregate of all the values in the dataset are considered. The variance and particularly the standard deviation are the most often used measures of dispersion in statistics. The variance is in

squared units and measures the dispersion of a dataset around the mean value. The standard deviation has the same units of the data under consideration and is the square root of the variation. We use the term “standard” in standard deviation as it represents the typical deviation for that particular dataset.

Expression for the variance There is a variance and standard deviation both for a population and a sample. The population variance, denoted by σx2 , is the sum of the squared difference between each observation, x, and the mean value, μ, divided by the number of data observations, N, or as follows: σx2 ●

∑ (x − μx )2 N


For each observation of x, the mean value μx is subtracted. This indicates how far this observation is from the mean, or the range of this observation from the mean. By squaring each of the differences obtained, the negative signs are removed. By dividing by N gives an average value.

The expression for the sample variance, s2, is analogous to the population variance and is, s2

∑ (x x )2

2(vi) (n 1) In the sample variance, –x, or x-bar the average of the values of x replaces μx of the population variance and (n 1) replaces N the population size. One of the principal uses of statistics is to take a sample from the population and make estimates of the population parameters based only on the sample measurements. By convention when we use the symbol n it means we have taken a sample of size n from the population of size N. Using (n 1) in the denominator reflects the fact that we have used –x in the formula and so we have lost one degree of freedom in our calculation. For example, consider you have a sum of $1,000 to

Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data distribute to your six co-workers based on certain criteria. To the first five you have the freedom to give any amount say $200, $150, $75, $210, $260. To the sixth co-worker you have no degree of freedom of the amount to give which has to be the amount remaining from the original $1,000, which in this case is $105. When we are performing sampling experiments to estimate the population parameter with (n 1) in the denominator of the sample variance formula we have an unbiased estimate of the true population variance. If the sample size, n, is large, then using n or (n 1) will give results that are close.

Expression for the standard deviation The standard deviation is the square root of the variance and thus has the same units as the data used in the measurement. It is the most often used measure of dispersion in analytical work. The population standard deviation, σx, is given by, σx σx2

∑ (x μx )2


(n 1)

For any dataset, the closer the value of the standard deviation is to zero, then the smaller is the dispersion which means that the data values are closer to the mean value of the dataset and that the data would be more reliable for subsequent analytical purposes. Note that the expression σ is sometimes used to denote the population standard deviation rather than σx. Similarly μ is used to denote the mean value rather than μx. That is the subscript x is dropped, the logic being that it is understood that the values are calculated using the random variable x and so it is not necessary to show them with the mean and standard deviation symbols!






Let us consider the dataset given in Table 2.23. If we use equations 2(v) through to 2(viii) then we will obtain the population variance, the population standard deviation, the sample variance, and the sample standard deviation. These values and the calculation steps are shown in Table 2.24. However with Excel it is not necessary to go through these calculations as their values can be simply determined by using the following Excel functions: ●



Variance and standard

Determining the variance and the standard deviation



∑ (x x )2


The sample standard deviation, s, is as follows: s2

Table 2.23 deviation.

Population variance [function VARP] Population standard deviation [function STDEVP] Sample variance [function VAR] Sample standard deviation [function STDEV].

Note that for any given dataset when you calculate the population variance it is always smaller than the sample variance since the denominator, N, in the population variance is greater than the value N 1. Similarly for the same dataset the population standard deviation is always less than the calculated sample standard deviation. Table 2.25, which is a summary of the final results of Table 2.24, illustrates this clearly.

Deviation about the mean The deviation about the mean of all observations, x, about the mean value, –x, is zero or mathematically,

∑ (x x ) 0




Statistics for Business

Table 2.24

Variance and standard deviation. x 2 13 12 7 6 11 12 7 70 10

Number of values, N Total of values Mean value, μ Population variance, σ2 Population standard deviation, σ N1 Sample variance, s2 Sample standard deviation, s

Table 2.25 deviation.

6.2857 7.3333 2.5071 2.7080

Table 2.26 Deviations about the mean value. 6


Coefficient of variation and the standard deviation

Population variance Sample variance Population standard deviation Sample standard deviation


1 9 4 9 16 1 4

7.3333 2.7080

Variance and standard


1 3 2 3 4 1 2




(x μ)2

6.2857 2.5071

Measure of dispersion


(x μ)



In the dataset of Table 2.26 the mean is 10. And the deviation of the data around the mean value of 10 is as follows: (9 10) (13 10) (12 10) (7 10) (6 10) (11 10) (12 10) 0 This is perhaps a logical conclusion since the mean value is calculated from all the dataset values.

The standard deviation as a measure of dispersion on its own is not easy to interpret. In general terms a small value for the standard deviation indicates that the dispersion of the data is low and conversely the dispersion is large for a high value of the standard deviation. However the magnitude of these values depends on what you are analysing. Further, how small is small and what about the units? If you say that the standard deviation of the total travel time, including waiting, to fly from London to Vladivostok is 2 hours, the number 2 is small. However, if you convert that to minutes the value is 120, and a high 7,200, if you use seconds. But in any event, the standard deviation has not changed! A way to overcome the difficulty in interpreting the standard deviation is to include the value of the mean of the dataset and use the coefficient of variation. The coefficient of variation is a relative measure of the standard deviation of a distribution, σ, to its mean, μ. The

Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data coefficient of variation can be either expressed as a proportion or a percentage of the mean. It is defined as follows: σ Coefficient of variation μ

Table 2.27

Mean output μ


As an illustration, say that a machine is cutting steel rods used in automobile manufacturing where the average length is 1.5 m, and the standard deviation of the length of the rods that are cut is 0.25 cm or 0.0025 m. In this case the coefficient of variation is 0.25/150 (keeping all units in cm), which is 0.0017 or 0.17%. This value is small and perhaps would be acceptable from a quality control point of view. However, say that the standard deviation is 6 cm or 0.06 m. The value 0.06 is a small number but it gives a coefficient of variation of 0.06/1.50 0.04 or 4%. This value is probably unacceptable for precision engineering in automobile manufacturing. The coefficient of variation is also a useful measure to compare two sets of data. For example, in a manufacturing operation two operators are working on each of two machines. Operator A produces an average of 45 units/day, with a standard deviation of the number of pieces produced of 8 units. Operator B completes on average 125 units/day with a standard deviation of 14 units. Which operator is the most consistent in the activity? If we just examine the standard deviation, it appears that Operator B has more variability or dispersion than Operator A, and thus might be considered more erratic. However if we compare the coefficient of variations, the value for Operator A is 8/45 or 17.78% and for Operator B it is 14/125 or 11.20%. On this comparative basis, the variability for Operator B is less than for Operator A because the mean output for Operator B is more. Table 2.27 gives a summary. The term σ/μ is strictly for the population distribution. However, in absence of the values for the population, sample values of s/x-bar will give you an estimation of the coefficient of variation.

Coefficient of variation.

Operator A Operator B

45 125

Standard Coefficient of deviation variation σ σ/μ (%) 8 14

17.78 11.20

Quartiles In the earlier section on Central Tendency of Data we introduced the median or the value that divides ordered data into two equal parts. Another divider of data is the quartiles or those values that divide ordered data into four equal parts, or four equal quarters. With this division of data the positioning of information within the quartiles is also a measure of dispersion. Quartiles are useful to indicate where data such as student’s grades, a person’s weight, or sales’ revenues are positioned relative to standardized data.

Boundary limits of quartiles The lower limit of the quartiles is the minimum value of the dataset, denoted as Q0, and the upper limit is the maximum value Q4. Between these two values is contained 100% of the dataset. There are then three quartiles within these outer limits. The 1st quartile is Q1, the 2nd quartile Q2, and the 3rd quartile Q3. We then have the boundary limits of the quartiles which are those values that divide the dataset into four equal parts such that within each of these boundaries there is 25% of the data. In summary then there are the following five boundary limits: Q0





The quartile values can be determined by using in Excel [function QUARTILE].



Statistics for Business

Table 2.28

35,378 109,785 108,695 89,597 85,479 73,598 95,896 109,856 83,695 105,987 59,326 99,999 90,598 68,976 100,296 71,458 112,987 72,312 119,654 70,489

Quartiles for sales revenues.

170,569 184,957 91,864 160,259 64,578 161,895 52,754 101,894 75,894 93,832 121,459 78,562 156,982 50,128 77,498 88,796 123,895 81,456 96,592 94,587

Quartile Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

104,985 96,598 120,598 55,492 103,985 132,689 114,985 80,157 98,759 58,975 82,198 110,489 87,694 106,598 77,856 110,259 65,847 124,856 66,598 85,975

134,859 121,985 47,865 152,698 81,980 120,654 62,598 78,598 133,958 102,986 60,128 86,957 117,895 63,598 134,890 72,598 128,695 101,487 81,490 138,597



0 1 2 3 4

35,378 79,976 100,296 123,911 184,957

120,958 63,258 162,985 92,875 137,859 67,895 145,985 86,785 74,895 102,987 86,597 99,486 85,632 123,564 79,432 140,598 66,897 73,569 139,584 97,498

Properties of quartiles For the sales data of Chapter 1, we have developed the quartile values using the quartile function in Excel. This information is shown in Table 2.28, which gives the five quartile boundary limits plus additional properties related to the quartiles. Also indicated is the inter-quartile range, or mid-spread, which is the difference between the 3rd and the 1st quartile in a dataset or (Q3 Q1). It measures the range of the middle 50% of the data. One half of the inter-quartile range,

107,865 164,295 83,964 56,879 126,987 87,653 99,654 97,562 37,856 144,985 91,786 132,569 104,598 47,895 100,659 125,489 82,459 138,695 82,456 143,985

127,895 97,568 103,985 151,895 102,987 58,975 76,589 136,984 90,689 101,498 56,897 134,987 77,654 100,295 95,489 69,584 133,984 74,583 150,298 92,489

Q3 Q1 (Q3 Q1)/2 (Q3 Q1)/2 Mean

106,825 165,298 61,298 88,479 116,985 103,958 113,590 89,856 64,189 101,298 112,854 76,589 105,987 60,128 122,958 89,651 98,459 136,958 106,859 146,289

130,564 113,985 104,987 165,698 45,189 124,598 80,459 96,215 107,865 103,958 54,128 135,698 78,456 141,298 111,897 70,598 153,298 115,897 68,945 84,592

108,654 124,965 184,562 89,486 131,958 168,592 111,489 163,985 123,958 71,589 152,654 118,654 149,562 84,598 129,564 93,876 87,265 142,985 122,654 69,874

Mid-spread 43,935 Quartile deviation 21,968 Mid-hinge 101,943 102,667

(Q3 Q1)/2, is the quartile deviation and this measures the average range of one half of the data. The smaller the quartile deviation, the greater is the concentration of the middle half of the observations in the dataset. The mid-hinge, or (Q3 Q1)/2, is a measure of central tendency and is analogous to the midrange. Although like the range, these additional quartile properties only use two values in their calculation, distortion from extreme values is limited as the quartile values are taken from an ordered set of data.

Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

Figure 2.1 Box and whisker plot for the sales revenues.

Q1 79,976 Q2 100,296 Q3 123,911

Q0 35,378




Q4 184,957

80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 Sales ($)

Box and whisker plot A useful visual presentation of the quartile values is a box and whisker plot (from the face of a cat – if you use your imagination!) or sometimes referred to as a box plot. The box and whisker plot for the sales data is shown in Figure 2.1. Here, the middle half of the values of the dataset or the 50% of the values that lie in the interquartile range are shown as a box. The vertical line making the left-hand side of the box is the 1st quartile, and the vertical line of the right-hand side of the box is the 3rd quartile. The 25% of the values that lie to the left of the box and the 25% of the values to the right of the box, or the other 50% of the dataset, are shown as two horizontal lines, or whiskers. The extreme left part of the first whisker is the minimum value, Q0, and the extreme right part of the second whisker is the

maximum value, Q4. The larger the width of the box relative to the two whiskers indicates that the data is clustered around the middle 50% of the values. The box and whisker plot is symmetrical if the distances from Q0 to the median, Q2, and the distance from Q2 to Q4 are the same. In addition, the distance from Q0 to Q1 equals the distance from Q3 to Q4 and the distance from Q1 to Q2 equals the distance from the Q2 to Q3 and further the mean and the median values are equal. The box and whisker plot is right-skewed if the distance from Q2 to Q4 is greater than the distance from Q0 to Q2 and the distance from Q3 to Q4 is greater than the distance from Q0 to Q1. Also, the mean value is greater than the median. This means that the data values to the right of the median are more dispersed than those to the



Statistics for Business left of the median. Conversely, the box and whisker plot is left-skewed if the distance from Q2 to Q4 is less than the distance from Q0 to Q2 and the distance from Q3 to Q4 is less than the distance from Q0 to Q1. Also, the mean value is less than the median. This means that the data values to the left of the median are more dispersed than those to the right. The box and whisker plot in Figure 2.1 is slightly right-skewed. There is further discussion on the skewed properties of data in Chapter 5 in the paragraph entitled Asymmetrical Data.

Drawing the box and whiskerplot with Excel If you do not have add-on functions with Microsoft Excel one way to draw the box and whisker plot is to develop a horizontal and vertical line graph. The x-axis is the quartile values and the y-axis has the arbitrary values 1, 2, and 3. As the box and whisker plot has only three horizontal lines the lower part of the box has the arbitrary y-value of 1; the whiskers and the centre part of the box have the arbitrary value of 2; and the upper part of the box has the arbitrary value of 3. The procedure for drawing the box and whisker plot is as follows. Determine the five quartile boundary values Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 using the Excel quartile function. Set the coordinates for the box and whisker plot in two columns using the format in Table 2.29. For the 2nd column you enter the corresponding quartile value. The reason that there are 13 coordinates is that when Excel creates the graph it connects every coordinate with a horizontal or vertical straight line to arrive at the box plot including going over some coordinates more than once. Say once we have drawn the box and whisker plot, the sales data from which it is constructed is considered our reference or benchmark. We now ask the question, where would we position Region A which has sales of $60,000, Region

Table 2.29 Coordinates for a box and whisker plot. Point No.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Q0 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q1 Q1 Q3 Q3 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4

2 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 2

B which has sales of $90,000, Region C which has sales of $120,000, and Region D which has sales of $150,000? From the box and whisker plot of Figure 2.1 an amount of $60,000 is within the 1st quartile and not a great performance; $90,000 is within the 2nd quartile or within the box or the middle 50% of sales. Again the performance is not great. An amount of $120,000 is within the 3rd quartile and within the box or the middle 50% of sales and is a better performance. Finally, an amount of $150,000 is within the 4th quartile and a superior sales performance. As mentioned in Chapter 1, a box and whisker plot is another technique in exploratory data analysis (EDA) that covers methods to give an initial understanding of the characteristics of data being analysed.

Percentiles The percentiles divide data into 100 equal parts and thus give a more precise positioning of where information stands compared to the quartiles. For example, paediatricians will measure

Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

Table 2.30 Percentile (%) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Percentiles for sales revenues. Value ($) 35,378 45,116 47,894 52,675 55,437 56,896 58,975 60,072 61,204 63,199 64,130 65,707 66,861 68,809 69,499 70,397 71,320 72,189 73,394 74,396 75,694

Percentile Value (%) ($) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

76,589 77,620 78,318 78,589 79,976 81,197 81,848 82,384 83,337 84,404 85,206 85,865 86,723 87,160 87,680 88,682 89,556 89,778 90,654 91,833

Percentile (%) 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

the height and weight of small children and indicate how the child compares with others in the same age range using a percentile measurement. For example assume the paediatrician says that for your child’s height he is in the 10th percentile. This means that only 10% of all children in the same age range have a height less than your child, and 90% have a height greater than that of your child. This information can be used as an indicator of the growth pattern of the child. Another use of percentiles is in examination grading to determine in what percentile, a student’s grade falls.

Development of percentiles We can develop the percentiles using [function PERCENTILE] in Excel. When you call up this function you are asked to enter the dataset and the

Value ($) 92,717 93,858 95,101 96,075 96,595 97,533 98,040 99,137 99,830 100,296 100,972 101,492 102,407 102,987 103,958 103,985 104,764 105,407 106,238 106,839

Percentile Value (%) ($) 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

107,865 108,670 109,811 110,342 111,632 112,899 113,720 115,277 117,267 118,954 120,614 121,098 122,166 123,116 123,911 124,660 125,086 127,187 128,877 130,843

Percentile (%)

Value ($)

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

132,592 133,963 134,864 135,101 136,962 137,962 138,811 140,682 143,095 145,085 146,584 150,426 152,657 153,519 160,341 163,025 164,325 165,756 170,709 184,957

value of the kth percentile where k is to indicate the 1st, 2nd, 3rd percentile, etc. When you enter the value of k it has to be a decimal representation or a percentage of 100. For example the 15th percentile has to be written as 0.15 or 15%. As for the quartiles, you do not have to sort the data – Excel does this for you. Using the same sales revenue information that we used for the quartiles, Table 2.30 gives the percentiles for this information using the percentage to indicate the percentile. For example a percentile of 15% is the 15th percentile or a percentile of 23% is the 23rd percentile. Using this data we have developed Figure 2.2, which shows the percentiles as a histogram. Say once again as we did for the quartiles, we ask the question, where would we position Region A which has sales of $60,000, Region B which has sales of $90,000, Region C which has sales of $120,000, and Region D which has sales of


Statistics for Business $150,000? From either Table 2.30 or Figure 2.2 then we can say that for $60,000 this is at about the 7% percentile, which means that 93% of the sales are greater than this region and 7% are less – a poor performance. For $90,000 this is roughly the 39% percentile, which means that 61% of the sales are greater than this region and 39% are less – not a good performance. At the $120,000 level this is about the 71% percentile, which means that 29% of the sales are greater than this region and 71% are less – a reasonable performance. Finally $150,000 is at roughly the 92% percentile which signifies that only 8% of the sales are greater than this region and 92% are less – a good performance. By describing the data using percentiles rather than using quartiles

we have been able to be more precise as to where the region sales data are positioned.

Division of data We can divide up data by using the median – two equal parts, by using the quartiles – four equal parts, or using the percentiles – 100 equal parts. In this case the median value equals the 3rd quartile which also equals the 50th percentile. For the raw sales data given in Table 1.1 the median value is 100,296 (indicated at the end of paragraph median of this chapter), the value of the 2nd quartile, Q2, given in Table 2.28, is also 100,296 and the value of the 50th percentile, given in Table 2.30, is also 100,296.

Figure 2.2 Percentiles of sales revenues. 200,000 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000

Percentile (%)

95 10 0



















0 0

Sales revenues ($)


Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

Central tendency of data Central tendency is the clustering of data around a central or a middle value. If we know the central tendency this gives us a benchmark to situate a dataset and use this central value to compare one dataset with another. The most common measure of central tendency is the mean or average value, which is the sum of the data divided by the number of data points. The mean value can be distorted by extreme value or outliers. We also have the median, or that value that divides data into two halves. The median is not affected by extreme values but may be affected by the number of values. The mode is a measure of central tendency and is that value that occurs most often. The mode can be used for qualitative responses such as the colour that is preferred. There is the midrange, which is the average of the highest and lowest value in the dataset and this is very much dependent on extreme values. We might use the weighted average when certain values are more important than others. If data are changing over time, as for example interest rates each year, then we would use the geometric mean as the measure of central tendency.

Dispersion of data The dispersion is the way that data is spread out. If we know how data is dispersed, it gives us an indicator of its reliability for analytical purposes. Data that is highly dispersed is unreliable compared to data that is little dispersed. The range is an often used measure of dispersion but it is not a good property as it is affected by extreme values. The most meaningful measures of dispersion are the variance and the standard deviation, both of which take into consideration every value in the dataset. Mathematically the standard deviation is the square root of the variance and it is more commonly used than the variance since it has the same units of the dataset from which it is derived. The variance has squared units. For a given dataset, the standard deviation of the sample is always more than the standard deviation of the population since it uses the value of the sample size less one in its denominator whereas the population standard deviation uses in the denominator the number of data values. A simple way to compare the relative dispersion of datasets is to use the coefficient of variation, which is the ratio of the standard deviation to its mean value.

Quartiles The quartiles are those values that divide ordered data into four equal values. Although, there are really just three quartiles, Q1 – the first, Q2 – the second, and Q3 – the third, we also refer to Q0, which is the start value in the quartile framework and also the minimum value. We also have Q4, which is the last value in the dataset, or the maximum value. Thus there are five quartile boundary limits. The value of the 2nd quartile, Q2, is also the median value as it divides the data into two halves. By developing quartiles we can position information within the quartile framework and this is an indicator of its importance in the dataset. From the quartiles we can

Chapter Summary

This chapter has detailed the meaning and calculation of properties of statistical data, which we have classified by central tendency, dispersion, quartiles, and percentiles.



Statistics for Business

develop a box and whisker plot, which is a visual display of the quartiles. The middle box represents the middle half, or 50% of the data. The left-hand whisker represents the first 25% of the data, and the right-hand whisker represents the last 25%. The box and whisker plot is distorted to the right when the mean value is greater than the median and distorted to the left when the mean is less than the median. Analogous to the range, in quartiles, we have the inter-quartile range, which is the difference between the 3rd and 1st quartile values. Also, analogous to the midrange we have the mid-hinge which is the average of the 3rd and 1st quartile.

Percentiles Percentiles are those values that divide ordered data into 100 equal parts. Percentiles are useful in that by positioning where a value occurs in a percentile framework you can compare the importance of this value. For example, in the medical profession an infant’s height can be positioned on a standard percentile framework for children’s height of the same age group which can then be an estimation of the height range of this child when he/she reaches adulthood. The 50th percentile in a dataset is equal to the 2nd quartile both of which are equal to the median value.

Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 1. Billing rate Situation An engineering firm uses senior engineers, junior engineers, computing services, and assistants on its projects. The billing rate to the customer for these categories is given in the table below together with the hours used on a recent design project.


Senior engineers

Junior engineers

Computing services


85.00 23,000

45.00 37,000

35.00 19,000

22.00 9,500

Billing rate ($/hour) Project hours

Required 1. If this data was used for quoting on future projects, what would be the correct average billing rate used to price a project? 2. If the estimate for performing a future job were 110,000 hours, what would be the billing amount to the customer? 3. What would be the billing rate if the straight arithmetic average were used?

2. Delivery Situation A delivery company prices its services according to the weight of the packages in certain weight ranges. This information together with the number of packages delivered last year is given in the table below.

Weight category

Less than 1 kg

From 1 to 5 kg

From 5 to 10 kg

From 10 to 50 kg

Greater than 50 kg

Price ($/package) Number of packages

10.00 120,000

8.00 90,500

7.00 82,545

6.00 32,500

5.50 950

Required 1. What is the average price paid per package? 2. If next year it was estimated that 400,000 packages would be delivered, what would be an estimate of revenues?



Statistics for Business

3. Investment Situation Antoine has $1,000 to invest. He has been promised two options of investing his money if he leaves it invested over a period of 10 years with interest calculated annually. The interest rates for the following two options are in the tables below. Option 1 Year

Option 2 Interest rate (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6.00 7.50 8.20 7.50 4.90 3.70 4.50 6.70 9.10 7.50


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Interest rate (%) 8.50 3.90 9.20 3.20 4.50 7.30 4.70 3.20 6.50 9.70

Required 1. What is the average annual growth rate, geometric mean for Option 1? 2. What is the average annual growth rate, geometric mean for Option 2? 3. What would be the value of his investment at the end of 10 years if he invested in Option 1? 4. What would be the value of his investment at the end of 10 years if he invested in Option 2? 5. Which is the preferred investment? 6. What would need to be the interest rate in the 10th year for Option 2 in order that the value of his asset at the end of 10 years for Option 2 is the same as for Option 1?

4. Production Situation A custom-made small furniture company has produced the following units of furniture over the past 5 years. Year






Production (units)






Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

Required 1. What is the average percentage growth in this period? 2. If this average growth rate is maintained, what would be the production level in 2008?

5. Euro prices Situation The table below gives the prices in Euros for various items in the European Union.3

Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg The Netherlands Portugal Spain

Milk (1 l)

Renault Mégane

Big Mac

Stamp for postcard

Compact disc

Can of co*ke

0.86 0.84 0.71 1.11 0.56 1.04 0.83 1.34 0.72 0.79 0.52 0.69

15,650 13,100 21,700 15,700 17,300 16,875 17,459 14,770 12,450 16,895 20,780 14,200

2.50 2.95 2.90 3.00 2.65 2.11 2.54 2.50 3.10 2.60 2.24 2.49

0.51 0.47 0.60 0.48 0.51 0.59 0.38 0.41 0.52 0.54 0.54 0.45

19.95 21.99 21.99 22.71 17.99 15.99 21.57 14.98 17.50 22.00 16.93 16.80

0.50 0.47 1.18 0.40 0.35 0.51 0.70 0.77 0.37 0.45 0.44 0.33

Required 1. Determine the maximum, minimum, range, average, midrange, median, sample standard deviation, and the estimated coefficient of variation using the sample values for all of the items indicated. 2. What observations might you draw from these characteristics?

6. Students Situation A business school has recorded the following student enrolment over the last 5 years Year Students

1997 3,275

1998 3,500

1999 3,450

2000 3,600

2001 3,800

Required 1. What is the average percentage increase in this period? 2. If this rate of percentage increase is maintained, what would be the student population in 2005? 3

International Herald Tribune, 5/6 January 2002, p. 4.



Statistics for Business

7. Construction Situation A firm purchases certain components for its construction projects. The price of these components over the last 5 years has been as follows. Year Price ($/unit)

1996 105.50

1997 110.80

1998 115.45

1999 122.56

2000 125.75

Required 1. What is the average percentage price increase in this period? 2. If this rate of price increase is maintained, what would be the price in 2003?

8. Net worth Situation A small firm has shown the following changes in net worth over a 5-year period. Year Growth (%)

2000 6.25

2001 9.25

2002 8.75

2003 7.15

2004 8.90

Required 1. What is the average change in net worth over this period?

9. Trains Situation A sample of the number of late trains each week, on a privatized rail line in the United Kingdom, was recorded over a period as follows. 25 15 20 17 42

13 42 39 45 35

20 25 15 36 7

32 25 30 25 15

3 38 7 10 25

Required 1. From this information, what is the average number of trains late? 2. From this information, what is the median value of the number of trains late? 3. From this information, what is the mode value of the number of trains late? How many times does this modal value occur? 4. From this information, what is the range? 5. From this information, what is the midrange? 6. From this information, what is the sample variance? 7. From this information, what is the sample standard deviation? 8. From this sample information, what is an estimate of the coefficient of variation? 9. What can you say about the distribution of the data?

Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

10. Summer Olympics 2004 Situation The table below gives the final medal count for the Summer Olympics 2004 held in Athens, Greece.4 Country



Argentina Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Belarus Belgium Brazil Britain Bulgaria Cameroon Canada Chile China Columbia Croatia Cuba Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Republic Egypt Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica

2 17 2 1 1 2 1 4 9 2 1 3 2 32 0 1 9 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 11 2 14 6 0 8 0 1 2 1 1 10 2

0 16 4 0 0 6 0 3 9 1 0 6 0 17 0 2 7 3 0 0 1 0 1 3 2 9 2 16 6 1 6 1 1 2 0 0 11 1


Bronze Country 4 16 1 4 1 7 2 3 12 9 0 3 1 14 1 2 11 4 6 0 3 1 2 2 0 13 0 18 4 0 3 0 2 2 0 1 11 2

Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Latvia Lithuania Mexico Mongolia Morocco The Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria North Korea Norway Paraguay Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia-Montenegro Slovakia Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United States Uzbekistan Venezuela Zimbabwe

International Herald Tribune, 31 August 2004, p. 20.




16 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 4 3 0 0 5 0 3 0 8 27 0 2 0 1 9 3 4 1 0 2 3 0 3 9 1 35 2 0 1

9 4 4 4 2 3 0 1 9 2 0 4 0 1 2 2 5 27 2 2 1 3 12 11 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 5 0 39 1 0 1

12 3 2 0 0 1 1 0 9 0 2 1 1 0 5 1 6 38 0 2 3 2 9 5 2 3 1 1 4 1 4 9 0 29 2 2 1



Statistics for Business

Required 1. If the total number of medals won is the criterion for rating countries, which countries in order are in the first 10? 2. If the number of gold medals won is the criterion for rating countries, which countries in order are in the first 10? 3. If there are three points for a gold medal, two points for a silver medal, and one point for a bronze medal, which countries in order are in the first 10? Indicate the weighted average for these 10 countries. 4. What is the average medal count per country for those who competed in the Summer Olympics? 5. Develop a histogram for the percentage of gold medals by country for those who won a gold medal. Which three countries have the highest percentage of gold medals out of all the gold medals awarded?

11. Printing Situation A small printing firm has the following wage rates and production time in the final section of its printing operation.

Operation Wages ($/hour) Hours per 100 units




14.00 1.50

13.70 1.75

15.25 1.25

Required 1. For product costing purposes, what is the correct average rate per hour for 100 units for this part of the printing operation? 2. If we added in printing, where the wages are $25.00 hour and the production time is 45 minutes per 100 units, then what would be the new correct average wage rate for the operation?

12. Big Mac Situation The table below gives the price a Big Mac Hamburger in various countries converted to the $US.5 (This is the information presented in the Box Opener.) 5

See Note 1.

Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

Country Argentina Australia Brazil Britain Canada Chile China Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Euro zone Hong Kong Hungary Indonesia Japan Malaysia

Price ($US) 1.64 2.50 2.39 3.44 2.63 2.53 2.27 2.30 4.58 1.55 3.58 1.54 2.60 1.53 2.34 1.38

Country Mexico New Zealand Peru Philippines Poland Russia Singapore South Africa South Korea Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey United States Venezuela

Price ($US) 2.58 3.17 2.76 1.47 1.96 1.48 2.17 2.10 2.49 4.17 5.05 2.41 1.48 2.92 3.06 2.13

Required 1. Determine the following characteristics of this data: (a) Maximum (b) Minimum (c) Average value (d) Median (e) Range (f) Midrange (g) Mode and how many modal values are there? (h) Sample standard deviation (i) Coefficient of variation using the sample standard deviation 2. Illustrate the price of a Big Mac on a horizontal bar chart sorted according to price. 3. What are the boundary limits of the quartiles? 4. What is the inter-quartile range? 5. Where in the quartile distribution do the prices of the Big Mac occur in Indonesia, Singapore, Hungary, and Denmark? What initial conclusions could you draw from this information? 6. Draw a box and whisker plot for this data.

13. Purchasing expenditures – Part II Situation The complete daily purchasing expenditures for a large resort hotel for the last 200 days in Euros are given in the table below. The purchases include all food and non-food items,



Statistics for Business

and wine for the five restaurants in the complex, energy including water for the three swimming pools, laundry which is a purchased service, gasoline for the courtesy vehicles, gardening and landscaping services.

63,680 197,613 195,651 161,275 153,862 132,476 172,613 197,741 150,651 190,777 106,787 179,998 163,076 124,157 180,533 128,624 203,377 130,162 215,377 126,880

307,024 332,923 165,355 288,466 116,240 291,411 94,957 183,409 136,609 168,898 218,626 141,412 282,568 90,230 139,496 159,833 223,011 146,621 173,866 170,257

188,973 173,876 217,076 99,886 187,173 238,840 206,973 144,283 177,766 106,155 147,956 198,880 157,849 191,876 140,141 198,466 118,525 224,741 119,876 154,755

242,746 219,573 86,157 274,856 147,564 217,177 112,676 141,476 241,124 185,375 108,230 156,523 212,211 114,476 242,802 130,676 231,651 182,677 146,682 249,475

217,724 113,864 293,373 167,175 248,146 122,211 262,773 156,213 134,811 185,377 155,875 179,075 154,138 222,415 142,978 253,076 120,415 132,424 251,251 175,496

194,157 295,731 151,135 102,382 228,577 157,775 179,377 175,612 68,141 260,973 165,215 238,624 188,276 86,211 181,186 225,880 148,426 249,651 148,421 259,173

230,211 175,622 187,173 273,411 185,377 106,155 137,860 246,571 163,240 182,696 102,415 242,977 139,777 180,531 171,880 125,251 241,171 134,249 270,536 166,480

192,285 297,536 110,336 159,262 210,573 187,124 204,462 161,741 115,540 182,336 203,137 137,860 190,777 108,230 221,324 161,372 177,226 246,524 192,346 263,320

235,015 205,173 188,977 298,256 81,340 224,276 144,826 173,187 194,157 187,124 97,430 244,256 141,221 254,336 201,415 127,076 275,936 208,615 124,101 152,266

195,577 224,937 332,212 161,075 237,524 303,466 194,157 295,173 223,124 128,860 274,777 213,577 269,212 152,276 233,215 168,977 157,077 257,373 220,777 125,773

Required 1. Using the raw data determine the following data characteristics: (a) Maximum value (you may have done this in the exercise from the previous chapter) (b) Minimum value (you may have done this in the exercise from the previous chapter) (c) Range (d) Midrange (e) Average value (f) Median value (g) Mode and indicate the number of modal values (h) Sample variance (i) Standard deviation (assuming a sample) (j) Coefficient of variation on the basis of a sample 2. Determine the boundary limits for the quartile values for this data. 3. Construct a box and whisker plot. 4. What can you say about the distribution of this data? 5. Determine the percentile values for this data. Plot this information on a histogram with the x-axis being the percentile value, and the y-axis the dollar value of the retail sales. Verify that the median value, 2nd quartile, and the 50th quartile are the same.

Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

14. Swimming pool – Part II Situation A local community has a heated swimming pool, which is open to the public each year from May 17 until September 13. The community is considering building a restaurant facility in the swimming pool area but before a final decision is made, it wants to have assurance that the receipts from the attendance at the swimming pool will help finance the construction and operation of the restaurant. In order to give some justification to its decision the community noted the attendance for one particular year and this information is given below. 869 678 835 845 791 870 848 699 930 669 822 609

755 1,019 630 692 609 798 823 650 776 712 651 952

729 825 791 830 878 507 769 780 871 732 539 565

926 843 795 794 778 763 773 743 759 968 658 869

821 940 903 993 761 764 919 861 580 620 796 560

709 826 790 847 763 779 682 610 669 852 825 751

1,088 750 931 901 726 678 672 582 716 749 685 790

785 835 869 837 745 690 829 748 980 860 707 907

830 956 878 755 874 1,004 915 744 724 811 895 621

Required 1. From this information determine the following properties of the data: (a) The sample size (b) Maximum value (c) Minimum value (d) Range (e) Midrange (f) Average value (g) Median value (h) Modal value and how many times does this value occur? (i) Standard deviation if the data were considered a sample (which it is) (j) Standard deviation if the data were considered a population (k) Coefficient of variation (l) The quartile values (m) The inter-quartile range (n) The mid-hinge 2. Using the quartile values develop a box and whisker plot. 3. What are your observations about the box plot? 4. Determine the percentiles for this data and plot them on a histogram.

709 743 808 810 728 792 883 680 880 748 806 619



Statistics for Business

15. Buyout – Part II Situation Carrefour, France, is considering purchasing the total 50 retail stores belonging to Hardway, a grocery chain in the Greater London area of the United Kingdom. The profits from these 50 stores, for one particular month, in £’000s, are as follows. 8.1 9.3 10.5 11.1 11.6 10.3 12.5 10.3 13.7 13.7

11.8 11.5 7.6 10.2 15.1 12.9 9.3 11.1 6.7 11.2

8.7 10.7 10.1 11.1 12.5 9.2 10.4 9.6 11.5 7.3

10.6 11.6 8.9 9.9 6.5 10.7 12.7 9.7 8.4 5.3

9.5 7.8 8.6 9.8 7.5 12.8 10.5 14.5 10.3 12.5

Required 1. Using the raw data determine the following data characteristics: (a) Maximum value (this will have been done in the previous chapter) (b) Minimum value (this will have been done in the previous chapter) (c) Range (d) Midrange (e) Average value (f) Median value (g) Modal value and indicate the order of modality (single, bi, tri, etc.) (h) Standard deviation assuming the data was a sample (i) Standard deviation taking the data correctly as the population 2. Determine the quartile values for the data and use these to develop a box and whisker plot. 3. Determine the percentile values for the data and plot these on a histogram.

16. Case: Starting salaries Situation A United States manufacturing company in Chicago has several subsidiaries in the 27 countries of the European Union including Calabas, Spain; Watford, United Kingdom; Bonn, Germany and Louny, Czech Republic. It is planning to hire new engineers to work in these subsidiaries and needs to decide on the starting salary to offer these new hires. These new engineers will be hired from their country of origin to work in their home country. The human resource department of the parent firm in Chicago, who is not too

Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

familiar with the employment practices in Europe, has the option to purchase a database of annual starting salaries for engineers in the European Union from a consulting firm in Paris. This database, with values converted to Euros, is given in the table below. It was compiled from European engineers working in the automobile, aeronautic, chemicals, pharmaceutical, textiles, food, and oil refining sectors. At the present time, the Chicago firm is considering hiring Markus Schroeder, offering a starting salary of €36,700, Xavier Perez offering a salary of €30,500, Joan Smith a salary of €32,700 and Jitka Sikorova a starting salary of €28,900. All these starting salaries include all social benefits and mandatory employer charges which have to be paid for the employee.

Required Assume that you work with the human resource department in Chicago. Use the information from this current chapter, and also from Chapter 1 to present in detail the salary database prepared by the Paris consulting firm. Then in using your results, describe the characteristics of the four starting salaries that have been offered and give you comments. 34,756 25,700 33,400 33,800 31,634 34,786 33,928 27,956 37,198 26,752 32,884 24,342 29,514 35,072 26,154 34,878 33,654 40,202 24,246 34,614 30,076 26,422 28,466 39,782 28,662 34,250 29,052 25,146 27,624

30,196 40,750 35,450 27,662 24,370 33,936 32,932 26,016 31,056 28,478 25,974 36,302 35,566 27,400 29,706 31,860 25,892 27,252 35,214 31,630 31,902 31,648 27,616 28,378 27,522 25,212 33,884 27,834 28,718

29,164 33,012 31,658 33,208 35,136 33,586 30,774 25,802 34,852 29,264 21,566 32,184 27,556 35,838 33,850 31,216 34,902 28,870 33,102 31,024 35,114 33,078 33,994 29,328 29,200 35,678 35,202 38,990 36,828

37,022 33,726 35,044 31,752 33,858 30,530 30,914 29,722 30,370 37,898 26,310 34,788 39,886 29,858 28,668 31,668 33,294 36,414 29,274 29,242 32,348 33,640 35,368 36,144 31,992 24,912 38,824 34,944 26,528

32,842 37,594 36,104 39,724 30,456 30,568 36,750 34,454 30,828 32,724 31,836 32,098 31,468 24,062 31,870 37,490 31,712 29,586 29,454 30,924 41,184 34,240 33,804 33,010 30,564 35,648 33,376 23,394 29,168

28,356 33,038 27,894 33,866 30,538 31,178 27,280 35,964 26,776 34,082 35,898 30,044 33,302 28,606 25,572 42,072 32,312 28,906 34,126 35,032 28,972 25,632 27,050 28,592 30,762 36,622 36,488 30,276 31,612

43,504 30,004 37,224 36,032 29,052 24,652 26,886 23,282 28,650 29,948 27,396 31,610 37,980 28,012 26,576 29,242 27,546 35,434 29,412 37,334 34,588 24,528 34,070 32,782 25,860 36,884 31,982 37,124 28,822

31,380 33,388 34,754 34,132 29,796 27,580 33,152 29,908 33,958 34,410 28,292 36,282 38,174 34,442 28,758 28,086 31,472 34,332 31,588 26,660 27,312 31,188 36,012 36,774 35,620 29,488 34,902 26,756 29,296

31,030 28,366 38,224 29,728 33,122 32,310 30,180 32,380 34,978 29,110 40,160 33,926 36,580 35,324 29,772 27,200 28,974 35,204 32,456 29,928 35,784 32,220 24,842 24,742 35,644 37,370 35,018 31,638 32,580 24,114 25,054 33,248 34,020 32,704 33,564 34,268 30,766 31,052 36,616 25,342 30,404 31,478 30,006 34,650 36,410 31,840 39,144 36,902 25,192 41,490 29,060 38,692 33,068 34,518 32,142 30,388 28,374 29,990 (Continued)



Statistics for Business

30,914 34,652 29,696 22,044 36,518 27,134 32,470 33,396 33,060 29,732 39,302 39,956 31,332 24,190 32,568 28,176 31,116 31,496 27,500 36,524 33,346 38,754 22,856 28,352 34,646 25,132 30,780 33,250 29,572 26,838 32,596 34,238 34,766 22,830 37,378 29,610 30,698 27,782 38,164 31,974 27,216 28,758 32,102 27,662 31,498 30,880 33,090 36,176 25,518

34,812 34,286 33,552 34,022 29,638 32,334 28,128 27,358 25,426 29,744 25,424 33,386 35,136 37,292 27,990 27,664 30,834 33,730 33,882 30,512 33,426 32,214 29,514 26,626 29,832 30,618 32,894 36,836 30,944 34,214 25,810 27,012 31,824 33,332 33,426 29,252 32,620 29,062 30,698 31,932 31,428 30,968 41,046 29,844 39,300 30,040 27,826 27,392 33,618

37,508 26,474 28,900 37,750 28,976 27,928 28,584 33,832 31,616 30,544 28,924 38,184 35,186 33,146 32,378 31,840 30,254 31,714 40,496 33,882 31,722 31,220 28,000 36,052 33,784 23,684 26,608 32,390 33,000 33,470 36,426 34,812 29,126 33,486 30,336 36,378 28,642 27,266 31,002 33,348 33,268 33,402 31,504 30,178 26,742 25,360 31,052 37,216 36,218

30,446 35,394 30,384 27,146 31,146 31,150 33,120 38,088 31,876 31,854 32,072 35,326 32,964 32,972 22,508 26,800 30,690 34,046 32,218 34,350 29,566 32,604 35,398 31,134 36,346 33,918 30,890 29,626 34,314 31,070 33,452 30,624 34,594 31,544 29,462 33,632 35,738 30,916 34,276 27,468 29,196 36,310 26,562 33,942 40,572 36,004 31,774 24,314 31,148

35,390 36,636 32,274 34,570 38,434 31,858 36,764 35,074 35,838 30,884 29,204 34,468 31,962 30,260 32,644 33,252 23,930 29,756 30,110 39,062 31,000 23,588 31,934 34,064 33,692 35,336 33,530 38,642 31,148 32,100 31,704 30,418 31,088 32,932 32,180 28,574 34,744 29,868 30,846 33,736 29,868 37,372 33,400 32,794 36,102 28,592 32,562 24,410 26,620

38,916 34,596 22,320 29,514 27,468 31,544 35,450 29,114 29,376 23,768 34,906 37,616 34,070 31,178 27,158 32,622 31,202 38,372 36,168 24,674 30,522 29,648 27,104 32,186 41,182 26,862 34,210 29,406 35,300 28,982 34,938 34,730 39,328 29,596 35,530 26,076 34,828 29,746 29,952 27,100 35,784 35,490 28,768 27,536 32,950 29,334 32,112 36,304 31,178

33,842 36,196 28,934 31,042 39,570 27,254 32,854 26,380 36,654 31,520 32,434 35,588 41,396 26,772 31,868 35,966 32,166 35,666 31,654 33,384 33,942 32,470 34,994 29,724 29,374 35,756 31,072 27,086 24,016 27,632 30,704 33,134 27,676 28,628 36,288 33,118 29,520 35,976 27,972 31,120 31,938 35,254 32,270 27,354 20,376 26,960 26,386 29,568 31,490

25,442 32,412 35,738 30,672 28,502 27,716 31,848 31,256 30,398 30,336 23,710 37,312 28,170 39,376 33,050 29,264 30,396 31,344 28,880 27,472 32,490 38,824 25,006 36,968 36,574 31,754 36,742 27,902 27,878 28,432 35,736 30,692 34,518 35,662 32,148 28,660 23,676 32,204 35,484 30,492 33,570 23,456 27,726 29,754 35,892 25,978 37,556 33,214 28,338

28,088 31,272 36,010 33,482 31,762 41,482 33,474 37,080 36,030 27,442 31,964 32,484 35,352 31,860 29,624 31,546 33,698 35,976 27,502 21,954 35,134 30,820 31,186 32,558 26,868 28,090 32,982 36,370 38,818 31,854 34,682 32,142 30,296 27,524 27,738 35,970 32,424 30,992 31,812 39,210 27,300 29,628 32,422 31,814 29,254 27,216 28,554 31,284 26,770

28,234 31,822 39,038 34,774 38,600 27,082 26,842 29,622 34,196 29,796 33,328 29,522 31,300 37,080 32,368 26,292 29,704 33,036 29,082 27,934 29,644 34,294 35,164 34,596 37,596 28,236 41,776 30,522 33,910 32,852 36,700 34,450 35,742 35,074 30,110 35,806 32,538 35,100 32,620 28,310 37,214 29,966 30,504 29,426 36,222 32,292 23,048 37,264 31,498

Chapter 2: Characterizing and defining data

31,404 26,856 28,858 29,554 32,216 29,674 26,656 36,686 39,762 33,316 30,336 33,048 37,688 34,658 42,786 25,936 36,662 37,560 35,772 28,584 39,180 30,792

32,206 29,672 36,308 25,062 32,160 33,100 26,730 30,786 33,386 26,600 31,462 31,510 34,382 30,430 43,258 31,368 27,056 32,108 34,220 32,202 30,170 23,460

34,552 33,786 30,292 28,502 40,642 32,048 26,690 27,364 37,550 29,916 31,918 33,382 34,504 36,060 35,260 26,992 27,762 29,358 34,490 35,650 30,220 31,302

34,842 30,502 30,298 34,388 27,986 30,606 31,236 35,570 30,652 31,562 31,994 32,680 31,868 37,306 35,068 26,452 28,616 27,562 29,224 24,874 29,564 29,472

26,664 31,766 32,124 31,052 33,040 34,902 35,788 39,390 24,938 22,092 25,040 35,802 30,872 39,048 30,454 28,084 34,842 29,490 37,310 36,094 34,306 25,530

24,960 31,854 31,730 34,826 36,398 34,538 29,438 28,258 33,852 32,998 30,986 36,704 36,156 35,334 30,880 28,036 28,582 31,316 30,246 34,774 33,834 29,028

32,798 35,450 33,534 34,024 36,084 32,438 33,088 35,902 30,508 34,746 32,220 29,836 42,592 28,598 34,776 28,780 37,860 35,590 27,920 38,626 34,368 34,350

22,856 29,188 35,440 33,926 25,664 28,844 28,930 33,858 30,422 35,340 26,830 31,160 33,636 32,664 29,942 36,382 31,134 33,520 30,000 30,520 27,344 33,748

33,082 32,692 28,990 32,330 29,852 30,502 27,342 27,742 34,022 30,336 28,882 33,318 38,870 34,958 26,144 35,248 36,704 30,462 35,144 24,750 32,548 35,530

32,514 29,830 29,606 33,460 37,400 29,178 32,070 31,358 29,790 32,256 29,426 25,824 25,470 39,414 26,432 32,926 29,992 28,802 29,814 28,578 32,702 31,732


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Basic probability and counting rules

The wheel of fortune For many, gambling casinos are exciting establishments. The one-armbandits are colourful machines with flashing lights, which require no intelligence to operate. When there is a “win” coins drop noisily into aluminium receiving tray and blinking lights indicate to the world the amount that has been won. The gaming rooms for poker, or blackjack, and the roulette wheel have an air of mystery about them. The dealers and servers are beautiful people, smartly dressed, who say very little and give an aura of superiority. Throughout the casinos there are no clocks or windows so you do not see the time passing. Drinks are cheap, or maybe free, so having “a few” encourages you to take risk. The carpet patterns are busy so that you look at where the action is rather than looking at the floor. When you want to go to the toilet you have to pass by rows of slot machines and perhaps on the way you try your luck! Gambling used to be a by-word for racketeering. Now it has cleaned up its act and is more profitable than ever. Today the gambling industry is run by respectable corporations instead of by the Mob and it is confident of winning public acceptance. In 2004 in the United States, some 54.1 million people, or more than one-quarter of all American adults visited a casino, on average 6 times each. Poker is a particular growth area and some 18% of Americans played poker in 2004, which was a 50% increase over 2003. Together, the United States’ 445 commercial casinos, that means excluding those



Statistics for Business

owned by Indian tribes, had revenues in 2004 of nearly $29 billion. Further, it paid state gaming taxes of $4.74 billion or almost 10% more than in 2003. A survey of 201 elected officials and civic leaders, not including any from gambling dependent Nevada and New Jersey, found that 79% believed casinos had had a positive impact on their communities. Europe is no different. The company Partouche owns and operates very successful casinos in Belgium, France, Switzerland, Spain, Morocco, and Tunisia. And, let us not forget the famed casino in Monte Carlo. Just about all casinos are associated with hotels and restaurants and many others include resort settings and spas. Las Vegas immediately springs to mind. This makes the whole combination, gambling casinos, hotels, resorts, and spas a significant part of the service industry. This is where statistics plays a role.1,2

1 2

The gambling industry, The Economist, 24 September 2005., consulted 27 September 2005.

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

Learning objectives After you have studied this chapter you will understand basic probability rules, risk in system reliability, and counting rules. You will then be able to apply these concepts to practical situations. The following are the specific topics to be covered. ✔

✔ ✔

Basic probability rules • Probability • Risk • An event in probability • Subjective probability • Relative frequency probability • Classical probability • Addition rules in classical probability • Joint probability • Conditional probabilities under statistical dependence • Bayes’ Theorem • Venn diagram • Application of a Venn diagram and probability in services: Hospitality management • Application of probability rules in manufacturing: A bottling machine • Gambling, odds, and probability. System reliability and probability • Series or parallel arrangements • Series systems • Parallel or backup systems • Application of series and parallel systems: Assembly operation. Counting rules • A single type of event: Rule No. 1 • Different types of events: Rule No. 2 • Arrangement of different objects: Rule No. 3 • Permutations of objects: Rule No. 4 • Combinations of objects: Rule No. 5.

In statistical analysis the outcome of certain situations can be reliably estimated, as there are mathematical relationships and rules that govern choices available. This is useful in decisionmaking since we can use these relationships to make probability estimates of certain outcomes and at the same time reduce risk.

Basic Probability Rules A principal objective of statistics is inferential statistics, which is to infer or make logical decisions about situations or populations simply by taking and measuring the data from a sample. This sample is taken from a population, which is the entire group in which we are interested. We use the information from this sample to infer conclusions about the population. For example, we are interested to know how people will vote in a certain election. We sample the opinion of 5,500 of the electorate and we use this result to estimate the opinion of the population of 35 million. Since we are extending our sample results beyond the data that we have measured,

this means that there is no guarantee but only a probability of being correct or of making the right decision. The corollary to this is that there is a probability or risk of being incorrect.

Probability The concept of probability is the chance that something happens or will not happen. In statistics it is denoted by the capital letter P and is measured on an inclusive numerical scale of 0 to 1. If we are using percentages, then the scale is from 0% to 100%. If the probability is 0% then there is absolutely no chance that an outcome will occur. Under present law, if you live in the United States, but you were born in Austria, the probability of you becoming president is 0% – in 2006, the current governor of California! At the top end of the probability scale is 100%, which means that it is certain the outcome will occur. The probability is 100% that someday you will die – though hopefully at an age way above the statistical average! Between the two extremes of 0 and 1 something might occur or might not occur. The meteorological office may announce that there is a 30% chance of rain



Statistics for Business today, which also means that there is a 70% chance that it will not. The opposite of probability is deterministic where the outcome is certain on the assumption that the input data is reliable. For example if revenues are £10,000 and costs are £7,000 then it is sure that the gross profit is £3,000 (£10,000 £7,000). With probability something happens or it does not happen, that is the situation is binomial, or there are only two possible outcomes. However that does not mean that there is a 50/50 chance of being right or wrong or a 50/50 chance of winning. If you toss a fair-sided coin, one that has not been “fixed”, you have a 50% chance of obtaining heads or 50% chance of throwing tails. If you buy one ticket in a fund raising raffle then you will either win or lose. However, if there are 2,000 tickets that have been sold you have only a 1/2,000 or 0.05% chance of winning and a 1,999/2,000 or a 99.95% chance of losing!

Risk An extension of probability, often encountered is business situations, but also in our personal life, is risk. Here, when we extend probability to risk we are putting a value on the outcomes. In business we might invest in new technology and say that there is a 70% probability of increasing market share but this also might mean that there is a risk of losing $100 million. To insurance companies, the probability of an automobile driver aged between 18 and 25 years having an accident is considered greater than for people in higher age groups. Thus, to the insurance company young people present a high risk and so their premiums are higher than normal. If you drink and drive the probability of you having an accident is high. In this case you risk having an accident, or perhaps the risk of killing yourself. In this case the “value” on the outcome is more than monetary.

An event in probability In probability we talk about an event. An event is the result of an activity or experiment that

has been carried out. If you obtain heads on the tossing of a coin, then “obtaining heads” would be an event. If you draw the King of Hearts from a pack of cards, then “drawing the King of Hearts” would be an event. If you select a light bulb from a production lot and it is defective then the “selection of a defective light bulb” would be an event. If you obtain an A grade on an examination, then “obtaining an A grade” would be an event. If Susan wins a lottery, “Susan winning the lottery” would be an event. If Jim wins a slalom ski competition, “Jim winning the slalom” would be an event.

Subjective probability One type of probability is subjective probability, which is qualitative, sometimes emotional, and simply based on the belief or the “gut” feeling of the person making the judgment. For example, you ask Michael, a single 22-year-old student what is the probability of him getting married next year? His response is 0%. You ask his friend John, what he thinks is the probability of Michael getting married next year and his response is 50%. These are qualitative responses. There are no numbers involved, and this particular situation has never occurred before. (Michael has never been married.) Subjective probability may be a function of a person’s experience with a situation. For example, Salesperson A says that he is 80% certain of making a sale with a certain client, as he knows the client well. However, Salesperson B may give only a 50% probability level of making that sale. Both are basing their arguments on subjective probability. A manager who knows his employees well may be able to give a subjective probability of his department succeeding in a particular project. This probability might differ from that of an outsider assessing the probability of success. Very often, the subjective probability of people who are prepared to take risks, or risk takers, is higher than those persons who are risk averse, or afraid to take risks, since

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

Table 3.1

Composition of a pack of cards with no jokers.

Suit Hearts Clubs Spades Diamonds Total

Total Ace Ace Ace Ace 4

1 1 1 1 4

2 2 2 2 4

3 3 3 3 4

4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 4

6 6 6 6 4

the former are more optimistic or gung ho individuals.

Relative frequency probability A probability based on information or data collected from situations that have occurred previously is relative frequency probability. We have already seen this in Chapter 1, when we developed a relative frequency histogram for the sales data given in Figure 1.2. Here, if we assume that future conditions are similar to past events, then from this Figure 1.2 we could say that there is a 15% probability that future sales will lie in the range of £95,000 to £105,000. Relative frequency probabilities have use in many business situations. For example, data taken from a certain country indicate that in a sample of 3,000 married couples under study, one-third were divorced within 10 years of marriage. Again, on the assumption that future conditions will be similar to past conditions, we can say that in this country, the probability of being divorced before 10 years of marriage is 1/3 or 33.33%. This demographic information can then be extended to estimate needs of such things as legal services, new homes, and childcare. In collecting data for determining relative frequency probabilities, the reliability is higher if the conditions from which the data has been collected are stable and a large amount of data has been measured. Relative frequency probability is also called empirical probability as it is

7 7 7 7 4

8 8 8 8 4

9 9 9 9 4

10 10 10 10 4

Jack Jack Jack Jack 4

Queen Queen Queen Queen 4

King King King King 4

13 13 13 13 52

based on previous experimental work. Also, the data collected is sometimes referred to as historical data as the information after it has been collected is history.

Classical probability A probability measure that is also the basis for gambling or betting, and thus useful if you frequent casinos, is classical probability. Classical probability is also known as simple probability or marginal probability and is defined by the following ratio: Number of outcomes where the event occurs 3(i) Classical probability Total number of posssible outcomes In order for this expression to be valid, the probability of the outcomes, as defined by the numerator (upper part of the ratio) must be equally likely. For example, let us consider a full pack of 52 playing cards, which is composed of the individual cards according to Table 3.1. The total number of possible outcomes is 52, the number of cards in the pack. We know in advance that the probability of drawing an Ace of Spades, or in fact any one single card, is 1/52 or 1.92%. Similarly in the throwing of one die there are six possible outcomes, the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Thus, we know in advance that the probability of throwing a 5 or any other number is



Statistics for Business 1/6 or 16.67%. In the tossing of a coin there are only two possible outcomes, heads or tails. Thus the probability of obtaining heads or tails is 1⁄ 2 or 50%. These illustrations of classical probability are also referred to as a priori probability since we know the probability of an event in advance without the need to perform any experiments or trials.

If we do not replace the first card that is withdrawn, and this first card is neither the Ace of Spades, or the Queen of Hearts then the probability is given by the expression,

Addition rules in classical probability

That is, a slightly higher probability than in the case with replacement. If two events are non-mutually exclusive, this means that it is possible for both events to occur. If we consider for example, the probability of drawing either an Ace or a Spade from a deck of cards, then the event Ace and Spade can occur together since it is possible that the Ace of Spades could be drawn. Thus an Ace and a Spade are not mutually exclusive events. In this case, equation 3(ii) for mutually exclusive events must be adjusted to avoid double accounting, or to reduce the probability of drawing an Ace, or a Spade, by the chance we could draw both of them together, that is, the Ace of Spades. Thus, equation 3(ii) is adjusted to become the following addition rule for nonmutually exclusive events

In probability situations we might have a mutually exclusive event. A mutually exclusive event means that there is no connection between one event and another. They exhibit statistical independence. For example, obtaining heads on the tossing of a coin is mutually exclusive from obtaining tails since you can have either heads, or tails, but not both. Further, if you obtain heads on one toss of a coin this event will have no impact of the following event when you toss the coin again. In many chance situations, such as the tossing of coin, each time you make the experiment, everything resets itself back to zero. My Canadian cousins had three girls and they really wanted a boy. They tried again thinking after three girls there must be a higher probability of getting a boy. This time they had twins – two girls! The fact that they had three girls previously had no bearing on the gender of the baby on the 4th trial. When two events are mutually exclusive then the probability of A or B occurring can be expressed by the following addition rule for mutually exclusive events P(A, or B) P(A) P(B)


For example, in a pack of cards, the probability of drawing the Ace of Spades, AS, or the Queen of Hearts, QH, with replacement after the first draw, is by equation 3(ii). Replacement means that we draw a card, note its face value, and then put it back into the pack P(AS or QS )

1 1 1 3.85% 52 52 26

P( AS or QS )

1 1 52 51

0.0192 0.0196 3.88%

P(A, or B) P(A) P(B) P(AB) 3(iii) Here P(AB) is the probability of A and B happening together. Thus from equation 3(iii) the probability of drawing an Ace or a Spade is, P(Ace or Spade)

4 13 4 13 − * 52 52 52 52 16 17 1 30.77% − 52 52 52

Or we can look at it another way: P(Ace)

4 52

7.69% P(Spade)

13 52


Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

P(Ace of Spades)

1 1.92% 52

Table 3.2 Possible combinations for obtaining 7 on the throw of two dice.

P(Ace or a Spade) 7.69 25.00 1.92 30.77% to avoid double accounting.

1st die 2nd die Total throw

1 6 7

2 5 7

3 4 7

4 3 7

5 2 7

6 1 7

Joint probability The probability of two or more independent events occurring together or in succession is joint probability. This is calculated by the product of the individual marginal probabilities P(AB) P(A) * P(B)


Here P(AB) is the joint probability of events A and B occurring together or in succession. P(A) is the marginal probability of A occurring and P(B) is the marginal probability of B occurring. The joint probability is always less than the marginal probability since we are determining the probability of more than one event occurring together in our experiment. Consider for example again in gambling where we are using one pack of cards. The classical or marginal probability of drawing the Ace of Spades from a pack is 1/52 or 1.92%. The probability of drawing the Ace of Spades both times in two successive draws with replacement is as follows: 1 1 1 * 0.037% 52 52 2,704 Here the value of 0.037% for drawing the Ace of Spades twice in two draws is much less than the marginal productivity of 1.92% of drawing the Ace of Spades once in a single drawing. Assume in another gambling game, two dice are thrown together, and the total number obtained is counted. In order for the total count to be 7, the various combinations that must come up together on the dice are as given in Table 3.2. From classical probability we know that the chance of throwing a 1 and a 6 together, the

combination in the 1st column, is from joint probability 1 1 1 * 2.78% 6 6 36 The chance of throwing a 2 and a 5 together, the combination in the 2nd column, is from joint probability 1 1 1 * 2.78% 6 6 36 Similarly, the joint probability for throwing a 3 and 4 together, a 4 and 3, a 5 and 2, and a 6 and 1 together is always 2.78%. Thus, the probability that all 6 can occur is determined as follows from the addition rule 2.78% 2.78% 2.78% 2.78% 2.78% 2.78% 16.67% This is the same result using the criteria of classical or marginal probability of equation 3(i), Number of outcomes where the event occurs Tottal number of possible outcomes Here, the number of possible outcomes where the number 7 occurs is six. The total number of possible outcomes are 36 by the joint probability of 6 * 6. Thus, the probability of obtaining a 7 on the throw of two dice is 6/36 16.67% In order to obtain the number 5, the combinations that must come up together are according to Table 3.3.



Statistics for Business

Table 3.3 Possible combinations for obtaining 5 on the throw of two dice.

1st die 2nd die Total throw

1 4 5

2 3 5

3 2 5

Figure 3.1 Joint probability.

4 1 5

The probability that all four can occur is then from the addition rule,

Probability of obtaining the same three fruits on a one-arm-bandit where there are 10 different fruits on each of the three wheels. P (ABC) P (A ) * P (B ) * P (C )

Probability 0.10 * 0.10 * 0.10 0.0010 0.10%

2.78% 2.78% 2.78% 2.78% 11.12% (actually 11.11% if we round at the end of the calculation) Again from marginal probabilities this is 4/36 11.11%. Thus again this is a priori probability since in the throwing of two dice, we know in advance that the probability of obtaining a 5 is 4/36 or 11.11% (see also the following section counting rules). In gambling with slot machines or a onearm-bandit, often the winning situation is obtaining three identical objects on the pull of a lever according to Figure 3.1, where we show three apples. The probability of winning is joint probability and is given by, P(A1 A2 A3) P(A1) * P(A2) * P(A3) 3(v) If there are six different objects on each wheel, but each wheel has the same objects, then the marginal probability of obtaining one object is 1/6 16.67%. Then the joint probability of obtaining all three objects together is thus, 0.1667 * 0.1667 * 0.1667 0.0046 0.46% If there are 10 objects on each wheel then the marginal probability for each wheel is 1/10 0.10. In this case the joint probability is 0.10 * 0.10 * 0.10 0.001 0.10% as shown in the Figure 3.1.

This low value explains why in the long run, most gamblers lose!

Conditional probabilities under statistical dependence The concept of statistical dependence implies that the probability of a certain event is dependent on the occurrence of another event. Consider the lot of 10 cubes given in Figure 3.2. There are four different formats. One cube is dark green and dotted; two cubes are light green and striped; three cubes are dark green and striped; and four cubes are light green and dotted. As there are 10 cubes, there are 10 possible events and the probability of selecting any one cube at random from the lot is 10%. The possible outcomes are shown in Table 3.4 according to the configuration of each cube. Alternatively, this information can be presented in a two by two cross-classification or contingency table as in Table 3.5. This shows that we have one cube that is dark green and dotted, three cubes that are dark green and striped, four cubes that are light green and dotted, and two cubes that are light green and striped. These formats are also shown in Figure 3.3. Assume that we select a cube at random from the lot. Random means that each cube has an equally chance of being chosen.

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

Figure 3.2 Probabilities under statistical dependence. 10 cubes of the following format

Table 3.4 Possible outcomes of selecting a coloured cube. Event 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Probability (%) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10



Dark green Dark green Dark green Dark green Light green Light green Light green Light green Light green Light green

Dotted Striped Striped Striped Striped Striped Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted

Figure 3.3 Probabilities under statistical dependence. Light green and dotted Dark green and striped Light green and striped Dark green and dotted


Table 3.5 Cross-classification table for coloured cubes.

Dotted Striped Total




Probability of occurrence with the total 100%

Dark green

Light green


1 3 4

4 2 6

5 5 10

The probability of the cube being light green is 6/10 or 60%. The probability of the cube being dark green is 4/10 or 40%. The probability of the cube being striped is 5/10 or 50%.



Statistics for Business

The probability of the cube being dotted is 5/10 or 50%. The probability of the cube being dark green and striped is 3/10 or 30%. The probability of the cube being light green and striped is 2/10 or 20%. The probability of the cube being dark green and dotted is 1/10 or 10% The probability of the cube being light green and dotted is 4/10 or 40%.

Now, if we select a light green cube from the lot, what is the probability of it being dotted? The condition is that we have selected a light green cube. There are six light green cubes and of these, four are dotted, and so the probability is 4/6 or 66.67%. If we select a striped cube from the lot what is the probability of it being light green? The condition is that we have selected a striped cube. There are five striped cubes and of these two are light green, thus the probability is 2/5 or 40%. This conditional probability under statistical dependence can be written by the relationship, P(B | A)

P(BA) P(A)


This is interpreted as saying that the probability of B occurring, on the condition that A has occurred, is equal to the joint probability of B and A happening together, or in succession, divided by the marginal probability of A. Using the relationship from equation 3(vi) and referring to Table 3.5, P(striped, given P(striped and light green) light green) P(light green)

2/10 1 13..33% 6/10 3

P(dotted, given P(dotted and light green) light green) P(light green)

4/10 2 33.33% 6/10 3

P(light green, P(light green and striped) given striped) P(striped) 2/10 2 40.00% 5/10 5

P(dark green and dotted) P(dark green, given dotted) P(dotted)

1/10 1 20.00% 5/10 5

The relationship, P(striped, given light green) P(dotted, given light green) 4 2 1.00 6 6 The relationship, P(striped, given dark green) P(dotted, given dark green) 3 1 1.00 4 4

Bayes’ Theorem The relationship given in equation 3(vi) for conditional probability under statistical dependence is attributed to the Englishman, The Reverend Thomas Bayes (1702–1761) and is also referred to as Bayesian decision-making. It illustrates that if you have additional information, or based on the fact that something has occurred, certain probabilities may be revised to give posterior probabilities (post meaning afterwards). Consider that you are a supporter of Newcastle United Football team. Based on last year’s performance you believe that there is a high probability they have a chance of moving to the top of the league this year. However, as the current season moves on Newcastle loses many of the games even on their home turf. In addition, two of their

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules best players have to withdraw because of injuries. Thus, based on these new events, the probability of Newcastle United moving to the top of the league has to be revised downwards. Take into account another situation where insurance companies have actuary tables for the life expectancy of individuals. Assume that your 18-year-old son is considered for a life insurance. His life expectancy is in the high 70s. However, as time moves on, your son starts smoking heavily. With this new information, your son’s life expectancy drops as the risk of contracting life-threatening diseases such as lung cancer increases. Thus, based on this posterior information, the probabilities are again revised downwards. Thus, if Bayes’ rule is correctly used it implies that it maybe unnecessary to collect vast amounts of data over time in order to make the best decisions based on probabilities. Or, another way of looking at Bayes’ posterior rule is applying it to the often-used phrase of Hamlet, “he who hesitates is lost”. The phrase implies that we should quickly make a decision based on the information we have at hand – buy stock in Company A, purchase the house you visited, or take the high-paying job you were offered in Algiers, Algeria.3 However, if we wait until new information comes along – Company A’s financial accounts turns out are inflated, the house you thought about buying turns out is on the path of the construction of a new auto route, or new elections in Algeria make the political situation in the country unstable with a security risk for the population. In these cases, procrastination may be the best approach and, “he who hesitates comes out ahead”.

Venn diagram A Venn diagram, named after John Venn an English mathematician (1834–1923), is a useful


Based on a real situation for the Author in the 1980s.

way to visually demonstrate the concept of mutually exclusive and non-mutually exclusive events. A surface area such as a circle or rectangle represents an entire sample space, and a particular outcome of an event is represented by part of this surface. If two events, A and B, are mutually exclusive, their areas will not overlap as shown in Figure 3.4. This is a visual representation for a pack of cards using a rectangle for the surface. Here the number of boxes is 52, which is entire sample space, or 100%. Each card occupies 1 box and when we are considering two cards, the sum of occupied areas is 2 boxes or 2/52 3.85%. If two events, are not mutually exclusive their areas would overlap as shown in Figure 3.5. Here again the number of boxes is 52, which is the entire sample space. Each of the cards, 13 Spades and 4 Aces would normally occupy 1 box or a total of 17 boxes. However, one card is common to both events and so the sum of occupied areas is 17 1 boxes or 16/52 30.77%.

Application of a Venn diagram and probability in services: Hospitality management A business school has in its curriculum a hospitality management programme. This programme covers hotel management, the food industry, tourism, casino operation, and health spa management. The programme includes a specialization in hotel management and tourist management and for these programmes the students spend an additional year of enrolment. In one particular year there are 80 students enrolled in the programme. Of these 80 students, 15 elect to specialize in tourist management, 28 in hotel management, and 5 specializing in both tourist and hotel management. This information is representative of the general profile of the hospitality management programme.



Statistics for Business

Figure 3.4 Venn diagram: mutually exclusive events.

1st Card

2nd Card

Number of boxes 52 which is entire sample space 100% Each card occupies 1 box Sum of occupied areas 2 boxes or 2/52 3.85%

Figure 3.5 Venn diagram: non-mutually exclusive events.

Ace H

Ace S











Ace D

Ace C Number of boxes 52 which is entire sample space Each card would normally occupy 1 box 17 boxes However, one card is common to both events Sum of occupied areas 17 1 boxes or 16/52 30.77%



Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

Figure 3.6 Venn diagram for a hospitality management programme.

Hotel management 23

Tourist management 5



1. Illustrate this situation on a Venn diagram The Venn diagram is shown in Figure 3.6. There are (23 5) in hotel management shown in the circle (actually an ellipse) on the left. There are (10 5) in tourist management in the circle on the right. The two circles overlap indicating the 5 students who are specializing in both hotel and tourist management. The rectangle is the total sample space of 80 students, which leaves (80 23 5 10) 42 students as indicated not specializing. 2. What is the probability that a random selected student is in tourist management? From the Venn diagram this is the total in tourist management divided by total sample space of 80 students or, P(T)

5 10 18.75% 80

3. What is the probability that a random selected student is in hotel management? From the Venn diagram this is the total in hotel management divided by total sample space of 80 students or, P(H)

23 5 35.00% 80

4. What is the probability that a random selected student is in hotel or tourist management? From the Venn diagram this is, P(H or T)

23 5 10 47.50% 80

This can also be expressed by the counting rule equation 3(iii): P(H or T) P(H) P(T) P(HT) 28 15 5 47.5 50% 80 80 80 5. What is the probability that a random selected student is in hotel and tourist management? From the Venn diagram this is P(both H and T) 5/80 6.25% 6. Given a student is specializing in hotel management, what is the probability that a random selected student is also specializing in tourist management? This is expressed as P(T|H), and from the Venn diagram this is 5/28 17.86%. From equation 3(vi), this is also written as, P(T|H)

P(TH) 5/80 5 17.86% P(H) 28/80 28



Statistics for Business 7. Given a student is specializing in tourist management, what is the probability that a random selected student is also specializing in hotel management? This is expressed as P(H|T), and from the Venn diagram this is 5/15 33.33%. From equation 3(vi), this is also written as, P(H|T)

P(HT) 5/80 5 33.33% P(T) 15/80 15

Application of probability rules in manufacturing: A bottling machine On an automatic combined beer bottling and capping machine, two major problems that occur are overfilling and caps not fitting correctly on the bottle top. From past data it is known that 2% of the bottles are overfilled. Further past data shows that if a bottle is overfilled then 25% of the bottles are faulty capped as the pressure differential between the bottle and the capping machine is too low. Even if a bottle is filled correctly, then still 1% of the bottles are not properly capped. 1. What are the four simple events in this situation? The four simple events are: ● An overfilled bottle ● A normally filled bottle ● An incorrectly capped bottle ● A correctly capped bottle. 2. What are joint events for this situation? There are four joint events: ● An overfilled bottle and correctly capped ● An overfilled bottle and incorrectly capped ● A normally filled bottle and correctly capped ● A normally filled bottle and incorrectly capped. 3. What is the percentage of bottles that will be faulty capped and thus have to be rejected before final packing?

Here there are two conditions where a bottle is rejected before packing. A bottle overfilled and faulty capped. A bottle normally filled but faulty capped. ● Joint probability of a bottle being overfilled and faulty capped is 0.02 * 0.25 0.0050 0.5% ● Joint probability of a bottle filled normally and faulty capped is (1 0.02) * 0.01 0.0098 0.98% ● By the addition rule, a bottle is faulty capped if it is overfilled and faulty capped or normally filled and faulty capped 0.0050 0.0098 0.0148 1.48% of the time. 4. If the analysis were made looking at a sample of 10,000 bottles, how would this information appear in a cross-classification table? The cross-classification table is shown in Table 3.6. This is developed as follows. ● Sample size is 10,000 bottles ● There are 2% bottles overfilled or 10,000 * 2% 200 ● There are 98% of bottles filled correctly or 10,000 * 98% 9,800 ● Of the bottles overfilled, 25% are faulty capped or 200 * 25% 50 ● Thus bottles overfilled but correctly capped is 200 50 150 ● Bottles filled correctly but 1% are faulty capped or 9,800 * 1% 98 ● Thus filled correctly and correctly capped is 9,800 98 9,702 ● Thus, bottles correctly capped is 9,702 150 9,852 ● Thus, all bottles incorrectly capped is 10,000 9,852 148 1.48%.

Gambling, odds, and probability Up to this point in the chapter you might argue that much of the previous analysis is related to gambling and then you might say, “but the business

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

Table 3.6 Cross-classification table for bottling machine. Volume

Right amount Overfilled Total


System Reliability and Probability


Number that fit

Number that does not fit




150 9,852

50 148

200 10,000

world is not just gambling”. That is true but do not put gambling aside. Our capitalistic society is based on risk, and as a corollary, gambling, as is indicated by the Box Opener. We are confronted daily with gambling through government organized lotteries, buying and selling stock, and gambling casinos. This service-related activity represents a non-negligible part of our economy! In risk, gambling, or betting we refer to the odds of wining. Although the odds are related to probability they are a way of looking at risk. The probability is the number of favourable outcomes divided by the total number of possible outcomes. The odds of winning are the ratio of the chances of losing to the chances of winning. Earlier we illustrated that the probability of obtaining the number 7 in the tossing of two dice was 6 out of 36 throws, or 1 out of 6. Thus the probability of not obtaining the number 7 is 30 out of 36 throws or 5 out of 6. Thus the odds of obtaining the number 7 are 5 to 1. This can be expressed mathematically as, 5/6 5 1/6 1 The odds of drawing the Ace of Spades from a full pack of cards are 51 to 1. Although the odds depend on probability, it is the odds that matter when you are placing a bet or taking a risk!

Probability concepts as we have just discussed can be used to evaluate system reliability. A system includes all the interacting components or activities needed for arriving at an end result or product. In the system the reliability is the confidence that we have in a product, process, service, work team, or individual, such that we can operate under prescribed conditions without failure, or stopping, in order to produce the required output. In the supply chain of a firm for example, reliability might be applied to whether the trucks delivering raw materials arrive on time, whether the suppliers produce quality components, whether the operators turn up for work, or whether the packing machines operate without breaking down. Generally, the more components or activities in a product or a process, then the more complex is the system and in this case the greater is the risk of failure, or unreliability.

Series or parallel arrangement A product or a process might be organized in a series arrangement or parallel arrangement as illustrated schematically in Figure 3.7. This is a general structure, which contains n components in the case of a product, or n activities for processes. The value n can take on any integer value. The upper scheme shows a purely series arrangement and the lower a parallel arrangement. Alternatively a system may be a combination of both series and parallel arrangements.

Series systems In the series arrangement, shown in the upper diagram of Figure 3.7, it means that for a system to operate we have to pass in sequence through Component 1, Component 2, Component 3, and eventually to Component n.



Statistics for Business

Figure 3.7 Reliability: Series and parallel systems. System connected in series X

Component 1

Component 2

Component 3

Component n


System connected in parallel (backup) Component 1


Component 2


Component 3

Component n

For example, when an electric heater is operating the electrical current comes from the main power supply (Component 1), through a cable (Component 2), to a resistor (Component 3), from which heat is generated. The reliability of a series system, RS, is the joint probability of the number of interacting components, n, according to the following relationship: RS R1 * R2 * R3 * R4 * … Rn


Here R1, R2, R3, etc. represent the reliability of the individual components expressed as a fraction or percentage. The relationship in equation 3(vii) assumes that each component is independent of the other and that the reliability of one does not depend on the reliability of the other. In the electric heater example, the main power supply, the electric cable, and the resistor are all independent of each other. However, the complete electric heating system does depend on all the

components functioning, or in the system they are interdependent. If one component fails, then the system fails. For the electric heater, if the power supply fails, or the cable is cut, or the resistor is broken then the heater will not function. The reliability, or the value of R, will be 100% (nothing is perfect) and may have a value of say 99%. This means that a component will perform as specified 99% of the time, or it will fail 1% of the time (100 99). This is a binomial relationship since the component either works or it does not. Binomial means there are only two possible outcomes such as yes or no, true of false. Consider the system between point X and Y in the series scheme of Figure 3.7 with three components. Assume that component R1 has a reliability of 99%, R2 a reliability of 98%, and R3 a reliability of 97%. The system reliability is then: RS R1 * R2 * R3 0.99 * 0.98 * 0.97 0.9411 94.11%

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

Table 3.7

System reliability for a series arrangement.

Number of components System reliability (%)

















In a situation where the components have the same reliability then the system reliability is given by the following general equation, where n is the number of components

RS Probability of R1 working Probability of R2 working * Probability of needing R2

RS R n

The probability of needing R2 is when R1 is not working or (1 R1). Thus,


Note that as already mentioned for joint probability, the system reliability RS is always less than the reliability of the individual components. Further, the reliability of the system, in a series arrangement of multiple components, decreases rapidly with the number of components. For example assume that we have a system where the average reliability of each component is 98%, then as shown in Table 3.7 the system reliability drops from 94.12% for three components to 1.76% for 200 components. Further, to give a more complete picture, Figure 3.8 gives a family of curves showing the system reliability, for various values of the individual component reliability from 100% to 95%. These curves illustrate the rapid decline in the system reliability as the number of components increases.

Parallel or backup systems The parallel arrangement is illustrated in the lower diagram of Figure 3.6. This illustrates that in order for equipment to operate we can pass through Component 1, Component 2, Component 3, or eventually Component n. Assume that we have two components in a parallel system, R1 the main component and R2 the backup or auxiliary component. The reliability of a parallel system, RS, is then given by the relationship,

RS R1 R2(1 R1)


Reorganizing equation 3(ix) RS R1 R2 R2 * R1 RS 1 R1 R2 R2 * R1 1 RS 1 (1 R1 R2 R2 * R1) RS 1 (1 R1)(1 R2)


If there are n components in a parallel arrangement then the system reliability becomes RS 1 (1 R1)(1 R2)(1 R3) (1 R4) … (1 Rn) 3(xi) where R1, R2, …, Rn represent the reliability of the individual components. The equation can be interpreted as saying that the more the number of backup units, then the greater is the system reliability. However, this increase of reliability comes at an increased cost since we are adding backup which may not be used for any length of time. When the backup components of quantity, n, have an equal reliability, then the system reliability is given by the relationship, RS 1 (1 R)n


Consider the three component system in the lower scheme of Figure 3.7 between point X and Y with the principal component R1 having a


Statistics for Business

Figure 3.8 System reliability in series according to number of components, n. 100.0 n1




80.0 n 10

70.0 System reliability (%)


60.0 n 25

50.0 40.0 n 50

30.0 n 100

20.0 10.0 0.0 100.0

n 200











Individual component reliability (same for each component) (%)

reliability of 99%, R2 the first backup component having a reliability of 98%, and R3 the second backup component having a reliability of 97% (the same values as used in the series arrangement). The system reliability is then from equation 3(xi), RS 1 (1 R1)(1 R2)(1 R3) RS 1 (1 0.99)(1 0.98)(1 0.97) RS 1 0.000006 0.999994 99.994% That is, a system reliability greater than with using a single generator. If we only had the first backup unit, R2 then the system reliability is, RS 1 (1 R1)(1 R2) RS 1 (1 0.99)(1 0.98)

RS 1 0.01 * 0.02 RS 1 0.0002 0.9998 99.98% Again, this is a reliability greater than the reliability of the individual components. Since the components are in parallel they are called backup units. The more the number of backup units, then the greater is the system reliability as illustrated in Figure 3.9. Here the curves give the reliability with no backups (n 1) to three backup components (n 4). Of course, ideally, we would always want close to 100% reliability, however, with greater reliability, the greater is the cost. Hospitals have back up energy systems in case of failure of the principal power supply. Most banks and other firms have backup computer systems containing client data should one system

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

Figure 3.9 System reliability of a parallel or backup system according to number of components, n. 100.0


n3 90.0

System reliability (%)



70.0 n1




30.0 100.0


80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 Reliability of component (same for each) (%)

fail. The IKEA distribution platform in Southeastern France has a backup computer in case its main computer malfunctions. Without such a system, IKEA would be unable to organize delivery of its products to its retail stores in France, Spain, and Portugal.4 Aeroplanes have backup units in their design such that in the eventual failure of one component or subsystem there is recourse to a backup. For example a Boeing 747 can fly on one engine, although at a much reduced efficiency. To a certain extent the human body has a backup system as it can function with only one lung though again at a reduced efficiency. In August 2004, my wife 4

After a visit to the IKEA distribution platform in St. Quentin Falavvier, Near Lyon, France, 18 November 2005.



and I were in a motor home in St. Petersburg Florida when hurricane Charlie was about to land. We were told of four possible escape routes to get out of the path. The emergency services had designated several backup exit routes – thankfully! When backup systems are in place this implies redundancy since the backup units are not normally operational. The following is an application example of mixed series and parallel systems.

Application of series and parallel systems: Assembly operation In an assembly operation of a certain product there are four components A, B, C, and D that have an individual reliability of 98%, 95%, 90%, and 85%, respectively. The possible ways



Statistics for Business

Figure 3.10 Assembly operation: Arrangement No. 1.

Figure 3.12 Assembly operation: Arrangement No. 3.










98% B 95%

Figure 3.11 Assembly operation: Arrangement No. 2.

C 90%







D 85%

Figure 3.13 Assembly operation: Arrangement No. 4.

A 98%





of assembly the four components are given in Figures 3.10–3.13. Determine the system reliability of the four arrangements.

Arrangement No. 1 Here this is completely a series arrangement and the system reliability is given by the joint probability of the individual reliabilities: ●

Reliability is 0.98 * 0.95 * 0.90 * 0.85 0.7122 71.22%. Probability of system failure is (1 0.7122) 0.2878 28.78%.





joint probability of the individual reliabilities in the top row, in parallel with the reliability in the second row. ●

Arrangement No. 2

Here this is a series arrangement in the top row in parallel with an assembly in the bottom row. The system reliability is calculated by first the

Reliability of top row is 0.95 * 0.90 * 0.85 0.7268 72.68%. Reliability of system is 1 (1 0.7268)*(1 0.9800) 0.9945 99.45%. Probability of system failure is (1 0.9945) 0.0055 0.55%.

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

Table 3.8

Possible outcomes of the tossing of a coin 8 times.

Outcome First toss Second toss Third toss









Heads Heads Heads

Heads Heads Tails

Heads Tails Heads

Tails Heads Heads

Tails Tails Tails

Tails Tails Heads

Tails Heads Tails

Heads Tails Tails

Arrangement No. 3 Here we have four units in parallel and thus the system reliability is, ●

1 (1 0.9800) * (1 0.9500) * (1 0.900) * (1 0.8500) 0.999985 99.9985%. Probability of system failure is (1 0.999985) 0.000015 0.0015%.

Arrangement No. 4 Here we have two units each in series and then the combination in parallel. ●

Joint reliability of top row is 0.98 * 0.95 0.9310 93.10%. Joint reliability of bottom row is 0.90 * 0.85 0.7650 76.50%. Reliability of system is 1 (1 0.9310) * (1 0.7650) 0.9983 98.38%. Probability of system failure is (1 0.9838) 0.0162 1.62%.

In summary, when systems are connected in parallel, the reliability is the highest and the probability of system failure is the lowest.

Counting Rules Counting rules are the mathematical relationships that describe the possible outcomes, or results, of various types of experiments, or trials. The counting rules are in a way a priori since you have the required information before

you perform the analysis. However, there is no probability involved. The usefulness of counting rules is that they can give you a precise answer to many basic design or analytical situations. The following gives five different counting rules.

A single type of event: Rule No. 1 If the number of events is k, and the number of trials, or experiments is n, then the total possible outcomes of single types events are given by kn. Suppose for example that a coin is tossed 3 times. Then the number of trials, n, is 3 and the number of events, k, is 2 since only heads or tails are the two possible events. The events, obtaining heads or tails are mutually exclusive since you can only have heads or tails in one throw of a coin. The collectively exhaustive outcome is 23, or 8. In Excel we use [function POWER] to calculate the result. Table 3.8 gives the possible outcomes of the coin toss experiment. For example as shown for throw No. 1 in the three tosses of the coin, heads could be obtained each time. Alternatively as shown for throw No. 6 the first two tosses could be tails, and then the third heads. In tossing a coin just 3 times it is impossible to say what will be the possible outcomes. However, if there are many tosses say a 1,000 times, we can reasonably estimate that we will obtain approximately 500 heads and 500 tails. That is, the larger the number of trials, or experiments, the closer the result will be to the characteristic probability. In this case the characteristic probability, P(x) is 50% since there is



Statistics for Business

Table 3.9

Possible outcomes of the tossing of two dice.

Throw No.


1st die 2nd die Total of both dice Throw No. 1st die 2nd die Total of both dice Throw No. 1st die 2nd die Total of both dice












1 1 2

2 1 3

3 1 4

4 1 5

5 1 6

6 1 7

1 2 3

2 2 4

3 2 5

4 2 6

5 2 7

6 2 8













1 3 4

2 3 5

3 3 5

4 3 7

5 3 8

6 3 9

1 4 5

2 4 6

3 4 7

4 4 8

5 4 9

6 4 10













1 5 6

2 5 7

3 5 8

4 5 9

5 5 10

6 5 11

1 6 7

2 6 8

3 6 9

4 6 10

5 6 11

6 6 12

an equal chance of obtaining either heads or tails. Thus the outcome is n * P(x) or 1,000 * 50% 500. This idea is further elaborated in the law of averages in Chapter 4.

Different types of events: Rule No. 2 If there are k1 possible events on the 1st trial or experiment, k2 possible events on the 2nd trial, k3 possible events on the 3rd trial, and kn possible events on the nth trial, then the total possible outcomes of different events are calculated by the following relationship: k1 * k2 * k3 … kn


Suppose in gambling, two dice are used. The possible events from throwing the first die are six since we could obtain the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Similarly, the possible events from throwing the second die are also six. Then the total possible different outcomes are 6 * 6 or 36. Table 3.9 gives the 36 possible combinations. The relative frequency histogram of all the possible outcomes is shown in Figure 3.14.

Note, that the number 7 has the highest possibility of occurring at 6 times or a probability of 16.67% (6/36). This is the same value we found in the previous section on joint probabilities. Consider another example to determine the total different licence plate registrations that a country or community can possibly issue. Assume that the format for a licence plate is 212TPV. (This was the licence plate number of my first car, an Austin A40, in England, that I owned as a student in the 1960s the time of the Beatles – la belle époque!) In this format there are three numbers, followed by three letters. For numbers, there are 10 possible outcomes, the numbers from 0 to 9. For letters, there are 26 possible outcomes, the letters A to Z. Thus the first digit of the licence plate can be the number 0 to 9, the same for the second, and the third. Similarly, the first letter can be any letter from A to Z, the same for the second letter, and the same for the third. Thus the total possible different combinations, or the number of licence plates is 17,566,000 on the assumption that 0 is possible in the first place

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

Frequency of occurrence (%)

Figure 3.14 Frequency histogram of the outcomes of throwing two dice. 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0























Total value of the sum of the two dice

10 * 10 * 10 * 26 * 26 * 26 17,576,000 If zero is not permitted in the first place, then the number possible is 15,818,000 9 * 10 * 10 * 26 * 26 * 26 15,818,000

Arrangement of different objects: Rule No. 3 In order to determine the number of ways that we can arrange n objects is n!, or n factorial, where, n! n(n 1)(n 2)(n 3) … 1


This is the factorial rule. Note, the last term in equation 3(xiv) is really (n n) or 0, but in the factorial relationship, 0! 1. For example, the number of ways that the three colours, red, yellow, and blue can be arranged is,

Table 3.10 Possible arrangement of three different colours. 1






Red Red Yellow Yellow Blue Blue Yellow Blue Blue Red Red Yellow Blue Yellow Red Blue Yellow Red

3! 3 * 2 * 1 6 Table 3.10 gives these six possible arrangements. In Excel we use [function FACT] to calculate the result.

Permutations of objects: Rule No. 4 A permutation is a combination of data arranged in a particular order. The number



Statistics for Business

Table 3.11 Choice President Secretary

Permutations in organizing an operating committee. 1












Dan Sue

Dan Jim

Dan Ann

Sue Jim

Sue Ann

Sue Dan

Jim Ann

Jim Dan

Jim Sue

Ann Dan

Ann Sue

Ann Jim

of ways, or permutations, of arranging x objects selected in order from a total of n objects is, nP x

n! (n x)!



Suppose there are four candidates Dan, Sue, Jim, and Ann, who have volunteered to work on an operating committee: the number of ways a president and secretary can be chosen is by equation 3(xv), 4P 2

Table 3.12 Combinations for organizing an operating committee.

4! 12 (4 − 2)!

In Excel we use [function PERMUT] to calculate the result. Table 3.11 gives the various permutations. Here the same two people can be together, providing they have different positions. For example in the 1st choice, Dan is the president and Sue is the secretary. In the 6th choice their positions are reversed. Sue is the president and Dan is the secretary.

Combinations of objects: Rule No. 5 A combination is a selection of distinct items regardless of order. The number of ways, or combinations, of arranging x objects, regardless of order, from n objects is given by,







President Dan Dan Dan Sue Sue Jim Vice president Sue Jim Ann Jim Ann Ann



n! x !(n x)!


Again, assume that there are four candidates for two positions in an operating committee: Dan, Sue, Jim, and Ann. The number of ways a president and secretary can be chosen now without the same two people working together, regardless of position is by equation 3(xvi) 4C


4! 6 2!(4 2)!

Table 3.12 gives the combinations. In Excel we can use [function COMBIN] to directly calculate the result. Note that the Rule No. 4, permutations, differs from Rule No. 5, combinations, by the value of x! in the denominator. For a given set of items the number of permutations will always be more than the number of combinations because with permutations the order of the data is important, whereas it is unimportant for combinations.

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

Basic probability rules Probability is the chance that something happens, or does not happen. An extension of probability is risk, where we can put a monetary value on the outcome of a particular action. In probability we talk about an event, which is the outcome of an experiment that has been undertaken. Probability may be subjective and this is the “gut” feeling or emotional response of the individual making the judgment. Relative frequency probability is derived from collected data and is thus also called empirical probability. A third is classical or marginal probability, which is the ratio of the number of desired outcomes to the total number of possible outcomes. Classical probability is also a priori probability because before any action occurs we know in advance all possible outcomes. Gambling involving dice, cards, or roulette wheels are examples of classical probability since before playing we know in advance that there are six faces on a die, 52 cards in a pack. (We do not know in advance the number of slots on the roulette wheel – but the casino does!). Within classical probability, the addition rule gives the chance that two or more events occur, which can be modified to avoid double accounting. To determine the probability of two or more events occurring together, or in succession, we use joint probability. When one event has already occurred then this gives posterior probability meaning the new chance based on the condition that another event has already happened. Posterior probability is Bayes’ Theorem. To visually demonstrate relationships in classical probabilities we can use Venn diagrams where a surface area, such as a circle, represents an entire sample space, and a particular outcome of an event is shown by part of this surface. In gambling, particularly in horse racing, we refer to the odds of something happening. Odds are related to probability but odds are the ratio of the chances of losing to the chances of winning.

System reliability and probability A system is a combination of components in a product or many of the process activities that makes a business function. We often refer to the system reliability, which is the confidence that we have in the product or process operating under prescribed conditions without failure. If a system is made up of series components then we must rely on all these series components working. If one component fails, then the system fails. To determine the system reliability, or system failure, we use joint probability. When the probability of failure, even though small, can be catastrophic such as for an airplane in flight, the power system in a hospital, or a bank’s computerbased information system, components are connected in parallel. This gives a backup to the system. The probability of failure of parallel systems is always less than the probability of failure for series systems for given individual component probabilities. However, on the downside, the cost is always higher for a parallel arrangement since we have a backup that (we hope) will hardly, or never, be used.

Chapter Summary

This chapter has introduced rules governing basic probability and then applied these to reliability of system design. The last part of the chapter has dealt with mathematical counting rules.



Statistics for Business

Counting rules Counting rules do not involve probabilities. However, they are a sort of a priori conditions, as we know in advance, with given criteria, exactly the number of combinations, arrangements, or outcomes that are possible. The first rule is that for a fixed number of possible events, k, then for an experiment with a sample of size, n, the possible arrangements is given by kn. If we throw a single die 4 times then the possible arrangements are 64 or 1,296. The second rule is if we have events of different types say k1, k2, k3 and k4 then the possible arrangements are k1 * k2 * k3 * k4. This rule will indicate, for example, the number of licence plate combinations that are possible when using a mix of numbers and letters. The third rule uses the factorial relationship, n! for the number of different ways of organizing n objects. The fourth and fifth rules are permutations and combinations, respectively. Permutations gives the number of possible ways of organizing x objects from a sample of n when the order is important. Combinations determine the number of ways of organizing x objects from a sample of n when the order is irrelevant. For given values of n and x the value using permutations is always higher than for combinations.

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 1. Gardeners’ gloves Situation A landscape gardener employs several students to help him with his work. One morning they come to work and take their gloves from a communal box. This box contains only five left-handed gloves and eight right-handed gloves.

Required 1. If two gloves are selected at random from the box, without replacement, what is the probability that both gloves selected will be right handed? 2. If two gloves are selected at random from the box, without replacement, what is the probability that a pair of gloves will be selected? (One glove is right handed and one glove is left handed.) 3. If three gloves are selected at random from the box, with replacement, what is the probability that all three are left handed? 4. If two gloves are selected at random from the box, with replacement, what is the probability that both gloves selected will be right handed? 5. If two gloves are selected at random from the box, with replacement, what is the probability that a correct pair of gloves will be selected?

2. Market Survey Situation A business publication in Europe does a survey or some of its readers and classifies the survey responses according to the person’s country of origin and their type of work. This information according to the number or respondents is given in the following contingency table. Country



Investment banking

Denmark France Spain Italy Germany

852 254 865 458 598

232 365 751 759 768

541 842 695 654 258

Product marketing 452 865 358 587 698

Architecture 385 974 845 698 568

Required 1. What is the probability that a survey response taken at random comes from a reader in Italy?



Statistics for Business

2. What is the probability that a survey response taken at random comes from a reader in Italy and who is working in engineering? 3. What is the probability that a survey response taken at random comes from a reader who works in consultancy? 4. What is the probability that a survey response taken at random comes from a reader who works in consultancy and is from Germany? 5. What is the probability that a survey response taken at random from those who work in investment banking comes from a reader who lives in France? 6. What is the probability that a survey response taken at random from those who live in France is working in investment banking? 7. What is the probability that a survey response taken at random from those who live in France is working in engineering or architecture?

3. Getting to work Situation George is an engineer in a design company. When the weather is nice he walks to work and sometimes he cycles. In bad weather he takes the bus or he drives. Based on past habits there is a 10% probability that George walks, 30% he uses his bike, 20% he drives, and 40% of the time he takes the bus. If George walks, there is a 15% probability of being late to the office, if he cycles there is a 10% chance of being late, a 55% chance of being late if he drives, and a 20% chance of being late if he takes the bus. 1. 2. 3. 4.

On any given day, what is the probability of George being late to work? Given that George is late 1 day, what is the probability that he drove? Given that George is on time for work 1 day, what is the probability that he walked? Given that George takes the bus 1 day, what is the probability that he will arrive on time? 5. Given that George walks to work 1 day, what is the probability that he will arrive on time?

4. Packing machines Situation Four packing machines used for putting automobile components in plastics packs operate independently of one another. The utilization of the four machines is given below.

Packing machine A 30.00%

Packing machine B

Packing machine C

Packing machine D




Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

Required 1. What is the probability at any instant that both packing machine A and B are not being used? 2. What is the probability at any instant that all machines will be idle? 3. What is the probability at any instant that all machines will be operating? 4. What is the probability at any instant of packing machine A and C being used, and packing machines B and D being idle?

5. Study Groups Situation In an MBA programme there are three study groups each of four people. One study group has three ladies and one man. One has two ladies and two men and the third has one lady and three men.

Required 1. One person is selected at random from each of the three groups in order to make a presentation in front of the class. What is the probability that this presentation group will be composed of one lady and two men?

6. Roulette Situation A hotel has in its complex a gambling casino. In the casino the roulette wheel has the following configuration.


1 2



7 6





6 3

7 8

2 1




Statistics for Business

There are two games that can be played: Game No. 1 Here a player bets on any single number. If this number turns up then the player gets back 7 times the bet. There is always only one ball in play on the roulette wheel. Game No. 2 Here a player bets on a simple chance such as the colours white or dark green, or an odd or even number. If this chance occurs then the player doubles his/her bet. If the number 5 turns up, then all players lose their bets. There is always only one ball in play on the roulette wheel.

Required 1. In Game No. 1 a player places £25 on number 3. What is the probability of the player receiving back £175? What is the probability that the player loses his/her bet? 2. In Game No. 1 a player places £25 on number 3 and £25 on number 4. What is the probability of the player winning? What is the probability that the player loses his/her bet? If the player wins how much money will he/she win? 3. In Game No. 1 if a player places £25 on each of several different numbers, then what is the maximum numbers on which he/she should bet in order to have a chance of winning? What is this probability of winning? In this case, if the player wins how much will he/she win? What is the probability that the player loses his entire bet? How much would be lost? 4. In Game No. 2 a player places £25 on the colour dark green. What is the probability of the player doubling the bet? What is the probability of the player losing his/her bet? 5. In Game No. 2 a player places £25 on obtaining the colour dark green and also £25 on obtaining the colour white. In this case what is the probability a player will win some money? What is the probability of the player losing both bets? 6. In Game No. 2 a player places £25 on an even number. What is the probability of the player doubling the bet? What is the probability of the player losing his/her bet? 7. In Game No. 2 a player places £25 on an odd number. What is the probability of the player doubling the bet? What is the probability of the player losing his/her bet?

7. Sourcing agents Situation A large international retailer has sourcing agents worldwide to search out suppliers of products according the best quality/price ratio for products that it sells in its stores in the United States. The retailer has a total of 131 sourcing agents internationally. Of these 51 specialize in textiles, 32 in footwear, and 17 in both textiles and footwear. The remainder are general sourcing agents with no particular specialization. All the sourcing agents are in a general database with a common E-mail address. When a purchasing manager from any of the retail stores needs information on its sourced products they send an E-mail to the general database address. Anyone of the 131 sourcing agents is able to respond to the E-mail.

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

1. Illustrate the category of the specialization of the sourcing agents on a Venn diagram. 2. What is the probability that at any time an E-mail is sent it will be received by a sourcing agent specializing in textiles? 3. What is the probability that at any time an E-mail is sent it will be received by a sourcing agent specializing in both textiles and footwear? 4. What is the probability that at any time an E-mail is sent it will be received by a sourcing agent with no specialty? 5. Given that the E-mail is received by a sourcing agent specializing in textiles what is the probability that the agent also has a specialty in footwear? 6. Given that the E-mail is received by a sourcing agent specializing in footwear what is the probability that the agent also has a specialty in textiles?

8. Subassemblies Situation A subassembly is made up of three components A, B, and C. A large batch of these units are supplied to the production site and the proportion of defective units in these is 5% of the component A, 10% of the component B, and 4% of the component C.

Required 1. What proportion of the finished subassemblies will contain no defective components? 2. What proportion of the finished subassemblies will contain exactly one defective component? 3. What proportion of the finished subassemblies will contain at least one defective component? 4. What proportion of the finished subassemblies will contain more than one defective component? 5. What proportion of the finished subassemblies will contain all three defective components?

9. Workshop Situation In a workshop there are the four operating posts with their average utilization as given in the following table. Each operating post is independent of the other.

Operating post Drilling Lathe Milling Grinding

Utilization (%) 50 40 70 80



Statistics for Business

Required 1. 2. 3. 4.

What is the probability of both the drilling and lathe work post not being used at any time? What is the probability of all work posts being idle? What is the probability of all the work posts operating? What is the probability of the drilling and the lathe work post operating and the milling and grinding not operating?

10. Assembly Situation In an assembly operation of a certain product there are four components A, B, C, and D which have an individual reliability of 98%, 95%, 90%, and 85%, respectively. The possible ways of assembly the four components making certain adjustments, are as follows.

Method 1















Method 2 A 99.00% A 99.00% B 96.00% Method 3 C 90.00% D 92.00% A




Method 4 C




Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

Required 1. Determine the system reliability of each of the four possible ways of assembling the components. 2. Determine the probability of system failure for each of the four schemes.

11. Bicycle gears Situation The speeds on a bicycle are determined by a combination of the number of sprocket wheels on the pedal sprocket and the rear wheel sprocket. The sprockets are toothed wheels over which the bicycle chain is engaged and the combination is operated by a derailleur system. To change gears you move a lever, or turn a control on the handlebars, which derails the chain onto another sprocket. A bicycle manufacturer assembles customer made bicycles according to the number of speeds desired by clients.

Required 1. Using the counting rules, complete the following table regarding the number of sprockets and the number of gears available on certain options of bicycles.

Bicycle model A B C D E F G H I J

Pedal sprocket

Rear wheel sprocket


1 2

2 2 3 3 4 4

4 5 7 7

Number of gears 2 6 10 12 28 32


12. Film festival Situation The city of Cannes in France is planning its next film festival. The festival will last 5 days and there will be seven films shown each day. The festival committee has selected the 35 films which they plan to show.

Required 1. How many different ways can the festival committee organize the films on the first day?



Statistics for Business

2. If the order of showing is important, how many different ways can the committee organize the showing of their films on the first day? (Often the order of showing films is important as it can have an impact on the voting results.) 3. How many different ways can the festival committee organize the films on (a) the second, (b) the third, (c) the fourth, (d) and the fifth and last day? 4. With the conditions according the Question No. 3, and again the order of showing the films is important, how many different ways are possible on (a) the second, (b) the third, (c) the fourth, (d) and the fifth and last day?

13. Flag flying Situation The Hilton Hotel Corporation has just built two large new hotels, one in London, England and the other in New York, United States. The hotel manager wants to fly appropriate flags in front of the hotel main entrance.

Required 1. If the hotel in London wants to fly the flag of every members of the European Union, how many possible ways can the hotel organize the flags? 2. If the hotel in London wants to fly the flag of 10 members of the European Union, how many possible ways can the flags be organized assuming that the hotel will consider all the flags of members of the European Union? 3. If the hotel in London wants to fly the flag of just five members of the European Union, how many possible ways can the flags be organized assuming that the hotel will consider all the flags of members of the European Union? 4. If the hotel in New York wants to fly the flag of all of the states of the United States how many possible ways can the flags be organized? 5. If the hotel in New York wants to fly the flag of all of the states of the United States in alphabetical order by state how many possible ways can the flags be organized?

14. Model agency Situation A dress designer has 21 evening gowns, which he would like to present at a fashion show. However at the fashion show there are only 15 suitable models to present the dresses and the designer is told that the models can only present one dress, as time does not permit the presentation of more than 15 designs.

Required 1. How many different ways can the 21 different dress designs be presented by the 15 models?

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

2. Once the 15 different dress designs have been selected for the available models in how many different orders can the models parade these on the podium if they all walk together in a single file? 3. Assume there was time to present all the 21 dresses. Each time a presentation is made the 15 models come onto the podium in a single file. In this case how many permutations are possible in presenting the dresses?

15. Thalassothérapie Situation Thalassothérapie is a type of health spar that uses seawater as a base of the therapy treatment (thalassa from the Greek meaning sea). The thalassothérapie centres are located in coastal areas in Morocco, Tunisia, and France, and are always adjacent or physical attached to a hotel such that clients will typically stay say a week at the hotel and be cared for by (usually) female therapists at the thalassothérapie centre. A week stay at a hotel with breakfast and dinner, and the use of the health spar may cost some £6,000 for two people. A particular thalassothérapie centre offers the following eight choices of individual treatments.5 1. Bath and seawater massage (bain hydromassant). This is a treatment that lasts 20 minutes where the client lies in a bath of seawater at 37°C where mineral salts have been added. In the bath there are multiple water jets that play all along the back and legs, which help to relax the muscles and improve blood circulation. 2. Oscillating shower (douche oscillante). In this treatment the client lies face down while a fine warm seawater rain oscillates across the back and legs giving the client a relaxing and sedative water massage (duration 20 minutes). 3. Massage under a water spray (massage sous affusion). This treatment is an individual massage by a therapist over the whole body under a fine shower of seawater. Oils are used during the massage to give a tonic rejuvenation to the complete frame (duration 20 minutes). 4. Massage with a water jet (douche à jet). Here the client is sprayed with a high-pressure water jet at a distance by a therapist who directs the jet over the soles of the feet, the calf muscles, and the back. This treatment tones up the muscles, has an anti-cramp effect and increases the blood circulation (duration 10 minutes). 5. Envelopment in seaweed (enveloppement d’algues). In this treatment the naked body is first covered with a warm seaweed emulsion. The client is then completely wrapped from the neck down in a heavy heated mattress. This treatment causes the client to perspire eliminating toxins and recharges the body with iodine and other trace elements from the seaweed (duration 30 minutes). 5

Based on the Thalassothérapie centre (Thalazur), avenue du Parc, 33120 Arcachon, France July 2005.



Statistics for Business

6. Application of seawater mud (application de boue marine). This treatment is very similar to the envelopment in seaweed except that mud from the bottom of the sea is used instead of seaweed. Further, attention is made to apply the mud to the joints as this treatment serves to ease the pain from rheumatism and arthritis (duration 30 minutes). 7. Hydro-jet massage (hydrojet). In this treatment the client lies on their back on the bare plastic top of a water bed maintained at 37°C. High-pressure water jets within the bed pound the legs and back giving a dry tonic massage (duration 15 minutes). 8. Dry massage (massage à sec). This is a massage by a therapist where oils are rubbed slowly into the body toning up the muscles and circulation system (duration 30 minutes). In addition to the individual treatments, there are also the following four treatments that are available in groups or which can be used at any time: 1. Relaxation (relaxation). This is a group therapy where the participants have a gym session consisting of muscle stretching, breathing, and mental reflection (duration 30 minutes). 2. Gymnastic in a seawater swimming pool (Aquagym). This is a group therapy where the participants have a gym session of running, walking, and jumping in a swimming pool (duration 30 minutes). 3. Steam bath (hammam). The steam bath originated in North Africa and is where clients sits or lies in a marble covered room in which hot steam is pumped. This creates a humid atmosphere where the client perspires to clean the pores of the skin (maximum recommended duration, 15 minutes). 4. Sauna. The sauna originated in Finland and is a room of exotic wood panelling into which hot dry air is circulated. The temperature of a sauna can reach around 100°C and the dryness of the air can be tempered by pouring water over hot stones that add some humidity (maximum recommended duration, 10 minutes).

Required 1. Considering just the eight individual treatments, how many different ways can these be sequentially organized? 2. Considering just the four non-individual treatments, how many different ways can these be sequentially organized? 3. Considering all the 12 treatments, how many different ways can these be sequentially organized? 4. One of the programmes offered by the thalassothérapie centre is 6 days for five of the individual treatments alternating between the morning and afternoon. The morning session starts at 09:00 hours and finishes at 12:30 hours and the afternoon session starts at 14:00 hours and finishes at 17:00 hours. In this case, how many possible ways can a programme be put together without any treatment appearing twice on the same day? Show a possible weekly schedule.

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules

16. Case: Supply chain management class Situation A professor at a Business School in Europe teaches a popular programme in supply chain management. In one particular semester there are 80 participants signed up for the class. When the participants register they are asked to complete a questionnaire regarding their sex, age, country of origin, area of experience, marital status, and the number of children. This information helps the professor organize study groups, which are balanced in terms of the participant’s background. This information is contained in the table below. The professor teaches the whole group of 80 together and there is always 100% attendance. The professor likes to have an interactive class and he always asks questions during his class.

Required When you have a database with this type of information, there are many ways to analyse the information depending on your needs. The following gives some suggestions, but there are several ways of interpretation. 1. What is the probability that if the professor chooses a participant at random then that person will be: (a) From Britain? (b) From Portugal? (c) From the United States? (d) Have experience in Finance? (e) Have experience in Marketing? (f) Be from Italy? (g) Have three children? (h) Be female? (i) Is greater than 30 years in age? (j) Are aged 25 years? (k) Be from Britain, have experience in engineering, and be single? (l) From Europe? (m) Be from the Americas? (n) Be single? 2. Given that a participant is from Britain then, what is the probability that that the person will: (a) Have experience in engineering? (b) Have experience in purchasing? 3. Given that a participant is interested in finance, then what is the probability that person is from an Asian country? 4. Given that a participant has experience in marketing, then what is the probability that person is from Denmark? 5. What is the average number of children per participant?



Statistics for Business




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46


21 25 27 31 23 26 25 29 32 21 26 28 27 35 21 26 25 31 22 20 26 28 29 35 41 25 23 23 25 26 22 26 28 24 23 25 26 24 25 28 31 32 26 21 25 24



Marital status


United States Mexico Denmark Spain France France Germany Canada Britain Britain Spain United States China Germany France Germany Britain China Britain Britain Germany Portugal Germany Luxembourg Germany Britain Britain Denmark Denmark Norway France Portugal Spain Germany Britain United States Canada Canada Denmark Norway France Britain Britain Luxembourg China Japan

Engineering Marketing Marketing Engineering Production Production Engineering Production Engineering Finance Engineering Finance Engineering Production Engineering Marketing Production Production Production Marketing Engineering Engineering Engineering Production Finance Marketing Engineering Production Marketing Finance Marketing Engineering Engineering Production Engineering Production Engineering Marketing Marketing Engineering Finance Engineering Finance Marketing Marketing Production

Married Single Married Married Married Single Single Single Married Single Married Single Married Married Married Married Married Single Married Single Married Single Single Married Married Single Married Single Single Married Single Married Single Married Single Married Married Single Single Married Married Married Single Single Married Married

0 2 0 2 0 3 0 3 2 1 2 0 3 0 2 3 3 4 2 3 2 1 0 0 3 0 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 1 0 0 2 0 3 5 2 3 2 5 2

Chapter 3: Basic probability and counting rules




47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80


25 26 24 21 31 35 38 39 23 25 26 23 25 26 24 25 28 31 32 25 25 25 26 24 25 26 28 25 26 31 40 25 26 23



Marital status


France Britain Germany Taiwan China Britain United States China Portugal Indonesia Portugal Britain China Canada Mexico China France United States Britain Germany Spain Portugal Luxembourg Taiwan Luxembourg Britain United States France France Germany France Spain Portugal Taiwan

Marketing Marketing Production Engineering Engineering Marketing Marketing Engineering Purchasing Engineering Purchasing Marketing Purchasing Engineering Purchasing Engineering Production Marketing Marketing Engineering Purchasing Engineering Production Marketing Production Engineering Engineering Engineering Production Marketing Engineering Marketing Purchasing Production

Single Married Single Married Single Married Married Single Married Married Married Single Married Single Married Single Married Single Married Single Married Single Single Single Married Married Single Married Single Single Married Single Married Single

0 3 2 1 3 0 5 2 3 2 2 0 3 0 3 0 1 2 3 0 2 1 3 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 3 2 1 1


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Probability analysis for discrete data

The shopping mall How often do you go to the shopping mall – every day, once a week, or perhaps just once a month? When do you go? Perhaps after work, after dinner, in the morning when you think you can beat the crowds, or on the weekends? Why do you go? It might be that you have nothing else better to do, it is a grey, dreary day and it is always bright and cheerful in the mall, you need a new pair of shoes, you need a new coat, you fancy buying a couple of CDs, you are going to meet some friends, you want to see a film in the evening so you go to the mall a little early and just have a look around. All these variables of when and why people go to the mall represent a complex random pattern of potential customers. How does the retailer manage this randomness? Further, when these potential customers are at the mall they behave in a binomial fashion – either they buy or they do not buy. Perhaps in the shopping mall there is a supermarket. It is Saturday, and the supermarket is full of people buying groceries. How to manage the waiting line or the queue at the cashier desk? This chapter covers some of these concepts.



Statistics for Business

Learning objectives After you have studied this chapter you will learn the application of discrete random variables, and how to use the binomial and the Poisson distributions. These subjects are treated as follows: ✔

Distribution for discrete random variables • Characteristics of a random variable • Expected value of rolling two dice • Application of the random variable: Selling of wine • Covariance of random variables • Covariance and portfolio risk • Expected value and the law of averages Binomial distribution • Conditions for a binomial distribution to be valid • Mathematical expression of the binomial function • Application of the binomial distribution: Having children • Deviations from the binomial validity Poisson distribution • Mathematical expression for the Poisson distribution • Application of the Poisson distribution: Coffee shop • Poisson approximated by the binomial relationship • Application of the Poisson–binomial relationship: Fenwick’s

Discrete data are statistical information composed of integer values, or whole numbers. They originate from the counting process. For example, we could say that 9 machines are shutdown, 29 bottles have been sold, 8 units are defective, 5 hotel rooms are vacant, or 3 students are absent. It makes little sense to say 912⁄ machines are shutdown, 2934⁄ bottles have been sold, 812⁄ units are defective, 512⁄ hotel rooms are empty, or 314⁄ students are absent. With discrete data there is a clear segregation and the data does not progress from one class to another. It is information that is unconnected.

Distribution for Discrete Random Variables If the values of discrete data occur in no special order, and there is no explanation of their configuration or distribution, then they are considered discrete random variables. This means that, within the range of the possible values of the data, every value has an equal chance of occurring. In our gambling situation, discussed in Chapter 3, the value obtained by throwing a single die is random and the drawing of a card

from a full pack is random. Besides gambling, there are many situations in the environment that occur randomly and often we need to understand the pattern of randomness in order to make appropriate decisions. For example as illustrated in the Box Opener “The shopping mall”, the number of people arriving at a shopping mall in any particular day is random. If we knew the pattern it would help to better plan staff needs. The number of cars on a particular stretch of road on any given day is random and knowing the pattern would help us to decide on the appropriateness of installing stop signs, or traffic signals for example. The number of people seeking medical help at a hospital emergency centre is random and again understanding the pattern helps in scheduling medical staff and equipment. It is true that in some cases of randomness, factors like the weather, the day of the week, or the hour of the day, do influence the magnitude of the data but often even if we know these factors the data are still random.

Characteristics of a random variable Random variables have a mean value and a standard deviation. The mean value of random data is the weighted average of all the possible

Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data outcomes of the random variable and is given by the expression: Mean value, μx ∑x * P(x) E(x)


Here x is the value of the discrete random variable, and P(x) is the probability, or the chance of obtaining that value x. If we assume that this particular pattern of randomness might be repeated we call this mean also the expected value of the random variable, or E(x). The variance of a distribution of a discrete random variable is given by the expression, Variance, σ2 ∑(x μx )2 P(x)


This is similar to the calculation of the variance of a population given in Chapter 2, except that instead of dividing by the number of data values, which gives a straight average, here we are multiplying by P(x) to give a weighted average. The standard deviation of a random variable is the square root of the variance or, Standard deviation, σ ∑(x μx )2 P(x) 4(iii) The following demonstrates the application of analysing the random variable in the throwing of two dice.

Expected value of rolling two dice In Chapter 3, we used combined probabilities to determine that the chance of obtaining the Number 7 on the throw of two dice was 16.67%. Let us turn this situation around and ask the question, “What is the expected value obtained in the throwing two dice, A and B?” We can use equation 4(i) to answer this question. Table 4.1 gives the possible 36 combinations that can be obtained on the throw of two dice. As this table shows of the 36 combinations, there are just 11 different possible total values (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12) by adding the numbers from the two dice. The number of possible ways that these 11 totals can be achieved is summarized

in Column 2 of Table 4.2 and the probability P(x) of obtaining these totals is in Column 3 of the same table. Using equation 4(i) we can calculate the expected or mean value of throwing two dice and the calculation and the individual results are in Columns 4 and 5. The total in the last line of Column 4 indicates the probability of obtaining these eleven values as 36/36 or 100%. The expected value of throwing two dice is 7 as shown in the last line of Column 5. The last column of Table 4.2 gives the calculation for the variation of obtaining the Number 7 using equation 4(ii). Finally, from equation 4(iii) the standard deviation is, 兹40.8333 6.3901. Another way that we can determine the average value of the number obtained by throwing two dice is by using equation 2(i) for the mean value given in Chapter 2: ∑x 2(i) N From Column 1 of Table 4.2 the total value of the possible throws is, x

∑x 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 77 The value N, or the number of possible throws to give this total value is 11. Thus, x

∑ x 77 7 N 11

The following is a business-related application of using the random variable.

Application of the random variable: Selling of wine Assume that a distributor sells wine by the case and that each case generates €6.00 in profit. The sale of wine is considered random. Sales data for the last 200 days is given in Table 4.3. If we consider that this data is representative of future sales, then the frequency of occurrence of sales can be used to estimate the expected or



Statistics for Business

Table 4.1

Possible outcomes on the throw of two dice.

Throw No.













Die A Die B

1 1

2 1

3 1

4 1

5 1

6 1

1 2

2 2

3 2

4 2

5 2

6 2














Throw No.













Die A Die B

1 3

2 3

3 3

4 3

5 3

6 3

1 4

2 4

3 4

4 4

5 4

6 4


























Die A Die B

1 5

2 5

3 5

4 5

5 5

6 5

1 6

2 6

3 6

4 6

5 6

6 6














Throw No.

Table 4.2

Expected value of the outcome of the throwing of two dice.

Value of throw (x)

Number of possible ways

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total

Probability P(x)

x * P(x)

1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 2 1

1/36 2/36 3/36 4/36 5/36 6/36 5/36 4/36 3/36 2/36 1/36

2 * (1/36) 3 * (2/36) 4 * (3/36) 5 * (4/36) 6 * (5/36) 7 * (6/36) 8 * (5/36) 9 * (4/36) 10 * (3/36) 11 * (2/36) 12 * (1/36)



Weighted value of x 0.0556 0.1667 0.3333 0.5556 0.8333 1.1667 1.1111 1.0000 0.8333 0.6111 0.3333 E(x) ⴝ 7.0000

(x μ)

(x μ)2

(x μ)2 P(x)

5 4 3 2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5

25 16 9 4 1 0 1 4 9 16 25

1.3889 2.6667 3.0000 2.2222 0.8333 0.0000 1.1111 4.0000 7.5000 9.7778 8.3333 40.8333

Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data average value, of future profits. Here, the values, “days this amount of wine is sold” are used to calculate the probability of future sales using the relationship,

Using equation 4(iii) to calculate the standard deviation we have,

Probability of selling amount x

days amount of x sold total days considered in analysis


σ 兹0.9875 0.9937 Table 4.3 Cases of wine sold over the last 200 days.

Cases of wine 10 11 12 sold per day Days this amount 30 40 80 of wine is sold

For example, from equation 4(iv) Probability of selling 12 cases is 80/200 40.00% The complete probability distribution is given in Table 4.4, and the histogram of this frequency distribution of the probability of sale is in Figure 4.1. Using equation 4(i) to calculate the mean value, we have,

13 Total days 50


Table 4.4 Cases of wine sold over the last 200 days.

μx 10 * 15% 11 * 20% 12 * 40% 13 * 25% 11.75 cases From this, an estimate of future profits is €6.00 * 11.75 €70.50/day. Using equation 4(ii) to calculate the variance, σ (10 11.75) * 15% (11 11.75) * 20% (12 11.75)2 * 40% (13 11.75)2 * 25% 0.9875 cases2 2



Cases sold per day




13 Total

Days this amount of wine is sold




50 200

Probability of selling this amount (%)




25 100

Figure 4.1 Frequency distribution of the sale of wine.

Frequency of this number sold (%)

45 40.00

40 35 30


25 20.00

20 15


10 5 0 10

11 12 Cases of wine sold




Statistics for Business These calculations give a plausible approach of estimating average long-term future activity on the condition that the past is representative of the future.

Covariance of random variables Covariance is an application of the distribution of random variables and is useful to analyse the risk associated with financial investments. If we consider two datasets then the covariance, σxy, between two discrete random variables x and y in each of the datasets is, 4(v) σxy ∑(x μx)(y μy)P(xy) Here x is a discrete random variable in the first dataset and y is a discrete random variable in the second dataset. The terms μx and μy are the mean or expected values of the corresponding datasets and P(xy) is the probability of each occurrence. The expected value of the sum of two random variables is, E(x y) E(x) E(y) μx μy 4(vi) The variance of the sum of two random variables is, Variance (x y)

2 σ(xy)



2σxy 4(vii)

The standard deviation is the square root of the variance or 2 Standard deviation (x y) 兹σ(xy) 4(viii)

Covariance and portfolio risk An extension of random variables is covariance, which can be used to analyse portfolio risk. Assume that you are considering investing in two types of investments. One is a high growth fund, X, and the other is essentially a bond fund, Y. An estimate of future returns, per $1,000 invested, according to expectations of the future outlook of the macro economy is given in Table 4.5. Using equation 4(i) to calculate the mean or expected values, we have, μx 20% * $100 35% * $125 45% * $300 $158.75

Table 4.5

Covariance and portfolio risk.

Economic change

Contracting Stable Expanding

Probability of economic change (%) High growth fund (X )










Bond fund (Y )

μy 20% * $250 35% * $100 45% * $10 $89.50 Using equation 4(ii) to calculate the variance, we have σ2x (100 158.75)2 * 20% (125 158.75)2 * 35% (300 158.75)2 * 45% $22,767.19 σ2y (250 89.50)2 * 20% (100 89.50)2 * 35% (10 89.50)2 * 45% $8,034.75 Using equation 4(iii) to calculate the standard deviation, σx 兹22,767.9 150.89 σy 兹8,034.75 89.64 The high growth fund, X, has a higher expected value than the bond fund, Y. However, the standard deviation of the high growth fund is higher and this is an indicator that the investment risk is greater. Using equation 4(v) to calculate the covariance, σxy (100 158.75) * (250 89.50) * 20% (125 158.75) * (100 89.50) * 35% (300 158.75) * (10 89.50) * 45% $13,483.13 The covariance between the two investments is negative. This implies that the returns on the

Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data investments are moving in the opposite direction, or when the return on one is increasing, the other is decreasing and vice versa. From equation 4(vi) the expected value of the sum of the two investments is, μx μy $158.75 $89.50 $248.25 From equation 4(vii) the variance of the sum of the two investments is, 2 σ(xy) 22,767.19 8,034.75 2 * $ 13,483.13 $3,835.69

From equation 4(viii) the standard deviation of the sum of the two investments is, 2 兹σ(xy) 兹$3,835.69 $61.93

The standard deviation of the two funds is less than standard deviation of the individual funds because there is a negative covariance between the two investments. This implies that there is less risk with the joint investment than just with an individual investment. If α is the assigned weighting to the asset X, then since there are only two assets the situation is binomial and thus the weighting for the other asset is (1 α). The portfolio expected return for an investment of two assets, E(P), is, E(P) μp αμx (1 α)μy


The risk associated with a portfolio is given by: 兹[α2σ 2x (1 α)2σ y2 2α(1 α)σxy] 4(x) Assume that we have 40% of our investment in the high-risk fund, which means there is 60% in the bond fund. Then from equation 4(ix) the portfolio expected return is, μp αμx (1 α)μy 40% * $158.75 60% * $89.50 $117.20 From equation 4(x) the risk associated with this portfolio is 兹[α2σ2x (1 α)2σ2y 2α(1 α) σxy] [0.402 * $22,767.19 0.602 *$8, 034.75 2 * 0.40 * 0..60 *$ 13,483.13] 7.96

Thus in summary, the portfolio has an expected return of $117.20, or since this amount is based on an investment of $1,000, there is a return of 11.72%. Further for every $1,000 invested there is a risk of $7.96. Figure 4.2 gives a graph of the expected return according to the associated risk. This shows that the minimum risk is when there is 40% in the high growth fund and 60% in the bond fund. Although there is a higher expected return when the weighting in the high growth fund is more, there is a higher risk.

Expected values and the law of averages When we talk about the mean, or expected value in probability situations, this is not the value that will occur next, or even tomorrow. It is the value that is expected to be obtained in the long run. In the short term we really do not know what will happen. In gambling for example, when you play the slot machines, or one-armed bandits, you may win a few games. In fact, quite a lot of the money put into slot machines does flow out as jackpots but about 6% rests with the house.1 Thus if you continue playing, then in the long run you will lose because the gambling casinos have set their machines so that the casino will be the long-term winner. If, not they would go out of business! With probability, it is the law of averages that governs. This law says that the average value obtained in the long term will be close to the expected value, which is the weighted outcome based on each of the probability of occurrence. The long-term result corresponding to the law of averages can be explained by Figure 4.3. This illustrates the tossing of a coin 1,000 times where we have a 50% probability of obtaining


Henriques, D.B., On bases, problem gamblers battle the odds, International Herald Tribune, 20 October 2005, p. 5.


Statistics for Business

Expected value, and risk ($)

Figure 4.2 Portfolio analysis: expected value and risk. 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0











Proportion in the high risk investment (%) Expected value, $

Risk, $



Figure 4.3 Tossing a coin 1,000 times. 100.00 90.00 Percentage of heads obtained (%)


80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0






Number of coin tosses



1,000 1,100

Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data heads and a 50% probability of obtaining tails. The y-axis of the graph is the cumulative frequency of obtaining heads and the x-axis is the number of times the coin is tossed. In the early throws, as we toss the coin, the cumulative number of heads obtained may be more than the cumulative number of tails as illustrated. However, as we continue tossing the coin, the law of averages comes into play, and the cumulative number of heads obtained approaches the cumulative number of tails obtained. After 1,000 throws we will have approximately 500 heads and 500 tails. This illustration supports the Rule 1 of the counting process given in Chapter 2. You can perhaps apply the law of averages on a non-quantitative basis to the behaviour in society. We are educated to be honest, respectful, and ethical. This is the norm, or the average, of society’s behaviour. There are a few people who might cheat, steal, be corrupt, or be violent. In the short term these people may get away with it. However, often in the long run the law of averages catches up with them. They get caught, lose face, are punished or may be removed from society!

Binomial Distribution In statistics, binomial means there are only two possible outcomes from each trial of an experiment. The tossing of a coin is binomial since the only possible outcomes are heads or tails. In quality control for the manufacture of light bulbs the principle test is whether the bulb illuminates or Table 4.6

does not. This is a binomial condition. If in a market survey, a respondent is asked if she likes a product, then the alternative response must be that she does not. Again, this is binomial. If we know beforehand that a situation exhibits a binomial pattern then we can use the knowledge of statistics to better understand probabilities of occurrence and make suitable decisions. We first develop a binomial distribution, which is a table or a graph showing all the possible outcomes of performing many times, the binomial-type experiment. The binomial distribution is discrete.

Conditions for a binomial distribution to be valid In order for the binomial distribution to be valid we consider that each observation is selected from an infinite population, or one of a very large size usually without replacement. Alternatively, if the population is finite, such as a pack of 52 cards, then the selection has to be with replacement. Since there are only two possible outcomes, if we say that the probability of obtaining one outcome, or “success” is p, then the probability of obtaining the other, or “failure,” is q. The value of q must be equal to (1 p). The idea of failure here simply means the opposite of what you are testing or expecting. Table 4.6 gives some various qualitative outcomes using p and q. Other criteria for the binomial distribution are that the probability, p, of obtaining an outcome must be fixed over time and that the outcome of any result must be independent of a previous result. For example, in the tossing of a coin, the probability of obtaining heads or tails

Qualitative outcomes for a binomial occurrence.

Probability, p










Probability, q (1 p)












Statistics for Business remains always at 50% and obtaining a head on one toss has no effect on what face is obtained on subsequent tosses. In the throwing a die, an odd or even number can be thrown, again with a probability outcome of 50%. For each result one throw has no bearing on another throw. In the drawing of a card from a full pack, the probability of obtaining a black card (spade or clubs) or obtaining a red card (heart or diamond) is again 50%. If a card is replaced after the drawing, and the pack shuffled, the results of subsequent drawings are not influenced by previous drawings. In these three illustrations we have the following relationship: Probability, p (1 p) q 0.5 or 50.00%


Mathematical expression of the binomial function The relationship in equation 4(xii) for the binomial distribution was developed by experiments carried out by Jacques Bernoulli (1654–1705) a Swiss/French mathematician and as such the binomial distribution is sometimes referred to as a Bernoulli process. Probability of x successes, in n trials ●

● ● ●

n! ⋅ p x ⋅ q(nx) x! (n x)!


p is the characteristic probability, or the probability of success, q (1 p) or the probability of failure, x number of successes desired, n number of trials undertaken, or the sample size.

The binomial random variable x can have any integer value ranging from 0 to n, the number of trials undertaken. Again, if p 50%, then q is 50% and the resulting binomial distribution is symmetrical regardless of the sample size, n. This is the case in the coin toss experiment, obtaining

an even or odd number on throwing a die, or selecting a black and red card from a pack. When p is not equal to 50% the distribution is skewed. In the binomial function, the expression, px * q(nx)


is the probability of obtaining exactly x successes out of n observations in a particular sequence. The relationship, n! x ! (n x)!


is how many combinations of the x successes, out of n observations are possible. We have already presented this expression in the counting process of Chapter 3. The expected value of the binomial distribution E(x) or the mean value, μx, is the product of the number of trials and the characteristic probability. μx E(x) n * p


For example, if we tossed a coin 40 times then the mean or expected value would be, 40 * 0.5 20 The variance of the binomial distribution is the product of the number of trials, the characteristic probability of success, and the characteristic probability of failure. σ2 n * p * q


The standard deviation of the binomial distribution is the square root of the variance, σ 兹σ2 兹(n * p * q)


Again for tossing a coin 40 times, Variance σ2 n * p * q 40 * 0.5 * 0.5 10.00 Standard deviation, σ 兹σ2 兹(n * p * q) 兹10 3.16

Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data

Application of the binomial distribution: Having children Assume that Brad and Delphine are newly married and wish to have seven children. In the genetic makeup of both Brad and Delphine the chance of having a boy and a girl is equally possible and in their family history there is no incidence of twins or other multiple births. 1. What is the probability of Delphine giving birth to exactly two boys? For this situation, ● ●

p q 50% x, the random variable can take on the values, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. n, the sample size is 7

For this particular question, x 2 and from equation 4(xii), 7! p(x 2) 0.502 0.50(72) 2! (7 2)! p(x 2)

5, 040 0.25 * 0.0313 2 * 120

p(x 2) 21 * 0.25 * 0.1313 16.41% 2. Develop a complete binomial distribution for this situation and interpret its meaning. We do not need to go through individual calculations as by using in Excel, [function BINOMDIST] the complete probability distribution for each of the possible outcomes can be obtained. This is given in Table 4.7 for the individual and cumulative values. The histogram corresponding to this data is shown in Figure 4.4. We interpret this information as follows: ●

Probability of having exactly two boys 16.41%. Probability of having more than two boys (3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 boys) 77.34%. Probability of having at least two boys (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 boys) 93.75%. Probability of having less than two boys (0 or 1 boy) 6.25%.

Table 4.7 Probability distribution of giving birth to a boy or a girl.

Sample size (n) Probability (p) Random variable (X)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total

7 50.00% Probability of obtaining exactly this value of x (%)

Probability of obtaining this cumulative value of x (%)

0.78 5.47 16.41 27.34 27.34 16.41 5.47 0.78 100.00

0.78 6.25 22.66 50.00 77.34 93.75 99.22 100.00

Mean value is n * p 7 * 0.50 3.50 boys (though not a feasible value) Standard deviation is 兹(n * p * q) 兹(7 * 0.50 * 0.50) 0.1890

Deviations from the binomial validity Many business-related situations may appear to follow a binomial situation meaning that the probability outcome is fixed over time, and the result of one outcome has no bearing on another. However, in practice these two conditions might be violated. Consider for example, a manager is interviewing in succession 20 candidates for one position in his firm. One of the candidates has to be chosen. Each candidate represents discrete information where their experience and ability are independent of each other. Thus, the interview process is binomial – either a particular


Statistics for Business

Figure 4.4 Probability histogram of giving birth to a boy (or girl). 30 Probability of giving birth to exactly this number (%)





26 24 22 20 18



16 14 12 10 8 5.47



4 2



0 0



3 4 Number of boys (or girls)

candidate is selected or is not. As the manager continues the interviewing process he makes a subliminal comparison of competing candidates, in that if one candidate that is rated positively this results perhaps in a less positive rating of another candidate. Thus, the evaluation is not entirely independent. Further, as the day goes on, if no candidate has been selected, the interviewer gets tired and may be inclined to offer the post to say perhaps one of the last few remaining candidates out of shear desperation! In another situation, consider you drive your car to work each morning. When you get into the car, either it starts, or it does not. This is binomial and your expectation is that your car will start every time. The fact that your car started on Tuesday morning should have no effect on whether it starts on Wednesday and should not have been influenced on the fact that it started on Monday morning. However, over




time, mechanical, electrical, and even electronic components wear. Thus, on one day you turn the ignition in your car and it does not start!

Poisson Distribution The Poisson distribution, named after the Frenchman, Denis Poisson (1781–1840), is another discrete probability distribution to describe events that occur usually during a given time interval. Illustrations might be the number of cars arriving at a tollbooth in an hour, the number of patients arriving at the emergency centre of a hospital in one day, or the number of airplanes waiting in a holding pattern to land at a major airport in a given 4-hour period, or the number of customers waiting in line at the cash checkout

Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data as highlighted in the Box Opener “The shopping mall”.

Mathematical expression for the Poisson distribution The equation describing the Poisson probability of occurrence, P(x) is, P (x) ●

● ●

λx eλ x!


λ (lambda the Greek letter l) is the mean number of occurrences; e is the base of the natural logarithm, or 2.71828; x is the Poisson random variable; P(x) is the probability of exactly x occurrences.

hour come in for service. Sometimes the only waitress on the shop is very busy, and sometimes there are only a few customers. 1. The owner has decided that if there is greater than a 10% chance that there will be at least 13 clients coming into the coffee shop in a given hour, the manager will hire another waitress. Develop the information to help the manager make a decision. To determine the probability of there being exactly 13 customers coming into the coffee shop in a given hour we can use equation 4(xviii) where in this case x is 13 and λ is 9. λ13e9 13! 2, 541, 865, 828, 329 * 0.000123 6, 227, 020, 800


The standard deviation of the Poisson distribution is given by the square root of the mean number of occurrences or, σ 兹苵苵 (λ)


In applying the Poisson distribution the assumptions are that the mean value can be estimated from past data. Further, if we divide the time period into seconds then the following applies: ●

The probability of exactly one occurrence per second is a small number and is constant for every one-second interval. The probability of two or more occurrences within a one-second interval is small and can be considered zero. The number of occurrences in a given onesecond interval is independent of the time at which that one-second interval occurs during the overall prescribe time period. The number of occurrences in any one-second interval is independent on the number of occurrences in any other one-second interval.

Application of the Poisson distribution: Coffee shop A small coffee shop on a certain stretch of highway knows that on average nine people per

5.04% Again as for the binomial distribution, you can simply calculate the distribution using in Excel the [function POISSON]. This distribution is shown in Table 4.8. Column 2 gives the probability of obtaining exactly the random number, and Column 3 gives the cumulative values. Figure 4.5 gives the distribution histogram for Column 2, the probability of obtaining the exact random variable. This distribution is interpreted as follows: ●

Probability of exactly 13 customers entering in a given hour 5.04%. Probability of more than 13 customers entering in a given hour (100 92.61) 7.39%. Probability of at least 13 customers entering in a given hour (100 87.58) 12.42%. Probability of less than 13 customers entering in a given hour 87.58%.

Since the probability of at least 13 customers entering in a given hour is 12.42% or greater than 10% the manager should decide to hire another waitress.



Statistics for Business

Table 4.8 Poisson distribution for the coffee shop.

Mean value (λ) Random variable (x)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Total

9 Probability of obtaining exactly (%) 0.01 0.11 0.50 1.50 3.37 6.07 9.11 11.71 13.18 13.18 11.86 9.70 7.28 5.04 3.24 1.94 1.09 0.58 0.29 0.14 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.00 100.00

Probability of obtaining this cumulative value of x (%) 0.01 0.12 0.62 2.12 5.50 11.57 20.68 32.39 45.57 58.74 70.60 80.30 87.58 92.61 95.85 97.80 98.89 99.47 99.76 99.89 99.96 99.98 99.99 100.00

Poisson approximated by the binomial relationship When the value of the sample size n is large, and the characteristic probability of occurrence, p, is small, we can use the Poisson distribution as a reasonable approximation of the binomial distribution. The criteria most often applied to make this approximation is when n is greater, or equal to 20, and p is less than, or equal to 0.05% or 5%.

If this requirement is met then the mean of the binomial distribution, which is given by the product n * p, can be substituted for the mean of the Poisson distribution, λ. The probability relationship from equation 4(xviii) then becomes, P (x)

(np)x e(np ) x!


The Poisson random variable, x in theory ranges from 0 to . However, when the distribution is used as an approximation of the binomial distribution, the number of successes out of n observations cannot be greater than the sample size n. From equation 4(xx) the probability of observing a large number of successes becomes small and tends to zero very quickly when n is large and p is small. The following illustrates this approximation.

Application of the Poisson–binomial approximation: Fenwick’s A distribution centre has a fleet of 25 Fenwick trolleys, which it uses every day for unloading and putting into storage products it receives on pallets from its suppliers. The same Fenwick’s are used as needed to take products out of storage and transfer them to the loading area. These 25 Fenwick’s are battery driven and at the end of the day they are plugged into the electric supply for recharging. From past data it is known that on a daily basis on average one Fenwick will not be properly recharged and thus not available for use. 1. What is the probability that on any given day, three of the Fenwick’s are out of service? Using the Poisson relationship equation 4(xviii) and generating the distribution in Excel by using [function POISSON] where lambda is 1, we have the Poisson distribution given in Column 2 and Column 5 of Table 4.9. From this table the probability of three Fenwick’s being out of service on any given day is 6.1313% or about 6%. Now if we use the binomial approximation, then the characteristic probability

Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data

Figure 4.5 Poisson probability histogram for the coffee shop. 14 13.18 13.18


Frequency of this occurrence (%)




10 9.11

8 7.28









1.50 1.09 0.58


0.01 0.11









0.29 0.14 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.00

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Number of customers arriving in a given hour

Table 4.9 Poisson and binomial distributions for Fenwick’s.

Number of Fenwick’s λ p Random variable X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

25 1 4.00% Poisson (%) Exact 36.7879 36.7879 18.3940 6.1313 1.5328 0.3066 0.0511 0.0073 0.0009 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Binomial (%) Exact 36.0397 37.5413 18.7707 5.9962 1.3741 0.2405 0.0334 0.0038 0.0004 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Random variable 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total

Poisson (%) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 100.00

Binomial (%) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 100.00



Statistics for Business

Chapter Summary

is 1/25 or 4.00%. The sample size n is 25, the number of Fenwick’s. Then applying the binomial relationship of equation 4(xii) by generating the distribution using [function BINOMDIST] we have the binomial distribution in Column 3 and Column 6 of Table 4.9. This indicates that on any given day, the probability of three Fenwick’s being out of service is 5.9962% or again about

6%. This is about the same result as using the Poisson relationship. Note, in Table 4.9 we have given the probabilities to four decimal places to be able to compare values that are very close. You can also notice that the probability of observing a large number of “successes” tails off very quickly to zero. In this case it is for values of x beyond the Number 5.

This chapter has dealt with discrete random variables, their corresponding distribution, and the binomial and Poisson distribution.

Distribution for discrete random variables When integer or whole number data appear in no special order they are considered discrete random variables. This means that for a given range of values, any number is likely to appear. The number of people in a shopping mall, the number of passengers waiting for the Tube, or the number of cars using the motorway is relatively random. The mean or the expected value of the random variable is the weighted outcome of all the possible outcomes. The variance is calculated by the sum, of the square of the difference between a given random variable and the mean of data multiplied by the probability of occurrence. As always, the standard deviation is the square root of the variance. When we have the expected value and the dispersion or spread of the data, these relationships can be useful in estimating long-term profits, costs, or budget figures. An extension of the random variable is covariance analysis that can be used to estimate portfolio risk. The law of averages in life is underscored by the expected value in random variable analysis. We will never know exactly what will happen tomorrow, or even the day after, however over time or in the long range we can expect the mean value, or the norm, to approach the expected value.

Binomial distribution The binomial concept was developed by Jacques Bernoulli a Swiss/French mathematician and as such is sometimes referred to as the Bernoulli process. Binomial means that there are only two possible outcomes, yes or no, right or wrong, works or does not work, etc. For the binomial distribution to be valid the characteristic probability must be fixed over time, and the outcome of an activity must be independent of another. The mean value in a binomial distribution is the product of the sample size and the characteristic probability. The standard deviation is the square root of the product of the sample size, the characteristic probability, and the characteristic failure. If we know that data follows a binomial pattern, and we have the characteristic probability of occurrence, then for a given sample size we can determine, for example, the probability

Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data

of a quantity of products being good, the probability of a process operating in a given time period, or the probability outcome of a certain action. Although many activities may at first appear to be binomial in nature, over time the binomial relationship may be violated.

Poisson distribution The Poisson distribution, named after the Frenchman, Denis Poisson, is another discrete distribution often used to describe patterns of data that occur during given time intervals in waiting lines or queuing situations. In order to determine the Poisson probabilities you need to know the average number of occurrences, lambda, which are considered fixed for the experiment in question. When this is known, the standard deviation of the Poisson function is the square root of the average number of occurrences. In an experiment when the sample size is at least 20, and the characteristic probability is less then 5%, then the Poisson distribution can be approximated using the binomial relationship. When these conditions apply, the probability outcomes using either the Poisson or the binomial distributions are very close.



Statistics for Business

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 1. HIV virus Situation The Pasteur Institute in Paris has a clinic that tests men for the HIV virus. The testing is performed anonymously and the clinic has no way of knowing how many patients will arrive each day to be tested. Thus tomorrow’s number of patients is a random variable. Past daily records, for the last 200 days, indicate that from 300 to 315 patients per day are tested. Thus the random variable is the number of patients per day – a discrete random variable. This data is given in Table 1. The Director of the clinic, Professor Michel is preparing his annual budget. The total direct and indirect cost for testing each patient is €50 and the clinic is open 250 days per year. Table 1 Men tested

300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315

Table 2 Days this level tested 2 7 10 12 12 14 18 20 24 22 18 16 12 5 4 4

Men tested 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315

Days this level tested 1 1 1 1 10 16 30 40 40 30 16 10 1 1 1 1

Required 1. Using the data in Table 1, what will be a reasonable estimated cost for this particular operation in this budget year? Assume that the records for the past 200 days are representative of the clinic’s operation. 2. If the historical data for the testing is according to Table 2, what effect would this have on your budget? 3. Use the coefficient of variation (ratio of standard deviation to mean value or σ/μ) to compare the data.

Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data

4. Illustrate the distributions given by the two tables as histograms. Do the shapes of the distributions corroborate the information obtained in Question 3? Which of the data is the most reliable for future analysis, and why?

2. Rental cars Situation Roland Ryan operates a car leasing business in Wyoming, United States with 10 outlets in this state. He is developing his budgets for the following year and is proposing to use historical data for estimating his profits for the coming year. For the previous year he has accumulated data from two of his agencies one in Cheyenne, and the other in Laramie. This data shown below gives the number of cars leased, and the number of days at which this level of cars are leased during 250 days per year when the leasing agencies are opened.

Cheyenne Cars leased 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


Days at this level 2 9 12 14 14 18 24 26 29 27 25 20 15 8 6 1

Cars leased 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Days at this level 1 1 2 2 12 20 38 49 50 37 19 13 2 2 1 1

Required 1. Using the data from the Cheyenne agency, what is a reasonable estimate of the average number of cars leased per day during the year the analysis was made? 2. If each car leased generates $22 in profit, using the average value from the Cheyenne data, what is a reasonable estimate of annual profit for the coming year for each agency?



Statistics for Business

3. If the data from Laramie was used, how would this change the response to Question 1 for the average number of cars leased per day during the year the analysis was made? 4 If the data from Laramie was used, how would this change the response to Question 2 of a reasonable estimate of annual profit for the coming year for all 10 agencies? 5. For estimating future activity for the leasing agency, which of the data from Cheyenne or Laramie would be the most reliable? Justify your response visually and quantitatively.

3. Road accidents Situation In a certain city in England, the council was disturbed by the number of road accidents that occurred, and the cost to the city. Some of these accidents were minor just involving damage to the vehicles involved, others involved injury, and in a few cases, death to those persons involved. These costs and injuries were obviously important but also the council wanted to know what were the costs for the services of the police and fire services. When an accident occurred, on average two members of the police force were dispatched together with three members of the fire service. The estimated cost of the police was £35 per hour per person and £47 per hour per person for the fire service. The higher cost for the fire service was because the higher cost of the equipment employed. On average each accident took 3 hours to investigate. This including getting to the scene, doing whatever was necessary at the accident scene, and then writing a report. The council conducted a survey of the number of accidents that occurred and this is in the table below. No. of accidents (x) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

No. of days occurred 7 35 34 46 6 2 31 33 29 31 47 34 30

Required 1. Plot a relative frequency probability for this data for the number of accidents that occurred.

Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data

2. Using this data, what is a reasonable estimate of the daily number of accidents that occur in this city? 3. What is the standard deviation for this information? 4. Do you think that there is a large variation for this data? 5. What is an estimated cost for the annual services of the police services? 6. What is an estimated cost for the annual services of the fire services? 7. What is an estimated cost for the annual services of the police and fire services?

4. Express delivery Situation An express delivery company in a certain country in Europe offers a 48-hour delivery service to all regions of the United States for packages weighing less then 1 kg. If the firm is unable to delivery within this time frame it refunds to the client twice the fixed charge of €42.50. The following table gives the number of packages of less than one kilogram, each month, which were not delivered within the promised time-frame over the last three years. Month January February March April May June July August September October November December




6 4 5 3 0 1 10 2 2 2 3 11

4 6 2 0 5 6 7 9 10 1 1 3

10 7 3 4 4 5 9 3 3 6 4 8

Required 1. Plot a relative frequency probability for this data for the number of packages that were not delivered within the 48-hour time period. 2. What is the highest frequency of occurrence for not meeting the promised time delivery? 3. What is a reasonable estimate of the average number of packages that are not delivered within the promised time frame? 4. What is the standard deviation of the number of packages that are not delivered within the promised time frame? 5. If the firm sets an annual target of not paying to the client more than €4,500, based on the above data, would it meet the target? 6. What qualitative comments can you make about this data that might in part explain the frequency of occurrence of not meeting the time delivery?



Statistics for Business

5. Bookcases Situation Jack Sprat produces handmade bookcases in Devon, United Kingdom. Normally he operates all year-round but this year, 2005, because he is unable to get replacement help, he decides to close down his workshop in August and make no further bookcases. However, he will leave the store open for sales of those bookcases in stock. At the end of July 2005, Jack had 19 finished bookcases in his store/workshop. Sales for the previous 2 years were as follows: Month January February March April May June July August September October November December



17 21 22 21 23 19 22 21 20 16 22 20

18 24 17 21 22 23 22 19 21 18 22 15

Required 1. Based on the above historical data, what is the expected number of bookcases sold per month? 2. What is the highest probability of selling bookcases, and what is this quantity? 3. If the average sale price of a bookcase were £250.00 using the expected value, what would be the expected financial situation for Jack? 4. What are your comments about the answer to Question 3?

6. Investing Situation Sophie, a shrewd investor, wants to analyse her investment in two types of portfolios. One is a high growth fund that invests in blue chip stocks of major companies, plus selected technology companies. The other fund is a bond fund, which is a mixture of United States and European funds backed by the corresponding governments. Using her knowledge of finance and economics Sophie established the following regarding probability and financial returns per $1,000 of investment. Economic change Probability of economic change (%) High growth fund, change ($/$1,000) Bond fund change ($/$1,000)

Contracting 15 50 200



45 100 50

40 250 10

Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data

Required 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Determine the expected values of the high growth fund, and the bond fund. Determine the standard deviation of the high growth fund, and the bond fund. Determine the covariance of the two funds. What is the expected value of the sum of the two investments? What is the expected value of the portfolio? What is the expected percentage return of the portfolio and what is the risk?

7. Gift store Situation Madame Charban owns a gift shop in La Ciotat. Last year she evaluated that the probability of a customer who says they are just browsing, buys something, is 30%. Suppose that on a particular day this year 15 customers browse in the store each hour.

Required Assuming a binomial distribution, respond to the following questions 1. Develop the individual probability distribution histogram for all the possible outcomes. 2. What is the probability that at least one customer, who says they are browsing, will buy something during a specified hour? 3. What is the probability that at least four customers, who say they are browsing, will buy something during a specified hour? 4. What is the probability that no customers, who say they are browsing, will buy something during a specified hour? 5. What is the probability that no more than four customers, who say they are browsing, will buy something during a specified hour?

8. European Business School Situation A European business school has a 1-year exchange programme with international universities in Argentina, Australia, China, Japan, Mexico, and the United States. There is a strong demand for this programme and selection is based on language ability for the country in question, motivation, and previous examination scores. Records show that in the 70% of the candidates that apply are accepted. The acceptance for the programme follows a Bernoulli process.

Required 1. Develop a table showing all the possible exact probabilities of acceptance if 20 candidates apply for this programme.



Statistics for Business

2. Develop a table showing all the possible cumulative probabilities of acceptance if 20 candidates apply for this programme. 3. Illustrate, on a histogram, all the possible exact probabilities of acceptance if 20 candidates apply for this programme. 4. If 20 candidates apply, what is the probability that exactly 10 candidates will be accepted? 5. If 20 candidates apply, what is the probability that exactly 15 candidates will be accepted? 6. If 20 candidates apply, what is the probability that at least 15 candidates will be accepted? 7. If 20 candidates apply, what is the probability that no more than 15 candidates will be accepted? 8. If 20 candidates apply, what is the probability that fewer than 15 candidates will be accepted?

9. Clocks Situation The Chime Company manufactures circuit boards for use in electric clocks. Much of the soldering work on the circuit boards is performed by hand and there are a proportion of the boards that during the final testing are found to be defective. Historical data indicates that of the defective boards, 40% can be corrected by redoing the soldering. The distribution of defective boards follows a binomial distribution.

Required 1. Illustrate on a probability distribution histogram all of the possible individual outcomes of the correction possibilities from a batch of eight defective circuit boards. 2. What is the probability that in the batch of eight defective boards, none can be corrected? 3. What is the probability that in the batch of eight defective boards, exactly five can be corrected? 4. What is the probability that in the batch of eight defective boards, at least five can be corrected? 5. What is the probability that in the batch of eight defective boards, no more than five can be corrected? 6. What is the probability that in the batch of eight defective boards, fewer than five can be corrected?

10. Computer printer Situation Based on past operating experience, the main printer in a university computer centre, which is connected to the local network, is operating 90% of the time. The head of Information Systems makes a random sample of 10 inspections.

Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data

Required 1. Develop the probability distribution histogram for all the possible outcomes of the operation of the computer printer. 2. In the random sample of 10 inspections, what is the probability that the computer printer is operating in exactly 9 of the inspections? 3. In the random sample of 10 inspections, what is the probability that the computer printer is operating in at least 9 of the inspections? 4. In the random sample of 10 inspections, what is the probability that the computer printer is operating in at most 9 of the inspections? 5. In the random sample of 10 inspections, what is the probability that the computer printer is operating in more than 9 of the inspections? 6. In the random sample of 10 inspections, what is the probability that the computer printer is operating in fewer than 9 of the inspections? 7. In how many inspections can the computer printer be expected to operate?

11. Bank credit Situation A branch of BNP-Paribas has an attractive credit programme. Customers meeting certain requirements can obtain a credit card called “BNP Wunder”. Local merchants in surrounding communities accept this card. The advantage is that with this card, goods can be purchased at a 2% discount and further, there is no annual cost for the card. Past data indicates that 35% of all card applicants are rejected because of unsatisfactory credit. Assuming that credit acceptance, or rejection, is a Bernoulli process, and samples of 15 applicants are made.

Required 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Develop a probability histogram for this situation. What is the probability that exactly three applicants will be rejected? What is the probability that at least three applicants will be rejected? What is the probability that more than three applicants will be rejected? What is the probability that exactly seven applicants will be rejected? What is the probability that at least seven applicants will be rejected? What is the probability that more than seven applicants will be rejected?

12. Biscuits Situation The Betin Biscuit Company every August offers discount coupons in the Rhône-Alps Region, France for the purchase of their products. Historical data at Betin’s marketing



Statistics for Business

department indicates that 80% of consumers buying their biscuits do not use the coupons. One day eight customers enter into a store to buy biscuits.

Required 1. Develop an individual binomial distribution for the data. Plot this data as a relative frequency distribution. 2. What is the probability that exactly six customers do not use the coupons for the Betin biscuits? 3. What is the probability that exactly seven customers do not use the coupons? 4. What is the probability that more than four customers do not use the coupons for the Betin biscuits? 5. What is the probability that less than eight customers do not use the coupons? 6. What is the probability that no more than three customers do not use the coupons?

13. Bottled water Situation A food company processes sparkling water into 1.5 litre PET bottles. The speed of the bottling line is very high and historical data indicates that after filling, 0.15% of the bottles are ejected. This filling and ejection operation is considered to follow a Poisson distribution.

Required 1. For 2,000 bottles, develop a probability histogram from zero to 15 bottles falling from the line. 2. What is the probability that for 2,000 bottles, none are ejected from the line? 3. What is the probability that for 2,000 bottles, exactly four are ejected from the line? 4. What is the probability that for 2,000 bottles, at least four are ejected from the line? 5. What is the probability that for 2,000 bottles, less than four are ejected from the line? 6. What is the probability that for 2,000 bottles, no more than four are ejected from the line?

14. Cash for gas Situation A service station, attached to a hypermarket, has two options for gasoline or diesel purchases. Customers either using a credit card that they insert into the pump, serve themselves with fuel such that payment is automatic. This is the most usual form of purchase. The other option is the cash-for-gas utilization area. Here the customers fill their tank and then drive to the exit and pay cash, to one of two attendants at the exit kiosk. This form of distribution is more costly to the operator principally because of the salaries of the attendants in the kiosk. The owner of this service station wants some assurance that

Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data

there is a probability of greater than 90% that 12 or more customers in any hour use the automatic pump. Past data indicates that on average 15 customers per hour use the automatic pump. The Poisson relationship will be used for evaluation.

Required 1. Develop a Poisson distribution for the cash-for-gas utilization area. 2. Should the service station owner be satisfied with the cash-for-gas utilization, based on the criteria given? 3. From the information obtained in Question 2 what might you propose for the owner of the service station?

15. Cashiers Situation A supermarket store has 30 cashiers full time for its operation. From past data, the absenteeism due to illness is 4.5%.

Required 1. Develop an individual Poisson distribution for the data. Plot this data as a relative frequency distribution? 2. Using the Poisson distribution, what is the probability that on any given day exactly three cashiers do not show up for work? 3. Using the Poisson distribution, what is the probability that less than three cashiers do not show up for work? 4. Using the Poisson distribution, what is the probability that more than three cashiers do not show up for work? 5. Develop an individual binomial distribution for the data. Plot this data as a relative frequency distribution. 6. Using the binomial distribution, what is the probability that on any given day exactly three cashiers do not show up for work? 7. Using the binomial distribution, what is the probability that less than three cashiers do not show up for work? 8. Using the binomial distribution, what is the probability that more than three cashiers do not show up for work? 9. What are your comments about the two frequency distribution that you have developed, and the probability values that you have determined?

16. Case: Oil well Situation In an oil well area of Texas are three automatic pumping units that bring the crude oil from the ground. These pumps are installed to operate continuously, 24 hours per day, 365 days



Statistics for Business

per year. Each pump delivers 156 barrels per day of oil when operating normally and the oil is sold at a current price of $42 per barrel. There are times when the pumps stop because of blockages in the feed pipes and the severe weather conditions. When this occurs, the automatic controller at the pump wellhead sends an alarm to a maintenance centre. Here there is always a crew on-call 24 hours a day. When a maintenance crew is called in there is always a three-person team and they bill the oil company for a fixed 10-hour day at a rate of $62 per hour, per crewmember. The data below gives the operating performance of these three pumps in a particular year, for each day of a 365-day year. In the table, “1” indicates the pump is operating, “0” indicates the pump is down (not operating).

Required Describe this situation in probability and financial terms. Pump No. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1

Pump No. 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Chapter 4: Probability analysis for discrete data

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1 1 1 1 1 0 1

1 0 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Probability analysis in the normal distribution

Your can of beer or your bar of chocolate When you buy a can of beer written 33 cl on the label, you have exactly a volume of 33 cl in the can, right? You are almost certainly wrong as this implies a volume of 33.0000 cl. When you buy a bar of black chocolate it is stamped on the label, net weight 100 g. Again, it is highly unlikely that you have 100.0000 g of chocolate. In operations, where the target, or the machine setting is to obtain a certain value it is just about impossible to always obtain this value. Some values will be higher, and some will be lower, just because of the variation of the filling process for the cans of beer or the moulding operation for the chocolate bars. The volume of the beer in the can, or the weight of the bar of chocolate, should not be consistently high since over time this would cost the producing firm too much money. Conversely, the volume or weight cannot be always too low as the firm will not be respecting the information given on the label and clearly this would be unethical. These measurement anomalies can be explained by the normal distribution.



Statistics for Business

Learning objectives After you have studied this chapter you will understand and be able to apply the most widely used tool in statistics, the normal distribution. The theory and concepts of this distribution are presented as follows: ✔

Describing the normal distribution • Characteristics • Mathematical expression • Empirical rule for the normal distribution • Effect of different means and/or different standard deviations • Kurtosis in frequency distributions • Transformation of a normal distribution • The standard normal distribution • Determining the value of z and the Excel function • Application of the normal distribution: Light bulbs Demonstrating that data follow a normal distribution • Verification of normality • Asymmetrical data • Testing symmetry and asymmetry by a normal probability plot • Percentiles and the number of standard deviations Using normal distribution to approximate a binomial distribution • Conditions for approximating the binomial distribution • Application of the normal–binomial approximation: Ceramic plates • Continuity correction factor • Sample size to approximate the normal distribution

The normal distribution is developed from continuous random variables that unlike discrete random variables, are not whole numbers, but take fractional or decimal values. As we have illustrated in the box opener “Your can of beer or your bar of chocolate”, the nominal volume of beer in a can, or that amount indicated on the label, is 33 cl. However, the actual volume when measured may be in fact 32.8579. The nominal weight of a bar of chocolate is 100 g but the actual weight when measured may be in fact 99.7458 g. We may note that the runner completed the Santa Barbara marathon in 3 hours and 4 minutes and 32 seconds. For all these values of volume, weight, and time there is no distinct cut-off point between the data values and they can overlap into other class ranges.

Describing the Normal Distribution

to describe a continuous random variable. It is widely used in statistical analysis. The concept was developed by the German, Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855) and is thus it is also known as the Gaussian distribution. It is valuable to understand the characteristics of the normal distribution as this can provide information about probability outcomes in the business environment and can be a vital aid in decision-making.

Characteristics The shape of the normal distribution is illustrated in Figure 5.1. The x-axis is the value of the random variable, and the y-axis is the frequency of occurrence of this random variable. As we mentioned in Chapter 3, if the frequency of occurrence can represent future outcomes, then the normal distribution can be used as a measure of probability. The following are the basic characteristics of the distribution: ●

A normal distribution is the most important probability distribution, or frequency of occurrence,

It is a continuous distribution. It is bell, mound, or humped shaped and it is symmetrical around this hump. When it is

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution

Frequency or probability

Figure 5.1 Shape of the normal distribution.


Mean value, m

symmetrical it means that the left side is a mirror image of the right side. The central point, or the hump of the distribution, is at the same time the mean, median, mode, and midrange. They all have the same value. The left and right extremities, or the two tails of the normal distribution, may extend far from the central point implying that the associated random variable, x, has a range, x . The inter-quartile range is equal to 1.33 standard deviations.

the normal distribution is still a reasonable approximation.

Mathematical expression The mathematical expression for the normal distribution, and from which the continuous curve is developed, is given by the normal distribution density function, f (x) ● ●

Regarding the tails of the distributions most real-life situations do not extend indefinitely in both directions. In addition, negative values or extremely high positive values would not be possible. However, for these situations


● ●

● ●

1 2πσx

e(1/2)[(xμx )/σx ]



f(x) is the probability density function. π is the constant pie equal to 3.14159. σx is the standard deviation. e is the base of the natural logarithm equal to 2.71828. x is the value of the random variable. μx is the mean value of the distribution.



Statistics for Business

Empirical rule for the normal distribution

Effect of different means and/or different standard deviations

There is an empirical rule for the normal distribution that states the following:

The mean measures the central tendency of the data, and the standard deviation measures its spread or dispersion. Datasets in a normal distribution may have the following configurations:

No matter the values of the mean or the standard deviation, the area under the curve is always unity. This means that the area under the curve represents all or 100% of the data. About 68% (the exact value is 68.26%) of all the data falls within 1 standard deviations from the mean. This means that the boundary limits of this 68% of the data are μ σ. About 95% (the exact value is 95.44%) of all the data falls within 2 standard deviations from the mean. This means that the boundary limits of this 95% of the data are μ 2σ. Almost 100% (the exact value is 99.73%) of all the data falls within 3 standard deviations from the mean. This means that the boundary limits of this almost 100% of the data are μ 3σ.

The same mean, but different standard deviations as illustrated in Figure 5.2. Here there are three distributions with the same mean but with standard deviations of 2.50, 5.00, and 10.00 respectively. The smaller the standard deviation, here 2.50, the curve is narrower and the data congregates around the mean. The larger the standard deviation, here 10.0, the flatter is the curve and the deviation around the mean is greater. Different means but the same standard deviation as illustrated in Figure 5.3. Here the standard deviation is 10.00 for the three curves and their shape is identical. However their means

Figure 5.2 Normal distribution: the same mean but different standard deviations.

s 2.5. Kurtosis value is 5.66

s 5.0. Kurtosis value is 0.60 s 10.0. Kurtosis value is 1.37 m

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution

are 10, 0, and 20 so that they have different positions on the x-axis. Different means and also different standard deviations are illustrated in Figure 5.4. Here the flatter curve has a mean of 10.00 and a standard deviation of 10.00. The middle curve has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 5.00. The sharper curve has a mean of 20.00 and a standard deviation of 2.50.

Kurtosis in frequency distributions Since continuous distributions may have the same mean, but different standard deviations, the different standard deviations alter the sharpness or hump of the peak of the curve as illustrated by the three normal distributions given in Figure 5.2. This difference in shape is the kurtosis, or the characteristic of the peak of a frequency distribution curve. The curve that has a small standard deviation, σ 2.5 is leptokurtic after the Greek word lepto meaning slender. The peak is sharp, and as shown in Figure 5.2, the kurtosis value is 5.66. The curve that has a standard deviation, σ 10.0 is platykurtic after the Greek word platy meaning broad, or flat, and this flatness can be seen also in Figure 5.2. Here the kurtosis value is 1.37.

In conclusion, the shape of the normal distribution is determined by its standard deviation, and the mean value establishes its position on the x-axis. As such, there is an infinite combination of curves according to their respective mean and standard deviation. However, a set of data can be uniquely defined by its mean and standard deviation.

Figure 5.3 Normal distribution: the same standard deviation but different means.

s 10: m 20

s 10: m 10

s 10: m 0















Statistics for Business

Figure 5.4 Normal distribution: different means and different standard deviations.

s 2.5: m 20

s 5: m 0

s 10: m 10













The intermediate curve where the standard deviation σ 5.0 is called mesokurtic since the peak of the curve is in between the two others. Meso from the Greek means intermediate. Here the kurtosis value is 0.60. In statistics, recording the kurtosis value of data gives a measure of the sharpness of the peak and as a corollary a measure of its dispersion. The kurtosis value of a relatively flat peak is negative, whereas for a sharp peak it is positive and becomes increasingly so with the sharpness. The importance of knowing these shapes is that a curve that is leptokurtic is more reliable for analytical purposes. The kurtosis value can be determined in Excel by using [function KURT].

tyre. In the normal distribution the units for these measurements for the mean and the standard deviation are different. There are centilitres for the beer, grams for the chocolate, or kilometres for the tyres. However, all these datasets can be transformed into a standard normal distribution using the following normal distribution transformation relationship:

Transformation of a normal distribution

Continuous datasets might be for example, the volume of beer in cans, the weight of chocolate bars, or the distance travelled by an automobile

z ● ●

x μx σx


x is the value of the random variable. μx is the mean of the distribution of the random variables. σx is the standard deviation of the distribution. z is the number of standard deviations from x to the mean of this distribution.

Since the numerator and the denominator (top and bottom parts of the equation) have the

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution same units, there are no units for the value of z. Further, since the value of x can be more, or less, than the mean value, then z can be either plus or minus. For example, for a certain format the mean value of beer in a can is 33 cl and from past data we know that the standard deviation of the bottling process is 0.50 cl. Assume that a single can of beer is taken at random from the bottling line and its volume is 33.75 cl. In this case using equation 5(ii), z

x μx 33.75 33.00 0.75 1.50 σx 0.50 0.50

Alternatively, the mean value of a certain size chocolate bar is 100 g and from past data we know that the standard deviation of a production lot of these chocolate bars is 0.40 g. Assume one slab of chocolate is taken at random from the production line and its weight is 100.60 g. In this case using equation 5(ii), z

x μx 100.60 100.00 0.60 1.50 σx 0.40 0.40

The standard normal distribution A standard normal distribution has a mean value, μ, of zero. The area under the curve to the left of the mean is 50.00% and the area to the right of the mean is also 50.00%. For values of z ranging from 3.00 to 3.00 the area under the curve represents 99.73% or almost 100% of the data. When the values of z range from 2.00 to 2.00, then the area under the curve represents 95.45%, or close to 95%, of the data. And, for values of z ranging from 1.00 to 1.00 the area under the curve represents 68.27% or about 68% of the data. These relationships are illustrated in Figure 5.5. These areas of the curve are indicated with the appropriate values of z on the x-axis. Also, indicated on the x-axis are the values of the random variable, x, for the case of a bar of chocolate of a nominal weight of 100.00 g, and a population standard deviation of 0.40 g, as presented earlier. These values of x are determined as follows. Reorganizing equation 5(ii) to make x the subject, we have, x μx zσx

Again assume that the mean value of the life of a certain model tyre is 35,000 km and from past data we know that the standard deviation of the life of a tyre is 1,500 km. Then suppose that one tyre is taken at random from the production line and tested on a rolling machine. The tyre lasts 37,250 km. Then using equation 5(ii), z

x μx 37, 250 35, 000 2, 250 1.50 σx 1, 500 1, 500

Thus in each case we have the same number of standard deviations, z. This is as opposed to the value of the standard deviation, σ, in using three different situations each with different units. We have converted the data to a standard normal distribution. This is how the normal frequency distribution can be used to estimate the probability of occurrence of certain situations.


Thus, when z is 2 the value of x from equation 5(iii) is, x 100.00 2 * 0.4 100.80 Alternatively, when z is 3 the value of x from equation 5(iii) is, x 100.00 (3) * 0.4 98.80 The other values of x are calculated in a similar manner. Note the value of z is not necessarily a whole number but it can take on any numerical value such as 0.45, 0.78, or 2.35, which give areas under the curve from the left-hand tail to the z-value of 32.64%, 78.23%, and 99.06%, respectively. When z is negative it means that the area under the curve from the left is less than 50% and when z is positive it means that the area from the


Statistics for Business

Figure 5.5 Areas under a standard normal distribution.

99.73% 95.45%

Frequency, or probability of occurrence



Standard deviation is s 0.4









left of the curve is greater than 50%. These area values can also be interpreted as probabilities. Thus for any data of any continuous units such as weight, volume, speed, length, etc. all intervals containing the same number of standard deviations, z from the mean, will contain the same proportion of the total area under the curve for any normal probability distribution.

Determining the value of z and the Excel function Many books on statistics and quantitative methods publish standard tables for determining z. These tables give the area of the curve either to the right or the left side of the mean and from these tables probabilities can be estimated. Instead of tables, this book uses the Microsoft Excel function for the normal distribution,








which has a complete database of the z-values. The logic of the z-values in Excel is that the area of the curve increases from 0% at the left to 100% as we move to the right of the curve. The following four useful normal distribution functions are found in Excel. ●

[function NORMDIST] determines the area under the curve, or probability P(x), given the value of the random variable x, the mean value, μ, of the dataset, and the standard deviation, σ. [function NORMINV] determines the value of the random variable, x, given the area under the curve or the probability, P(x), the mean value, μ, and the standard deviation, σ. [function NORMSDIST] the value of the area or probability, p, given z. [function NORMSINV] the value of z given the area or probability, P(x).

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution

Frequency of occurrence

Figure 5.6 Probability that the life of a light bulb lasts no more than 3,250 hours.

Area 84.95%

Life of a light bulb, hours

It is not necessary to learn by heart which function to use because, as for all the Excel functions, when they are selected, it indicates what values to insert to obtain the result. Thus, knowing the information that you have available, tells you what normal function to use. The application of the normal distribution using the Excel normal distribution function is illustrated in the following example.

Application of the normal distribution: Light bulbs General Electric Company has past data concerning the life of a particular 100-Watt light bulb that shows that on average it will last 2,500 hours before it fails. The standard deviation of this data is 725 hours and the illumination time of a light bulb is considered to follow a normal distribution. Thus for this situation, the mean value, μ, is considered a constant at 2,500 hours and the standard deviation, σ, is also a constant with a value of 725 hours.



1. What is the probability that a light bulb of this kind selected at random from the production line will last no more than 3,250 hours? Using equation 5(ii), where the random variable, x, is 3,250, z

3,250 2,500 750 1.0345 725 725

From [function NORMSDIST] the area under the curve from left to right, for z 1.0345, is 84.95%. Thus we can say that the probability of a single light bulb taken from the production line has an 84.95% probability of lasting not more than 3,250 hours. This concept is shown on the normal distribution in Figure 5.6. 2. What is the probability that a light bulb of this kind selected at random from the production line will last at least 3,250 hours? Here we are interested in the area of the curve on the right where x is at least 3,250 hours. This area is (100% 84.95%) or 15.05%. Thus we can say that there is a 15.05%


Statistics for Business

Figure 5.7 Probability that the life of a light bulb lasts at least 3,250 hours.

Frequency of occurrence


Area 15.05%

Life of a light bulb, hours

probability that a single light bulb taken from the production line has a 15.05% probability of lasting at least 3,250 hours. This is shown on the normal distribution in Figure 5.7. 3. What is the probability that a light bulb of this kind selected at random will last no more than 2,000 hours? Using equation 5(ii), where the random variable, x, is now 2,000 hours, z

2,000 2,500 500 0.6897 725 725

The fact that z has a negative value implies that the random variable lies to the left of the mean; which it does since 2,000 hour is less than 2,500 hours. From [function NORMSDIST] the area of the curve for z 0.6897 is 24.52%. Thus, we can say that there is a 24.52% probability that a single light bulb taken from the production line will last no more than 2,000 hours. This is shown on the normal distribution curve in Figure 5.8. 4. What is the probability that a light bulb of this kind selected at random will last between 2,000 and 3,250 hours?



In this case we are interested in the area of the curve between 2,000 hours and 3,250 hours where 2,000 hours is to the left of the mean and 3,250 is greater than the mean. We can determine this probability by several methods. Method 1 ●

Area of the curve 2,000 hours and below is 24.52% from answer to Question 3. Area of the curve 3,250 hours and above is 15.05% from answer to Question 2.

Thus, area between 2,000 and 3,250 hours is (100.00% 24.52% 15.05%) 60.43%. Method 2 Since the normal distribution is symmetrical, the area of the curve to the left of the mean is 50.00% and also the area of the curve to the right of the mean is 50.00%. Thus, ●

Area of the curve between 2,000 and 2,500 hours is (50.00% 24.52%) 25.48%. Area of the curve between 2,500 and 3,250 hours is (50.00% 15.05%) 34.95%.

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution

Frequency of occurrence

Figure 5.8 Probability that the life of a light bulb lasts no more than 2,000 hours.

Area 24.52%



Life of a light bulb, hours

Figure 5.9 Probability that the light bulb lasts between 2,000 and 3,250 hours.

Frequency of occurrence

Area 60.43%


Thus, area of the curve between 2,000 and 3,250 hours is (25.48% 34.95%) 60.43%. Method 3 ●

Area of the curve at 3,250 hours and below is 84.95%.



Life of a light bulb, hours

Area of the curve at 2,000 hours and below is 24.52%.

Thus, area of the curve between 2,000 and 3,250 hours is (84.95% 24.52%) 60.43%. This situation is shown on the normal distribution curve in Figure 5.9.


Statistics for Business

5. What are the lower and upper limits in hours, symmetrically distributed, at which 75% of the light bulbs will last? In this case we are interested in 75% of the middle area of the curve. The area of the curve outside this value is (100.00% 75.00%) 25.00%. Since the normal distribution is symmetrical, the area on the left side of the limit, or the left tail, is 25/2 or 12.50%. Similarly, the area on the right of the limit, or the right tail, is also 12.50% as illustrated in Figure 5.10. From the normal probability functions in Excel, given the value of 12.50%, then the numerical value of z is 1.1503. Again, since the curve is symmetrical the value of z on the left side is 1.1503 and on the right side, it is 1.1503. From equation 5(iii) where z at the upper limit is 1.1503, μx 2,500 and σx is 725, x (upper limit) 2,500 1.1503 * 725 3,334 hours

At the lower limit z is 1.1503 x (lower limit) 2,500 1.1503 * 725 1,666 hours These values are also shown on the normal distribution curve in Figure 5.10. 6. If General Electric has 50,000 of this particular light bulb in stock, how many bulbs would be expected to fail at 3,250 hours or less? In this case we simply multiply the population N, or 50,000 by the area under the curve by the answer determined in Question No. 1, or 50,000 * 84.95% 42,477.24 or 42,477 light bulbs rounded to the nearest whole number. 7. If General Electric has 50,000 of this particular light bulb in stock, how many bulbs would be expected to fail between 2,000 and 3,250 hours? Again, we multiply the population N, or 50,000, by the area under the curve determined by the answer to Question No. 4, or 50,000 * 60.43% 30,216.96 or 30,217 light bulbs rounded to the nearest whole number.

Figure 5.10 Symmetrical limits between which 75% of the light bulbs will last.

Area 75.00% Frequency of occurrence


Area 12.50%

Area 12.50%




Life of a light bulb, hours

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution In all these calculations we have determined the appropriate value by first determining the value of z. A quicker route in Excel is to use the [function NORMDIST] where the mean, standard deviation, and the value of x are entered. This gives the probability directly. It is a matter of preference which of the functions to use. I like to calculate z, since with this value it is easy to position the situation on the normal distribution curve.

criteria. If they do then the following relationships should be close. ● ●

Demonstrating That Data Follow a Normal Distribution A lot of data follows a normal distribution particularly when derived from an operation set to a nominal value. The weight of a nominal 100-g chocolate bar, the volume of liquid in a nominal 33-cl beverage can, or the life of a tyre mentioned earlier follow a normal distribution. Some of the units examined will have values greater than the nominal figure and some less. However, there may be cases when other data may not follow a normal distribution and so if you apply the normal distribution assumptions erroneous conclusions may be made.

Verification of normality To verify that data reasonably follows a normal distribution you can make a visual comparison. For small datasets a stem-and-leaf display as presented in Chapter 1, will show if the data appears normal. For larger datasets a frequency polygon also developed in Chapter 1 or a box-and-whisker plot, introduced in Chapter 2, can be developed to see if their profiles look normal. As an illustration, Figure 5.11 shows a frequency polygon and the box-and-whisker plot for the sales revenue data presented in Chapters 1 and 2. Another verification of the normal assumption is to determine the properties of the dataset to see if they correspond to the normal distribution

The mean is equal to the median value. The inter-quartile range is equal to 1.33 times the standard deviation. The range of the data is equal to six times the standard deviation. About 68% of the data lies between 1 standard deviations of the mean. About 95% of the data lies between 2 standard deviations of the mean. About 100% of the data lies between 3 standard deviations of the mean.

The information in Table 5.1 gives the properties for the 200 pieces of sales data presented in Chapter 1. The percentage values are calculated by using the equation 5(iii) first to find the limits for a given value of z using the mean and standard deviation of the data. Then the amount of data between these limits is determined and this

Figure 5.11 Sales revenue: comparison of the frequency polygon and its box-andwhisker plot. Frequency polygon

Box-and-whisker plot



35,378 109,785 108,695 89,597 85,479 73,598 95,896 109,856 83,695 105,987 59,326 99,999 90,598 68,976 100,296 71,458 112,987 72,312 119,654 70,489

Statistics for Business

Table 5.1

Sales revenues: properties compared to normal assumptions.

170,569 184,957 91,864 160,259 64,578 161,895 52,754 101,894 75,894 93,832 121,459 78,562 156,982 50,128 77,498 88,796 123,895 81,456 96,592 94,587

104,985 96,598 120,598 55,492 103,985 132,689 114,985 80,157 98,759 58,975 82,198 110,489 87,694 106,598 77,856 110,259 65,847 124,856 66,598 85,975

134,859 121,985 47,865 152,698 81,980 120,654 62,598 78,598 133,958 102,986 60,128 86,957 117,895 63,598 134,890 72,598 128,695 101,487 81,490 138,597

120,958 63,258 162,985 92,875 137,859 67,895 145,985 86,785 74,895 102,987 86,597 99,486 85,632 123,564 79,432 140,598 66,897 73,569 139,584 97,498

107,865 164,295 83,964 56,879 126,987 87,653 99,654 97,562 37,856 144,985 91,786 132,569 104,598 47,895 100,659 125,489 82,459 138,695 82,456 143,985

127,895 97,568 103,985 151,895 102,987 58,975 76,589 136,984 90,689 101,498 56,897 134,987 77,654 100,295 95,489 69,584 133,984 74,583 150,298 92,489

106,825 165,298 61,298 88,479 116,985 103,958 113,590 89,856 64,189 101,298 112,854 76,589 105,987 60,128 122,958 89,651 98,459 136,958 106,859 146,289

130,564 113,985 104,987 165,698 45,189 124,598 80,459 96,215 107,865 103,958 54,128 135,698 78,456 141,298 111,897 70,598 153,298 115,897 68,945 84,592

108,654 124,965 184,562 89,486 131,958 168,592 111,489 163,985 123,958 71,589 152,654 118,654 149,562 84,598 129,564 93,876 87,265 142,985 122,654 69,874

Property Mean Median Maximum Minimum Range σ (population) Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 6σ 1.33σ Normal plot 1σ 2σ 3σ Sales data 1σ 2σ 3σ

Value 102,666.67 100,295.50 184,957.00 35,378.00 149,579.00 30,888.20 123,910.75 79,975.75 43,935.00 185,329.17 41,081.30 Area under curve 68.27% 95.45% 99.73% Area under curve 64.50% 96.00% 100.00%

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution is converted to a percentage amount. The following gives an example of the calculation. x (for z 1) 102,667 30,880 71,787 x (for z 1) 102,667 30,880 133,547 Using Excel, there are 129 pieces of data between these limits and so 129/200 64.50% x (for z 2) 102,667 2 * 30,880 40,907 x (for z 2) 102,667 2 * 30,880 164,427

Thus from the visual displays, and the properties of the sales data, the normal assumption seems reasonable. As a proof of this, if we go back to Chapter 1 from the ogives for this sales data we showed that, ●

From the greater than ogive, 80.00% of the sales revenues are at least $75,000. From the less than ogive, 90.00% of the revenues are no more than $145,000.

x (for z 3) 102,667 3 * 30,880 10,027

If we assume a normal distribution then at least 80% of the sales revenue will appear in the area of the curve as illustrated in Figure 5.12. The value of z at the point x with the Excel normal distribution function is 0.8416. Using this and the mean, and standard deviation values for the sales data using equation 5(iii) we have,

x (for z 3) 102,667 3 * 30,880 19,5307

x 102,667 (0.8416) * 30,880 $76,678

Using Excel, there are 200 pieces of data between these limits and 200/200 100.00%

This value is only 2.2% greater than the value of $75,000 determined from the ogive.

Using Excel, there are 192 pieces of data between these limits and 192/200 96.00%

Frequency of occurrence

Figure 5.12 Area of the normal distribution containing at least 80% of the data.

Area 80.00%




Statistics for Business

Figure 5.13 Area of the normal distribution giving upper limit of 90% of the data.

Frequency of occurrence


Area 90.00%


Similarly, if we assume a normal distribution then 90% of the sales revenue will appear in the area of the curve as illustrated in Figure 5.13. The value of z at the point x with the Excel normal distribution function is 1.2816. Using this and the mean, and standard deviation values for the sales data using equation 5(iii) we have, x 102,667 1.2816 * 30,880 $142,243 This value is only 1.9% less than the value of $145,000 determined from the ogive.

Asymmetrical data In a dataset when the mean and median are significantly different then the probability distribution is not normal but is asymmetrical or skewed. A distribution is skewed because values in the frequency plot are concentrated at either the low (left side) or the high end (right side) of the x-axis. When the mean value of the dataset is greater than the median value then the distribution of the data is positively or right-skewed where the curve tails off to the right. This is because it is the mean that is the most affected by extreme values and is pulled over to the right.


Here the distribution of the data has its mode, the hump, or the highest frequency of occurrence, at the left end of the x-axis where there is a higher proportion of relatively low values and a lower proportion of high values. The median is the middle value and lies between the mode and the mean. If the mean value is less than the median, then the data is negatively or left-skewed such that the curve tails off to the left. This is because it is the mean that is the most affected by extreme values and is pulled back to the left. Here the distribution of the data has its mode, the hump, or the highest frequency of occurrence, at the right end of the x-axis where there is a higher proportion of large values and lower proportion of relatively small values. Again, the median is the middle value and lies between the mode and the mean. This concept of symmetry and asymmetry is illustrated by the following three situations. For a certain consulting Firm A, the monthly salaries of 1,000 of its worldwide staff are shown by the frequency polygon and its associated box-and-whisker plot in Figure 5.14. Here

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution

Figure 5.14 Frequency polygon and its box-and-whisker plot for symmetrical data. 22% 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 8,000


10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000



10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000

Monthly salary, $

the data is essentially symmetrically distributed. The mean value is $15,893 and the median value is $15,907 or the mean is just 0.08% less than the median. The maximum salary is $21,752 and the minimum is $10,036. Thus, 500, or 50% of the staff have a monthly salary between $10,036 and $15,907 and 500, or the other 50%, have a salary between $15,907 and $21,752. From the graph the mode is about $15,800 with the frequency at about 19.2% or essentially the mean, mode, and median are approximately the same. Figure 5.15 is for consulting Firm B. Here the frequency polygon and the box-and-whisker plot are right-skewed. The mean value is now $12,964 and the median value is $12,179 or the mean is 6.45% greater than the median. The maximum salary is still $21,752 and the minimum $10,036. Now, 500, or 50%, of the staff

have a monthly salary between $10,036 and $12,179 and 500, or the other 50%, have a salary between $12,179 and $21,752 or a larger range of smaller values than in the case of the symmetrical distribution, which explains the lower average value. From the graph the mode is about $11,500 with the frequency at about 24.0%. Thus in ascending order, we have the mode ($11,500), median ($12,179), and mean ($12,964). Figure 5.16 is for consulting Firm C. Here the frequency polygon and the box-and-whisker plot are left-skewed. The mean value is now $18,207 and the median value is $19,001 or the mean is 4.18% less than the median. The maximum salary is still $21,752 and the minimum $10,036. Now, 500, or 50%, of the staff have a monthly salary between $10,036 and $19,001 and 500, or the other 50%, have a salary between



Statistics for Business

Figure 5.15 Frequency polygon and its box-and-whisker plot for right-skewed data. 26% 24% 22% 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 8,000


10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000



10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000

Monthly salary, $

Figure 5.16 Frequency polygon and its box-and-whisker plot for left-skewed data. 26% 24% 22% 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 8,000


10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000



10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000

Monthly salary, $

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution $19,001 and $21,752 or a smaller range of upper values compared to the symmetrical distribution, which explains the higher mean value. From the graph the mode is about $20,500 with the frequency at about 24.30%. Thus in ascending order we have the mean ($18,207), median ($19,001), and the mode ($20,500).

Testing symmetry by a normal probability plot Another way to establish the symmetry of data is to construct a normal probability plot. This procedure is as follows: ● ●

Organize the data into an ordered data array. For each of the data points determine the area under the curve on the assumption that the data follows a normal distribution. For example, if there are 19 data points in the array then the curve has 20 portions. (To divide a segment into n portions you need (n 1) limits.) Determine the number of standard deviations, z, for each area using that normal distribution function in Excel, which gives z for a given probability. For example, for 19 data values Table 5.2 gives the area under the curve and the corresponding value of z. Note that the value of z has the same numerical values moving from left to right and at the median, z is 0 since this is a standardized normal distribution. Plot the data values on the y-axis against the z-values on the x-axis. Observe the profile of the graph. If the graph is essentially a straight line with a positive slope then the data follows a normal distribution. If the graph is non-linear of a concave format then the data is right-skewed. If the graph has a convex format then the data is left-skewed.

The three normal probability plots that show clearly the profiles for the normal, right-, and left-skewed datasets for the consulting data of Figures 5.14–5.16 are shown in Figure 5.17.

Table 5.2 Symmetry by a normal probability plot. Data Area to left of No. of standard point data point (%) deviations at data point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00

1.6449 1.2816 1.0364 0.8416 0.6745 0.5244 0.3853 0.2533 0.1257 0.0000 0.1257 0.2533 0.3853 0.5244 0.6745 0.8416 1.0364 1.2816 1.6449

Percentiles and the number of standard deviations In Chapter 2, we used percentiles to divide up the raw sales data originally presented in Figure 1.1 and then to position regional sales information according to its percentile value. Using the concept from the immediate previous paragraph, “Testing symmetry by a normal probability plot”, we can relate the percentile value and the number of standard deviations. In Table 5.3, in the column “z”, we show the number of standard deviations going from 3.4 to 3.4 standard deviations. The next column, “percentile” gives the area to the left of this number of standard deviations, which is also the percentile value on the basis the data follows a normal distribution, which we have demonstrated in the paragraph “Demonstrating that data follow a normal distribution” in this chapter. The third


Statistics for Business

Figure 5.17 Normal probability plot for salaries. 24,000 22,000 20,000 18,000 Salary


16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 4.0000 3.0000 2.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 Number of standard deviations Normal distribution

Table 5.3


Right - skewed



Left - skewed

Positioning of sales data, according to z and the percentile.


Percentile (%)

Value ($)


3.40 3.30 3.20 3.10 3.00 2.90 2.80 2.70 2.60 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.20 2.10 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20

0.0337 0.0483 0.0687 0.0968 0.1350 0.1866 0.2555 0.3467 0.4661 0.6210 0.8198 1.0724 1.3903 1.7864 2.2750 2.8717 3.5930 4.4565 5.4799 6.6807 8.0757 9.6800 11.5070

35,544 35,616 35,717 35,855 36,044 36,298 36,638 37,088 37,677 39,585 42,485 45,548 47,241 47,882 49,072 52,005 54,333 56,697 58,778 59,562 61,390 63,754 66,522

1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10

Percentile (%) Value ($) 13.5666 15.8655 18.4060 21.1855 24.1964 27.4253 30.8538 34.4578 38.2089 42.0740 46.0172 50.0000 53.9828 57.9260 61.7911 65.5422 69.1462 72.5747 75.8036 78.8145 81.5940 84.1345 86.4334

68,976 71,090 73,587 76,734 78,724 82,106 84,949 87,487 89,882 93,864 97,535 100,296 102,987 105,260 108,626 112,307 117,532 121,682 124,502 128,568 133,161 135,291 138,597


Percentile (%)

Value ($)

1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40

88.4930 90.3200 91.9243 93.3193 94.5201 95.5435 96.4070 97.1283 97.7250 98.2136 98.6097 98.9276 99.1802 99.3790 99.5339 99.6533 99.7445 99.8134 99.8650 99.9032 99.9313 99.9517 99.9663

141,469 145,722 150,246 152,685 157,293 162,038 163,835 164,581 165,487 166,986 169,053 170,304 175,728 181,264 184,591 184,684 184,756 184,810 184,851 184,881 184,903 184,919 184,931

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution column, “Value, $” is the sales amount corresponding to the number of standard deviations and also the percentile. What does all these mean? From Table 5.1 the standard deviation, z 1, for this sales data is $30,888.20 (let’s say $31 thousand) and the mean 102,666.67 (let’s say $103 thousand). Thus if sales are 1 standard deviations from the mean they would be approximately 103 31 $134 thousand. From Table 5.3 the value is $135 thousand (rounding), or a negligible difference. Similarly a value of z 1 puts the sales at 103 31 $72 thousand. From Table 5.3 the value is $71 thousand which again is close. Thus, using the standard z-values we have a measure of the dispersion of the data. This is another way of looking at the spread of information.

Using a Normal Distribution to Approximate a Binomial Distribution In Chapter 4, we presented the binomial distribution. Under certain conditions, the discrete binomial distribution can be approximated by the continuous normal distribution, enabling us to perform sampling experiments for discrete data but using the more convenient normal distribution for analysis. This is particularly useful for example in statistical process control (SPC).

Conditions for approximating the binomial distribution The conditions for approximating the binomial distribution are that the product of the sample size, n, and the probability of success, p, is greater, or equal to five and at the same time the product of the sample size and the probability of failure is also greater than or equal to five. That is, np 5


n(1 p) 5


From Chapter 4, equation 4(xv), the mean or expected value of the binomial distribution is, μx E(x) np And from equation 4(xvii) the standard deviation of the binomial distribution is given by, σ σ2 (np(1 p)) (npq) When the two normal approximation conditions apply, then from using equation 5(ii) substituting for the mean and standard deviation we have the following normal–binomial approximation: x μx x np x np z 5(vi) σx npq np(1 p) The following illustrates this application.

Application of the normal–binomial approximation: Ceramic plates A firm has a continuous production operation to mould, glaze, and fire ceramic plates. It knows from historical data that in the operation 3% of the plates are defective and have to be sold at a marked down price. The quality control manager takes a random sample of 500 of these plates and inspects them. 1. Can we use the normal distribution to approximate the normal distribution? The sample size n is 500, and the probability p is 3%. Using equations 5(iv) and 5(v) np 500 * 0.03 15 or a value 5 n(1 p) 500 * (1 0.03) 500 * 0.97 485 and again a value 5 Thus both conditions are satisfied and so we can correctly use the normal distribution as an approximation of the binomial distribution. 2. Using the binomial distribution, what is the probability that 20 of the plates are defective? Here we use in Excel, [function BINOMDIST] where x is 20, the characteristic probability p is 3%, the sample size, n is 500, and the cumulative value is 0. This gives the probability of exactly 20 plates being defective of 4.16%.


Statistics for Business 3. Using the normal–binomial approximation what is the probability that 20 of the plates are defective? From equation 4(xv), the mean value of the binomial distribution is, μx np 500 * 0.003 15 From equation 4(xvii) the standard deviation of the binomial distribution is, σ (npq) (500 * 0.003 * 0.997) 3.8144 Here we use in Excel, [function NORMDIST] where x is 20, the mean value is 15, the standard deviation is 3.8144, and the cumulative value is 0. This gives the probability of exactly 20 plates being defective of 4.43%. This is a value not much different from 4.16% obtained in Question 2. (Note if we had used a cumulative value 1 this would give the area from the left of the normal distribution curve to the value of x.)

Continuity correction factor Now, the normal distribution is continuous, and is shown by a line graph, whereas the binomial distribution is discrete illustrated by a histogram. Another way to make the normal– binomial approximation is to apply a continuity correction factor so that we encompass the range of the discrete value recognizing that we are superimposing a histogram to a continuous curve. In the previous ceramic plate example, if we apply a correction factor of 0.5–20, the random variable x then on the lower side we have x1 19.5 (20 0.5) and x2 20.5 (20 0.5) on the upper side. The concept is illustrated in Figure 5.18. Using equation 5(vi) for these two values of x gives z1

x1 np np(1 p) 19.5 15 14.55

Figure 5.18 Continuity correction factor.

Frequency of occurrence






19.5 500 * 0.03 500 * 0.03(1 0.03)

4.5 1.1797 3.8144

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution

x2 np


np(1 p) 20.5 15 14.55

20.5 500 * 0.03 500 * 0.03(1 0.03)

5.5 1.4419 3.8144

Using in Excel, [function NORMSDIST] for a z-value of 1.1797 gives the area under the curve from the left to x 19.5 of 88.09%. For a value of x of 20.5 gives the area under the curve of 92.53%. The difference between these two areas is 4.44% (92.53% 88.09%). This value is again close to those values obtained in the worked example for the ceramic plates.

large then for a given value of n the product np is large; conversely n(1 p) is small. The minimum sample size possible to apply the normal– binomial approximation is 10. In this case the probability, p, must be equal to 50% as for example in the coin toss experiment. As the probability p increases in value, (1 p) decreases and so for the two conditions to be valid the sample size n has to be larger. If for example p is 99%, then the minimum sample size in order to apply the normal distribution assumption is 500 illustrated as follows: p 99% and thus, np 500 * 99% 495 (1 p) 1% and thus, n(1 p) 500 * 1% 5

Sample size to approximate the normal distribution The conditions that equations 5(iv) and 5(v) are met depend on the values of n and p. When p is

Figure 5.19 gives the relationship of the minimum values of the sample size, n, for values of p from 10% to 90% in order to satisfy both equations 5(iv) and 5(v).

Figure 5.19 Minimum sample size in a binomial situation to be able to apply the normal distribution assumption. 55 50 45

Sample size, n (units)

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0%

5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% Probability, p


Statistics for Business

Chapter Summary


This chapter has been entirely devoted to the normal distribution.

Describing the normal distribution The normal distribution is the most widely used analytical tool in statistics and presents graphically the profile of a continuous random variable. Situations which might follow a normal distribution are those processes that are set to produce products according to a target or a mean value such as a bottle filling operation, the filling of yogurt pots, or the pouring of liquid chocolate into a mould. Simply because of the nature, or randomness of these operations, we will find volume or weight values below and above the set target value. Visually, a normal distribution is bell or hump shaped and is symmetrical around this hump such that the left side is a mirror image of the right side. The central point of the hump is at the same time the mean, median, mode, and midrange. The left and right extremities, or the two tails of the normal distribution, may extend far from the central point. No matter the value of the mean or the standard deviation, the area under the curve of the normal distribution is always unity. In addition, 68.26% of all the data falls within 1 standard deviations from the mean, 95.44% of the data falls within 2 standard deviations from the mean, and 99.73% of data is 3 standard deviations from the mean. These empirical relationships allow the normal distribution to be used to determine probability outcomes of many situations. Data in a normal distribution can be uniquely defined by its mean value and standard deviation and these values define the shape or kurtosis of the distribution. A distribution that has a small standard deviation relative to its mean has a sharp peak or is leptokurtic. A distribution that has a large standard deviation relative to its mean has a flat peak and is platykurtic. A distribution between these two extremes is mesokurtic. The importance of knowing these shapes is that a curve that is leptokurtic is more reliable for analytical purposes. When we know the values of the mean value, μ, the standard deviation, σ, and the random variable, x, of a dataset we can transform the absolute values of the dataset into standard values. This then gives us a standard normal distribution which has a mean value of 0 and plus or minus values of z, the number of standard deviations from the mean corresponding to the area under the curve.

Demonstrating that data follow a normal distribution To verify that data follows a normal distribution there are several tests. We can develop a stemand-leaf display if the dataset is small. For larger datasets we can draw a box-and-whisker plot, or plot a frequency polygon, and see if these displays are symmetrical. Additionally, we can determine the properties of the data to see if the mean is about equal to the median, that the inter-quartile range is equal to 1.33 times the standard deviation, that the data range is about six times the standard deviation, and that the empirical rules governing the number of standard deviations and the area under the curve are respected. If the mean and median value in a dataset are significantly different then the data is asymmetric or skewed. When the mean is greater than the median the distribution is positively or right-skewed, and when the mean is less than the median the distribution is negatively or left-skewed. A more rigorous test of symmetry involves developing a normal

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution

probability plot which involves organizing the data into an ordered array and determining the values of z for defined equal portions of the data. If the normal probability plot is essentially linear with a positive slope, then the data is normal. If the plot is non-linear and concave then the data is right-skewed, and if it is convex then the data is left-skewed. Since we have divided data into defined portions, the normal probability plot is related to the data percentiles.

A normal distribution to approximate a binomial distribution When both the product of sample size, n, and probability, p, of success and the product of sample size and probability of failure (1 p) are greater or equal to five then we can use a normal distribution to approximate a binomial distribution. This condition applies for a minimum sample size of 10 when the probability of success is 50%. For other probability values the sample size will be larger. This normal–binomial approximation has practicality in sampling experiments such as statistical process control.



Statistics for Business

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 1. Renault trucks Situation Renault Trucks, a division of Volvo Sweden, is a manufacturer of heavy vehicles. It is interested in the performance of its Magnum trucks that it sells throughout Europe to both large and smaller trucking companies. Based on service data throughout the Renault agencies in Europe it knows that on an annual basis the distance travelled by its trucks, before a major overhaul is necessary, is 150,000 km with a standard deviation of 35,000 km. The data is essentially normally distributed, and there were 62,000 trucks in the analysis.

Required 1. What proportion of trucks can be expected to travel between 82,000 and 150,000 km per year? 2. What is the probability that a randomly selected truck travels between 72,000 and 140,000 km per year? 3. What percentage of trucks can be expected to travel no more than 50,000 km per year and at least 190,000 km per year? 4. How many of the trucks in the analysis, are expected to travel between 125,000, and 200,000 km in the year? 5. In order to satisfy its maintenance and quality objectives Renault Trucks desires that at least 75% of its trucks travel at least 125,000 km. Does Renault Trucks reach this objective? Justify your answer by giving the distance at which at least 75% of the trucks travel. 6. What is the distance below which 99.90% of the trucks are expected to travel? 7. For analytical purposes for management, develop a greater than ogive based on the data points developed from Questions 1–6.

2. Telephone calls Situation An analysis of 1,000 long distance telephone calls made from a large business office indicates that the length of these calls is normally distributed, with an average time of 240 seconds, and a standard deviation of 40 seconds.

Required 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What percentage of these calls lasted no more than 180 seconds? What is the probability that a particular call lasted between 180 and 300 seconds? How many calls lasted no more than 180 seconds and at least 300 seconds? What percentage of these calls lasted between 110 and 180 seconds? What is the length of a particular call, such that only 1% of all calls are shorter?

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution

3. Training programme Situation An automobile company has installed an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to better manage the firm’s supply chain. The human resource department has been instructed to develop a training programme for the employees to fully understand how the new system functions. This training programme has a fixed lecture period and at the end of the programme there is a self-paced on-line practical examination that the participants have to pass before they are considered competent with the new ERP system. If they fail the examination they are able to retake it as many times as they wish in order to pass. When the employee passes the examination they are considered competent with the ERP system and they immediately receive a 2% salary increase. During the last several months, average completion of the programme, which includes passing the examination, has been 56 days, with a standard deviation of 14 days. The time taken to pass the examination is considered to follow a normal distribution.

Required 1. What is the probability that an employee will successfully complete the programme between 40 and 51 days? 2. What is the probability an employee will successfully complete programme in 35 days or less? 3. What is the combined probability that an employee will successfully complete the programme in no more than 34 days or more than 84 days? 4. What is the probability that an employee will take at least 75 days to complete the training programme? 5. What are the upper and lower limits in days within which 80% of the employees will successfully complete the programme?

4. Cashew nuts Situation Salted cashew nuts sold in a store are indicated on the packaging to have a nominal net weight of 125 g. Tests at the production site indicate that the average weight in a package is 126.75 g with a standard deviation of 1.25 g.

Required 1. If you buy a packet of these cashew nuts at a store, what is the probability that your packet will contain more than 127 g? 2. If you buy a packet of these cashew nuts at a store, what is the probability that your packet will contain less than the nominal indicated weight of 125 g? 3. What is the minimum and maximum weight of a packet of cashew nuts in the middle 99% of the cashew nuts? 4. In the packets of cashew nuts, 95% will contain at least how much in weight?



Statistics for Business

5. Publishing Situation Cathy Peck is the publishing manager of a large textbook publishing house in England. Based on passed information she knows that it requires on average, 10.5 months to publish a book from receipt of manuscript from the author to getting the book on the market. She also knows that from past publishing data a normal distribution represents the distribution time for publication, and that the standard deviation for the total process from review, publication, to distribution is 3.24 months. In a certain year she is told that she will receive 19 manuscripts for publication.

Required 1. From the manuscripts she is promised to receive this year for publication, approximately how many can Cathy expect to publish within the first quarter? 2. From the manuscripts she is promised to receive this year for publication, approximately how many can Cathy expect to publish within the first 6 months? 3. From the manuscripts she is promised to receive this year for publication, approximately how many can Cathy expect to publish within the third quarter? 4. From the manuscripts she is promised to receive this year for publication, approximately how many can Cathy expect to publish within the year? 5. If by the introduction of new technology, the publishing house can reduce the average publishing time and the standard deviation by 30%, how many of the 19 manuscripts could be published within the year?

6. Gasoline station Situation A gasoline service sells, on average 5,000 litre of diesel oil per day. The standard deviation of this sale is 105 litre per day. The assumption is that the sale of diesel oil follows a normal distribution.

Required 1. What is the probability that on a given day, the gas station sells at least 5,180 litre? 2. What is the probability that on a given day, the gas station sells no more than 4,850 litre? 3. What is the probability that on a given day, the gas station sells between 4,700 and 5,200 litre? 4. What is the volume of diesel oil sales at which the sales are 80% more? 5. The gasoline station is open 7 days a week and diesel oil deliveries are made once a week on Monday morning. To what level should diesel oil stocks be replenished if the owner wants to be 95% certain of not running out of diesel oil before the next delivery? Daily demand of diesel oil is considered reasonably steady.

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution

7. Ping-pong balls Situation In the production of ping-pong balls the mean diameter is 370 mm and their standard deviation is 0.75 mm. The size distribution of the production of ping-pong balls is considered to follow a normal distribution.

Required 1. What percentage of ping-pong balls can be expected to have a diameter that is between 369 and 370 mm? 2. What is the probability that the diameter of a randomly selected ping-pong ball is between 372 and 369 mm? 3. What is the combined percentage of ping-pong balls can be expected to have a diameter that is no more than 368 mm or is at least 371 mm? 4. If there are 25,000 ping-pong balls in a production lot how many of them would have a diameter between 368 and 371 mm? 5. What is the diameter of a ping-pong ball above which 75% are greater than this diameter? 6. What are the symmetrical limits of the diameters between which 90% of the pingpong balls would lie? 7. What can you say about the shape of the normal distribution for the production of ping-pong balls?

8. Marmalade Situation The nominal net weight of marmalade indicated on the jars is 340 g. The filling machines are set to the nominal weight and the standard deviation of the filling operation is 3.25 g.

Required 1. What percentage of jars of marmalade can be expected to have a net weight between 335 and 340 g? 2. What percentage of jars of marmalade can be expected to have a net weight between 335 and 343 g? 3. What is the combined percentage of jars of marmalade that can be expected to have a net weight that is no more than 333 g and at least 343 g? 4. If there are 40,000 jars of marmalade in a production lot how many of them would have a net weight between 338 and 345 g? 5. What is the net weight of jars of marmalade above which 85% are greater than this net weight? 6. What are the symmetrical limits of the net weight between which 99% of the jars of marmalade lie? 7. The jars of marmalade are packed in cases of one dozen jars per case. What proportion of cases will be above 4.1 kg in net weight?



Statistics for Business

9. Restaurant service Situation The profitability of a restaurant depends on how many customers can be served and the price paid for a meal. Thus, a restaurant should service the customers as quickly as possible but at the same time providing them quality service in a relaxed atmosphere. A certain restaurant in New York, in a 3-month study, had the following data regarding the time taken to service clients. It believed that it was reasonable to assume that the time taken to service a customer, from showing to the table and seating, to clearing the table after the client had been serviced, could be approximated by a normal distribution.

Activity Showing to table, and seating client Selecting from menu Waiting for order Eating meal Paying bill Getting coat and leaving Clearing table

Average time (minutes)


4.24 10.21 14.45 82.14 7.54 2.86 3.56

1.1025 5.0625 9.7344 378.3025 3.4225 0.0625 0.7744

Required 1. What is the average time and standard deviation to serve a customer such that the restaurant can then receive another client? 2. What is the probability that a customer can be serviced between 90 and 125 minutes? 3. What is the probability that a customer can be serviced between 70 and 140 minutes? 4. What is the combined probability that a customer can be serviced in 70 minutes or less and at least 140 minutes? 5. If in the next month it is estimated that 1,200 customers will come to the restaurant, to the nearest whole number, what is a reasonable estimate of the number of customers that can be serviced between 70 and 140 minutes? 6. Again, on the basis that 1,200 customers will come to the restaurant in the next month, 85% of the customers will be serviced in a minimum of how many minutes?

10. Yoghurt Situation The Candy Corporation has developed a new yogurt and is considering various prices for the product. Marketing developed an initial daily sales estimate of 2,400 cartons, with a standard deviation of 45. Prices for the yogurt were then determined based on that forecast. A later revised estimate from marketing was that average daily sales would be 2,350 cartons.

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution

Required 1. According to the revised estimate, what is the probability that a day’s sale will still be over 2,400 given that the standard deviation remains the same? 2. According to the revised estimate, what is the probability that a day’s sale will be at least 98% of 2,400?

11. Motors Situation The IBB Company has just received a large order to produce precision electric motors for a French manufacturing company. To fit properly, the drive shaft must have a diameter of 4.2 0.05 cm. The production manager indicates that in inventory there is a large quantity of steel rods with a mean diameter of 4.18 cm, and a standard deviation of 0.06 cm.

Required 1. What is the probability of a steel rod from this inventory stock, meeting the drive shaft specifications?

12. Doors Situation A historic church site wishes to add a door to the crypt. The door opening for the crypt is small and the church officials want to enlarge the opening such that 95% of visitors can pass through without stooping. Statistics indicate that the adult height is normally distributed, with a mean of 1.76 m, and a standard deviation of 12 cm.

Required 1. Based on the design criterion, what height should the doors be made to the nearest cm? 2. If after consideration, the officials decided to make the door 2 cm higher than the value obtained in Question 1, what proportion of the visitors would have to stoop when going through the door?

13. Machine repair Situation The following are the three stages involved in the servicing of a machine. Activity

Mean time (minutes)

Dismantling Testing and adjusting Reassembly

20 30 15

Standard deviation (minutes) 4 7 3



Statistics for Business

Required 1. What is the probability that the dismantling time will take more than 28 minutes? 2. What is the probability that the testing and adjusting activity alone will take less than 27 minutes? 3. What is the probability that the reassembly activity alone will take between 13 and 18 minutes? 4. What is the probability that an allowed time of 75 minutes will be sufficient to complete the servicing of the machine including dismantling, testing and adjusting, and assembly?

14. Savings Situation A financial institution is interested in the life of its regular savings accounts opened at its branch. This information is of interest as it can be used as an indicator of funds available for automobile loans. An analysis of past data indicates that the life of a regular savings account, maintained at its branch, averages 17 months, with a standard deviation of 171 days. For calculation purposes 30 days/month is used. The distribution of this past data was found to be approximately normal.

Required 1. If a depositor opens an account with this savings institution, what is the probability that there will still be money in that account in 20 months? 2. What is the probability that the account will have been closed within 2 years? 3. What is the probability that the account will still be open in 2.5 years? 4. What is the chance an account will be open in 3 years?

15. Buyout – Part III Situation Carrefour, France, is considering purchasing the total 50 retail stores belonging to Hardway, a grocery chain in the Greater London area of the United Kingdom. The profits from these 50 stores, for one particular month, in £ ’000s, are as follows. (This is the same information as provided in Chapters 1 and 2.) 8.1 9.3 10.5 11.1 11.6 10.3 12.5 10.3 13.7 13.7

11.8 11.5 7.6 10.2 15.1 12.9 9.3 11.1 6.7 11.2

8.7 10.7 10.1 11.1 12.5 9.2 10.4 9.6 11.5 7.3

10.6 11.6 8.9 9.9 6.5 10.7 12.7 9.7 8.4 5.3

9.5 7.8 8.6 9.8 7.5 12.8 10.5 14.5 10.3 12.5

Chapter 5: Probability Analysis in the Normal Distribution

Required 1. Carrefour management decides that it will purchase only those stores showing profits greater than £12,500. On the basis that the data follow a normal distribution, calculate how many of the Hardway stores Carrefour would purchase? (You have already calculated the mean and the standard deviation in the Exercise Buyout – Part II in Chapter 2.) 2. How does the answer to Question 1 compare to the answer to Question 6 of buyout in Chapter 1 that you determined from the ogive? 3. What are your conclusions from the answers determined from both methods.

16. Case: Cadbury’s chocolate Situation One of the production lines of Cadbury Ltd turns out 100-g bars of milk chocolate at a rate of 20,000/hour. The start of this production line is a stainless steel feeding pipe that delivers the molten chocolate, at about 80°C, to a battery of 10 injection nozzles. These nozzles are set to inject a little over 100 g of chocolate into flat trays which pass underneath the nozzles. Afterwards these trays move along a conveyer belt during which the chocolate cools and hardens taking the shape of the mould. In this cooling process some of the water in the chocolate evaporates in order that the net weight of the chocolate comes down to the target value of 100 g. At about the middle of the conveyer line, the moulds are turned upside down through a reverse system on the belt after which the belt vibrates slightly such that the chocolate bars are ejected from the mould. The next production stage is the packing process where the bars are first wrapped in silver foil then wrapped in waxed paper onto which is printed the product type and the net weight. The final part of this production line is where the individual bars of chocolate are packed in cardboard cartons. Immediately upstream of the start of the packing process, the bars of chocolate pass over an automatic weighing machine that measures at random the individual weights. A printout of the weights for a sample of 1,000 bars, from a production run of 115,000 units is given in the table below. The production cost for these 100 g chocolate bars is £0.20/unit. They are sold in retail for £3.50.

Required From the statistical sample data presented, how would you describe this operation? What are your opinions and comments? 109.99 81.33 105.70 106.96 100.11 110.08 107.37 88.47

95.56 128.96 112.18 87.54 77.12 107.39 104.22 82.33

92.29 104.47 100.18 105.09 111.19 106.28 97.39 81.65

117.16 106.73 110.90 100.48 107.15 96.61 97.83 94.06

103.93 118.97 114.25 125.71 96.38 96.73 116.30 109.03

89.73 104.55 88.27 107.17 96.64 98.66 86.33 113.81

137.67 94.95 117.80 114.03 91.94 78.01 85.08 73.68

99.30 105.66 109.98 108.01 94.29 87.28 104.91 94.65

98.20 120.96 104.82 95.51 110.69 127.09 115.76 94.22

89.77 94.08 102.25 102.47 92.12 107.36 111.78 86.08



Statistics for Business

117.72 84.66 104.06 77.03 93.40 110.99 82.77 110.37 106.50 127.22 76.73 109.54 95.18 83.61 90.08 125.89 90.70 108.39 91.94 79.58 87.42 97.83 109.66 93.97 69.76 115.56 85.87 102.75 105.68 104.62 94.09 124.37 126.44 99.15 76.55 103.06 89.16 98.47 99.67 87.03 115.58 105.53 122.64 72.33 89.72 109.64 79.53 97.41 105.22 93.58

98.28 90.12 82.20 114.88 112.55 86.71 94.01 100.82 81.94 86.24 111.44 100.09 100.96 100.15 87.39 89.80 87.09 79.78 107.23 88.08 90.88 110.16 108.50 106.18 107.66 93.79 102.32 89.01 86.58 80.46 94.13 80.46 105.65 111.19 118.01 88.58 87.54 97.58 106.74 107.22 96.56 105.78 101.94 93.40 84.26 94.41 96.89 104.09 116.57 97.92

110.29 92.61 68.25 101.85 87.20 113.41 107.12 98.78 110.45 91.36 104.75 98.18 111.12 104.68 107.58 92.81 92.41 112.91 111.40 123.39 116.54 118.70 83.78 91.46 119.46 91.70 88.38 90.46 107.06 100.05 96.66 91.53 120.84 111.35 104.89 102.46 100.76 95.74 100.36 128.15 107.22 100.39 98.80 88.61 114.09 106.91 74.95 84.20 102.50 104.43

96.11 119.93 83.26 110.09 126.22 94.49 90.72 100.22 105.36 115.23 92.64 92.54 102.37 106.46 111.92 114.38 101.24 78.84 122.86 110.58 83.95 96.35 112.01 96.15 85.91 98.56 98.58 104.81 120.53 100.87 100.80 101.49 111.79 104.32 104.34 71.23 84.81 97.12 107.74 101.96 108.70 93.56 103.18 112.02 98.53 115.02 107.34 97.75 93.75 108.59

97.56 103.56 100.75 101.58 99.58 76.15 100.85 118.64 100.35 93.63 93.21 97.86 130.33 108.35 106.97 104.46 96.72 112.81 105.62 74.03 92.30 111.99 115.94 102.13 109.40 121.63 100.82 116.34 110.99 113.41 97.73 92.42 109.08 101.15 95.76 103.30 105.23 75.73 94.16 95.28 123.61 98.10 74.65 101.06 107.80 106.62 111.82 106.11 122.28 98.57

84.73 107.85 113.60 95.08 105.39 90.53 80.92 133.14 102.25 91.47 107.99 110.86 91.68 81.11 85.60 90.48 97.35 115.89 115.47 95.81 100.04 123.15 109.48 70.63 93.40 86.92 99.82 112.18 92.13 92.96 75.22 110.46 119.04 107.82 98.66 85.94 103.23 98.74 121.43 114.46 78.08 96.59 93.82 85.77 101.85 130.32 85.01 108.26 93.06 111.71

90.66 94.77 86.70 100.03 120.19 88.65 84.10 92.54 87.17 112.13 93.08 118.15 109.46 77.62 107.82 103.74 81.84 116.72 101.21 117.48 91.21 107.09 114.54 91.56 98.23 125.22 86.25 103.97 83.48 115.99 99.75 102.64 112.62 131.00 84.72 100.85 113.82 101.79 112.87 100.17 105.65 107.41 102.75 110.74 94.06 92.96 113.15 98.33 85.72 76.00

107.46 108.89 89.53 114.82 120.80 108.99 91.01 88.88 99.59 108.65 99.96 84.37 86.43 98.70 113.96 116.37 112.72 93.32 110.45 84.67 92.71 80.51 102.57 113.09 97.06 90.20 87.71 100.78 98.91 96.20 96.00 75.03 118.08 89.15 124.61 104.59 92.61 96.19 99.19 91.39 86.94 102.82 122.86 79.13 116.99 115.74 100.49 116.27 88.30 88.22

91.69 102.71 113.24 78.61 112.80 110.82 103.10 79.28 107.66 106.22 97.36 115.87 96.22 94.96 115.22 123.87 79.72 91.96 104.65 101.72 89.79 88.89 98.96 113.96 105.96 100.51 131.27 105.93 117.34 114.02 86.84 101.15 102.80 111.87 100.82 93.75 99.83 106.64 113.85 87.03 69.47 111.18 97.53 98.69 103.03 85.03 88.89 104.37 115.09 122.84

111.41 94.71 101.96 78.30 118.26 100.12 76.31 105.22 103.49 108.44 98.27 80.20 99.61 109.65 100.76 116.78 131.30 122.44 109.23 96.16 94.91 89.35 100.70 123.54 110.04 122.15 85.70 84.94 93.74 108.22 94.29 105.47 93.42 99.05 117.34 102.43 83.20 94.00 104.54 92.03 88.40 93.81 108.53 111.28 109.48 118.97 89.35 132.20 96.59 107.31

Chapter 5: Probability analysis in the normal distribution

84.93 103.15 108.35 110.02 72.25 118.28 93.70 97.15 87.92 120.77 101.18 86.13 91.01 101.59 87.54 99.68 97.72 104.72 114.48 80.75 99.38 84.99 91.32 93.53 101.95 93.91 84.35 116.09 125.83 105.43 96.00 104.58 119.27 109.68 135.40 82.08 116.02 118.86 113.20 90.46 123.99 97.44

108.27 81.68 85.48 100.71 105.48 105.78 92.57 103.23 91.97 97.15 101.05 99.46 98.00 129.89 94.44 124.37 95.06 88.06 86.68 106.39 101.92 93.90 114.90 79.31 101.77 104.75 84.59 97.42 105.65 84.18 99.56 99.72 108.80 96.30 136.89 99.27 85.62 101.61 108.29 101.91 95.47 74.24

105.92 115.27 110.16 92.17 105.97 96.00 115.12 90.64 86.28 98.11 105.53 105.28 105.70 99.70 95.50 84.63 80.25 98.27 117.77 114.61 109.34 106.92 95.86 90.20 128.61 101.42 84.46 86.59 118.83 94.67 101.01 105.64 109.19 114.11 111.58 85.42 87.85 92.91 109.15 112.82 95.63 99.06

98.32 105.86 96.91 109.47 99.82 93.23 106.43 113.09 97.84 108.47 86.92 92.39 114.91 84.06 107.41 128.39 113.94 100.55 76.94 98.57 110.26 96.53 95.88 108.82 88.56 96.85 98.85 112.56 97.00 99.88 101.25 103.42 100.85 118.06 110.97 83.71 90.56 87.22 92.48 78.72 93.56 93.27

101.58 100.33 96.26 98.38 104.22 101.84 90.42 109.95 94.52 97.61 106.76 94.52 118.27 105.70 103.78 114.25 90.48 103.04 77.25 84.24 84.38 100.53 101.66 98.27 104.56 110.45 113.25 124.65 78.92 69.91 79.24 113.30 97.70 123.57 96.37 88.87 110.26 93.32 118.07 114.22 108.56 80.79

91.72 110.56 109.91 124.46 93.66 112.44 82.52 110.22 94.13 94.78 85.76 113.24 112.31 91.04 87.14 104.27 92.83 101.62 114.89 98.66 78.99 100.80 100.41 110.21 115.18 109.30 93.16 89.42 107.13 104.42 98.06 116.15 114.42 111.82 97.72 88.72 90.45 99.10 95.72 110.04 107.07 91.86

87.44 97.16 104.85 87.58 90.59 114.84 104.80 93.42 113.85 88.52 98.48 101.07 111.56 102.12 86.56 64.48 85.32 83.50 93.57 99.65 103.79 112.18 106.12 107.67 114.19 102.65 104.71 113.61 96.54 109.96 101.96 94.42 134.78 90.50 110.05 91.08 119.81 112.63 88.35 122.23 108.76 108.70

89.97 113.09 97.13 109.23 112.85 101.73 90.70 74.92 101.91 112.29 96.49 106.23 74.23 87.74 94.16 113.58 82.21 118.85 105.11 89.68 72.33 92.37 112.15 107.36 81.22 91.28 91.55 107.15 96.27 111.84 84.91 98.61 106.44 103.37 94.75 115.13 98.53 106.08 94.94 96.58 86.53 106.80

100.80 109.75 101.72 95.87 87.10 87.78 113.83 102.61 98.08 100.67 124.08 86.39 93.76 102.60 100.68 92.58 86.13 90.36 99.00 84.72 104.69 103.46 91.74 102.31 94.47 96.53 86.53 87.79 107.66 96.00 91.40 105.44 123.01 110.63 82.73 111.54 116.15 96.40 111.22 78.32 103.00 112.44

103.96 116.14 109.02 113.11 110.99 95.28 113.31 102.97 111.08 103.23 89.59 117.77 94.83 96.53 93.12 114.63 102.19 72.94 117.92 99.68 102.89 94.40 93.69 105.89 118.35 92.34 101.49 99.23 94.27 102.08 93.12 81.72 80.60 124.73 83.65 104.20 94.91 91.15 94.35 90.44 103.49 100.42


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Theory and methods of statistical sampling

The sampling experiment was badly designed! A well-designed sample survey can give pretty accurate predictions of the requirements, desires, or needs of a population. However, the accuracy of the survey lies in the phrase “well-designed”. A classic illustration of sampling gone wrong was in 1948 during the presidential election campaign when the two candidates were Harry Truman, the Democratic incumbent and Governor Dewey of New York, the Republican candidate. The Chicago Tribune was “so sure” of the outcome that the headlines in their morning daily paper of 3 November 1948 as illustrated in Figure 6.1, announced, “Dewey defeats Truman”. In fact Harry Truman won by a narrow but decisive victory of 49.5% of the popular vote to Dewey’s 45% and with an electoral margin of 303 to 189. The Chicago Tribune had egg on their face; something went wrong with the design of their sample experiment!1,2


Chicago Daily Tribune, 3 November 1948. Freidel, F., and Brinkley, A. (1982), America in the Twentieth Century, 5th edition, McGraw Hill, New York, pp. 371–372. 2



Statistics for Business

Figure 6.1 Harold Truman holding aloft a copy of the November 3rd 1948 morning edition of the Chicago Tribune.

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling

Learning objectives After you have studied this chapter you will understand the theory, application, and practical methods of sampling, an important application of statistical analysis. The topics are broken down according to the following themes: ✔

✔ ✔ ✔

Statistical relations in sampling for the mean • Sample size and population • Central limit theory • Sample size and shape of the sampling distribution of the means • Variability and sample size • Sample mean and the standard error. Sampling for the means for an infinite population • Modifying the normal transformation relationship • Application of sampling from an infinite normal population: Safety valves Sampling for the means from a finite population • Modification of the standard error • Application of sampling from a finite population: Work week Sampling distribution of the proportion • Measuring the sample proportion • Sampling distribution of the proportion • Binomial concept in sampling for the proportion • Application of sampling for proportions: Part-time workers Sampling methods • Bias in sampling • Randomness in your sample experiment • Excel and random sampling • Systematic sampling • Stratified sampling • Several strata of interest • Cluster sampling • Quota sampling • Consumer surveys • Primary and secondary data

In business, and even in our personal life, we often make decisions based on limited data. What we do is take a sample from a population and then make an inference about the population characteristics, based entirely on the analysis of this sample. For example, when you order a bottle of wine in a restaurant, the waiter pours a small quantity in your glass to taste. Based on that small quantity of wine you accept or reject the bottle of wine as drinkable. The waiter would hardly let you drink the whole bottle before you decide it is no good! The United States Dow Jones Industrial Average consists of just 30 stocks but this sample average is used as a measure of economic changes when in reality there are hundreds of stocks in the United States market where millions of dollars change hands daily. In political elections, samples of people’s voting intentions are made and based on the proportion that prefer a particular candidate, the expected outcome of the nation’s election may be presented beforehand. In manufacturing, lots of materials, assemblies, or finished products are

sampled at random to see if pieces conform to appropriate specifications. If they do, the assumption is that the entire population, the production line or the lot from where these samples are taken, meet the desired specifications and so all the units can be put onto the market. And, how many months do we date our future spouse before we decide to spend the rest of our life together!

Statistical Relationships in Sampling for the Mean The usual purpose of taking and analysing a sample is to make an estimate of the population parameter. We call this inferential statistics. As the sample size is smaller than the population we have no guarantee of the population parameter that we are trying to measure, but from the sample analysis, we draw conclusions. If we really wanted to guarantee our conclusion we would have to analyse the whole population but



Statistics for Business in most cases this is impractical, too costly, takes too long, or is clearly impossible. An alternative to inferential statistics is descriptive statistics which involves the collection and analysis of the dataset in order to characterize just the sampled dataset.

Sample size and population A question that arises in our sampling work to infer information about the population is what should be the size of the sample in order to make a reliable conclusion? Clearly the larger the sample size, the greater is the probability of being close to estimating the correct population parameter, or alternatively, the smaller is the risk of making an inappropriate estimate. To demonstrate the impact of the sample size, consider an experiment where there is a population of seven steel rods, as shown in Figure 6.2. The number of the rod and its length in centimetres is indicated in Table 6.1. Figure 6.2 Seven steel rods and their length in centimetres. 9 cm 6 cm 6 cm 5 cm 4 cm 3 cm


n! x!(n x)!


Here, n is the size of the population, or in this case 7 and x is the size of the sample. For example, if we select a sample of size of 3, the number of possible different combinations from equation 3(xvi) is, Combinations

7! 7! 3!(7 3)! 3! * 4! 7 *6 *5* 4 *3* 2*1 35 3* 2*1* 4 *3* 2*1

If we increase the sample sizes from one to seven rods, then from equation 3(xvi) the total possible number of different samples is as given in Table 6.2. Thus, we sample from the population first with a sample size of one, then two, three, etc. right through to seven. Each time we select a sample we determine the sample mean value of the length of rods selected. For example, if the sample size is 3 and rods of length 2, 4, and 6 cm are selected, then the mean length, x–, of the sample would be, 2 4 6 4.00 cm 3

2 cm

Table 6.1

The total length of these seven rods is 35 cm (2 3 4 5 6 6 9). This translates into a mean value of the length of the rods of 5 cm (35/7). If we take samples of these rods from the population, with replacement, then from the counting relations in Chapter 3, the possible combinations of rods that can be taken, the same rod not appearing twice in the sample, is given by the relationship,

Size of seven steel rods. Table 6.2 Number of samples from a population of seven steel rods.

Rod number








Rod length (cm)

2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 9.00

Sample size, x


No. of possible different samples






6 7

21 35 35 21 7 7

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling The possible combinations of rod sizes for the seven different samples are given in Table 6.3. (Note that there are two rods of length 6 cm.) For a particular sample size, the sum of all the

Table 6.3 No.

sample means is then divided by the number of samples withdrawn to give the mean value of the samples or, = x . For example, for a sample of size 3, the sum of the sample means is 175 and

Samples of size 1 to 7 taken from a population of size 7.

Size 1 Size 2 Mean

1 2 2.00 2 3 3.00 3 4 4.00 4 5 5.00 5 6 6.00 6 6 6.00 7 9 9.00 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Total 35.00 Sample mean x= 5.00

Size 3

Size 4




2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.00 5.50 3.50 4.00 4.50 4.50 6.00 4.50 5.00 5.00 6.50 5.50 5.50 7.00 6.00 7.50 7.50


2 3 4 3.00 2 3 5 3.33 2 3 6 3.67 2 3 6 3.67 2 3 9 4.67 2 4 5 3.67 2 4 6 4.00 2 4 6 4.00 2 4 9 5.00 2 5 6 4.33 2 5 6 4.33 2 5 9 5.33 2 6 6 4.67 2 6 9 5.67 2 6 9 5.67 3 4 5 4.00 3 4 6 4.33 3 4 6 4.33 3 4 9 5.33 3 5 6 4.67 3 5 6 4.67 3 5 9 5.67 3 6 6 5.00 3 6 9 6.00 3 6 9 6.00 4 5 6 5.00 4 5 6 5.00 4 5 9 6.00 4 6 6 5.33 4 6 9 6.33 4 6 9 6.33 5 6 6 5.67 5 6 9 6.67 5 6 9 6.67 6 6 9 7.00 175.00

2 3 4 5 3.50 2 3 4 6 3.75 2 3 4 6 3.75 2 3 4 9 4.50 2 3 5 6 4.00 2 3 5 6 4.00 2 3 5 9 4.75 2 3 6 6 4.25 2 3 6 9 5.00 2 3 6 9 5.00 2 4 5 6 4.25 2 4 5 6 4.25 2 4 5 9 5.00 2 4 6 6 4.50 2 4 6 9 5.25 2 4 6 9 5.25 2 5 6 6 4.75 2 5 6 9 5.50 2 5 6 9 5.50 2 6 6 9 5.75 3 4 5 6 4.50 3 4 5 6 4.50 3 4 5 9 5.25 3 4 6 6 4.75 3 4 6 9 5.50 3 4 6 9 5.50 3 5 6 6 5.00 3 5 6 9 5.75 3 5 6 9 5.75 3 6 6 9 6.00 4 5 6 6 5.25 4 5 6 9 6.00 4 5 6 9 6.00 4 6 6 9 6.25 5 6 6 9 6.50 175.00




23 24 25 26 26 29 34 35 36 36 39 45 46 46 49 56 56 59 66 69 69

Size 5

Size 6


Size 7



5.33 5.17 5.00 4.83 4.83 4.33 5.50

2 3 4 5 6 6 9 5.00







23456 23456 23459 23466 23469 23469 23566 23569 23569 23669 24566 24569 24569 24669 25669 34566 34569 34569 34669 35669 45669

4.00 4.00 4.60 4.20 4.80 4.80 4.40 5.00 5.00 5.20 4.60 5.20 5.20 5.40 5.60 4.80 5.40 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00

245669 235669 234669 234569 234569 234566 345669



Statistics for Business

Table 6.4 Frequency distribution within sample means for different sample sizes. Sample = mean x 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 Total

Sample size 1







1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7

0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 21

0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 3 0 4 4 4 0 3 4 3 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 2 5 3 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

this number divided by the sample number of 35 gives 5. These values are given at the bottom of Table 6.3. What we conclude is that the sample means are always equal to 5 cm, or exactly the same as the population mean. Next, for each sample size, a frequency distribution of mean length is determined. This data is given in Table 6.4. The left-hand column gives the sample mean and the other columns give the number of occurrences within a class limit

according to the sample size. For example, for a sample size of four there are four sample means greater than 4.25 cm but less than or equal to 4.50 cm. This data is now plotted as a frequency histogram in Figures 6.3 to 6.9 where each of the seven histograms have the same scale on the x-axis. From Figures 6.3 to 6.9 we can see that as the sample size increases from one to seven, the dispersion about the mean value of 5 cm becomes smaller or alternatively more sample means lie closer to the population mean. For the sample size of seven, or the whole population, the dispersion is zero. The mean of the sample means, = x , is always equal to the population mean of 5 or they have the same central tendency. This experiment demonstrates the concept of the central limit theory explained in the following section.

Central limit theory The foundation of sampling is based on the central limit theory, which is the criterion by which information about a population parameter can be inferred from a sample. The central limit theory states that in sampling, as the size of the sample increases, there becomes a point when the distribution of the sample means, x , can be approximated by the normal distribution. This is so even though the distribution of the population itself may not necessarily be normal. The distribution of the sample means, also called sampling distribution of the means, is a probability distribution of all the possible means of samples taken from a population. This concept of sampling and sampling means is illustrated by the information in Table 6.5 for the production of chocolate. Here the production line is producing 500,000 chocolate bars, and this is the population value, N. The moulding for the chocolate is set such that the weight of each chocolate bar should be 100 g. This is the nominal weight of the chocolate bar and is

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling

Figure 6.3 Samples of size 1 taken from a population of size 7.

Frequency of this length




0 00

5 2.


0 3.



0 4.

50 00 00 50 5. 6. 5. 6. Mean length of rod (cm)

50 4.









Figure 6.4 Samples of size 2 taken from a population of size 7. 4

Frequency of this length




0 00






















Mean length of rod (cm)












Statistics for Business

Figure 6.5 Samples of size 3 taken from a population of size 7. 5

Frequency of this length





0 00 2.



0 3.





50 4.

50 00 00 50 5. 6. 5. 6. Mean length of rod (cm)











Figure 6.6 Samples of size 4 taken from a population of size 7. 5

4 Frequency of this length





0 00




















Mean length of rod (cm)











Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling

Figure 6.7 Samples of size 5 taken from a population of size 7. 6

Frequency of this length






00 2.





5 3.

0 4.

50 4.

50 00 50 00 6. 6. 5. 5. Mean length of rod (cm)











Figure 6.8 Samples of size 6 taken from a population of size 7. 4

Frequency of this length




0 00 2.

5 2.









00 50 50 00 5. 6. 5. 6. Mean length of rod (cm)












Statistics for Business

Figure 6.9 Samples of size 7 taken from a population of size 7. 2

Frequency of this length



0 2.


5 2.

0 3.

5 3.

0 4.



50 00 50 00 6. 6. 5. 5. Mean length of rod (cm)

the population mean, μ. For quality control purposes an inspector takes 10 random samples from the production line in order to verify that the weight of the chocolate is according to specifications. Each sample contains 15 chocolate bars. Each bar in the sample is weighed and these individual weights, and the mean weight of each sample, are recorded. For example, if we consider sample No. 1, the weight of the 1st bar is 100.16 g, the weight of the 2nd bar is 99.48 g, and the weight of the 15th bar is 98.56 g. The mean weight of this first sample, x–1, is 99.88 g. The mean weight of the 10th sample, x–10, is 100.02 g. The mean value of the means of all the 10 samples, = x is 99.85 g. The values of x– plotted in a frequency distribution would give a sampling distribution of the means (though only 10 values are insufficient to show a correct distribution).











Sample size and shape of the sampling distribution of the means We might ask, what is the shape of the sampling distribution of the means? From statistical experiments the following has been demonstrated: ●

For most population distributions, regardless of their shape, the sampling distribution of the means of samples taken at random from the population will be approximately normally distributed if samples of at least a size of 30 units each are withdrawn. If the population distribution is symmetrical, the sampling distribution of the means of samples taken at random from the population will be approximately normal if samples of at least 15 units are withdrawn. If the population is normally distributed, the sampling distribution of the means of samples

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling

Table 6.5 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Sampling chocolate bars.

Company is producing a lot (population) of 500,000 chocolate bars Nominal weight of each chocolate bar is 100 g To verify the weight of the population, an inspector takes 10 random samples from production Each sample contains 15 slabs of chocolate Mean value of each sample is determined. This is –x Mean value of all the x– is = x or 99.85 g A distribution can be plotted with x– on the x-axis. The mean will be = x. Sample number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 –x



100.16 99.48 100.66 98.93 98.25 98.06 100.39 101.16 100.03 101.27 99.18 101.77 99.07 101.17 98.56 99.88

100.52 98.3 99.28 98.01 98.42 99.19 100.15 99.6 98.89 101.94 98.34 100.8 98.79 101.02 98.93 99.48

3 101.2 101.23 98.39 98.06 98.94 100.53 98.81 99.79 99.07 98.39 99.61 99.66 101.18 99.57 101.27 99.71





101.15 101.3 101.61 99.07 99.71 99.78 98.12 101.58 98.03 100.77 98.6 98.84 100.46 100.3 98.55 99.86

98.48 98.75 99.84 98.38 99.42 99.23 100.98 100.82 101.51 100.17 101.56 100.55 101.59 101.87 99.04 100.15

98.31 99.18 100.47 98.3 99.09 98.23 100.64 98.71 101.23 100.99 99.24 98.13 98.27 98.16 101.35 99.35

101.85 99.74 99.72 98.76 100 101.42 98.1 100.49 100.54 101.66 101.68 99.13 98.81 101.73 99.89 100.23

taken at random from the population will be normally distributed regardless of the sample size withdrawn. The practicality of these relationships with the central limit theory is that by sampling, either from non-normal populations or normal populations, inferences can be made about the population parameters without having information about the shape of the population distribution other than the information obtained from the sample.

Variability and sample size Consider a large organization such as a government unit that has over 100,000 employees. This is a large enough number so that it can be

8 101.34 101.38 101.09 98.89 98.08 101.5 100.44 101.7 100.84 98.4 99.22 99.34 101.23 99.98 98.24 100.11

9 98.56 101.31 101.61 101.26 98.03 99.74 99.66 98.8 99.04 100.61 99.2 100.52 98.8 99.26 98.87 99.68

10 99.27 101.5 101.62 100.84 98.94 98.94 99.65 98.82 99.96 100.95 99.86 98.11 100.85 99.17 101.84 100.02 = x 99.85

considered infinite. Assume that the distribution of the employee salaries is considered normal with an average salary of $40,000. Sampling of individual salaries is made using random computer selection: ●

Assume a random sample of just one salary value is selected that happens to be $90,000. This value is a long way from the mean value of $40,000. Assume now that random samples of two salaries are taken which happen to be $60,000 and $90,000. The average of these is $75,000 [(60,000 90,000)/2]. This is still far from $40,000 but closer than in the case of a single sample.



Statistics for Business

If now random samples of five salaries $60,000, $90,000, $45,000, $15,000, and $20,000 come up, the mean value of these is $46,000 or closer to the population average of $40,000.

Thus, by taking larger samples there is a higher probability of making an estimate close to the population parameter. Alternatively, increasing the sample size reduces the spread or variability of the average value of the samples taken.

Sample mean and the standard error The mean of a sample is x– and the mean of all possible samples withdrawn from the population is = x . From the central limit theory, the mean of the entire sample means taken from the population can be considered equal to the population mean, μx: = x μx 6(i) And because of this relationship in equation 6(i), the arithmetic mean of the sample is said to be an unbiased estimator of the population mean. By the central limit theory, the standard deviation of the sampling distribution, σ x-, is related to the population standard deviation, σx, and the sample size, n, by the following relationship: σx




This indicates that as the size of the sample increases, the standard deviation of the sampling distribution decreases. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is more usually referred to as the standard error of the sample means, or more simply the standard error as it represents the error in our sampling experiment. For example, going back to our illustration of the salaries of the government employees, if we take a series of samples from the employees and measure each time, the –x value of salaries, we

will almost certainly have different values each time simply because the chances are that our salary numbers in our sample will be different. That is, the difference between each sample, among the several samples, and the population causes variability in our analysis. This variability, as measured by the standard error of equation 6(ii), is due to the chance or sampling error in our analysis between the samples we took and the population. The standard error indicates the magnitude of the chance error that has been made, and also the accuracy when using a sample statistic to estimate the population parameter. A distribution of sample means that has less variability, or less spread out, as evidenced by a small value of the standard error, is a better estimator of the population parameter than a distribution of sample means that is widely dispersed with a larger standard error. As a comparison to the standard error, we have a standard deviation of a population. This is not an error but a deviation that is to be expected since by their very nature, populations show variation. There are variations in the age of people, variations in the volumes of liquid in cans of soft drinks, variations in the weights of a nominal chocolate bar, variations in the per capita income of individuals, etc. These comparisons are illustrated in Figure 6.10, which shows the shape of a normal distribution with its standard deviation, and the corresponding profile of the sample distribution of the means with its standard error.

Sampling for the Means from an Infinite Population An infinite population is a collection of data that has such a large size that sampling from an infinite population involving removing or destroying some of the data elements does not significantly impact the population that remains.

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling

Figure 6.10 Population distribution and the sampling distribution.

Mean ␮x Standard deviation ␴x

Population distribution


Mean x ␮x

Sampling distribution


␴x n


Modifying the normal transformation relationship

The standard equation for the sampling distribution of the means now becomes,

In Chapter 5, we have shown that the standard relationship between the mean, μx, the standard deviation, σx, and the random variable, x, in a normal distribution is as follows: z

x μx σx



An analogous relationship holds for the sampling distribution as shown in the lower distribution of Figure 6.10 where now:


Substituting from equations 6(i) to 6(iii), the standard equation then becomes, z

x μx x x σx σx

the random variable x is replaced by the sample mean x–; the mean value μx is replaced by the sample mean x=; the standard deviation of the normal distribution, σx, is replaced by the standard deviation of the sample distribution or the sample error, σ x-.

x μx x x x μx σx σx σx n


This relationship can be used using the four normal Excel functions already presented in Chapter 4, except that now the mean value of the sample mean, x–, replaces the random variable, x, of the population distribution, and the standard error of the sampling distribution σx n replaces the standard deviation of the population. The following application illustrates the use of this relationship.



Statistics for Business

Application of sampling from an infinite normal population: Safety valves A manufacturer produces safety pressure valves that are used on domestic water heaters. In the production process, the valves are automatically preset so that they open and release a flow of water when the upstream pressure in a heater exceeds 7 bars. In the manufacturing process there is a tolerance in the setting of the valves and the release pressure of the valves follows a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 0.30 bars. 1. What proportion of randomly selected valves has a release pressure between 6.8 and 7.1 bars? Here we are only considering a single valve, or a sample of size 1, from the population between 6.8 and 7.1 bars on either side of the mean. From equation 5(ii) when x 6.8 bars, z

x μx 6.8 7.0 0.2 0.6667 σx 0.3 0.3

From [function NORMSDIST] in Excel this gives an area from the left end of the curve of 25.25%. From equation 5(ii) when x 7.1 bars, z

x μx 7.1 7.0 0.1 0.3333 σx 0.3 0.3

From [function NORMSDIST] in Excel this gives a value from the left end of the curve of 63.06%. Thus, the probability that a randomly selected valve has a release pressure between 6.8 and 7.1 bars is 63.06 25.25 37.81%. 2. If many random samples of size eight were taken, what proportion of sample means would have a release pressure between 6.8 and 7.1 bars? Here now we are sampling from the normal population with a sample size of 8. Using equation 6(ii) the standard error is,




0.3 8

0.3 0.1061 2.8284

Using this value in equation 6(iv) when x– 6.8 bars, z

x μx σx


6.8 7.0 0.2 0.1061 0.1061

1.8850 From [function NORMSDIST] in Excel using the standard error in place of the standard deviation, gives the area under the curve from the left of 2.97%. Again from equation 6(iv) when x– 7.1 bars, z

x μx σx


7.1 7.0 0.1 0.9425 0.1061 0.1061

From [function NORMSDIST] in Excel using the standard error in place of the standard deviation, gives the area under the curve from the left of 82.71%. Thus, the proportion of sample means that would have a release pressure between 6.8 and 7.1 bars is 82.71 2.97 79.74%. 3. If many random samples of size 20 were taken, what proportion of sample means would have a release pressure between 6.8 and 7.1 bars? Here now we are sampling from the population with a sample size of 20. Using equation 6(ii) the standard error is, σx

σx n

0.3 20

0.3 0.0671 4.4721

Using this value in equation 6(iv) when x– 6.8 bars, z

x μx σx


6.8 7.0 0.2 0.0671 0.0671

2.9814 From [function NORMSDIST] using the standard error in place of the standard deviation,

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling gives the area under the curve from the left of 0.14%. Again from equation 6(iv) when x– 7.1 bars, z

x μx

7.1 7.0 0.1 0 . 0671 0 . 0671 n


1.4903 From [function NORMSDIST] using the standard error in place of the standard deviation, gives the area under the curve from the left of 93.20%. Thus, the proportion of sample means that would have a release pressure between 6.8 and 7.1 bars is 93.20 0.14 93.06%. 4. If many random samples of size 50 were taken, what proportion of sample means would have a release pressure between 6.8 and 7.1 bars? Here now we are sampling from the population with a sample size of 50. Using equation 6(ii) the standard error is, σx





0.3 0.0424 7.0711

Using this value in equation 6(iv) when x– 6.8 bars, z

x μx σx


6.8 7.0 0.2 0.0424 0.0424 4.714

From [function NORMSDIST] using the standard error in place of the standard deviation, gives the area under the curve from the left of 0%. Again from equation 7(v) when x– 7.1 bars, z

x μx σx


7.1 7.0 0.1 0.0424 0.0424

2.3585 From [function NORMSDIST] using the standard error in place of the standard deviation, gives the area under the curve from the left of 99.08%. Thus, the proportion of sample means that would have a release pressure

Table 6.6

Example, safety valves.

Sample size Standard error, σx /冑n苵





0.3000 0.1061 0.0671 0.0424

Proportion 37.81 between 6.8 and 7.1 bars (%)

79.74 93.20 99.08

between 6.8 and 7.1 bars is 99.08 0.00 99.08%. To summarize this situation we have the results in Table 6.6 and the concept is illustrated in the distributions of Figure 6.11. What we observe is that not only the standard error decreases as the sample size increases but there is a larger proportion between the values of 6.8 and 7.1 bars. That is a larger cluster around the mean or target value of 7.0 bars. Alternatively, as the sample size increases there is a smaller dispersion of the values. For example, in the case of a sample size of 1 there is 37.81% of the data clustered around the values of 6.8 and 7.1 bars which means that there is 62.19% (100%37.81%) not clustered around the mean. In the case of a sample size of 50 there is 99.08% clustered around the mean and only 0.92% (100%99.08%) not clustered around the mean. Note, in applying these calculations the assumption is that the sampling distributions of the mean follow a normal distribution, and the relation of the central limit theory applies. As in the calculations for the normal distribution, if we wish we can avoid always calculating the value of z by using the [function NORMSDIST].

Sampling for the Means from a Finite Population A finite population is a collection of data that has a stated, limited, or small size. It implies that if one piece of the data from the population is



Statistics for Business

Figure 6.11 Example, safety valves. 37.81%

Sample size 1


7.0 7.1 82.71%

Sample size 8





Sample size 20





Sample size 50


destroyed, or removed, there would be a significant impact on the data that remains.

Modification of the standard error If the population is considered finite, that is the size is relatively small and there is sampling with



replacement (after each item is sampled it is put back into the population), then we can use the equation for the standard error already presented, σ σx x 6(ii) n

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling However, if we are sampling without replacement, the standard error of the mean is modified by the relationship, σx


N n N 1



Here the term, N n N 1


is the finite population multiplier, where N is the population size, and n is the size of the sample. This correction is applied when the ratio of n/N is greater than 5%. In this case, equation 6(iv) now becomes, z

x μx σx


x μx σx n

N n N 1


The application of the finite population multiplier is illustrated in the following application exercise.

Application of sampling from a finite population: Work week A firm has 290 employees and records that they work an average of 35 hours/week with a standard deviation of 8 hours/week. 1. What is the probability that an employee selected at random will be working between 2 hours/week of the population mean? In this case, again we have a single unit (an employee) taken from the population where the standard deviation σx is 8 hours/week. Thus, n 1 and N 290. n/N 1/290 0.34% or less than 5% and so the population multiplier is not needed. We know that the difference between the random variable and the population, (x μx) is equal to 2. Thus, assuming that the population follows a normal distribution,

then from equation 6(iii) for a value of (x μx) 2, z

x μx 2 0.2500 σx 8

From [function NORMSDIST] in Excel, the area under the curve from the left to a value of z of 0.2500 is 59.87%. For a value of (x μx) 2 we have again from equation 6(ii), z

x μx 2 0.2500 σx 8

Or we could have simply concluded that z is 0.2500 since the assumption is that the curve follows a normal distribution, and a normal distribution is, by definition, symmetrical. From [function NORMSDIST] in Excel, the area under the curve from the left to a value of z of 0.2500 is 40.13%. Thus, the probability that an employee selected at random will be working between 2 hours/week is, 59.87 40.13 19.74% 2. If a sample size of 19 employees is taken, what is the probability that the sample means lies between 2 hours/week of the population mean? In this case, again we have a sample, n, of size 19 taken from a population, N, of size 290. The ratio n/N is, n 19 0.0655 or 6.55% N 290 of the population This ratio is greater than 5% and so we use the finite population multiplier in order to calculate the standard error. From equation 6(vi),



Statistics for Business From equation 6(vii) for –x μx 2 we have,

N n (290 19) 271 N 1 (290 1) 289 0.9377 0.9684


From equation 6(v) the corrected standard error of the distribution of the mean is, σx

σx n

x μx


N n 8 * 0.9684 N 1 19


N n N 1

2 1.1253 1.7773

From [function NORMSDIST] in Excel, the area under the curve from the left to a value of z of 1.1253 is 13.02%. Thus, the probability that the sample means lie between 2 hours/week is,

8 * 0.9684 1.7773 4.3589 From equation 6(vii) where now –x μ 2. For –x μ 2 we have, x x

86.98 13.02 40.13 73.96%.

x μx

2 z 1.1253 1.7773 σx N n

n N 1

Note that 73.96% is greater than 19.74%, obtained for a sample of size 1, because as we increase the sample size, the sampling distribution of the means is clustered around the population mean. This concept is illustrated in Figure 6.12.

From [function NORMSDIST] in Excel, the area under the curve from the left to a value of z of 1.1253 is 86.98%. Figure 6.12 Example, work week.


Sample size 1 19.74%

35 Sample size 19 73.96%



Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling

Sampling Distribution of the Proportion In sampling we may not be interested in an absolute value but in a proportion of the population. For example, what proportion of the population will vote conservative in the next United Kingdom elections? What proportion of the population in Paris, France has a salary more than €60,000 per year? What proportion of the houses in Los Angeles country in United States has a market value more than $500,000? In these cases, we have established a binomial situation. In the United Kingdom elections either a person votes conservative or he or she do not. In Paris either an individual earns a salary more than €60,000/year, or they do not. In Los Angeles country, either the houses have a market value greater than $500,000 or they do not. In these types of situations we use sampling for proportions.

Measuring the sample proportion When we are interested in the proportion of the population, the procedure is to sample from the population and then again use inferential statistics to draw conclusions about the population proportion. The sample proportion, –p, is the ratio of that quantity, x, taken from the sample having the desired characteristic divided by the sample size, n, or, p

x n


For example, assume we are interested in people’s opinion of gun control. We sample 2,000 people from the State of California and 1,450 say they are for gun control. The proportion in the sample that says they are for gun control is thus 72.50% (1,450/2,000). We might extend this sample experiment further and say that 72.50% of the population of California is for gun control or even go further and conclude that 72.50% of

the United States population is for gun control. However, these would be very uncertain conclusions since the 2,000-sample size may be neither representative of California, and probably not of the United States. This experiment is binomial because either a person is for gun control or is not. Thus, the proportion in the sample that is against gun control is 27.50% (100% 72.50%).

Sampling distribution of the proportion In our sampling process for the proportion, assume that we take a random sample and measure the proportion having the desired characteristic and this is –p1. We then take another sample from the population and we have a new value –p . If we repeat this process then we possibly 2 will have different values of –p . The probability distribution of all possible values of the sample proportion, –p, is the sampling distribution of the proportion. This is analogous to the sampling distribution of the means, x–, discussed in the previous section.

Binomial concept in sampling for the proportion If there are only two possibilities in an outcome then this is binomial. In the binomial distribution the mean number of successes, μ, for a sample size, n, with a characteristic probability of success, p, is given by the relationship presented in Chapter 4: μ np


Dividing both sides of this equation by the sample size, n, we have, μ np 6(ix) p n n The ratio μ/n is now the mean proportion of successes written as μp–. Thus, 6(x) μ p p



Statistics for Business Again from Chapter 4, the standard deviation of binomial distribution is given by the relationship, σ npq np(1 p)

Since from equation 6(xii), σp


pq n

p(1 p) n


Then, where the value q 1 p And again dividing by n, σ n

pqn n

pqn n2

pq n

z p(1 p) 6(xi) n

where the ratio σ/n is the standard error of the proportion, σp-, and thus, pq n


p(1 p) n

pp p(1 p) n

Alternatively, we can say that the difference between the sample proportion –p and the population proportion p is, ppz



p(1 p) n


The application of this relationship is illustrated as follows.

From equation 6(iv) we have the relationship, z

x x x μx σx σx


From Chapter 5, we can use the normal distribution to approximate the binomial distribution when the following two conditions apply: np 5


n(1 p) 5


That is, the products np and n(1 p) are both greater or equal to 5. Thus, if these criteria apply then by substituting in equation 6(iv) as follows, x–, the sample mean by the average sample proportion, –p μx, the population mean by the population proportion, p

Application of sampling for proportions: Part-time workers The incidence of part-time working varies widely across Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries . The clear leader is the Netherlands where part-time employment accounts for 33% of all jobs.3 1. If a sample of 100 people of the work force were taken in the Netherlands, what proportion between 25% and 35%, in the sample, would be part-time workers? Now, the sample size is 100 and so we need to test again whether we can use the normal probability assumption by using equations 5(iv) and 5(v). Here p is still 33%, or 0.33 and n is 100, thus from equation 5(iv), np 100 * 0.33 33 or greater than 5

σx-, the standard error of the sample means by σp-, the standard error of the proportion

From equation 5(v), n(1 p) 100(1 0.33) 67 or again greater than 5

and using the relationship developed in equation 6(iii), we have, z

x x x μx pp σx σx σp



Economic and financial indicators, The Economist, 20 July 2002, p. 88.

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling Thus, we can apply the normal probability assumption. The population proportion p is 33%, or 0.33, and thus from equation 6(xiv) the standard error of the proportion is, σp

0.33(1 0.33) 0.33 * 0.67 100 100

0.0022 0.0469 The lower sample proportion, –p , is 25%, or 0.25 and thus from equation 6(xiii), p p 0.25 0.33 0.0800 z σp 0.0469 0.0469 1.7058 From [function NORMSDIST] in Excel, the area under the curve from the left to a value of z of 1.7058 is 4.44%. The upper sample proportion, –p , is 35%, or 0.35 and thus from equation 6(xiii), z

p p 0.35 0.33 0.02 σp 0.0469 0.0469 0.4264

From [function NORMSDIST] in Excel, the area under the curve from the left to a value of z of 0.4264 is 66.47%. Thus, the proportion between 25% and 35%, in the sample, that would be part-time workers is, 66.47 4.44 62.03% or 0.6203 2. If a sample of 200 people of the work force were taken in the Netherlands, what proportion between 25% and 35%, in the sample, would be part-time workers? First, we need to test whether we can use the normal probability assumption by using equations 5(iv) and 5(v). Here p is 33%, or 0.33 and n is 200, thus from equation 5(iv), np 200 * 0.33 66 or greater than 5

From equation 5(v) n(1 p) 200(1 0.33) 134 or again greater than 5 Thus, we can apply the normal probability assumption. The population proportion p is 33%, or 0.33, and thus from equation 6(xiv) the standard error of the proportion is, σp

0.33(1 0.33) 0.33 * 0.67 200 200

0.0011 0.0332 The lower sample proportion, –p , is 25%, or 0.25 and thus from equation 6(xiii), z

p p 0.25 0.33 0.0800 σp 0.0332 0.0332 2.4061

From [function NORMSDIST] in Excel the area under the curve from the left to a value of z of 2.4061 is 0.81%. The upper sample proportion, –p , is 35%, or 0.35 and thus from equation 6(xiii), z

p p 0.35 0.33 0.02 σp 0.0332 0.0332 0.6015

From [function NORMSDIST] in Excel, the area under the curve from the left to a value of z of 0.6015 is 72.63%. Thus, the proportion between 25% and 35% in a sample size of 200 that would be part-time workers is, 72.63 0.81 71.82% or 0.7182 Note that again this value is larger than in the first situation since the sample size was 100 rather than 200. As for the mean, as the sample size increases the values will cluster around the mean value of the population. Here the mean value of the proportion for the population is 33% and the



Statistics for Business

Figure 6.13 Example, part-time workers.

Sample size 100 62.03%

33% Sample size 200 71.62%


sample proportions tested were 25% and 35% or both on the opposite side of the mean value of the proportion. This concept is illustrated in Figure 6.13.

Sampling Methods The purpose of sampling is to make reliable estimates about a population. It is usually impossible, and too expensive, to sample the whole population so that when a sampling experiment is developed it should as closely as possible parallel the population conditions. As the box opener “The sampling experiment was badly designed!” indicates, the sampling experiment to determine voter intentions was obviously badly designed. This section gives considerations when undertaking sampling experiments.

Bias in sampling When you sample to make estimates of a population you must avoid bias in the sampling experiment. Bias is favouritism, purposely or unknowingly, present in the sample data that gives lopsided, misleading, or unrepresentative results. For example, you wish to obtain the voting intentions of the people in the United Kingdom and you sample people who live in the West End of London. This would be biased as the West End is pretty affluent and the voters sampled are more likely to vote Tory (Conservative). To measure the average intelligence quotient (IQ) of all the 18year-old students in a country you take a sample of students from a private school. This would be biased because private school students often come from high-income families and their education level is higher. To measure the average income of residents of Los Angeles, California you take

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling a sample of people who live in Santa Monica. This would be biased as people who live in Santa Monica are wealthy.

Randomness in your sample experiment A random sample is one where each item in the population has an equal chance of being selected. Assume a farmer wishes to determine the average weight of his 200 pigs. He samples the first 12 who come when he calls. They are probably the fittest – thus thinner than the rest! Or, a hotel manager wishes to determine the quality of the maid service in his 90-room hotel. The manager samples the first 15. If the maid works in order, then the first 15 probably were more thoroughly cleaned than the rest – the maid was less tired! These sampling experiments are not random and probably they are not representative of the population. In order to perform random sampling, you need a framework for your sampling experiment. For example, as an auditor you might wish to analyse 10% of the financial accounts of the firm to see if they conform to acceptable accounting practices. A business might want to sample 15% of its clients to obtain the level of customer satisfaction. A hotel might want to sample 12% of the condition of its hotel rooms to obtain a quality level of its operation.

Excel and random sampling In Excel there are two functions for generating random numbers, [function RAND] that generates a random number between 0 and 1, and [function RANDBETWEEN] that generates a random number between the lowest and highest number that you specify. You first create a random number in a cell and copy this to other cells. Each time you press the function key F9 the random number will change. Suppose that as an auditor you have 630 accounts in your population and you wish to examine 10% of these accounts or 63. You

Table 6.7 Table of 63 random numbers between 1 and 630.

389 380 440 84 396 105 512

386 473 285 219 285 161 49

309 249 353 78 306 528 368

75 56 339 560 557 438 25

174 323 173 272 300 510 75

350 270 583 347 183 288 36

314 147 620 171 406 437 415

70 605 624 476 114 374 251

219 426 331 589 485 368 308

Table 6.8 Table of 12 random numbers between 1 and 200.

142 156

26 95

178 176

146 144

72 113

7 194

number the accounts from 1 to 630. You then generate 63 random numbers between 1 and 630 and you examine those accounts whose numbers correspond to the numbers generated by the random number function. For example, the matrix in Table 6.7 shows 63 random numbers within the range 1 to 630. Thus, you would examine those accounts corresponding to those numbers. The same procedure would apply to the farmer and his pigs. Each pig would have identification, either a tag, tattoo, or embedded chip giving a numerical indication from 1 to 200. The farmer would generate a list of 12 random numbers between 1 and 200 as indicated in Table 6.8, and weigh those 12 pigs that correspond to those numbers.

Systematic sampling When a population is relatively hom*ogeneous and you have a listing of the items of interest such as invoices, a fleet of company cars, physical units such as products coming off a production



Statistics for Business line, inventory going into storage, a stretch of road, or a row of houses, then systematic sample may be appropriate. You first decide at what frequency you need to take a sample. For example, if you want a 4% sample you analyse every 25th unit 4% of 100 is 25. If you want a 5% sample you analyse every 20th unit 5% of 100 is 20. If you want a 0.5% sample you analyse every 200 units 0.5% of 100 is 200, etc. Care must be taken in using systematic sampling that no bias occurs where the interval you choose corresponds to a pattern in the operation. For example, you use systematic sampling to examine the filling operation of soft drink machine. You sample every 25th can of drink. It so happens that there are 25 filling nozzles on the machine. In this case, you will be sampling a can that has been filled from the same nozzle. The United States population census, undertaken every 10 years, is a form of systematic sample where although every household receives a survey datasheet to complete, every 10th household receives a more detailed survey form to complete.

Stratified sampling The technique of stratified sampling is useful when the population can be divided into relatively hom*ogeneous groups, or strata, and random sampling is made only on the strata of interest. For example, the strata may be students, people of a certain age range, male or female, married or single households, socio-economic levels, affiliated with the labour or conservative party, etc. Stratified sampling is used because it more Table 6.9 Department Employees Sample size

accurately reflects the characteristics of the target population. Single people of a certain socioeconomic class are more likely to buy a sports car; people in the 20–25 have a different preference of music and different needs of portable phones than say those in the 50–55-age range. Stratified sampling is used when there is a small variation within each group, but a wide variation among groups. For example, teenagers in the age range 13 to 19 and their parents in the age range 40 to 50 differ very much in their tastes and ideas!

Several strata of interest In a given population you may have several well-defined strata and perhaps you wish to take a representative sample from this population. Consider for example, the 1st row of Table 6.9 which gives the number of employees by function in a manufacturing company. Each function is a stratum since it defines a specific activity. Suppose we wish to obtain the employees’ preference of changing from the current 8 hours/day, 5 days a week to a proposed 10 hours/day, 4 days/week. In order to limit the cost and the time of the sampling experiment we decide to only survey 60 of the employees. There are a total of 1,200 employees in the firm and so 60 represents 5% of the total workforce (60/1,200). Thus, we would take a random sample of 5% of the employees from each of the departments or strata such that the sampling experiment parallels the population. The number that we would survey is given in the 2nd row of Table 6.9.

Stratified sampling. Administration Operations Design R&D 160 8

300 15

200 10

80 4



260 13

60 3

Information Systems 140 7

Total 1,200 60

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling

Cluster sampling

Consumer surveys

In cluster sample the population is divided into groups, or clusters, and each cluster is then sampled at random. For example, assume Birmingham is targeted for preference of a certain consumer product. The city is divided into clusters using a city map and an appropriate number of clusters are selected for analysis. Cluster sampling is used when there is considerable variation in each group or cluster, but groups are essentially similar. Cluster sampling, if properly designed, can provide more accurate results than simple random sampling from the population.

If your sampling experiment involves opinions say concerning a product, a concept, or a situation, then you might use a consumer survey, where responses are solicited from individuals who are targeted according to a well-defined sampling plan. The sampling plan would use one, or a combination of the methods above – simple random sampling, systematic, stratified, cluster, or quota sampling. The survey information is prepared on questionnaires, which might be sent through the mail, completed by telephone, sent by electronic mail, or requested in person. In the latter case this may be either going door-to-door, or soliciting the information in areas frequented by potential consumers such as shopping malls or busy pedestrian areas. The collected survey data, or sample, is then analysed and used to forecast or make estimates for the population from which the survey data was taken. Surveys are often used to obtain ideas about a new product, because required data is unavailable from other sources. When you develop a consumer survey remember that it is perhaps you who have to analyse it afterwards. Thus, you should structure it so that this task is straightforward with responses that are easy to organize. Avoid open-ended questions. For example, rather than asking the question “How old are you?” give the respondent age categories as for example in Table 6.10. Here these categories are all encompassing. Alternatively, if you want to know the job of the respondent rather than asking, “What is you job?” ask the question, “Which of the following best describes your professional activity?” as for example in Table 6.11.

Quota sampling In market research, or market surveys, interviewers carrying out the experiment may use quota sampling where they have a specific target quantity to review. In this type of sampling often the population is stratified according to some criteria so that the interviewer’s quota is based within these strata. For example, the interviewer may be interested to obtain information regarding a ladies fashion magazine. The interviewer conducts her survey in a busy shopping area such as London’s Oxford Street. Using quota sampling, in her survey she would only interview females, perhaps less than 40, and who are elegantly dressed. This stratification should give a reasonable probability that the selected candidates have some interest, and thus an opinion, regarding the fashion magazine in question. If you are in an area where surveys are being carried out, it could be that you do not fit the strata desired by the interviewer. For example, you are male and the interviewer is targeting females, you appear to be over 50 and the interviewer is targeting the age group under 40, you are white and the interviewer is targeting other ethnic groups, etc.

Table 6.10 Under 25

Age range for a questionnaire.

Over 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–65 65



Statistics for Business

Table 6.11 Which of the following best describes your professional activity?

Construction Consulting Design Education Energy Financial services Government Health care Hospitality Insurance Legal Logistics Manufacturing Media communications Research Retail Telecommunications Tourism Other (please describe)

This is not all encompassing but there is a category “Other” for activities that may have been overlooked. Soliciting information from consumers is not easy, “everyone is too busy”. Postal responses have a very low response and their use has declined. Those people who do respond may not be representative in the sample. Telephone surveys give a higher return because voice contact has been obtained. However, again the sample obtained may not be representative as those contacted may be the unemployed, retirees or elderly people, or non-employed individuals who are more likely to be at home when the telephone call is made. The other segment of the population, usually larger, is not available because they are working. Though if you have access to portable phone numbers this may not apply. Electronic mail surveys give a reasonable

response, as it is very quick to send the survey back. However, the questionnaire only reaches those who have E-mail, and then those who care to respond. Person-to-person contact gives a much higher response for consumer surveys since if you are stopped in the street, a relatively large proportion of people will accept to be questioned. Consumer surveys can be expensive. There is the cost of designing the questionnaire such that it is able to solicit the correct response. There is the operating side of collecting the data, and then the subsequent analysis. Often businesses use outside consulting firms specialized in developing consumer surveys.

Primary and secondary data In sampling if we are responsible for carrying out the analysis, or at least responsible for designing the consumer surveys, then the data is considered primary data. If the sample experiment is well designed then this primary data can provide very useful information. The disadvantage with primary data is the time, and the associated cost, of designing the survey and the subsequent analysis. In some instances it may be possible to use secondary data in analytical work. Secondary data is information that has been developed by someone else but is used in your analytical work. Secondary data might be demographic information, economic trends, or consumer patterns, which is often available through the Internet. The advantage with secondary data, provided that it is in the public domain, is that it costs less or at best is free. The disadvantage is that the secondary data may not contain all the information you require, the format may not be ideal, and/or it may be not be up to date. Thus, there may be a trade-off between using less costly, but perhaps less accurate, secondary data, and more expensive but more reliable, primary data.

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling

Statistical relations in sampling for the mean Inferential statistics is the estimate of population characteristics based on the analysis of a sample. The larger the sample size, the more reliable is our estimate of the population parameter. It is the central limit theory that governs the reliability of sampling. This theory states that as the size of the sample increases, there becomes a point when the distribution of the sample means can be approximated by the normal distribution. In this case, the mean of all sample means withdrawn from the population is equal to the population mean. Further, the standard error of the estimate in a sampling distribution is equal to the population standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size.

Sampling for the means for an infinite population An infinite population is a collection of data of a large size such that by removing or destroying some data elements the population that remains is not significantly affected. Here we can modify the transformation relationship that apply to the normal distribution and determine the number of standard deviations, z, as the sample mean less the population mean divided by the standard error. When we use this relationship we find that the larger the sample size, n, the more the sample data clusters around the population mean implying that there is less variability.

Sampling for the means from a finite population A finite population in sampling is defined such that the ratio of the sample size to the population size is greater than 5%. This means that the sample size is large relative to the population size. When we have a finite population we modify the standard error by multiplying it by a finite population multiplier, which is the square root of the ratio of the population size minus the sample size to the population size minus one. When we have done this, we can use this modified relationship to infer the characteristics of the population parameter. Again as before, the larger the sample size, the more the data clusters around the population mean and there is less variability in the data.

Sampling distribution of the proportion A sample proportion is the ratio of those values that have the desired characteristics divided by the sample size. The binomial relationship governs proportions, since either values in the sample have the desired characteristics or they do not. Using the binomial relationships for the mean and the standard deviation, we can develop the standard error of the proportion. With this standard error of the proportion, and the value of the sample proportion, we can make an estimate of the population proportion in a similar manner to making an estimate of the population mean. Again, the larger the sample size, the closer is our estimate to the population proportion.

Chapter Summary

This chapter has looked at sampling covering specifically, basic relationships, sampling for the mean in infinite and finite populations, sampling for proportions, and sampling methods.



Statistics for Business

Sampling methods The key to correct sampling is to avoid bias, that is not taking a sample that gives lopsided results, and to ensure that the sample is random. Microsoft Excel has a function that generates random numbers between given limits. If we have a relatively hom*ogeneous population we can use systematic sampling, which is taking samples at predetermined intervals according to the desired sample size. Stratified sampling can be used when we are interested in a well-defined strata or group. Stratified sampling can be extended when there are several strata of interest within a population. Cluster sampling is another way of making a sampling experiment when the population is divided up into manageable clusters that represent the population, and then sampling an appropriate quantity within a cluster. Quota sampling is when an interviewer has a certain quota, or number of units to analyse that may be according to a defined strata. Consumer surveys are part of sampling where respondents complete questionnaires that are sent through the post, by E-mail, completed over the phone, or face to face contact. When you construct a questionnaire for a consumer surveys, avoid having open-ended questions as these are more difficult to analyse. In sampling there is primary data, or that collected by the researcher, and secondary data that maybe in the public domain. Primary data is normally the most useful but is usually more costly to develop.

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 1. Credit card Situation From past data, a large bank knows that the average monthly credit card account balance is £225 with a standard deviation of £98.

Required 1. What is the probability that in an account chosen at random, the average monthly balance will lie between £180 and £250? 2. What is the probability that in 10 accounts chosen at random, the sample average monthly balance will lie between £180 and £250? 3. What is the probability that in 25 accounts chosen at random, the sample average monthly balance will lie between £180 and £250? 4. Explain the differences. 5. What assumptions are made in determining these estimations?

2. Food bags Situation A paper company in Finland manufactures treated double-strength bags used for holding up to 20 kg of dry dog or cat food. These bags have a nominal breaking strength of 8 kg/cm2 with a production standard deviation of 0.70 kg/cm2. The manufacturing process of these food bags follows a normal distribution.

Required 1. What percentage of the bags produced has a breaking strength between 8.0 and 8.5 kg/cm2? 2. What percentage of the bags produced has a breaking strength between 6.5 and 7.5 kg/cm2? 3. What proportion of the sample means of size 10 will have breaking strength between 8.0 and 8.5 kg/cm2? 4. What proportion of the sample means of size 10 will have breaking strength between 6.5 and 7.5 kg/cm2? 5. Compare the answers of Questions 1 and 3, and 2 and 4. 6. What distribution would the sample means follow for samples of size 10?

3. Telephone calls Situation It is known that long distance telephone calls are normally distributed with the mean time of 8 minutes, and the standard deviation of 2 minutes.



Statistics for Business

Required 1. What is the probability that a call taken at random will last between 7.8 and 8.2 minutes? 2. What is the probability that a call taken at random will last between 7.5 and 8.0 minutes? 3. If random samples of 25 calls are selected, what is the probability that a call taken at random will last between 7.8 and 8.2 minutes? 4. If random samples of 25 calls are selected, what is the probability that a call taken at random will last between 7.5 and 8.0 minutes? 5. If random samples of 100 calls are selected, what is the probability that a call taken at random will last between 7.8 and 8.2 minutes? 6. If random samples of 100 calls are selected, what is the probability that a call taken at random will last between 7.5 and 8.0 minutes? 7. Explain the difference in the results.

4. Soft drink machine Situation A soft drinks machine is regulated so that the amount dispensed into the drinking cups is on average 33 cl. The filling operation is normally distributed and the standard deviation is 1 cl no matter the setting of the mean value.

Required 1. What is the volume that is dispensed such that only 5% of cups contain this amount or less? 2. If the machine is regulated such that only 5% of the cups contained 30 cl or less, by how much could the nominal value of the machine setting be reduced? In this case, on average a customer would be receiving what percentage less of beverage? 3. With a nominal machine setting of 33 cl, if samples of 10 cups are taken, what is the volume that will be exceeded by 95% of sample means? 4. There is a maintenance rule such that if the sample average content of 10 cups falls below 32.50 cl, a technician will be called out to check the machine settings. In this case, how often would this happen at a nominal machine setting of 33 cl? 5. What should be the nominal machine setting to ensure that no more than 2% maintenance calls are made? In this case, on average customers will be receiving how much more beverage?

5. Baking bread Situation A hypermarket has its own bakery where it prepares and sells bread from 08:00 to 20:00 hours. One extremely popular bread, called “pave supreme”, is made and sold continuously throughout the day. This bread, which is a nominal 500 g loaf, is individually kneaded, left for 3 hours to rise before being baked in the oven. During the kneading and

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling

baking process moisture is lost but from past experience it is known that the standard deviation of the finished bread is 17 g.

Required 1. If you go to the store and take at random one pave supreme, what is the probability that it will weigh more than 520 g? 2. You are planning a dinner party and so you go to the store and take at random four pave supremes, what is the probability that the average weight of the four weigh more than 520 g? 3. Say that you are planning a larger dinner party and you go to the store and take at random eight pave supremes, what is the probability that the average weight of the eight breads weigh more than 520 g? 4. If you go to the store and take at random one pave supreme, what is the probability that it will weigh between 480 and 520 g? 5. If you go to the store and take at random four pave supremes, what is the probability that the average weight of the loaves will be between 480 and 520 g? 6. If you go to the store and take at random eight pave supremes, what is the probability that the average weight of the loaves will be between 480 and 520 g? 7. Explain the differences between Questions 1 to 3. 8. Explain the differences between Questions 4 to 6. Why is the progression the reverse of what you see for Questions 1 to 3?

6. Financial advisor Situation The amount of time a financial advisor spends with each client has a population mean of 35 minutes, and a standard deviation of 11 minutes. 1. If a random client is selected, what is the probability that the time spent with the client will be at least 37 minutes? 2. If a random client is selected, there is a 35% chance that the time the financial advisor spends with the client will be below how many minutes? 3. If random sample of 16 clients are selected, what is the probability that the average time spent per client will be at least 37 minutes? 4. If a random sample of 16 clients is selected, there is a 35% chance that the sample mean will be below how many minutes? 5. If random sample of 25 clients are selected, what is the probability that the average time spent per client will be at least 37 minutes? 6. If a random sample of 25 clients is selected, there is a 35% chance that the sample mean will be below how many minutes? 7. Explain the differences between Questions 1, 3, and 5. 8. What assumptions do you make in responding to these questions?



Statistics for Business

7. Height of adult males Situation In a certain country, the height of adult males is normally distributed, with a mean of 176 cm and a variance of 225 cm2.

Required 1. If one adult male is selected at random, what is the probability that he will be over 2 m? 2. What are the upper and lower limits of height between which 90% will lie for the population of adult males? 3. If samples of four men are taken, what percentage of such samples will have average heights over 2 m? 4. What are the upper and lower limits between which 90% of the sample averages will lie for samples of size four? 5. If samples of nine men are taken, what percentage of such samples will have average heights over 2 m? 6. What are the upper and lower limits between which 90% of the sample averages will lie for samples of size nine? 7. Explain the differences in the results.

8. Wal-Mart Situation Wal-Mart of the United States, after buying ASDA in Great Britain, is now looking to move into France. It has targeted 220 supermarket stores in that country and the present owner of these said that profits from these supermarkets follows a normal distribution, have the same mean, with a standard deviation of €37,500. Financial information is on a monthly basis.

Required 1. If Wal-Mart selects a store at random what is the probability that the profit from this store will lie within €5,400 of the mean? 2. If Wal-Mart management selects 50 stores at random, what is the probability that the sample mean of profits for these 50 stores will lie within €5,400 of the mean?

9. Automobile salvage Situation Joe and three colleagues have created a small automobile salvage company. Their work consists of visiting sites that have automobile wrecks and recovering those parts that can be resold. Often from these wrecks they recoup engine parts, computers from the electrical systems, scrap metal, and batteries. From past work, salvaged components on an average generate €198 per car with a standard deviation of €55. Joe and his three colleagues pay themselves €15 each per hour and they work 40 hours/week. Between them

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling

they are able to complete the salvage work on four cars per day. One particular period they carry out salvage work at a site near Hamburg, Germany where there are 72 wrecked cars.

Required 1. What is the correct standard error for this situation? 2. What is the probability that after one weeks work the team will have collected enough parts to generate total revenue of €4,200? 3. On the assumption that the probability outcome in Question No. 2 is achieved, what would be the net income to each team member at the end of 1 week?

10. Education and demographics Situation According to a survey in 2000, the population of the United States in the age range 25 to 64 years, 72% were white. Further in this same year, 16% of the total population in the same age range were high school dropouts and 27% had at least a bachelor’s degree.4

Required 1. If random samples of 200 people in the age range 25 to 64 are selected, what proportion of the samples between 69% and 75% will be white? 2. If random samples of 400 people in the age range 25 to 64 are selected, what proportion of the samples between 69% and 75% will be white? 3. If random samples of 200 people in the age range 25 to 64 are selected, what proportion of the samples between 13% and 19% will be high school dropouts? 4. If random samples of 400 people in the age range 25 to 64 are selected, what proportion of the samples between 13% and 19% will be high school dropouts? 5. If random samples of 200 people in the age range 25 to 64 are selected, what proportion of the samples between 24% and 30% will have at least a bachelors degree? 6. If random samples of 400 people in the age range 25 to 64 are selected, what proportion of the samples between 24% and 30% will have at least a bachelors degree? 7. Explain the difference between each paired question of 1 and 2; 3 and 4; and 5 and 6.

11. World Trade Organization Situation The World Trade Organization talks, part of the Doha Round, took place in Hong Kong between 13 and 18 December 2005. According to data, the average percentage tariff imposed on all imported tangible goods and services in certain selected countries is as follows5: 4 5

Losing ground, Business Week, 21 November 2005, p. 90. US, EU walk fine line at heart of trade impasse, The Wall Street Journal, 13 December 2005, p. 1.



Statistics for Business

United States 3.7%

India 29.1%

European Union 4.2%

Burkina Faso 12.0%

Brazil 12.4%

Required 1. If a random sample of 200 imported tangible goods or service into the United States were selected, what is the probability that the average proportion of the tariffs for this sample would be between 1% and 4%? 2. If a random sample of 200 imported tangible goods or service into Burkina Faso were selected, what is the probability that the average proportion of the tariffs for this sample would be between 10% and 14%? 3. If a random sample of 200 imported tangible goods or service into India were selected, what is the probability that the average proportion of the tariffs for this sample would be between 25% and 32%? 4. If a random sample of 400 imported tangible goods or service into the United States were selected, what is the probability that the average proportion of the tariffs for this sample would be between 1% and 4%? 5. If a random sample of 400 imported tangible goods or service into Burkina Faso were selected, what is the probability that the average proportion of the tariffs for this sample would be between 10% and 14%? 6. If a random sample of 400 imported tangible goods or service into India were selected, what is the probability that the average proportion of the tariffs for this sample would be between 25% and 32%? 7. Explain the difference between each paired question of 1 and 2; 3 and 4; and 5 and 6.

12. Female illiteracy Situation In a survey conducted in three candidate countries for the European Union – Turkey, Romania, and Croatia and three member countries – Greece, Malta, and Slovakia Europe in 2003, the female illiteracy of those over 15 was reported as follows6: Turkey 19%

Greece 12%

Malta 11%

Romania 4%

Croatia 3%

Slovakia 0.5%

Required 1. If random samples of 250 females over 15 were taken in Turkey in 2003, what proportion between 12% and 22% would be illiterate? 2. If random samples of 500 females over 15 were taken in Turkey in 2003, what proportion between 12% and 22% would be illiterate? 6

Too soon for Turkish delight, The Economist, 1 October 2005, p. 25.

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling

3. If random samples of 250 females over 15 were taken in Malta in 2003, what proportion between 9% and 13% would be illiterate? 4. If random samples of 500 females over 15 were taken in Malta in 2003, what proportion between 9% and 13% would be illiterate? 5. If random samples of 250 females over 15 were taken in Slovakia in 2003, what proportion between 0.1% and 1.0% would be illiterate? 6. If random samples of 500 females over 15 were taken in Slovakia in 2003, what proportion between 0.1% and 1.0% would be illiterate? 7. What is your explanation for the difference between each paired question of 1 and 2; 3 and 4; and 5 and 6? 8. If you took a sample of 200 females over 15 from Istanbul and the proportion of those females illiterate was 0.25%, would you be surprised?

13. Unemployment Situation According to published statistics for 2005, the unemployment rate among people under 25 in France was 21.7% compared to 13.8% for Germany, 12.6% in Britain, and 11.4% in the United States. These numbers in part are considered to be reasons for the riots that occurred in France in 2005.7

Required 1. If random samples of 100 people under 25 were taken in France in 2005, what proportion between 12% and 15% would be unemployed? 2. If random samples of 200 people under 25 were taken in France in 2005, what proportion between 12% and 15% would be unemployed? 3. If random samples of 100 people under 25 were taken in Germany in 2005, what proportion between 12% and 15% would be unemployed? 4. If random samples of 200 people under 25 were taken in Germany in 2005, what proportion between 12% and 15% would be unemployed? 5. If random samples of 100 people under 25 were taken in Britain in 2005, what proportion between 12% and 15% would be unemployed? 6. If random samples of 200 people under 25 were taken in Britain in 2005, what proportion between 12% and 15% would be unemployed? 7. If random samples of 100 people under 25 were taken in the United States in 2005, what proportion between 12% and 15% would be unemployed? 8. If random samples of 200 people under 25 were taken in the United States in 2005, what proportion between 12% and 15% would be unemployed?


France’s young and jobless, Business Week, 21 November 2005, p. 23.



Statistics for Business

9. What is you explanation for the difference between each paired question of 3 and 4; 5 and 6; and 7 and 8? 10. Why do the data for France in Questions 1 and 2 not follow the same trend as for the questions for the other three countries?

14. Manufacturing employment Situation According to a recent survey by the OECD in 2005 employment in manufacturing as a percent of total employment, has fallen dramatically since 1970. The following table gives the information for OECD countries8:

Country 1970 2005







United States

40% 23%

28% 22%

27% 18%

28% 16%

35% 14%

23% 14%

25% 10%

Required 1. If random samples of 200 people of the working population were taken from Germany in 2005, what proportion between 20% and 26% would be in manufacturing? 2. If random samples of 400 people of the working population were taken from Germany in 2005, what proportion between 20% and 26% would be in manufacturing? 3. If random samples of 200 people of the working population were taken from Britain in 2005, what proportion between 13% and 15% would be in manufacturing? 4. If random samples of 400 people of the working population were taken from Britain in 2005, what proportion between 13% and 15% would be in manufacturing? 5. If random samples of 200 people of the working population were taken from the United States in 2005, what proportion between 6% and 10% would be in manufacturing? 6. If random samples of 400 people of the working population were taken from the United States in 2005, what proportion between 6% and 10% would be in manufacturing? 7. What is your explanation for the difference between each paired question of 1 and 2; 3 and 4; and 5 and 6. 8. If a sample of 100 people was taken in Germany in 2005 and the proportion of the people in manufacturing was 32%, what conclusions might you draw?


Industrial metamorphosis, The Economist, 1 October 2005, p. 69.

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling

15. Homicide Situation In December 2005, Steve Harvey, an internationally known AIDS outreach worker was abducted at gunpoint from his home in Jamaica and murdered.9 According to the statistics of 2005, Jamaica is one the world’s worst country for homicide. How it compares with some other countries according to the number of homicides per 100,000 people is given in the table below10:

Britain 2

United States 6

Zimbabwe Argentina Russia 8 14 21

Brazil S. Africa 25 44

Columbia Jamaica 47 59

Required 1. If you lived in Jamaica what is the probability that some day you would be a homicide statistic? 2. If you lived in Britain what is the probability that some day you would be a homicide statistic? Compare this probability with the previous question? What is another way of expressing this probability between the two countries? 3. If random samples of 1,000 people were selected in Jamaica what is the proportion between 0.03% and 0.09% that would be homicide victims? 4. If random samples of 2,000 people were selected in Jamaica what is the proportion between 0.03% and 0.09% that would be homicide victims? 5. Explain the difference between Questions 3 and 4.

16. Humanitarian agency Situation A subdivision of the humanitarian organization, doctors without borders, based in Paris has 248 personnel in its database according to the table below. This database gives in alphabetical order the name of the staff members, gender, age at last birthday, years with the organization, the country where the staff member is based, and their training in the medical field. You wish to get information about the whole population included in this database including criteria such as job satisfaction, safety concerns in the country of work, human relationships in the country, and other qualitative factors. For budget reasons you are limited to interviewing a total of 40 people and some of these will be done by telephone but others will be personal interviews in the country of operation. 9 10

A murder in Jamaica, International Herald Tribune, 14 December 2005, p. 8. Less crime, more fear, The Economist, 1 October 2005, p. 42.



Statistics for Business

Required Develop a sampling plan to select the 40 people. Consider total random sampling, cluster sampling, and strata sampling. In all cases use the random number function in Excel to make the sample selection. Of the plans that you select draw conclusions. Which do you believe is the best experiment? Explain your reasoning:



Gender Age

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Abissa, Yasmina Murielle Adekalom, Maily Adjei, Abena Ahihounkpe, Ericka Akintayo, Funmilayo Alexandre, Gaëlle Alibizzata, Myléne Ama, Eric Angue Assoumou, Mélodie Arfort, Sabrina Aubert, Nicolas Aubery, Olivia Aulombard, Audrey Awitor, Euloge Ba, Oumy Bakouan, Aminata Banguebe, Sandrine Baque, Nicolas Batina, Cédric Batty-Ample, Agnès Baud, Maxime Belkora, Youssef Berard, Emmanuelle Bernard, Eloise Berton, Alexandra Besenwald, Laetitia Beyschlag, Natalie Black, Kimberley Blanchon, Paul Blondet, Thomas Bomboh, Patrick Bordenave, Bertrand Bossekota, Ariane Boulay, Grégory Bouziat, Lucas Briatte, Pierre-Edouard


26 45 41 29 46 46 31 30 47 47 50 34 49 36 27 24 41 42 32 31 44 46 41 40 46 28 34 32 23 34 31 32 37 36 53 48

Years with agency 2 17 16 5 12 19 2 2 18 12 20 12 18 12 1 3 1 14 2 10 18 2 17 3 22 2 8 8 1 1 11 10 9 7 26 28

Country where based

Medical training

Chile Brazil Chile Kenya Brazil Kenya Chile Brazil Chile Cambodia Costa Rica Thailand Brazil Kenya Chile Vietnam Costa Rica Kenya Kenya Chile Costa Rica Brazil Vietnam Vietnam Ivory Coast Brazil Brazil Kenya Vietnam Kenya Chile Brazil Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya

Nurse General medicine Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Radiographer Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Radiographer Nurse Surgeon Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling



Gender Age

37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81

Brunel, Laurence Bruntsch-Lesba, Natascha Buzingo, Patrick Cablova, Dagmar Chabanel, Gael Chabanier, Maud Chahboun, Zineb Chahed, Samy Chappon, Romain Chartier, Henri Chaudagne, Stanislas Coffy, Robin Coissard, Alexandre Collomb, Fanny Coradetti, Louise Cordier, Yan Crombe, Jean-Michel Croute, Benjamin Cusset, Johannson Czajkowski, Mathieu Dadzie, Kelly Dandjouma, Ainaou Dansou, Joel De Messe Zinsou, Thierry De Zelicourt, Gonzague Debaille, Camille Declippeleir, Olivier Delahaye, Benjamin Delegue, Héloise Delobel, Delphine Demange, Aude Deplano, Guillaume Desplanches, Isabelle Destombes, Hélène Diallo, Ralou Maimouna Diehl, Pierre Diop, Mohamed Dobeli, Nathalie Doe-Bruce, Othalia Ayele E Donnat, Mélanie Douenne, François-Xavier Du Mesnil Du Buisson, Edouard Dubourg, Jonathan Ducret, Camille


27 55 46 53 31 27 53 46 40 28 45 48 36 54 36 43 27 42 42 51 34 50 54 38 55 50 31 47 31 23 30 54 34 31 50 45 25 33 53 51 37 52 44 50

Years with agency 3 30 5 14 2 1 23 12 18 8 10 24 8 18 11 1 7 17 12 10 10 2 27 2 4 26 9 11 6 3 1 33 10 7 25 11 5 10 19 16 15 21 3 16

Country where based

Medical training

Ivory Coast Cambodia Thailand Kenya Ivory Coast Brazil Brazil Thailand Costa Rica Vietnam Chile Ivory Coast Chile Ivory Coast Cambodia Brazil Brazil Vietnam Cambodia Brazil Chile Nigeria Brazil Ivory Coast Cambodia Kenya Chile Ivory Coast Brazil Kenya Vietnam Thailand Thailand Brazil Ivory Coast Brazil Chile Chile Cambodia Thailand Ivory Coast Vietnam Cambodia Thailand

General medicine Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Nurse Radiographer Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Surgeon Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Radiographer Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse General medicine Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Surgeon Nurse Nurse Nurse (Continued)



Statistics for Business



Gender Age

82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126

Dufau, Guillaume Dufaud, Charly Dujardin, Agathe Dutel, Sébastien Dutraive, Benjamin Eberhardt, Nadine Ebibie N’ze, Yannick Errai, Skander Erulin, Caroline Escarboutel, Christel Etien, Stéphanie Felio, Sébastien Fernandes, Claudio Fillioux, Stéphanie Flandrois, Nicolas Gaillardet, Marion Garapon, Sophie Garnier, Charles Garraud, Charlotte Gassier, Vivienne Gava, Mathilde Gerard, Vincent Germany, Julie Gesrel, Valentin Ginet-Kauders, David Gobber, Aurélie Grangeon, Baptiste Gremmel, Antoine Gueit, Delphine Guerite, Camille Guillot, Nicholas Hardy, Gilles Hazard, Guillaume Honnegger, Dorothée Houdin, Julia Huang, Shan-Shan Jacquel, Hélène Jiguet-Jiglairaz, Sébastien Jomard, Sam Julien, Loïc Kacou, Joeata Kasalica, Aneta Kasalica, Darko Kassab, Philippe Kervaon, Nathalie


45 28 36 50 33 26 28 47 42 52 54 32 29 32 31 23 31 27 43 33 26 50 29 40 54 32 33 31 46 45 33 30 38 45 49 35 47 55 34 35 48 51 24 29 45

Years with agency 25 5 15 11 2 6 8 5 18 3 12 4 5 9 10 3 3 6 11 13 4 5 9 11 33 1 13 3 2 8 5 3 9 2 7 14 16 35 7 2 3 13 4 1 24

Country where based

Medical training

Chile Costa Rica Kenya Cambodia Brazil Cambodia Chile Thailand Ivory Coast Ivory Coast Brazil Kenya Vietnam Brazil Ivory Coast Brazil Kenya Costa Rica Brazil Brazil Ivory Coast Thailand Kenya Nigeria Costa Rica Costa Rica Chile Brazil Thailand Cambodia Brazil Chile Cambodia Vietnam Thailand Costa Rica Vietnam Chile Kenya Brazil Vietnam Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil

Nurse Radiographer Nurse Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse General medicine Nurse Nurse Nurse Surgeon Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Radiographer Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Nurse Surgeon Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Radiographer Nurse

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling



Gender Age

127 128 129 130 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171

Kimbakala-Koumba, Madeleine Kolow, Alexandre Latini, Stéphane Lauvaure, Julien Legris, Baptiste Lehot, Julien Lestangt, Aurélie Li, Si Si Liubinskas, Ricardas Loyer, Julien Lu Shan Shan Marchal, Arthur Marganne, Richard Marone, Lati Martin, Cyrielle Martin, Stéphanie Martinez, Stéphanie Maskey, Lilly Masson, Cédric Mathisen, Mélinda Mermet, Alexandra Mermet, Florence Michel, Dorothée Miribel, Julien Monnot, Julien Montfort, Laura Murgue, François Nauwelaers, Emmanuel Nddalla-Ella, Claude Ndiaye, Baye Mor Neulat, Jean-Philippe Neves, Christophe Nicot, Guillaume Oculy, Fréderic Okewole, Maxine Omba, Nguie Ostler, Emilie Owiti, Brenda Ozkan, Selda Paillet, Maïté Penillard, Cloé Perera, William Perrenot, Christophe Pesenti, Johan


44 40 50 42 38 37 29 32 25 34 31 45 25 33 42 46 25 23 29 48 25 27 54 53 40 53 32 55 35 50 37 28 29 45 51 47 28 25 43 55 38 43 30 47

Years with agency 11 7 23 14 18 16 8 5 4 10 8 12 4 4 5 16 5 1 8 12 1 1 24 6 5 16 2 24 14 23 17 2 8 12 21 24 1 1 21 28 5 17 3 3

Country where based

Medical training

Costa Rica Chile Chile Brazil Ivory Coast Vietnam Cambodia Chile Cambodia Vietnam Chile Nigeria Chile Brazil Kenya Brazil Thailand Vietnam Brazil Cambodia Brazil Brazil Brazil Vietnam Chile Nigeria Kenya Thailand Thailand Vietnam Cambodia Brazil Brazil Chile Kenya Ivory Coast Brazil Kenya Nigeria Kenya Ivory Coast Nigeria Kenya Costa Rica

Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Radiographer Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Surgeon Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Surgeon Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Radiographer (Continued)



Statistics for Business



Gender Age

172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215

Petit, Dominique Pfeiffer, Céline Philetas, Ludovic Portmann, Kevin Pourrier, Jennifer Prou, Vincent Raffaele, Grégory Ramanoelisoa, Eliane Goretti Rambaud, Philippe Ranjatoelina, Andrew Ravets, Emmanuelle Ribieras, Alexandre Richard, Damien Rocourt, Nicolas Rossi-Ferrari, Sébastien Rouviere, Grégory Roux, Alexis Roy, Marie-Charlotte Rudkin, Steven Ruget, Joffrey Rutledge, Diana Ruzibiza, Hubert Ruzibiza, Oriane Sadki, Khalid Saint-Quentin, Florent Salami, Mistoura Sambe, Mamadou Sanvee, Pascale Saphores, Pierre-Jean Sassioui, Mohamed Savall, Arnaud Savinas, Tamara Schadt, Stéphanie Schmuck, Céline Schneider, Aurélie Schulz, Amir Schwartz, Olivier Seimbille, Alexandra Servage, Benjamin Sib, Brigitte Sinistaj, Irena Six, Martin Sok, Steven Souah, Steve


48 39 24 45 41 42 55 49 27 43 30 45 23 41 37 51 23 51 41 24 38 35 45 35 55 45 31 51 32 48 47 54 33 54 53 39 46 47 47 51 36 34 26 50

Years with agency 17 7 3 21 15 7 26 18 1 5 8 14 1 9 2 31 1 14 21 4 11 12 10 13 22 20 5 23 2 10 18 34 13 9 3 10 21 1 23 13 12 3 1 23

Country where based

Medical training

Thailand Ivory Coast Thailand Chile Thailand Chile Cambodia Vietnam Costa Rica Brazil Nigeria Cambodia Kenya Brazil Thailand Ivory Coast Kenya Costa Rica Thailand Brazil Thailand Brazil Brazil Vietnam Brazil Cambodia Ivory Coast Vietnam Cambodia Chile Brazil Ivory Coast Brazil Costa Rica Costa Rica Vietnam Brazil Chile Ivory Coast Brazil Brazil Costa Rica Costa Rica Ivory Coast

Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse General medicine Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Radiographer Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Surgeon Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse

Chapter 6: Theory and methods of statistical sampling



Gender Age

216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248

Souchko, Edouard Soumare, Anna Straub, Elodie Sun, Wenjie SuperVielle Brouques, Claire Tahraoui, Davina Tall, Kadiatou Tarate, Romain Tessaro, Laure Tillier, Pauline Trenou, Kémi Triquere, Cyril Tsh*tungi, Mesenga Vadivelou, Christophe Vande-Vyre, Julien Villemur, Claire Villet, Diana Vincent, Marion Vorillon, Fabrice Wadagni, Imelda Wallays, Anne Wang, Jessica Weigel, Samy Wernert, Lucile Willot, Mathieu Wlodyka, Sébastien Wurm, Debora Xheko, Eni Xu, Ning Yuan, Zhiyi Zairi, Leila Zeng, Li Zhao, Lizhu


38 52 25 31 40 31 33 49 39 29 44 23 40 55 25 41 33 36 32 45 30 38 34 24 52 40 46 28 48 39 51 25 33

Years with agency 7 22 2 4 7 1 8 3 18 8 19 1 2 17 5 17 8 2 4 10 2 18 13 2 30 6 15 1 13 18 26 3 9

Country where based

Medical training

Nigeria Vietnam Brazil Kenya Kenya Thailand Thailand Costa Rica Ivory Coast Kenya Thailand Brazil Ivory Coast Chile Brazil Costa Rica Nigeria Ivory Coast Chile Vietnam Vietnam Brazil Ivory Coast Kenya Brazil Kenya Chile Costa Rica Brazil Brazil Vietnam Ivory Coast Thailand

Radiographer Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Surgeon Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Nurse Nurse Nurse General medicine Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Physiotherapy Surgeon Radiographer Nurse General medicine


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Estimating population characteristics

Turkey and the margin of error The European Union, after a very heated debate, agreed in early October 2005 to open membership talks to admit Turkey, a Muslim country of 70 million people. This agreement came only after a tense night-and-day discussion with Austria, one of the 25-member states, who strongly opposed Turkey’s membership. Austria has not forgotten fighting back the invading Ottoman armies in the 16th and 17th centuries. Reservations to Turkey’s membership is also very strong in other countries as shown in Figure 7.1 where an estimated 70% or more of the population in each of Austria, Cyprus, Germany, France, and Greece are opposed to membership. This estimated information is based on a survey response of a sample of about 1,000 people in each of the 10 indicated countries. The survey was conducted in the period May–June 2005 with an indicated margin of error of 3% points. This survey was made to estimate population characteristics, which is the essence of the material in this chapter.1


Champion, M., and Karnitschnig, M., “Turkey gains EU approval to begin membership talks”, Wall Street Journal Europe, 4 October 2005, pp. 1 and 14.



Statistics for Business

Figure 7.1 Survey response of attitudes to Turkey joining the European Union.

Austria Cyprus France Germany Greece Italy Poland Sweden Turkey UK 0%








Margin of error is 3% In favor




90% 100%

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics

Learning objectives After you have studied this chapter you will understand how sampling can be extended to make estimates of population parameters such as the mean and the proportion. To facilitate comprehension the chapter is organized as follows: ✔

✔ ✔ ✔

Estimating the mean value • Point estimates • Interval estimates • Confidence level and reliability • Confidence interval of the mean for an infinite population • Application of confidence intervals for an infinite population: Paper • Sample size for estimating the mean of an infinite population • Application for determining the sample size: Coffee • Confidence interval of the mean for a finite population • Application of the confidence interval for a finite population: Printing Estimating the mean using the Student-t distribution • The Student-t distribution • Degrees of freedom in the t-distribution • Profile of the Student-t distribution • Confidence intervals using a Student-t distribution • Excel and the Student-t distribution • Application of the Student-t distribution: Kiwi fruit • Sample size and the Student-t distribution • Re-look at the example kiwi fruit using the normal distribution Estimating and auditing • Estimating the population amount • Application of auditing for an infinite population: tee-shirts • Application of auditing for a finite population: paperback books Estimating the proportion • Interval estimate of the proportion for large samples • Sample size for the proportion for large samples • Application of estimation for proportions: Circuit boards Margin of error and levels of confidence • Explaining margin of error • Confidence levels

In Chapter 6, we discussed statistical sampling for the purpose of obtaining information about a population. This chapter expands upon this to use sampling to estimate, or infer, population parameters based entirely on the sample data. By its very nature, estimating is probabilistic as there is no certainty of the result. However, if the sample experiment is correctly designed then there should be a reasonable confidence about conclusions that are made. Thus from samples we might with confidence estimate the mean weight of airplane passengers for fuel-loading purposes, the proportion of the population expected to vote Republican, or the mean value of inventory in a distribution centre.

Estimating the Mean Value The mean or average value of data is the sum of all the data taken divided by the number of

measurements taken. The units of measurement can be financial units, length, volume, weight, etc.

Point estimates In estimating, we could use a single value to estimate the true population mean. For example, if the grade point average of a random sample of students is 3.75 then we might estimate that the population average of all students is also 3.75. Or, we might select at random 20 items of inventory from a distribution centre and calculate that their average value is £25.45. In this case we would estimate that the population average of the entire inventory is £25.45. Here – we have used the sample mean x as a point estimate or an unbiased estimate of the true population mean, μx. The problem with one value or a point estimate is that they are presented as being exact and that unless we have a super



Statistics for Business crystal ball, the probability of them being precisely the right value is low. Point estimates are often inadequate as they are just a single value and thus, they are either right or wrong. In practice it is more meaningful to have an interval estimate and to quantify these intervals by probability levels that give an estimate of the error in the measurement.

Interval estimates With an interval estimate we might describe situations as follows. The estimate for the project cost is between $11.8 and $12.9 million and I am 95% confident of these figures. The estimate for the sales of the new products is between 22,000 and 24,500 units in the first year and I am 90% confidence of these figures. The estimate of the price of a certain stock is between $75 and $90 but I am only 50% confident of this information. The estimate of class enrolment for Business Statistics next academic year is between 220 and 260 students though I am not too confident about these figures. Thus the interval estimate is a range within which the population parameter is likely to fall.

Confidence level and reliability Suppose a subcontractor A makes refrigerator compressors for client B who assembles the final refrigerators. In order to establish the terms of the final customer warranty, the client needs information about the life of compressors since the compressor is the principal working component of the refrigerator. Assume that a random sample of 144 compressors is tested and that the mean life of the compressors, x–, is determined to be 6 years or 72 months. Using the concept of point estimates we could say that the mean life of all the compressors manufactured is 72 months. Here x– is the estimator of the population mean μx and 72 months is the estimate of the population mean obtained from the sample. However, this

information says nothing about the reliability or confidence that we have in the estimate. The subcontractor has been making these compressors for a long time and knows from past data that the standard deviation of the working life of compressors is 15 months. Then since our sample size of 144 is large enough, the standard error of the mean can be calculated by using equation 6(ii) from Chapter 6 from the central limit theory: σx

σx n

15 144

15 1.25 months 12

This value of 1.25 months is one standard error of the mean, or it means that z 1.00, for the sampling distribution. If we assume that the life of a compressor follows a normal distribution then we know from Chapter 5 that 68.26% of all values in the distribution lie within 1 standard deviations from the mean. From equation 6(iv), z

x µx σx / n

or 1

x 72 1.25

When z 1 then the lower limit of the compressor life is, x 72 1.25 70.75 months When z 1 then the upper limit is, x 72 1.25 73.25 months Thus we can say that, the mean life of the compressors is about 72 months and there is a 68.26% (about 68%) probability that the mean value will be between 70.75 and 73.25 months. Two standard errors of the mean, or when z 2, is 2 * 1.25 or 2.50 months. Again from

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics Chapter 5, if we assume a normal distribution, 95.44%, of all values in the distribution lie within 2 standard deviations from the mean. When z 2 then using equation 6(iv), the lower limit of the compressor life is, x 72 2 * 1.25 69.50 months When z 2 then the upper limit is, x 72 2 * 1.25 74.50 months Thus we can say that, the mean life of the compressor is about 72 months and there is a 95.44% (about 95%) probability that the mean value will be between 69.50 and 74.50 months. Finally, three standard errors of the mean is 3 * 1.25 or 3.75 months and again from Chapter 5, assuming a normal distribution, 99.73%, of all values in the distribution lie within 3 standard deviations from the mean. When z 3 then using equation 6(iv), the lower limit of compressor life is, x 72 3 * 1.25 68.25 months When z 3 then the upper limit is, x 72 3 * 1.25 75.75 months Thus we can say that the mean life of the compressor is about 72 months and there is almost a 99.73% (about 100%) probability that the mean value will be between 68.25 and 75.75 months. Thus in summary we say as follows: 1. The best estimate is that the mean compressor life is 72 months and the manufacturer is about 68% confident that the compressor life is in the range 70.75 to 73.25 months. Here the confidence interval is between 70.75 and 73.25 months, or a range of 2.50 months. 2. The best estimate is that the mean compressor life is 72 months and the manufacturer is about 95% confident that the compressor life

is in the range 69.50 to 74.50 months. Here the confidence interval is between 69.50 and 74.50 months, or a range of 5.00 months. 3. The best estimate is that the mean compressor life is 72 months and the manufacturer is about 100% confident that the compressor life is in the range 68.25 to 75.75 months. Here the confidence interval is between 68.25 and 75.75 months, or a range of 7.50 months. It is important to note that as our confidence level increases, going from 68% to 100%, the confidence interval increases, going from a range of 2.50 to 7.50 months. This is to be expected as we become more confident of our estimate, we give a broader range to cover uncertainties.

Confidence interval of the mean for an infinite population The confidence interval is the range of the estimate being made. From the above compressor example, considering the 2σ confidence intervals, we have 69.50 and 74.50 months as the respective lower and upper limits. Between these limits this is equivalent to 95.44% of the area under the normal curve, or about 95%. A 95% confidence interval estimate implies that if all possible samples were taken, about 95% of them would include the true population mean, μ, somewhere within their interval, whereas, about 5% of them would not. This concept is illustrated in Figure 7.2 for six different samples. The 2σ intervals for sample numbers 1, 2, 4, and 5 contain the population mean μ, whereas for samples 3 and 6 do not contain the population mean μ within their interval. The level of confidence is (1 α), where α is the total proportion in the tails of the distribution outside of the confidence interval. Since the distribution is symmetrical, the area in each tail is α/2 as shown in Figure 7.3. As we have shown in the compressor situation, the



Statistics for Business

Figure 7.2 Confidence interval estimate.

2sx Interval for sample No. 3









2sx Interval for sample No. 4 x4

2sx Interval for sample No. 1 x1 2sx Interval for sample No. 2

2sx Interval for sample No. 6

x2 x5

x6 2sx Interval for sample No. 5

This implies that the population mean lies in the range given by the relationship,

Figure 7.3 Confidence interval and the area in the tails.


σx n

μx x z

σx n


Application of confidence intervals for an infinite population: Paper

␣ 2

␣ 2 Mean Confidence interval

confidence intervals for the population estimate for the mean value are thus, x z σx x z

σx n


Inacopia, the Portuguese manufacturer of A4 paper commonly used in computer printers wants to be sure that its cutting machine is operating correctly. The width of A4 paper is expected to be 21.00 cm and it is known that the standard deviation of the cutting machine is 0.0100 cm. The quality control inspector pulls a random sample of 60 sheets from the production line and the average width of this sample is 20.9986 cm. 1. Determine the 95% confidence intervals of the mean width of all the A4 paper coming off the production line?

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics We have the following information:

From equation 7(i) the confidence limits are,

Sample size, n, is 60 Sample mean, x–, is 20.9986 cm Population standard deviation, σ, is 0.0100 Standard error of the mean is,

20.9986 2.5758 * 0.0013 20.9953

σ n

0.0100 60


The area in the each tail for a 95% confidence limit is 2.5%. Using [function NORMSINV] in Excel for a value P(x) of 2.5% gives a lower value of z of 1.9600. Since the distribution is symmetrical, the upper value is numerically the same at 1.9600. (Note: an alternative way of finding the upper value of z is to enter in [function NORMSINV] the value of 97.50% (2.50% 95%) which is the area of the curve from the left to the upper value of z.) From equation 7(i) the confidence limits are, 20.9986 1.9600 * 0.0013 20.9961 and

21.0011 cm

Thus we would say that our best estimate of the width of the computer paper is 20.9986 cm and we are 95% confident that the width is in the range 20.9961–21.0011. Since this interval contains the population expected mean value of 21.0000 cm, we can conclude that there seems to be no problem with the cutting machine. 2. Determine the 99% confidence intervals of the mean width of all the A4 paper coming off the production line. The area in each tail for a 99% confidence limit is 0.5%. Using [function NORMSINV] in Excel for a value P(x) of 0.5% gives a lower value of z of 2.5758. Since the distribution is symmetrical, the upper value is 2.5758. (Note: an alternative way of finding the upper value of z is to enter in [function NORMSINV] the value of 99.50% (0.50% 99%) which is the area of the curve from the left to the upper value of z.)


21.0019 cm

Thus we would say that our best estimate of the width of the computer paper is 20.9986 cm and we are 99% confident that the width is in the range 20.9953–21.0019. Again, since this interval contains the expected mean value of 21.0000 cm, we can conclude that there seems to be no problem with the cutting machine. Note that the limits in Question 2 are wider than in Question 1 since we have a higher confidence level.

Sample size for estimating the mean of an infinite population In sampling it is useful to know the size of the sample to take in order to estimate the population parameter for a given confidence level. We have to accept that unless the whole population is analysed there will always be a sampling error. If the sample size is small, the chances are that the error will be high. If the sample size is large there may be only a marginal gain in reliability in the estimate of our population mean but what is certain is that the analytical experiment will be more expensive. Thus, what is an appropriate sample size, n, to take for a given confidence level? The confidence limits are related the sample size, n, by equation 6(iv) or, z

x µx σx / n


The range from the population mean, on the left side of the distribution when z is negative, is (x– μx) or μx x– on the left side of the distribution, and x– μx on the right side of the



Statistics for Business distribution curve. Reorganizing equation 6(iv) by making the sample size, n, the subject gives, ⎛ zσ ⎞⎟2 x ⎟ n ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟ ⎝⎜ x μx ⎟⎠


The term, x– μx, is the sample error and if we denote this by e, then the sample size is given by, ⎛ zσx ⎞⎟2 ⎟ n ⎜⎜ ⎜⎝ e ⎟⎟⎠


Thus for a given confidence level, which then gives the value of z, and a given confidence limit the required sample size can be determined. Note in equation 7(iv) since n is given by squared value it does not matter if we use a negative or positive value for z. The following worked example illustrates the concept of confidence intervals and sample size for an infinite population.

Application for determining sample size: Coffee The quality control inspector of the filling machine for coffee wants to estimate the mean weight of coffee in its 200 gram jars to within 0.50 g. It is known that the standard deviation of the coffee filling machine is 2 g. 1. What sample size should the inspector take to be 95% confidence of the estimate? Using equation 7(iv), ⎛ zσx ⎞⎟2 ⎟ n ⎜⎜ ⎜⎝ e ⎟⎟⎠ The area in the each tail for a 95% confidence limit is 2.5%. Using [function NORMSINV] in Excel for a value P(x) of 2.5% gives a lower value of z of 1.9600. Since the distribution is symmetrical, the upper value is numerically the same at 1.9600. (Note: an alternative way of finding the upper value of z is to enter in [function NORMSINV] the value of 97.50% (2.50% 95%) which is the area of the curve from the left to the upper value of z.)

Here, z is 1.9600 (it does not matter whether we use plus or minus since we square the value) σx is 2 g e is 0.50 g ⎛ 1.9600 * 2.00 ⎞⎟2 ⎟⎟ 61.463 n ⎜⎜ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ 0.50 unded up) 62 (rou Thus the quality control inspector should take a sample size of 62 (61 would be just slightly too small).

Confidence interval of the mean for a finite population As discussed in Chapter 6 (equation 6(vi)), if the population is considered finite, that is the ratio n/N is greater than 5%, then the standard error should be modified by the finite population multiplier according to the expression, σx

σx n

N n N 1


In this case the confidence limits for the population estimation from equation 7(i) are modified as follows:

x z σx x z

σx n

(N n) ( N 1)


Application of the confidence interval for a finite population: Printing A printing firm runs off the first edition of a textbook of 496 pages. After the book is printed, the quality control inspector looks at 45 random pages selected from the book and finds that the average number of errors in these pages is 2.70. These include printing errors of colour and alignment, but also typing errors which originate from the author and the editor. The

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics inspector knows that based on past contracts for a first edition of a book the standard deviation of the number of errors per page is 0.5. 1. What is a 95% confidence interval for the mean number of errors in the book? Sample size, n, is 45 Population size, N, is 496 Sample mean, x–, errors per page is 2.70 Population standard deviation, σ, is 0.5 Ratio of n/N is 45/496 9.07% This value is greater than 5%, thus, we must use the finite population multiplier: N n 496 45 451 0.9545 N 1 496 1 495 Uncorrected standard error of the mean is σx n

0.5 45


Corrected standard error of the mean, σx

σx n

N n 0.0745 * 0.9545 N 1

0.0711 Confidence level is 95%, thus area in each tail is 2.5% Using [function NORMSINV] in Excel for a value P(x) of 2.5% gives a lower value of z of 1.9600. Since the distribution is symmetrical, the upper value is numerically the same at 1.9600. Thus from equation 7(v) the lower confidence limit is, 2.70 1.9600 * 0.0711 2.56 Thus from equation 7(v) the upper confidence limit is, 2.70 1.9600 * 0.0711 2.84 Thus we could say that the best estimate of the errors in the book is 2.70 per page and that we are 95% confident that the errors lie between 2.56 and 2.84 errors per page.

Estimating the Mean Using the Student-t Distribution There may be situations in estimating when we do not know the population standard deviation and that we have small sample sizes. In this case there is an alternative distribution that we apply called the Student-t distribution, or more simply the t-distribution.

The Student-t distribution In Chapter 6, in the paragraph entitled, “Sample size and shape of the sampling distribution of the means”, we indicated that the sample size taken has an influence on the shape of the sampling distributions of the means. If we sample from population distributions that are normal, such that we know the standard deviation, σ, any sample size will give a sampling distribution of the means that are approximately normal. However, if we sample from populations that are not normal, we are obliged to increase our sampling size to at least 30 units in order that the sampling distribution of the means will be approximately normally distributed. Thus, what do we do when we have small sample sizes that are less than 30 units? To be correct, we should use a Student-t distribution. The Student-t distribution, like the normal distribution, is a continuous distribution for small amounts of data. It was developed by William Gossett of the Guinness Brewery, in Dublin, Ireland in 1908 (presumably when he had time between beer production!) and published under the pseudonym “student” as the Guinness company would not allow him to put his own name to the development. The Student-t distributions are a family of distributions each one having a different shape and characterized by a parameter called the degrees of freedom. The density function, from which the Student-t



Statistics for Business distribution is drawn, has the following relationship: f (t)

⎡( υ 1) / 2⎤ ! ⎣⎢ ⎦⎥ ⎡ υπ ⎢( υ 2) / 2⎤⎥ ⎣ ⎦

( υ1)/2 2⎤ ⎡ ⎢1 t ⎥ 7(vi) ⎢ υ ⎥⎦ ⎣

Here, υ is the degree of freedom, π is the value of 3.1416, and t is the value on the x-axis similar to the z-value of a normal distribution.

Degrees of freedom in the Student-t distribution Literally, the degrees of freedom means the choices that you have regarding taking certain actions. For example, what is the degree of freedom that you have in manoeuvring your car into a parking slot? What is the degree of freedom that you have in contract or price negotiations? What is the degree of freedom that you have in negotiating a black run on the ski slopes? In the context of statistics the degrees of freedom in a Student-t distribution are given by (n 1) where n is the sample size. This then implies that there is a degree of freedom for every sample size. To understand quantitatively the degrees of freedom consider the following. There are five variables v, w, x, y, and z that are related by the following equation: v w x y z 13 5


Since there are five variables we have a choice, or the degree of freedom, to select four of the five. After that, the value of the fifth variable is automatically fixed. For example, assume that we give v, w, x, and y the values 14, 16, 12, and 18, respectively. Then from equation 7(vii) we have, 14 16 12 18 z 13 5 z 5 * 13 (14 16 12 18) 65 60 5

Thus automatically the fifth variable, z, is fixed at a value of 5 in order to retain the validity of the equation. Here we had five variables to give a degree of freedom of four. In general terms, for a sample size of n units, the degree of freedom is the value determined by (n 1).

Profile of the Student-t distribution Three Student-t distributions, for sample size n of 6, 12, and 22, or sample sizes less than 30, are illustrated in Figure 7.4. The degrees of freedom for these curves, using (n 1) are respectively 5, 11, and 21. These three curves have a profile similar to the normal distribution but if we superimposed a normal distribution on a Student-t distribution as shown in Figure 7.5, we see that the normal distribution is higher at the peak and the tails are closer to the x-axis, compared to the Student-t distribution. The Student-t distribution is flatter and you have to go further out on either side of the mean value before you are close to the x-axis indicating greater variability in the sample data. This is the penalty you pay for small sample sizes and where the sampling is taken from a non-normal population. As the sample size increases the profile of the Student-t distribution approaches that of the normal distribution and as is illustrated in Figure 7.4 the curve for a sample size of 22 has a smaller variation and is higher at the peak.

Confidence intervals using a Student-t distribution When we have a normal distribution the confidence intervals of estimating the mean value of the population are as given in equation 7(i): x z

σx n


Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics

Figure 7.4 Three Student-t distributions for different sample sizes.

Mean value Sample size 6

Sample size 12

Sample size 22

When we are using a Student-t distribution, Equation 7(i) is modified to give the following:

Figure 7.5 Normal and Student-t distributions.

x t

Normal distribution

Student-t distribution

σˆ x



Here the value of t has replaced z, and σˆ has replaced σ, the population standard deviation. This new term, σ, ˆ means an estimate of the population standard deviation. Numerically it is equal to s, the sample standard deviation by the relationship, σˆ s

Σ(x x )2 (n 1)


We could avoid writing σ, ˆ as some texts do, and simply write s since they are numerically the same. However, by putting σˆ it is clear that our only alternative to estimate our confidence



Statistics for Business limits is to use an estimate of the population standard deviation as measured from the sample.

Excel and the Student-t distribution There are two functions in Excel for the Student-t distribution. One is [function TDIST], which determines the probability or area for a given random variable x, the degree of freedom, and the number of tails in the distribution. When we use the t-distribution in estimating, the number of tails is always two – that is, one on the left and one on the right. (This is not necessarily the case for hypothesis testing that is discussed in Chapter 8.) The other function is [function TINV] and this determines the value of the Student-t under the distribution given the total area outside the curve or α. (Note the difference in the way you enter the variables for the Student-t and the normal distribution. For the Student-t you enter the area in the tails, whereas for the normal distribution you enter the area of the curve from the extreme left to a value on the x-axis.)

Application of the Student-t distribution: Kiwi fruit Sheila Hope, the Agricultural inspector at Los Angeles, California wants to know in milligrams, the level of vitamin C in a boat load of kiwi fruits imported from New Zealand, in order to compare this information with kiwi fruits grown in the Central Valley, California. Sheila took a random sample of 25 kiwis from the ship’s hold and measured the vitamin C content. Table 7.1 gives the results in milligrams per kiwi sampled. 1. Estimate the average level of vitamin C in the imported kiwi fruits and give a 95% confidence level of this estimate. Since we have no information about the population standard deviation, and the sample size of 25 is less than 30, we use a Student-t distribution.

Table 7.1 sampled.

109 101 114 97 83

Milligrams of vitamins per kiwi

88 89 106 89 79

91 97 94 117 107

136 115 109 105 100

93 92 110 92 93

Using [function AVERAGE], mean value of the sample, x–, is 100.24. Using [function STDEV], standard deviation of the sample, s, is 12.6731. Sample size, n, is 25. Using [function SQRT], square root of the sample size, n, is 5.00. Estimate of the population standard deviation, σˆ s 12.6731. Standard error of the sample distribution, σˆ x n

12.6731 2.5346 5.00

Required confidence level (given) is 95%. Area outside of confidence interval, α, (100% 95%) is 5%. Degrees of freedom, (n 1), is 24. Using [function TINV], Student-t value is 2.0639. From equation 7(viii), Lower confidence level, x t

σˆ x n

100.24 2.063 39 * 2.5346 100.24 5.2312 95.01 Upper confidence level, x t

σˆ x

n 100.24 2.063 39 * 2.5346 100.24 5.2312 105.47

Thus the estimate of the average level of vitamin C in all the imported kiwis is 100.24 mg with a 95% confidence that the lower level of our estimate is 95.01 mg and the upper level

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics is 105.47 mg. This information is illustrated on the Student-t distribution in Figure 7.6.

Figure 7.6 Confidence intervals for kiwi fruit.

Sample size and the Student-t distribution


We have said that the Student-t distribution should be used when the sample size is less than 30 and the population standard deviation is unknown. Some analysts are more rigid and use a sample size of 120 as the cut-off point. What should we use, a sample size of 30 or a sample size of 120? The movement of the value of t relative to the value of z is illustrated by the data in Table 7.2 and the corresponding graph in Table 7.2

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100



100.24 mg


Confidence interval

Values of t and z with different sample sizes.

Confidence level Area outside Excel (lower) Excel (upper) Sample size, n


95.00% 5.00% 2.50% 97.50%

Upper Student-t

Upper z

(t z ) z

Sample size, n

Upper Student-t

Upper z

2.7765 2.2622 2.1448 2.0930 2.0639 2.0452 2.0322 2.0227 2.0154 2.0096 2.0049 2.0010 1.9977 1.9949 1.9925 1.9905 1.9886 1.9870 1.9855 1.9842

1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600

41.66% 15.42% 9.43% 6.79% 5.30% 4.35% 3.69% 3.20% 2.83% 2.53% 2.29% 2.09% 1.93% 1.78% 1.66% 1.56% 1.46% 1.38% 1.30% 1.24%

105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200

1.9830 1.9820 1.9810 1.9801 1.9793 1.9785 1.9778 1.9772 1.9766 1.9760 1.9755 1.9750 1.9745 1.9741 1.9737 1.9733 1.9729 1.9726 1.9723 1.9720

1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600 1.9600

(t z ) z 1.18% 1.12% 1.07% 1.03% 0.99% 0.95% 0.91% 0.88% 0.85% 0.82% 0.79% 0.77% 0.74% 0.72% 0.70% 0.68% 0.66% 0.64% 0.63% 0.61%


Statistics for Business

Figure 7.7 As the sample size increases the value of t approaches z.

Upper z or t value


2.8500 2.8000 2.7500 2.7000 2.6500 2.6000 2.5500 2.5000 2.4500 2.4000 2.3500 2.3000 2.2500 2.2000 2.1500 2.1000 2.0500 2.0000 1.9500 1.9000 0

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Sample size, n Upper t value

Figure 7.7. Here we have the Student-t value for a confidence level of 95% for sample sizes ranging from 5 to 200. The value of z is also shown and this is constant at the 95% confidence level since z is not a function of sample size. In the column (t z)/z we see that the difference between t and z is 4.35% for a sample size of 30. When the sample size increases to 120 then the difference is just 1.03%. Is this difference significant? It really depends on what you are sampling. We have to remember that we are making estimates so that we must expect errors. In the medical field small differences may be important but in the business world perhaps less so. Let

Upper z value

us take another look at the kiwi fruit example from above using z rather than t values.

Re-look at the example Kiwi fruit using the normal distribution Here all the provided data and the calculations are the same as previously but we are going to assume that we can use the normal distribution for our analysis. Required confidence level (given) is 95%. Area outside of confidence interval, α, (100% 95%) is 5%, which means that there is an area of 2.5% in both tails for a symmetrical

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics distribution. Using [function NORMSINV] in Excel for a value P(x) of 2.5% the value of z is 1.9600. From equation 7(i), Lower confidence level, x z

σˆ x

n 100.24 1.960 00 * 2.5346

100.24 4.9678 95.27 σˆ Upper confidence level, x z x n 100.00 1.960 00 * 2.5346 100.24 4.9678 105.21 The corresponding values that we obtained by using the Student-t distribution were 95.01 and 105.47 or a difference of only some 0.3%. Since in reality we would report probability of our confidence for the vitamin level of kiwis between 95 and 105 mg, the difference between using z and t in this case in insignificant.

Estimating and Auditing Auditing is the methodical examination of financial accounts, inventory items, or operating processes to verify that they confirm with standard practices or targeted budget levels.

Estimating the population amount We can use the concepts that we have developed in this chapter to estimate the total value of goods such as, for example, inventory held in a distribution centre when, for example, it is impossible or very time consuming to make an audit of the population. In this case we first take a random and representative sample and determine the mean financial value x–. If N is the total number of units, then the point estimate for the population total is the size of the population, N, multiplied by the sample mean, or, Total N x– 7(x)

It is unlikely we know the standard deviation of the large population of inventory and so we would estimate the value from the sample. If the sample size is less than 30 we use the Student-t distribution and the confidence intervals are given as follows by multiplying both terms in equation 7(viii) to give, Confidence intervals: N x Nt

σˆ n


Alternatively, if the population is considered finite, that is the ratio of n/N 5%, then the standard error has to be modified by the estimated finite population multiplier to give, Estimated standard error:

σˆ n

N n 7(xii) N 1

Thus the confidence intervals when the standard deviation is unknown, the sample size is less than 30, and the population is finite, are, Confidence intervals: σˆ N n N x Nt n N 1


The following two applications illustrate the use of estimating the total population amount for auditing purposes.

Application of auditing for an infinite population: tee-shirts A store on Duval Street in Key West Florida, wishes to estimate the total retail value of its tee-shirts, tank tops, and sweaters that it has in its store. The inventory records indicate that there are 4,500 of these clothing articles on the shelves. The owner takes a random sample of 29 items and Table 7.3 gives the prices in dollars indicated on the articles.



Statistics for Business

Table 7.3

16.50 21.00 52.50 29.50 27.00

Tee shirts – prices in $US.

25.00 20.00 15.50 16.00 29.50

25.50 21.00 32.50 21.00 12.50

42.00 9.50 18.00 44.00 32.00

37.00 24.50 18.50 17.50 23.00

22.00 11.50 19.00 50.50

1. Estimate the total retail value of the clothing items within a 99% confidence limit. Using Excel [function AVERAGE] the sample mean value, x–, is $25.31. Population size, N, is 4,500 Estimated total retail value is N x– 4,500 * 25.31 or $113,896.55. Sample size, n, is 29. Ratio n/N is 29/4,500 or 0.64%. Since this value is less than 5% we do not need to use the finite population multiplier. Sample standard deviation, s, is $11.0836. Estimated population standard deviation, σ, ˆ is $11.0836. Estimated standard error of the sample distribution, σˆ x / n 11.0836 / 29, is 2.0582. Since we do not know the population standard deviation, and the sample size is less than 30 we use the Student-t distribution. Degrees of freedom (n 1) is 28. Using Excel [function TINV] for a 99% confidence level, Student-t value is 2.7633. From equation 7(xi) the lower confidence limit for the total value is, N x Nt

σˆ n

Thus the owner estimates the average, or point estimate, of the total retail value of the clothing items in his Key West store as $113,897 (rounded) and he is 99% confident that the value lies between $88,303.78 (say $88,304 rounded) and $139,489.33 (say $139,489 rounded).

Application of auditing for a finite population: paperback books A newspaper and bookstore at Waterloo Station wants to estimate the value of paper backed books it has in its store. The owner takes a random sample of 28 books and determines that the average retail value is £4.57 with a sample standard deviation of 53 pence. There are 12 shelves of books and the owner estimates that there are 45 books per shelf. 1. Estimate the total retail value of the books within a 95% confidence limit. Estimated population amount of books, N, is 12 * 45 or 540. Mean retail value of books is £4.57. Estimated total retail value is N x– 540 * 4.57 or £2,467.80. Sample size, n, is 28. Ratio n/N is 28/540 or 5.19%. Since this value is greater than 5% we use the finite population multiplier Finite population multiplier

540 28 512 0.9746.. 540 1 539

$113, 896.55 4, 500 * 2.7633 * 2.0582 or $88, 303.78

and the upper confidence limit is, σˆ N x Nt $113, 896.55 n 4, 500 * 2.7633 * 2.0582 or $139, 489.33

N n N 1

Sample standard deviation, s, is £0.53. Estimated population standard deviation, σ, ˆ is £0.53. From equation 7(xii) the estimated standard error is, σˆ n

N n 0.53 * 0.9746 0.0976 N 1 28

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics Degrees of freedom (n 1) is 27. Using Excel [function TINV] for a 95% confidence level, Student-t value is 2.0518. From equation 7(xiii) the lower confidence limit is, N x Nt


From equation 7(xiii) the upper confidence limit is, N x Nt

When analysing the proportions of a population then from Chapter 6 we developed the following equation 6(xi) for the standard error of the proportion, σ p :

N n N 1

n £2, 467.80 540 * 2.0518 * 0.0976 £2, 359.64


Interval estimate of the proportion for large samples


Thus the owner estimates the average, or point estimate, of the total retail value of the paper back books in the store as £2,467.80 (£2,468 rounded) and that she is 95% confident that the value lies between £2,359.64 (say £2,360 rounded) and £2,575.96 (say £2,576 rounded).

Estimating the Proportion Rather than making an estimate of the mean value of the population, we might be interested to estimate the proportion in the population. For example, we take a sample and say that our point estimate of the proportion expected to vote conservative in the next United Kingdom election is 37% and that we are 90% confident that the proportion will be in the range of 34% and 40%. When dealing with proportions then the sample proportion, –p , is a point estimate of the population proportion p. The value –p is determined by taking a sample of size n and measuring the proportion of successes.

p(1 p) n


where n is the sample size and p is the population proportion of successes and q is the population proportion of failures equal to (1 p). Further, from equation 6(xv), z

N n N 1

n £2, 467.80 540 * 2.0518 * 0.0976 £2, 575.96

pq n

pp p(1 p) n

Reorganizing this equation we have the following expression for the confidence intervals for the estimate of the population proportion as follows: p p z

p(1 p) n


Thus, analogous to the estimation for the means, this implies that the confidence intervals for an estimate of the population proportion lie in the range given by the following expression: pz

p(1 p) p(1 p) p pz n n


If we do not know the population proportion, p, then the standard error of the proportion can be estimated from the following equation by replacing p with –p : σˆ p

p (1 p ) n


In this case, σˆ p is the estimated standard error of the proportion and –p is the sample proportion of successes. If we do this then equation 7(xv) is modified to give the expression, pz

p (1 p ) p (1 p ) 7(xvii) p pz n n



Statistics for Business

Sample size for the proportion for large samples In a similar way for the mean, we can determine the sample size to take in order to estimate the population proportion for a given confidence level. From the relationship of 7(xiv) the intervals for the estimate of the population proportion are, p p z

p(1 p) n


Squaring both sides of the equation we have, ( p p)2 z2

p(1 p) ( p p)2


If we denote the sample error, (p– p) by e then the sample size is given by the relationship, n z2

p 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00

(1 p)

p(1 p)

1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00

0.0000 0.0900 0.1600 0.2100 0.2400 0.2500 0.2400 0.2100 0.1600 0.0900 0.0000

p(1 p) n

Making n, the sample size the subject of the equation gives, n z2

Table 7.4 Conservative value of p for sample size.

p(1 p) e2


While using this equation, a question arises as to what value to use for the true population proportion, p, when this is actually the value that we are trying to estimate! One possible approach is to use the value of –p if this is available. Alternatively, we can use a value of p equal to 0.5 or 50% as this will give the most conservative sample size. This is because for a given value of the confidence level say 95% which defines z, and the required sample error, e, then a value of p of 0.5 gives the maximum possible value of 0.25 in the numerator of equation 7(xx). This is shown in Table 7.4 and illustrated by the graph in Figure 7.8. The following is an application of the estimation for proportions including an estimation of the sample size.

Application of estimation for proportions: Circuit boards In the manufacture of electronic circuit boards a sample of 500 is taken from a production line and of these 15 are defective. 1. What is a 90% confidence interval for the proportion of all the defective circuit boards produced in this manufacturing process? Proportion defective, –p, is 15/500 0.030. Proportion that is good is 1 0.030 or also 500 15 0.97. 500 From equation 7(xvi) the estimate of the standard error of the proportion is, σˆ p

p (1 p ) 0.03 * 0.97 n 500 0.0291 0.0076 500

When we have a 90% confidence interval, and assuming a normal distribution, then the area of the distribution up to the lower confidence level is (100% 90%)/2 5%

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics

Figure 7.8 Relation of the product, p(1 p) with the proportion, p. 0.2750 0.2500 0.2250

Product, p(1 p)

0.2000 0.1750 0.1500 0.1250 0.1000 0.0750 0.0500 0.0250 0.0000 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 Proportion, p

and the area of the curve up to the upper confidence level is 5% 90% 95%. From Excel [function NORMSINV], value of z at the area of 5% is 1.6449. From Excel [function NORMSINV], value of z at the area of 95% is 1.6449. From equation 7(xvii) the lower confidence limit is, p z.σˆ p 0.03 1.6449 * 0.0076 0.03 0.0125 0.017 75 From equation 7(xvii) the upper confidence limit is, p zσˆ p 0.03 1.6449 * 0.0076 0.03 0.0125 0.0425 5 Thus we can say that from our analysis, the proportion of all the manufactured circuit

boards which are defective is 0.03 or 3%. Further, we are 90% confident that this proportion lies in the range of 0.0175 or 1.75% and 0.0425 or 4.25%. 2. If we required our estimate of the proportion of all the defective manufactured circuit boards to be within a margin of error of 0.01 at a 98% confidence level, then what size of sample should we take? When we have a 98% confidence interval, and assuming a normal distribution, then the area of the distribution up to the lower confidence level is (100% 98%)/2 1% and the area of the curve up to the upper confidence level is 1% 98% 99%. From the Excel normal distribution function we have the following. From Excel [function NORMSINV], value of z at the area of 1% is 2.3263.



Statistics for Business From Excel [function NORMSINV], value of z at the area of 99% is 2.3263. The sample error, e, is 0.01. The sample proportion –p is used for the population proportion p or 0.03.

Explaining margin of error

Using equation 7(xx), n z2

p(1 p) e2

2.3263 * 2.3263 *

0.03 * 0.97 01 0.01 * 0.0

0.1575 1, 575 0.0001

It does not matter which value of z we use, 2.3263 or 2.3263, since we are squaring z and the negative value becomes positive. Thus the sample size to estimate the population proportion of the number of defective circuits within an error of margin of error of 0.01 from the true proportion is 1,575. An alternative, more conservative approach is to use a value of p 0.5. In this case the sample size to use is, n z2

p(1 p) e2

2.3263 * 2.3263 *

use a high confidence level of say 99% as this would signify a high degree of accuracy?” These two issues are related and are discussed below.

0.50 * 0.50 01 0.01 * 0.0

0.2500 2, 500 0.0001

This value of 2,500 is significantly higher than 1,575 and would certainly add to the cost of the sampling experiment with not necessarily a significant gain in the accuracy of the results.

Margin of Error and Levels of Confidence When we make estimates the question arises (or at least it should) “How good is your estimate?” That is to say, what is the margin of error? In addition, we might ask, “Why don’t we always

When we analyse our sample we are trying to estimate the population parameter, either the mean value or the proportion. When we do this, there will be a margin of error. This is not to say that we have made a calculation error, although this can occur, but the margin of error measures the maximum amount that our estimate is expected to differ from the actual population parameter. The margin of error is a plus or minus value added to the sample result that tells us how good is our estimate. If we are estimating the mean value then, Margin of error is z




This is the same as the confidence limits from equation 7(i). In the worked example paper, at a confidence level of 95%, the margin of error is 1.9600 * 0.0013 or 0.0025 cm. Thus, another way of reporting our results is to say that we estimate that the width of all the computer paper from the production line is 20.9986 cm and we have a margin of error of 0.0025 cm at a 95% confidence. Now if we look at equation 7(xxi), when we have a given standard deviation and a given confidence level the only term that can change is the sample size n. Thus we might say, let us analyse a bigger sample in order to obtain a smaller margin of error. This is true, but as can be seen from Figure 7.9, which gives the ratio of 1/ n as a percentage according to the sample size in units, there is a diminishing return. Increasing the sample size does reduce the margin of error but at a decreasing rate. If we double the sample size from 60 to 120 units the ratio of 1/ n changes from 12.91% to 9.13% or a difference

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics

Figure 7.9 The change of 1/ n with increase of sample size. 14 13 12 11 10

1/冑n (%)

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0


120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 Sample size, n units

of 3.78%. From a sample size of 120 to 180 the value of 1/ n changes from 9.13% to 7.45% or a difference of 1.68% or, if we go from a sample size of 360 to 420 units the value of 1/ n goes from 5.27% to 4.88% or a difference of only 0.39%. With the increasing sample size the cost of testing of course increases and so there has to be a balance between the size of the sample and the cost. If we are estimating for proportions then the margin of error is from equation 7(xvii) the value, z

p (1 p ) n


Since for proportions we are trying to estimate the percentage for a situation then the margin of error is a plus or minus percentage. In the

worked example circuit boards the margin of error at a 90% level of confidence is, σˆ p z

p (1 p ) 0.03 * 0.97 1.6449 n 500 0.0125 1.25%

This means that our estimate could be 1.25% more or 1.25% less than our estimated proportion or a range of 2.50%. The margin of error quoted in a sampling situation is important as it can give uncertainty to our conclusions. If we look at Figure 7.1, for example, we see that 52% of the Italian population is against Turkey joining the European Union. Based on just this information we might conclude that the majority of the Italians are against Turkey’s membership. However, if we then bring in the 3% margin of error then this means that we can



Statistics for Business

Table 7.5

Questions asked in house construction.

Your question

Constructor’s response

Implied confidence interval

Implied confidence level

1. Will my house be finished in 10 years? 2. Will my house be finished in 5 years? 3. Will my house be finished in 2 years? 4. Will my house be finished in 18 months? 5. Will my house be finished in 6 months?

I am certain



I am pretty sure




I think so





About 50%

1.5 years

Probably not

About 1%

0.50 years

have 49% against Turkey joining the Union (52 3), which is not now the majority of the population. Our conclusions are reversed and in cases like these we might hear the term for the media “the results are too close to call”. Thus, the margin of error must be taken into account when surveys are made because the result could change. If the margin of error was included in the survey result of the Dewey/Truman election race, as presented in the Box Opener of Chapter 6, the Chicago Tribune may not have been so quick to publish their morning paper!

Confidence levels If we have a confidence level that is high say at 99% the immediate impression is to think that we have a high accuracy in our sampling and estimating process. However this is not the case since in order to have high confidence levels we need to have large confidence intervals or a large margin of error. In this case the large intervals give very broad or fuzzy estimates. This can be illustrated qualitatively as follows.


Assume that you have contracted a new house to be built of 170 m2 living space on 2,500 m2 of land. You are concerned about the time taken to complete the project and you ask the constructor various questions concerning the time frame. These are given in the 1st column of Table 7.5. Possible indicated responses to these are given in the 2nd column and the 3rd and 4th columns, respectively, give the implied confidence interval and the implied confidence level. Thus, for a house to be finished in 10 years the constructor is almost certain because this is an inordinate amount of time and so we have put a confidence level of 99%. Again to ask the question for 5 years the confidence level is high at 95%. At 2 years there is a confidence level of 80% if everything goes better than planned. At 18 months there is a 50% confidence if there are, for example, ways to expedite the work. At 6 months we are essentially saying it is impossible. (The time to completely construct a house varies with location but some 18 months to 2 years to build and completely finish all the landscaping is a reasonable time frame.)

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics

Estimating the mean value We can estimate the population mean by using the average value taken from a random sample. This is a point estimate. However this single value is often insufficient as it is either right or wrong. A more objective analysis is to give a range of the estimate and the probability, or the confidence, that we have in this estimate. When we do this in sampling from an infinite normal distribution we use the standard error. The standard error is the population standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size. This is then multiplied by the number of standard deviations in order to determine the confidence intervals. The wider the confidence interval then the higher is our confidence and vice-versa. If we wish to determine a required sample size, for a given confidence interval, this can be calculated from the interval equation since the number of standard deviations, z, is set by our level of confidence. If we have a finite population we must modify the standard error by the finite population multiplier.

Estimating the mean using the Student-t distribution When we have a sample size that is less than 30, and we do not know the population standard deviation, to be correct we must use a Student-t distribution. The Student-t distributions are a family of curves, similar in profile to the normal distribution, each one being a function of the degree of freedom. The degree of freedom is the sample size less one. When we do not know the population standard deviation we must use the sample standard deviation as an estimate of the population standard deviation in order to calculate the confidence intervals. As we increase the size of the sample the value of the Student-t approaches the value z and so in this case we can use the normal distribution relationship.

Estimating and auditing The activity of estimating can be extended to auditing financial accounts or values of inventory. To do this we multiply both the average value obtained from our sample, and the confidence interval, by the total value of the population. Since it is unlikely that we know the population standard deviation in our audit experiment we use a Student-t distribution and use the sample standard deviation in order to estimate our population standard deviation. When our population is finite, we correct our standard error by multiplying by the finite population multiplier.

Estimating the proportion If we are interested in making an estimate of the population proportion we first determine the standard error of the proportion by using the population value, and then multiply this by the number of standard deviations to give our confidence limits. If we do not have a value of the population

Chapter Summary

This chapter has covered estimating the mean value of a population using a normal distribution and a Student-t distribution, using estimating for auditing purposes, estimating the population proportion, and discussed the margin of error and confidence intervals.



Statistics for Business

proportion then we use the sample value of the proportion to estimate our standard error. We can determine the sample size for a required confidence level by reorganizing the confidence level equation to make the sample size the subject of the equation. The most conservative sample size will be when the value of the proportion p has a value of 0.5 or 50%.

Margin of error and levels of confidence In estimating both the mean and the proportion of a population the margin of error is the maximum amount of difference between the value of the population and our estimated amount. The larger the sample size then the smaller is the margin of error. However, as we increase the size of the sample the cost of our sampling experiment increases and there is a diminishing return on the margin of error with sample size. Although at first it might appear that a high confidence level of say close to 100% indicates a high level of accuracy, this is not the case. In order to have a high confidence level we need to have broader confidence limits and this leads to rather vague or fuzzy estimates.

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 1. Ketchup Situation A firm manufactures and bottles tomato ketchup that it then sells to retail firms under a private label brand. One of its production lines is for filling 500 g squeeze bottles, which after being filled are fed automatically into packing cases of 20 bottles per case. In the filling operation the firm knows that the standard deviation of the filling operation is 8 g.

Required 1. In a randomly selected case, what would be the 95% confidence intervals for the mean weight of ketchup in a case? 2. In a randomly selected case what would be the 99% confidence intervals for the mean weight of ketchup in a case? 3. Explain the differences between the answers to Questions 1 and 2. 4. About how many cases would have to be selected such that you would be within 2 g of the population mean value? 5. What are your comments about this sampling experiment from the point-of-view of randomness?

2. Light bulbs Situation A subsidiary of GE manufactures incandescent light bulbs. The manufacturer sampled 13 bulbs from a lot and burned them continuously until they failed. The number of hours each burned before failure is given below. 342













Required 1. Determine the 80% confidence intervals for the mean length of the life of light bulbs. 2. How would you explain the concept illustrated by Question 1? 3. Determine the 90%, confidence intervals for the mean length of the life of light bulbs. 4. Determine the 99% confidence intervals for the mean length of the life of light bulbs. 5. Explain the differences between Questions 1, 3, and 4.

3. Ski magazine Situation The publisher of a ski magazine in France is interested to know something about the average annual income of the people who purchase their magazine. Over a period of



Statistics for Business

three weeks they take a sample and from a return of 758 subscribers, they determine that the average income is €39,845 and the standard deviation of this sample is €8,542.

Required 1. Determine the 90% confidence intervals of the mean income of all the magazine readers of this ski magazine? 2. Determine the 99% confidence intervals of the mean income of all the magazine readers of this ski magazine? 3. How would you explain the difference between the answers to Questions 1 and 2?

4. Households Situation A random sample of 121 households indicated they spent on average £12 on take-away restaurant foods. The standard deviation of this sample was £3.

Required 1. Calculate a 90% confidence interval for the average amount spent by all households in the population. 2. Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the average amount spent by all households in the population. 3. Calculate a 98% confidence interval for the average amount spent by all households in the population. 4. Explain the differences between the answers to Questions 1–3.

5. Taxes Situation To estimate the total annual revenues to be collected for the State of California in a certain year, the Tax Commissioner took a random sample of 15 tax returns. The taxes paid in $US according to these returns were as follows: $34,000 $7,000 $0

$2,000 $9,000 $19,000

$12,000 $72,000 $6,000

$39,000 $23,000 $12,000

$16,000 $15,000 $43,000

Required 1. Determine the 80%, 95%, and 99% confidence intervals for the mean tax returns. 2. Using for example the 95% confidence interval, how would you present your analysis to your superior?

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics

3. How do you explain the differences in these intervals and what does it say about confidence in decision-making?

6. Vines Situation In the Beaujolais wine region north of Lyon, France, a farmer is interested to estimate the yield from his 5,200 grape vines. He samples at random 75 of the grape vines and finds that there is a mean of 15 grape bunches per vine, with a sample standard deviation of 6.

Required 1. Construct a 95% confidence limit for the bunch of grapes for the total of 5,200 grape vines. 2. How would you express the values determined in the previous question? 3. Would your answer change if you used a Student-t distribution rather than a normal distribution?

7. Floor tiles Situation A hardware store purchases a truckload of white ceramic floor tiles from a supplier knowing that many of the tiles are imperfect. Imperfect means that the colour may not be uniform, there may be surface hairline cracks, or there may be air pockets on the surface finish. The store will sell these at a marked-down price and it knows from past experience that it will have no problem selling these tiles as customers purchase these for tiling a basem*nt or garage where slight imperfections are not critical. A store employee takes a random sample of 25 tiles from the storage area and counts the number of imperfections. This information is given in the table below. 7 4 5 3 8

4 3 5 1 2

1 3 2 6 3

2 2 3 7 4

3 8 1 5 8

Required 1. To the nearest whole number, what is an estimate of the mean number of imperfections on the lot of white tiles? This would be a point estimate. 2. What is an estimate of the standard error of the number of imperfections on the tiles? 3. Determine a 90% confidence interval for the mean amount of imperfections on the floor tiles. This would mean that you would be 90% confident that the mean amount of imperfections lies within this range.



Statistics for Business

4. Determine a 99% confidence interval for the mean amount of imperfections on the floor tiles. This would mean that you would be 99% confident that the mean amount of imperfections lies within this range. 5. What is your explanation of the difference between the limits obtained in Questions 3 and 4?

8. World’s largest companies Situation Every year Fortune magazine publishes information on the world’s 500 largest companies. This information includes revenues, profits, assets, stock holders equity, number of employees, and the headquarters of the firm. The following table gives a random sample of the revenues of 35 of those 500 firms for 2006, generated using the random function in Excel.2 Company Royal Mail Holdings Rabobank Swiss Reinsurance DuPont Liberty Mutual Insurance Coca-Cola Westpac Banking Northwestern Mutual Lloyds TSB Group UBS Sony Repsol YPF United Technologies San Paolo IMI Vattenfall Bank of America Kimberly-Clark State Grid SK Networks Archer Daniels Midland Bridgestone Matsush*ta Electric Industrial Johnson and Johnson Magna International Migros Bouygues Hitachi 2

Revenues ($millions) 16,153.7 36,486.5 32,117.6 28,982.0 25,520.0 24,088.0 16,170.5 20,726.2 53,904.0 107,934.8 70,924.8 60,920.9 47,829.0 22,793.3 19,768.6 117,017.0 16,746.9 107,185.5 16,733.9 36,596.1 25,709.7 77,871.1 53,324.0 24,180.0 16,466.4 33,693.7 87,615.4

Country United Kingdom Netherlands Switzerland United States United States United States Australia United States United Kingdom Switzerland Japan Spain United States Italy Sweden United States United States China South Korea United States Japan Japan United States Canada Switzerland France Japan

The World’s Largest Corporations, Fortune, Europe Edition, 156(2), 23 July 2007, p. 84.

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics

Company Mediceo Paltac Holdings Edeka Zentrale Unicredit Group Otto Group Cardinal Health BAE Systems TNT Tyson Foods

Revenues ($millions) 18,524.9 20,733.1 59,119.3 19,397.5 81,895.1 22,690.9 17,360.6 25,559.0

Country Japan Germany Italy Germany United States United Kingdom Netherlands United States

Required 1. Using the complete sample data, what is an estimate for the average value of revenues for the world’s 500 largest companies? 2. Using the complete sample data, what is an estimate for the standard error? 3. Using the complete sample data, determine a 95% confidence interval for the mean value of revenues for the world’s 500 largest companies. This would mean that you would be 95% confident that the average revenues lie within this range. 4. Using the complete sample data, determine a 99% confidence interval for the mean value of revenues for the world’s 500 largest companies. This would mean that you would be 95% confident that the average revenue lies within this range. 5. Explain the difference between the answers obtained in Questions 3 and 4. 6. Using the first 15 pieces of data, give an estimate for the average value of revenues for the world’s 500 largest companies? 7. Using the first 15 pieces of data, what is an estimate for the standard error? 8. Using the first 15 pieces of data, determine a 95% confidence interval for the mean value of revenues for the world’s 500 largest companies. This would mean that you would be 95% confident that the average revenue lies within this range. 9. Using the first 15 pieces of data, determine a 99% confidence interval for the mean value of revenues for the world’s 500 largest companies. This would mean that you would be 95% confident that the average revenue lies within this range. 10. Explain the difference between in the answers obtained in Questions 8 and 9. 11. Explain the differences between the results in Questions 1 through 4 and those in Questions 6 through 9 and justify how you have arrived at your results.

9. Hotel accounts Situation A 125-room hotel noted that in the morning when clients check out there are often questions and complaints about the amount of the bill. These complaints included overcharging on items taken from the refrigerator in the room, wrong billing of restaurant meals consumed, and incorrect accounts of laundry items. On a particular day the hotel



Statistics for Business

is full and the night manager analyses a random sample of 19 accounts and finds that there is an average of 2.8 errors on these sample accounts. Based on passed analysis the night manager believes that the population standard deviation is 0.7.

Required 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

From this sample experiment, what is the correct value of the standard error? What are the confidence intervals for a 90% confidence level? What are the confidence intervals for a 95% confidence level? What are the confidence intervals for a 99% confidence level? Explain the differences between Questions 2, 3, and 4?

10. Automobile tyres Situation An automobile repair company has an inventory of 2,500 different sizes, and different makes of tyres. It wishes to estimate the value of this inventory and so it takes a random sample of 30 tyres and records their cost price. This sample information in Euros is given in the table below. 44 88 69 80 61

34 76 55 75 41

66 68 72 57 32

48 34 88 36 62

42 89 60 95 91

36 73 74 50 65

Required 1. What is an estimation of the cost price of the total amount of tyres in inventory? 2. Determine a 95% confidence interval for the cost price of the automobile tyres in inventory. 3. How would you express the answers to Questions 1 and 2 to management? 4. Determine a 99% confidence interval for the cost price of the automobile tyres in inventory. 5. Explain the differences between Questions 2 and 4? 6. How would you suggest a random sample of tyres should be taken from inventory? What other comments do you have?

11. Stuffed animals Situation A toy store in New York estimates that it has 270 stuffed animals in its store at the end of the week. An assistant takes a random sample of 19 of these stuffed animals and determines that the average retail price of these animals is $13.75 with a standard deviation of $0.53.

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics

Required 1. What is the correct value of the standard error of the sample? 2. What is an estimate of the total value of the stuffed animals in the store? 3. Give a 95% confidence limit of the total retail value of all the stuffed animals in inventory. 4. Give a 99% confidence limit of the total retail value of all the stuffed animals in inventory. 5. Explain the difference between Questions 3 and 4.

12. Shampoo bottles Situation A production operation produces plastic shampoo bottles for Procter and Gamble. At the end of the production operation the bottles pass through an optical quality control detector. Any bottle that the detector finds defective is automatically ejected from the line. In 1,500 bottles that passed the optical detector, 17 were ejected.

Required 1. What is a point estimate of the proportion of shampoo bottles that are defective in the production operation? 2. Obtain 90% confidence intervals for the proportion of defective bottles produced in production. 3. Obtain 98% confidence intervals for the proportion of defective bottles produced in production. 4. If an estimate of the proportion of defectives to within a margin of error of 0.005 of the population proportion at 90% confidence were required, and you wanted to be conservative in you analysis, how many bottles should pass through the optical detector? No information is available from past data. 5. If an estimate of the proportion of defectives to within a margin of error of 0.005 of the population proportion at 98% confidence were required, and you wanted to be conservative in you analysis, how many bottles should pass through the optical detector? No information is available from past data. 6. What are your comments about the answer obtained in Question 4 and 5 and in general terms for this sampling process.

13. Night shift Situation The management of a large factory, where there are 10,000 employees, is considering the introduction of a night shift. The human resource department took a random sample of 800 employees and found that there were 240 who were not in favour of a night shift.



Statistics for Business

Required 1. What is the proportion of employees who are in favour of a night shift? 2. What are the 95% confidence limits for the population who are not in favour? 3. What are the 95% confidence limits for the proportion who are in favour of a night shift? 4. What are the 98% confidence limits for the population who are not in favour? 5. What are the 98% confidence limits for the proportion who are in favour of a night shift? 6. What is your explanation of the difference between Questions 3 and 5?

14. Ski trip Situation The Student Bureau of a certain business school plans to organize a ski trip in the French Alps. There are 5,000 students in the school. The bureau selects a random sample of 40 students and of these 24 say they will be coming skiing.

Required 1. What is an estimate of the proportion of students who say they will not be coming skiing? 2. Obtain 90% confidence intervals for the proportion of students who will be coming skiing. 3. Obtain 98% confidence intervals for the proportion of students who will be coming skiing. 4. How would you explain the different between the answers to Questions 2 and 3? 5. What would be the conservative value of the sample size in order that the Student Bureau can estimate the true proportion of those coming skiing within plus or minus 0.02 at a confidence level of 90%? No other sample information has been taken. 6. What would be the conservative value of the sample size in order that the Student Bureau can estimate the true proportion of those coming skiing within plus or minus 0.02 at a confidence level of 98%? No other sample information has been taken.

15. Hilton hotels Situation Hilton hotels, based in Watford, England, agreed in December 2005 to sell the international Hilton properties for £3.3 billion to United States-based Hilton group. This transaction will create a worldwide empire of 2,800 hotels stretching from the WaldorfAstoria in New York to the phu*ket Arcadia Resort in Thailand.3 The objective of this new 3

Timmons, H., “Hilton sets the stage for global expansion”, International Herald Tribune, 30 December 2005, p. 1.

Chapter 7: Estimating population characteristics

chain is to have an average occupancy, or a yield rate, of all the hotels at least 90%. In order to test whether the objectives are able to be met, a member of the finance department takes a random sample of 49 hotels worldwide and finds that in a 3-month test period, 32 of these had an occupancy rate of at least 90%.

Required 1. What is an estimate of the proportion or percentage of the population of hotels that meet the objectives of the chain? 2. What is a 90% confidence interval for the proportion of hotels who meet the objectives of the chain? 3. What is a 98% confidence interval for the proportion of hotels who meet the objectives of the chain? 4. How would you explain the difference between the answers to Questions 2 and 3? 5. What would be the conservative value of the sample size that should be taken in order that the hotel chain can estimate the true proportion of those meeting the objectives is within plus or minus 10% of the true proportion at a confidence level of 90%? No earlier sample information is available. 6. What would be the conservative value of the sample size that should be taken in order that the hotel chain can estimate the true proportion of those meeting the objectives is within plus or minus 10% of the true proportion at a confidence level of 98%? No earlier sample information is available. 7. What are your comments about this sample experiment that might explain inconsistencies?

16. Case: Oak manufacturing Situation Oak manufacturing company produces kitchen appliances, which it sells on the European market. One of its new products, for which it has not yet decided to go into full commercialization, is a new computerized food processor. The company made a test market, during the first 3 months that this product was on sale. Six stores were chosen for this study in the European cities of Milan, Italy; Hamburg, Germany; Limoges, France; Birmingham, United Kingdom; Bergen, Norway; and Barcelona, Spain. The weekly test market sales for these outlets are given in the table below. Oak had developed this survey, because their Accounting Department had indicated that at least 130,000 of this food processor need to be sold in the first year of commercialization to break-even. They reasonably assumed that daily sales were independent from country to country, store to store, and from day to day. Management wanted to use a confidence level of 90% in its analysis. For the first year of commercialization after the “go” decision, the food processor is to be sold in a total of 100 stores in the six countries where the test market had been carried out.



Statistics for Business

Milan, Italy 3 8 20 8 17 11 12 3 6 13 12 13 15 0 15 5 2 17 19 18 17 12 17 6

Hamburg, Germany

Limoges, France

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Bergen, Norway

Barcelona, Spain

29 29 13 22 23 20 29 17 22 26 19 21 47 31 33 42 32 13 19 23 20 20 17 34

15 16 32 31 32 15 16 46 27 20 28 2 28 29 36 33 18 33 28 27 34 16 30 32

34 22 31 28 23 20 26 39 24 35 37 20 27 30 34 25 21 26 16 31 23 25 12 22

25 19 25 35 25 20 34 29 24 33 36 39 38 12 33 26 35 30 28 34 20 29 20 36

21 0 5 14 16 9 13 11 3 16 4 1 15 18 6 18 14 21 14 20 19 9 12 1

Required Based on this information what would be your recommendations to the management of Oak manufacturing?

Hypothesis testing of a single population

You need to be objective The government in a certain country says that radiation levels in the area surrounding a nuclear power plant are well below levels considered harmful. Three people in the area died of leukaemia. The local people immediately put the blame on the radioactive fallout. Does the death of three people make us assume that the government is wrong with its information and that we make the assumption, or hypothesis, that radiation levels in the area are abnormally high? Alternatively, do we accept that the deaths from leukaemia are random and are not related to the nuclear power facility? You should not accept, or reject, a hypothesis about a population parameter – in this case the radiation levels in the surrounding area of the nuclear power plant, simply by intuition. You need to be objective in decision-making. For this situation an appropriate action would be to take representative samples of the incidence of leukaemia cases over a reasonable time period and use these to test the hypothesis. This is the purpose of this chapter (and the following chapter) to find out how to use hypothesis testing to determine whether a claim is valid. There are many instances when published claims are not backed up by solid statistical evidence.



Statistics for Business

Learning objectives After you have studied this chapter you will understand the concept of hypothesis testing, how to test for the mean and proportion and be aware of the risks in testing. The topics of these themes are as follows: ✔ ✔

✔ ✔

Concept of hypothesis testing • Significance level • Null and alternative hypothesis Hypothesis testing for the mean value • A two-tail test • One-tail, right-hand test • One-tail, left-hand test • Acceptance or rejection • Test statistics • Application when the standard deviation of the population is known: Filling machine • Application when the standard deviation of the population is unknown: Taxes Hypothesis testing for proportions • Testing for proportions from large samples • Application of hypothesis testing for proportions: Seaworthiness of ships The probability value in testing hypothesis • p-value of testing hypothesis • Application of the p-value approach: Filling machine • Application of the p-value approach: Taxes Application of the p-value approach: Seaworthiness of ships • Interpretation of the p-value Risks in hypothesis testing • Errors in hypothesis testing • Cost of making an error • Power of a test

Concept of Hypothesis Testing A hypothesis is a judgment about a situation, outcome, or population parameter based simply on an assumption or intuition with no concrete backup information or analysis. Hypothesis testing is to take sample data and make on objective decision based on the results of the test within an appropriate significance level. Thus like estimating, hypothesis testing is an extension of the use of sampling presented in Chapter 6.

Significance level When we make quantitative judgments, or hypotheses, about situations, we are either right, or wrong. However, if we are wrong we may not be far from the real figure or that is our judgment is not significantly different. Thus our hypothesis may be acceptable. Consider the following: ●

A contractor says that it will take 9 months to construct a house for a client. The house is

finished in 9 months and 1 week. The completion time is not 9 months however it is not significantly different from the estimated time construction period of 9 months. The local authorities estimate that there are 20,000 people at an open air rock concert. Ticket receipts indicate there are 42,000 attendees. This number of 42,000 is significantly different from 20,000. A financial advisor estimates that a client will make $15,000 on a certain investment. The client makes $14,900. The number $14,900 is not $15,000 but it is not significantly different from $15,000 and the client really does not have a strong reason to complain. However, if the client made only $8,500 he would probably say that this is significantly different from the estimated $15,000 and has a justified reason to say that he was given bad advice.

Thus in hypothesis testing, we need to decide what we consider is the significance level or the level of importance in our evaluation. This significance level is giving a ceiling level usually in terms of

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population percentages such as 1%, 5%, 10%, etc. To a certain extent this is the subjective part of hypothesis testing since one person might have a different criterion than another individual on what is considered significant. However in accepting, or rejecting a hypothesis in decision-making, we have to agree on the level of significance. This significance value, which is denoted as alpha, α, then gives us the critical value for testing.

Null and alternative hypothesis In hypothesis testing there are two defining statements premised on the binomial concept. One is the null hypothesis, which is that value considered correct within the given level of significance. The other is the alternative hypothesis, which is that the hypothesized value is not correct at the given level of significance. The alternative hypothesis as a value is also known as the research hypothesis since it is a value that has been obtained from a sampling experiment. For example, the hypothesis is that the average age of the population in a certain country is 35. This value is the null hypothesis. The alternative to the null hypothesis is that the average age of the population is not 35 but is some other value. In hypothesis testing there are three possibilities. The first is that there is evidence that the value is significantly different from the hypothesized value. The second is that there is evidence that the value is significantly greater than the hypothesized value. The third is that there is evidence that the value is significantly less than the hypothesized value. Note, that in these sentences we say there is evidence because as always in statistics there is no guarantee of the result but we are basing our analysis of the population based only on sampling and of course our sample experiment may not yield the correct result. These three possibilities lead to using a two-tail hypothesis test, a right-tail hypothesis test, and a left-tail hypothesis test as explained in the next section.

Hypothesis Testing for the Mean Value In hypothesis testing for the mean, an assumption is made about the mean or average value of the population. Then we take a sample from this population, determine the sample mean value, and measure the difference between this sample mean and the hypothesized population value. If the difference between the sample mean and the hypothesized population mean is small, then the higher is the probability that our hypothesized population mean value is correct. If the difference is large then the smaller is the probability that our hypothesized value is correct.

A two-tail test A two-tail test is used when we are testing to see if a value is significantly different from our hypothesized value. For example in the above population situation, the null hypothesis is that the average age of the population is 35 years and this is written as follows: Null hypothesis: H0: μx 35


In the two-tail test we are asking, is there evidence of a difference. In this case the alternative to the null hypothesis is that the average age is not 35 years. This is written as, Alternative hypothesis: H1: μx 35 8(ii) When we ask the question is there evidence of a difference, this means that the alternative value can be significantly lower or higher than the hypothesized value. For example, if we took a sample from our population and the average age of the sample was 36.2 years we might say that the average age of the population is not significantly different from 35. In this case we would accept the null hypothesis as being correct. However, if in our sample the average age was



Statistics for Business 52.7 years then we may conclude that the average age of the population is significantly different from 35 years since it is much higher. Alternatively, if in our sample the average age was 21.2 years then we may also conclude that the average age of the population is significantly different from 35 years since it is much lower. In both of these cases we would reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Since this is a binomial concept, when we reject the null hypothesis we are accepting the alternative hypothesis. Conceptually the two-tailed test is illustrated in Figure 8.1. Here we say that there is a 10% level of significance and in this case for a two-tail test there is 5% in each tail.

One-tail, right-hand test A one-tail, right-hand test is used to test if there is evidence that the value is significantly greater

than our hypothesized value. For example in the above population situation, the null hypothesis is that the average age of the population is equal to or less than 35 years and this is written as follows: Null hypothesis: H0: μx 35


The alternative hypothesis is that the average age is greater than 35 years and this is written as, Alternative hypothesis: H1: μx 35 8(iv) Thus, if we took a sample from our population and the average age of the sample was say 36.2 years we would probably say that the average age of the population is not significantly greater than 35 years and we would accept the null hypothesis. Alternatively, if in our sample the average age was 21.2 years then although this is significantly less than 35, it is not greater than 35. Again we would accept the null hypothesis. However, if in

Figure 8.1 Two-tailed hypothesis test.

Question being asked, “Is there evidence of a difference?”

“Is there evidence that the average age is not 35?” H0 : ␮x 35 H1 : ␮x ⫽ 35

If sample means falls in this region we accept the null hypothesis

At a 10% significance level, there is 5% of the area in each tail


Reject null hypothesis if sample mean falls in either of these regions

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population our sample the average age was 52.7 years then we may conclude that the average age of the population is significantly greater than 35 years and we would reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Note that for this situation we are not concerned with values that are significantly less than the hypothesized value but only those that are significantly greater. Again, since this is a binomial concept, when we reject the null hypothesis we accept the alternative hypothesis. Conceptually the one-tail, right-hand test is illustrated in Figure 8.2. Again we say that there is a 10% level of significance, but in this case for a one-tail test, all the 10% area is in the right-hand tail.

One-tail, left-hand test A one-tail, left-hand test is used to test if there is evidence that the value is significantly less than our hypothesized value. For example again let

us consider the above population situation. The null hypothesis, H0: μx, is that the average age of the population is equal to or more than 35 years and this is written as follows: H0: μx 35


The alternative hypothesis, H1: μx, is that the average age is less than 35 years. This is written, H1: μx 35


Thus, if we took a sample from our population and the average age of the sample was say 36.2 years we would say that there is no evidence that the average age of the population is significantly less than 35 years and we would accept the null hypothesis. Or, if in our sample the average age was 52.7 years then although this is significantly greater than 35 it is not less than 35 and we would accept the null hypothesis. However, if in our sample the average age was 21.2 years then we may conclude that the average age of the

Figure 8.2 One-tailed hypothesis test (right hand).

Question being asked, “Is there evidence of something being greater?”

If sample means falls in this region we accept the null hypothesis

“Is there evidence that the average age is greater than 35?” H0 : ␮x 35 H1 : ␮x 35

At a 10% significance level, all the area is in the right tail

35 Reject null hypothesis if sample mean falls in this region



Statistics for Business population is significantly less than 35 years and we would reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Note that for this situation we are not concerned with values that are significantly greater than the hypothesized value but only those that are significantly less than the hypothesized value. Again, since this is a binomial concept, when we reject the null hypothesis we accept the alternative hypothesis. Conceptually the one-tail, left-hand test is illustrated in Figure 8.3. With the 10% level of significance shown means that for this one-tail test all the 10% area is in the left-hand tail.

Acceptance or rejection The purpose of hypothesis testing is not to question the calculated value of the sample statistic, but to make an objective judgment regarding the difference between the sample mean and

the hypothesized population mean. If we test at the 10% significance level this means that the null hypothesis would be rejected if the difference between the sample mean and the hypothesized population mean is so large than it, or a larger difference would occur, on average, 10 or fewer times in every 100 samples when the hypothesized population parameter is correct. Assuming the hypothesis is correct, then the significance level indicates the percentage of sample means that are outside certain limits. Even if a sample statistic does fall in the area of acceptance, this does not prove that the null hypothesis H0 is true but there simply is no statistical evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Acceptance or rejection is related to the values of the test statistic that are unlikely to occur if the null hypothesis is true. However, they are not so unlikely to occur if the null hypothesis is false.

Figure 8.3 One-tailed hypothesis test (left hand).

Question being asked, “Is there evidence of something being less than?”

If sample means falls in this region we accept the null hypothesis

“Is there evidence that the average age is less than 35?” H0 : ␮x 35 H1 : ␮x 35

At a 10% significance level, all the area is in the left tail

35 Reject null hypothesis if sample mean falls in this region

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population

Test statistics

We have two possible relationships to use that are analogous to those used in Chapter 7. If the population standard deviation is known, then using the central limit theorem for sampling, the test statistic, or the critical value is, test statistics, z

x μH σx

● ●


8(vii) ●

The numerator, x– μH0, measures how far, the observed mean is from the hypothesized mean. σˆx is the estimate of the population standard deviation and is equal to the sample standard deviation, s. n is the sample size. σˆ x n , the denominator in the equation, is the estimated standard error. t, is how many standard errors, the observed sample mean is from the hypothesized mean.

Where, ● ● ●

● ● ●

μH0 is the hypothesized population mean. x– is the sample mean. The numerator, x– μx, measures how far, the observed mean is from the hypothesized mean. σx is the population standard deviation. n is the sample size. σx n , the denominator in the equation, is the standard error. z, is how many standard errors, the observed sample mean is from the hypothesized mean.

If the population standard deviation is unknown then the only standard deviation we can determine is the sample standard deviation, s. This value of s can be considered an estimate of the population standard deviation sometimes written as σˆx. If the sample size is less than 30 then we use the Student-t distribution, presented in Chapter 7, with (n 1) degrees of freedom making the assumption that the population from which this sample is drawn is normally distributed. In this case, the test statistic can be calculated by, t

x μH σˆ x



Where, ●

μH0 is again the hypothesized population mean. x– is the sample mean.

The following applications illustrate the procedures for hypothesis testing.

Application when the standard deviation of the population is known: Filling machine A filling line of a brewery is for 0.50 litre cans where it is known that the standard deviation of the filling machine process is 0.05 litre. The quality control inspector performs an analysis on the line to test whether the process is operating according to specifications. If the volume of liquid in the cans is higher than the specification limits then this costs the firm too much money. If the volume is lower than the specifications then this can cause a problem with the external inspectors. A sample of 25 cans is taken and the average of the sample volume is 0.5189 litre. 1. At a significance level, α, of 5% is there evidence that the volume of beer in the cans from this bottling line is different than the target volume of 0.50 litre? Here we are asking the question if there is there evidence of a difference so this means it is a two-tail test. The null and alternative hypotheses are written as follows: Null hypothesis:

H0: μx 0.50 litre.

Alternative hypothesis: H1: μx 0.50 litre.



Statistics for Business And, since we know the population standard deviation we can use equation 8(vii) where, ● μ H0 is the hypothesized population mean, or 0.50 litre. – ● x is the sample mean, or 0.5189 litre. – ● The numerator, x μ H0, is 0.5189 0.5000 0.0189 litre. ● σ is the population standard deviation, or x 0.05 litre. ● n is the sample size, or 25. ● 兹苵 n 5. Thus, the standard error of the sample is 0.05/5 0.01. The test statistic from equation 8(vii) is,

2. At a significance level, α, of 5% is there evidence that the volume of beer in the cans from this bottling line is greater than the target volume of 0.50 litre? Here we are asking the question if there is evidence of the value being greater than the target value and so this is a one-tail, right-hand test. The null and alternative hypotheses are as follows: Null hypothesis:

H0: μx 0.50 litre.

Alternative hypothesis: H1: μx 0.50 litre.

At a significance level of 5% for the test of a difference there is 2.5% in each tail. Using [function NORMSINV] in Excel this gives a critical value of z of 1.96. Since the value of the test statistic or 1.89 is less than the critical value of 1.96, or alternatively within the boundaries of 1.96 then there is no statistical evidence that the volume of beer in the cans is significantly different than 0.50 litre. Thus we would accept the null hypothesis. These relationships are shown in Figure 8.4.

Nothing has changed regarding the test statistic and it remains 1.8900 as calculated in Question 1. However for a one-tail test, at a significance level of 5% for the test there is 5% in the right tail. The area of the curve for the upper level is 100% 5.0% or 95.00%. Using [function NORMSINV] in Excel this gives a critical value of z of 1.64. Since now the value of the test statistic or 1.89 is greater than the critical value of 1.64 then there is evidence that the volume of beer in all of the cans is significantly greater than 0.50 litre. Conceptually this situation is shown on the normal distribution curve in Figure 8.5.

Figure 8.4 Filling machine – Case 1.

Figure 8.5 Filling machine – Case 2.


x μH σx


0.0189 1.8900 0.01

2.5% of area

2.5% of area

1.96 Critical value

1.89 1.96 Test statistic

Critical value

5.0% of area

1.64 1.89 Critical value

Test statistic

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population this can be taken as an estimate of the population standard deviation, σˆx.

Application when the standard deviation of the population is unknown: Taxes

Estimate of the standard error is,

A certain state in the United States has made its budget on the bases that the average individual average tax payments for the year will be $30,000. The financial controller takes a random sample of annual tax returns and these amounts in United States dollars are as follows.

σˆ x n

12,000 39,000 15,000 14,000

16,000 7,000 19,000 6,000

10,000 72,000 12,000 43,000

1. At a significance level, α, of 5% is there evidence that the average tax returns of the state will be different than the budget level of $30,000 in this year? The null and alternative hypotheses are as follows: Null hypothesis: H0: μx $30,000. Alternative hypothesis: H1: μx $30,000. Since we have no information of the population standard deviation, and the sample size is less than 30, we use a Student-t distribution. Sample size, n, is 16. Degrees of freedom, (n 1) are 15.

17, 815.72 16

$4, 453.93

From equation 8(vii) the sample statistic is, t

34,000 2,000 24,000 23,000

x μH σˆ x


8, 500 1.8523 4, 453.93

Since the sample statistic, 1.8523, is not less than the test statistic of 2.1315, there is no reason to reject the null hypothesis and so we accept that there is no evidence that the average of all the tax receipts will be significantly different from $30,000. Note in this situation, as the test statistic is negative we are on the left side of the curve and so we only make an evaluation with the negative values of t. Another way of making the analysis, when we are looking to see if there is a difference, is to see whether the sample statistic of 1.8523 lies within the critical boundary values of t 2.1315. In this case it does. The concept is shown in Figure 8.6.

Figure 8.6 Taxes – Case 1.

Using [function TINV] from Excel the Student-t value is 2.1315 and these are the critical values. Note, that since this is a two-tail test there is 2.5% of the area in each of the tails and t has a plus or minus value. 2.5% of area

From Excel, using [function AVERAGE].

2.5% of area

Mean value of this sample data, x, is $21,750.00. x– μx 21,750.00 30,000.00 $8,250.00 From [function STDEV] in Excel, the sample standard deviation, s, is $17,815.72 and

2.1315 1.8523 Critical value

Test statistic

2.1315 Critical value



Statistics for Business

2. At a significance level, α, of 5% is there evidence that the tax returns of the state will be less than the budget level of $30,000 in this year? This is a left-hand, one-tail test and the null and alternative hypothesis are as follows: Null hypothesis: H0: μx $30,000. Alternative hypothesis: H1: μx $30,000. Again, since we have no information of the population standard deviation, and the sample size is less than 30, we use a Student-t distribution. Sample size, n, is 16. Degrees of freedom, (n 1) is 15. Here we have a one-tail test and thus all of the value of α, or 5%, lies in one tail. However, the Excel function for the Student-t value is based on input for a two-tail test so in order to determine t we have to enter the area value of 10% (5% in one tail and 5% in the other tail.) Using [function TINV] gives a critical value of t 1.7531. The value of the sample statistic t remains unchanged at 1.8532 as calculated in Question 1. Since now the sample statistic, 1.8523 is less than the test statistic, 1.8523, then

there is reason to reject the null hypothesis and to accept the alternative hypothesis that there is evidence that the average value of all the tax receipts is significantly less than $30,000. Note that in this situation we are on the left side of the curve and so we are only interested in the negative value of t. This situation is conceptually shown on the Student-t distribution curve of Figure 8.7.

Hypothesis Testing for Proportions In hypothesis testing for the proportion we test the assumption about the value of the population proportion. In the same way for the mean, we take a sample from this population, determine the sample proportion, and measure the difference between this proportion and the hypothesized population value. If the difference between the sample proportion and the hypothesized population proportion is small, then the higher is the probability that our hypothesized population proportion value is correct. If the difference is large then the probability that our hypothesized value is correct is low.

Figure 8.7 Taxes – Case 2.

Hypothesis testing for proportions from large samples In Chapter 6, we developed the relationship from the binomial distribution between the population proportion, p, and the sample proportion p–. On the assumption that we can use the normal distribution as our test reference then from equation 6(xii) we have the value of z as follows:

5.0% of area

1.8523 1.7531 Test statistic

Critical value


pp σp

pp p(1 p) n


In hypothesis testing for proportions we use an analogy as for the mean where p is now the

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population hypothesized value of the proportion and may be written as pH 0. Thus, equation 6(xii) becomes, z

p pH σp

p pH

p H (1 p H ) n 0


The standard error of the proportion, or the denominator in equation 8(ix). σp

p H (1 p H ) 0


0.80 * 0.20 150

The application of the hypothesis testing for proportions is illustrated below.

Application of hypothesis testing for proportions: Seaworthiness of ships On a worldwide basis, governments say that 0.80, or 80%, of merchant ships are seaworthy. Greenpeace, the environmental group, takes a random sample of 150 ships and the analysis indicates that from this sample, 111 ships prove to be seaworthy. 1. At a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the seaworthiness of ships is different than the hypothesized 80% value? Since we are asking the question is there a difference then this is a two-tail test with 2.5% of the area in the left tail, and 2.5% in the right tail or 5% divided by 2. From Excel [function NORMSINV] the value of z, or the critical value when the tail area is 2.5% is 1.9600. The hypothesis test is written as follows:

0.16 0.0327. 150

p– pH0 0.74 0.80 0.06. Thus the sample test statistic from equation 6(xii) is, z

pp 0.06 1.8349 σp 0.0327

Since the test statistic of 1.8349 is not less than 1.9600 then we accept the null hypothesis and say that at a 5% significance level there is no evidence of a significance difference between the 80% of seaworthy ships postulated. Conceptually this situation is shown in Figure 8.8. 2. At a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the seaworthiness of ships is less than the 80% indicated? This now becomes a one-tail, left-hand test where we are asking is there evidence that

Figure 8.8 Seaworthiness of ships – Case 1.

H0: p 0.80. The proportion of ships that are seaworthy is equal to 0.80. H1: p 0.80. The proportion of ships that are not seaworthy is different from 0.80. Sample size n is 150. Sample proportion p– that is seaworthy is 111/150 0.74 or 74%. From the sample, the number of ships that are not seaworthy is 39 (150 111). Sample proportion q– (1 p– ) that is not seaworthy is 39/150 0.26 or 26%.

2.5% of area

2.5% of area

1.96 1.8349 Critical value

Test statistic

1.96 Critical value



Statistics for Business

Figure 8.9 Seaworthiness of ships – Case 2.

5.0% of area

1.8349 1.6449 Test statistic

Critical value

the proportion is less than 80% The hypothesis test is thus written as, H0: p 0.80. The proportion of ships is not less than 0.80. H1: p 0.80. The proportion of ships is less than 0.80. In this situation the value of the sample statistics remains unchanged at 1.8349, but the critical value of z is different. From Excel [function NORMSINV] the value of z, or the critical value when the tail area is 5% is z –1.6449. Now we reject the null hypothesis because the value of the test statistic, 1.8349 is less than the critical value of 1.6449. Thus our conclusion is that there is evidence that the proportion of ships that are not seaworthy is significantly less than 0.80 or 80%. Conceptually this situation is shown on the distribution in Figure 8.9.

The Probability Value in Testing Hypothesis Up to this point our method of analysis has been to select a significance level for the hypothesis,

which then translates into a critical value of z or t, and then test to see whether the sample statistic lies within the boundaries of the critical value. If the test statistic falls within the boundaries then we accept the null hypothesis. If the test statistic falls outside, then we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Thus we have created a binomial “yes” or “no” situation by examining whether there is sufficient statistical evidence to accept or reject the null hypothesis.

p-value of testing hypothesis An alternative approach to hypothesis testing is to ask, what is the minimum probable level that we will tolerate in order to accept the null hypothesis of the mean or the proportion? This level is called the p-value or the observed level of significance from the sample data. It answers the question that, “If H0 is true, what is the probability of obtaining a value of x–, (or p–, in the case of proportions) this far or more from H0. If the p-value, as determined from the sample, is to α the null hypothesis is accepted. Alternatively, if the p-value is less than α then the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The use of the p-value approach is illustrated by re-examining the previous applications, Filling machine, Taxes, and Seaworthiness of ships.

Application of the p-value approach: Filling machine 1. At a significance level, α, of 5% is there evidence that the volume of beer in the cans from this bottling line is different than the target volume of 0.50 litre? As before, a sample of 25 cans is taken and the average of the sample volume is 0.5189 litre. The test statistic, z

x μH σx


0.0189 1.8900. 0.01

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population From Excel [function NORMSDIST] for a value of z, the 1.8900 area of the curve from the left is 97.06%. Thus the area in the right-hand tail is 100% 97.06% 2.94%. Since this is a two-tail test the area in the left tail is also 2.94%. Since we have a two-tail test, the area in each of the tail set by the significance level is 2.50%. As 2.94% 2.50% then we accept the null hypothesis and conclude that the volume of beer in the cans is not different from 0.50 litre. This is the same conclusion as before. 2. At a significance level, α, of 5% is there evidence that the volume of beer in the cans from this bottling line is greater than the target volume of 0.50 litre? The value of the test statistic of 1.8900 gives an area in the right-hand tail of 2.94%. We now have a one-tail, right-hand test when the significance level is 5%. Since 2.94% 5.00% we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis and conclude that there is evidence that the volume of beer in the cans is greater than 0.50 litre. This is the same conclusion as before.

Application of the p-value approach: Taxes 1. At a significance level, α, of 5% is there evidence that the average tax returns of the state will be different than the budget level of $30,000 in this year? The sample statistic gives a t-value which is equal to 1.8523. From Excel [function TDIST] this sample statistic of 1.8523, for a two-tail test, indicates a probability of 8.38%. Since 8.38% 5.00% we accept the null hypothesis and conclude that there is no evidence to indicate that the average tax receipts are significantly less than $30,000.

2. At a significance level, α, of 5% is there evidence that the tax returns of the state will be less than the budget level of $30,000 in this year? The sample statistic gives a Student-t value which is equal to 1.8523 and from Excel [function TDIST] this sample statistic, for a one-tail test, indicates a probability of 4.19%. Since 4.19% 5.00% we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is evidence to indicate that the average tax receipts are significantly less than $30,000. This is the same conclusion as before.

Application of the p-value approach: Seaworthiness of ships 1. At a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the seaworthiness of ships is different than the 80% indicated? z

pp 0.06 1.8349 σp 0.0327

From Excel [function NORMSDIST] this sample statistic, for a two-tail test, indicates a probability of 3.31%. As this is a two-tail test then there is 2.5% in each tail. Since 3.31% 2.50% we accept the null hypothesis and conclude that there is no evidence to indicate that the seaworthiness of ships is different from the hypothesized value of 80%. 2. At a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the seaworthiness of ships is less than the 80% indicated? As this is a one-tail, left-hand test then there is 5% in the tail. Since now 3.31% 5.00% we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is evidence to indicate that the seaworthiness of ships is less than the hypothesized value of 80%. This is the same conclusion as before.



Statistics for Business

Interpretation of the p-value In hypothesis testing we are making inferences about a population based only on sampling. The sampling distribution permits us to make probability statements about a sample statistic on the basis of the knowledge of the population parameter. In the case of the filling machine for example where we are asking is there evidence that the volume of beer in the can is greater than 0.5 litre, the sample size obtained is 0.5189 litre. The probability of obtaining a sample mean of 0.5189 litre from a population whose mean is 0.5000 litre is 2.94% or quite small. Thus we have observed an unlikely event or an event so unlikely that we should doubt our assumptions about the population mean in the first place. Note, that in order to calculate the value of the test statistic we assumed that the null hypothesis is true and thus we have reason to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative. The p-value provides useful information as it measures the amount of statistical evidence that supports the alternative hypothesis. Consider Table 8.1, which gives values of the sample mean, the value of the test statistic, and the corresponding p-value for the filling machine situation. As the sample mean gets larger, or moves further away from the hypothesized population mean of 0.5000 litre, the smaller is the p-value. Values of x–

Table 8.1 Sample mean and a corresponding z and p-value. Sample mean x-bar 0.5000 0.5040 0.5080 0.5120 0.5160 0.5200 0.5240

Test statistic z

p-value %

0.0000 0.4000 0.8000 1.2000 1.6000 2.0000 2.4000

50.00 34.46 21.19 11.51 5.48 2.28 0.82

far above 0.5000 litre tend to indicate that the alternative hypothesis is true or the smaller the p-value, the more the statistical evidence there is to support the alternative hypothesis. Remember that the p-value is not to be interpreted by saying that it is the probability that the null hypothesis is true. You cannot make a probability assumption about the population parameter 0.5000 litre as this is not a random variable.

Risks in Hypothesis Testing In hypothesis testing there are risks when you sample and then make an assumption about the population parameter. This is to be expected since statistical analysis gives no guarantee of the result but you hope that the risk of making a wrong decision is low.

Errors in hypothesis testing The higher the value of the significance level, α used for hypothesis testing then the higher is the percentage of the distribution in the tails. In this case, when α is high, the greater is the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis. Since the null hypothesis is true, or is not true, then as α increases there is a greater probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when in fact it is true. Looking at it another way, with a high significance level, that is a high value of α, it is unlikely we would accept a null hypothesis when it is in fact not true. This relationship is illustrated in the normal distributions of Figure 8.10. At the 1% significance level, the probability of accepting the hypothesis, when it is false is greater than at a significance level of 50%. Alternatively, the risk of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is in fact true is greater at a 50% significance level, than at a 1% significance level. These errors in hypothesis testing are referred to as Type I or Type II errors.

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population

Figure 8.10 Selecting a significance level.

The higher the significance level for testing the hypothesis, the greater is the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true. However, we would rarely accept a null hypothesis when it is not true.


0.5% of area

0.5% of area

x Significance level of 1%


5% of area

5% of area 50% x

Significance level of 10% 25% of area Significance level is the total area in the tail(s)

25% of area x

Significance level of 50%

A Type I error occurs if the null hypothesis is rejected when in fact it is true. The probability of a Type I error is called α where α is also the level of significance. A Type II error is accepting a null hypothesis when it is not true. The probability of a Type II error is called β. When the acceptance region is small, or α is large, it is unlikely we would accept a null hypothesis when it is false. However, at a risk of being this sure, we will often reject a null hypothesis when it is in fact true. The level of significance to use depends on the cost of the error as illustrated as follows.

Cost of making an error Consider that a pharmaceutical firm makes a certain drug. A quality inspector tests a sample

of the product from the reaction vessel where the drug is being made. He makes a Type I error in his analysis. That is he rejects a null hypothesis when it is true or concludes from the sample that the drug does not conform to quality specifications when in fact it really does. As a result, all the production quantity in the reaction vessel is dumped and the firm starts the production all over again. In reality the batch was good and could have been accepted. In this case, the firm incurs all the additional costs of repeating the production operation. Alternatively, suppose the quality inspector makes a Type II error, or accepts a null hypothesis when it is in fact false. In this case the produced pharmaceutical product is accepted and commercialized but it does not conform to quality specifications. This may mean



Statistics for Business that users of the drug could become sick, or at worse die. The “cost” of this error would be very high. In this situation, a pharmaceutical firm would prefer to make a Type I error, or destroying the production lot, rather than take the risk of poisoning the users. This implies having a high value of α such as 50% as illustrated in Figure 8.10. Suppose in another situation, a manufacturing firm is making a mechanical component that is used in the assembly of washing machines. An inspector takes a sample of this component from the production line and measures the appropriate properties. He makes a Type I error in the analysis. He rejects the null hypothesis that the component conforms to specifications, when in fact the null hypothesis is true. In this case to correct this conclusion would involve an expensive disassembly operation of many components on the shop floor that have already been produced. On the other hand if the inspector had made a Type II error, or accepting a null hypothesis when it is in fact false, this might involve a less expensive warranty repairs by the dealers when the washing machines are commercialized. In this latter case, the cost of the error is relatively low and manufacturer is more likely to prefer a Type II error even though the marketing image may be damaged. In this case, the manufacturer will set low levels for α such as 10% as illustrated in Figure 8.10. The cost of an error in some situations might be infinite and irreparable. Consider for example a murder trial. Under Anglo-Saxon law the null hypothesis, is that a person if charged with murder is considered innocent of the crime and the court has to prove guilt. In this case, the jury would prefer to commit a Type II error or accepting a null hypothesis that the person is innocent, when it is in fact not true, and thus let the guilty person go free. The alternative would be to accept a Type I error or rejecting the null hypothesis that the person is innocent, when it is in fact true. In this case the person would be found guilty and

risk the death penalty (at least in the United States) for a crime that they did not commit.

Power of a test In any analytical work we would like the probability of making an error to be small. Thus, in hypothesis testing we would like the probability of making a Type I error, α, or the probability of making a Type II error β to be small. Thus, if a null hypothesis is false then we would like the hypothesis test to reject this conclusion every time. However, hypothesis tests are not perfect and when a null hypothesis is false, a test may not reject it and consequently a Type II error, β, is made or that is accepting a null hypothesis when it is false. When the null hypothesis is false this implies that the true population value, does not equal the hypothesized population value but instead equals some other value. For each possible value for which the alternative hypothesis is true, or the null hypothesis is false, there is a different probability, β of accepting the null hypothesis when it is false. We would like this value of β to be as small as possible. Alternatively, we would like (1 β) the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is false, to be as large as possible. Rejecting a null hypothesis when it is false is exactly what a good hypothesis test ought to do. A high value of (1 β) approaching 1.0 means that the test is working well. Alternatively, a low value of (1 β) approaching zero means that the test is not working well and the test is not rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false. The value of (1 β), the measure of how well the test is doing, is called the power of the test. Table 8.2 summarizes the four possibilities that can occur in hypothesis testing and what type of errors might be incurred. Again, as in all statistical work, in order to avoid errors in hypothesis testing, utmost care must be made to ensure that the sample taken is a true representation of the population.

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population

Table 8.2


Sample mean and a corresponding z and p-value.

Decision you make

In reality for the population – null hypothesis, H0 is true – what your test indicates

In reality for the population – null hypothesis, H0 is false – what your test indicates

Null hypothesis, H0 is accepted

• Test statistic falls in the region (1 α) • Decision is correct • No error is made

• Test statistic falls in the region (1 α) • Decision is incorrect • A Type II error, β is made

Null hypothesis, H0 is rejected

• Test statistic falls in the region α • Decision is incorrect • A Type I error, α is made

• • • •

Test statistic falls in the region α Decision is correct No error is made Power of test is (1 β)

Concept of hypothesis testing Hypothesis testing is to sample from a population and decide whether there is sufficient evidence to conclude that the hypothesis appears correct. In testing we need to decide on a significance level, α which is the level of importance in the difference between values before we accept an alternative hypothesis. The significance level establishes a critical value, which is the barrier beyond which decisions will change. The concept of hypothesis testing is binomial. There is the null hypothesis denoted by H0, which is the announced value. Then there is the alternative hypothesis, H1 which is the other situation we accept should we reject the null hypothesis. When we reject the null hypothesis we automatically accept the alternative hypothesis.

Hypothesis testing for the mean value In hypothesis testing for the mean we are trying to establish if there is statistical evidence to accept a hypothesized average value. We can have three frames of references. The first is to establish if there is a significant difference from the hypothesize mean. This gives a two-tail test. Another is to test to see if there is evidence that a value is significantly greater than the hypothesized amount. This gives rise to a one-tail, right-hand test. The third is a left-hand test that decides if a value is significantly less than a hypothesized value. In all of these tests the first step is to determine a sample test value, either z, or t, depending on our knowledge of the population. We

Chapter Summary

This chapter has dealt with hypothesis testing or making objective decisions based on sample data. The chapter opened with describing the concept of hypothesis testing, then presented hypothesis testing for the mean, hypothesis testing for proportions, the probability value in testing hypothesis, and finally summarized the risks in hypothesis testing.


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then compare this test value to our critical value, which is a direct consequence of our significance level. If our test value is within the limits of the critical value, we accept the null hypothesis. Otherwise we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

Hypothesis testing for proportions The hypothesis test for proportions is similar to the test for the mean value but here we are trying to see if there is sufficient statistical evidence to accept or reject a hypothesized population proportion. The criterion is that we can assume the normal distribution in our analytical procedure. As for the mean, we can have a two-tail test, a one-tail, left-hand test, or a one-tail, right-hand test. We establish a significance level and this sets our critical value of z. We than determine the value of our sample statistic and compare this to the critical value determined from our significance level. If the test statistic is within our boundary limits we accept the null hypothesis, otherwise we reject it.

The probability value in testing hypothesis The probability, or p-value, for hypothesis testing is an alternative approach to the critical value method for testing assumptions about the population mean or the population proportion. The p-value is the minimum probability that we will tolerate before we reject the null hypothesis. When the p-value is less than α, our level of significance, we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

Risks in hypothesis testing As in all statistical methods there are risks when hypothesis testing is carried out. If we select a high level of significance, which means a large value of α the greater is the risk of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is in fact true. This outcome is called a Type I error. However if we have a high value of α, the risk of accepting a null hypothesis when it is false is low. A Type II error called β occurs if we accept a null hypothesis when it is in fact false. The value of (1 β), is a measure of how well the test is doing and is called the power of the test. The closer the value of (1 β) is to unity implies that the test is working quite well.

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 1. Sugar Situation One of the processing plants of Béghin Say, the sugar producer, has problems controlling the filling operation for its 1 kg net weight bags of white sugar. The quality control inspector takes a random sample of 22 bags of sugar and finds that the weight of this sample is 1,006 g. It is known from experience that the standard deviation of the filling operation is 15 g.

Required 1. At a significance level of 5% for analysis, using the critical value method, is there evidence that the net weight of the bags of sugar is different than 1 kg? 2. If you use the p-value for testing are you able to verify your conclusions in Question 1? Explain your reasoning. 3. What are the confidence limits corresponding to a significance level of 5%. How do these values corroborate your conclusions for Questions 1 and 2? 4. At a significance level of 10% for analysis, using the critical value method, is there evidence that the net weight of the bags of sugar is different than 1 kg? 5. If you use the p-value for testing are you able to verify your conclusions in Question 4? Explain your reasoning. 6. What are the confidence limits corresponding to a significance level of 10%. How do these values corroborate your conclusions for Questions 4 and 5? 7. Why is it necessary to use a difference test? Why should this processing plant be concerned with the results?

2. Neon lights Situation A firm plans to purchase a large quantity of neon light bulbs from a subsidiary of GE for a new distribution centre that it is building. The subsidiary claims that the life of the light bulbs is 2,500 hours, with a standard deviation of 40 hours. Before the firm finalizes the purchase it takes a random sample of 20 neon bulbs and tests them until they burn out. The average life of the sample of these bulbs is 2,485 hours. (Note, the firm has a special simulator that tests the bulb and in practice it does not require that the bulbs have to be tested for 2,500 hours.)

Required 1. Using the critical value approach, at a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the life of the light bulbs is different than 2,500 hours? 2. If you use the p-value for testing are you able to verify your conclusions in Question 1? Explain your reasoning.



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3. Using the critical value approach, at a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the life of the light bulbs is less than 2,500 hours? 4. If you use the p-value for testing are you able to verify your conclusions in Question 3? Explain your reasoning. 5. If the results from the Questions 3 and 4 what options are open to the purchasing firm?

3. Graphite lead Situation A company is selecting a new supplier for graphite leads which it uses for its Pentel-type pencils. The supplier claims that the average diameter of its leads is 0.7 mm with a standard deviation of 0.05 mm. The company wishes to verify this claim because if the lead is significantly too thin it will break. If it is significantly too thick it will jam in the pencil. It takes a sample of 30 of these leads and measures the diameter with a micrometer gauge. The diameter of the samples is given in the table below. 0.7197 0.7100 0.6600

0.7090 0.7100 0.7200

0.6600 0.7500 0.6600

0.7800 0.6200 0.6900

0.7100 0.7000 0.6975

0.7030 0.6960 0.7540

0.6500 0.7598 0.6888

0.7660 0.6900 0.7700

0.7200 0.7800 0.7900

0.7788 0.7012 0.7600

Required 1. At a 5% significance level, using the critical value concept, is there evidence to suggest that the diameter of the lead is different from the supplier’s claim? 2. At a 5% significance level, using the p-value concept, verify your answer obtained in Question 1. Explain your reasoning. 3. What are the confidence limits corresponding to a significance level of 5%. How do these values corroborate your conclusions for Questions 1 and 2? 4. At a 10% significance level, using the critical value concept, is there evidence to suggest that the diameter of the lead is different from the supplier’s claim? 5. At a 10% significance level, using the p-value concept, verify your answer obtained in Question 1. Explain your reasoning. 6. What are the confidence limits corresponding to a significance level of 10%. How do these values corroborate your conclusions for Questions 4 and 5? 7. The mean of the sample data is an indicator whether the lead is too thin or too thick. If you applied the appropriate one-tail test what conclusions would you draw? Explain your logic.

4. Industrial pumps Situation Pumpet Corporation manufactures electric motors for many different types of industrial pumps. One of the parts is the drive shaft that attaches to the pump. An important criterion

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population

for the drive shafts is that they should not be below a certain diameter. If this is the case, then when in use, the shaft vibrates, and eventually breaks. In the way that the drive shafts are machined, there are never problems of the shafts being oversized. For one particular model, MT 2501, the specification calls for a nominal diameter of the drive shaft of 100 mm. The company took a sample of 120 drive shafts from a large manufactured lot and measured their diameter. The results were as follows: 100.23 99.76 99.56 100.56 100.15 98.78 97.50 100.78 98.99 100.20 99.77 98.99 98.76 100.65 100.45 101.45 99.00 99.87 100.78 99.94

99.23 98.76 98.56 99.55 99.15 99.77 98.48 101.79 99.98 101.20 100.77 99.98 98.75 100.64 100.44 98.78 101.56 99.86 100.00 100.45

99.76 98.96 97.20 99.20 101.01 100.77 99.46 100.15 100.98 102.21 98.77 98.00 97.77 99.64 99.45 100.44 98.01 98.87 99.00 101.24

99.22 97.77 100.76 100.18 99.39 101.77 100.45 97.78 101.99 103.24 99.23 98.45 97.24 99.10 98.90 97.27 100.01 98.33 98.47 100.69

101.77 97.25 100.56 99.98 99.19 100.44 102.13 101.23 100.98 100.20 99.77 101.09 100.11 99.77 100.45 102.46 99.98 98.76 102.25 98.97

99.78 99.75 99.56 98.99 98.21 99.45 101.12 100.23 101.00 99.21 98.78 100.09 99.12 98.78 102.00 101.45 98.99 97.78 101.24 99.78

Required 1. Pumpet normally uses a significance level of 5% for its analysis. In this case, using the critical value method, is there evidence that the shaft diameter of model MT 2501 is significantly below 100 mm? If so there would be cause to reject the lot. Explain your reasoning. 2. If you use the p-value for testing are you able to verify your conclusions in Question 1? Explain your reasoning. 3. A particular client of Pumpet insists that a significance level of 10% be used for analysis as they have stricter quality control limits. Using this level, and again making the test using the critical value criteria, is there evidence that the drive shaft diameter is significantly below 100 mm causing the lot to be rejected? Explain your reasoning. 4. If you use the p-value for testing are you able to verify your conclusions in Question 3? Explain your reasoning. 5. If instead of using the whole sample size indicated in the table you used just the data in the first three columns, how would your conclusions from the Questions 1 to 4 change? 6. From your answer to Question 5, what might you recommend?



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5. Automatic teller machines (ATMs) Situation Banks in France are closed for 2.5 days from Saturday afternoon to Tuesday morning. In this case banks need to have a reasonable estimate of how much cash to make available in their ATMs. For BNP-Paribas in its branches in the Rhone region in the Southeast of France it estimates that for this 2.5-day period the demand from its customers from those branches with a single ATM machine is €3,200 with a population standard deviation of €105. A random sample of the withdrawal from 36 of its branches indicate a sample average withdrawal of €3,235.

Required 1. Using the concept of critical values, then at the 5% significance level does this data indicate that the mean withdrawal from the machines is different from €3,200? 2. Re-examine Question 1 using the p-value approach. Are your conclusions the same? Explain your conclusions? 3. What are the confidence limits at 5% significance? How do these values corroborate your answers to Questions 1 and 2? 4. Using the concept of critical values then at the 1% significance level does this data indicate that the mean life of the population of the batteries is different from €3,200? 5. Re-examine Question 4 using the p-value approach. Are your conclusions the same? Explain your conclusions. 6. What are the confidence limits at 1% significance? How do these values corroborate your answers to Questions 4 and 5? 7. Here we have used the test for a difference. Why is the bank interested in the difference rather than a one-tail test, either left or right hand?

6. Bar stools Situation A supplier firm to IKEA makes wooden bar stools of various styles. In the production process of the bar stools the pieces are cut before shaping and assembling. The specifications require that the length of the legs of the bar stools is 70 cm. If the length is more than 70 cm they can be shaved down to the required length. However if pieces are significantly less than 70 cm they cannot be used for bar stools and are sent to another production area where they are re-cut to use in the assembly of standard chair legs. In the production of the legs for the bar stools it is known that the standard deviation of the process is 2.5 cm. In a production lot of legs for bar stools the quality

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population

control inspector takes a random sample and the length of these is according to the following table. 65 71 67 69

74 75 70 69

69 74 68 69

68 68 68 67

68 67 68 72

72 69 71 66

72 67 67 67

73 68 70 72

Required 1. At a 5% significance level, using the concept of critical value testing, does this sample data indicate that the length of the legs is less than 70 cm? 2. At the 5% significance level, using the p-value concept, does your answer corroborate the conclusion of Question 1? Give your reasoning. 3. At a 10% significance level, using the concept of critical value testing, does this sample data indicate that the length of the legs is less than 70 cm? 4. At the 10% significance level, using the p-value concept, does your answer corroborate the conclusion of Question 3? Give your reasoning. 5. Since we know the standard deviation we are correct to use the normal distribution for this hypothesis test. Assume that we did not know the process standard deviation and as the sample size of 32 is close to a cut-off point of 30, we used the Student-t distribution. In this case, would our analysis change the conclusions of Questions 1to 4?

7. Salad dressing Situation Amora salad dressing is made in Dijon in France. One of their products, made with wine, indicates on the label that the nominal volume of the salad dressing is 1,000 ml. In the filling process the firm knows that the standard deviation is 5.00 ml. The quality control inspector takes a random sample of 25 of the bottles from the production line and measures their volumes, which are given in the following table. 993.2 999.1 994.3 995.9 996.2

997.7 1,000.0 996.0 1,002.4 997.9

1,000.0 1,000.0 1,005.2 1,005.2 1,002.0

1,001.0 992.5 993.4 1,002.0 1,001.0

998.9 994.9 1,001.8 992.7 995.0

Required 1. At the 5% significance level, using the concept of critical value testing, does this sample data indicate that the volume of salad dressing in the bottles is different than the volume indicated on the label?



Statistics for Business

2. At the 5% significance level, using the p-value concept, does your answer corroborate the conclusion of Question 1? Give your reasoning. 3. At the 5% significance level, what are the confidence intervals when the test is asking for a difference in the volume? How do these intervals confirm your answers to Questions 1 and 2? 4. At the 5% significance level, using the concept of critical value testing, does this data indicate that the volume of salad dressing in the bottles is less than the volume indicated on the label? 5. At the 5% significance level, using the p-value concept, does your answer corroborate the conclusion of Question 4? Give your reasoning. 6. Why is the test mentioned in Question 4 important? 7. What can you say about the sensitivity of this sampling experiment?

8. Apples Situation In an effort to reduce obesity among children, a firm that has many vending machines in schools is replacing chocolate bars with apples in its machines. Unlike chocolate bars that are processed and thus the average weight is easy to control, apples vary enormously in weight. The vending firm asks its supplier of apples to sort them before they are delivered as it wants the average weight to be 200 g. The criterion for this is that the vending firm wants to be reasonably sure that each child who purchases an apple is getting one of equivalent weight. A truck load of apples arrives at the vendor’s depot and an inspector takes a random sample of 25 apples. The following is the weight of each apple in the sample. 198 199 207 195 199

201 208 195 190 205

202 196 187 195 203

186 196 199 197 190

199 196 189 209 199

Required 1. At the 5% significance level, using the concept of critical value testing, does this sample data indicate that the weight of the truck load of apples is different than the desired 200 g? 2. At the 5% significance level, using the p-value concept, does your answer corroborate the conclusion of Question 1? Give your reasoning. 3. At the 5% significance level what are the confidence intervals when the test is asking for a difference in the volume. How do these intervals confirm your answers to Questions 1 and 2? 4. At the 5% significance level, using the concept of critical value testing, does this sample data indicate that the weight of the truck load of apples is less than the desired 200 g? 5. At the 5% significance level, using the p-value concept, does your answer corroborate the conclusion of Question 4? Give your reasoning.

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population

9. Batteries Situation A supplier of batteries claimed that for a certain type of battery the average life was 500 hours. The quality control inspector of a potential buying company took a random sample of 15 of these batteries from a lot and tested them until they died. The life of these batteries in hours is given in the table.

350 485 489

925 546 568

796 551 685

689 512 578

501 589 398

Required 1. Using the concept of critical values, then at the 5% significance level does this data indicate that the mean life of the population of the batteries is different from the hypothesized value? 2. Re-examine Question 1 using the p-value approach. Are your conclusions the same? Explain your reasoning? 3. Using the concept of critical values then at the 5% significance level does this data indicate that the mean life of the population of the batteries is greater than the hypothesized value? 4. Re-examine Question 3 using the p-value approach. Are your conclusions the same? Explain your reasoning? 5. Explain the rationale for the differences in the answers to Questions 1 and 3, and the differences in the answers to Questions 2 and 4.

10. Hospital emergency Situation A hospital emergency service must respond rapidly to sick or injured patients in order to increase rate of survival. A certain city hospital has an objective that as soon as it receives an emergency call an ambulance is on the scene within 10 minutes. The regional director wanted to see if the hospital objectives were being met. Thus during a weekend (the busiest time for hospital emergencies) a random sample of the time taken to respond to emergency calls were taken and this information, in minutes, is in the table below.

8 12 9

14 7 17

15 8 22

20 21 10

7 13 9



Statistics for Business

Required 1. At the 5% significance level, using the concept of critical value testing, does this sample data indicate that the response time is different from 10 minutes? 2. At the 5% significance level, using the p-value concept, does your answer corroborate the conclusion of Question 1? Give your reasoning. 3. At the 5% significance level what are the confidence intervals when the test is asking for a difference? How do these intervals confirm your answers to Questions 1 and 2? 4. At the 5% significance level, using the concept of critical value testing, does this data indicate that the response time for an emergency call is greater than 10 minutes? 5. At the 5% significance level, using the p-value concept, does your answer corroborate the conclusion of Question 4? Give your reasoning. 6. Which of these two tests is the most important?

11. Equality for women Situation According to Jenny Watson, the commission’s chair of the United Kingdom Sex Discrimination Act (SDA), there continues to be an unacceptable pay gap of 45% between male and female full time workers in the private sector.1 A sample of 72 women is taken and of these 22 had salaries less than their male counterparts for the same type of work.

Required 1. Using the critical value approach for a 1% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the salaries of women is different than the announced amount of 45%? 2. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 1. Explain your reasoning. 3. What are the confidence limits at the 1% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 1 and 2? 4. Using the critical value approach for a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the salaries of women is different than the announced amount of 45%? 5. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 3. Explain your reasoning. 6. What are the confidence limits at the 5% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 1 and 2? 7. How would you interpret these results?

12. Gas from Russia Situation Europe is very dependent on natural gas supplies from Russia. In January 2006, after a bitter dispute with Ukraine, Russia cut off gas supplies to Ukraine but this also affected other 1

Overell, S., Act One in the play for equality, Financial Times, 5 January 2006, p. 6.

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population

European countries’ gas supplies. This event jolted European countries to take a re-look at their energy policies. Based on 2004 data the quantity of imported natural gas of some major European importers and the amount from Russia in billions of cubic metres was according to the table below.2 The amounts from Russia were on a contractual basis and did not necessarily correspond to physical flows. Country Germany Italy Turkey France Hungary Poland Slovakia Czech Republic Austria Finland

Total imports (m3 billions)

Imports from Russia (m3 billions)

91.76 61.40 17.91 37.05 10.95 9.10 7.30 9.80 7.80 4.61

37.74 21.00 14.35 11.50 9.32 7.90 7.30 7.18 6.00 4.61

Industrial users have gas flow monitors at the inlet to their facilities according to the source of the natural gas. Samples from 35 industrial users were taken from both Italy and Poland and of these 7 industrial users in Italy and 31 in Poland were using gas imported from Russia.

Required 1. Using the critical value approach at a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the proportion of natural gas Italy imports from Russia is different than the amount indicated in the table? 2. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 1. Explain your reasoning. 3. What are the confidence limits at the 5% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 1 and 2? 4. Using the critical value approach for a 10% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the proportion of natural gas Italy imports from Russia is different than the amount indicated in the table? 5. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 4. Explain your reasoning. 6. What are the confidence limits at the 10% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 4 and 5? 2

White, G.L., “Russia blinks in gas fight as crisis rattles Europe”, The Wall Street Journal, 3 January 2005, pp. 1–10.



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7. Using the critical value approach at a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the proportion of natural gas Poland imports from Russia is different than the amount indicated in the table? 8. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 7. Explain your reasoning. 9. What are the confidence limits at the 5% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 7 and 8? 10. Using the critical value approach for a 10% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the proportion of natural gas Poland imports from Russia is different than the amount indicated in the table? 11. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 10. Explain your reasoning. 12. What are the confidence limits at the 10% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 10 and 11? 13. How would you interpret these results of all these questions?

13. International education Situation Foreign students are most visible in Australian and Swiss universities, where they make up more than 17% of all students. Although the United States attracts more than a quarter of the world’s foreign students, they account for only some 3.5% of America’s student population. Almost half of all foreign students come from Asia, particularly China and India. Social sciences, business, and law are the fields of study most popular with overseas scholars. The table below gives information for selected countries for 2003.3 Country Australia Austria Belgium Britain Czech Republic Denmark France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy


Foreign students as % of total 19.0 13.5 11.5 11.5 4.5 9.0 10.0 10.5 2.0 3.0 6.0 2.0


Foreign students as % of total

Japan Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United States

Economic and financial indicators, The Economist, 17 September 2005, p. 108.

2.0 4.0 13.5 5.5 4.0 0.5 3.0 8.0 18.0 1.0 3.5

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population

Random samples of 45 students were selected in Australia and in Britain. Of those in Australia, 14 were foreign, and 10 of those in Britain were foreign.

Required 1. Using the critical value approach, at a 1% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the proportion of foreign students in Australia is different from that indicated in the table? 2. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 1. Explain your reasoning. 3. What are the confidence limits at the 1% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 1 and 2? 4. Using the critical value approach, at a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the proportion of foreign students in Australia is different from that indicated in the table? 5. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 4. Explain your reasoning. 6. What are the confidence limits at the 5% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 1 and 2? 7. Using the critical value approach, at a 1% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the proportion of foreign students in Britain is different from that indicated in the table? 8. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 7. Explain your reasoning. 9. What are the confidence limits at the 1% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 7 and 8? 10. Using the critical value approach, at a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the proportion of foreign students in Britain is different from that indicated in the table? 11. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 10. Explain your reasoning. 12. What are the confidence limits at the 5% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 10 and 11?

14. United States employment Situation According to the United States labour department the jobless rate in the United States fell to 4.9% at the end of 2005. It was reported that 108,000 jobs were created in December and 305,000 in November. Taken together, these new jobs created over the past 2 months allowed the United States to end the year with about 2 million more jobs than it had 4

Andrews, E.L., “Jobless rate drops to 4.9% in U.S,” International Herald Tribune, 7/8 January 2006, p. 17.



Statistics for Business

12 months ago.4 Random samples of 83 people were taken in both Palo Alto, California and Detroit, Michigan. Of those from Palo Alto, 4 said they were unemployed and 8 in Detroit said they were unemployed.

Required 1. Using the critical value approach, at a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the unemployment rate in Palo Alto is different from the national unemployment rate? 2. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 1. Explain your reasoning. 3. What are the confidence limits at the 5% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 1 and 2? 4. Using the critical value approach, at a 10% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the unemployment rate in Palo Alto is different from the national unemployment rate? 5. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 4. Explain your reasoning. 6. What are the confidence limits at the 10% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 4 and 5? 7. Using the critical value approach, at a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the unemployment rate in Detroit is different from the national unemployment rate? 8. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 7. Explain your reasoning. 9. What are the confidence limits at the 5% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 7 and 8? 10. Using the critical value approach, at a 10% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the unemployment rate in Detroit is different from the national unemployment rate? 11. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 10. Explain your reasoning. 12. What are the confidence limits at the 10% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 10 and 11? 13. Explain your results for Palo Alto and Detroit.

15. Mexico and the United States Situation On 30 December 2005 a United States border patrol agent shot dead an 18-year-old Mexican as he tried to cross the border near San Diego, California. The patrol said the shooting was in self-defence and that the dead man was a coyote, or people smuggler. In

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population

2005, out of an estimated 400,000 Mexicans who crossed illegally into the United States, more than 400 died in the attempt. Illegal immigration into the United States has long been a problem and to control the movement there are plans to construct a fence along more than a third of the 3,100 km border. According to data for 2004, there are some 10.5 million Mexicans in the United States, which represents some 31% of the foreign-born United States population. The recorded Mexicans in the United States of America is equivalent to 9% of Mexico’s total population. In addition, it is estimated that there are some 10 million undocumented immigrants in the United States of which 60% are considered to be Mexican.5 A random sample of 57 foreign-born people were taken in the United States and of these 11 said they were Mexican and of those 11, two said they were illegal.

Required 1. What is the probability that a Mexican who is considering to cross the United States border will die or be killed in the attempt? 2. Using the critical value approach, at a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the proportion of Mexicans, as foreign-born people, living in the United States is different from the indicated data? 3. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 2. Explain your reasoning. 4. What are the confidence limits at the 5% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 1 and 2? 5. Using the critical value approach, at a 10% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the proportion of Mexicans, as foreign-born people, living in the United States is different from the indicated data? 6. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 5. Explain your reasoning. 7. What are the confidence limits at the 10% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 5 and 6? 8. Using the critical value approach, at a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the number of undocumented Mexicans living in the United States is different from the indicated data? 9. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 8. Explain your reasoning. 10. What are the confidence limits at the 5% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 8 and 9? 11. Using the critical value approach, at a 10% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the number of undocumented Mexicans living in the United States is different from the indicated data? 12. Using the p-value approach are you able to corroborate your conclusions from Question 11. Explain your reasoning. 5

“Shots across the border,” The Economist, 14 January 2006, p. 53.



Statistics for Business

13. What are the confidence limits at the 10% level? How do they agree with your conclusions of Questions 11 and 12? 14. What are your comments about the difficulty in carrying out this hypothesis test?

16. Case: Socrates and Erasmus Situation The Socrates II European programme supports cooperation in education in eight areas, from school to higher education, from new technologies, to adult learners. Within Socrates II is the programme Erasmus that was established in 1987 with the objective to facilitate the mobility of higher education students within European universities. The programme is named after the philosopher, theologian, and humanist, Erasmus of Rotterdam (1465–1536). Erasmus lived and worked in several parts of Europe in quest of knowledge and experience believing such contacts with different cultures could only furnish a broad knowledge. He left his fortune to the University of Basel and became a precursor of mobility grants. The Erasmus programme has 31 participating countries that include the 25 member states of the European Union, the three European Economic area countries of Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway, and the current three candidate countries – Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey. The programme is open to universities for all higher education programmes including doctoral courses. In between the academic years 1987–1988 to 2003–2004 more than 1 million university students had spent an Erasmus period abroad and there are 2,199 higher education institutions participating in the programme. The European Union budget for 2000–2006 is €950 million of which about is €750 million is for student grants. In the academic year 2003–2004, the Erasmus students according to their country of origin and their country of study, or host country is given in the cross-classification Table 1 and the field of study for these students according to their home country is given in Table 2. It is the target of the Erasmus programme to have a balance in the gender mix and the programme administrators felt that the profile for subsequent academic years would be similar to the profile for the academic year 2003–2004.6

Required A sample of random data for the Erasmus programme for the academic year 2005–2006 was provided by the registrar’s office and this is given in Table 3. Does this information bear out the programme administrator’s beliefs if this is tested at the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance level for a difference? 6

Table 1 Subject

Students by field of study 2003–2004 according to home country. AT







Agricultural sciences 37 156 51 Architecture, Planning 128 163 32 Art and design 193 209 42 Business studies 1,117 1,089 97 Education, Teacher training 260 414 12 Engineering, Technology 248 384 133 Geography, Geology 32 28 12 Humanities 147 105 14 Languages, Philological sciences 505 603 73 Law 231 357 37 Mathematics, Informatics 146 139 86 Medical sciences 144 349 60 Natural sciences 143 51 33 Social sciences 250 500 48 Communication and information 112 212 19 science Other areas 28 30 2 Total 3,721 4,789 751

0 0 0 7 24 3 0 0 15 0 0 12 0 3 0

187 168 182 584 228 481 90 148 464 185 123 222 113 309 14

18 54 60 364 74 112 27 141 346 103 20 115 33 171 44

6 64 12 30 47 326 47 1,383 2 100 22 487 9 33 9 136 51 316 28 117 4 108 12 291 4 93 32 307 12 100







398 519 651 6,573 320 2,833 259 598 3,321 1,449 570 399 843 1,787 295

181 762 906 5,023 535 1,376 433 1,048 3,528 1,474 803 1,021 879 2,067 425

81 149 143 306 81 143 46 131 327 191 104 172 87 343 38

136 75 114 450 126 147 66 64 248 159 64 125 29 200 23

3 0 24 56 22 20 3 13 47 7 4 4 3 15 0

3 30 90 593 24 52 12 51 305 142 45 46 62 210 32

IT 317 877 756 1,963 267 1,545 206 1,144 3,346 1,455 392 1,045 453 2,220 723

LV 14 9 31 88 27 10 14 13 21 7 13 8 6 38 5

0 91 4 8 60 166 227 43 32 0 8 120 4 64 3,589 1,686 305 3,951 20,981 20,688 2,385 2,058 221 1,705 16,829 308

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population





Statistics for Business

Table 1

(Continued). LI















Agricultural sciences 0 48 0 0 80 27 112 69 61 37 23 566 19 23 0 Architecture, Planning 9 37 4 2 109 19 321 264 64 18 24 854 64 96 0 Art and design 0 63 4 3 145 69 232 205 87 34 38 905 90 489 0 Business studies 10 241 15 6 1,089 275 1,342 386 290 169 146 3,244 902 1,332 0 Education, Teacher training 0 56 43 11 354 92 126 215 47 15 17 602 69 163 0 Engineering, Technology 0 189 6 9 224 112 752 479 604 106 35 3,109 424 269 0 Geography, Geology 0 25 8 2 84 5 158 66 147 10 6 450 31 88 0 Humanities 0 33 2 1 81 39 171 60 116 22 12 654 48 206 8 Languages, Philological sciences 0 92 14 7 253 84 675 334 451 84 97 2,568 121 2,875 0 Law 0 87 6 31 303 77 429 190 98 25 51 1,413 195 754 1 Mathematics, Informatics 0 65 0 1 55 35 301 87 176 23 3 674 46 92 0 Medical sciences 0 85 8 32 219 142 247 407 209 71 6 1,211 176 232 0 Natural sciences 0 43 7 4 51 22 361 216 206 29 2 1,062 84 220 0 Social sciences 0 97 19 5 992 137 928 487 355 29 65 1,701 313 585 1 Communication and information 0 17 1 5 264 10 68 155 54 3 19 800 56 83 0 science Other areas 0 16 1 0 85 11 53 162 40 7 2 221 29 32 0 Total 19 1,194 138 119 4,388 1,156 6,276 3,782 3,005 682 546 20,034 2,667 7,539 10

Total 2,717 4,893 6,138 29,187 4,326 14,314 2,350 5,215 21,171 9,602 4,179 7,070 5,139 14,214 3,589 1,482 135,586

Table 2

Erasmus students 2003–2007 by home country and host country. Code

Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Rumania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom EUI* Total



BE 79

105 52 1 211 70 16 229 361 387 71 110 10 35 339 8 0 49 17 4 98 50 159 53 38 44 59 298 142 143 2 3,161

46 0 134 44 10 148 420 330 140 98 4 47 633 27 0 70 1 5 184 29 358 250 163 50 30 1,054 42 117 4,513




3 11

5 1

51 51



DK 104 84 14 2 103

0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0

2 0 44 0




11 0 5

0 0 4

169 38 107





6 8

9 10 7 8

1 7

126 206 207 63

26 86

7 5

2 19 37 500 410 45 44 54 30 357 13 2 145 2 2 158 53 362 63 29 11 19 573 25 136

5 9 17 6


35 21 25 1

FI 227 218 16 14 241 5 47

12 10 8

727 918 116 201 1 40 367 42 3 180 1 6 275 15 310 95 33 52 24 501 24 233



2 28

0 0 7 0 3

FR 528 768 136 9 510 260 42 413 3,997 420 276 26 557 2,859 18 77 27 3 543 156 855 325 1,125 80 62 3,412 484 2,303 4 20,275

DE 262 306 227 4 931 302 59 654 2,804 356 566 40 292 1,994 111 1 294 39 6 391 190 1,870 295 457 191 125 2,553 426 1,127 1 16,874

GR 30 75 62 13 78 13 6 72 218 165 42 3 12 180 2






30 28

15 3


162 169 171 20

14 23 47 2

5 129

461 467 39 3 180 111 26 190 1,550 1,755 248 227 16 109

5 4


132 121 6 0 43 36 2 111 1,081 926 27 15 2


49 0

11 0



67 28 31

21 9 9

230 2 1 10 0 6 88 17 74 19 21 2 1 513 80 21




18 0 42 15 122 53 87 24 6 178 17 60 1,593

9 3 23 1

4 9 67 9 52 256 85 481 713 448 58 56 4,250 137 740

1 3 1



0 6 0 5

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population

Home Country




Home Country






Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Rumania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom EUI* Total


1 0

12 7

0 3

14 13



15 25 49 1


6 1 1

16 43 28 5


4 28

5 71

0 0

10 0

0 0





NL 215 377 23 203 117 10 377 891 862 106 145 13 110 607 24 4 30 0 7

0 0 0

24 11 3

0 0 0

9 11 12

78 294 250 72 29 25 1,263 236 365







* European University Institute, Florence.




82 40

22 69



15 246 463 17

60 314 395 14

8 156

10 174



21 0



200 22 69 1,523

60 207 34 2 189 15 4 58 288 283 90 42 1 18 766 4 2 51 6 2 93 36 222







8 30

6 10

16 9

631 1,287 43 3 286 259 30 479 5,115 4,325 374 125 36 291 5,688 9

305 149 9 5 163 30 26 101 1,062 1,653 109 58 2 57 399 32 1 120 3 1 389 42 286 95 42 17 17 670

410 341 44 8 317 330 8 552 4,652 3,159 139 109 13 37 1,511 7 5 22 16 22 635 159 337 178 86 32 29 2,974 494



13 167 27 3

22 30 26 0

29 40 24 2



3 20

14 0

3 0

5 0

61 14 3 907 231 546 920 285 59 63




176 24 42

119 30 30 992 25 97

59 3 10

32 0 16

22 6 6

370 1,636







238 1 6,082


3,721 4,789 751 64 3,589 1,686 305 3,951 20,981 20,688 2,385 2,058 221 1,705 16,829 308 19 1,194 138 119 4,388 1,156 6,276 3,782 3,005 682 546 20,034 2,667 7,539 2 10 16,628 135,586

Statistics for Business

Table 2

Chapter 8: Hypothesis testing of a single population

Table 3

Sample of Erasmus student enrollments for the academic year 2005–2006.

Family name

First name

Home country

Study area


Algard Alinei Andersen Bay Bednarczyk Berberich Berculo Engler Ernst Fouche Garcia

Erik Gratian Birgitte Brix Hilde Tomasz Rémi Ruwan Dorothea Folker Elie Miguel

Norway Rumania Denmark Norway Poland Germany Netherlands Germany Germany France Spain


Guenin Johannessen Justnes Kauffeldt Keddie Lorenz Mallet Manzo Margineanu Miechowka Mynborg Napolitano Neilson Ou Rachbauer Savreux Seda Semoradova Torres Ungerstedt Ververken Viscardi Zawisza

Aurélie Sanne Lyng Petter Ane Katrine Nikki Jan Sebastian Guillaume Margherita Florin Anne Sophie Astrid Silvia Alison Kalvin Thomas Margaux Jiri Petra Maria Teresa Malin Alexander Alessandra Katarzyna

France Denmark Norway Denmark United Kingdom Germany France Italy Rumania France Denmark Italy United Kingdom France Austria France Czech Republic Czech Republic Spain Sweden Belgium Italy Poland

Business studies Business studies Engineering, Technology Social sciences Law Engineering, Technology Business studies Geography, Geology Business studies Education, Teacher training Communication and information science Humanities Business studies Languages, Philological sciences Business studies Mathematics, Informatics Business studies Business studies Business studies Agricultural sciences Engineering, Technology Humanities Architecture, Planning Business studies Education, Teacher training Engineering, Technology Mathematics, Informatics Agricultural sciences Natural sciences Humanities Law Languages, Philological sciences Business studies Business studies



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Hypothesis testing for different populations

Women still earn less than men On 27 February 2006 the Women and Work Commission (WWC) published its report on the causes of the “gender pay gap” or the difference between men’s and women’s hourly pay. According to the report, British women in full-time work currently earn 17% less per hour than men. Also in February, the European Commission brought out its own report on the pay gap across the whole European Union. Its findings were similar in that on an hourly basis, women earn 15% less than men for the same work. In the United States, the difference in median pay between men and women is around 20%. According to the WWC report the gender pay gap opens early. Boys and girls study different subjects in school, and boy’s subjects lead to more lucrative careers. They then work in different sorts of jobs. As a result, average hourly pay for a woman at the start of her working life is only 91% of a man’s, even though nowadays she is probably better qualified.1 How do we compile this type of statistical information? We can use hypothesis testing for more than one type of population – the subject of this chapter.


“Women’s pay: The hand that rocks the cradle”, The Economist, 4 March 2006, p. 33.



Statistics for Business

Learning objectives After you have studied this chapter you will understand how to extend hypothesis testing for two populations and to use the chi-square hypothesis test for more than two populations. The subtopics of these themes are as follows: ✔

✔ ✔

Difference between the mean of two independent populations • Difference of the means for large samples • The test statistic for large samples • Application of the differences in large samples: Wages of men and women • Testing the difference of the means for small sample sizes • Application of the differences in small samples: Production output Differences of the means between dependent or paired populations • Application of the differences of the means between dependent samples: Health spa Difference between the proportions of two populations with large samples • Standard error of the difference between two proportions • Application of the differences of the proportions between two populations: Commuting Chi-square test for dependency • Contingency table and chi-square application: Work schedule preference • Chi-square distribution • Degrees of freedom • Chi-square distribution as a test of independence • Determining the value of chi-square • Excel and chi-square functions • Testing the chi-square hypothesis for work preference • Using the p-value approach for the hypothesis test • Changing the significance level

In Chapter 8, we presented by sampling from a single population, how we could test a hypothesis or an assumption about the parameter of this single population. In this chapter we look at hypothesis testing when there is more than one population involved in the analysis.

Difference Between the Mean of Two Independent Populations The difference between the mean of two independent populations is a hypothesis test to sample in order to see if there is a significant difference between the parameters of two independent populations, as for example the following: ●

A human resource manager wants to know if there is a significant difference between the

salaries of men and the salaries of women in his multinational firm. A professor of Business Statistics is interested to know if there is a significant difference between the grade level of students in her morning class and in a similar class in the afternoon. A company wants to know if there is a significant difference in the productivity of the employees in one country and another country. A firm wishes to know if there is a difference in the absentee rate of employees in the morning shift and the night shift. A company wishes to know if sales volume of a certain product in one store is different from another store in a different location.

In these cases we are not necessarily interested in the specific value of a population parameter but more to understand something about the relation between the two parameters from the populations. That is, are they essentially the same, or is there a significant difference?

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations

Figure 9.1 Two independent populations.

Distribution of population No. 1 f(x)

Distribution of population No. 2 Mean m 2 Standard deviation s 2

Mean m 1 Standard deviation s 1

Sampling distribution from population No. 1


Sampling distribution from population No. 2

mx m 1

mx m 2


Difference of the means for large samples The hypothesis testing concept between two population means is illustrated in Figure 9.1. The figure on the left gives the normal distribution for Population No. 1 and the figure on the right gives the normal distribution for Population No. 2. Underneath the respective distributions are the sampling distributions of the means taken from that population. From the data another distribution can be constructed, which is then the difference between the values of sample means taken from the respective populations. Assume, for example, that we take a random sample from Population 1, which gives a sample mean of x–1. Similarly we take a random sample from Population 2 and this gives a sample mean of x–2. The difference between the values of the sample means


is then given as, x1 x2


When the value of x–1 is greater than x–2 then the result of equation 9(i) is positive. When the value of x–1 is less than x–2 then the result of equation 9(i) value is negative. If we construct a distribution of the difference of the entire sample means then we will obtain a sampling distribution of the differences of all the possible sample means as shown in Figure 9.2. The mean of the sample distribution of the differences of the mean is written as, μx x μx μx 1





When the mean of the two populations are equal then μx–1 μx–2 0.



Statistics for Business

Figure 9.2 Distribution of all possible values of difference between two means. Standard error of difference ␴x x 1


of the population standard deviation σ^. In this case the estimated standard deviation of the distribution of the difference between the sample means is,

Distribution of all possible values of X1 X2

σˆ x x 1


σˆ12 σˆ 22 n1 n2


The test statistic for large samples From Chapter 6, when we have just one population, the test statistic z for large samples, that is greater than 30, is given by the relationship, Mean ␮x




From Chapter 6, using the central limit theory we developed the following relationship for the standard error of the sample mean: σx




Extending this relationship for sampling from two populations, the standard deviation of the distribution of the difference between the sample means, as given in Figure 9.2, is determined from the following relationship: σx x 1


σ12 σ22 n1 n2


where σ21 and σ22 are respectively the variance of Population 1 and Population 2, σ1 and σ2 are the standard deviations and n1 and n2 are the sample sizes taken from these two populations. This relationship is also the standard error of the difference between two means. If we do not know the population standard deviations, then we use the sample standard deviation, s, as an estimate

x μx σx



When we test the difference between the means of two populations then the equation for the test statistic becomes, z

(x1 x2 ) (μ1 μ2 )H σ12 n1




Alternatively, if we do not know the population standard deviation, then equation 9(v) becomes,


(x1 x2 ) (μ1 μ2 )H σˆ12 σˆ 22 n1 n2


In this equation, (x–1 x–2) is the difference between the sample means taken from the population and (μ1 μ2)H0 is the difference of the hypothesized means of the population. The following application example illustrates this concept.

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations

Table 9.1

Difference in the wages of men and women. Sample mean – x ($)

Sample standard deviation, s ($)

Sample size, n

28.65 29.15

2.40 1.90

130 140

Population 1, women Population 2, men

Application of the differences in large samples: Wages of men and women

is that there is no difference between the population means. The standard error of the difference between the means is from equation 9(iv):

A large firm in the United States wants to know, the relationship between the wages of men and women employed at the firm. Sampling the employees gave the information in $US in Table 9.1.

σˆ x x

1. At a 10% significance level, is there evidence of a difference between the wages of men and women? At a 10% significance level we are asking the question is there a difference, which means to say that values can be greater or less than. This is a two-tail test with 5.0% in each of the tails. Using [function NORMSINV] in Excel the critical value of z is 1.6449. The null and alternative hypotheses are as follows: ●

Null hypothesis, H0: μ1 μ2 is that there is no significant difference in the wages. Alternative hypothesis, H1: μ1 μ2 is that there is a significant difference in the wages.

Since we have only a measure of the sample standard deviation s and not the population standard deviation σ, we use equation 9(vi) to determine the test or sample statistic z: z

(x1 x2 ) (μ1 μ2 )H



σˆ12 σˆ 22 2.402 1.902 n1 n2 130 140 0.2648

Thus, z

0.50 1.8886 0.2648

Since the sample, or test statistic, of 1.8886 is less than the critical value of 1.6449 we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is evidence to indicate that the wages of women are significantly different from that of men. As discussed in Chapter 8 we can also use the p-value approach to test the hypothesis. In this example the sample value of z 1.8886 and using [function NORMSDIST] gives an area in the tail of 2.95%. Since 2.95% is less than 5% we reject the null hypothesis. This is the same conclusion as previously. The representation of this worked example is illustrated in Figure 9.3.

σˆ12 σˆ 22 n1 n2

Here, x–1 x–2 28.65 29.15 0.50 and μ1 μ2 0 since the null hypothesis

Testing the difference of the means for small sample sizes When the sample size is small, or less than 30 units, then to be correct we must use the



Statistics for Business are equal. Note, that the denominator in equation 9(vii), can be rewritten as,

Figure 9.3 Difference in wages between men and women.

(n1 1) (n2 1) (n1 n2 2) 9(viii)

Area to left 2.95%

z 1.8886 1.6449

This is so because we now have two samples and thus two degrees of freedom. Note that in Chapter 8 when we took one sample of size n in order to use the Student-t distribution we had (n 1) degrees of freedom. Combining equations 9(iv) and 9(vii) the relationship for the estimated standard error of the difference between two sample means, when there are small samples on the assumption that the population variances are equal, is given by,

Complete area 5.00%

σˆ x x s p 1

Student-t distribution. When we use the Student-t distribution the population standard deviation is unknown. Thus to estimate the standard error of the difference between the two means we use equation 9(iv): σˆ x x 1


σˆ12 σˆ 22 n1 n2

(n1 1)s12 (n2 1)s22 (n1 1) (n2 1)

1 1 n1 n2


Then by analogy with equation 9(vi) the value of the Student-t distribution is given by, t

(x1 x2 ) (μ1 μ2 )H

⎛1 1⎞ s2p ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ ⎜⎝ n1 n2 ⎟⎠



However, a difference from the hypothesis testing of large samples is that here we make the assumption that the variance of Population 1, σ21 is equal to the variance of Population 2, σ22, or σ21 σ22. This then enables us to use a pooled variance such that the sample variance, s21, taken from Population 1 can be pooled, or combined, with s22, to give a value s2p. This value of the pooled estimate s2p is given by the relationship, s2p



This value of s2p is now the best estimate of the variance common to both populations σ2, on the assumption that the two population variances

If we take samples of equal size from each of the populations, then since n1 n2, equation 9(vii) becomes as follows: s2p

(n1 1)s12 (n2 1)s22 (n1 1) (n2 1)

(n1 1)ss12 (n1 1)s22 (n1 1) (n1 1)

(n1 1)(s12 s22 ) (s12 s22 ) (n1 1)(1 1) 2


Further, the relationship in the denominator of equation 9(x) can be rewritten as, ⎞ ⎞ ⎛ ⎛1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 1 ⎟⎟ 2 ⎟ ⎟ ⎜ ⎜⎜ n ⎝ 1 n2 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ n1 n1 ⎟⎠ n1


Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations

Table 9.2

Production output between morning and night shifts.

Morning (m) Night (n)

Table 9.3

29 22

24 23

28 21

29 25

31 31

27 22

29 28

26 20

23 22

25 23

28 25

27 26




Production output between morning and night shifts. Sample mean x–

Population 1, morning Population 2, night

Sample standard deviation, s

27.1250 24.4615

2.3910 3.4548

Thus equation 9(x) can be rewritten as,


28 30

(x1 x2 ) (μ1 μ2 )H

⎛ s2 s2 ⎞⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 2⎟ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜⎝ n ⎠



The use of the Student-t distribution for small samples is illustrated by the following example.

Application of the differences in small samples: Production output One part of a car production firm is the assembly line of the automobile engines. In this area of the plant, the firm employs three shifts: morning 07:00–15:00 hours, evening 15:00–23:00 hours, and the night shift 23:00–07:00 hours. The manager of the assembly line believes that the production output on the morning shift is greater than that on the night shift. Before the manager takes any action he first records the output on 16 days for the morning shift, and 13 days for the night shift. This information is given in Table 9.2.

Sample size, n 16 13

1. At a 1% significance level, is there evidence that the output of engines on the morning shift is greater than that on the evening shift? At a 1% significance level we are asking the question is there evidence of the output on the morning shift being greater than the output on the night shift. This is then a one-tail test with 1% in the upper tail. Using [function TINV] gives a critical value of Student-t 2.4727. ●

The null hypothesis is that there is no difference in output, H0: μM μN The alternative hypothesis is that the output on the morning shift is greater than that on the night shift, H1: μM μN.

From the sample data we have the information given in Table 9.3. From equation 9(vii), s2p

(n1 1)s12 (n2 1)s22 (n1 1) (n2 1) (16 1) * 2.39102 (13 1) * 3.45482 (16 1) (13 1)




Statistics for Business

Figure 9.4 Production output between the morning and night shifts.

Figure 9.5 Production output between the morning and night shifts.

Shaded area 5.00%

Shaded area 1.00%

t 2.4494 2.4727 Total area 1.05%

From equation 9(x) the sample or test value of the Student-t value is, t

(x1 x2 ) (μ1 μ2 )H

t 1.7033


Area to left of line 1.05%

our conclusion is the same in that we accept the null hypothesis. The concept of this worked example is illustrated in Figure 9.4.

⎛1 1⎞ s2p ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ ⎜⎝ n1 n2 ⎟⎠ 27.1250 24.4615 0 ⎛ 1 1⎞ 8.4808⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ ⎜⎝ 16 13 ⎟⎠


Since the sample test value of t of 2.4494 is less than the critical value t of 2.4727 we conclude that there is no significant difference between the production output in the morning and night shifts. If we use the p-value approach for this hypothesis test then using [function TDIST] in Excel for a one-tail test then the area in the tail for the sample information is 1.05%. This is greater than 1.00% and so

2. How would your conclusions change if a 5% level of significance were used? In this situation nothing happens to the sample or test value of the Student-t which remains at 2.4494. However, now we have 5% in the upper tail and using [function TINV] gives a critical value of Student-t 1.7033. Since 2.4494 1.7033 we concluded that at a 5% level the production output in the morning shift is significantly greater than that in the night shift. If we use the p-value approach for this hypothesis test then using [function TDIST] in Excel for a one-tail test, the area in the tail for the sample is still 1.05%. This is less than 5.00% and so our conclusion is the same that we reject the null hypothesis. This new concept is illustrated in Figure 9.5.

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations

Table 9.4

Health spa and weight loss.

Before, kg (1) After, kg (2)

120 101

95 87

118 97

92 82

132 121

Differences of the Means Between Dependent or Paired Populations In the previous section we discussed analysis on populations that were essentially independent of each other. In the wage example we chose samples from a population of men and a population of women. In the production output example we looked at the population of the night shift and the morning shift. Sometimes in sampling experiments we are interested in the differences of paired samples or those that are dependent or related, often in a before and after situation. Examples might be weight loss of individuals after a diet programme, productivity improvement after an employee training programme, or sales increases of a certain product after an advertising campaign. The purpose of these tests is to see if improvements have been achieved as a result of a new action. When we make this type of analysis we remove the effect of other variables or extraneous factors in our analysis. The analytical procedure is to consider statistical analysis on the difference of the values since there is a direct relationship rather than the values before and after. The following application illustrates.

Application of the differences of the means between dependent samples: Health spa A health spa in the centre of Brussels, Belgium advertises a combined fitness and diet programme

102 87

87 74

92 84

115 109

98 87

109 100

110 101

95 82

where it guarantees that participants who are overweight will lose at least 10 kg in 6 months if they scrupulously follow the course. The weights of all participants in the programme are recorded each time they come to the spa. The authorities are somewhat sceptical of the advertising claim so they select at random 13 of the regular participants and their recorded weights in kilograms before and after 6 months in the programme are given in Table 9.4. 1. At a 5% significance level, is there evidence that the weight loss of participants in this programme is greater than 10 kg? Here the null hypothesis is that the weight loss is not more than 10 kg or H0: μ 10 kg. The alternative hypothesis is that the weight loss is more than 10 kg, or H1: μ 10 kg. We are interested not in the weights before and after but in the difference of the weights and thus we can extend Table 9.4 to give the information in Table 9.5. The test is now very similar to hypothesis testing for a single population since we are making our analysis just on the difference. At a significance level of 5% all of the area lies in the right-hand tail. Using [function TINV] gives a critical value of Student-t 1.7823. From the table, x– (Difference) 11.7692 kg and s σˆ 4.3999 Estimated standard error of the mean is σx σˆ/ n 4.3999/ 13 1.2203.



Statistics for Business

Table 9.5

Health spa and weight loss.

Before, kg (1) After, kg (2) Difference, kg

120 101 19

95 87 8

118 97 21

92 82 10

132 121 11

Figure 9.6 Health spa and weight loss.

102 87 15

87 74 13

92 84 8

115 109 6

98 87 11

t 1.4498 1.7823

Area to right of line 8.64%

Sample, or test value of Student-t is, t

x μH σˆ


11.7692 10 1.2203

1.7692 1.4498 1.2203

110 101 9

95 82 13

Figure 9.7 Health spa and weight loss.

Area to right of line 8.64%

Shaded area 5.00%

109 100 9

Since this sample value of t of 1.4498 is less than the critical value of t of 1.7823 we accept the null hypothesis and conclude that based on our sampling experiment that the weight loss in this programme over a 6-month period is not more than 10 kg. If we use the p-value approach for this hypothesis test then using [function TDIST] in Excel for a one-tail test, the area in the tail for sample information is 8.64%. This is greater than 5.00% and so our conclusion is the same in that we accept the null hypothesis.

t 1.3562 1.4498

Complete shaded area 10.00%

The concept for this is illustrated in Figure 9.6. 2. Would your conclusions change if you used a 10% significance level? In this case at a significance level of 10% all of the area lies in the right-hand tail and using [function TINV] gives a critical value of Student-t 1.3562. The sample or test value of the Student-t remains unchanged at 1.4498. Now, 1.4498 1.3562 and thus we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the publicity for the programme is correct and that the average weight loss is greater than 10 kg. If we use the p-value approach for this hypothesis test then using [function TDIST] in Excel for a one-tail test, the area in the tail is still 8.64%. This is less than 10.00% and so our conclusion is the same in that we reject the null hypothesis. This concept is illustrated in Figure 9.7.

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations Again as in all hypotheses testing, remember that the conclusions are sensitive to the level of significance used in the test.

Difference Between the Proportions of Two Populations with Large Samples

where n is the sample size, p is the population proportion of successes, and q is the population proportion of failures equal to (1 p). Then by analogy with equation 9(iii) for the difference in the standard error for the means we have the equation for the standard error of the difference between two proportions as, σ p p 1

There are situations we might be interested to know if there is a significant difference between the proportion or percentage of some criterion of two different populations. For example, is there a significant difference between the percentage output of one firm’s production site and the other? Is there a difference between the health of British people and Americans? (The answer is yes, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association.2) Is there a significant difference between the percentage effectiveness of one drug and another drug for the same ailment? In these situations we take samples from each of the two groups and test for the percentage difference in the two populations. The procedure behind the test work is similar to the testing of the differences in means except rather than looking at the difference in numerical values we have the differences in percentages.

Standard error of the difference between two proportions



p(1 p) n

p1q1 p2q2 n1 n2


where p1, q1 are respectively the proportion of success and failure and n1 is the sample size taken from the first population and p2, q2, and n2 are the corresponding values for the second population. If we do not know the population proportions then the estimated standard error of the difference between two proportions is, p1q1 p2q2 n1 n2

σˆ p p 1



Here, p–1, q–1, p–2, q–2 are the values of the proportion of successes and failures taken from the sample. In Chapter 8 we developed that the number of standard deviations, z, in hypothesizing for a single population proportion as,


p pH



By analogy, the value of z for the difference in the hypothesis for two population proportions is,

In Chapter 6 (equation 6(xi)) we developed the following equation for the standard error of the proportion, σ –p: pq n



“Compared with Americans, the British are the picture of health”, International Herald Tribune, 22 May 2006, p. 7.


( p1 p2 ) ( p1 p2 )H σˆ p p 1



The use of these relationships is illustrated in the following worked example.

Application of the differences of the proportions between two populations: Commuting A study was made to see if there was a significance difference between the commuting time



Statistics for Business of people working in downtown Los Angeles in Southern California and the commuting time of people working in downtown San Francisco in Northern California. The benchmark for commuting time was at least 2 hours per day. A random sample of 302 people was selected from Los Angeles and 178 said that they had a daily commute of at least 2 hours. A random sample of 250 people was selected in San Francisco and 127 replied that they had a commute of at least 2 hours.

Figure 9.8 Commuting time.

Total area to right 2.75%

1. At a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the proportion of people commuting Los Angeles is different from that of San Francisco? Sample proportion of people commuting at least 2 hours to Los Angeles is, p1 178/302 0.5894


q1 1 0.5894 0.4106 Sample proportion of people commuting at least 2 hours to San Francisco is, p2 127/250 0.5080


q2 1 0.5080 0.4920 This is a two-tail test since we are asking the question is there a difference? ●

Null hypothesis is that there is no difference or H0: p1 p2 Alternative hypothesis is that there is a difference or, H1: p1 p2

From equation 9(xv) the estimated standard error of the difference between two proportions is, σˆ p p 1


p1q1 p2q2 n1 n2

0.5894 * 0.4106 0.5050 * 0.4920 302 250



1.9181 1.9600 Area 2.50%

From equation 9(xvi) the sample value of z is, z

( p1 p2 ) ( p1 p2 )H σˆ p p 1


(0.5894 0.5080) 0 0.0424


This is a two-tail test at 5% significance, so there is 2.50% in each tail. Using [function NORMSINV] gives a critical value of z of 1.9600. Since 1.9181 1.9600 we accept the null hypothesis and conclude that there is no significant difference between commuting time in Los Angeles and San Francisco. We obtain the same conclusion when we use the p-value for making the hypothesis test. Using [function NORMSDIST] for a sample value z of 1.9181 the area in the upper tail is 2.75%. This area of 2.75% 2.50% the critical value, and so again we accept the null hypothesis. This concept is illustrated in Figure 9.8. 2. At a 5% significance level, is there evidence to suggest that the proportion of people commuting

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations and so the conclusion is the same that there is evidence to suggest that the commuting time for those in Los Angeles is greater than for those in San Francisco. This new situation is illustrated in Figure 9.9.

Figure 9.9 Commuting time.

Area 5.00%

z 0



Area to right 2.75%

Los Angeles is greater than those working in San Francisco? This is a one-tail test since we are asking the question, is one population greater than the other? Here all the 5% is in the upper tail. ●

Null hypothesis is that there is a population not greater or H0: p1 p2 Alternative hypothesis is that a population is greater than or, H1: p1 p2

Here we use since less than or equal is not greater than and so thus satisfies the null hypothesis. The sample test value of z remains unchanged at 1.9181. However, using [function NORMSDIST] the 5% in the upper tail corresponds to a critical z-value of 1.6449. Since the value of 1.9181 1.6449 we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is statistical evidence that the commuting time for Los Angeles people is significantly greater than for those persons in San Francisco. Using the p-value approach, the area in the upper tail corresponding to a sample test value of 1.9181 is still 2.75%. Now this value is less than the 5% significant value

Chi-Square Test for Dependency In testing samples from two different populations we examined the difference between either two means, or alternatively, two proportions. If we have sample data which give proportions from more than two populations then a chi-square test can be used to draw conclusions about the populations. The chi-square test enables us to decide whether the differences among several sample proportions is significant, or that the difference is only due to chance. Suppose, for example, that a sample survey on the proportion of people in certain states of the United States who exercise regularly was found to be 51% in California, 34% in Ohio, 45% in New York, and 29% in South Dakota. If this difference is considered significant then a conclusion may be that location affects the way people behave. If it is not significant, then the difference is just due to chance. Thus, assuming a firm is considering marketing a new type of jogging shoe then if there is a significant difference between states, its marketing efforts should be weighted more on the state with a higher level of physical fitness. The chi-square test will be demonstrated as follows using a situation on work schedule preference.

Contingency table and chi-square application: Work schedule preference We have already presented a contingency or cross-classification table, in Chapter 2. This table



Statistics for Business

Table 9.6

Work preference sample data or observed frequencies, fo.


United States





227 93 320

213 102 315

158 97 255

218 92 310

816 384 1,200

8 hours/day 10 hours/day Total

presents data by cross-classifying variables according to certain criteria of interest such that the cross-classification accounts for all contingencies in the sampling data. Assume that a large multinational company samples its employees in the United States, Germany, Italy, and England using a questionnaire to discover their preference towards the current 8-hour/day, 5-day/week work schedule and a proposed 10-hour/day, 4-day/week work schedule. The sample data collected using an employee questionnaire is in Table 9.6. In this contingency table, the columns give preference according to country and the rows give the preference according to the work schedule criteria. These sample values are the observed frequencies of occurrence, fo. This is a 2 4 contingency table as there are two rows and four columns. Neither the row totals, nor the column totals are considered in determining the dimension of the table. In order to test whether preference for a certain work schedule depends on the location, or there is simply no dependency, we test using a chisquare distribution.

Chi-square distribution The chi-square distribution is a continuous probability distribution and like the Student-t distribution there is a different curve for each degree of freedom, υ. The x-axis is the value of chi-square, written χ2 where the symbol χ is the Greek letter c. Since we are dealing with χ2, or χ to the power of two, the values on the x-axis are always positive and extend from zero to infinity. The y-axis is the

frequency of occurrence, f (χ2) where this probability density function is given by, f (χ 2 )

1 1 χ2 /2 (χ2 )( υ /21)e 2 υ / [(υ/2 1)]! 2 9(xvii)

Figure 9.10 gives three chi-square distributions for degrees of freedom, υ, of respectively 4, 8, and 12. For small values of υ the curves are positively or right skewed. As the value of υ increases the curve takes on a form similar to a normal distribution. The mode or the peak of the curve is equal to the degrees of freedom less two. For example, for the three curves illustrated, the peak of each curve is for values of χ2 equal to 2, 6, and 10, respectively.

Degrees of freedom The degrees of freedom in a cross-classification table are calculated by the relationship, (Number of rows 1) * (Number of columns 1) 9(xviii) Consider Table 9.7 which is a 3 4 contingency table as there are three rows and four columns. R1 through R3 indicate the rows and C1 through C4 indicates the columns. The row totals are given by TR1 through TR3 and the column totals by TC1 through TC4. The value of the row totals and the column totals are fixed and the “yes” or “no” in the cells indicate whether or not we have the freedom to choose a value in this cell. For example, in the column designated

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations

Figure 9.10 Chi-square distribution for three different degrees of freedom. 20% 18% 16% 14%


12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 0















χ2 df 4

Table 9.7

df 8

df 12

Contingency table.

R1 R2 R3 Total columns





Total rows

yes yes no TC1

yes yes no TC2

yes yes no TC3

no no no TC4


by C1 we have only the freedom to choose two values, the third value is automatically fixed by the total of that column. The same logic applies to the rows. In this table we have the freedom to choose only six values or the same as determined from equation 9(x). Degrees of freedom (3 1) * (4 1) 2*36

Chi-square distribution as a test of independence Going back to our cross-classification on work preferences in Table 9.6 let as say that, pU is the proportion in the United States who prefer the present work schedule pG is the proportion in Germany who prefer the present work schedule



Statistics for Business

Table 9.8

Work preference – expected frequencies, f e.


United States





217.60 102.40 320.00

214.20 100.80 315.00

173.40 81.60 255.00

210.80 99.20 310.00

816.00 384.00 1,200.00

8 hours/day 10 hours/day Total

pI is the proportion in the Italy who prefer the present work schedule pE is the proportion in England who prefer the present work schedule The null hypothesis H0 is that the population proportion favouring the current work schedule is not significantly different from country to country and thus we can write the null hypothesis situation as follows: H0: pU pG pI pE


This is also saying that for the null hypothesis of the employee preference of work schedule is independent of the country of work. Thus, the chisquare test is also known as a test of independence. The alternative hypothesis is that population proportions are not the same and that the preference for the work schedule is dependent on the country of work. In this case, the alternative hypothesis H1 is written as, H1: pU pG pI pE


Thus in hypothesis testing using the chi-square distribution we are trying to determine if the population proportions are independent or dependent according to a certain criterion, in this case the country of employment. This test determines frequency values as follows.

Determining the value of chi-square From Table 9.6 if the null hypothesis is correct and that there is no difference in the preference

for the work schedule, then from the sample data. ●

Population proportion 8-hour/day schedule 0.6800 Population proportion 10-hour/day schedule 0.3200

who prefer the is 816/1,200 who prefer the is 384/1,200

We then use these proportions on the sample data to estimate the population proportion that prefer the 8-hour/day or the 10-hour/day schedule. For example, the sample size for the United States is 320 and so assuming the null hypothesis, the estimated number that prefers the 8-hour/day schedule is 0.6800 * 320 217.60. The estimated number that prefers the 10-hour/day schedule is 0.3200 * 320 102.40. This value is also given by 320 217.60 102.40 since the choice is one schedule or the other. Thus the complete expected data, on the assumption that the null hypothesis is correct is as in Table 9.8. These are then considered expected frequencies, fe. Another way of calculating the expected frequency is from the relationship, fe

TRo * TCo n


TRo and TCo are the total values for the rows and columns for a particular observed frequency fo in a sample of size n. For example, from Table 9.6 let us consider the cell that gives the observed frequency for Germany for a preference of an 8-hour/day schedule.

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations

Table 9.9


TRo 816

Work preference – observed and expected frequencies.



fo fe

(fo fe)

(fo fe )2 fe

227 213 158 218 93 102 97 92 1,200

217.60 214.20 173.40 210.80 102.40 100.80 81.60 99.20 1,200.00

9.40 1.20 15.40 7.20 9.40 1.20 15.40 7.20 0.00

88.36 1.44 237.16 51.84 88.36 1.44 237.16 51.84 757.60

0.4061 0.0067 1.3677 0.2459 0.8629 0.0143 2.9064 0.5226 6.3325

TCo 315

n 1,200

Thus, fe

TRo * TCo 816 * 315 214.20 n 1, 200

The value of chi-square, χ2, is given by the relationship, χ2 ∑

( fo f e )2 fe


where fo is the frequency of the observed data and fe is the frequency of the expected or theoretical data. Table 9.9 gives the detailed calculations. Thus from this information in Table 9.9 the value of the sample chi-square as shown is, χ2 ∑

( fo f e )2 6.3325 fe

Note in order to verify that your calculations are correct, the total amount in the fo column must equal to total in the fe column and also the total ( fo fe ) must be equal to zero.

Excel and chi-square functions In Microsoft Excel there are three functions that are used for chi-square testing.


[function CHIDIST] This generates the area in the chi-distribution when you enter the chisquare value and the degrees of freedom of the contingency table. [function CHIINV] This generates the chisquare value when you enter the area in the chi-square distribution and the degrees of freedom of the contingency table. [function CHITEST] This generates the area in the chi-square distribution when you enter the observed frequency and the expected frequency values assuming the null hypothesis.

Testing the chi-square hypothesis for work preference As for all hypothesis tests we have to decide on a significance level to test our assumption. Let us say for the work preference situation that we consider 5% significance. In addition, for the chisquare test we also need the degrees of freedom. In Table 9.6 we have two rows and four columns, thus the degrees of freedom for this table is, Degrees of freedom (2 1) * (4 1) 1*33 Using Excel [function CHIINV] for 3 degrees of freedom, a significance level of 5% gives us a critical value of the chi-square value of 7.8147.


Statistics for Business

Figure 9.12 Chi-square distribution for work preferences.

f (x 2)

Figure 9.11 Chi-square distribution for work preferences.

f (x 2)

Area 9.65%

6.3325 sample

6.3325 sample 7.8147 Critical value at 5% significance

7.8147 Critical value at 5% significance

The positions of this critical value and the value of the sample or test chi-square value are shown in Figure 9.11. Since the value of the sample chi-square statistic, 6.3325, is less than the critical value of 7.8147 at the 5% significance level given, we accept the null hypothesis and say that there is no statistical evidence to conclude that the preference for the work schedule is significantly different from country to country. We can avoid performing the calculations shown in Table 9.9 by using first from Excel [function CHITEST]. In this function we enter the observed frequency values fo as shown in Table 9.6 and the expected frequency values fe as given in Table 9.8 This then gives the value 0.0965 or 9.65% which is the area in the chisquare distribution for the observed data. We then use [function CHIINV] and insert the value 9.65% and the degrees of freedom to give the sample chi-square value of 6.3325.

Using the p-value approach for the hypothesis test In the previous paragraph we indicated that if we use [function CHITEST] we obtain the value

Figure 9.13 Chi-square distribution for work preferences.

f (x 2)


Total shaded area 10.00% To left of sample x 2 9.65%

6.3325 sample 6.2514 Critical value at 10% significance

9.65%, which is the area in the chi-square distribution. This is also the p-value for the observed data. Since 9.65% is greater than 5.00% the significance level we accept the null hypothesis or the same conclusion as before. This concept is illustrated in Figure 9.12.

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations

Changing the significance level For the work preference situation we made the hypothesis test at 5% significance. What if we increased the significance level to 10%? In this case nothing happens to our sampling data and we still have the following information that we have already generated. ●

Area under the chi-square distribution represented by the sampling data is 9.65%. Sample chi-square value is 6.3325.


Using [function CHIINV] for 10% significance and 3 degrees of freedom gives a chi-square value of 6.2514. Now since, 6.3325 6.2514 (using chi-square values), alternatively 9.65% 10.00% (the p-value approach). We reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the country of employment has some bearing on the preference for a certain work schedule. This new relationship is illustrated in Figure 9.13.

Difference between the mean of two independent populations The difference between the mean of two independent populations is a test to see if there is a significant difference between the two population parameters such as the wages between men and women, employee productivity in one country and another, the grade point average of students in one class or another, etc. In these cases we may not be interested in the mean values of one population but in the difference of the mean values of both populations. We develop first a probability distribution of the difference in the sample means. From this we determine the standard deviation of the distribution by combining the standard deviation of each sample using either the population standard deviations, if these are known, or if they are not known, using estimates of the population standard deviation measured from the samples. From the sample test data we determine the sample z-value and compare this to the z-value dictated by the given significance level α. Alternatively, we can make the hypothesis test using the p-value approach and the conclusion will be the same. When we have small sample sizes our analytical approach is similar except that we use a pooled sampled variance and the Student-t distribution for our analytical tool.

Differences of the means between dependent or paired populations This hypothesis test of the differences between paired samples has the objective to see if there are measured benefits gained by the introduction of new programmes such as employee training to improve productivity or to increase sales, fitness programmes to reduce weight or increase stamina, coaching courses to increase student grades, etc. In these type of hypothesis

Chapter Summary

This chapter has dealt with extending hypothesis testing to the difference in the means of two independent populations and the difference in the means of two dependent or paired populations. It also looks at hypothesis testing for the differences in the proportions of two populations. The last part of the chapter presented the chi-square test for examining the dependency of more than two populations. In all cases we propose a null hypothesis H0 and an alternative hypothesis H1 and test to see if there is statistical evidence whether we should accept, or reject, the null hypothesis.


Statistics for Business

test we are dealing with the same population in a before and after situation. In this case we measure the difference of the sample means and this becomes our new sampling distribution. The hypothesis test is then analogous to that for a single population. For large samples we use a z-value for our critical test and a Student-t distribution for small sample sizes.

Difference between the proportions of two populations with large samples This hypothesis test is to see if there is a significant difference between the proportion or percentage of some criterion of two different populations. The test procedure is similar to the differences in means except rather than measuring the difference in numerical values we measure the differences in percentages. We calculate the standard error of the difference between two proportions using a combination of data taken from the two samples based on the proportion of successes from each sample, the proportion of failures taken from each sample, and the respective sample sizes. We then determine whether the sample z-value is greater or lesser than the critical z-value. If we use the p-value approach we test to see whether the area in the tail or tails of the distribution is greater or smaller than the significance level α.

Chi-square test for dependency The chi-square hypothesis test is used when there are more than two populations and tests whether data is dependent on some criterion. The first step is to develop a cross-classification table based on the sample data. This information gives the observed frequency of occurrence, fo. Assuming that the null hypothesis is correct we calculate an expected value of the frequency of occurrence, fe, using the sample proportion of successes as our benchmark. To perform the chisquare test we need to know the degrees of freedom of the cross-classification table of our sample data. This is (number of rows 1) * (number of columns 1). The hypothesis test is based on the chi-square frequency distribution, which has a y-axis of frequency and a positive x-axis χ2 extending from zero. There is a chi-square distribution for each degree of freedom of the cross-classification table. The test procedure is to see whether the sample test value χ2 is greater or lesser than the critical value χ2. Alternatively we use the p-value approach and see whether the area under the curve determined from the sample data is greater or smaller than the significance level, α.

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 1. Gasoline prices Situation A survey of 102 gasoline stations in France in January 2006 indicated that the average price of unleaded 95 octane gasoline was €1.381 per litre with a standard deviation of €0.120. Another sample survey taken 6 months later at 97 gasoline stations indicated that the average price of gasoline was €1.4270 per litre with a standard deviation of €0.105.

Required 1. Indicate an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for this situation if we wanted to know if there is a significant difference in the price of gasoline. 2. Using the critical value method, at a 2% significance level, does this data indicate that there has been a significant increase in the price of gasoline in France? 3. Confirm your conclusions to Question 2 using the p-value approach. 4. Using the critical value method would your conclusions change at a 5% significance level? 5. Confirm your conclusions to Question 4 using the p-value approach. 6. What do you think explains these results?

2. Tee shirts Situation A European men’s clothing store wants to test if there was a difference in the price of a certain brand of tee shirts sold in its stores in Spain and Italy. It took a sample of 41 stores in Spain and found that the average price of the tee shirts was €27.80 with a variance of (€2.80)2. It took a sample of 49 stores in Italy and found that the average price of the tee shirts was €26.90 with a variance of (€3.70)2.

Required 1. Indicate an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for this situation if we wanted to know if there is a significant difference in the price of tee shirts in the two countries. 2. Using the critical value method, at a 1% significance level, does the data indicate that there is a significant difference in the price of tee shirts in the two countries? 3. Confirm your conclusions to Question 2 using the p-value approach. 4. Using the critical value method would your conclusions change at a 5% significance level? 5. Confirm your conclusions to Question 4 using the p-value approach. 6. Indicate an appropriate null and alternative hypothesis for this situation if we wanted to test if the price of tee shirts is significantly greater in Spain than in Italy?



Statistics for Business

7. Using the critical value method, at a 1% significance level, does the data indicate that the price of tee shirts is greater in Spain than in Italy? 8. Confirm your conclusions to Question 7 using the p-value criterion?

3. Inventory levels Situation A large retail chain in the United Kingdom wanted to know if there was a significant difference between the level of inventory kept by its stores that are able to order on-line through the Internet with the distribution centre and those that must use FAX. The headquarters of the chain collected the following sample data from 12 stores that used direct FAX and 13 that used Internet connections for the same non-perishable items in terms of the number of days’ coverage of inventory. For example, the first value for a store using FAX has a value of 14. This means that the store has on average 14 days supply of products to satisfy estimated sales until the next delivery arrives from the distribution centre.

Stores FAX













Stores internet














Required 1. Indicate an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for this situation if we wanted to show if those stores ordering by FAX kept a higher inventory level than those that used Internet. 2. Using the critical value method, at a 1% significance level, does this data indicate that those stores using FAX keep a higher level of inventory than those using Internet? 3. Confirm your conclusions to Question 2 using the p-value approach. 4. Using the critical value method, at a 5% significance level, does this data indicate that those stores using FAX keep a higher level of inventory than those using Internet? 5. Confirm your conclusions to Question 4 using the p-value approach. 6. How might you explain the conclusions obtained from Questions 4 and 5?

4. Restaurant ordering Situation A large franchise restaurant operator in the United States wanted to know if there was a difference between the number of customers that could be served if the person taking the order used a database ordering system and those that used the standard handwritten order method. In the database system when an order is taken from a customer

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations

it is transmitted via the database system directly to the kitchen. When orders are made by hand the waiter or waitress has to go to the kitchen and give the order to the chef. Thus it takes additional time. The franchise operator believed that up to 25% more customers per hour could be served if the restaurants were equipped with a database ordering system. The following sample data was taken from some of the many restaurants within the franchise of the average number of customers served per hour per waiter or waitress.

Standard (S)










Using database (D)












Required 1. What is an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for this situation? 2. Using the critical value method, at a 1% significance level, does the data support the belief of the franchise operator? 3. Confirm your conclusions to Question 2 using the p-value approach. 4. Using the same 1% significance level how could you rewrite the null and alternative hypothesis to show that the data indicates better the franchise operator’s belief? 5. Test your relationship in Question 4 using the critical value method. 6. Confirm your conclusions to Question 5 using the p-value approach. 7. What do you think are reasons that some of the franchise restaurants do not have a database ordering system?

5. Sales revenues Situation A Spanish-based ladies clothing store with outlets in England is concerned about the low store sales revenues. In an attempt to reverse this trend it decides to conduct a pilot programme to improve the sales training of its staff. It selects 11 of its key stores in the Birmingham and Coventry area and sends these sales staff progressively to a training programme in London. This training programme includes how to improve customer contact, techniques of how to spend more time on the high-revenue products, and generally how to improve team work within the store. The firm decided that it would extend the training programme to its other stores in England if the training programme increased revenues by more than 10% of revenues in its pilot stores before the programme. The table below gives the average monthly sales in £ ’000s before and after the training programme. The before data is based on a consecutive 6-month period. The after data is based on a consecutive 3-month period after the training programme had been completed for all pilot stores.



Statistics for Business

Store number


Average sales before (£ ’000s) Average sales after (£ ’000s)



256 202 302 289




203 189 302 345 259 357

275 299



259 358 368 402




249 258

265 267

302 391

Required 1. What is the benchmark of sales revenues on which the hypothesis test programme is based? 2. Indicate the null and alternative hypotheses for this situation if we wanted to know if the training programme has reached its objective? 3. Using the critical value approach at a 1% significance level, does it appear that the objectives of the training programme have been reached? 4. Verify your conclusion to Question 3 by using the p-value approach. 5. Using the critical value approach at a 5% significance level, does it appear that the training programme has reached its objective? 6. Verify your conclusion to Question 5 by using the p-value approach. 7. What are your comments on this test programme?

6. Hotel yield rate Situation A hotel chain is disturbed about the low yield rate of its hotels. It decides to see if improvements could be made by extensive advertising and reducing prices. It selects nine of its hotels and measures the average yield rate (rooms occupied/rooms available) in a 3-month period before the advertising, and a 3-month period after advertising for the same hotels. The data collected is given in the following table. Hotel number Yield rate before (1) Yield rate after (2)










52% 72%

47% 66%

62% 75%

65% 78%

71% 77%

59% 82%

81% 89%

72% 79%

91% 96%

Required 1. Indicate the null and alternative hypotheses for this situation if we wanted to know if the advertising programme has reached an objective to increase the yield rate by more than 10%? 2. Using the critical value approach at a 1% significance level, does it appear that the objectives of the advertising programme have been reached? 3. Verify your conclusion to Question 2 by using the p-value approach. 4. Using the critical value approach at a 15% significance level, does it appear that the objectives of the advertising programme have been reached? 5. Verify your conclusion to Question 4 by using the p-value approach. 6. Should management be satisfied with the results obtained?

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations

7. Migraine headaches Situation Migraine headaches are not uncommon. They begin with blurred vision either in one or both eyes and then are often followed by severe headaches. There are medicines available but their efficiency is often questioned. Studies have indicated that migraine is caused by stress, drinking too much coffee, or consuming too much sugar. A study was made on 10 volunteer patients who were known to be migraine sufferers. These patients were first asked to record over a 6-month period the number of migraine headaches they experienced. This was then calculated into the average number per month. Then they were asked to stop drinking coffee for 3 months and record again the number of migraine attacks they experienced. This again was reduced to a monthly basis. The complete data is in the table below.












Average number per month before (1) Average number per month after (2)

23 12

27 18

24 14

18 5

31 12

24 12

23 15

27 12

19 6

28 14

Required 1. Indicate the null and alternative hypothesis for this situation if we wanted to show that the complete elimination of coffee in a diet reduced the impact of migraine headaches by 50%. 2. Using the critical value approach at a 1% significance level, does it appear that eliminating coffee the objectives of the reduction in migraine headaches has been reached? 3. Verify your conclusion to Question 2 by using the p-value approach. 4. Using the critical value approach at a 10% significance level, does it appear that eliminating coffee the objectives of the reduction in migraine headaches has been reached? 5. Verify your conclusion to Question 4 by using the p-value approach. 6. At a 1% significance level, approximately what reduction in the average number of headaches has to be experienced before we can say that eliminating coffee is effective? 7. What are your comments about this experiment?

8. Hotel customers Situation A hotel chain was reviewing its 5-year strategic plan for hotel construction and in particular whether to include a fitness room in the new hotels that it was planning to build. It had made a survey in 2001 on customers’ needs and in a questionnaire of 408 people surveyed, 192 said that they would prefer to make a reservation with a hotel that had a fitness room. A similar survey was made in 2006 and out of 397 persons who returned



Statistics for Business

the questionnaire, 210 said that a hotel with a fitness room would influence booking decision.

Required 1. Indicate an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for this situation. 2. Using the critical value approach at a 5% significance level, does it appear that there is a significant difference between customer needs for a fitness room in 2006 than in 2001? 3. Verify your conclusion to Question 2 by using the p-value approach. 4. Indicate the null and alternative hypotheses for this situation if we wanted to see if the customer needs for a fitness room in 2006 is greater than that in 2001. 5. Using the critical value approach at a 5% significance level, does it appear that customer needs in 2006 are greater than in 2001? 6. Verify your conclusion to Question 5 by using the p-value approach. 7. What are your comments about the results?

9. Flight delays Situation A study was made at major European airports to see if there had been a significant difference in flight delays in the 10-year period between 1996 and 2005. A flight was considered delayed, either on takeoff or landing, if the difference was greater than 20 minutes of the scheduled time. In 2005, in a sample of 508 flights, 310 were delayed more than 20 minutes. In 1996 out of a sample of 456 flights, 242 were delayed.

Required 1. Indicate an appropriate null and alternative hypothesis for this situation. 2. Using the critical value approach at a 1% significance level, does it appear that there is a significant difference between flight delays in 2005 and 1996? 3. Verify your conclusion to Question 2 by using the p-value approach. 4. Using the critical value approach at a 5% significance level, does it appear that there is a significant difference in flight delays in 2005 and 1996? 5. Verify your conclusion to Question 4 by using the p-value approach. 6. Indicate an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for this situation to respond to the question has there been a significant increase in flight delays between 1996 and 2005? 7. From the relationship in Question 6 and using the critical value approach, what are your conclusions if you test at a significance level of 1%? 8. What has to be the significance level in order for your conclusions in Question 7 to be different? 9. What are your comments about the sample experiment?

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations

10. World Cup Situation The soccer World Cup tournament is held every 4 years. In June 2006 it was in Germany. In 2002 it was in Korea and Japan, and in June 1998 it was in France. A survey was taken to see if people’s interest in the World Cup had changed in Europe between 1998 and 2006. A random sample of 99 people was taken in Europe in early June 1998 and 67 said that they were interested in the World Cup. In 2006 out of a sample of 112 people taken in early June, 92 said that they were interested in the World Cup.

Required 1. Indicate an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for this situation to test whether people’s interest in the World Cup has changed between 1998 and 2006. 2. Using the critical value approach at a 1% significance level, does it appear that there is a difference between people’s interest in the World Cup between 1998 and 2006? 3. Verify your conclusion to Question 2 by using the p-value approach. 4. Using the critical value approach at a 5% significance level, does it appear that there is a difference between people’s interest in the World Cup between 1998 and 2006? 5. Verify your conclusion to Question 4 by using the p-value approach. 6. Indicate an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses to test whether there has been a significant increase in interest in the World Cup between 1998 and 2006? 7. From the relationship in Question 6 and using the critical value approach, what are your conclusions if you test at a significance level of 1%? 9. Confirm your conclusions to Question 7 using the p-value criterion. 10. What are your comments about the sample experiment?

11. Travel time and stress Situation A large company located in London observes that many of its staff are periodically absent from work or are very grouchy even when at the office. Casual remarks indicate that they are stressed by the travel time into the City as their trains are crowded, or often late. As a result of these comments the human resource department of the firm sent out 200 questionnaires to its employees asking the simple question what is your commuting time to work and how do you feel your stress level on a scale of high, moderate, and low. The table below summarizes the results that it received. Travel time Less than 30 minutes 30 minutes to 1 hour Over 1 hour

High stress level

Moderate stress level

Low stress level

16 23 27

12 21 25

19 31 12



Statistics for Business

Required 1. Indicate the appropriate null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for this situation if we wanted to test to see if stress level is dependent on travel time. 2. Using the critical value approach of the chi-square test at a 1% significance level, does it appear that there is a relationship between stress level and travel time? 3. Verify your conclusion to Question 2 by using the p-value approach of the chi-square test. 4. Using the critical value approach of the chi-square test at a 5% significance level, does it appear that there is a relationship between stress level and travel time? 5. Corroborate your conclusion to Question 4 by using the p-value approach of the chi-square test. 6. Would you say based on the returns received that the analysis is a good representation of the conditions at the firm? 7. What additional factors need to be considered when we are analysing stress (a much overused word today!)?

12. Investing in stocks Situation A financial investment firm wishes to know if there is a relationship between the country of residence and an individual’s saving strategy regarding whether or not they invest in stocks. This information would be useful as to increase the firm’s presence in countries other than the United States. The following information was collected by simple telephone contact on the number of people in those listed countries on whether or not they used the stock market as their investment strategy.

Savings strategy Invest in stocks Do not invest in stocks

United States




206 128

121 118

147 143

151 141

Required 1. Show the appropriate null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for this situation if we wanted to test if there is a dependency between savings strategy and country of residence. 2. Using the critical value approach of the chi-square test at a 1% significance level, does it appear that there is a relationship between investing in stocks and the country of residence? 3. Verify your conclusion to Question 1 by using the p-value approach of the chi-square test.

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations

4. Using the critical value approach of the chi-square test at a 3% significance level, does it appear that there is a relationship between investing in stocks and the country of residence? 5. Verify your conclusion to Question 3 by using the p-value approach of the chi-square test. 6. What are your observations from the sample data and what is a probable explanation?

13. Automobile preference Situation A market research firm in Europe made a survey to see if there was any correlation between a person’s nationality and their preference in the make of automobile they purchase. The sample information obtained is in the table below.

Volkswagen Renault Peugeot Ford Fiat






44 27 22 37 25

27 32 33 16 15

26 24 22 37 30

19 17 24 25 31

48 32 27 36 19

Required 1. Indicate the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses to test if the make of automobile purchased is dependent on an individual’s nationality. 2. Using the critical value approach of the chi-square test at a 1% significance level, does it appear that there is a relationship between automobile purchase and nationality? 3. Verify your results to Question 2 by using the p-value approach of the chi-square test. 4. What has to be the significance level in order that there appears a breakeven situation between a dependency of nationality and automobile preference? 5. What are your comments about the results?

14. Newspaper reading Situation A cooperation of newspaper publishers in Europe wanted to see if there was a relationship between salary levels and the reading of a morning newspaper. A survey was made in Italy, Spain, Germany, and France and the sample information obtained is given in the table below.



Statistics for Business

Salary bracket


Salary category Always read Sometimes Never read

⬎€50,000 to ⭐€75,000 3

55 40 28

65 47 19


⬎€16,000 to ⭐€50,000 2

36 44 30

⬎€75,000 to ⭐€100,000 4 65 47 19

⬎€100,000 5 62 52 22

Required 1. Indicate the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses to test if reading a newspaper is dependent on an individual’s salary. 2. Using the critical value approach of the chi-square test at a 5% significance level, does it appear that there is a relationship between reading a newspaper and salary? 3. Verify your results to Question 2 by using the p-value approach of the chi-square test. 4. Using the critical value approach of the chi-square test at a 10% significance level, does it appear that there is a relationship between reading a newspaper and salary? 5. Verify your results to Question 4 by using the p-value approach of the chi-square test. 6. What are your comments about the sample experiment?

15. Wine consumption Situation A South African producer is planning to increase its export of red wine. Before it makes any decision it wants to know if a particular country, and thus the culture, has any bearing on the amount of wine consumed. Using a market research firm it obtains the following sample information on the quantity of red wine consumed per day.

Amount consumed Never drink One glass or less Between one and two More than two





United States

20 72 85 85

10 77 65 79

15 70 95 77

8 62 95 85

12 68 48 79

Required 1. Show the appropriate null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for this situation if we wanted to test if there is a dependency between wine consumption and country of residence.

Chapter 9: Hypothesis testing for different populations

2. Using the critical value approach of the chi-square test at a 1% significance level, does it appear that there is a relationship between wine consumption and the country of residence? 3. Verify your conclusion to Question 2 by using the p-value approach. 4. To the nearest whole number, what has to be the minimum significance level in order to change the conclusion to Question 1? This is the p-value. 5. What is the chi-square value for the significance level of Question 4? 6. Based on your understanding of business, what is the trend in wine consumption today?

16. Case: Salaries in France and Germany Situation Business students in Europe wish to know if there is a difference between salaries offered in France and those offered in Germany. An analysis was made by taking random samples from alumni groups in the 24–26 age group. This information is given in the table below.

France 52,134 38,550 50,100 50,700 47,451 52,179 50,892 41,934 55,797 40,128 49,326 36,513 44,271 52,608 39,231 52,317 50,481 60,303 36,369 51,921

45,294 61,125 53,175 41,493 36,555 50,904 49,398 39,024 46,584 42,717 38,961 54,453 53,349 41,100 44,559 47,790 38,838 40,878 52,821 47,445

43,746 49,518 47,487 49,812 52,704 50,379 46,161 38,703 52,278 43,896 32,349 48,276 41,334 53,757 50,775 46,824 52,353 43,305 49,653 46,536

55,533 50,589 52,566 47,628 50,787 45,795 46,371 44,583 45,555 56,847 39,465 52,182 59,829 44,787 43,002 47,502 49,941 54,621 43,911 43,863

49,263 56,391 54,156 59,586 45,684 45,852 55,125 51,681 46,242 49,086 47,754 48,147 47,202 36,093 47,805 56,235 47,568 44,379 44,181 46,386

42,534 49,557 41,841 50,799 45,807 46,767 40,920 53,946 40,164 51,123 53,847 45,066 49,953 42,909 38,358 63,108 48,468 43,359 51,189 52,548

65,256 45,006 55,836 54,048 43,578 36,978 40,329 34,923 42,975 44,922 41,094 47,415 56,970 42,018 39,864 43,863 41,319 53,151 44,118 56,001

47,070 50,082 52,131 51,198 44,694 41,370 49,728 44,862 50,937 51,615 42,438 54,423 57,261 51,663 43,137 42,129 47,208 51,498 47,382 39,990

46,545 57,336 49,683 45,270 52,467 60,240 54,870 44,658 43,461 48,684 53,676 37,263 53,466 52,527 48,870 37,581 51,030 50,346 46,149 54,924

42,549 44,592 48,465 48,570 43,665 50,889 52,986 40,800 52,806 44,892 48,330 37,113 56,055 47,457 36,171 49,872 49,056 51,402 46,578 38,013

Germany 45,716 40,161 43,268 60,469 43,566

48,491 48,105 41,976 43,135 41,833

53,373 50,279 51,671 44,579 44,384

49,169 51,133 53,759 54,939 48,628

62,600 52,045 51,382 50,175 46,457

44,037 38,961 41,116 43,460 46,758

52,574 37,283 51,786 49,829 39,307

41,514 47,406 54,738 55,896 54,142

46,214 45,609 55,343 59,499 38,292

47,847 52,668 48,397 56,091 63,065



Statistics for Business

52,060 44,159 38,222 41,988 46,989 52,671 45,138 33,507 55,507 41,244 49,354

38,322 51,504 42,308 43,651 52,914 52,115 50,999 51,713 45,050 49,148 42,755

54,231 53,507 59,265 55,979 57,012 40,240 43,928 57,380 44,044 42,451 43,448

37,866 59,012 53,115 40,323 46,278 53,799 46,184 41,262 47,342 47,348 50,342

54,185 50,732 35,559 44,335 53,793 55,687 49,056 52,546 58,420 48,424 55,881

55,665 55,462 46,020 48,050 59,152 52,586 33,926 44,861 41,751 47,947 53,884

56,064 48,613 56,428 43,809 51,440 55,018 43,980 47,184 60,146 41,426 49,938

44,822 53,051 40,669 44,530 38,672 49,266 54,322 46,621 43,323 42,128 48,409

44,171 50,263 48,856 43,128 42,694 47,533 54,735 50,893 48,278 63,053 50,880

58,812 52,467 46,190 45,585 42,916 48,369 59,338 52,856 58,672 41,165 40,800

Required 1. Using all of the concepts developed from Chapters 1 to 9 how might you interpret and compare this data from the two countries?

Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Value of imported goods into the United States Forecasting customer demand is a key activity in business. Forecasts trigger strategic and operations planning. Forecasts are used to determine capital budgets, cash flow, hiring or termination of personnel, warehouse space, raw material quantities, inventory levels, transportation volumes, outsourcing requirements, and the like. If we make an optimistic forecast – estimating more than actual, we may be left with excess inventory, unused storage space, or unwanted personnel. If we are pessimistic in our forecast – estimating less than actual, we may have stockouts, irritated or lost customers, or insufficient storage space. In either case there is a cost. Thus business must be accurate in forecasting. An often used approach is to use historical or collected data as the basis for forecasting on the assumption that past information is the bellwether for future activity. Consider the data in Figure 10.1, which is a time series analysis for the amount of goods imported into the United States each year from 1996 to 2006.1 Consider for example that we are now in the year 1970. In this case, we would say that there has been a reasonable linear growth in imported goods in the last decade from 1960. Then if we used a linear relationship for this 1

US Census Bureau, Foreign Trade division, goods, 8 June 2007.


Statistics for Business

Figure 10.1 Value of imported goods into the United States, 1960–2006. 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000

10 20

05 20

00 20

95 19

90 19

85 19

80 19

75 19

70 19

65 19


0 19




period to forecast the value of imported goods for 2006, we would arrive at a value of $131,050 million. The actual value is $1,861,380 million or our forecast is low by an enormous factor of 14! As the data shows, as the years progress, there is an increasing or an almost exponential growth that is in part due to the growth of imported goods particularly from China, India, and other emerging countries many of which are destined for Wal-Mart! Thus, rather than using a linear relationship we should use a polynomial relationship on all the data or perhaps a linear regression relationship just for the period 2000–2005. Quantitative forecasting methods are extremely useful statistical techniques but you must apply the appropriate model and understand the external environment. Forecasting concepts are the essence of this chapter.

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Learning objectives After you have studied this chapter you will understand how to correlate bivariate data and use regression analysis to make forecasts and estimates for business decisions. These topics are covered as follows: ✔

✔ ✔

✔ ✔ ✔

A time series and correlation • Scatter diagram • Application of a scatter diagram and correlation: Sale of snowboards – Part I • Coding time series data • Coefficient of correlation • Coefficient of determination • How good is the correlation? Linear regression in a time series data • Linear regression line • Application of developing the regression line using Excel: Sale of snowboards – Part II • Application of forecasting or estimating using Microsoft Excel: Sale of snowboards – Part III • The variability of the estimate • Confidence in a forecast • Alternative approach to develop and verify the regression line Linear regression and causal forecasting • Application of causal forecasting: Surface area and house prices Forecasting using multiple regression • Multiple independent variables • Standard error of the estimate • Coefficient of multiple determination • Application example of multiple regression: Supermarket Forecasting using non-linear regression • Polynomial function • Exponential function Seasonal patterns in forecasting • Application of forecasting when a seasonal pattern exists: Soft drinks Considerations in statistical forecasting • Time horizons • Collected data • Coefficient of variation • Market changes • Models are dynamic • Model accuracy • Curvilinear or exponential models • Selecting the best model

A useful part of statistical analysis is correlation, or the measurement of the strength of a relationship between variables. If there is a reasonable correlation, then regression analysis is a mathematical technique to develop an equation that describes the relationship between the variables in question. The practical use of this part of statistical analysis is that correlation and regression can be used to forecast sales or to make other decisions when the developed relationship from past data can be considered to mimic future conditions.

to illustrate the movement of specified variables. Financial data such as revenues, profits, or costs can be presented in a time series. Operating data for example customer service level, capacity utilization of a tourist resort, or quality levels can be similarly shown. Macro-economic data such as Gross National Product, Consumer Price Index, or wage levels are typically illustrated by a time series. In a time series we are presenting one variable, such as revenues, against another variable, time, and this is called bivariate data.

Scatter diagram

A Time Series and Correlation A time series is past data presented in regular time intervals such as weeks, months, or years

A scatter diagram is the presentation of the time series data by dots on an xy graph to see if there is a correlation between the two variables. The time, or independent variable, is presented on


Statistics for Business


Sales of snowboards.

Year x

Sales, units y

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

60 90 110 320 250 525 400 800 1,200 985 1,600 1,550 2,000 2,500 2,100 2,400

the x-axis or abscissa and the variable of interest, on the y-axis, or the ordinate. The variable on the y-axis is considered the dependent variable since it is “dependent”, or a function, of the time. Time is always shown on the x-axis and considered the independent variable since whatever happens today – an earthquake, a flood, or a stock market crash, tomorrow will always come!

Application of a scatter diagram and correlation: Sale of snowboards – Part I Consider the information in Table 10.1, which is a time series for the sales of snowboards in a sports shop in Italy since 1990. Using in Excel the graphical command XY(scatter), the scatter diagram for the data from Table 10.1 is shown in Figure 10.2. We

Figure 10.2 Scatter diagram for the sale of snowboards. 2,800 2,600 2,400 2,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 19 89 19 90 19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06

Snowboards sold (units)



Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data can see that it appears there is a relationship, or correlation, between the sale of snowboards, and the year in that sales are increasing over time. (Note that in Appendix II you will find a

Table 10.2

Codes for time series data.



January February March April May June July August September October November December

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

guide of how to develop a scatter diagram in Excel.)

Coding time series data Very often in presenting time series data we indicate the time period by using numerical codes starting from the number 1, rather than the actual period. This is especially the case when the time is mixed alphanumeric data since it is not always convenient to perform calculations with such data. For example, a 12-month period would appear coded as in Table 10.2. With the snowboard sales data calculation is not a problem since the time in years is already numerical data. However, the x-values are large and these can be cumbersome in subsequent calculations. Thus for information, Figure 10.3 gives the scatter diagram using a coded value for x where 1 1990, 2 1991, 3 1992, etc. The form of this scatter diagram in Figure 10.3 is identical to Figure 10.1.

Figure 10.3 Scatter diagram for the sale of snowboards using coded values for x. 2,800 2,600 2,400

Snowboards sold (units)

2,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 0






6 7 8 9 10 11 Year (11990, 2 1991, etc.)









Statistics for Business

Coefficient of correlation

r approaches zero it means that there is a very weak relationship between x and y. The calculation steps using equation 10(i) are given in Table 10.3 using a coded value for the time period rather than using the numerical values of the year. However it is not necessary to go through this complicated procedure as the coefficient of correlation can be determined by using [function CORREL] in Excel. You simply enter the corresponding values for x and y where x can either be the indicated period (provided it is in numerical form) or the code value. It does not matter which, as the result is the same. In the case of the snowboard sales given in the example, r 0.9652. This is close to 1.0 and thus it indicates there is a strong correlation between x and y. In Excel [function PEARSON] can also be used to determine the coefficient of correlation.

Once we have developed a scatter diagram, a next step is to determine the strength or the importance of the relationship between the time or independent variable x, and the dependent variable y. One measure is the coefficient of correlation, r, which is defined by the rather horrendous-looking equation as follows: Coefficient of correlation, r

n ∑ xy ∑ x ∑ y

2⎤ ⎡ 2⎤ ⎡ ⎢ n ∑ x2 ( ∑ x ) ⎥ ⎢ n ∑ y2 ( ∑ y ) ⎥ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 10(i)

Here n is the number of bivariate (x, y) values. The value of r is either plus or minus and can take on any value between 0 and 1. If r is negative, it means that for the range of data given the variable y decreases with x. If r is positive, it means that y increases with x. The closer the value of r is to unity, the stronger is the relationship between the variables x and y. When Table 10.3

Coefficient of determination The coefficient of determination, r2, is another measure of the strength of the relationship

Coefficients of correlation and determination for snowboards using coded values of x. x (coded)





1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

60 90 110 320 250 525 400 800 1,200 985 1,600 1,550 2,000 2,500 2,100 2,400

60 180 330 1,280 1,250 3,150 2,800 6,400 10,800 9,850 17,600 18,600 26,000 35,000 31,500 38,400

1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 256

3,600 8,100 12,100 102,400 62,500 275,625 160,000 640,000 1,440,000 970,225 2,560,000 2,402,500 4,000,000 6,250,000 4,410,000 5,760,000







x (year)

n n Σxy Σx Σy n Σx2 (Σx)2 n Σy2 (Σy)2 n Σxy Σx Σy n Σx2 (Σx)2 n Σy2 (Σy)2 r r2

16 3,251,200 2,297,040 23,936 18,496 464,912,800 285,272,100 954,160 5,440 179,640,700 0.9652 0.9316

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data between x and y. Since it is the square of the coefficient of correlation, r, where r can be either negative or positive, the coefficient of determination always has a positive value. Further, since r is always equal to, or less than 1.0, numerically the value of r2, the coefficient of determination, is always equal to or less than r, the coefficient of correlation. When r 1.0, then r2 1.0 which means that there is a perfect correlation between x and y. The equation for the coefficient of determination is as follows:

we can subsequently use this equation to forecast beyond the time period given.

Linear regression line The linear regression line is the best straight line that minimizes the error between the data points on the regression line and the corresponding actual data from which the regression line is developed. The following equation represents the regression line:

Coefficient of correlation,

( n ∑ xy ∑ x ∑ y ) r2 2⎤ ⎡ 2⎤ ⎡ ⎢ n ∑ x2 ( ∑ x ) ⎥ ⎢ n ∑ y2 ( ∑ y ) ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥

yˆ a bx



⎦ 10(ii)

Here, ●

Again we can obtain the coefficient of determination directly from Excel by using [function RSQ]. For the snowboard sales the value of r2 is 0.9316. Again for completeness, the calculation using equation 10(ii) is shown in Table 10.3.

How good is the correlation? Analysts vary on what is considered a good correlation between bivariate data. I say that if you have a value of r2 of at least 0.8, which means a value of r of about 0.9 (actually 兹(0.8) 苶苶 0.8944), then there is a reasonable relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable.

Linear Regression in a Time Series Data Once we have developed a scatter diagram for a time series data, and the strength of the relationship between the dependent variable, y, and the independent time variable, x, is reasonably strong, then we can develop a linear regression equation to define this relationship. After that,


a is a constant value and equal to the intercept on the y-axis; b is a constant value and equal to the slope of the regression line; x is the time and the independent variable value; yˆ is the predicted, or forecast value, of the actual dependent variable, y.

The values of the constants a and b can be calculated by the least squares method using the following two relationships: a


∑ x2 ∑ y ∑ x ∑ xy 2 n ∑ x2 ( ∑ x ) n ∑ xy ∑ x ∑ y n ∑ x2 ( ∑ x )




Another approach is to calculate b and a using the average value of x or x–, and the average value of y or y– using the two equations below. It does not matter which we use as the result is the same: b

∑ xy nx y ∑ x2 n(x )2

a ybx





Statistics for Business

Table 10.4 x (year) 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Average

Regression constants for snowboards using coded value of x. y




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

60 90 110 320 250 525 400 800 1,200 985 1,600 1,550 2,000 2,500 2,100 2,400

60 180 330 1,280 1,250 3,150 2,800 6,400 10,800 9,850 17,600 18,600 26,000 35,000 31,500 38,400

1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 256

3,600 8,100 12,100 102,400 62,500 275,625 160,000 640,000 1,440,000 970,225 2,560,000 2,402,500 4,000,000 6,250,000 4,410,000 5,760,000

136 8.5000

16,890 1,055.6250




x (coded)

The calculations using these four equations are given in Table 10.4 for the snowboard sales using the coded values for x. However, again it is not necessary to perform these calculations because all the relationships can be developed from Microsoft Excel as explained in the next section.

Application of developing the regression line using Excel: Sale of snowboards – Part II Once we have the scatter diagram for the bivariate data we can use Microsoft Excel to develop the regression line. To do this we first select the data points on the scatter diagram and then proceed as follows: ● ●

In the menu select of Excel, select Chart Select Add trend line

● ● ●

n Σx Σy Σx2 Σxy n Σx2 (Σx)2 n Σxy a using equation 10(iv) b using equation 10(v)

16 136 16,890 1,496 203,200 23,936 18,496 3,251,200 435.2500 175.3971

x– y– b using equation 10(vi) a using equation 10(vii)

8.5000 1,055.6250 175.3971 435.2500

Select Type Select Linear Select Options and check Display equation on chart and Display R-squared value on chart

This final window is shown in Figure E-7 of the Appendix II. The regression line using the coded values of x is shown in Figure 10.4. On the graph we have the regression line written as follows, which is a different form as represented by equation 10(iii). This is the Microsoft Excel format. y 175.3971x 435.2500 In the form of equation 10(iii) it would be reversed and written as, yˆ 435.2500 175.3971x

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Figure 10.4 Regression line for the sale of snowboards using coded value of x. 2,800 2,600 y 175.3971x 435.2500 R 2 0.9316


Snowboards sold (units)

2,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 0








However, the regression information is the same where y is yˆ, and the slope of the line, b, is 175.3971 and, a, the intercept on the y-axis is 435.2500. These numbers are the same as calculated and presented in Figure 10.4. The slope of the line means that the sale of snowboards increases by 175.3971 (say about 175 units) per year. The intercept, a, means that when x is zero the sales are 432.25 units which has no meaning for this situation. The coefficient of determination, 0.9316, which appears on the graph, is the same as previously calculated though note that Microsoft Excel uses upper case R2 rather than the lower case r2. When the value of a is negative, but the slope of the curve is positive, it is normal to show the above equations for this example in the form yˆ 175.3971x 435.2500 rather than

8 9 Year









yˆ 435.2500 175.3971x. That is, avoid starting an equation with a negative value. The regression line using the actual values of the year is shown in Figure 10.5. The only difference from Figure 10.5 is the value of the intercept a. This is because the values of x are the real values and not coded values.

Application of forecasting, or estimating, using Microsoft Excel: Sale of snowboards – Part III If we are satisfied that there is a reasonable linear relationship between x and y as evidenced by the scatter diagram, then we can forecast or estimate a future value at a given date using in Excel [function FORECAST]. For example, assume that we want to forecast the sale of


Statistics for Business

Figure 10.5 Regression line for the sale of snowboards using actual year. 2,800 2,600

y 175.3971x 349,300.0000 R 2 0.9316

2,400 2,200 Snowboards sold (units)

2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200







03 20

02 20

01 20

00 20

99 19




















0 19



snowboards for 2010. We enter into the function menu the x-value of 2010 and the given values of x in years and the given value of y from Table 10.1. This gives a forecast value of y of 3,248 units. Alternatively, we can use the coded values of x that appear in the 2nd column of Table 10.2 and the corresponding actual data for y. If we do this, we must use a code value for the year 2010, which in this case is 21. (Year 2005 has a code of 16, thus year 2010 16 5 21.) Note that in any forecasting using time series data, the assumption is that the pattern of past years will be repeated in future years, which may not necessarily be the case. Also, the further out we go in time, the less accurate will be the forecast. For example, a forecast of sales for next year may be reasonably reliable, whereas a forecast 20 years from now would not.

The variability of the estimate In Chapter 2, we presented the sample standard deviation, s, of data by the equation, Sample standard deviation, s s2

∑ (x x )2 (n 1)


The standard deviation is a measure of the variability around the sample mean, x–, for each random variable x, in a given sample size, n. Further, the deviation of all the observations, x, about the mean value x– is zero (equation 2(ix)), or,

∑ (x x ) 0


Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Table 10.5

Statistics for the regression line.











b, slope of the line

r2, coefficient of determination

In a similar manner, a measure of the variability around the regression line is the standard error of the estimate, se, given by, Standard error of the estimate, se

∑ ( y yˆ )2 n 2


Here n is the number of bivariate data points (x, y). The value of se has the same units of the dependant variable y. The denominator in this equation is (n 2) or the number of degrees of freedom, rather than (n 1) in equation 2(viii). In equation 10(viii) two degrees of freedom are lost because two statistics, a and b, are used in regression to compute the standard error of the estimate. Like the standard deviation, the closer to zero is the value of the standard error then there is less scatter or deviation around the regression line. If this is the case, this translates into saying that the linear regression model is a good fit of the observed data, and we should have reasonable confidence in the estimate or forecast made. The regression equation, is determined so that the vertical distance between the observed, or data values, y, and the predicted values, yˆ, balance out when all data are considered. Thus, analogous to equation 2(ix) this means that,

∑ (y yˆ ) 0


a, intercept on the y-axis

se standard error of estimate degrees of freedom (n 2)

Again, we do not have to go through a stepwise calculation but the standard error of the estimate, together with other statistical information, can be determined by using in Excel [function LINEST]. To do this we select a cellblock of two columns by five rows and enter the given x- and y-values and input 1 both times for the constant data. Like the frequency distribution we execute this function by pressing simultaneously on control-shift-enter (Ctrl-q-8 ). The statistics for the regression line for the snowboard data are given in Table 10.5. The explanations are given to the left and to the right of each column. Those that we have discussed so far are highlighted and also note in this matrix that we have again the value of b, the slope of the line; the value a, the intercept on the y-axis, and the coefficient of determination, r2. We also have the degrees of freedom, or (n 2). The other statistics are not used here but their meaning in the appropriate format is indicated in Table E-3 of Appendix II.

Confidence in a forecast In a similar manner to confidence limits in estimating presented in Chapter 7, we can determine the confidence limits of a forecast. If we have a sample size greater than 30 then the confidence intervals are given by, yˆ zse




Statistics for Business

Table 10.6 Calculating the standard estimate of the regression line using coded values of x. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total se n

x 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005


y y^

(y y^)2

259.85 84.46 90.94 266.34 441.74 617.13 792.53 967.93 1,143.32 1,318.72 1,494.12 1,669.51 1,844.91 2,020.31 2,195.71 2,371.10

319.85 174.46 19.06 53.66 191.74 92.13 392.53 167.93 56.68 333.72 105.88 119.51 155.09 479.69 95.71 28.90

102,305.90 30,434.85 363.24 2,879.58 36,762.42 8,488.37 154,079.34 28,199.30 3,212.22 111,369.43 11,211.07 14,283.76 24,052.36 230,103.62 9,159.62 835.04


767,740.15 234.18

y 60 90 110 320 250 525 400 800 1,200 985 1,600 1,550 2,000 2,500 2,100 2,400


With sample sizes no more than 30, we use a Student-t relationship and the confidence limits are, yˆ tse

2010 is 3,248 units and that we are 90% confident that the sales will be between 2,836 and 3,361 units.


For our snowboard sales situation we have a forecast of 3,248 units for 2010. To obtain a confidence level, we use a Student-t relationship since we have a sample size of 16. For a 90% confidence limit, using [function TINV], where the degrees of freedom are given in Table 10.5, the value of t is 1.7613. Then using equation 10(xi) and the standard error from Table 10.5 the confidence limits are as follows: Lower limit is 3,248 1.7613 * 234.1764 2,836 Upper limit is 3,248 1.7613 * 234.1764 3,361 Thus to better define our forecast we could say that our best estimate of snowboard sales in

Alternative approach to develop and verify the regression line Now that we have determined the statistical values for the regression line, as presented in Table 10.5, we can use these values to develop the specific values of the regression points and further to verify the standard error of the estimate, se. The calculation steps are shown in Table 10.6. The column yˆ is calculated using equation 10(iii) and imputing the constant values of a and b from Table 10.5. The total of (y yˆ) in Column 5 verifies equation 10(ix). And, using the total value of (y yˆ)2 in Column 6, the last column of Table 10.6, and inserting this in equation 10(viii) verifies the value of the standard error of the estimate of Table 10.5.

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Linear Regression and Causal Forecasting In the previous sections we discussed correlation and how a dependent variable changed with time. Another type of correlation is when one variable is dependent, or a function, not of time, on some other variable. For example, the sale of household appliances is in part a function of the sale of new homes; the demand for medical services increases with an aging population; or for many products, the quantity sold is a function of price. In these situations we say that the movement of the dependent variable, y, is caused by the change of the dependent variable, x and the correlation can be used for causal forecasting or estimating. The analytical approach is very similar to linear regression for a time series except that time is replaced by another variable. The following example illustrates this.

Application of causal forecasting: Surface area and house prices In a certain community in Southern France, a real estate agent has recorded the past sale of houses according to sales price and the square metres of living space. This information is in Table 10.7. 1. Develop a scatter diagram for this information. Does there appear to be a reasonable correlation between the price of homes, and the square metres of living space? Here this is a causal relationship where the price of the house is a function, or is “caused” by the square metres of living space. Thus, the square metres is the independent variable, x, and the house price is the dependent variable y. Using the same approach as for the previous snowboard example in a time series analysis, Figure 10.6 gives the scatter diagram for this causal relationship. Visually

Table 10.7

Surface area and house prices.

Square metres, x

Price (€) y

100 180 190 250 360 200 195 110 120 370 280 450 425 390 60 125

260,000 425,000 600,000 921,000 2,200,000 760,500 680,250 690,250 182,500 2,945,500 1,252,500 5,280,250 3,652,000 3,825,240 140,250 280,125

it appears that within the range of the data given, the house prices generally increase linearly with square metres of living space. 2. Show the regression line and the coefficient of determination on the scatter diagram. Compute the coefficient of correlation. What can you say about the coefficients of determination and correlation? What is the slope of the regression line and how is it interpreted? The regression line is shown in Figure 10.7 together with the coefficient of determination. The relationships are as follows: Regression equation, yˆ 1,263,749.9048 11,646.6133x Coefficient of determination, r2 0.8623 Coefficient of correlation, 2 r 兹r苶 兹苶 0苶苶苶 .8623 0.9286

Since the coefficient of determination is greater than 0.8, and thus the coefficient of correlation is greater than 0.9 we can say that there is quite a strong correlation


Statistics for Business

Figure 10.6 Scatter diagram for surface area and house prices. 6,000,000


Price (€)





0 0





250 Area (m











Figure 10.7 Regression line for surface area and house prices. 6,000,000

5,000,000 y 11,646.6133x 1,263,749.9048 R 2 0.8623 4,000,000 Price (€)





0 0





250 Area (m2)


Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Table 10.8

Regression statistics for surface area and house prices.

b, slope of the line

r2, coefficient of determination









3.2554 * 1013

5.1999 * 1012

between house prices and square metres of living space. The slope of the regression line is 11,646.6133 (say 11,650); this means to say that for every square metre in living space, the price of the house increases by about €11,650 within the range of the data given. 3. If a house on the market has a living space of 310 m2, what would be a reasonable estimate of the price? Give the 85% confidence intervals for this price. Using in Excel [function FORECAST] for a square metre of living space, x of 310 m2 gives an estimated price (rounded) of €2,346,700. Using in Excel [function LINEST] we have in Table 10.8 the statistics for the regression line. Using [function TINV] in Excel, where the degrees of freedom are given in Table 10.8, the value of t for a confidence level of 85% is 1.5231. Using equation 10(xi), yˆ tse Lower limit of price estimate using the standard error of the estimate from Table 10.8 is, €2,346,700 1.5231 * 609,444 €1,418,463 Upper limit is, €2,346,700 1.5231 * 609,444 €3,274,938

a, intercept on the y-axis

se standard error of estimate degrees of freedom (n 2)

Thus we could say that a reasonable estimate of the price of a house with 310 m2 living space is €2,346,700 and that we are 85% confident that the price lies in the range €1,418,463 (say €1,418,460) to €3,274,938 (say €3,274,940). 4. If a house was on the market and had a living space of 800 m2, what is a reasonable estimate for the sales price of this house? What are your comments about this figure? Using in Excel [function FORECAST] for a square metre of living space, x of 800 m2 gives an estimated price (rounded) of €8,053,541. The danger with making this estimate is that 800 m2 is outside of the limits of our observed data (it ranges from 60 to 450 m2). Thus the assumption that the linear regression equation is still valid for a living space area of 800 m2 may be erroneous. Thus you must be careful in using causal forecasting beyond the range of data collected.

Forecasting Using Multiple Regression In the previous section on causal forecasting we considered the relationship between just one dependent variable and one independent variable.



Statistics for Business Multiple regression takes into account the relationship of a dependent variable with more than one independent variable. For example, in people, obesity, the dependent variable, is a function of the quantity we eat and the amount of exercise we do. Automobile accidents are a function of driving speed, road conditions, and levels of alcohol in the blood. In business, sales revenues can be a function of advertising expenditures, number of sales staff, number of branch offices, unit prices, number of competing products on the market, etc. In this situation, the forecast estimate is a causal regression equation containing several independent variables.

Multiple independent variables The following is the equation that describes the multiple regression model: yˆ a b1x1 b2x2 b3x3 … bkxk 10(xii) Here, ●

● ●

a is a constant and the intercept on the y-plane; x1, x2, x3, and xk are the independent variables; b1, b2, b3 and bk are constants and slopes of the line corresponding to x1, x2, x3, and xk; yˆ is the forecast or predicted value given by the best fit for the actual data; k is a value equal to the number of independent variables in the model.

Since there are more than two variables in the equation we cannot represent this function on a two-dimensional graph. Also note that the more the number of independent variables in the relationship then the more complex is the model, and possibly the more uncertain is the predicted value.

degree of dispersion around the multiple regression plane. It is as follows: se

∑ (y yˆ )2 n k 1


Here, ● ●

● ●

y is the actual value of the dependant variable; yˆ is the corresponding predicted value of dependant variable from the regression equation; n is the number of bivariate data points; k is the number of independent variables.

This is similar to equation 10(viii) for linear regression except that there is now a term k in the denominator where the value (n k 1) is the degrees of freedom. As an illustration, if the number of bivariate data points n is 16, and there are four independent variables then the degrees of freedom are 16 4 1 11. In linear regression, with the same 16 bivariate data values, the number of independent variables, k, is 1, and so the degrees of freedom are 14 1 1 12 or the denominator as given by equation 10(xiii). Again, these values of the degrees of freedom are automatically determined in Excel when you use [function LINEST]. As before, the smaller the value of the standard error of the estimate, the better is the fit of the regression equation.

Coefficient of multiple determination Similar to linear regression there is a coefficient of multiple determination r2 that measures the strength of the relationship between all the independent variables and the dependent variable. The calculation of this is illustrated in the following worked example.

Standard error of the estimate

Application example of multiple regression: Supermarket

As for linear regression, there is a standard error of the estimate se that measures the

A distributor of Nestlé coffee to supermarkets in Scandinavia visits the stores periodically to

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data meet the store manager to negotiate shelf space and to discuss pricing and other sales-related activities. For one particular store the distributor had gathered the data in Table 10.9 regarding the unit sales for a particular size of instant coffee, the number of visits made to that store, and the total shelf space that was allotted. 1. From the information in Table 10.9 develop a two-independent variable multiple regression model for the unit sales per month as a function of the visits per month and the allotted shelf space. Determine the coefficient of determination. As for times series linear regression and causal forecasting, we can use again from Excel [function LINEST]. The difference is that we Table 10.9

Sales of Nestlé coffee.

Unit sales/month, y 90,150 58,750 71,250 63,750 39,425 55,487 76,975 74,313 71,813 33,125

Visits/month, Shelf space, x1 (m2) x2 9 4 6 5 3 6 7 6 8 2

3.50 1.75 2.32 1.82 1.82 1.50 2.92 2.92 2.35 1.35

now select a virgin area of three rows and five columns and we enter two columns for the independent variable x, visits per month and the shelf space. The output from using this function is in Table 10.10. The statistics that we need from this table are in the shaded cells and are as follows: ● a, the intercept on the y-plane 14,227.67; ● b1, the slope corresponding to x1, the visits per month 4,827.01; ● b2, the slope corresponding to the shelf space, x2 9,997.64; ● se, the standard error of the estimate 5,938.51; ● Coefficient of determination, r2 0.9095; ● Degrees of freedom, df 7. Again, the other statistics in the non-shaded areas are not used here but their meaning, in the appropriate format, are indicated in Table E-4 of Appendix II. The equation, or model, that describes this relation is from equation 10(xii) for two independent variables: yˆ a b1x1 b2x2 yˆ 14,227.67 4,827.01x1 9,997.64x2 As the coefficient of determination, 0.9095, is greater than 0.8 the strength of the relationship is quite good.

Table 10.10 Regression statistics for sales of Nestlé coffee–two variables. b2 9,997.64

b1 4,827.01

a 14,227.67




r 0.9095

se 5,938.51



df 7








Statistics for Business

Table 10.11

Sales of Nestlé coffee with three variables.

Sales, y

Visits/month, x1

Shelf space (m2), x2

Price (€/unit), x3

90,150 58,750 71,250 63,750 39,425 55,487 76,975 74,313 71,813 33,125

9 4 6 5 3 6 7 6 8 2

3.50 1.75 2.32 1.82 1.82 1.50 2.92 2.92 2.35 1.35

1.25 2.28 1.87 2.25 2.60 2.20 2.00 1.84 2.06 2.75

2. Estimate the monthly unit sales if eight visits per month were made to the supermarket and the allotted shelf space was 3.00 m2. What are the 85% confidence levels for this estimate? Here x1 is the estimate of sales of eight visits per month, and x2 is the shelf space of 3.00 m2. The monthly sales are determined from the regression equation: yˆ 14,227.67 4.827.01 * 8 9,997.64 * 3.00 82,837 units For the confidence intervals we use equation 10(xi), yˆ tse


Using [function TINV] in Excel, where the degrees of freedom are 7 as given in Table 10.10, the value of t for a confidence level of 85% is 1.6166. The confidence limits of sales using the standard error of the estimate of 5,938.51 from Table 10.10 are, Lower confidence limit is 82,837 1.6166 * 5,938.51 73,237 units

Thus we can say that using this regression model our best estimate of monthly sales is 82,837 units and that we are 85% confident that the sales will between 73,237 and 92,437 units. 3. Assume now that for the sales data in Table 10.9 the distributor looks at the unit price of the coffee sold during the period that the analysis was made. This expanded information is in Table 10.11 showing now the variation in the unit price of a jar of coffee. From this information develop a threeindependent-variable multiple regression model for the unit sales per month as a function of visits per month, allotted shelf space, and the unit price of coffee. Determine the coefficient of determination. We use again from Excel [function LINEST] and here we select a virgin area of four rows and five columns and we enter three columns for the three independent variables x, visits per month, the shelf space, and price. The output from using this function is in Table 10.12. The statistics that we need from this table are: ●

Upper confidence limit is, 82,837 1.6166 * 5,938.51 92,437 units

a, the intercept on the y-plane 75,658.05; b1, the slope corresponding to x1 the visits per month 2,984.28; b2, the slope corresponding to the shelf space, x2 4,661,82;

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Table 10.12 variables.

Regression statistics for coffee sales – three

b3 18,591.50

b2 4,661.82

b1 2,984.28

a 75,658.05





r2 0.9336

se 5,491.60




df 6



2,546,001,747.28 180,945,972.32



b3, the slope corresponding to the price, x3 18,591.50; ● se, the standard error of the estimate 5,491.60; ● Coefficient of determination, r2 0.9336; ● Degrees of freedom 6. The equation or model that describes this relation is from equation 10(xii) for three independent variables: ●

yˆ a b1x1 b2x2 b3x3 yˆ 75,658.05 2,984.28x1 4,661.82x2 18,591.50x3 As the coefficient of determination, 0.9336, is greater than 0.8 the strength of the relationship is quite good. 4. Estimate the monthly unit sales if eight visits per month were made to the supermarket, the allotted shelf space was 3.00 m2, and the unit price of coffee was €2.50. What are the 85% confidence levels for this estimate? Here x1 is the estimate of sales of eight visits per month, x2 is the shelf space of 3.00 m2, and x3 is the unit sales price of coffee of €2.50. Estimated monthly sales are determined from the regression equation, yˆ 75,658.05 2,984.28 * 8 4,661.82 * 3.00 18,591.50 * 2.50 67,039 units For the confidence intervals we use equation 10(xi) and [function TINV] in Excel. The degrees

of freedom are 6 from Table 10.12, the value of t for a confidence level of 85% is 1.6502. The confidence limits of sales using the standard error of the estimate of 5,491.60 from Table 10.12 are, Lower limit is, 67,039 1.6502 * 5,491.60 57,977 units Upper limit is, 67,039 1.6502 * 5,491.60 76,101 units Thus we can say that using this regression model, the best estimate of monthly sales is 67,039 units and that we are 85% confident that the sales will between 57,977 and 76,101 units.

Forecasting Using Non-linear Regression Up to this point we have considered that the dependent variable is a linear function of one or several independent variables. For some situations the relationship of the dependent variable, y, may be non-linear but a curvilinear function of one independent variable, x. Examples of these are: the sales of mobile phones from about 1995 to 2000; the increase of HIV contamination in


Statistics for Business

Figure 10.8 Second-degree polynomial for house prices. 6,000,000


y 41.0575x 2 9,594.6456x 849,828.1408 R 2 0.9653

4,000,000 Price (€)





0 0











Area (m2)

Africa; and the increase in the sale of DVD players. Curvilinear relationships can take on a variety of forms as discussed below.

Polynomial function

In Microsoft Excel we have the option of a polynomial function with the powers of x ranging from 2 to 6. A second-degree or quadratic polynomial function, where x has a power of 2 for the surface area and house price data of Table 10.7 is given in Figure 10.8. The regression equation and the corresponding coefficient of determination are as follows:

A polynomial function, takes the following general form where x is the independent variable and a, b, c, d, …, k are constants: y a bx cx2 dx3 … kxn 10(xiv) Since we only have two variables x and y we can plot a scatter diagram. Once we have the scatter diagram for this bivariate data we can use Microsoft Excel to develop the regression line. To do this we first select the data points on the graph and then from the [Menu chart] proceed sequentially as follows: ● ●

Add trend line Type polynomial power

Options Display equation on chart and Display R-squared value on chart.

yˆ 41.0575x2 9,594.6456x 849,828.1408 r2 0.9653 In Figure 10.9 we have the regression function where x has a power of 6. The regression equation

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Figure 10.9 Polynomial function for house prices where x has a power of 6. 6,000,000 y 0.0000x6 0.0001x5 0.0430x4 12.0261x3 1,712.1409x2 113,039.8930x 2,879,719.5790 R2 0.9729


Price (€)





0 0











Area (m2)

and the corresponding coefficient of determination are as follows: yˆ 0.0001x5 0.0430x4 12.0261x3 1.712,1409x2 113,039.8930x 2.879,719.5790

The exponential relationship for the house prices is shown in Figure 10.10 and the following is the equation with the corresponding coefficient of determination: yˆ 110,415.9913e0.0086x

r2 0.9298

r2 0.9729 We can see that as the power of x increases the closer is the coefficient of determination to unity or the better fit is the model. Note for this same data when we used linear regression, Figure 10.7, the coefficient of determination was 0.8623.

Exponential function An exponential function has the following general form where x and y are the independent and dependent variables, respectively, and a and b are constants: y aebx


Seasonal Patterns in Forecasting In business, particularly when selling is involved, seasonal patterns often exist. For example, in the Northern hemisphere the sale of swimwear is higher in the spring and summer than in the autumn and winter. The demand for heating oil is higher in the autumn and winter, and the sale of cold beverages is higher in the summer than in the winter. The linear regression analysis for a time series analysis, discussed


Statistics for Business

Figure 10.10 Exponential function for surface area and house prices. 6,000,000 y 110,415.9913e0.0086x R 2 0.9298


4,000,000 Price (€)





0 0











Area (m2)

early in the chapter, can be modified to take into consideration seasonal effects. The following application illustrates one approach.

Application of forecasting when there is a seasonal pattern: Soft drinks Table 10.13 gives the past data for the number of pallets of soft drinks that have been shipped from a distribution centre in Spain to various retail outlets on the Mediterranean coast. 1. Use the information in Table 10.13 to develop a forecast for 2006. Step 1. Plot the actual data and see if a seasonal pattern exists The actual data is shown in Figure 10.11 and from this it is clear that the data is seasonal.

Note that for the x-axis we have used a coded value for each season starting with winter 2000 with a code value of 1. Step 2. Determine a centred moving average A centred moving average is the average value around a designated centre point. Here we determine the average value around a particular season for a 12-month period, or four quarters. For example, the following relationship indicates how we calculate the centred moving average around the summer quarter (usually 15 August) for the current year n: 0.5 * winter(n) 1.0 * spring(n) 1.0 * summer(n) 1.0 * autumn(n) 0.5 * winter(n 1) 4 For example if we considered the centre period as summer 2000 then the centred

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Table 10.13

Sales of soft drinks.



Actual sales (pallets)



Actual sales (pallets)


Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn

14,844 15,730 16,665 15,443 15,823 16,688 17,948 16,595 16,480 17,683 18,707 17,081


Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn

18,226 19,295 19,028 17,769 18,909 20,064 19,152 18,503 19,577 20,342 20,156 19,031





Figure 10.11 Seasonal pattern for the sales of soft drinks. 23,000 22,000 21,000

Sales (pallets)

20,000 19,000 18,000 17,000 16,000 15,000 14,000 0









9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Quarter (1 winter 2000)



Statistics for Business moving average around this quarter using the actual data from Table 10.13 is as follows:

0.50 * 15,730 1.0 * 16, 665 1.0 * 15, 443 1.0 * 15, 823 0.5 * 16, 688 4 16, 035.00

0.5 * 14, 844 1.0 * 15,730 1.0 * 16, 665 1.0 * 15, 443 0.5 * 15, 823 4 15,792.88 We are determining a centred moving average and so the next centre period is autumn 2000. For this quarter, we drop the data for winter 2000 and add spring 2001 and thus

Table 10.14 1

the centred moving average around autumn 2000 is as follows:

Thus each time we move forward one quarter we drop the oldest piece of data and add the next quarter. The values for the centred moving average for the complete period are in Column 5 of Table 10.14. Note that we

Sales of soft drinks – seasonal indexes and regression.












Actual sales (pallets)

Centred moving average


Seasonal index SI


Regression forecast, y^


Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

14,844 15,730 16,665 15,443 15,823 16,688 17,948 16,595 16,480 17,683 18,707 17,081 18,226 19,295 20,028 17,769 18,909 20,064 20,965 18,503 19,577 20,342 21,856 19,031

0.97 1.02 1.06 0.95 0.97 1.02 1.06 0.95 0.97 1.02 1.06 0.95 0.97 1.02 1.06 0.95 0.97 1.02 1.06 0.95 0.97 1.02 1.06 0.95

15,240.97 15,462.69 15,719.93 16,279.60 16,246.15 16,404.41 16,930.17 17,494.00 16,920.72 17,382.50 17,646.12 18,006.33 18,713.42 18,967.10 18,892.21 18,731.60 19,414.68 19,723.03 19,776.07 19,505.37 20,100.55 19,996.31 20,616.55 20,061.97

15,438.30 15,669.15 15,899.99 16,130.84 16,361.68 16,592.53 16,823.37 17,054.22 17,285.06 17,515.91 17,746.75 17,977.60 18,208.44 18,439.29 18,670.13 18,900.98 19,131.82 19,362.67 19,593.51 19,824.36 20,055.20 20,286.05 20,516.89 20,747.74






15,792.88 16,035.00 16,315.13 16,619.50 16,845.63 17,052.13 17,271.38 17,427.00 17,706.00 18,125.75 18,492.38 18,743.50 18,914.88 19,096.38 19,309.63 19,518.50 19,693.75 19,812.00 19,958.13 20,135.50

1.0552 0.9631 0.9698 1.0041 1.0654 0.9732 0.9542 1.0147 1.0565 0.9424 0.9856 1.0294 1.0588 0.9305 0.9793 1.0279 1.0646 0.9339 0.9809 1.0103

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data cannot determine a centred moving average for winter and spring 2000 or for summer and autumn of 2005 since we do not have all the necessary information. The line graph for this centred moving average is in Figure 10.12. Step 3. Divide the actual sales by the moving average to give a period seasonal index, SIp This is the ratio, SI p

(Actual recorded sales in a period) (Moving average for the same period)

This data is in Column 6 of Table 10.14. What we have done here is compared actual sales to the average for a 12-month period. It gives a specific seasonal index for each month. For example, if we consider 2004 the ratios, rounded to two decimal places, are as in Table 10.15.

We interpret this by saying that sales in the winter 2004 are 2% below the year (1 0.98), in the spring they are 3% above the year, 6% above the year for the summer, and 10% below the year for autumn 2004 (1 0.90). Step 4. Determine an average seasonal index, SI, for the four quarters This is determined by taking the average of all the ratios, SIp for like seasons. For example, Table 10.15 indexes. Winter 0.98

Sales of soft drinks – seasonal







Figure 10.12 Centred moving average for the sale of soft drinks. 21,000

Centred moving average of pallets






15,000 0









9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Coded period (1 winter 2000)


Statistics for Business the seasonal index for the summer is calculated as follows: 1.0552 1.0654 1.0565 1.0588 1.0646 1.0601 5 The seasonal indices for the four seasons are in Table 10.16. Note that the average value of

Table 10.16 indexes.

Sales of soft drinks – seasonal



Summer Autumn Winter Spring

1.0601 0.9486 0.9740 1.0173



these indices must be very close to unity since they represent the movement for one year. These same indices, but rounded to two decimal places, are shown in Column 7 of Table 10.14. Note, for similar seasons, the values are the same. Step 5. Divide the actual sales by the seasonal index, SI This data is shown in Column 8. What we have done here is removed the seasonal effect of the sales, and just showed the trend in sales without any contribution from the seasonal period. Another way to say is that the sales are deseasonalized. The line graph for these deseasonalized sales is in Figure 10.13. Step 6. Develop the regression line for the deseasonalized sales The regression line is shown in Figure 10.14. The regression equation and the

Figure 10.13 Sales/SI for soft drinks. 21,000


19,000 Sales/SI





15,000 0









9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Coded period (1 winter 2000)

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data corresponding coefficient of determination are as follows: yˆ 230.8451x 15,207.4554 r2 0.9673 Alternatively we can use in Excel [function LINEST] by entering from Table 10.11 the x-values of Column 1 and the y-values from Column 8 to give the statistics in Table 10.17.

Using the corresponding values of a and b we have developed the regression line values as shown in Column 9 of Table 10.14. Step 7. From the regression line forecast deseasonalized sales for the next four quarters This can be done in two ways. Either from the Excel table, continue the rows down for 2006 using the code values of 25 to 28 for the four seasons. Alternately, use [function

Figure 10.14 Deseasonalized sales and regression line for soft drinks. 23,000 22,000

y 230.8451x 15,207.4554 R 2 0.9673



20,000 19,000 18,000 17,000 16,000 15,000 0




Table 10.17






9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Coded period (1 winter 2000)

Sales of soft drinks – seasonal indexes.

b, slope of the line r2, coefficient of determination

230.8451 9.0539 0.9673

15,207.4554 129.3687 307.0335

650.0810 61,282,861

22 2,073,931

a, intercept on the y-axis se, standard error of estimate degrees of freedom (n 2)



Statistics for Business

Table 10.18 1

Sales of soft drinks – forecast data. 2








Forecast sales (pallets)

Seasonal index SI

Regression forecast, y^


Winter Spring Summer Autumn

25 26 27 28

20,432 21,576 22,729 20,557

0.97 1.02 1.06 0.95

20,978.58 21,209.43 21,440.27 21,671.12

FORECAST] where the x-values are the code values 25 to 28 and the actual values of x are the code values 1 to 24 and the actual values of y are the deseasonalized sales for these same coded periods. These values are in Column 6 of Table 10.18. Step 8. Multiply the forecast regression sales by the SI to forecast 2006 seasonal sales The forecast seasonal sales are shown in Column 4 of Table 10.18. What we have done is reversed our procedure by now multiplying the regression forecast by the SI. When we developed the data we divided by the SI to obtain a deseasonalized sale and used the regression analysis on this information. The actual and forecast sales are shown in Figure 10.15. Although at first the calculation procedure may seem laborious, it can be very quickly executed using an Excel spread sheet and the given functions.

Considerations in Statistical Forecasting We must remember that a forecast is just that – a forecast. Thus when we use statistical analysis to forecast future patterns we have to exercise

caution when we interpret the results. The following are some considerations.

Time horizons Often in business, managers would like a forecast to extend as far into the future as possible. However, the longer the time period the more uncertain is the model because of the changing environment – What new technologies will come onto the market? What demographic changes will occur? How will interest rates move? An approach to recognize this is to develop forecast models for different time periods – say short, medium, and long-term. The forecast model for the shorter time period would provide the most reliable information.

Collected data Quantitative forecast models use collected or historical data to estimate future outcomes. In collecting data it is better to have detailed rather than aggregate information, as the latter might camouflage situations. For example, assume that you want to forecast sales of a certain product of which there are six different models. You could develop a model of revenues for all of the six models. However, revenues can be distorted by market changes, price increases, or exchange

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Figure 10.15 Actual and forecast sales for soft drinks. 24,000 Forecast 23,000 22,000

Sales (pallets)

21,000 20,000 19,000 18,000 17,000 16,000 15,000 14,000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Quarter (1 winter 2000)

rates if exporting or importing is involved. It would be better first to develop a time series model on a unit basis according to product range. This base model would be useful for tracking inventory movements. It can then be extended to revenues simply by multiplying the data by unit price.

Coefficient of variation When past data is collected to make a forecast, the coefficient of variation of the data, or the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean (α/μ), is an indicator of how reliable is a forecast model. For example, consider the time series data in Table 10.19.

Table 10.19

Collected data.


Product A

Product B

January February March April May June July August September s (as a sample) μ Coefficient of variation, α/μ

1,100 1,024 1,080 1,257 1,320 1,425 1,370 1,502 1,254 164.02 1,259.11 0.13

800 40 564 12 16 456 56 12 954 377.58 323.33 1.17



Statistics for Business For product A the coefficient of variation is low meaning that the dispersion of the data relative to its mean is small. In this case a forecast model should be quite reliable. On the other hand, for Product B the coefficient of variation is greater than one or the sample standard deviation is greater than the mean. Here a forecast model would not be as reliable. In situations like this perhaps there is a seasonal activity of the product and this should be taken into account in the selected forecast model. In using the coefficient of variation as a guide, care should be taken as if there is a trend in the data that will of course impact the coefficient. As already discussed in the chapter, plotting the data on a scatter diagram would be a visual indicator of how good is the past data for forecasting purposes. Note that in determining the coefficient of variation we have used the sample standard deviation, s, as an estimate of the population standard deviation, σˆ.

example, an economic model for the German economy had to be modified with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the fusion of the two Germanys. Similarly, models for the European Economy have been modified to take into account the impact of the Euro single currency.

Model accuracy All managers want an accurate model. The accuracy of the model, whether it is estimated at 10%, 20%, or say 50% can only be within a range bounded by the error in the collected data. Further, accuracy must be judged in light of control a firm has over resources and external events. Besides accuracy, also of interest in a forecast is when turning points in situations might be expected such as a marked increase (or decrease) in sales so that the firm can take advantage of the opportunities, or be prepared for the threats.

Market changes Market changes should be anticipated in forecasting. For example, in the past, steel requirements might be correlated with the forecast sale of automobiles. However plastic and composite materials are rapidly replacing steel, so this factor would distort the forecast demand for steel if the old forecasting approach were used. Alternatively, more and more uses are being found for plastics, so this element would need to be incorporated into a forecast for the demand for plastics. These types of events may not affect short-term planning but certainly are important in long-range forecasting when capital appropriation for plant and equipment is a consideration.

Models are dynamic A forecast model must be a dynamic working tool with the flexibility to be updated or modified as soon as new data become available that might impact the outcome of the forecast. For

Curvilinear or exponential models We must exercise caution in using curvilinear functions, where the predicted value yˆ changes rapidly with x. Even though the actual collected data may exhibit a curvilinear relationship, an exponential growth often cannot be sustained in the future often because of economic, market, or demographic reasons. In the classic life cycle curve in marketing, the growth period for successful new products often follows a curvilinear or more precisely an exponential growth model but this profile is unlikely to be sustained as the product moves into the mature stage. In the worked example, surface area and house prices, we developed the following twodegree polynomial equation: yˆ 41.0575x2 9,594.6456x 849,828.1408 Using this for a surface area of 1,000 m2 forecasts a house price of €32.3 million, which is

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

4,400 4,200 4,000 3,800 3,600 3,400 3,200 3,000 2,800 2,600 2,400 2,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0

06 20

05 20

04 20

03 20


























y 0.0000e0.2479x R 2 0.9191




Snowboards sold (units)

Figure 10.16 Exponential function for snowboard sales.


beyond the affordable range for most people. Consider also the sale of snowboards worked example presented at the beginning of the chapter. Here we developed a linear regression model that gave a coefficient of determination of 0.9316 and the model forecast sales of 3,248 units for 2010. Now if we develop an exponential relationship for this same data then this would appear as in Figure 10.16. The equation describing this curve is, yˆ e0.2479x The data gives a respectable coefficient of determination of 0.9191. If we use this to make a forecast for sale of snowboards in 2010 we have a value of 2.62 10216 which is totally unreasonable.

Selecting the best model It is difficult to give hard and fast rules to select the best forecasting model. The activity may be a trial and error process selecting a model and testing it against actual data or opinions. If a quantitative forecast model is used there needs to be consideration of subjective input, and vice-versa. Models can be complex. In the 1980s, in a marketing function in the United States, I worked on developing a forecast model for world crude oil prices. This model was needed to estimate financial returns from future oil exploration, drilling, refinery, and chemical plant operation. The model basis was a combined multiple regression and curvilinear relationships incorporating variables in the United States economy such as changes in the GNP, interest rates, energy consumption, chemical



Statistics for Business

Chapter Summary

production and forecast chemical use, demographic changes, taxation, capital expenditure, seasonal effects, and country political risk. Throughout the development, the model was tested against known situations. The model proved to be a reasonable forecast of future prices. A series of forecast models have been developed by a group of political scientists who study the United States elections. These models use combined factors such as public opinions in the preceding summer, the strength of the economy, and

the public’s assessment of its economic wellbeing. The models have been used in all the United States elections since 1948 and have proved highly accurate.2 In 2007 the world economy suffered a severe decline as a result of bank loans to low income homeowners. Jim Melcher, a money manager based in New York, using complex derivative models forecast this downturn and pulled out of this risky market and saved his clients millions of dollars.3

This chapter covers forecasting using bivariate data and presents correlation, linear and multiple regression, and seasonal patterns in data.

A time series and correlation A time series is bivariate information of a dependent variable, y, such as sales with an independent variable x representing time. Correlation is the strength between these variables and can be illustrated by a scatter diagram. If the correlation is reasonable, then regression analysis is the technique to develop an equation that describes the relationship between the two variables. The coefficient of correlation, r, and the coefficient of determination, r2, are two numerical measures to record the strength of the linear relationship. Both of these coefficients have a value between 0 and 1. The closer either is to unity then the stronger is the correlation. The coefficient of correlation can be positive or negative whereas the coefficient of determination is always positive.

Linear regression in a time series data The linear regression line for a time series has the form, yˆ a bx, where yˆ is the predicted value of the dependent variable, a and b are constants, and x is the time. The regression equation gives the best straight line that minimizes the error between the data points on the regression line and the corresponding actual data from which the regression line is developed. To forecast using the regression equation, knowing a and b, we insert the time, x, into the regression equation to give a forecast value yˆ. The variability around the regression line is measured by the standard error of the estimate, se. We can use the standard error of the estimate to give the confidence in our forecast by using the relationship yˆ zse for large sample sizes and yˆ tse for sample sizes no more than 30.

2 3

Mathematically, Gore is a winner, International Herald Tribune, 1 September 2000. Warnings were missed in US loan meltdown, International Herald Tribune, 20 August 2007.

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Linear regression and casual forecasting We can also use the linear regression relationship for causal forecasting. Here the assumption is that the predicted value of the dependent variable is a function not of time but another variable that causes the change in y. In causal forecasting all of the statistical relationships of correlation, prediction, variability, and confidence level of the forecast apply exactly as for a time series data. The only difference is that the value of the independent variable x is not time.

Forecasting using multiple regression Multiple regression is when there is more than one independent variable x to give an equation of the form, yˆ a b1x1 b2x2 b3x3 … bkxk. A coefficient of multiple determination, r2, measures the strength of the relationship between the dependent variable y and the various independent variables x, and again there is a standard error of the estimate, se.

Forecasting using non-linear regression Non-linear regression is when the variable y is a curvilinear function of the independent variable x. The function may be a polynomial relationship of the form y a bx cx2 dx3 … kxn. Alternatively it may have an exponential relationship of the form y aebx. Again with both these relationships we have a coefficient of determination that illustrates the strength between the dependent variable and the independent variable.

Seasonal patterns in forecasting Often in selling seasonal patterns exist. In this case we develop a forecast model by first removing the seasonal impact to calculate a seasonal index. If we divide the actual sales by the seasonal index we can then apply regression analysis on this smoothed data to obtain a regression forecast. When we multiply the regression forecast by the seasonal index we obtain a forecast by season.

Considerations in statistical forecasting When we forecast using statistical data the longer the time horizon then the more inaccurate is the model. Other considerations are that we should work with specific defined variables rather than aggregated data and that past data must be representative of the future environment for the model to be accurate. Further, care must be taken in using curvilinear models as though the coefficient of determination indicates a high degree of accuracy, the model may not follow market changes.



Statistics for Business

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 1. Safety record Situation After the 1999 merger of Exxon with Mobil, the newly formed corporation, ExxonMobil implemented worldwide its Operations Integrity Management System (OIMS), a programme that Exxon itself had developed in 1992 in part as a result of the Valdez oil spill in Alaska in 1989. Since the implementation of OIMS the company has experienced fewer safety incidents and its operations have become more reliable. These results are illustrated in the table below that shows the total incidents reported for every 200,000 hours worked since 1995.4 Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Incidents per 200,000 hours 1.35 1.06 0.98 0.84 0.72 0.82 0.65 0.51 0.38 0.37 0.38 0.25

Required 1. Plot the data on a scatter diagram. 2. Develop the linear regression equation that best describes this data. 3. Using the regression information, what is annual change in the number of safety incidents reported by ExxonMobil? 4. What quantitative data indicates that there is a reasonable relationship over time with the safety incidents reported by ExxonMobil? 5. Using the regression equation what is a forecast of the number of reported incidents in 2007? 6. Using the regression equation what is a forecast of the number of reported incidents in 2010? What are your comments about this result? 7. From the data, what might you conclude about the future safety record of ExxonMobil?


Managing risk in a challenging business, The Lamp, ExxonMobil, 2007, (2), p. 26.

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

2. Office supplies Situation Bertrand Co. is a distributor of office supplies including agendas, diaries, computer paper, pens, pencils, paper clips, rubber bands, and the like. For a particular geographic region the company records over a 4-year period indicated the following monthly sales in pound sterling as follows.

Month January 2003 February 2003 March 2003 April 2003 May 2003 June 2003 July 2003 August 2003 September 2003 October 2003 November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004

£ ‘000s 14 18 16 21 15 19 22 31 33 28 27 29 26 28 31 33 34 35 38 41 43 37 37 41

Month January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006

£ ‘000s 42 43 42 41 41 42 43 49 52 47 48 49 51 50 52 54 57 54 48 59 61 57 56 61

Required 1. Using a coded value for the data with January 2003 equal to 1, develop a time series scatter diagram for this information. 2. What is an appropriate linear regression equation to describe the trend of this data? 3. What might be an explanation for the relative increase in sales for the months of August and September? 4. What can you say about the reliability of the regression model that you have created? Justify your reasoning.



Statistics for Business

5. What are the average quarterly sales as predicted by the regression equation? 6. What would be the forecast of sales for June 2007, December 2008, and December 2009? Which would be the most reliable? 7. What are your comments about the model you have created and its use as a forecasting tool?

3. Road deaths Situation The table below gives the number of people killed on French roads since 1980.5 Year




1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991

12,543 12,400 12,400 11,833 11,500 10,300 10,833 9,855 10,548 10,333 10,600 9,967

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

9,083 8,500 8,333 8,000 8,067 7,989 8,333 7,967 7,580 7,720 7,242

Required 1. Plot the data on a scatter diagram. 2. Develop the linear regression equation that best describes this data. 3. Is the linear equation a good forecasting tool for forecasting the future value of the road deaths? What quantitative piece of data justifies your response? 4. Using the regression information, what is the yearly change of the number of road deaths in France? 5. Using the regression information, what is the forecast of road deaths in France in 2010? 6. Using the regression information, what is the forecast of road deaths in France in 2030? 7. What are your comments about the forecast data obtained in Questions 5 and 6?


Metro-France 16 May 2003, p. 2.

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

4. Carbon dioxide Situation The data below gives the carbon dioxide emissions, CO2, for North America, in millions of metric tons carbon equivalent. Carbon dioxide is one of the gases widely believed to cause global warming.6 Year

North America

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

1,600 1,625 1,650 1,660 1,750 1,790 1,800 1,825 1,850 1,800

Required 1. Plot the information on a time series scatter diagram and develop the linear regression equation for the scatter diagram. 2. What are the indicators that demonstrate the strength of the relationship between carbon dioxide emission and time? What are your comments about these values? 3. What is the annual rate of increase of carbon dioxide emissions using the regression relationship? 4. Using the regression equation, forecast the carbon dioxide emissions in North America for 2010? 5. From the answer in Question 3, what is your 95% confidence limit for this forecast? 6. Using the regression equation, forecast the carbon dioxide emissions in North America for 2020? 7. What are your comments about using this information for forecasting?

5. Restaurant serving Situation A restaurant has 55 full-time operating staff that includes kitchen staff and servers. Since the restaurant is open for lunch and dinner 7 days a week there are times that the restaurant does not have the full complement of staff. In addition, there are times when


Insurers weigh moves on global warming, Wall Street Journal Europe, 7 May 2003, p. 1.



Statistics for Business

staff are simply absent as they are sick. The restaurant manger conducted an audit to determine if there was a relationship between the number of staff absent and the average time that a client had to wait for the main meal. This information is given in the table below. Number of staff absent 7 1 3 8 0 4 2 3 5 9

Average waiting time (minutes) 24 5 12 30 3 16 15 20 22 27

Required 1. For the information given, develop a scatter diagram between number of staff absent and the average time that a client has to wait for the main meal. 2. Using regression analysis, what is a quantitative measure that illustrates a reasonable relationship between the waiting time and the number of staff absent? 3. What is the linear regression equation that describes the relationship? 4. What is an estimate of the time delay per employee absent? 5. When the restaurant has the full compliment of staff, to the nearest two decimal places, what is the average waiting time to obtain the main meal as predicted by the linear regression equation? 6. If there are six employees absent, estimate the average waiting time as predicted by the linear regression equation. 7. If there are 20 employees absent, estimate the average waiting time as predicted by the linear regression equation. What are your comments about this result? 8. What are some of the random occurrences that might explain variances in the waiting time?

6. Product sales Situation A hypermarket made a test to see if there was a correlation between the shelf space of a special brand of raison bread and the daily sales. The following is the data that was collected over a 1-month period.

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Shelf space (m2) 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.25

Daily sales units 12 18 21 23 18 23 25 28 30 34 32 40

Required 1. Illustrate the relationship between the sale of the bread and the allocated shelf space. 2. Develop a linear regression equation for the daily sales and the allocated shelf space. What are your conclusions? 3. If the allocated shelf space was 1.50 m2, what is the estimated daily sale of this bread? 4. If the allocated shelf space was 5.00 m2, what is the estimated daily sale of this bread? What are your comments about this forecast? 5. What does this sort of experiment indicate from a business perspective?

7. German train usage Situation The German rail authority made an analysis of the number of train users on the network in the southern part of the country since 1993 covering the months for June, July, and August. The Transport Authority was interested to see if they could develop a relationship between the number of users and another easily measurable variable. In this way they would have a forecasting tool. The variables they selected for developing their models were the unemployment rate in this region and the number of foreign tourists visiting Germany. The following is the data collected: Year

Unemployment rate (%)

No. of tourists (millions)

Train users (millions)

1993 1994 1995 1996

11.5 12.7 9.7 10.4

7 2 6 4

15 8 13 11 (Continued)



Statistics for Business


Unemployment rate (%)

No. of tourists (millions)

Train users (millions)

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

11.7 9.2 6.5 8.5 9.7 7.2 7.7 12.7

14 15 16 12 14 20 15 7

25 27 28 20 27 44 34 17

Required 1. Illustrate the relationship between the number of train users and unemployment rate on a scatter diagram. 2. Using simple regression analysis, what are your conclusions about the correlation between the number of train users and the unemployment rate? 3. Illustrate the relationship between the number of train users and foreign tourists on a scatter diagram. 4. Using simple regression analysis, what are your conclusions about the correlation between the number of train users and the number of foreign tourists? 5. In any given year, if the number of foreign tourists were estimated to be 10 million, what would be a forecast for the number of train users? 6. If a polynomial correlation (to the power of 2) between train users and foreign tourists was used, what are your observations?

8. Cosmetics Situation Yam Ltd. sells cosmetic products by simply advertising in throwaway newspapers and by ladies who organize Yam parties in order to sell directly the products. The table below gives data on a monthly basis for revenues, in pound sterling, for sales of cosmetics each month for the last year according to advertising budget and the equivalent number of people selling full time. This data is to be analysed using multiple regression analysis. Sales revenues

Advertising budget

Sales persons

No. of yam parties

721,200 770,000 580,000 910,000 315,400

47,200 54,712 25,512 94,985 13,000

542 521 328 622 122

101 67 82 75 57

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Sales revenues

Advertising budget

Sales persons

No. of yam parties

587,500 515,000 594,500 957,450 865,000 1,027,000 965,000

46,245 36,352 25,847 64,897 67,000 97,000 77,000

412 235 435 728 656 856 656

68 84 85 81 37 99 100

Required 1. Develop a two-independent-variable multiple regression model for the sales revenues as a function of the advertising budget, and the number of sales persons. Does the relationship appear strong? Quantify. 2. From the answer developed in Question 1, assume for a particular month it is proposed to allocate a budget of £30,000 and there will be 250 sales persons available. In this case, what would be an estimate of the sales revenues for that month? 3. What are the 95% confidence intervals for Question 2? 4. Develop a three-independent-variable multiple regression model for the sales revenues as a function of the advertising budget, the number of sales persons, and the number of Yam parties. Does the relationship appear strong? Quantify. 5. From the answer developed in Question 4, assume for a particular month it is proposed to allocate a budget of $US 4,000 to use 30 sales persons, with a target to make 21,000 sales contacts. Then what would be an estimate of the sales for that month? 6. What are the 95% confidence intervals for Question 5?

9. Hotel revenues Situation A hotel franchise in the United States has collected the revenue data in the following table for the several hotels in its franchise. Year

Revenues ($millions)

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

35 37 44 51 50 58 59 (Continued)



Statistics for Business


Revenues ($millions)

2003 2004 2005

82 91 104

Required 1. From the given information develop a linear regression model of the time period against revenues. 2. What is the coefficient of determination for relationship developed in Question 1? 3. What is the annual revenue growth rate based on the given information? 4. From the relationship in Question 1, forecast the revenues in 2008 and give the 90% confidence limits. 5. From the relationship in Question 1, forecast the revenues in 2020 and give the 90% confidence limits. 6. From the given information develop a two-degree polynomial regression model of the time period against revenues. 7. What is the coefficient of determination for relationship developed in Question 6? 8. From the relationship in Question 6, forecast the revenues in 2008. 9. From the relationship in Question 6, forecast the revenues in 2020. 10. What are your comments related to making a forecast for 2008 and 2020?

10. Hershey Corporation Situation Dan Smith has in his investment portfolio shares of Hershey Company, Pennsylvania, United States of America, a Food Company well known for its chocolate. Dan bought a round lot (100 shares) in September 1988 for $28.500 per share. Since that date, Dan participated in Hershey’s reinvestment programme. That meant he reinvested all quarterly dividends into the purchase of new shares. In addition, from time to time, he made optional cash investment for new shares. The share price, and the number of shares held by Dan, at the end of each quarter since the time of the initial purchase, and the 1st quarter 2007, is given in Table 1. Table 1

Table Hershey.

End of month September 1988 December March 1989

Price ($/share)

No. of shares

End of month

Price ($/share)

No. of shares

28.500 25.292 26.089

100.0000 100.6919 101.3673

June September December 1989

31.126 31.500 35.010

101.9373 102.4734 102.9584

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Table 1


End of month

Price ($/share)

No. of shares

End of month

Price ($/share)

No. of shares

March 1990 June September December 1990 March 1991 June September December 1991 March 1992 June September December 1992 March 1993 June September December 1993 March 1994 June September December 1994 March 1995 June September December 1995 March 1996 June September December 1996 March 1997 June September December 1997 March 1998 June September

31.250 36.500 35.722 37.995 38.896 42.375 39.079 39.079 41.317 40.106 44.500 45.500 53.000 49.867 51.824 49.928 49.618 43.971 45.640 48.235 50.210 53.272 62.938 67.170 73.625 71.305 45.261 44.625 49.750 57.081 55.810 63.738 71.233 69.504 67.404

103.5043 118.5097 119.8518 120.5615 133.9852 134.6966 135.5411 148.6803 149.5619 150.4756 151.3886 152.2869 153.0627 173.0976 174.0996 175.1457 176.2047 177.4068 178.6702 179.8740 181.0383 191.3792 192.4739 193.5055 194.4516 201.9192 405.6230 407.4409 409.0789 410.5122 412.1304 413.5529 414.8302 416.1432 417.6250

December 1998 March 1999 June September December 1999 March 2000 June September December 2000 March 2001 June September December 2001 March 2002 June September December 2002 March 2003 June September December 2003 March 2004 June September December 2004 March 2005 June September December 2005 March 2006 June September December 2006 March 2007

63.000 61.877 55.500 52.539 48.999 41.996 53.967 46.375 59.625 65.250 60.600 66.300 65.440 68.750 64.280 73.280 66.062 63.254 72.100 72.665 77.580 84.939 46.323 48.350 56.239 62.209 64.524 57.600 57.845 52.809 54.001 51.625 50.980 53.928

426.6189 428.2736 430.1256 432.2541 434.5491 437.2394 439.3459 441.9986 444.0742 445.9798 448.0405 450.0847 452.1652 454.1548 456.2920 458.3312 460.6034 462.9882 465.0912 467.6194 470.0003 472.1860 948.3983 952.7137 956.4406 959.8230 963.0956 967.1921 971.2886 975.7948 980.2219 985.3484 990.5670 995.5265

Required 1. For the data given and using a coded value for the quarter starting at unity for September 1988, develop a line graph for the price per share. How might you explain the shape of the line graph? 2. For the data given and using a coded value for the quarter starting at unity for September 1988, develop a time series scatter diagram for the asset value (value of



Statistics for Business

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

the portfolio) of the Hershey stock. Show on the scatter diagram graph the linear regression line for the asset value. What is the equation that represents the linear regression line? What information indicates quantitatively the accuracy of the asset value and time for this model? Would you say that the regression line could be used to reasonably forecast future values? From the linear regression equation, what is the annual average growth rate in dollars per year of the asset value of the portfolio? Dan plans to retire at the end of December in 2020 (4th quarter 2020). Using the linear regression equation, what is a forecast of the value of Dan’s assets in Hershey stock at this date? At a 95% confidence level, what are the upper and lower values of assets at the end of December 2020? What occurrences or events could affect the accuracy of forecasting the value of Hershey’s asset value in 2020? Qualitatively, would you think there is great risk for Dan in finding that the value of his assets is significantly reduced when he retires? Justify your response.

11. Compact discs Situation The table below gives the sales by year of music compact discs by a selection of Virgin record stores. Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

CD sales (millions) 45 52 79 72 98 99 138 132 152 203

Required 1. Plot the data on a scatter diagram. 2. Develop the linear regression equation that best describes this data. Is the equation a good forecasting tool for CD record sales? What quantitative piece of data justifies your response?

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

3. 4. 5. 6.

From the linear regression function, what is the forecast for CD sales in 2007? From the linear regression function, what is the forecast for CD sales in 2020? Does a second-degree polynomial regression line have a better fit for this data? Why? What would be the forecast for record sales calls in 2007 using the polynomial relationship developed in Question 5? 7. What would be the forecast for record sales calls in 2020 using the polynomial relationship developed in Question 5? 8. What are your comments regarding using the linear and polynomial function to forecast compact disc sales?

12. United States imports Situation The data in Table 1 is the amount of goods imported into the United States from 1960 until 2006.7 (This is the same information presented in the Box Opener “Value of imported goods into the States” of this chapter.)

Table 1



Imported goods ($millions)


Imported goods ($millions)


Imported goods ($millions)

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975

14,758 14,537 16,260 17,048 18,700 21,510 25,493 26,866 32,991 35,807 39,866 45,579 55,797 70,499 103,811 98,185

1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991

124,228 151,907 176,002 212,007 249,750 265,067 247,642 268,901 332,418 338,088 368,425 409,765 447,189 477,665 498,438 491,020

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

536,528 589,394 668,690 749,374 803,113 876,794 918,637 1,031,784 1,226,684 1,148,231 1,167,377 1,264,307 1,477,094 1,681,780 1,861,380

US Census Bureau, Foreign Trade division, goods, 8 June 2007.



Statistics for Business

Required 1. Develop a time series scatter data for the complete data. 2. From the scatter diagram developed in Question 1 develop linear regression equations using just the following periods to develop the equation where x is the year. Also give the corresponding coefficient of determination: 1960–1964; 1965–1969; 1975–1979; 1985–1989; 1995–1999; 2002–2005. 3. Using the relationships developed in Question 2, what would be the forecast values for 2006? 4. Compare these forecast values obtained in Question 3 with the actual value for 2006. What are your comments? 5. Develop the linear regression equation and the corresponding coefficient of determination for the complete data and show this information on the scatter diagram. 6. Develop the exponential equation and the corresponding coefficient of determination for the complete data and show this information on the scatter diagram. 7. Develop the fourth power polynomial equation and the corresponding coefficient of determination for the complete data and show this information on the scatter diagram. 8. Use the linear, exponential, and polynomial equations developed in Questions 5, 6, and 7 to forecast the value of imports to the United States for 2010. 9. Use the equation for the period, 2002–2005, developed in Question 3 to forecast United States imports for 2010. 10. Discuss your observations and results for this exercise including the forecasts that you have developed.

13. English pubs Situation The data below gives the consumption of beer in litres at a certain pub on the river Thames in London, United Kingdom between 2003 and 2006 on a monthly basis. Month January February March April May June July August September October November December





15,000 37,500 127,500 502,500 567,500 785,000 827,500 990,000 622,500 75,000 15,000 7,500

16,200 45,000 172,500 540,000 569,500 715,000 948,600 978,400 682,500 82,500 17,500 8,500

16,900 47,000 210,000 675,000 697,500 765,000 1,098,000 1,042,300 765,000 97,500 20,000 8,200

17,100 52,500 232,500 720,000 757,500 862,500 1,124,500 1,198,500 832,500 105,000 22,500 9,700

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

Required 1. Develop a line graph on a quarterly basis for the data using coded values for the quarters. That is, winter 2003 has a coded value of 1. What are your observations? 2. Plot a graph of the centred moving average for the data. What is the linear regression equation that describes the centred moving average? 3. Determine the ratio of the actual sales to the centred moving average for each quarter. What is your interpretation of this information for 2004? 4. What are the seasonal indices for the four quarters using all the data? 5. What is the value of the coefficient of determination on the deseasonalized sales data? 6. Develop a forecast by quarter for 2007. 7. What would be an estimate of the annual consumption of beer in 2010? What are your comments about this forecast?

14. Mersey Store Situation The Mersey Store in Arkansas, United States is a distributor of garden tools. The table below gives the sales by quarter since 1997. All data are in $ ’000s. Year







Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn

11,302 12,177 13,218 11,948 11,886 12,198 13,294 11,785 11,875 12,584 13,332 12,354 12,658 13,350 14,358 13,276


Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn

13,184 14,146 14,966 13,665 13,781 14,636 15,142 13,415 14,327 15,251 15,082 14,002 14,862 15,474 15,325 14,425







Required 1. Show graphically that the sales for Mersey are seasonal. 2. Use the multiplication model, predict sales by quarter for 2005. Show graphically the moving average, deseasonalized sales, regression line, and forecast.



Statistics for Business

15. Swimwear Situation The following table gives the sale of swimwear, in units per month, for a sports store in Redondo Beach, Southern California, United States of America during the period 2003 through 2006. Month





January February March April May June July August September October November December

150 375 1,275 5,025 5,175 5,850 5,275 4,900 3,225 750 150 75

75 450 1,725 5,400 5,625 6,150 5,486 5,784 3,825 825 75 150

150 450 2,100 6,750 6,975 7,650 6,980 6,523 4,650 975 150 85

75 525 2,325 7,200 7,575 8,625 7,245 6,985 5,325 1,050 225 175

Required 1. Develop a line graph on a quarterly basis for the data using coded values for the quarters. That is, winter 2003 has a coded value of 1. What are your observations? 2. Plot a graph of the centred moving average for the data. What is the linear regression equation that describes the centred moving average? 3. Determine the ratio of the actual sales to the centred moving average for each quarter. What is your interpretation of this information for 2005? 4. What are the seasonal indices for the four quarters using all the data? 5. Develop a forecast by quarter for 2007. 6. Why are unit sales as presented preferable to sales on a dollar basis?

16. Case: Saint Lucia Situation Saint Lucia is an overseas territory of the United Kingdom with a population in 2007 of 171,000. It is an island of 616 square miles and counts as its neighbours Barbados, Saint Vincent, The Grenadines, and Martinique. It is an island with a growing tourist industry and offers the attraction of long sandy beaches, stunning nature trails, superb diving in deep blue waters, and relaxing spas.8 With increased tourism goes the demand for hotel and restaurants. Related to these two hospitality institutions is the volume of wine in thousand litres, sold per month during 8

Based on information from a Special Advertising Section of Fortune, 2 July 2007, p. S1.

Chapter 10: Forecasting and estimating from correlated data

2005, 2006, and 2007. This data is given in Table 1. In addition, the local tourist bureau published data on the number of tourists visiting Santa Lucia for the same period. This information is in Table 2. Table 1 Month

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Unit wine sales (1,000 litres) 2005



530 436 522 448 422 499 478 400 444 486 437 501

535 477 530 482 498 563 488 428 430 486 502 547

578 507 562 533 516 580 537 440 511 480 499 542

Table 2 Month

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Tourist bookings 2005



28,700 23,200 29,000 23,500 21,900 25,300 26,000 20,100 22,300 25,100 22,600 27,000

29,800 25,200 28,000 26,000 25,000 31,000 25,550 23,200 24,100 25,100 27,000 31,900

30,800 28,000 31,000 28,400 27,500 32,000 31,000 22,000 26,000 27,000 28,000 30,200

Required Use the data for forecasting purposes and develop and test an appropriate model.


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Indexing as a method for data analysis

Metal prices Metal prices continued to soar in early 2006 as illustrated in Figure 11.1, which gives the index value for various metals for the first half of 2006 based on an index of 100 at the beginning of the year. The price of silver has risen by some 65%, gold by 32%, and platinum by 21%. Aluminium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc are included in The Economist metals index curve and here the price of copper has increased by 60% and nickel by 45%.1 Indexing is another way to present statistical data and this is the subject of this chapter.


Metal prices, economic and financial indicators, The Economist, 6 May 2006, p. 105.


Statistics for Business

Figure 11.1 Metal prices. 180 170 160


150 140 130 120 110 100

6 00 ay 2 1M

ril Ap

ch 1M


ar ru Fe b 1



Economist metals index







06 20 ry Ja nu a







Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis

Learning objectives After studying this chapter you will learn how to present and analyse statistical data using index values. The subjects treated are as follows: ✔

✔ ✔

Relative time-based indexes • Quantity index number with a fixed base • Price index number with a fixed base • Rolling index number with a moving base • Changing the index base • Comparing index numbers • Consumer price index (CPI) and the value of goods and services • Time series deflation. Relative regional indexes (RRIs) • Selecting the base value • Illustration by comparing the cost of labour. Weighting the index number • Unweighted index number • Laspeyres weighted price index • Paasche weighted price index • Average quantity-weighted price index.

In Chapter 10, we introduced bivariate time-series data showing how past data can be used to forecast or estimate future conditions. There may be situations when we are more interested not in the absolute values of information but how data compare with other values. For example, we might want to know how prices have changed each year or how the productivity of a manufacturing operation has increased over time. For these situations we use an index number or index value. The index number is the ratio of a certain value to a base value usually multiplied by 100. When the base value equals 100 then the measured values are a percentage of the base value as illustrated in the box opener “Metal prices”.

time period in years and the 2nd column is the absolute values of enrolment in an MBA programme for a certain business school over the last 10 years from 1995. Here the data for 1995 is considered the index base value. The 3rd column gives the ratio of a particular year to the base value. The 4th column is the ratio for each year multiplied by 100. This is the index number. The index number for the base period is 100 and this is obtained by the ratio (95/95) * 100. If we consider the year 2000, the enrolment for the MBA programme is 125 candidates. This gives a ratio to the 1995 data of 125/95 or 1.32.

Table 11.1 Enrolment in an MBA programme.

Relative Time-Based Indexes Perhaps the most common indices are quantity and price indexes. In their simplest form they measure the relative change in time respective to a given base value.

Quantity index number with a fixed base As an example of a quantity index consider the information in Table 11.1. The 1st column is the

Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Enrolment 95 97 110 56 64 125 102 54 62 70

Ratio to base value 1.00 1.02 1.16 0.59 0.67 1.32 1.07 0.57 0.65 0.74

Index number 100 102 116 59 67 132 107 57 65 74



Statistics for Business

Table 11.2

Average price of unleaded gasoline in the United States in 2004.




Ratio to base value

Index number

January February March April May June July August September October November December

1.5920 1.6720 1.7660 1.8330 2.0090 2.0410 1.9390 1.8980 1.8910 2.0290 2.0100 1.8820

0.4206 0.4417 0.4666 0.4843 0.5308 0.5392 0.5123 0.5015 0.4996 0.5361 0.5310 0.4972

1.00 1.05 1.11 1.15 1.26 1.28 1.22 1.19 1.19 1.27 1.26 1.18

100 105 111 115 126 128 122 119 119 127 126 118

Thus, the index for 2000 is 1.32 * 100 132. We can interpret this information by saying that enrolment in 2000 is 132% of the enrolment in 1995, or alternatively an increase of 32%. In 2004 the enrolment is only 74% of the 1995 enrolment or 26% less (100% 74%). The general equation for this index, IQ, which is called the relative quantity index, is, IQ

Qn * 100 Q0


Here Q0 is the quantity at the base period, and Qn is the quantity at another period. This other period might be at a future date or after the base period. Alternatively, it could be a past period or before the base period.

a measure of inflation by comparing the general price level for specific goods and services in the economy. The data is collected and compiled by government agencies such as Bureau of Labour Statistics in the United Kingdom and a similar department in the United States. In the European Union the organization concerned is Eurostat. Consider Table 11.2 which gives the average price of unleaded regular petrol in the United States for the 12-month period from January 2004.2 (For comparison the price is also given $ per litre where 1 gallon equals 3.7850 litres.) In this table, we can see that the price of gasoline has increased 28% in the month of June compared to the base month of January. In a similar manner to the quantity index, the general equation for this index, IP, called the relative price index is,

Price index number with a fixed base Another common index, calculated in a similar way to the quantity index, is the price index, which compares the level of prices from one period to another. The most common price index is the consumer price index, that is used as


Pn * 100 P0


Here P0 is the price at the base period, and Pn is the price at another period. 2

US Department of Labor Statistics, http://data.bls. gov/cgi-bin/surveymost.

Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis

Table 11.3 Rolling index number of MBA enrolment. Year

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004


95 97 110 56 64 125 102 54 62 70

Ratio to immediate previous period

Annual change Rolling index

1.0211 1.1340 0.5091 1.1429 1.9531 0.8160 0.5294 1.1481 1.1290

102 113 51 114 195 82 53 115 113

Rolling index number with a moving base We may be more interested to know how data changes periodically, rather than how it changes according to a fixed base. In this case, we would use a rolling index number. Consider Table 11.3 which is the same enrolment MBA data from Table 11.1. In the last column we have an index showing the change relative to the previous year. For example, the rolling index for 1999 is given by (64/56) * 100 114. This means that in 1999 there was a 14% increase in student enrolment compared to 1998. In 2002 the index compared to 2001 is calculated by (54/102) * 100 53. This means that enrolment is down 47% (100 53) in 2002 compared to 2001, the previous year. Again the value of the index has been rounded to the nearest whole number.

Changing the index base When the base point of data is too far in the past the index values may be getting too high to be meaningful and so we may want to use a more

Table 11.4

Retail sales index.


Sales index 1980 ⴝ 100

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

295 286 301 322 329 345 352 362 359 395

Sales index 1995 ⴝ 100 100 97 102 109 112 117 119 123 122 134

recent index so that our base point corresponds more to current periods. For example, consider Table 11.4 where the 2nd column shows the relative sales for a retail store based on an index of 100 in 1980. The 3rd column shows the index on a basis of 1995 equal to 100. The index value for 1995, for example, is (295/295) * 100 100. The index value for 1998 is (322/295) * 100 109. The index values for the other years are determined in the same manner. By transposing the data in this manner we have brought our index information closer to our current year.

Comparing index numbers Another interest that we might have is to compare index data to see if there is a relationship between one index number and another. As an illustration, consider Table 11.5 which is index data for the number of new driving licences issued and the number of recorded automobile accidents in a certain community. The 2nd column, for the number of driving licences issued, gives information relative to a base period of 1960 equal to 100. The 3rd column gives the number of recorded automobile accidents but in this case the base period of 100 is for the year



Statistics for Business

Table 11.5 Automobile accidents and driving licenses issued. Year Driving Automobile Driving licenses accidents licenses issued 2000 ⴝ 100 issued 1960 ⴝ 100 2000 ⴝ 100 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

307 325 335 376 411 406 413 421 459 469

62 71 79 83 98 100 105 108 110 112

76 80 83 93 101 100 102 104 113 116

2000. It is inappropriate to compare data of different base periods and what we have done is converted the number of driving licences issued to a base period of the year 2000 equal to 100. In this case, in 2000 the index is (406/ 406) * 100 100. Then for example, the index in 1995 is (307/406) * 100 76 and in 2004 the index is (469/406) * 100 116. In both cases, the indices are rounded to the nearest whole number. Now that we have the indices on a common base it is easier to compare the data. For example, we can see that there appears to be a relationship between the number of new driving licenses issued and the recorded automobile accidents. More specifically in the period 1995–2000, the index for automobile accidents went from 62 to 100 or a more rapid increase than for the issue of driving licences which went from 76 to 100. However, in the period 2000–2004, the increase was not as pronounced going from 100 to 112 compared to the number of licenses issued going from 100 to 116. This could have been perhaps because of better police surveillance, a better road infrastructure, or other reasons.

Figure 11.2 gives a graph of the data where we can see clearly the changes. Comparing index numbers has a similarity to causal regression analysis presented in Chapter 10, where we determined if the change in one variable was caused by the change in another variable.

CPI and the value of goods and services The CPI is a measure of how prices have changed over time. It is determined by measuring the value of a “basket” of goods in one base period and then comparing the value of the same basket of goods at a later period. The change is most often presented on a ratio measurement scale. This basket of goods can include all items such as food, consumer goods, housing costs, mortgage interest payments, indirect taxes, etc. Alternatively, the CPI can be determined by excluding some of these items. When there is a significant increase in the CPI then this indicates an inflationary period. As an illustration, Table 11.6 gives the CPI in the United Kingdom for 1990 for all items.3 For this period the CPI has increased by 9.34%. [(129.9 118.8)/118.8]. (Note that we have included the CPI for December 1989, in order to determine the annual change for 1990.) Say now, for example, your annual salary at the end of 1989 was £50,000 and then at the end of 1990 it was increased to £54,000. Your salary has increased by an amount of 8% [(£54,000 50,000)/50,000] and your manager might expect you to be satisfied. However, if you measure your salary increase to the CPI of 9.34% the “real” value or “worth” of your salary has in fact gone down. You have less spending power than you did at the end of 1989 and would not unreasonably be dissatisfied. Consider now Table 11.7 which is the CPI in the United Kingdom for 2001 for all items. For this period the CPI has increased by only 0.70% 3 (data, 13 July 2005).

Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis

Figure 11.2 Automobile accidents and driving licences issued. 120

Index number: 2000 100







50 1994





1999 2000 Year

Automobile accidents

Table 11.6

Consumer price index, 1990.






Issued automobile licences

Table 11.7

Consumer price index, 2001.





December 1989 January 1990 February March April May June July August September October November December 1990

118.8 119.5 120.2 121.4 125.1 126.2 126.7 126.8 128.1 129.3 130.3 130.0 129.9

December 2000 January 2001 February March April May June July August September October November December 2001

172.2 171.1 172.0 172.2 173.1 174.2 174.4 173.3 174.0 174.6 174.3 173.6 173.4



Statistics for Business [(173.4 172.2)/172.2]. Say now a person’s annual salary at the end of 2000 was £50,000 and then at the end of 2001 it was £54,000. The salary increase is 8% as before [(£54,000 50,000)/50,000]. This person should be satisfied as compared to the CPI increase of 0.70% there has been a real increase in the salary and thus in the spending power of the individual.

Time series deflation In order to determine the real value in the change of a commodity, in this case salary from the previous section, we can use time series deflation. Time series deflation is illustrated as follows using first the information from Table 11.6: Base value of the salary at the end of 1989 is £50,000/year At the end of 1989, the base salary index is, 50, 000 * 100 100 50, 000 At the end of 1990, the salary index to the base period is,

At the end of 2001, the base salary index is, 50, 000 * 100 100 50, 000 At the end of 2001, the salary index to the base period is, 54, 000 * 100 108 50, 000 Ratio of the CPI at the base period to the new period is 172.2 0.9931 173.4 Multiply the salary index in 2001 by the CPI ratio to give the RVI or, 108 * 0.9931 107.25 This means to say that the real value of the salary has increased by 7.25%. In summary, if you have a time series, x-values of a commodity and an index series, I-values, over the same period, n, then the RVI of a commodity for this period is, RVI

54, 000 * 100 108 50, 000 Ratio of the CPI at the base period to the new period is, 118.8 0.9145 129.9 Multiply the salary index in 1990 by the CPI ratio to give the real value index (RVI) or, 108 * 0.9145 98.77 This means to say that the real value of the salary has in fact declined by 1.23% (100.00 98.77). If we do the same calculation using the CPI for 2001 using Table 11.7 then we have the following: Base value of the salary at the end of 2000 is £50,000/year

Current value of commodity Base value of commodity *


Base indicator * 100 Current indicator

xn I 0 * * 100 x0 I n


If we substitute in equation 11(iii) the salary and CPI information for 1990 we have the following: RVI

54, 000 118.8 * * 100 98.77 50, 000 129.9

This means a real decrease of 1.23%. Similarly, if we substitute in equation 11(iii) the salary and CPI information for 2000 we have the following: RVI

54, 000 172.2 * * 100 107.25 50, 000 173.4

This means a real increase of 7.25%.

Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis Notice that the commodity ratio and the indicator ratio are in the reverse order since we are deflating the value of the commodity according to the increase in the consumer price.

Relative Regional Indexes

comparison and then develop the relative regional index (RRI), from this base value. Value at other region Relative Value at base region regional index V0 * 100 * 100 Vb

Index numbers may be used to compare data between one region and another. For example, we might be interested to compare the cost of living in London to that of New York, Paris, Tokyo, and Los Angeles or the productivity of one production site to others. When we use indexes in this manner the time variable is not included.

Again, we multiply the ratio by 100 so that the calculated index values represent a percentage change. As an illustration, when I was an engineer in Los Angeles our firm was looking to open a design office in Europe. One of the criteria for selection was the cost of labour in various selected European countries compared to the United States. This type of comparison is illustrated in the following example.

Selecting the base value

Illustration by comparing the cost of labour

When we use indexes to compare regions to others, we first decide what our base point is for

In Table 11.8 are data on the cost of labour in various countries in terms of the statutory

Table 11.8

The cost of labour.


Australia Belgium Britain Canada Czech Republic France Greece Ireland Japan Luxembourg New Zealand Poland Portugal Slovakia South Korea Spain United States

Minimum wage plus social security contributions as percent of labour cost of average worker (%) 46 40 43 36 33 54 51 49 32 50 42 35 50 44 25 37 33

Index, United States ⴝ 100

139 121 130 109 100 164 155 148 97 152 127 106 152 133 76 112 100

Index, Britain ⴝ 100

107 93 100 84 77 126 119 114 74 116 98 81 116 102 58 86 77

Index, France ⴝ 100

85 74 80 67 61 100 94 91 59 93 78 65 93 81 46 69 61



Statistics for Business minimum wage plus the mandatory social security contributions as a percentage of the labour costs of the average worker in that country.4 In Column 3, we have converted the labour cost value into an index using the United States as the base value of 100. This is determined by the calculation (33%/33%) * 100. The base values of the other countries are then determined by the ratio of that country’s value to that of the United States. For example, the index for Australia is 139, [(46%/33%) * 100] for South Korea it is 76, [(25%/33%) * 100] and for Britain it is 130, [(43%/33%) * 100]. We interpret this index data by saying that the cost of labour in Australia is 39% more than in the United States; 24% less in South Korea than in the United States (100% 76%); and 30% more in Britain than in the United States. Column 4 of Table 11.8 gives comparisons using Britain as the base country such that the base value for Britain is 100 [(43%/43%) * 100]. We interpret this data in Column 4, for example, by saying that compared to Britain, the labour cost in Australia is 7% more, 16% more in Portugal and 16% less in Canada. Column 5 gives similar index information using France as the base country with an index of 100 [(54%/54%) * 100)]. Here, for example, the cost of labour in Australia is 15% less than in France, in Britain it is 20% less, and in South Korea it is a whopping 54% less than in France. In fact from Column 5 we see that France is the most expensive country in terms of the cost of labour and this in part explains why labour intensive industries, particularly manufacturing, relocate to lower cost regions.

Weighting the Index Number Index numbers may be unweighted or weighted according to certain criteria. The unweighted 4

Economic and financial indicators, The Economist, 2 April 2005, p. 88.

index number means that each item in arriving at the index value is considered of equal importance. In the weighted index number, emphasis or weighting is put onto factors such as quantity or expenditure in order to calculate the index.

Unweighted index number Consider the information in Table 11.9 that gives the price of a certain 11 products bought in a hypermarket in £UK for the years 2000 and 2005. If we use equation 11(ii) then the price index is, IP

Pn 96.16 * 100 * 100 129.07 P0 74.50

To the nearest whole number this is 129, which indicates that in using the items given, prices rose 29% in the period 2000 to 2005. Now, for example, assume that an additional item, a laptop computer is added to Table 11.9 to give the

Table 11.9 Eleven products purchased in a hypermarket. Item and unit size (weight, volume, or unit) Bread, loaf Wine, 75 cl Instant coffee, 200 g Cheese, kg Cereals, 750 g Lettuce, each Apples, kg Chicken, kg Milk, litre Fish, kg Petrol, litre Total

2000, P0 (£/unit)

2005, Pn (£/unit)

1.10 3.45 5.20 17.50 4.50 1.10 2.60 20.50 0.70 18.00 0.95 74.50

1.35 4.50 6.90 22.50 5.18 1.35 3.60 27.00 0.93 22.50 1.70 96.16

Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis revised Table 11.10. Again using equation 11(ii) the price index is, IP

Pn 1, 447.51 * 100 * 100 P0 2, 925.60

49.48 or an index of 49 This indicates that prices have declined by 51% (100 49) in the period 2000 to 2005. We know intuitively that this is not the case. In determining these price indexes using equation 11(ii), we have used an unweighted aggregate index meaning that in the calculation each item in the index is of equal importance. In a similar manner we can use equation 11(i) to calculate an unweighted quantity index. This is a major disadvantage of an unweighted index as it neither attaches importance or weight to the quantity of each of the goods purchased nor to price changes of high volume purchased items and to low volume purchased items. For example, a family may purchase Table 11.10 Twelve products purchased in a hypermarket. Item and unit size (weight, volume, or unit)

2000, P0 (£/unit)

2005, Pn (£/unit)

Bread, loaf Wine, 75 cl Instant coffee, 200 g Cheese, kg Cereals, 750 g Lettuce, each Apples, kg Chicken, kg Milk, litre Fish, kg Petrol, litre Laptop computer

1.10 3.45 5.20 17.50 4.50 1.10 2.60 20.50 0.70 18.00 0.95 2,850,00

1.35 4.50 6.90 22.50 5.18 1.35 3.60 27.00 0.93 22.50 1.70 1,350,00




200 lettuces/year but probably would only purchase a laptop computer say every 5 years. Thus, to be more meaningful we should use a weighted price index. The concept of weighting or putting importance on items of data was first introduced in Chapter 2.

Laspeyres weighted price index The Laspeyres weighted price index, after its originator, is determined by the following relationship: Laspeyres weighted price index

∑ Pn Q0 ∑ P0Q0

* 100


Here, ● ● ●

Pn is the price in the current period. P0 is the price in the base period. Q0 is the quantity consumed in the base period.

Note that with this method, the quantities in the base period, Q0 are used in both the numerator and the denominator of the equation. In addition, the value of the denominator ∑P0Q0 remains constant for each index and this makes comparison of successive indexes simpler where the index for the first period is 100.0. The Table 11.11 gives the calculation procedure for the Laspeyres price index for the items in Table 11.9 with the addition that here the quantities consumed in the base period 2000 are also indicated. Here we have assumed that the quantity of laptop computers consumed is 1⁄ 6 or 0.17 for the 6-year period between 2000 and 2005 Thus, from equation 11(iv), Laspeyres price index in 2000 is,

∑ Pn Q0 * 100 7, 466.50 * 100 7, 466.50 ∑ P0Q0 100.00 or 100



Statistics for Business

Table 11.11

Laspeyres price index.

Item and unit size (weight, volume, or unit)

2000, P0 (£/unit)

2005, Pn (£/unit)

Bread, loaf Wine, 75 cl Instant coffee, 200 g Cheese, kg Cereals, 750 g Lettuce, each Apples, kg Chicken, kg Milk, litre Fish, kg Petrol, litre Laptop computer

1.10 3.45 5.20 17.50 4.50 1.10 2.60 20.50 0.70 18.00 0.95 2,850.00

1.35 4.50 6.90 22.50 5.18 1.35 3.60 27.00 0.93 22.50 1.70 1,350.00




Laspeyres price index in 2000 is,

∑ Pn Q0 * 100 9, 986.00 * 100 7, 466.50 ∑ P0Q0

133.76 or 134 rounding up.

Thus, if we have selected a representative sample of goods we conclude that the price index for 2005 is 134 based on a 2000 index of 100. This is the same as saying that in this period prices have increased by 34%. With the Laspeyres method we can compare index changes each year when we have the new prices. For example, if we had prices in 2003 for the same items, and since we are using the quantities for the base year, we can determine a new index for 2003. A disadvantage with this method is that it does not take into account the change in consumption patterns from year to year. For example, we may purchase less of a particular item in 2005 than we purchased in 2000.



150 120 50 60 25 100 25 120 300 40 1,500 0.17

165.00 414.00 260.00 1,050.00 112.50 110.00 65.00 2,460.00 210.00 720.00 1,425.00 475.00

202.50 540.00 345.00 1,350.00 129.50 135.00 90.00 3,240.00 279.00 900.00 2,550.00 225.00




Quantity (units) consumed in 2000, Q0

Paasche weighted price index The Paasche price index, again after its originator, is calculated in a similar manner to the Laspeyres index except that now current quantities in period n are used rather than quantities in the base period. The Paasche equation is, Paasche price index

∑ PnQn ∑ P0Qn

* 100


Here, ● ● ●

Pn is the price in the current period. P0 is the price in the base period. Qn is the quantity consumed in the current period n.

Thus, in the Paasche weighted price index, unlike, the Laspeyres weighted price index, the value of the denominator ∑P0Qn changes according to the period with the value of Qn. The Paasche price index is illustrated by Table 11.12, which has the same prices for the base period but

Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis

Table 11.12

Paasche price index.

Item and unit size (weight, volume, or unit)

2000, P0 (£/unit)

2005, Pn (£/unit)

Quantity consumed in 2005, Qn

P 0 * Qn

Pn * Qn

Bread, loaf Wine, 75 cl Instant coffee, 200 g Cheese, kg Cereals, 750 g Lettuce, each Apples, kg Chicken, kg Milk, litre Fish, kg Petrol, litre Laptop computer

1.10 3.45 5.20 17.50 4.50 1.10 2.60 20.50 0.70 18.00 0.95 2,850.00

1.35 4.50 6.90 22.50 5.18 1.35 3.60 27.00 0.93 22.50 1.70 1,350.00

75 80 60 20 10 200 50 200 300 80 800 0.17

82.50 276.00 312.00 350.00 45.00 220.00 130.00 4,100.00 210.00 1,440.00 760.00 475.00

101.25 360.00 414.00 450.00 51.80 270.00 180.00 5,400.00 279.00 1,800.00 1,360.00 225.00







the quantities are for the current consumption period. These revised quantities show that perhaps the family is becoming more health conscious, in that the consumption of bread, wine, coffee, cheese, and petrol (family members walk) is down whereas the consumption of lettuce, apples, fish, and chicken (white meat) is up. Thus, using equation 11(v), Paasche price index in 2000 is,

∑ Pn Qn ∑ P0Qn

* 100

8, 400.50 * 100 8, 400.50

100.00 or 100 Paasche price index in 2005 is,

∑ Pn Qn ∑ P0Qn

* 100

10, 891.05 * 100 8, 400.50

129.65 or 130 rounding up. Thus, with the Paasche index using revised consumption patterns it indicates that the prices have increased 30% in the period 2000 to 2005.

Average quantity-weighted price index In the Laspeyres method we used quantities consumed in early periods and in the Paasche method quantities consumed in later periods. As we see from Tables 11.11 and 11.12 there were changes in consumption patterns so that we might say that the index does not fairly represent the period in question. An alternative approach to the Laspeyres and Paasches methods is to use fixed quantity values that are considered representative of the consumption patterns within the time periods considered. These fixed quantities can be the average quantities consumed within the time periods considered or some other appropriate fixed values. In this case, we have an average quantity weighted price index as follows: Average quantity-weighted price index

∑ Pn Qa ∑ P0Qa

* 100




Statistics for Business Here, ● ● ●

Average quantity weighted price index in 2005 is,

Pn is the price in the current period. P0 is the price in the base period. Qa is the average quantity consumed in the total period in consideration.

The new data is given in Table 11.13. From equation 11(vi) using this information, Average quantity weighted price index in 2000 is,

∑ PnQa ∑ P0Qa

* 100

7, 933.50 * 100 7, 933.50

100.00 or 100

Table 11.13

∑ Pn Qa ∑ P0Qa

* 100

10, 438.53 * 100 7, 933.50

131.58 or 132. Rounding up this indicates that prices have increased 32% in the period. This average quantity consumed is in fact a fixed quantity and so this approach is sometimes referred to as a fixed weight aggregate price index. The usefulness of this index is that we have the flexibility to choose the base price P0 and the fixed weight Qa. Here we have used an average weight but this fixed quantity can be some other value that we consider more appropriate.

Average price index

Item and unit size (weight, volume, or unit)

Average quantity consumed between 2000 and 2005, Qa



2000, P0 (£/unit)

2005, Pn (£/unit)

Bread, loaf Wine, 75 cl Instant coffee, 200 g Cheese, kg Cereals, 750 g Lettuce, each Apples, kg Chicken, kg Milk, litre Fish, kg Petrol, litre Laptop computer

1.10 3.45 5.20 17.50 4.50 1.10 2.60 20.5 0.70 18.00 0.95 2,850.00

1.35 4.50 6.90 22.50 5.18 1.35 3.60 27.00 0.93 22.50 1.70 1,350.00

112.50 100.00 55.00 40.00 17.50 150.00 37.50 160.00 300.00 60.00 1,150.00 0.17

123.75 345.00 286.00 700.00 78.75 165.00 97.50 3,280.00 210.00 1,080.00 1,092.50 475.00

151.88 450.00 379.50 900.00 90.65 202.50 135.00 4,320.00 279.00 1,350.00 1,955.00 225.00







Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis

Relative time-based indexes The most common relative time-based indexes are the quantity and price index. In their most common form these indexes measure the relative change over time respective to a given fixed base value. The base value is converted to 100 so that the relative values show a percentage change. An often used price index is the CPI which indicates the change in prices over time and thus is a relative measure of inflation. Rather than having a fixed base we can have rolling index where the base value is the previous period so that the change we measure is relative to the previous period. This is how we would record annual or monthly changes. When the index base is too far in the past the index values may become too high to be meaningful. In this case, we convert the historical sales index to 100 by dividing this value by itself and multiplying by 100. The new relative index values are then the old values divided by the historical index value. Relative index values can be compared to others to see if there is a relationship between one index and another. This is analogous to causal regression analysis where we establish whether the change in one variable is caused by the change in another variable. A useful comparison of indexes is to compare the index of wage or salary changes to see if they are in line with the change in the CPI. To do this we use a time series deflation which determines the real value in the change of a commodity.

Relative regional indexes The goal of relative regional indexes (RRIs) is to compare the data values at one region to that of a base region. Some RRIs might be the cost of living in other locations compared to say New York; the price of housing in major cities compared to say London; or as illustrated in the chapter, the cost of labour compared to France. There can be many RRIs depending on the values that we wish to compare.

Weighting the index An unweighted index is one where each element used to calculate the index is considered to have equal value. A weighted price index is where different weights are put onto the index to indicate their importance in calculating the index. The Laspeyres price index is where the index is weighted by multiplying the price in the current period, by the quantity of that item consumed in the base period, and dividing the total value by the sum of the product of the price in the base period and the consumption in the base period. A criticism of this index is that if the time period is long it does not take into account changing consumption patterns. An alternative to the Laspeyres index is the Paasche weighted price index, which is the ratio of total product of current consumption and current price, divided by the total product of current consumption and base price. An alternative to both the Laspeyres and Paasche index is to use an average of the quantity consumed during the period considered. In this way, the index is fairer and more representative of consumption patterns in the period.

Chapter Summary

This chapter has introduced relative time-based indexes, RRIs, and weighted indexes as a way to present and analyse statistical data.



Statistics for Business

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 1. Backlog Situation Fluor is a California-based engineering and constructing company that designs and builds power plants, oil refineries, chemical plants, and other processing facilities. In the following table are the backlog revenues of the firm in billions of dollar since 1988.5 Backlog is the amount of work that the company has contracted but which has not yet been executed. Normally, the volume of work is calculated in terms of labour hours and material costs and this is then converted into estimated revenues. The backlog represents the amount of work that will be completed in the future.


Backlog ($billions)


Backlog ($billions)


Backlog ($billions)

1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

6.659 8.361 9.558 11.181 14.706 14.754

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

14.022 14.725 15.800 14.400 12.645 9.142

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

10.000 11.500 9.710 10.607 14.766 14.900

Required 1. Develop the quantity index numbers for this data where 1988 has an index value of 100. 2. How would you describe the backlog of the firm, based on 1988, in 1989, 2000, and 2005? 3. Develop the quantity index for this data where the year 2000 has an index value of 100. 4. How would you describe the backlog of the firm, based on 2000, in 1989, 1993, and 2005? 5. Why is an index number based on 2000 preferred to an index number of 1988? 6. Develop a rolling quantity index from 1988 based on the change from the previous period. 7. Using the rolling quantity index, how would you describe the backlog of the firm, in 1990, 1994, 1998, and 2004?


Fluor Corporation Annual reports.

Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis

2. Gold Situation The following table gives average spot prices of gold in London since 1987.6 In 1969 the price of gold was some $50/ounce. In 1971 President Nixon allowed the $US to float by eliminating its convertibility into gold. Concerns over the economy and scarcity of natural resources resulted in the gold price reaching $850/ounce in 1980 which coincided with peaking inflation rates. The price of gold bottomed out in 2001. Year

Gold price ($/ounce)


Gold price ($/ounce)

1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

446 437 381 384 362 344 360 384 384 388

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

331 294 279 279 271 310 364 410 517

Required 1. Develop the price index numbers for this data where 1987 has an index value of 100. 2. How would you describe gold prices, based on 1987, in 1996, 2001, and 2005? 3. Develop the price index numbers for this data where the year 1996 has an index value of 100. 4. How would you describe gold prices, based on 1996, in 1987, 2001, and 2005? 5. Why is an index number based on 1996 preferred to an index number of 1987? 6. Develop a rolling price index from 1987 based on the change from the previous period. 7. Using the rolling price index, which year saw the biggest annual decline in the price of gold? 8. Using the rolling price index, which year saw the biggest annual increase in the price of gold?

3. United States gasoline prices Situation The following table gives the mid-year price of regular gasoline in the United States in cents/gallon since 19907 and the average crude oil price for the same year in $/bbl.8 6

Newmont, 2005 Annual Report. US Department of Energy, (consulted July 2006). 8 (consulted July 2006). 7



Statistics for Business


1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Price of regular grade gasoline (cents/US gallon) 119.10 112.40 112.10 106.20 116.10 112.10 120.10 121.80 100.40 121.20 142.00 134.70 136.50 169.30 185.40 251.90 292.80

Oil price ($/bbl)

20 38 20 19 18 19 20 22 19 12 15 30 25 25 27 35 62

Required 1. Develop the price index for regular grade gasoline where 1990 has an index value of 100. 2. How would you describe gasoline prices based on 1990, in 1993, 1998, and 2005? 3. Develop the price index numbers for this data where 2000 has an index value of 100. 4. How would you describe gasoline prices, based on 2000, in 1993, 1998, and 2005? 5. Why might an index number based on 2000 be preferred to an index number of 1990? 6. Develop a rolling price index from 1990 based on the change from the previous period. 7. Using the rolling price index, which year saw the biggest annual increase in the price of regular gasoline? 8. Develop the price index for crude oil prices where 1990 has an index value of 100. 9. Plot the index values of the gasoline prices developed in Question 1 to the crude oil index values developed in Question 8. 10. What are your comments related to the graphs you developed in Question 9?

4. Coffee prices Situation The following table gives the imported price of coffee into the United Kingdom since 1975 in United States cents/pound.9 9

International Coffee Organization, (consulted July 2006).

Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis


US cents/1b


US cents/1b

1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989

329.17 455.65 1,009.11 809.51 979.83 1,011.30 804.84 734.45 730.29 699.54 923.46 965.52 1,103.30 1,102.09 1,027.61

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

1,119.13 1,066.80 872.84 817.9 1,273.55 1,340.47 1,374.08 1,567.51 1,477.39 1,339.49 1,233.10 1,181.65 1,273.58 1,421.21 1,530.94

Required 1. Develop the price index for the imported coffee prices where 1975 has an index value of 100. 2. How would you describe coffee prices based on 1975, in 1985, 1995, and 2004? 3. Develop the price index for the imported coffee prices where 1990 has an index value of 100. 4. How would you describe coffee prices based on 1990, in 1985, 1995, and 2004? 5. Develop the price index for the imported coffee prices where 2000 has an index value of 100. 6. How would you describe coffee prices based on 2000, in 1985, 1995, and 2004? 7. Which index base do you think is the most appropriate? 8. Develop a rolling price index from 1975 based on the change from the previous period. 9. Using the rolling price index, which year and by what amount was the biggest annual increase in the price of imported coffee? 10. Using the rolling price index, which year and by what amount, was the annual decrease in the price of imported coffee? 11. Why are coffee prices not a good measure of the change in the cost of living?

5. Boeing Situation The following table gives summary financial and operating data for the United States Aircraft Company Boeing.10 All the data is in $US millions except for the earnings per share. 10

The Boeing Company 2005 Annual Report.



Statistics for Business

Revenues Net earnings Earnings/share Operating margins (%) Backlog






54,845 2,572 3.19 5.10 160,473

52,457 1,872 2.24 3.80 109,600

50,256 718 0.85 0.80 104,812

53,831 492 2.84 6.40 104,173

57,970 2,827 3.40 6.20 106,591

Required 1. 2. 3. 4.

Develop the index numbers for revenues using 2005 as the base. How would you describe the revenues for 2001 using the base developed in Question 1? Develop the index numbers for earnings/share using 2001 as the base? How would you describe the earnings/share for 2005 using the base developed in Question 3? 5. Develop a rolling index for revenues since 2001. 6. Use the index values developed in Question 5, how would you describe the progression of revenues?

6. Ford Motor Company Situation The following table gives selected financial data for the Ford Motor Company since 1992.11 Year

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005


Revenues automotive ($millions) 84,407 91,568 107,137 110,496 116,886 121,976 118,017 135,029 140,777 130,827 134,425 138,253 147,128 153,503

Net income total company ($millions) 7,835 2,529 5,308 4,139 4,446 6,920 22,071 7,237 3,467 5,453 980 495 3,487 2,024

Stock price, high ($/share) 8.92 12.06 12.78 12.00 13.59 18.34 33.76 37.30 31.46 31.42 18.23 17.33 17.34 14.75

Stock price, low ($/share) 5.07 7.85 9.44 9.03 9.94 10.95 15.64 25.42 21.69 14.70 6.90 6.58 12.61 7.57

Ford Motor Company Annual Reports, 2002 and 2005.

Dividends ($/share)

Vehicle sales North America units 000s

0.80 0.80 0.91 1.23 1.47 1.65 1.72 1.88 1.80 1.05 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40

3,693 4,131 4,591 4,279 4,222 4,432 4,370 4,787 4,933 4,292 4,402 4,020 3,915

Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis

Required 1. 2. 3. 4.

Develop the index numbers for revenues using 1992 as the base. How would you describe the revenues for 2005 using the base developed in Question 1? Develop the rolling index for revenues starting from 1992. Using the rolling index based on the previous period, in which years did the revenues decline, and by how much? 5. Develop the index numbers for North American vehicle sales using 1992 as the base. 6. Based on the index numbers developed in Question 5 which was the best comparative year for vehicle sales, and which was the worst? 7. From the information given, and from the data that you have developed, how would you describe the situation of the Ford Motor Company?

7. Drinking Situation In Europe, alcohol consumption rates are rising among the young. The following table gives the percentage of 15- and 16-year olds who admitted to being drunk 3 times or more in a 30-day period in 2003.12 Country


Britain Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Portugal Sweden

23.00 26.00 16.00 3.00 10.00 3.00 26.00 7.00 3.00 9.00

Required 1. Using Britain as the base, develop a relative regional index for the percentage of 15- and 16-year olds who admitted to being drunk 3 times or more in a 30-day period. 2. Using the index for Britain developed in Question 1, how would you describe the percentage of 15- and 16-year olds who admitted to being drunk 3 times or more in a 30-day period in Ireland, Greece, and Germany? 3. Using France as the base, develop a relative regional index for the percentage of 15- and 16-year olds who admitted to being drunk 3 times or more in a 30-day period. 4. Using the index for France developed in Question 3, how would you describe the percentage of 15- and 16-year olds who admitted to being drunk 3 times or more in a 30-day period in Ireland, Greece, and Germany? 12

Europe at tipping point, International Herald Tribune, 26 June 2006, p. 1 and 4.



Statistics for Business

5. Using Denmark as the base, develop a relative regional index for the percentage of 15- and 16-year olds who admitted to being drunk 3 times or more in a 30-day period. 6. Using the index for Denmark developed in Question 3, how would you describe the percentage of 15- and 16-year olds who admitted to being drunk 3 times or more in a 30-day period in Ireland, Greece, and Germany? 7. Based on the data what general conclusions can you draw?

8. Part-time work Situation The following table gives the people working part time in 2005 by country as a percentage of total employment and also the percentage of those working part time who are women. Part-time work is defined as working less than 30 hours/week.13 Country

Australia Austria Belgium Britain Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Japan The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United States

Working part time, percentage of total employment

Percentage of part timers who are women

27.00 16.00 17.80 24.50 17.90 17.70 11.50 14.00 22.00 6.00 18.00 15.00 26.00 36.00 22.00 21.00 10.00 12.00 14.50 25.50 5.50 13.00

68.30 83.80 80.80 77.30 68.60 64.10 63.60 79.10 81.40 69.60 79.10 78.00 67.70 76.30 74.80 74.60 67.90 78.00 69.50 82.70 59.40 68.40

Required 1. Using the United States as the base, develop a relative regional index for the percentage of people working part time. 2. Using the index for the United States developed in Question 1, how would you describe the percentage of people working part time in Australia, Greece, and Switzerland? 13

Economic and financial indicators, The Economist, 24 June 2006, p. 110.

Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis

3. Using the Netherlands as the base, develop a relative regional index for the percentage of people working part time. 4. Using the index for the Netherlands developed in Question 3, how would you describe the percentage of people working part time in Australia, Greece, and Switzerland? What can you say about the part-time employment situation in the Netherlands? 5. Using Britain as the base, develop a relative regional index for the percentage of people working part time who are women? 6. Using the index for Britain as developed in Question 5, how would you describe the percentage of people working part time who are women for Australia, Greece, and Switzerland?

9. Cost of living Situation The following table gives the purchase price, at medium-priced establishments, of certain items and rental costs in major cities worldwide in 2006.14 These numbers are a measure of the cost of living. The exchange rates used in the tables are £1.00 $1.75 €1.46. City

Amsterdam Athens Beijing Berlin Brussels Buenos Aires Dublin Johannesburg London Madrid New York Paris Prague Rome Sydney Tokyo Vancouver Warsaw Zagreb


Rent of 2 bedroom unfurnished apartment (£/month) 926 721 1,528 720 652 571 824 553 1,700 892 1,998 1,303 754 926 1,104 2,352 804 754 754

Bus or subway (£/ride)

1.10 0.55 N/A 1.44 1.03 0.15 1.03 N/A 2.00 0.75 1.14 0.96 0.41 0.69 1.06 1.32 1.13 0.43 N/A

Compact International disc (£) newspaper (£/copy)

15.08 13.03 12.08 12.34 13.70 6.88 14.06 17.01 11.99 13.72 10.77 11.65 14.44 14.58 11.03 12.25 10.61 13.52 13.60

1.78 1.23 2.49 1.44 1.37 2.60 1.37 2.21 1.10 1.71 0.93 1.37 1.20 1.37 1.63 0.74 1.88 1.80 N/A

Cup of coffee including service (£)

1.71 2.88 2.42 1.71 1.51 0.84 2.06 1.29 1.90 1.58 2.26 1.51 2.17 1.51 1.49 1.47 1.63 1.98 2.35

Fast food hamburger meal (£)

4.46 4.97 1.46 3.26 3.77 1.58 4.05 1.84 4.50 4.18 3.43 4.12 2.89 3.91 2.74 2.99 2.79 2.79 2.58

Global/worldwide cost of living survey ranking, 2006, htm.



Statistics for Business

Required 1. Using rental costs as the criterion, how do Amsterdam, Berlin, New York, Paris, Sydney, Tokyo, and Vancouver, compare to London? 2. Using rental costs as the criterion, how do Amsterdam, Berlin, New York, Paris, Sydney, Tokyo, and Vancouver, compare to Madrid? 3. Using rental costs as the criterion, how do Amsterdam, Berlin, New York, Paris, Sydney, Tokyo, and Vancouver, compare to Prague? 4. Using the sum of all the purchase items except rent as the criterion, how do Amsterdam, Berlin, New York, Paris, Sydney, Tokyo, and Vancouver, compare to London? 5. Using the sum of all the purchase items except rent as the criterion, how do Amsterdam, Berlin, New York, Paris, Sydney, Tokyo, and Vancouver, compare to Madrid? 6. Using the sum of all the purchase items except rent as the criterion, how do Amsterdam, Berlin, New York, Paris, Sydney, Tokyo, and Vancouver, compare to Prague? 7. Using rental costs as the criterion, how does the most expensive city compare to the least expensive city? Identify the cities.

10. Corruption Situation The Berlin-based organization, Transparency International, defines corruption as the abuse of public office for private gain, and measures the degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among a country’s public officials and politicians. It is a composite index, drawing on 16 surveys from 10 independent institutions, which gather the opinions of business people and country analysts. Only 159 of the world’s 193 countries are included in the survey due to an absence of reliable data from the remaining countries. The scores range from 10 or squeaky clean, to zero, highly corrupt. A score of 5 is the number Transparency International considers the borderline figure distinguishing countries that do not have a serious corruption problem. The following table gives the corruption index for the first 50 countries in terms of being the least corrupt.15 Country Australia Austria Bahrain Barbados Belgium Botswana Canada


Index 8.8 8.7 5.8 6.9 7.4 5.9 8.4

Country Kuwait Lithuania Luxembourg Malaysia Malta Namibia The Netherlands

Index 4.7 4.8 8.5 5.1 6.6 4.3 8.6

The 2005 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, http://www. infioplease. com (consulted July 2006).

Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis

Country Chile Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Japan Jordan South Korea

Index 7.3 5.7 4.3 9.5 6.4 9.6 7.5 8.2 4.3 8.3 5.0 9.7 7.4 6.3 5.0 7.3 5.7 5.0

Country New Zealand Norway Oman Portugal Qatar Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tunisia United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay

Index 9.6 8.9 6.3 6.5 5.9 9.4 4.3 6.1 4.5 7.0 9.2 9.1 5.9 4.9 6.2 8.6 7.6 5.9

Required 1. From the countries in the list which country is the least corrupt and which is the most corrupt? 2. What is the percentage of countries that are above the borderline limit as defined by Transparency International, in not having a serious corruption problem? 3. Compare Denmark, Finland, Germany, and England using Spain as the base. 4. Compare Denmark, Finland, Germany, and England using Italy as the base. 5. Compare Denmark, Finland, Germany, and England using Greece as the base. 6. Compare Denmark, Finland, Germany, and England using Portugal as the base. 7. What conclusions might you draw from the responses to Questions 3 to 6?

11. Road traffic deaths Situation Every year over a million people die in road accidents and as many as 50 million are injured. Over 80% of the deaths are in emerging countries. This dismal toll is likely to get much worse as road traffic increases in the developing world. The following table gives the annual road deaths per 100,000 of the population.16


Emerging market indicators, The Economist, 17 April 2004, p. 102.



Statistics for Business


Belgium Britain China Columbia Costa Rica Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador France Germany Italy Japan Kuwait Latvia Lithuania

Deaths per 100,000 people 16 5 16 18 19 39 18 42 4 6 13 8 21 25 22


Luxembourg Mauritius New Zealand Nicaragua Panama Peru Poland Romania Russia Saint Lucia Slovenia South Korea Thailand United States Venezuela

Deaths per 100,000 people 17 45 13 23 18 18 12 11 20 14 14 24 21 15 24

Required 1. From the countries in the list, which country is the most dangerous to drive and which is the least dangerous? 2. How would you compare Belgium, The Dominican Republic, France, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Russia, and Venezuela to Britain? 3. How would you compare Belgium, The Dominican Republic, France, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Russia, and Venezuela to the United States? 4. How would you compare Belgium, The Dominican Republic, France, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Russia, and Venezuela to Kuwait? 5. How would you compare Belgium, The Dominican Republic, France, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Russia, and Venezuela to New Zealand? 6. What are your overall conclusions and what do you think should be done to improve the statistics?

12. Family food consumption Situation The following table gives the 1st quarter 2003 and 1st quarter 2004 prices of a market basket of grocery items purchased by an American family.17 In the same table is the consumption of these items for the same period.


World Food Prices, (consulted July 2006).

Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis

Product unit amount

Ground chuck beef (1 lb) White bread (20 oz loaf) Cheerio cereals (10 oz box) Apples (1 lb) Whole chicken fryers (1 lb) Pork chops (1 lb) Eggs (1 dozen) Cheddar cheese (1 lb) Bacon (1 lb) Mayonnaise (32 oz jar) Russet potatoes (5 lb bag) Sirloin tip roast (1 lb) Whole milk (1 gallon) Vegetable oil (32 oz bottle) Flour (5 lb bag) Corn oil (32 oz bottle)

1st quarter 2003 ($/unit)

1st quarter 2004 ($/unit)

2.10 1.32 2.78 1.05 1.05 3.10 1.22 3.30 2.91 3.14 1.89 3.21 2.80 2.25 1.53 2.41

2.48 1.36 3.00 1.22 1.24 3.42 1.59 3.46 3.00 3.27 1.96 3.52 2.87 2.76 1.62 3.09

1st quarter 2003 quantity (units)

1st quarter 2004 quantity (units)

160 60 15 35 42 96 52 37 152 19 42 45 98 19 32 21

220 94 16 42 51 121 16 42 212 27 62 48 182 33 68 72

Required 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Calculate an unweighted price index for this data. Calculate an unweighted quantity index for this data. Develop a Laspeyres weighted price index for this data. Develop a Paasche weighted price index using the 1st quarter 2003 for the base price. Develop an average quantity weighted price index using 2003 as the base price period and the average of the consumption between 2003 and 2004. 6. Discuss the usefulness of these indexes.

13. Meat Situation A meat wholesaler exports and imports New Zealand lamb, (frozen whole carcasses) United States beef, poultry, United States broiler cuts and frozen pork. Table 1 gives the prices for these products in $US/ton for the period 2000 to 2005.18 Table 2 gives the quantities handled by the meat wholesaler in the same period 2000 to 2005. Table 1 Average annual price of meat product ($US/ton). Product New Zealand Lamb Beef, United States Poultry, United States Pork, United States








2,618.58 3,151.67 592.08 2,048.58

2,911.67 2,843.67 646.17 2,074.08

3,303.42 2,765.33 581.92 1,795.58

3,885.00 3,396.25 611.83 1,885.58

4,598.83 3,788.25 757.25 2,070.75

4,438.50 4,172.75 847.17 2,161.17

International Commodity Prices, (consulted July 2006).



Statistics for Business

Table 2

Amount handled each year (tons).








54,000 105,125 118,450 41,254

67,575 107,150 120,450 42,584

72,165 109,450 122,125 45,894

79,125 110,125 125,145 47,254

85,124 115,125 129,875 49,857

95,135 120,457 131,055 51,254

New Zealand Lamb Beef, United States Poultry, United States Pork, United States

Required 1. Develop a Laspeyres weighted price index using 2000 as the base period. 2. Develop a Paasche weighted price index using 2005 as the base period. 3. Develop an average quantity weighted price index using the average quantities consumed in the period and 2005 as the base period for price. 4. Develop an average quantity weighted price index using as the base both the average quantity distributed in the period and the average price for the period. 5. What are your observations about the data and the indexes obtained?

14. Beverages Situation A wholesale distributor supplies sugar, coffee, tea, and cocoa to various coffee shops in the west coast of the United States. The distributor buys these four commodities from its supplier at the prices indicated in Table 1 for the period 2000 to 2005.19 Table 2 gives the quantities distributed by the wholesaler in the same period 2000 to 2005. Table 1

Average annual price of commodity.








Sugar (US cents/lb) Tea, Mombasa ($US/kg) Coffee (US cents/lb) Cocoa (US cents/lb)

8.43 1.97 64.56 40.27

8.70 1.52 45.67 49.03

6.91 1.49 47.69 80.58

7.10 1.54 51.92 79.57

7.16 1.55 62.03 70.26

9.90 1.47 82.76 73.37

Table 2

Amount distributed each year (kg).

Commodity Sugar Tea Coffee Cocoa








75,860 29,840 47,300 27,715

80,589 34,441 52,429 29,156

85,197 39,310 58,727 30,640

94,904 47,887 66,618 35,911

104,759 50,966 73,427 41,219

112,311 59,632 79,303 46,545

International Commodity Prices, (consulted July 2006).

Chapter 11: Indexing as a method for data analysis

Required 1. Develop a Laspeyres weighted price index using 2000 as the base period. 2. Develop a Paasche weighted price index using 2005 as the base period. 3. Develop an average quantity weighted price index using the average quantities consumed in the period and 2005 as the base period for price. 4. Develop an average quantity weighted price index using as the base both the average quantity distributed in the period and the average price for the period. 5. What are your observations about the data and the indexes obtained?

15. Non-ferrous metals Situation Table 1 gives the average price of non-ferrous metals in $US/ton in the period 2000 to 2005.20 Table 2 gives the consumption of these metals in tons for a manufacturing conglomerate in the period 2000 to 2005. Table 1

Average metal price, $US/ton.








Aluminium Copper Tin Zinc

1,650 1,888 5,600 1,100

1,500 1,688 4,600 900

1,425 1,550 4,250 800

1,525 2,000 5,500 900

1,700 2,800 7,650 1,150

2,050 3,550 7,800 1,600

Table 2

Consumption (tons/year).

Metal Aluminium Copper Tin Zinc



53,772 75,000 18,415 36,158

100,041 93,570 13,302 48,187



86,443 63,470 106,786 112,678 14,919 22,130 32,788 47,011



126,646 79,345 21,916 49,257

102,563 126,502 18,535 31,712

Required 1. Develop a Laspeyres weighted price index using 2000 as the base period. 2. Develop a Paasche weighted price index using 2005 as the base period. 3. Develop an average quantity weighted price index using the average quantities consumed in the period and 2005 as the base period for price. 4. Develop an average quantity weighted price index using as the base both the average quantity consumed in the period and the average price for the period. 5. What are your observations about the data and the indexes obtained? 20

London Metal Exchange, (consulted July 2006).



Statistics for Business

16. Case study: United States energy consumption Situation The following table gives the energy consumption by source in the United States since 1973 in million British Thermal Units (BTUs).21 Year


Natural gas

Petroleum products







1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

12,971,490 12,662,878 12,662,786 13,584,067 13,922,103 13,765,575 15,039,586 15,422,809 15,907,526 15,321,581 15,894,442 17,070,622 17,478,428 17,260,405 18,008,451 18,846,312 19,069,762 19,172,635 18,991,670 19,122,471 19,835,148 19,909,463 20,088,727 21,001,914 21,445,411 21,655,744 21,622,544 22,579,528 21,914,268 21,903,989 22,320,928 22,466,195 22,830,007

22,512,399 21,732,488 19,947,883 20,345,426 19,930,513 20,000,400 20,665,817 20,394,103 19,927,763 18,505,085 17,356,794 18,506,993 17,833,933 16,707,935 17,744,344 18,552,443 19,711,690 19,729,588 20,148,929 20,835,075 21,351,168 21,842,017 22,784,268 23,197,419 23,328,423 22,935,581 23,010,090 23,916,449 22,905,783 23,628,207 22,967,073 23,035,840 22,607,562

34,839,926 33,454,627 32,730,587 35,174,688 37,122,168 37,965,295 37,123,381 34,202,356 31,931,050 30,231,314 30,053,921 31,051,327 30,922,149 32,196,080 32,865,053 34,221,992 34,211,114 33,552,534 32,845,361 33,526,585 33,841,477 34,670,274 34,553,468 35,756,853 36,265,647 36,933,540 37,959,645 38,403,623 38,333,150 38,401,351 39,047,308 40,593,665 40,441,180

910,177 1,272,083 1,899,798 2,111,121 2,701,762 3,024,126 2,775,827 2,739,169 3,007,589 3,131,148 3,202,549 3,552,531 4,075,563 4,380,109 4,753,933 5,586,968 5,602,161 6,104,350 6,422,132 6,479,206 6,410,499 6,693,877 7,075,436 7,086,674 6,596,992 7,067,809 7,610,256 7,862,349 8,032,697 8,143,089 7,958,858 8,221,985 8,133,222

2,861,448 3,176,580 3,154,607 2,976,265 2,333,252 2,936,983 2,930,686 2,900,144 2,757,968 3,265,558 3,527,260 3,385,811 2,970,192 3,071,179 2,634,508 2,334,265 2,837,263 3,046,391 3,015,943 2,617,436 2,891,613 2,683,457 3,205,307 3,589,656 3,640,458 3,297,054 3,267,575 2,811,116 2,241,858 2,689,017 2,824,533 2,690,078 2,714,661

1,529,068 1,539,657 1,498,734 1,713,373 1,838,332 2,037,605 2,151,906 2,484,500 2,589,563 2,615,048 2,831,271 2,879,817 2,864,082 2,840,995 2,823,159 2,936,991 3,062,458 2,661,655 2,702,412 2,846,653 2,803,184 2,939,105 3,067,573 3,127,341 3,005,919 2,834,635 2,885,449 2,906,875 2,639,717 2,649,007 2,811,514 2,982,342 2,780,755

42,605 53,158 70,153 78,154 77,418 64,350 83,788 109,776 123,043 104,746 129,339 164,896 198,282 219,178 229,119 217,290 317,163 335,801 346,247 349,309 363,716 338,108 293,893 315,529 324,959 328,303 330,919 316,796 311,264 328,308 330,554 341,082 351,671

55 111 147 109 94 55,291 59,718 62,688 63,886 66,458 68,548 69,857 70,833 70,237 69,787 68,793 66,388 65,454 64,391 63,620 64,500 64,467

28 68 60 44 37 9 22,033 29,007 30,796 29,863 30,987 35,560 32,630 33,440 33,581 30,853 45,894 57,057 69,617 105,334 114,571 141,749 149,490

Required Using the concept of indexing, describe the consumption pattern of energy in the United States. 21 Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review, June 2006 (posted 27 June 2006),

Appendix I: Key terminology and formula in statistics

Expressions and formulas presented in bold letters in the textbook can be found in this section in alphabetical order. In this listing when there is another term in bold letters it means it is explained elsewhere in this Appendix I. At the end of this listing is an explanation of the symbols used in this equation. Further, if you want to know the English equivalent of those that are Greek symbols, you can find that in Appendix III.

A priori probability is being able to make an estimate of probability based on information already available.

Asymmetrical data is numerical information that does not follow a normal distribution.

Absolute in this textbook context implies presenting data according to the value collected.

∑ PnQa * 100 ∑ P0Qa

Absolute frequency histogram is a vertical bar chart on x-axis and y-axis. The x-axis is a numerical scale of the desired class width, and the y-axis gives the length of the bar which is proportional to the quantity of data in a given class. Addition rule for mutually exclusive events the sum of the individual probabilities.


Addition rule for non-mutually exclusive events is the sum of the individual probabilities less than the probability of the two events occurring together.

Average quantity weighted price index


where P0 and Pn are prices in the base and current period, respectively, and Qa is the average quantity consumed during the period under consideration. This index is also referred to as a fixed weight aggregate price index. Average value metic mean.

is another term used for arith-

Backup is an auxiliary unit that can be used if the principal unit fails. In a parallel arrangement we have backup units.

Alternative hypothesis is another value when the hypothesized value, or null hypothesis, is not correct at the given level of significance.

Bar chart is a type of histogram where the x-axis and y-axis have been reversed. It can also be called a Gantt chart after the American engineer Henry Gantt.

Arithmetic mean is the sum of all the data values divided by the amount of data. It is the same as the average value.

Bayesian decision-making implies that if you have additional information, or based on the fact that something has occurred, certain probabilities


Statistics for Business may be revised to give posterior probabilities (post meaning afterwards).

Box plot is an alternative name for the box and whisker plot.

Bayes’ theorem gives the relationship for statistical probability under statistical dependence.

Category is a distinct class into which information or entities belong.

Benchmark is the value of a piece of data which we use to compare other data. It is the reference point.

Categorical data is information that includes a qualitative response according to a name, label, or category such as the categories of Asia, Europe, and the United States or the categories of men and women. With categorical information there may be no quantitative data.

Bernoulli process is where in each trial there are only two possible outcomes, or binomial. The probability of any outcome remains fixed over time and the trials are statistically independent. The concept comes from Jacques Bernoulli (1654 –1705) a Swiss/French mathematician. Bias in sampling is favouritism, purposely or unknowingly, present in sample data that gives lopsided, misleading, false, or unrepresentative results. Bi-modal means that there are two values that occur most frequently in a dataset. Binomial means that there are only two possible outcomes of an event such as yes or no, right or wrong, good or bad, etc. Binomial distribution is a table or graph showing all the possible outcomes of an experiment for a discrete distribution resulting from a Bernoulli process. Bivariate data involves two variables, x and y. Any data that is in graphical form is bivariate since a value on the x-axis has a corresponding value on the y-axis. Boundary limits of quartiles are Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4, where the indices indicate the quartile value going from the minimum value Q0 to the maximum value Q4. Box and whisker plot is a visual display of quartiles. The box contains the middle 50% of the data. The 1st whisker on the left contains the first 25% of the data and the 2nd whisker on the right contains the last 25%.

Causal forecasting is when the movement of the dependent variable, y, is caused or impacted by the change in value of the independent variable, x. Categories organized.

are the groups into which data is

Central limit theory in sampling states that as the size of the sample increases, there becomes a point when the distribution of the sample means, x–, can be approximated by the normal distribution. If the sample size taken is greater than 30, then the sample distribution of the means can be considered to follow a normal distribution even though the population is not normal. Central moving average in seasonal forecasting is the linear average of four quarters around a given central time period. As we move forwards in time the average changes by eliminating the oldest quarter and adding the most recent. Central tendency is how data clusters around a central measure such as the mean value. Characteristic probability is that which is to be expected or that which is the most common in a statistical experiment. Chi-square distribution is a continuous probability distribution used in this text to test a hypothesis associated with more than two populations.

Appendix 1: Key terminology and formula in statistics Chi-square test is a method to determine if there is a dependency on some criterion between the proportions of more than two populations. Class is a grouping into which data is arranged. The age groups, 20–29; 30–39; 40–49; 50–59 years are four classes that can be groupings used in market surveys. Class range

is the breadth or span of a given class.

Class width class range.

is an alternative description of the

Classical probability is the ratio of the number of favourable outcomes of an event divided by the total possible outcomes. Classical probability is also known as marginal probability or simple probability. Closed-ended frequency distribution is one where all data in the distribution is contained within the limits. Cluster sampling is where the population is divided into groups, or clusters, and each cluster is then sampled at random. Coefficient of correlation, r is a measure of the strength of the relation between the independent variable x and the dependent variable y. The value of r can take any value between 1.00 and 1.00 and the sign is the same as the slope of the regression line. Coefficient of determination, r2 is another measure of the strength of the relation between the variables x and y. The value of r2 is always positive and less than or equal to the coefficient of correlation, r.



n! x !(n x)!

Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred. Confidence interval is the range of the estimate at the prescribed confidence level. Confidence level is the probability value for the estimate, such as a 95%. Confidence level may also be referred to as the level of confidence. Confidence limits of a forecast are given by, yˆ zse, when we have a sample size greater than 30 and by yˆ tse, for sample sizes less than 30. The values of z and t are determined by the desired level of confidence. Constant value is one that does not change with a change in conditions. The beginning letters of the alphabet, a, b, c, d, e, f, etc., either lower or upper case, are typically used to represent a constant. Consumer price index is a measure of the change of prices. It is used as a measure of inflation. Consumer surveys are telephone, written, electronic, or verbal consumer responses concerning a given issue or product. Continuity correction factor is applied to a random variable when we wish to use the normalbinomial approximation.

Collectively exhaustive gives all the possible outcomes of an experiment.

Continuous data has no distinct cut-off point and continues from one class to another. The volume of beer in a can may have a nominal value of 33 cl but the actual volume could be 32.3458, 32.9584, or 33.5486 cl, etc. It is unlikely to be exactly 33.0000 cl.

Combination is the arrangement of distinct items regardless of their order. The number of combinations is calculated by the expression,

Continuous probability distribution is a table or graph where the variable x can take any value within a defined range.

Coefficient of variation of a dataset is the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean value, σ/μ.



Statistics for Business Contingency table indicates data relationships when there are several categories present. It is also referred to as a cross-classification table. Continuous random variables can take on any value within a defined range. Correlation is the measurement of the strength of the relationship between variables. Counting rules are the mathematical relationships that describe the possible outcomes, or results, of various types of experiments, or trials. Covariance of random variables is an application of the distribution of random variables often used to analyse the risk associated with financial investments. Critical value in hypothesis testing is that value outside of which the null hypothesis should be rejected. It is the benchmark value. Cross-classification table indicates data relationships when there are several categories present. It is also referred to as a contingency table. Cumulative frequency distribution is a display of dataset values cumulated from the minimum to the maximum. In graphical form this it is called an ogive. It is useful for indicating how many observations lie above or below certain values. Curvilinear function is one that is not linear but curves according to the equation that describes its shape. Data

is a collection of information.

Degrees of freedom means the choices that you have taken regarding certain actions. Degrees of freedom in a cross-classification table are (No. of rows 1) * (No. of columns 1). Degrees of freedom in a Student-t distribution are given by (n 1), where n is the sample size. Dependent variable is that value that is a function or is dependent on another variable. Graphically it is positioned on the y-axis. Descriptive statistics is the analysis of sample data in order to describe the characteristics of that particular sample. Deterministic is where outcomes or decisions made are based on data that are accepted and can be considered reliable or certain. For example, if sales for one month are $50,000 and costs $40,000 then it is certain that net income is $10,000 ($50,000 $40,000). Deviation about the mean of all observations, x, about the mean value x–, is zero. Discrete data is information that has a distinct cut-off point such as 10 students, 4 machines, and 144 computers. Discrete data come from the counting process and the data are whole numbers or integer values. Discrete random variables are those integer values, or whole numbers, that follow no particular pattern. Dispersion dataset.

is the spread or the variability in a

Data array is raw data that has been sorted in either ascending or descending order.

Distribution of the sample means is the same as the sampling distribution of the means.

Data characteristics are the units of measurement that describe data such as the weight, length, volume, etc.

Empirical probability frequency probability.

Data point

is a single observation in a dataset.

Dataset is a collection of data either unsorted or sorted.

is the same as relative

Empirical rule for the normal distribution states that no matter the value of the mean or the standard deviation, the area under the curve is always unity. As examples, 68.26% of all data

Appendix 1: Key terminology and formula in statistics

falls within 1 standard deviations from the mean, 95.44% falls within 2 standard deviations from the mean, and 99.73% of all data falls within 3 standard deviations from the mean. Estimate in statistical analysis is that value judged to be equal to the population value. Estimated standard error of the proportion σˆ p


p (1 p ) n

where –p is the sample proportion and n is the sample size. Estimated standard error of the difference between two proportions is, σˆ p

1 p2

p1q1 p2 q2 n1 n2

Estimated standard deviation of the distribution of the difference between the sample means is, σˆ x

1 x2

σˆ12 σˆ 22 n1 n2

Estimating is forecasting or making a judgment about a future situation using entirely, or in part, quantitative information. Estimator is that statistic used to estimate the population value. Event is the outcome of an activity or experiment that has been carried out. Expected value of the binomial distribution E(x) or the mean value, μx, is the product of the number of trials and the characteristic probability, or μx E(x) np. Expected value of the random variable is the weighted average of the outcomes of an experiment. It is the same as the mean value of the random variable and is given by the relationship, μx ΣxP(x) E(x).

Experiment is the activity, such as a sampling process, that produces an event. Exponential function has the form y aebx, where x and y are the independent and dependent variables, respectively, and a and b are constants. Exploratory data analysis (EDA) covers those techniques that give analysts a sense about data that is being examined. A stem-and-leaf display and a box and whisker plot are methods in EDA. Factorial rule for the arrangement of n different objects is n! n(n 1)(n 2)(n 3) … (n n), where 0! 1. Finite population is a collection of data that has a stated, limited, or a small size. The number of playing cards (52) in a pack is considered finite. Finite population multiplier for a population of size N and a sample of size n is, N n N 1 Fixed weight aggregate price index is the same as the average quantity weighted price index. Fractiles divide data into specified fractions or portions. Frequency distribution groups data into defined classes. The distribution can be a table, polygon, or histogram. We can have an absolute frequency distribution or a relative frequency distribution. Frequency polygon is a line graph connecting the midpoints of the class ranges. Functions in the context of this textbook are those built-in macros in Microsoft Excel. In this book, it is principally the statistical functions that are employed. However, Microsoft Excel contains financial, logic, database, and other functions. Gaussian distribution is another name for the normal distribution after its German originator, Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855).



Statistics for Business Geometric mean is used when data is changing over time. It is calculated by the nth root of the growth rates for each year, where n is the number of years. Graphs are visual displays of data such as line graphs, histograms, or pie charts. Greater than ogive is a cumulative frequency distribution that illustrates data above certain values. It has a negative slope, where the y-values decrease from left to right. Groups are the units or ranges into which data is organized. Histogram is a vertical bar chart showing data according to a named category or a quantitative class range.

values are a percentage of the base. The index number may be called as the index value. Index value number.

is an alternative for the index

Inferential statistics is the analysis of sample data for the purpose of describing the characteristics of the population parameter from which that sample is taken. Infinite population is a collection of data that has such a large size so that by removing or destroying some of the data elements it does not significantly impact the population that remains. Integer values are whole numbers originating from the counting process.

Historical data is information that has occurred, or has been collected in the past.

Interval estimate gives a range for the estimate of the population parameter.

Horizontal bar chart is a bar chart in a horizontal form where the y-axis is the class and the x-axis is the proportion of data in a given class.

Inter-quartile range is the difference between the values of the 3rd and the 1st quartile in the dataset. It measures the range of the middle half of an ordered dataset.

Hypothesis is a judgment about a situation, outcome, or population parameter based simply on an assumption or intuition with initially no concrete backup information or analysis. Hypothesis testing is to test sample data and make on objective decision based on the results of the test using an appropriate significance level for the hypothesis test. Independent variable in a time series is the value upon which another value is a function or dependent. Graphically the independent variable is always positioned on the x-axis. Index base value is the real value of a piece of data which is used as the reference point to determine the index number. Index number is the ratio of a certain value to a base value usually multiplied by 100. When the base value equals 100 then the measured

Joint probability is the chance of two events occurring together or in succession. Kurtosis is the characteristic of the peak of the distribution curve. Laspeyres weighted price index


∑ Pn Q0 * 100 ∑ P0Q0 where Pn is the price in the current period, P0 is the price in the base period and Q0 is the quantity consumed in the base period. Law of averages implies that the average value of an activity obtained in the long run will be close to the expected value, or the weighted outcome based on each probability of occurrence. Least square method is a calculation technique in regression analysis that determines the best

Appendix 1: Key terminology and formula in statistics straight line for a series of data that minimizes the error between the actual and forecast data.

Mean value is another way of referring to the arithmetic mean.

Leaves are the trailing digits in a stem-and-leaf display.

Mean value of random data is the weighted average of all the possible outcomes of the random variable.

Left-skewed data is when the mean of a dataset is less than the median value, and the curve of the distribution tails off to the left side of the x-axis. Left-tail hypothesis test is used when we are asking the question, “Is there evidence that a value is less than?” Leptokurtic is when the peak of a distribution is sharp, quantified by a small standard deviation. Less than ogive is a cumulative frequency distribution that indicates the amount of data below certain limits. As a graph it has a positive slope such that the y-values increase from left to right. Level of confidence in estimating is (1 α), where α is the proportion in the tails of the distribution, or that area outside of the confidence interval. Line graph shows bivariate data on x-axis and y-axis. If time is included in the data this is always indicated on the x-axis. Linear regression line takes the form yˆ a bx. It is the equation of the best straight line for the data that minimizes the error between the data points on the regression line and the corresponding actual data from which the regression line is developed. Margin of error is the range of the estimate from the true population value. Marginal probability is the ratio of the number of favourable outcomes of an event divided by the total possible outcomes. Marginal probability is also known as classical probability or simple probability. Mean proportion of successes,

μ –p p.

Median is the middle value of an ordered set of data. It divides the data into two equal halves. The 2nd quartile and the 50th percentile are also the median value. Mesokurtic describes the curve of a distribution when it is intermediate between a sharp peak, leptokurtic and a relatively flat peak, or platykurtic. Mid-hinge in quartiles is the average of the 3rd and 1st quartile. Midpoint of a class range is the maximum plus the minimum value divided by 2. Midrange is the average of the smallest and the largest observations in a dataset. Mid-spread range quartile range.

is another term for the inter-

Mode is that value that occurs most frequently in a dataset. Multiple regression is when the dependent variable y is a function of many independent variables. It can be represented by an equation of the general form, yˆ a b1x1 b2x2 b3x3 … bkxk. Mutually exclusive events not occur together.

are those that can-

Normal-binomial approximation is applied when np 5 and n(1 p) 5. In this case, substituting for the mean value and the standard deviation of the binomial distribution in the normal distribution transformation relationship we have, z

x μ x np x np σ npq np(1 p)



Statistics for Business Normal distribution, or the Gaussian distribution, is a continuous distribution of a random variable. It is symmetrical, has a single hump, and the mean, median and mode are equal. The tails of the distribution may not immediately cut the x-axis. Normal distribution density function, which describes the shape of the normal distribution is, f (x)

1 2πσx

e(1/ 2)[(xμx )/ σx ]


Normal distribution transformation relationship is, z

x μx σx

where z is the number of standard deviations, x is the value of the random variable, μx is the mean value of the dataset and σx is the standard deviation of the dataset. Non-linear regression is when the dependent variable is represented by an equation where the power of some or all the independent variables is at least two. These powers of x are usually integer values. Non-mutually exclusive can occur together.

events are those that

Null hypothesis is that value that is considered correct in the experiment. Numerical codes are used to transpose qualitative or label data into numbers. This facilitates statistical analysis. For example, if the time period is January, February, March, etc. we can code these as 1, 2, 3, etc.

ogive shows data more than certain values. An ogive can illustrate absolute data or relative data. One-arm-bandit is the slang term for the slot machines that you find in gambling casinos. The game of chance is where you put in a coin or chip, pull a lever and hope that you win a lucky combination! One-tail hypothesis test is used when we are interested to know if something is less than or greater than a stipulated value. If we ask the question, “Is there evidence that the value is greater than?” then this would be a right-tail hypothesis test. Alternatively, if we ask the question, “Is there evidence that the value is less than?” then this would be a left-tail hypothesis test. Ordered dataset is one where the values have been arranged in either increasing or decreasing order. Outcomes of a single type of event are kn, where k is the number of possible events, and n is the number of trials. Outcomes of different types of events are k1 * k2 * k3 *

* kn, where k1, k2,

, kn are the number of possible events. Outliers are those numerical values that are either much higher or much lower than other values in a dataset and can distort the value of the central tendency, such as the average, and the value of the dispersion such as the range or standard deviation. P in upper case or capitals is often the abbreviation used for probability.

Odds are the chance of winning and are the ratio of the probability of losing to the chances of winning.

Paired samples are those that are dependent or related, often in a before and after situation. Examples are the weight loss of individuals after a diet programme or productivity improvement after a training programme.

Ogive is a frequency distribution that shows data cumulatively. A less than ogive indicates data less than certain values and a greater than

Pareto diagram is a combined histogram and line graph. The frequency of occurrence of the data is indicated according to categories on the

Appendix 1: Key terminology and formula in statistics histogram and the line graph shows the cumulated data up to 100%. This diagram is a useful auditing tool.

minimum probable level that we will tolerate in order to accept the null hypothesis of the mean or the proportion.

Parallel bar chart is similar to a parallel histogram but the x-axis and y-axis have been reversed.

Point estimate is a single value used to estimate the population parameter.

Parallel arrangement in design systems is such that the components are connected giving a choice to use one path or another. Which ever path is chosen the system continues to function. Parallel histogram is a vertical bar chart showing the data according to a category and within a given category there are sub-categories such as different periods. A parallel histogram is also referred to a side-by-side histogram. Parameter describes the characteristic of a population such as the weight, height, or length. It is usually considered a fixed value. Percentiles are fractiles that divide ordered data into 100 equal parts. Permutation is a combination of data arranged in a particular order. The number of ways, or permutations, of arranging x objects selected in order from a total of n objects is, n! nP x (n x)! Pictogram is a diagram, picture, or icon that shows data in a relative form. Pictograph pictogram.

is an alternative name for the

Pie chart is a circle graph showing the percentage of the data according to certain categories. The circle, or pie, contains 100% of the data. Platykurtic is when the curve of a distribution has a flat peak. Numerically this is shown by a larger value of the coefficient of variation, σ/μ. p-value in hypothesis testing is the observed level of significance from the sample data or the

Poisson distribution describes events that occur during a given time interval and whose average value in that time period is known. The probability relationship is, P(x)

λx eλ x!

Polynomial function has the general form y a bx cx2 dx3

kxn, where x is the independent variable and a, b, c, d, …, k are constants. Population is all of the elements under study and about which we are trying to draw conclusions. Population standard deviation of the population variance.

is the square root

Population variance

is given by,


∑ (x μx )2 N

where N is the amount of data, x is the particular data value, and μx is the mean value of the dataset. Portfolio risk measures the exposure associated with financial investments. Posterior probability is one that has been revised after additional information has been received. Power of a hypothesis test is a measure of how well the test is performing. Primary data source.

is that collected directly from the

Probability is a quantitative measure, expressed as a decimal or percentage value, indicating the likelihood of an event occurring. The value



Statistics for Business

[1 P(x)] is the likelihood of the event not occurring. Probabilistic is where there is a degree of uncertainty, or probability of occurrence from the supplied data. Quad-modal is when there are four values in a dataset that occur most frequently. Qualitative data is information that has no numerical response and cannot immediately be analysed. Quantitative data is information that has a numerical response. Quartiles are those three values which divide ordered data into four equal parts. Quartile deviation is one half of the interquartile range, or (Q3 Q1)/2. Questionnaires are evaluation sheets used to ascertain people’s opinions of a subject or a product. Quota sampling in market research is where each interviewer in the sampling experiment has a given quota or number of units to analyse. Random implies that any occurrence or value is possible. Random sample is where each item of data in the sample has an equal chance of being selected. Random variable is one that will have different values as a result of the outcome of a random experiment.

Real value index (RVI) of a commodity period is, RVI

for a

Current value of commodity Base value of commodity *

Base indicator * 100 Current indicator

Regression analysis is a mathematical technique to develop an equation describing the relationship of variables. It can be used for forecasting and estimating. Relative in this textbook context is presenting data compared to the total amount collected. It can be expressed either as a percentage or fraction. Relative frequency histogram has vertical bars that show the percentage of data that appears in defined class ranges. Relative frequency distribution shows the percentage of data that appears in defined class ranges. Relative frequency probability is based on information or experiments that have previously occurred. It is also known as empirical probability. Relative price index

I P (Pn /P0 ) * 100,

where P0 is the price at the base period, and Pn is the price at another period. Relative quantity index

I Q (Qn /Q0 ) * 100

Range is the numerical difference between the highest and lowest value in a dataset.

where Q0 is the quantity at the base period and Qn is the quantity at another period.

Ratio measurement scale is where the difference between measurements is based on starting from a base point to give a ratio. The consumer price index is usually presented on a ratio measurement scale.

Relative regional index (RRI) compares the value of a parameter at one region to a selected base region. It is given by,

Raw data is collected information that has not been organized.

V Value at other region * 10 00 0 * 100 Value at base region Vb

Appendix 1: Key terminology and formula in statistics Reliability is the confidence we have in a product, process, service, work team, individual, etc. to operate under prescribed conditions without failure. Reliability of a series system, RS is the product of the reliability of all the components in the system, or RS R1 * R2 * R3 * R4 *

* Rn. The value of Rs is less than the reliability of a single component. Reliability of a parallel system, RS is one minus the product of all the parallel components not working, or RS 1 (1 R1)(1 R2)(1 R3) (1 R4)

(1 Rn). The value of RS is greater than the reliability of an individual component. Replacement is when we take an element from a population, note its value, and then return this element back into the population. Representative sample is one that contains the relevant characteristics of the population and which occur in the same proportion as in the population. Research hypothesis is the same as the alternative hypothesis and is a value that has been obtained from a sampling experiment. Right-skewed data is when the mean of a dataset is greater than the median value, and the curve of the distribution tails off to the right side of the x-axis. Right-tail hypothesis test is used when we are asking the question, Is there evidence that a value is greater than? Risk is the loss, often financial, that may be incurred when an activity or experiment is undertaken.

Sampling is the analytical procedure with the objective to estimate population parameters. Sampling distribution of the means is a distribution of all the means of samples withdrawn from a population. Sampling distribution of the proportion is a probability distribution of all possible values of the sample proportion, –p . Sampling error is the inaccuracy in a sampling experiment. Sample space gives all the possible outcomes of an experiment. Sample standard deviation, s is the square root of the sample variation, 冑苵苵 s2. Sample variance, s2 s2

is given by,

∑ (x x )2 (n 1)

where n is the amount of data, x is the particular data value, and x– is the mean value of the dataset. Sampling from an infinite population means that even if the sample were not replaced, then the probability outcome for a subsequent sample would not significantly change. Sampling with replacement is taking a sample from a population, and after analysis, the sample is returned to the population. Sampling without replacement is taking a sample from a population, and after analysis not returning the sample to the population.

Rolling index number is the index value compared to a moving base value often used to show the change of data each period.

Scatter diagram is the presentation of time series data in the form of dots on x-axis and y-axis to illustrate the relationship between the x and y variables.

Sample is the collection of a portion of the population data elements.

Score is a quantitative value for a subjective response often used in evaluating questionnaires.



Statistics for Business Seasonal forecasting is when in a time series the value of the dependent variable is a function of time but also varies often in a sinusoidal fashion according to the season.

Simple random sampling is where each item in the population has an equal chance of being selected.

Secondary data is the published information collected by a third party.

Stacked histogram shows data according to categories and within each category there are sub-categories. It is developed from a crossclassification or contingency table.

Series arrangement is when in system, components are connected sequentially so that you have to pass through all the components in order that the system functions. Shape of the sampling distribution of the means is about normal if random samples of at least size 30 are taken from a non-normal population; if samples of at least 15 are withdrawn from a symmetrical distribution; or samples of any size are taken from a normal population. Side-by-side bar chart is where the data is shown as horizontal bars and within a given category there are sub-categories such as different periods.


means that data is not symmetrical.

Standard deviation of a random variable the square root of the variance or, σ


∑ (x μx )2 P(x)

Standard deviation of the binomial distribution is the square root of the variance, or σ 冑苵苵 σ2 冑 (npq). Standard error of the difference between two proportions is, σp

1 p2

p1q1 p2q2 n1 n2

Side-by-side histogram is a vertical bar chart showing the data according to a category and within a given category there are sub-categories such as different periods. A side-by-side histogram is also referred to as a parallel histogram.

Standard deviation of the distribution of the difference between sample means is,

Significantly different means that in comparing data there is an important difference between two values.

Standard deviation of the Poisson distribution is the square root of the mean number of occurrences or, σ 冑(λ) 苵苵 .

Significantly greater means that a value is considerably greater than a hypothesized value.

Standard deviation of the sampling distribution, σx–, is related to the population standard deviation, σx, and sample size, n, from the central limit theory, by the relationship, σ σx x n

Significantly less means that a value is considerably smaller than a hypothesized value. Significance level in hypothesis testing is how large, or important, is the difference before we say that a null hypothesis is invalid. It is denoted by α, the area outside the distribution. Simple probability is an alternative for marginal or classical probability.


1 x2

σ12 σ22 n1 n2

Standard error of the estimate regression line is, se

∑ ( y yˆ )2 n 2

of the linear

Appendix 1: Key terminology and formula in statistics Standard error of the difference between two means is, σx

1 x2

σ12 σ22 n1 n2

Standard error of the proportion, σp

pq n

σp– is,

p(1 p) n

Standard error of the sample means, or more simply the standard error is the error in a sampling experiment. It is the relationship, σx

σx n

Standard error of the estimate in forecasting is a measure of the variability of the actual data around the regression line. Standard normal distribution is one which has a mean value of zero and a standard deviation of unity. Statistic describes the characteristic of a sample, taken from a population, such as the weight, volume length, etc. Statistical dependence is the condition when the outcome of one event impacts the outcome of another event.

Stratified sampling is when the population is divided into hom*ogeneous groups or strata and random sampling is made on the strata of interest. Student-t distribution is used for small sample sizes when the population standard deviation is unknown. Subjective probability is based on the belief, emotion or “gut” feeling of the person making the judgment. Symmetrical in a box and whisker plot is when the distances from Q0 to the median Q2, and the distance from Q2 to Q4, are the same; the distance from Q0, to Q1 equals the distance from Q3 to Q4 and the distance from Q1 to Q2 equals the distance from the Q2 to Q3; and the mean and the median value are equal. Symmetrical distribution is when one half of the distribution is a mirror image of the other half. System is the total of all components, pieces, or processes in an arrangement. Purchasing, transformation, and distribution are the processes of the supply chain system. Systematic sampling is taking samples from a hom*ogeneous population at a regular space, time or interval. Time series is historical data, which illustrate the progression of variables over time.

Statistical independence is the condition when the outcome of one event has no bearing on the outcome of another event, such as in the tossing of a fair coin.

Time series deflation is a way to determine the real value in the change of a commodity using the consumer price index.

Stems are the principal data values in a stemand-leaf display.

Transformation relationship is the same as the normal distribution transformation relationship.

Stem-and-leaf display is a frequency distribution where the data has a stem of principal values, and a leaf of minor values. In this display, all data values are evident.

Tri-modal is when there are three values in a dataset that occur most frequently. Type I error occurs if the null hypothesis is rejected when in fact the null hypothesis is true.



Statistics for Business Type II error is accepting a null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is not true.

istic probability, p, of success, and the characteristic probability, q, of failure, or σ2 npq.

Two-tail hypothesis test is used when we are asking the question, “Is there evidence of a difference?”

Venn diagram is a representation of probability outcomes where the sample space gives all possible outcomes and a portion of the sample space represents an event.

Unbiased estimate is one that on an average will equal to the parameter that is being estimated. Univariate data is composed of individual values that represent just one random variable, x. Unreliability is when a system or component is unable to perform as specified. Unweighted aggregate index is one that in the calculation each item in the index is given equal importance. Variable value is one that changes according to certain conditions. The ending letters of the alphabet, u, v, w, x, y, and z, either upper or lower case, are typically used to denote variables.

Vertical histogram is a graphical presentation of vertical bars where the x-axis gives a defined class and the y-axis gives data according to the frequency of occurrence in a class. Weighted average is the mean value taking into account the importance or weighting of each value in the overall total. The total weightings must add up to 1 or 100%. Weighted mean average.

is an alternative for the weighted

Weighted price index is when different weights or importance is given to the items used to calculate the index.

Variance of a distribution of a discrete random variable is given by the expression,

What if is the question asking, “What will be the outcome with different information?”

σ 2 ∑ (x μx )2 P(x)

Wholes numbers are those with no decimal or fractional components.

Variance of the binomial distribution is the product of the number of trials n, the character-

Appendix 1: Key terminology and formula in statistics

Symbols used in the equations Symbol


λ μ n N p q Q r r2 s σ σˆ se t x x– y y– yˆ z

Mean number of occurrences used in a Poisson distribution Mean value of population Sample size in units Population size in units Probability of success, fraction or percentage Probability of failure (1 p), fraction or percentage Quartile value Coefficient of correlation Coefficient of determination Standard deviation of sample Standard deviation of population Estimate of the standard deviation of the population Standard error of the regression line Number of standard deviations in a Student distribution Value of the random variable. The independent variable in the regression line Average value of x Value of the dependent variable Average value of y Value of the predicted value of the dependent variable Number of standard deviations in a normal distribution

Note: Subscripts or indices 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. indicate several data values in the same series.


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Appendix II: Guide for using Microsoft Excel in this textbook (Based on version 2003)

The most often used tools in this statistics textbook are the development of graphs and the built-in functions of the Microsoft Excel program. To use either of these you simply click on the graph icon, or the object function of the toolbar in the Excel spreadsheet as shown in Figure E-1. The following sections give more

information on their use. Note in these sections the words shown in italics correspond exactly to the headings used in the Excel screens but these may not always be the same terms as used in this textbook. For example, Excel refers to chart type, whereas in the text I call them graphs.

Figure E.1 Standard tool bar, Excel version 2003.

Generating Excel Graphs When you click on the graph icon as shown in Figure E-1 you will obtain the screen that is illustrated in Figure E-2. Here in the tab Standard Types you have a selection of the Chart type or graphs that you can produce. The key ones that are used in this text are the first five in the list – Column (histogram), Bar, Line, Pie, and XY (Scatter). When you click on any of these options you will have a selection of the various formats that are available. For example, Figure E-2 illustrates the Chart sub-type for the Column options and Figure E-3 illustrates the Chart subtypes for the XY (Scatter) option.

Assume, for example, you wish to draw a line graph for the data given in Table E-1 that is contained in an Excel spreadsheet. You first select (highlight) this data and then choose the graph option XY (Scatter). You then click on Next and this will illustrate the graph you have formed as shown in Figure E-4. This Step 2 of 4 of the chart wizard as shown at the top of the window. If you click on the tab, Series at the top of the screen, you can make modifications to the input data. If you then click on Next again you will have Step 3 of 4, which gives the various Chart options for presenting your graph. This window is shown in Figure E-5. Finally, when you again click on Next you will have Chart Location according to the screen shown in


Statistics for Business

Figure E.2 Graph types available in Excel.

Figure E.3 XY graphs selected.

Appendix II: Guide for using microsoft excel in this textbook

Table E-1 x y

Figure E.4 X, Y line graph.

Figure E.5 Options to present a graph.

1 5

x, y data. 2 9

3 14

4 12

5 21



Statistics for Business Figure E-6. This gives you a choice of making a graph As new sheet, that is as a new file for your graph or As object in, which is the graph in your spread sheet. For organizing my data I always prefer to create a new sheet for my graphs, but the choice is yours! Regardless of what type of graph you decide to make, the procedure is the same as indicated in the previous paragraph. One word of caution is

Figure E.6 Location of your graph.

Figure E.7 Adding regression line.

the choice in the Standard Types between using Line and XY (Scatter). For any line graph I always use XY (Scatter) rather than Line as with this presentation the x and y data are always correlated. In Chapter 10, we discussed in detail linear regression or the development of a straight line that is the best fit for the data given. Figure E-7 shows the screen for developing this linear regression line.

Appendix II: Guide for using microsoft excel in this textbook

Using the Excel Functions If you click on the fx object in the tool bar as shown in Figure E-1, and select, All, in the command, Or select a category, you will have the screen as shown in Figure E-8. This gives a listing of all the functions that are available in Excel in alphabetical order. When you highlight a function it tells you its purpose. For example, here the function ABS is highlighted and it says

on the bottom of the screen, Returns the absolute value of a number, a number without its sign. If you are in doubt and you want further information about using a particular function you have, “Help on this function” at the bottom of the screen. Table E-2 gives those functions that are used in this textbook and their use. Each function indicated can be found in appropriate chapters of this textbook. (Note, for those living south of the Isle of Wight, you have the equivalent functions in French!)

Figure E.8 Selecting functions in Excel.

Table E-2

Excel functions used in this book.



For determining







Gives the absolute value of a number. That is the negative numbers are ignored Mean value of a dataset Cumulative distribution exponential function, given the value of the ransom variable x and the mean value λ. Use a value of cumulative 1 Rounds up a number to the nearest integer value



Statistics for Business

Table E-2

Excel functions used in this book. (Continued)



For determining































Gives the area in the chi-distribution when you enter the chi-square value and the degrees of freedom Gives the chi-square value when you enter the area in the chi-square distribution and the degrees of freedom Gives the area in the chi-square distribution when you enter the observed and expected frequency values Gives the number of combinations of arranging x objects from a total sample of n objects Returns the confidence interval for a population mean Determines the coefficient of correlation for a bivariate dataset The number of values in a dataset Returns the inverse of the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution Binomial distribution given the random variable, x, and characteristic probability, p. If cumulative 0, the individual value is determined. If cumulative 1, the cumulative values are determined Evaluates a condition and returns either true or false based on the stated condition Returns the factorial value n! of a number Rounds down a number to the nearest integer value Gives a future value of a dependent variable, y, from known variables x and y, data assuming a linear relationship between the two Determines how often values occur in a dataset Gives the geometric mean growth rate from the annual growth rates data. The percentage of geometric mean is the geometric mean growth rate less than 1 Gives a value according to a given criteria. This function is in the tools menu Gives the kurtosis value, or the peakness of flatness of a dataset Gives the parameters of a regression line Determines the highest value of a dataset Middle value of a dataset Determines the lowest value of a dataset Determines the mode, or that value which occurs most frequently in a dataset Area under the normal distribution given the value of the random variable, x, mean value, μ, standard deviation, σ, and cumulative 1. If you use cumulative 0 this gives a point value for exactly x occurring Value of the random variable x given probability, p, mean value, μ, standard deviation, σ, and cumulative 1

Appendix II: Guide for using microsoft excel in this textbook

Table E-2

Excel functions used in this book.



For determining





























The probability, p, given the number of standard deviations z Determines the number of standard deviations, z, given the value of the probability, p Repeats a cell reference to another line or column according to the offset required Determines the Pearson product moment correlation, or the coefficient of correlation, r Gives the percentile value of a dataset. Select the data and enter the percentile, 0.01, 0.02, etc Gives the number of permutations of organising x objects from a total sample of n objects Poisson distribution given the random variable, x, and the mean value, λ. If cumulative 0, the individual value is determined. If cumulative 1, the cumulative values are determined Returns the result of a number to a given power Generates a random number between 0 and 1 Generates a random number between the numbers you specify Rounds to the nearest whole number Determines the coefficient of determination, r2 or gives the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient Logical statement to test a specified condition Determines the slope of a regression line Gives the square root of a given value Determines the standard deviation of a dataset on the basis for a sample Determines the standard deviation of a dataset on the basis for a population Determines the total of a defined dataset Returns the sum of two columns of data Probability of a random variable, x, given the degrees of freedom, υ and the number of tails. If the number of tails 1, the area to the right is determined. If number of tails 2, the area in both tails is determined Determines the value of the Student-t given the probability or area outside the curve, p, and the degree of freedom, υ Gives a target value based on specified criteria Determines the variance of a dataset on the basis it is a sample Determines the variance of a dataset on the basis it is a population



Statistics for Business

Simple Linear Regression Simple linear regression functions can be solved using the regression function in Excel. A virgin block of cells at least two columns by five rows are selected. When the y and x data are entered into the function, the various statistical data are returned in a format according to Table E-3.

Table E-3 b seb r2 F SSreg

Table E-4

Multiple Regression As for simple linear regression, multiple regression functions can be solved with the Excel regression function. Here now a virgin block of cells is selected such that the number of columns is at least equal to the number of variables plus one and the number of rows is equal to five. When the y and x data are entered into the function, the various statistical data are returned in a format according to Table E-4.

Microsoft Excel and the linear regression function. Slope due to variable x Standard error for slope, b coefficient of determination F-ratio for analysis of variance sum of squares due to regression (explained variation)

a sea se df SSresid

intercept on y-axis standard error for intercept a standard error of estimate degree of freedom (n 2) sum of squares of residual (unexplained variation)

Microsoft Excel and the multiple regression function.

bk, slope due to variable xk sek, standard error for slope bk

bk1, slope due to variable xk1 sek1, standard error for slope bk1

r2, coefficient of determination

se, standard error of estimate df, degree of freedom SSresid, sum of squares of residual (unexplained variation)

F-ratio SSreg, sum of squares due to regression (explained variation)

b2, slope due to variable x2 se2, standard error for slope b2

b1, slope due to variable x1 se1, standard error for slope b1

a, intercept on y-axis sea, standard error for intercept a

Appendix III: Mathematical relationships Subject matter Your memory of basic mathematical relationships may be rusty. The objective of this appendix is to give a detailed revision of arithmetic relationships, rules, and conversions. The following concepts are covered: Constants and variables • Equations • Integer and non-integer numbers • Arithmetic operating symbols and equation relationships • Sequence of arithmetic operations • Equivalence of algebraic expressions • Fractions • Decimals • The Imperial and United States measuring system • Temperature • Conversion between fractions and decimals • Percentages • Rules for arithmetic calculations for non-linear relationships • Sigma, Σ • Mean value • Addition of two variables • Difference of two variables • Constant multiplied by a variable • Constant summed n times • Summation of a random variable around the mean • Binary numbering system • Greek alphabet

Statistics involves numbers and the material in this textbook is based on many mathematical relationships, fundamental ideas, and conversion factors. The following summarizes the basics.

A variable is a number whose value can change according to various conditions. By convention variables are represented algebraically by the ending letters of the alphabet again either in lower or upper case.

Constants and variables

Lower case u, v, w, x, y, z

A constant is a value which does not change under any circ*mstances. The straight line distance from the centre of Trafalgar Square in London to the centre of the Eiffel Tower in Paris is constant. However, the driving time from these two points is a variable as it depends on road, traffic, and weather conditions. By convention, constants are represented algebraically by the beginning letters of the alphabet either in lower or upper case.

Upper case U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Lower case a, b, c, d, e, …… Upper case A, B, C, D, E, ……

The variables denoted by the letters x and y are the most commonly encountered. Where twodimensional graphs occur, x is the abscissa or horizontal axis, and y is the ordinate or vertical axis. This is bivariate data. In three-dimensional graphs, the letter z is used to denote the third axis. In textbooks, articles, and other documents you will see constants and variables written in either upper case or lower case. There seems to be no recognized rule; however, I prefer to use the lower case.


Statistics for Business

Equations An equation is a relationship where the values on the left of the equal sign are equal to the values on the right of the equal sign. Values in any part of an equation can be variables or constants. The following is a linear equation meaning that the power of the variables has the value of unity: y a bx This equation represents a straight line where the constant cutting the y-axis is equal to a and the slope of the curve is equal to b. An equation might be non-linear meaning that the power of any one of the variables has a value other than unity as for example, y a bx3 cx2 d

Integer and non-integer numbers An integer is a whole number such as 1, 2, 5, 19, 25, etc. In statistics an integer is also known as a discrete number or discrete variable if the number can take any different values. Non-integer numbers are those that are not whole numbers such as the fractions 12⁄ , 34⁄ , or 312⁄ , 734⁄ , etc; or decimals such as 2.79, 0.56, and 0.75.

Arithmetic operating symbols and equation relationships The following are arithmetic operating symbols and equation relationships: /

Addition Subtraction Plus or minus Equals Not equal to Divide This means ratio but also divide. For example, 34⁄ means the ratio of 3 to 4 but also 3 divided by 4. Greater than Less than Greater or equal to

Less than or equal to Approximately equal to

For multiplication we have several possibilities to illustrate the operation. When we multiply two algebraic terms a and b together this can be shown as: ab; a.b; a b; or a * b With numbers, and before we had computers, the multiplication or product of two values was written using the symbol for multiplication: 6 4 24 With Excel the symbol * is used as the multiplication sign and so the above relationship is written as: 6 * 4 24 It is for this reason that in this textbook, the symbol * is used for the multiplication sign rather than the historical symbol.

Sequence of arithmetic operations When we have expressions related by operating symbols the rule for calculation is to start first to calculate the terms in the Brackets, then Division and/or Multiplication, and finally Addition and/or Subtraction (BDMAS) as shown in Table M-1. If there are no brackets in the expression and only addition and subtraction operating symbols then you work from left to write. Table M-2 gives some illustrations. Table M-1 Sequence of arithmetic operations. Symbol


Evaluation sequence


Brackets Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction

1st 2nd 2nd Last Last

Appendix III: Mathematical relationships

Equivalence of algebraic expressions Algebraic or numerical expressions can be written in various forms as Table M-3 illustrates.

Fractions Fractions are units of measure expressed as one whole number divided by another whole number. The common fraction has the numerator on the top and the denominator on the bottom: Common fraction

Numerator Denominator

The common fraction is when the numerator is less than the denominator which means that the number is less than one as for example, 17⁄ , 34⁄ and 5 ⁄ 12. The improper fraction is when the numerator

Table M-2

is greater than the denominator, which means that the number is greater than unity as for 19 30 52 example 7 9 , and 3 . In this case these improper fractions can be reduced to a whole number and proper fractions to give 42 ⁄ 7, 57⁄ 9 and 61⁄ 3. The rules for adding, subtracting multiplying, and dividing fractions are given in Table M-4.

Decimals A decimal number is a fraction, whose denominator is any power of 10 so that it can be written using a decimal point as for example: 7/10 0.70 9/100 0.09 7,051/1,000 7.051 The metric system, used in continental Europe, is based on the decimal system and changes in units of 10. Tables M-5, M-6, M-7, and M-8, give

Calculation procedures for addition and subtraction.




25 11 7 9*64 22 * 4 12 * 6 69*53 7(9) 9(5 7) (7 4)(12 3)6 20 * 3 10 11

21 50 88 72 48 63 108 21 17

Calculate from left to right Multiplication before subtraction A minus times a plus is a minus Minus times a minus equals a minus Multiplication then addition and subtraction A bracket is equivalent to a multiplication operation Addition in the bracket then the multiplication Expression in brackets, multiplication, then subtraction Multiplication and divisions first then addition

Table M-3

Algebraic and numerical expressions.

Arithmetic rule


abba a (b c) a b c (a b) c a b b a a*bb*a a * (b c) a * b a * c

6 7 7 6 13 9 (7 3) 9 7 3 (9 7) 3 19 15 21 21 15 6 6 * 7 7 * 6 42 3 * (8 4) 3 * 8 3 * 4 36



Statistics for Business

Table M-4

Rules for treating fractions.

1 1 b a a b ab

1 1 6 5 11 5 6 5*6 30

a b a b c c c

4 16 4 16 20 4 5 5 5 5

a b a b c c c

4 2 4 2 2 7 7 7 7

a b a *b * c d c *d

4 7 4 * 7 28 14 * 5 6 5*6 30 15

a b a *d c d c *b

4 7 4*6 24 5 6 5*7 35

Table M-5

Length or linear measure.

Micrometre (μm)

Millimetre (mm)

Centimetre (cm)

Decimetre (dm)

Metre (m)

Decametre (dam)

Hectometre (hm)

Kilometre (km)

109 108 10,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000

1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1

100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1

10,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01

1,000 100 10 1 0.100 0.010 0.001

100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001

10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001

1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001

Table M-6

Surface or area measure.

Square micrometre (μm2)

Square millimetre (mm2)

Square centimetre (cm2)

Square decimetre (dam2)

Square metre (m2)

Are (a)

Hectare (ha)

Square kilometre (km2)

1018 1016 1014 1012 1010 108

1012 1010 108 1,000,000 10,000 100

1010 108 1,000,000 10,000 100 1

108 1,000,000 10,000 100 1 0.01

1,000,000 10,000 100 1 0.01 0.0001

10,000 100 1 0.01 0.0001 0.000001

100 1 0.01 0.0001 0.000001 0.00000001

1 0.01 0.0001 0.000001 0.00000001 1010

Volume or capacity measure.

Microlitre (μl)

Millilitre (ml)

Centilitre (cl)

Decilitre (dl)

Litre (l)

Decalitre (dal)

Hectolitre (hl)

Kilolitre (kl)

109 108 107 106 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1

106 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001

100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001

10,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001

1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 106

100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 106 107

10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 106 107 108

1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 106 107 108 109

Cubic centimetre (cm3) 106 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001

Cubic decimetre (dm3) 1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 106

Cubic metre (m3) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 106 107 108 109

Appendix III: Mathematical relationships

Table M-7



Statistics for Business

Table M-8

Mass or weight measure.

Microgram Milligram Centigram Decigram (μg) (mg) (cg) (dg) 1012 109 108 107 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1

Table M-9 Inches (in) 1 12 36 63,360 0.3937 39.3701 39,370.08

109 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001

108 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001

107 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001

Gram (g) 1,000,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001

Decagram Hectogram Kilogram Metric ton (dag) (hg) (kg) (t) 100,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 107

10,000 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 107 108

1,000 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 107 108 109

1 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012

Conversions for length or linear measurement. Feet (ft)

Yards (yd)

Miles (mi)

Millimetres (mm)

Centimetres (cm)

Metres (m)

Kilometres (km)

0.0833 1 3 5,280 0.0328 3.2808 3,280.84

0.0278 0.3333 1 1,760 0.0109 1.0936 1,093.6133

1.5783 105 0.0002 0.0006 1 6.2137 106 0.0006 0.6214

0.254 3.048 9.144 16,093.44 0.1 10 10,000

2.5400 30.4800 91.4400 160,934.40 1 100 100,000

0.0254 0.3048 0.9144 1,609.344 0.01 1 1,000

0.0000254 0.0003048 0.0009144 1.6093 0.00001 0.001 1

the relationships for length, surface, volume, and weight.

give approximate conversion tables for key measurements. The United States system is not always the same as the Imperial measuring system.

The Imperial, US, and metric measuring system


The Imperial measuring system is used in the United States and partly in England though there are efforts to change to the metric system. The Imperial numbering system is quirky with no apparent logic as compared to the metric system. Tables M-9, M-10, M-11, M-12, and M-13

In Europe, usually the Celsius system is used for recording temperature. Here the freezing point of water is measured at 0°C and the boiling point is 100°C. In the United States, and sometimes in the United Kingdom, the Fahrenheit system is used where the freezing point of water is given at 32°F and the boiling point as 212°F.

Appendix III: Mathematical relationships

Table M-10 Square inch (in2)

Conversions for surface or area measure.

Square feet (ft2)

Square yard (yd2)

Square mile (mi2)

Are (a)

1 0.0069 0.0008 0.3 109 0.2 106 144 1 0.1111 0.4 107 0.2 104 1,296 9 1 0.3 106 0.0002 4.01 109 0.28 108 3.1 106 1 640 0.63 107 43,560 4,840 0.0016 1

Square centimetre (cm2)

Square metre (m2)


Hectare (ha)

Square kilometre (km2)

6.4516 0.0006 0.7 105 0.7 107 0.7 109 929.03 0.0929 0.0009 0.9 105 0.9 107 3 8.4 10 0.8361 0.0084 0.8 104 0.8 106 0.3 1011 0.26 107 0.26 105 259.00 2.59 0.4 108 4.05 103 40.47 0.4047 0.004

Table M-11

Conversions for capacity or volume measure.

USA gallon

USA quart

USA pint

Imperial gallon

Imperial quart

Imperial pint

Cubic inches (in3)

Litres (l)

1.0000 0.5000 0.2500 1.2011 0.6005 0.3003

2.0000 1.0000 0.5000 2.4021 1.2011 0.6005

4.0000 2.0000 1.0000 4.8042 2.4021 1.2011

0.8326 0.4163 0.1041 1.0000 0.5000 0.2500

1.6652 0.8326 0.2082 2.0000 1.0000 0.5000

3.3304 1.6652 0.4163 4.0000 2.0000 1.0000

231.0000 115.5000 28.8750 277.4200 138.7100 69.3550

3.7850 1.8925 0.4731 4.5460 2.2730 1.1365

Table M-12

Conversions for mass or weight measure.

Ounce (oz)

Pound (lb)

Short ton

Long ton

Grams (g)

Kilograms (kg)

Metric ton

0.0625 1 2,000 2,240

0.00003125 0.0005 1 1.1200

0.000027902 0.0004 0.8929 1

28.350 453.60 907,200 1,016,064

0.02835 0.4536 907.2 1,016.064

0.00002835 0.0005 0.9072 1.0161

1 16 32,000 35,840

Table M-13

The following is the relationship between the two scales:

Conversion for pressure.




1 14.2231

0.07031 1

0.07031 1

C 5 9 (F 32) F 9 5 C 32 When F 212ºF then C 59⁄ (21232) 59⁄ * 180 100ºC



Statistics for Business

Table M-14

Fraction Decimal

Conversion of fraction and decimals.

1/2 0.50

1/3 0.33

3/4 0.75

1/8 0.125

When C 100ºC then F 9⁄5 C 32 9⁄5 * 100 32 212ºF When C 35ºC then F 9⁄5 C 32 9⁄5 * 35 32 95ºF

7/8 0.875

4(7⁄8) 4.875

6(2⁄3) 6.6667

2(3⁄16) 2.1875

A percentage to a fraction divide by 100 25% 25/100 1 ⁄ 4 A percentage to a decimal move the decimal place two places to the left 25.86% 0.2586

When F 104ºF then C 59⁄ (104 32) 59⁄ * 72 40ºC.

Rules for arithmetic calculations for non-linear relationships

Conversion between fractions and decimals

Table M-15 gives algebraic operations when the power of the variable, or the constant, is non-linear.

To convert from a fraction to a decimal representation you divide the numerator or upper value in the fraction, by the denominator or the lower value in the fraction. To convert from a two-decimal presentation to a fraction, you divide the numbers after the decimal point by 100 and simplify until both the numerator and denominator are the smallest possible integer values. That is, you find the lowest common denominator. To convert from a three-decimal presentation to a fraction you divide to numbers after the decimal point by 1,000 etc. Table M-14 gives some examples.

Percentages The term percent means per 100 so that 50 percent, usually written, 50%, is 50 per 100. In order to change from A fraction to a percentage multiply by 100 3 ⁄ 4 75% (3⁄ 4 * 100 75%) A decimal to a percentage multiply by 100 0.6712 0.6712 * 100 67.12%

Sigma, Σ Very often in statistics we need to determine the sum of a set of data and to indicate this we use the Greek letter sigma, Σ. If we have a set of n values of data of a variable x then the sum of these is written as:

Σx x1 x2 x3 x4 … xn


where x1, x2, x3, etc. are the individual values in the dataset. If we have a dataset consisting of the values 7, 3, 2, 11, 21, and 9 then the sum of these values is:

Σx 7 3 2 11 21 9 53 Mean value The mean or average of a dataset is equal to the sum of the individual values, Σx divided by the number of observations, n: x

∑x n


Appendix III: Mathematical relationships

Table M-15

Algebraic operations involving powers.

Arithmetic rule


xaxb x(ab)

53 * 52 5(32) 55 3,125

(xa)b xab

(53)2 56 15,625

1/xa xa

1/22 22 0.25

xa/xb x(ab)

53/52 5(32) 51 5

xa/xa x(aa) x0 1

62/62 6(22) 60 1

x *y x * y

16 * 25 16 * 25 4 * 5 20

x y

64 64 8 2 0.6667 144 12 3 144

x y

If x has values of 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, then n 5 and, x

The sum of the difference of two variables is equal to the sum of the individual differences of each variable:

(1 5 9 2 6) 9 1.80 5 5

∑ (x − y) ∑ x ∑ y

Addition of two variables The total of the addition of two variables is equal to the total of the individual sum of each variable:

∑ (x y) ∑ x ∑ y

Difference of two variables


Assume the five values of the dataset (x, y) are, (1, 6); (5, 2); (9, 8); (2, 5); (6, 4):


If we have the following five values, (1, 6), (5, 2), (9, 8), (2, 5), (6, 4)

∑ (x y) (1 6) (5 2) (9 8) (2 5) (6 4)

∑ (x y) 5 3 17 7 2 4 ∑ x ∑ y (1 5 9 2 6) (6 2 8 5 4)

∑ (x y) (1 6) (5 2) (9 8) (2 5) (6 4)

∑ (x y) 7 7 1 3 10 14 ∑ x ∑ y (1 5 9 2 6) (6 2 8 5 4)

∑ x ∑ y 9 5 14

∑ x ∑ y 9 5 4 Constant multiplied by a variable The sum of a constant times a variable equals to the constant times the sum of the variables:

∑ (kx) k ∑ x




Statistics for Business If k 5, and x has values of 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, then,

∑ (kx) 5 1 5 5 5 9 5 2 5 6 45 k ∑ x 5(1 5 9 2 6)) 45

Constant summed n times

Table M-16 system.

0001 0010 0100 1000

Concept of binary numbering

Value of 1 in 1st position is equal to Value of 1 in 2nd position is equal to Value of 1 in 3rd position is equal to Value of 1 in 4th position is equal to

1 2 4 8

A constant summed n times is equal to the n times the constant:

∑k n*k


If n 6, and k 5,

∑ k 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 5 6 Summation of a random variable around the mean Summation rules can be used to demonstrate that the summation of a random variable around a mean is equal to zero. Or,

∑ (x x ) 0


From equation M(iv) equation M(vii) becomes,

∑ (x x ) ∑ x ∑ x 0


For any fixed set of data, x–, is a constant and thus from equation M(vi),

∑ x nx


Thus from equation M(viii) we have,

∑ (x x ) ∑ x ∑ x ∑ x nx 0


From equation M(ii), x

That is the sum of the random variables about the mean is equal to zero.

Binary numbering system In the textbook, we introduced the binomial distribution. Related to this is the binary numbering system or binary code which is a system of arithmetic based on two digits, zero and one. The on/off system of most electrical appliances is based on the binary system where 0 off and 1 on. The arithmetic of computers is based on the binary code. A digit, either the 0 or the 1 in the binary code is called the bit, or binary digit. When a binary digit is moved one space to the left, and a zero is placed after it, the resulting number is twice the original number. In the binary code, the actual value of 1 depends on the position of the 1 in a binary number, reading from right to left. A digit doubles its value each time it moves one place further to the left as shown in Table M-16. Table M-17 gives the equivalent between binary numbers, and decimal numbers from 1 to 10. Note, we are reading from the right so that the 1st position is at the extreme right, the 2nd position to the immediate left of the 1st position, etc.

Greek alphabet

∑x n

Or, nx ∑ x


Thus substituting in equation M(x) we have,

∑ (x x ) ∑ x ∑ x ∑ x nx ∑x∑x 0


In statistics, letters of the Greek alphabet are sometimes used as abbreviations to denote various terms. Table M-18 gives the Greek letters, both in upper and lower case and their English equivalent, and some of the areas where they are often used. To write these Greek letters in Microsoft Word you write the English letter and then change the font to symbol.

Appendix III: Mathematical relationships

Table M-17

Relationship between decimal and binary numbers.

Decimal Binary


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Value of 1 in the 1st position 1 Value of 1 in the 2nd position 2 Value of 1 in the 1st position value of 1 in the 2nd position 3 Value of 1 in the 3rd position 4 Value of 1 in the 3rd position value of 1 in the 1st position 5 Value of 1 in 3rd position value of 1 in 2nd position 6 Value of 1 in the 3rd position value of 1 in 2nd position value of 1 in 1st position 7 Value of 1 in the 4th position 8 Value of 1 in 4th position value of 1 in 1st position 9 Value of 1 in 4th position value of 1 in 2nd position 10

0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010

Table M-18

Greek alphabet and English equivalent.

Upper case

Lower case


English equivalent



α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ o π ρ σ τ υ φ, ϕ χ ψ ω

Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega

a b g d e z h th (q) i k l m n x o p r, rh s t u ph (f, j) ch (c) ps (y) o (w)

Hypothesis testing, exponential smoothing Hypothesis testing Calculus as the derivative

Angle of a triangle

Poisson distribution, queuing theory Mean value

Circle constant Total (upper case), standard deviation (lower case)

Chi-square test in hypothesis testing Electricity


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Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

Chapter 1: Presenting and Organizing Data 1. Solutions – buyout Question 6

Answer About 7 (7.45)

2. Solutions – closure Question



$4.548 million per office


About 21


$10.3 million per office remaining

3. Solutions – swimming pool Question



Polygon is symmetrical




(a) From ogive, probability of more than 900 using the pool is 14.17% – this is greater than 10%. Probability of fewer than 600 people using the pool is 5.00% – this is less than 10%. Thus, both the conditions are satisfied (b) In Part (a) we have indicated that although the criteria was one or the other, we have shown that both conditions apply, or and. Further at the 10% benchmark there will be an estimated 925 people – this is greater than 900. Also, at the 10% level there will be an estimated to be 640 people – this number is greater than the 600 criterion (c) Probability of at least 600 is 95.00% and the probability of at least 900 is 14.17%, or a difference of 80.83%. Alternatively, probability of less than 900 is 85.83% and the probability of less than 600 is 5.00%, or a difference of 85.83%


Statistics for Business

4. Solutions – Rhine river Question



Logical minimum value is 16 m and logical maximum is 38 m





5. Solutions – purchasing expenditures Question



Minimum value is €63,680 so use €60,000. Maximum value is €332,923 so use €334,000. In this way there is an even number of limits









6. Solutions – exchange rates Question 2

Answer For all countries, except Canada where there is no change, the US dollar has become stronger. (It takes more of the local currency to buy dollars in 2005 than it did in 2004)

7. Solutions – European sales Question



Best three performing countries are England, Denmark, and Spain with over two-thirds of the profit (67.04%)


Worst performing countries are Ireland, Norway, and Czech Republic with less than 10% of the profits (7.47%)

8. Solutions – nuclear power Question



United States (104); France (59); Japan (56)


Western Europe (30.52% of world); France (41.84% of Western Europe)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

9. Solutions – textbook sales Question



Range of data from maximum to minimum is large so visual presentation of smaller values is not clear


Europe (56.44%); Africa (1.27%)


England (51.66%); Serbia, Latvia, and Lithuania (each with 0.03%)


No sales recorded for the United States. For some reason, the textbook cannot be sold in this country

10. Solutions – textile wages Question



Times more than China, France (40.45); Italy (38.02); United States (32.20); Slovakia (6.67); Turkey (6.22); Bulgaria (2.33); Egypt (1.80); China (mainland) (1.00)


Explains why the textile firms (and other industries) are losing out to China

11. Solutions – immigration to Britain Question 5

Answer Largest proportion of these new immigrants is from Poland (56.74%). They are young with over 80% no more than 34-years old. Over a quarter are in administration, business, and management (27.54%)

12. Solutions – pill popping Question



France 21% (20.69%)


France consumes more than twice the amount of pills that is consumed in the United Kingdom

13. Solutions – electoral college Question



Bush 53.16%; Kerry 46.84%


California 10.22%





Statistics for Business

14. Solutions – chemical delivery Question



Drums damaged (32.19%)


Drums damaged (32.19%); documentation wrong (21.46%); delay – bad weather (15.02%); pallets poorly stacked (10.73%)

15. Solutions – fruit distribution Question



Fruit squashed (27.31%). Not necessarily as bacteria on the fruit (3.32%), even though less frequent, is a more serious problem


Fruit squashed (27.31%); boxes badly loaded (22.88%); route directions poor (11.07%); fruit not clean (9.23%); client documentation incorrect (8.49%)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

Chapter 2: Characterizing and Defining Data 1. Solutions – billing rate Question








2. Solutions – delivery Question






3. Solutions – investment Question











Option 1



4. Solutions – production Question





21,760 units



Statistics for Business

5. Solutions – Euro prices Question



Milk (1l)







































Standard deviation sample













Finland has some of the highest prices. A Big Mac has the lowest deviation relative to the mean value. Spain’s prices are all below the mean and the median value, which is an indicator of the lower cost of living




7. Solutions – construction Answer





8. Solutions – net worth


Can of co*ke




Compact disc




Stamp for postcard


6. Solutions – students Question

Big Mac


s/μ 2

Renault Mégane

Answer 8.05%

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

9. Solutions – trains Question







25. This value occurs 5 times












Data is pretty evenly distributed as the mean, median, and mode are quite close

10. Solutions – summer Olympics Question



United States (103); Russia (92); China (63); Australia (49); Germany (48); Japan (37); France (33); Italy (32); Britain (30); South Korea (30)


United States (35); China (32); Russia (27); Australia (17); Japan (16); Germany (14); France (11); Italy (10); Britain (9); Cuba (9)


United States (35.33); Russia (28.83); China (24.00); Australia (16.50); Germany (15.33); Japan (13.00); France (10.67); Italy (10.50); South Korea (10.00); Britain (9.50)


4.01 (gold), 4.01 (silver), 4.36 (bronze)


United States (11.63%); China (10.63%); Russia (8.97%)

11. Solutions – printing Question






12. Solutions – Big Mac Question



(a) 5.05; (b) 1.38; (c) 2.51; (d) 2.40; (e) 3.67; (f) 3.22; (g) 1.48, 2 modal values; (h) 0.9060; (i) 36.15%


1.38, 1.88, 2.40, 2.80, 5.05 (Continued)



Statistics for Business

12. Solutions – (Continued) Question





The price of the Big Mac in Indonesia is within the 1st quartile indicating a country with a low cost of living; Singapore is within the 2nd quartile and the inter-quartile range – indicating a relative low cost of living. The price for Hungary is within the 3rd quartile and the inter-quartile range and has a relative high cost of living. The price for Denmark is within the 4th quartile and indicates a high cost of living country

13. Solutions – purchasing expenditures – Part II Question



(a) 332,923; (b) 63,680; (c) 269,243; (d) 198,302; (e) 184,767.32; (f) 180,532.00; (g) 194,157; 3 values; (h) 3,105,927,434; (i) 55,730.85; (j) 30,16%


63,680.00; 143, 956.75; 180,532.00; 223,039.25; 332,923.00


Mean is greater than the median and so the distribution is right-skewed


0% 63,680.00; 81,208.01; 86,209.92; 94,815.19; 99,787.76; 102,413.35; 106,155.00; 108,128.99; 110,167.52; 113,757.08; 115,433.60; 118,273.65; 120,350.32; 123,855.30; 125,097.84; 126,713.95; 128,376.32; 129,940.66; 132,109.36; 133,912.13; 136,249.40; 137,860.00; 139,715.18; 140,972.60; 141,460.64 25% 143,956.75; 146,154.30; 147,325.86; 148,290.80; 150,005.75; 151,926.70; 153,370.34; 154,557.56; 156,101.46; 156,888.64; 157,823.10; 159,627.44; 161,201.00; 161,600.78; 163,176.04; 165,299.00; 166,890.05; 168,943.82; 171,182.11; 172,934.44; 173,871.50; 175,558.64; 176,472.12; 178,446.68; 179,693.71 50% 180,532.00; 181,749.50; 182,686.12; 184,333.02; 185,377.00; 187,124.00; 187,173.00; 188,575.71; 189,733.00; 191,227.59; 192,309.40; 194,157.00; 194,696.60; 196,376.94; 198,002.00; 199,767.25; 203,218.60; 204,696.63; 207,498.44; 211,080.78; 214,117.00; 217,105.29; 217,976.56; 219,898.08; 221,607.66 75% 223,039.25; 224,387.60; 225,153.89; 228,936.48; 231,979.44; 235,516.80; 238,665.04; 241,132.46; 242,755.52; 243,181.64; 246,531.05; 248,332.06; 249,859.00; 253,227.20; 257,571.00; 261,153.00; 263,850.28; 270,766.00; 274,782.53; 276,333.92; 288,613.25; 293,445.00; 295,785.15; 298,360.20; 307,275.88 100% 332,923.00

14. Solutions – swimming pool – Part II Question



(a) 120; (b) 1,088; (c) 507; (d) 581; (e) 797.50; (f) 782.59; (g) 787.50; (h) 869, 3 times; (i) 109.60; (j) 109.14; (k) 0.1400; (l) 507.00, 711.25, 787.50, 854.00, 1,088.00; (m) 142.75; (n) 782.63


It is reasonably symmetrical


Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

14. Solutions – (Continued) Question



Percentile (%) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Value 507.00 542.99 561.90 573.55 581.52 607.65 609.14 612.97 619.52 620.71 629.10 650.09 652.96 663.17 669.00 671.55 678.00 678.46 680.84 683.83 689.00 691.98 700.44 707.74 709.00 711.25

Percentile (%)


Percentile (%)


Percentile (%)


26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

715.76 724.26 726.64 728.51 731.10 741.79 743.08 744.27 746.38 748.00 748.84 750.03 751.88 755.00 757.40 760.58 762.96 763.17 765.80 771.20 775.22 777.86 779.12 781.55 787.50

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

790.00 790.88 791.07 792.52 794.45 795.64 797.66 806.04 808.42 810.40 816.90 821.78 822.97 825.00 825.35 827.62 829.73 830.00 835.00 835.60 839.94 844.36 846.74 848.24 854.00

76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

860.44 866.04 869.00 869.01 870.20 872.17 876.32 878.00 879.92 884.80 897.04 902.06 905.88 914.28 919.70 927.16 930.48 937.03 950.32 956.60 970.88 985.59 999.82 1,016.15 1,088.00

15. Solutions – buyout – Part II Question



(a) 15.1; (b) 5.3; (c) 9.8; (d) 10.20; (e) 10.35; (f) 10.35; (g) 11.10; occurs 3 times; (h) 2.08; (i) 2.06


5.30; 9.23; 10.35; 11.58; 15.10


0% 5.30; 5.89; 6.48; 6.59; 6.69; 6.97; 7.26; 7.39; 7.48; 7.54; 7.59; 7.68; 7.78; 7.91; 8.06; 8.21; 8.35; 8.47; 8.56; 8.63; 8.68; 8.76; 8.86; 8.98; 9.13 25% 9.23; 9.27; 9.30; 9.30; 9.34; 9.44; 9.52; 9.57; 9.62; 9.67; 9.72; 9.76; 9.81; 9.86; 9.92; 10.02; 10.11; 10.16; 10.21; 10.26; 10.30; 10.30; 10.30; 10.30; 10.30 50% 10.35; 10.40; 10.45; 10.50; 10.50; 10.50; 10.54; 10.59; 10.64; 10.69; 10.70; 10.70; 10.85; 11.05; 11.10; 11.10; 11.10; 11.10; 11.13; 11.18; 11.29; 11.44; 11.50; 11.50; 11.53 75% 11.58; 11.60; 11.60; 11.64; 11.74; 11.94; 12.28; 12.50; 12.50; 12.50; 12.50; 12.53; 12.63; 12.71; 12.76; 12.81; 12.86; 12.96; 13.36; 13.70; 13.70; 13.73; 14.12; 14.51; 14.81; 100% 15.10



Statistics for Business

Chapter 3: Basic Probability and Counting Rules 1. Solutions – gardner’s gloves Question












2. Solutions – market survey Question
















3. Solutions – getting to work Question












4. Solutions – packing machines Question





1.93% (Continued)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

4. Solutions – (Continued) Question






5. Solutions – study groups Question




6. Solutions – roulette Question



11.11%; 88.89%


22.22%; 77.78%; £125.00


6; 66.67%; £25.00; 33.33%; £150.00


44.44%; 55.56%


0%; 11.11%


44.44%; 55.56%


44.44%; 55.56%

7. Solutions – sourcing agents Question












8. Solutions – sub-assemblies Question







17.92% (Continued)



Statistics for Business

8. Solutions – (Continued) Question






9. Solutions – workshop Question










10. Solutions – assembly Question



78.6931%; 99.7949%; 99.9997%; 99.1469%


21.3069%; 0.2051%; 0.0003%; 0.8531%

11. Solutions – bicycle gears Question 1

Answer Values for each of the three columns are as follows: (A) 1; 1; 1 (B) 1; 2; 2 (C) 2; 3; 6 (D) 2; 4; 8 (E) 2; 5; 10 (F) 3; 4; 12 (G) 3; 7; 21 (H) 4; 7; 28 (I) 4; 8; 32 (J) 4; 9; 36

12. Solutions – film festival Question







(a) 1,184,040; (b) 116,280; (c) 3,432; (d) 1


(a) 5,967,561,600; (b) 586,051,200; (c) 17,297,280; (d) 5,040

13. Solutions – flag flying Question



1.08889 1028 (There are 27 countries in the European Union as of 2007)


8,436,285 (Continued)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

13. Solutions – (Continued) Question





3.04141 1064



14. Solutions – model agency Question








15. Solutions – thalassothérapie Question










The following is a possible schedule for Question 4. Note, here that the treatment, the enveloppement d’algues and application de boue marine are not put together. Even though they are different treatments, they have similarities regarding their benefits 1. bain hydromassant

6. application de boue marine

4. douche à jet

2. douche oscillante

7. hydrojet

6. application de boue marine

3. massage sous affusion

8. massage à sec

7. hydrojet

4. douche à jet

1. bain hydromassant

8. massage à sec

5. enveloppement d’algues

2. douche oscillante

1. bain hydromassant

5. enveloppement d’algues

6. application de boue marine

8. massage à sec

7. hydrojet

8. massage à sec

2. douche oscillante

8. massage à sec

1. bain hydromassant

3. massage sous affusion

1. bain hydromassant

2. douche oscillante

4. douche à jet

2. douche oscillante

3. massage sous affusion

5. enveloppement d’algues



Statistics for Business

Chapter 4: Probability Analysis for Discrete Data 1. Solutions – HIV virus Question





No change. Remains the same at €3,843,750


Table 1 1.12%; Table 2 0.69%


Data from Table 2 as it shows less dispersion

2. Solutions – rental cars Question



27.50 cars




No change


No change


Laramie coefficient of variation at 7.7% is smaller than Cheyenne (12.19%)

3. Solutions – road accidents Question



6.60 accidents/day




Yes. The coefficient of variation is 56.64% which is high







4. Solutions – express delivery Question



16.67% for three packages not being delivered on-time






No. The annual payment is €4,788.33


There are high occurrences of non-deliveries in the winter months, which might be explained by bad weather. Also high occurrences in the summer period perhaps because of high volume of air traffic

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

5. Solutions – bookcases Question





25.00%; 22


He would “lose” £312.50 (opportunity cost)


Expected values are long-term and may not necessarily apply to the immediate following month

6. Solutions – investing Question



$137.50; $56.50


$104.73; $63.03








9.70%; $26.94

7. Solutions – gift store Question












8. Solutions – European business school Question














Statistics for Business

9. Solutions – clocks Question












10. Solutions – computer Question














11. Solutions – bank credit Question














12. Solutions – biscuits Question







94.37% (Continued)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

12. Solutions – (Continued) Question






13. Solutions – bottled water Question












14. Solutions – cash-for-gas Question



No. The owner should not be satisfied as the percentage of 12 or more using the pump is only 81.52%


Only have one attendant at the exit kiosk. This would reduce operating costs by about 50%. If this means a longer wait for customers they may prefer to use the pumps that take credit card purchase, or they may go elsewhere! Provide an incentive to use the cash-for-gas utilization, such as lower prices, a gift. However, this would only be a suitable approach if overall more customers use the service station, and the method does not just siphon off customers who before used credit card for purchases

15. Solutions – cashiers Question















They both tail-off rapidly to the right. The values are close. Since P 5% and sample size is greater than 20 it is reasonable to use the Poisson–binomial approximation



Statistics for Business

Chapter 5: Probability Analysis in the Normal Distribution 1. Solutions – renault trucks Question











Yes; 126,393 km


258,159 km

2. Solutions – telephone calls Question







About 134




146.95 seconds

3. Solutions – training programme Question











About 38 and 74 days

4. Solutions – cashew nuts Question







Minimum 123.53 g; maximum 129.97 g


124.69 gm

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

5. Solutions – publishing Question



Almost none (0.1846)


Between 1 and 2 (1.5549)


About 5 (4.5460)


About 13 (12.8765)


Just about all of the 19 (18.6055)

6. Solutions – gasoline station Question









4,912 litre


35,457 litre

7. Solutions – ping-pong balls Question









About 22,624


369.49 mm


368.77 and 371.23 mm


Slender, with a sharp peak or leptokurtic as the coefficient of variation is small, 0.20%

8. Solutions – marmalade Question







19.36% (Continued)



Statistics for Business

8. Solutions – (Continued) Question



About 26,755,27


336.63 g


331.63 and 348.37 g



9. Solutions – restaurant service Question



Average service time is 125.00 minutes; standard deviation is 19.96 minutes










104.31 minutes

10. Solutions – yogurt Question






11. Solutions – motors Question




12. Solutions – doors Question



196 cm


About 3% (3.34%)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

13. Solutions – machine repair Question










14. Solutions – savings Question









Very little chance (0.04%)

15. Solutions – buyout – Part III Question



About 7 (7.45)


The values are very close


When data follows closely a normal distribution it is not necessary to construct the ogives for this type of information



Statistics for Business

Chapter 6: Theory and Methods of Statistical Sampling 1. Solutions – credit card Question









Larger the sample size the data clusters around the mean


That the central limit theory applies and the sample means follow a normal distribution

2. Solutions – food bags Question











Since we have a sample of size 10 rather than just a size 1 from the population, data clusters around the mean. In Questions 1 and 3, the percentage increases as the limits are around the mean. In Questions 2 and 4, the percentage decreases as the limits are away from the mean


Normal as the population is normal

3. Solutions – telephone calls Question















With larger sample sizes data lies closer to population mean

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

4. Solutions – soft drinks machine Question



31.36 cl


1.36 cl; 4.11%


32.48 cl


5.69% of the time


33.15 cl; 0.45%

5. Solutions – baking bread Question















With larger sample sizes data lies closer to population mean


For Questions 1 to 3 limit values are on the right side of the mean value. For Questions 4 to 6 the limit values are on either side of the mean values

6. Solutions – financial advisor Question





30.76 minutes




33.94 minutes




34.15 minutes


As the sample size increases there are the probability of being beyond 37 minutes declines as more values are clustered around the mean value


The population from which the samples are drawn follows a normal distribution



Statistics for Business

7. Solutions – height of adult males Question





151.33 and 200.67 cm




163.66 and 188.34 cm


About 0%


167.78 and 184.22 cm


With increase in sample size data lies closer to the mean value

8. Solutions – Wal-Mart Question






9. Solutions – automobile salvage Question








10. Solutions – education and demographics Question















The larger the sample size, the closer is the data clustered around the population proportion. Note, that in each case the percentages given are on either side of the population proportion

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

11. Solutions – World Trade Organization Question















The larger the sample size, the closer is the data clustered around the population proportion. Note, that in each case the percentages given are on either side of the population proportion

12. Solutions – female illiteracy Question















Larger the sample size, the data clusters around the population mean


No. Istanbul is the commercial area of Turkey and the people are educated. The sample taken would be biased if it was meant to represent the whole of Turkey

13. Solutions – unemployment Question













44.77% (Continued)



Statistics for Business

13. Solutions – (Continued) Question







As the limits given are on either side of the population proportion the percentages increase with sample size


The limits for France are on the left side of the distribution and as the sample size increases the percentage here declines

14. Solutions – manufacturing employment Question















The larger the sample size, the more the data is clustered around the mean


You might say that the German data for the population is an underestimation. Perhaps a more palatable reason could be that the sample was taken from an industrial area of Germany and thus the sample is biased

15. Solutions – homicide Question





0.002%; you have a 30 times more chance of being shot in Jamaica than in Britain


0.3 or 30.39%


0.4 or 41.93%


The larger the sample size, the closer the values are to the mean

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

Chapter 7: Estimating Population Characteristics 1. Solutions – ketchup Question



496.71 and 503.29 g


495.68 and 504.32 g


The higher the confidence intervals, the broader are the limits


About 3 cases (between 61 and 62 cases)


A case of 20 bottles may not be random since they probably come off the production line in sequence

2. Solutions – light bulbs Question



394.18; 552.74


I estimate that the mean life of these light bulbs is about 473 hours (473.46) and I am 80% confident that the mean life will lie in the range 394 (394.18) and 553 (552.74) hours


369.28; 577.65


294.91; 652.02


Higher the certainty, broader the range

3. Solutions – ski magazine Question



€39,334.67 and €40,355.33


€39,045.82 and €40,644.18


The higher the confidence level, the broader are the limits

4. Solutions – households Question



Lower limit £11.55; upper limit £12.45


Lower limit £11.47; upper limit £12.53


Lower limit £11.37; upper limit £12.63


The higher the confidence level, the wider are the limits



Statistics for Business

5. Solutions – taxes Question



At 80%, lower limit is 13,923.96 and upper limit is 27,276.04. At 95%, lower limit is 9,954.38 and upper limit is 31,245.62. At 99%, lower limit is 5,824.48 and upper limit is 35,375.520


I estimate that the mean value of the tax returns for the year in question is $20,600,00 and I am 95% confident that they will lie between $9,954 and $31,246


More confident you are about information (closer to 100%) the wider is the interval

6. Solutions – vines Question



Lower limit is 13.64 and upper limit is 16.36


I estimate that in my vineyard this year I will have an average of 15 grape bunches per vine and I am 95% confident that this number will lie between 13.64 and 16.36 bunches.


Not really, lower limit is 13.62 and upper limit is 16.38

7. Solutions – lemons Question



91.52 mg


86.12 and 96.12


85.29 and 97.75


The higher the confidence level, the broader are the limits

8. Solutions – world’s largest companies Question



$41,792.57 million


$4,837.83 million


$32,970.82 and $50,614.32 million


$32,310,.61 and $51,274.53 million


Higher the certainty, broader the range


$38,954.66 million


$6,589.85 million


$24,820.85 and $53,088.47 million (Continued)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

8. Solutions – (Continued) Question 9

Answer $19,337.73 and $58,571.59 million


Higher the certainty, broader the range


For Questions 1 to 4 we have used a larger sample size than for Questions 6 to 9 and by the central limit theory, the mean values determined are probably closer to the population value. For the first four questions we have a sample size of 35 and a population of 500, which gives a value of n/N of 7% so we should use the finite correction multiplier. In Questions 6 to 9 n/N is 3% so the finite population multiplier is not necessary. However, we have used a Student-t distribution as the sample size is less than 30

9. Solutions – hotel accounts Question





2.5558 and 3.0442


2.5090 and 3.0910


2.4175 and 3.1825


The higher the confidence level, the broader is the range

10. Solutions – automobile tyres Question





€136,531.81 and €173,634.86 using Student-t; €137,305.22 and €172,861.45 using z


My best estimate of the total value of the tyres in inventory is €155,083 and I am 95% confident that the value lies between €136,532 and €173,635


€130,081.17 and €180,085.50 using Student-t; €131,718.93 and €178,447.74 using z


The higher the confidence level, the broader are the limits


Use random number related to the database of the tyres in inventory. Just selecting tyres from the racks at random may not result in a representative sample

11. Solutions – stuffed animals Question





$3,712.50 (Continued)



Statistics for Business

11. Solutions – (Continued) Question



$3,645.88 and $3,779.12


$3,621.22 and $3,803.78


Higher the confidence, broader the limits

12. Solutions – shampoo bottles Question





0.0068 and 0.0158


0.0050 and 0.0177






The conservative value requires a very high inspection quantity but since the inspection process is automatic perhaps this is not a problem. Note that this is not a random inspection as the device samples every bottle

13. Solutions – night shift Question



0.70 or 70.00%


26.82% and 33.18%


66.82% and 73.18%


26.23% and 33.77%


66.23% and 73.77%


The higher the confidence limits, the broader is the range

14. Solutions – ski trip Question



0.40 or 40%


Proportion who say yes: 0.6000. Lower limit is 0.4726; upper limit is 0.7274


Proportion who say yes: 0.6000. Lower limit is 0.4198; upper limit is 0.7802 (Continued)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

14. Solutions – (Continued) Question



The higher the level of confidence, the broader are the limits





15. Solutions – Hilton hotels Question



0.6531 or 65.31%


Lower limit is 54.12% and upper limit is 76.49%


Lower limit is 49.49% and upper limit is 81.13%


The higher the level of confidence, the broader are the limits






There will be hotels in the Southern and Northern hemisphere and since hotel occupancy is seasonal, the data that is taken can be distorted



Statistics for Business

Chapter 8: Hypothesis Testing for a Single Population 1. Solutions – sugar Question



No. Critical value of z is 1.9600 and the test value of z is 1.8762, which is within the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


Yes. The p-value in each tail is 3.03% which is more than 2.5% Alternatively, the total p-value is 6.06% which is less than the α-value of 5%


Lower value is 999.73 and upper value is 1,012.27. The target value of 1,000 g is contained within these limits


Yes. Critical value of z is 1.6449 and the test value of z is 1.8762, which is outside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 5.0% in each tail


Yes. The p-value in each tail is 3.03% which is less than 5.0%. Alternatively, the total p-value is 6.06% which is less than the α-value of 10%


Lower value is 1,000.74 and upper value is 1,011.26. The target value of 1,000 g is not contained within these limits


The firms should not be under filling the bags as this would not be abiding by the net weight value printed on the label. In this case it appears that the bags are overfilled and this is costing Béghin Say money. As an illustration assume that 1 million of these bags are sold per year and they in fact contain 6 g more of sugar. This is equivalent to 6,000 kg bags of sugar. At €0.50/bag this would be a loss of an estimated €3,000/year from this production line

2. Solutions – neon lights Question



No. Critical value of z is 1.9600 and the test value of z is 1.6771 which is inside the critical boundary limits. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


Yes. The p-value in each tail is 4.68% which is greater than 2.5%. Alternatively the p-value total is 9.35% which is greater than the value of 5.00%


Yes. Critical value of z is 1.6449 and the test value of z is 1.6771. This is a one-tail test with 5.0% in the tail


Yes. The p-value is 4.68% which is less than 5.0%


The purchaser can refuse the purchase and go to another supplier. Alternatively the purchaser can negotiate a lower price

3. Solutions – graphite lead Question 1

Answer No. Accept the null hypothesis. The critical value of z is 1.9600 and the test value of z is 1.8396. Thus test value is within the boundaries of the critical value. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail (Continued)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

3. Solutions – (Continued) Question



p-value is 3.29%. Since this is greater than 2.5% we accept the null hypothesis


Lower limit is 0.6989, upper limit is 0.7347. The hypothesis value of 0.7000 mm is contained within these limits


Yes. Reject the null hypothesis. The test value of z is 1.8396 and the critical value of z is now 1.6449. Test value is outside boundaries of the critical value


p-value is 3.29% and since this is less than the value of 5% we reject the null hypothesis. This is a two-tail test with 5.0% in each tail


Lower limit is 0.7018, upper limit is 0.7318. The hypothesis value of 0.7000 mm is not within these limits


Since sample mean of 0.7168 mm is greater than the hypothesized value of 0.7000 mm it implies that the diameter is on the high side. Thus we would use a right-hand, one-tail test. At both 5% and 10% limits the null hypothesis should be rejected as test statistic is greater. Test statistic is 1.8396 and z at 5% is 1.6449 and 1.2816 at 10%

4. Solutions – industrial pumps Question



No. Critical value of z is 1.6449 and the test value of z is 1.6366. This is a one-tail test with 5.0% in the tail. Sample mean is 99.8154


Yes. The p-value is 5.09% which is greater than 5.0% but only just


Yes. Critical value of z is 1.2816 and the test value of z is 1.6366. This is a one-tail test with 10.0% in the tail


Yes. The p-value is 5.09% which is less than 10.0%


No change in the conclusions. Sample mean is now 99.7493 and sample test statistic is 1.5715. This gives a p-value of 5.80%, which is greater than 5% but less than 10%


The hypothesis testing could be performed with a smaller sample size which would be less expensive. However note that at the 5% level the results between the test and critical value are close

5. Solutions – automatic teller machine Question



Yes. The critical values are z 1.9600 and the sample test statistic is 2.0000, which is greater than 1.9600. Note this is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


The p-value is 2.28% which is less than 2.50%. Alternatively we can say that the p-value is 4.55% which is less than 5.00%


€3,200.70 and €3,269.30. The value of €3,200.00 is not contained within these limits (Continued)



Statistics for Business

5. Solutions – (Continued) Question



No. The sample test value is still 2.0000 but the critical values are z 2.5758. The test value is within these boundaries. Note this is a two-tail test with 0.50% in each tail


The p-value is 2.28% which is greater than 0.50% for one tail. Alternatively, we can say the p-value is 4.55% which is greater than 1.00%


€3,189.92 and €3,280.08. The value of €3,200 is contained within these limits


If the bank has significantly less in the machines there is a risk of the machines running out of cash and this is poor customer service. Alternatively, if the bank puts significantly too much cash in the machines that is underutilized this money could be invested elsewhere to earn interest

6. Solutions – bar stools Question



No. The critical value of z is 1.6449 and the test value of z is 1.4142 or inside the critical limit. This is a left-hand, one-tail test with 5.0% in the tail


Yes. The p-value is 7.86% which is greater than 5.0%


Yes. The critical value of z is 1.2816 and the test value of z is 1.4142 or outside the critical limit. This is a left-hand, one-tail test with 10.0% in the tail


Yes. The p-value is 7.86% which is less than 10.0%


From the data, the sample standard deviation is 2.54 cm, which gives a sample statistic of 1.3937 and a p-value of 8.67%. At a significance level of 5% the Student-t value is 1.6955 and we accept the null hypothesis. At a significance level of 10% the Student-t value is 1.3095 and we reject the null hypothesis. Thus there is no change to the conclusions from Questions 1 to 4

7. Solutions – salad dressing Question



No. Critical value of z is 1.9600 and the test value of z is 1.6680. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


Yes. The p-value is 4.77% which is greater than 2.5%


996.37 and 1,000.29 ml. The nominal value of 1,000 ml is contained within these intervals


Yes. Critical value of z is 1.6449 and the test value of z is 1.6680. This is a one-tail test with 5.0% in the left-hand tail


Yes. The p-value is 4.77% which is less than 5.0%


If as the test suggests there is significantly less than the 1,000 ml as indicated on the label, the manufacturer is not being honest to the customer and they could be in trouble with the control inspectors


Very sensitive as small changes in volume will swing the results either side of the barrier limits

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

8. Solutions – apples Question



No. Critical value of t is 2.0639 and the test value of t is 1.9424. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


Yes. The p-value is 6.39% which is greater than 5.0%


195.05 and 200.15 g. The value of 200 g is contained within these intervals


Yes. Critical value of t is 1.7109 and the test value of z is 1.9424. This is a one-tail test with 5.0% in the left-hand tail


Yes. The p-value is 3.20% which is less than 5.0%

9. Solutions – batteries Question



No. Accept the null hypothesis. The test value of t is 2.0330 and the critical value of t is 2.1448. Thus test value is within the boundaries of the critical value


p-value is 6.15% and since this is greater than the value of 5% we accept the null hypothesis


Yes. Accept the alternative hypothesis. The test value of t is 2.0330 and the critical value of t is now 1.7613. Thus test value is outside the boundaries of the critical value – it is higher


p-value is 3.07% and since this is less than the value of 5% we reject the null hypothesis


In Questions 1 and 2 we are testing to see if there is a difference thus the value of α is 5% but there is only 2.5% in each tail which gives a relatively high value of t. In Questions 3 and 4, we are still testing at the 5% significance level but all of this area is the right tail. Thus t is smaller than for the two-tail test and explains the shift from acceptance to rejection

10. Solutions – hospital emergency Question



No. Critical value of t is 2.1448 and the test value of t is 2.0859. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


Yes. The p-value is 5.58% which is greater than 5.0%


9.92 and 15.68 minutes. The value of 10 minutes is contained within these intervals


Yes. Critical value of t is 1.7613 and the test value of t is 2.0859. This is a one-tail test with 5.0% in the right-hand tail


Yes. The p-value is 2.79% which is less than 5.0%


The test for being greater than 10 minutes. If this is the case, the hospital is not meeting its objectives with the risk to the life of patients



Statistics for Business

11. Solutions – equality for women Question



Accept the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 2.5758 and the test value is 2.4637. This is a two-tail test with 0.5% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 0.69% which is greater than the 0.5%. Alternatively the p-value total is 1.38% which is greater than the α-value of 1%


Limits are 15.45% and 45.66%. The value of 45% is within these limits so verifies that we should accept the null hypothesis


Reject the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.9600 and the test value is 2.4637. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 0.69% which is less than the 2.5%. Alternatively the p-value total is 1.38% which is less than the α-value of 5%


Limits are 19.06% and 42.05%. The value of 45% is outside these limits and so verifies that we should reject the null hypothesis


At the significance level of 1% the test would support the conclusions. At the significance level of 5% indications are that the pay gap is more than 45%

12. Solutions – gas from Russia Question



From the table proportion in Italy imports from Russia is 34.20%. Accept the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.9600 and the test value is 1.7711 which is inside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 3.83% which is greater than 2.5%. Alternatively the p-value total is 7.65% which is greater than the α-value of 5%


Limits are 4.28% and 35.72%. The value of 34.20% is within these limits so verifies that we should accept the null hypothesis


Reject the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.6449 and the test value is 1.7711 which is outside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 5.0% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 3.83%, which is less than the 5.0%. Alternatively the p-value total is 7.65% which is less than the α-value of 10%


Limits are 6.81% and 33.19%. The value of 34.02% is not within these limits so verifies that we should reject the null hypothesis


From the table proportion Poland imports from Russia is 86.81%. Accept the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.9600 and the test value is 0.3074 which is inside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 37.93% which is greater than 2.5%. Alternatively the p-value total is 75.85% which is greater than the α-value of 5% (Continued)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

12. Solutions – (Continued) Question



Limits are 77.36% and 99.78%. The value of 86.81% is within these limits so verifies that we should accept the null hypothesis


Accept the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.6449 and the test value is 0.3074 which is inside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 5.0% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 37.93% which is greater than 5.0%. Alternatively the p-value total is 75.85% which is greater than the α-value of 10%


Limits are 79.16% and 97.98%. The value of 86.81% is within these limits so verifies that we should accept the null hypothesis


From this data it appears that Italy is tending to use less than the contractual amount of natural gas from Russia. It perhaps can easily call on imports from say Libya or other North African countries. On the other hand Poland seems to be using close to or more than the contractual amount of natural gas from Russia. This is perhaps because historically and geographically Poland is closer to Russia and is not yet in a position to exploit other suppliers

13. Solutions – international education Question



Accept the published value or the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 2.5758 and the test value is 2.0710 which is inside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 0.5% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 1.92% which is greater than 0.5%. Alternatively the p-value total is 3.84% which is greater than the α-value of 1%


Limits are 16.05% and 46.17%. The value of 19.0% is within these limits so verifies that we should accept the null hypothesis


Reject the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.9600 and the test value is 2.0710 which is outside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 1.92%, which is less than 2.5%. Alternatively the p-value total is 3.84% which is less than the α-value of 5%


Limits are 19.65% and 42.57%. The value of 19.0% is not within these limits so verifies that we should reject the null hypothesis


Accept the published value or the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 2.5758 and the test value is 2.2546 which is inside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 0.5% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 1.21% which is greater than 0.5%. Alternatively the p-value total is 2.42% which is greater than the α-value of 1%


Limits are 9.97% and 34.47%. The value of 11.5% is within these limits so verifies that we should accept the null hypothesis (Continued)



Statistics for Business

13. Solutions – (Continued) Question



Reject the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.9600 and the test value is 2.2546 which is outside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 1.21%, which is less than 2.5%. Alternatively the p-value total is 2.42% which is less than the α-value of 5%


Limits are 12.90% and 31.54%. The value of 11.5% is not within these limits so verifies that we should reject the null hypothesis

14. Solutions – US employment Question



Accept the published value or the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.9600 and the test value is 0.0341 which is inside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 48.64% which is greater than 2.5%. Alternatively the p-value total is 97.28% which is greater than the α-value of 5%


Limits are 0.18% and 9.46%. The value of 4.90% is within these limits so verifies that we should accept the null hypothesis


Accept the published value or the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.6449 and the test value is 0.0341 which is inside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 5.0% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 48.64% which is greater than 5.0%. Alternatively the p-value total is 97.28% which is greater than the α-value of 10%


Limits are 0.92% and 8.72%. The value of 4.90% is within these limits so verifies that we should accept the null hypothesis


Reject the published value or the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.9600 and the test value is 1.9998 which is outside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 2.28% which is less than 2.5%. Alternatively the p-value total is 4.55% which is less than the α-value of 5%


Limits are 4.99% and 14.28%. The value of 4.90% is not within these limits so verifies that we should reject the null hypothesis


Reject the published value or the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.6449 and the test value is 1.9998 which is outside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 10.0% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 2.28% which is less than 5.0%. Alternatively the p-value total is 4.55% which is less than the α-value of 10% (Continued)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

14. Solutions – (Continued) Question



Limits are 5.74% and 13.54%. The value of 4.90% is not within these limits so verifies that we should reject the null hypothesis


The data for Palo Alto indicates low levels of unemployment. This region is a service economy principally in the hi-tech sector. People are young and are more able to move from one company to another. Detroit is manufacturing and this sector is in decline. People are older and do not have flexibility to move from one industry to another

15. Solutions – Mexico and the United States Question





Accept the indicated value or the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.9600 and the test value is 1.9102 which is inside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 2.81% which is greater than 2.5%. Alternatively the p-value total is 5.61% which is greater than the α-value of 5%


Limits are 7.29% and 31.30%. The value of 31.00% is within these limits so verifies that we should accept the null hypothesis


Reject the indicated value or the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.6449 and the test value is 1.9102 which is outside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 5.0% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 2.81% which is less than 5.0%. Alternatively the p-value total is 5.61% which is less than the α-value of 10%


Limits are 9.22% and 29.37%. The value of 31.00% is not within these limits so verifies that we should reject the null hypothesis


Reject the published value or the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.9600 and the test value is 8.7059 which is well outside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 2.5% in each tail


In each tail the p-value is 0% which is less than 2.5%. Alternatively the p-value total is 0% which is less than the α-value of 5%


Limits indicate 9.21% (0%) and 16.23%. The value of 60% is far from being within these limits so verifies that we should soundly reject the null hypothesis


Reject the published value or the null hypothesis. The critical value of the test is 1.6449 and the test value is 8.7059 which is well outside the critical boundaries. This is a two-tail test with 10.0% in each tail (Continued)



Statistics for Business

15. Solutions – (Continued) Question



In each tail the p-value is 0% which is less than 5.0%. Alternatively the p-value total is 0% which is less than the α-value of 10%


Limits indicate 7.16% (0%) and 14.18%. The value of 60% is not within these limits so verifies that we should reject the null hypothesis


Random sampling for verifying that an individual is from Mexico can only be done from census data. Taking a random sample of foreign-born individuals would be biased. To an interviewer, and undocumented alien is unlikely to be truthful and nothing says that the random sample were documented, or undocumented. Exercise underscores difficulty of obtaining reliable information about illegal immigrants

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

Chapter 9: Hypothesis Testing for Different Populations 1. Solutions – gasoline prices Question



Null hypothesis is H0: μ1 μ2. Alternative hypothesis is H1: μ1 μ2, where μ1 is the mean value in January 2006 and μ2 is the mean value in June 2006


Yes. At 2% significance, the critical value of z is 2.3263 and the sample test statistic is 2.8816


Significance level is 2% and the p-value is 0.1979%


No. The conclusions do not change. At 5% significance, the critical value of z now becomes 1.9600. The sample test statistic remains at 2.8816


Significance level is 5% and the p-value is still 0.1979%


In 2006 the price of crude oil rose above $70/barrel. Gasoline is a refined product from crude oil

2. Solutions – tee shirts Question



Null hypothesis is H0: μS μI. Alternative hypothesis is H1: μS μI, where μS is the mean value for Spain and μI is the mean value for Italy. This is a two-tail test


No. At 1% significance, the critical value of z is 2.5758 and the sample test statistic is 2.3733. Accept the null hypothesis


Significance level is 1% with 0.5% in each tail. The p-value in each tail is 0.88%


Yes. The conclusions change. At 5% significance, the critical value of z is now 1.9600 and the sample test statistic is still 2.3733. Reject the null hypothesis


Significance level is 5% with 2.50% in each tail. The p-value is still 0.88%


Null hypothesis is H0: μS μI. Alternative hypothesis is H1: μS μI, where μS is the mean value for Spain and μI is the mean value for Italy. This is a one-tail test


Yes. At 1% significance, the critical value of z is 2.3263 and the sample test statistic is 2.3733. Reject the null hypothesis


Significance level is 1% with 1.00% in the tail. The p-value is still 0.88%

3. Solutions – inventory levels Question



Null hypothesis is H0: μF μI. Alternative hypothesis is H1: μF μI, where μF is the mean value for stores using FAX and μI is the mean value for those using Internet. Thus, this is a one-tail test


No. At 1% significance, the critical value of Student-t is 2.4999 and the sample test statistic t is 2.4320 (Continued)



Statistics for Business

3. Solutions – (Continued) Question



Significance level is 1% and the p-value is 1.16%


Yes. At 5% significance, the critical value of Student-t is 1.7139 and the sample test statistic t is still 2.4320


Significance level is 5% and the p-value is still 1.16%


The statistical evidence implies that when orders are made by FAX, the delivery is longer. For this reason, those stores using FAX keep a higher coverage of inventory in order to minimize the risk of a stockout. Perhaps FAX orders sit in an in-tray before they are handled. However Internet orders are normally processed immediately as they would go into the supplier’s database

4. Solutions – restaurant ordering Question



Null hypothesis is H0: μD μS. Alternative hypothesis is H0: μD μS, where μD is the mean value using database ordering and μS is the mean value for standard method. Since we are asking is there a difference, this is a two-tail test


No. At a 1% significance level, accept the null hypothesis. The critical value of Student-t is 2.8784 and the sample test statistic t is 4.3436.


Significance level is 1% with 0.5% in the tail and the sample p-value is 0.04%


H0: μD μS 1.25 μS. Alternative hypothesis is H0: μD μS 1.25 μS. This is now a one-tail test


Using this new criterion we reject the null hypothesis. The critical value of Student-t is now 2.5524 and the sample test statistic t is still 2.9037. This is a one-tail test


Significance level is 1% and the sample p-value is 0.87% (a one-tail test)


The investment is too much to install a database system. It could be that they prefer the manual system as they can more easily camouflage real revenues for tax purposes!

5. Solutions – sales revenues Question



Average store sales of those in the pilot programme before is £260,000/store. Thus benchmark is an increase of 10% or £26,000/store


Null hypothesis H0: μ1 μ2 £26,000. Alternative hypothesis H1: μ1 μ2 £26,000


No. Sample Student-t is 2.7404 and critical Student-t is 2.7638


Significance level is 1% and p-value is 1.04%


Yes. Sample Student-t is still 2.7404 but critical Student-t is now 1.8125 (Continued)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

5. Solutions – (Continued) Question



Significance level is 5% and p-value is 1.04%


Even at 1% significance the results are very close to the critical test level. Retail sales are very sensitive to seasons so we need to be sure that the sampling data was carried out in like periods

6. Solutions – hotel yield rate Question



Null hypothesis H0: μ1 μ2 10%. Alternative hypothesis H1: μ1 μ2 10%


No. Sample Student-t is 1.1959 and critical Student-t is 2.8965


Significance level is 1% and p-value is 13.30%


Yes. Sample Student-t is still 1.1959 but critical Student-t is now 1.1081


Significance level is 15% and p-value is still 13.30%


That depends if these new yield rate levels are sustainable and if the advertising cost and the reduction in price levels have led to a net income increase for the hotels. Also, note that a high significance level is used before we can say that the objectives have been reached

7. Solutions – migraine headaches Question



Monthly average of the migraine attacks before is 24.4 and 50% of this is 12.20. Null hypothesis H0: μ1 μ2 12.20. Alternative hypothesis H1: μ1 μ2 12.20


No. Sample Student-t is 0.3509 and critical Student-t is 2.8214


Significance level is 1% and sample p-value is 36.69%


No. Sample Student-t is still 0.3509 and critical Student-t is 1.3830


Significance level is 10% and sample p-value is still 36.69%


About a 60% reduction would be required. At a 60.28% reduction this gives a mean value afterwards of 9.7 headaches per month. This gives a sample Student-t of 2.8257 and a p-value of 0.99%


Patients may experience less attacks knowing they are undertaking a test (physiological effect). Also eliminating coffee may reduce or increase stress or may reduce or increase consumption of sugar so all variables have not been isolated



Statistics for Business

8. Solutions – hotel customers Question



Null hypothesis is H0: p6 p1. Alternative hypothesis is H0: p6 p1. The indices refer to the year the test was made. This is a two-tail test


No. Sample z-value is 1.6590 and critical z-value is 1.9600


Significance level is 5% with 2.5% in each tail. Sample z gives 4.86% in each tail


Null hypothesis is H0: p6 p1. Alternative hypothesis is H0: p6 p1. The indices refer to the year the test was made. This is a one-tail, right-hand test


Yes. Sample z-value is still 1.6590 and critical z-value is now 1.6449


Significance level is 5%. Sample z gives 4.86% in the tail


The data results are close. The fitness craze seems to have leveled off in this decade. Other variables that need to be considered in the sampling are the gender of customers, and whether the customers at the hotel are for business or pleasure?

9. Solutions – flight delays Question



Null hypothesis is H0: p05 p96. Alternative hypothesis is H0: p05 p96. The indices refer to the year the test was made. This is a two-tail test


No. Accept null hypothesis. Sample z-value is 2.4972 and critical z-value is 2.5758


Significance level is 1% with 0.5% in each tail. Sample z gives 0.63% in each tail


Yes. Reject null hypothesis. Sample z-value is still 2.4972 and critical z-value is 1.9600


Significance level is 5% with 2.5% in each tail. Sample z gives 0.63% in each tail


Null hypothesis is H0: p05 p96. Alternative hypothesis is H0: p05 p96. The indices refer to the year the test was made. This is a one-tail test


Reject the null hypothesis. Sample z-value is 2.4972 and critical z-value is 2.3263


0.63% or the p-value of the sampling experiment


The experiment could be defined better. What is a major European airport? When was the sampling made – winter or summer? In winter, there are weather problems. In summer traffic is heavier. Certainly though airplane traffic has increased significantly and delays have increased. A 20-minute delay may be excessive for some passengers

10. Solutions – World Cup Question 1

Answer Null hypothesis is H0: p98 p06. Alternative hypothesis is H0: p98 p06. The indices refer to the year the test was made. This is a two-tail test (Continued)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

10. Solutions – (Continued) Question



No. Accept null hypothesis. Sample z-value is 2.4385 and critical z-value is 2.5758


Significance level is 1% with 0.5% in each tail. Sample z gives 0.74% in each tail


Yes. Reject null hypothesis. Sample z-value is still 2.4385 and critical z-value is 1.9600


Significance level is 5% with 2.5% in each tail. Sample z gives 0.74% in each tail


Null hypothesis is H0: p06 p98. Alternative hypothesis is H0: p06 p98. The indices refer to the year the test was made. This is a one-tail test. Note, here we have reversed the position and put the year 2006 first. We could also say, H0: p98 p06. Alternative hypothesis is H0: p98 p06 though this does not fit with the way the question is phrased


Reject the null hypothesis. Sample z-value is 2.4385 and critical z-value is 2.3263


Significance level is 1.00% and p-value is 0.74%


The experiment should be defined. What was the gender of the people sample? (Men are more likely to be enthusiastic about the World Cup than omen.) The country surveyed is also important. Not all European countries have a team in the World Cup

11. Solutions – travel time and stress Question



Null hypothesis H0: pHS pMS pLS. Alternative hypothesis H1: pHS pMS pI pLS where the indices refer to the stress level


No. Critical chi-square value is 13.2767 and sample chi-square value is 9.5604


Significance level is 1% and p-value is 4.85%


Yes. Critical chi-square value is 9.4877 and sample chi-square value is still 9.5604


Significance level is 5% and p-value is 4.85%


Yes. Percentage returns are 93% (186/200)


Stress may not only be a result of travel but could be personal reasons or work itself

12. Solutions – investing in stocks Question



Null hypothesis H0: pU pG pI pE. Alternative hypothesis H1: pU pG pI pE where the indices refer to the first letter of the country


No. It seems that the investment strategy of individuals is independent of the country of residence. Sample chi-square is 10.9108 and critical chi-square is 11.3449


Significance level is 1% and p-value is 1.22% (Continued)



Statistics for Business

12. Solutions – (Continued) Question



Yes. It seems that the investment strategy of individuals is dependent on the country of residence. Sample chi-square is 10.9108 and critical chi-square is 8.9473


Significance level is 3% and p-value is still 1.22%


According to the sample, nearly 62% of individuals invest in stocks in the United States while in the European countries it is between 50% and 52%. The higher level in the United States is to be expected as Americans are usually more risk takers and the social security programmes are not as strong as in Europe

13. Solutions – automobile preference Question



Null hypothesis H0: pG pF pE pI pS. Alternative H1: pG pF pE pI pS where the indices refer to the country


Yes. Critical chi-square value is 31.9999 and sample chi-square value is 38.7764


Significance level is 1% and p-value is 0.12%


0.12% the p-value of the sample data


Results are not surprising. Even though we have the European Union people are still nationalistic about certain things including the origin of the products they buy

14. Solutions – newspaper reading Question



Null hypothesis H0: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5. Alternative H1: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 where the indices refer to the salary category


No. Critical chi-square value is 15.5073 and sample chi-square value is 14.5675


Significance level is 5.00% and p-value is 6.81%


Yes. Critical chi-square value is 13.3616 and sample chi-square value is 14.5675


Significance level is 10.00% and p-value is 6.81%


There are many variables in this sample experiment for example the country of readership, the newspaper that is read, and the profession of the reader. Depending on the purpose of this analysis another sampling experiment should be carried out to take into account these other variables

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

15. Solutions – wine consumption Question



Null hypothesis H0: pE pF pI pS pU. Alternative H1: pE pF pI pS pU where the indices refer to the first letter of the country


No. It seems that the amount of wine consumed is independent of the country of residence. Sample chi-square is 23.1757 and critical chi-square is 26.2170


Significance level is 1% and p-value is 2.63%


3.00% since the p-value of the sample is 2.63%




In Europe wine consumption per capita is down but wine exporters such as South Africa, Chile, Australia, and California are up – at the expense of French wine!



Statistics for Business

Chapter 10: Forecasting and Estimating from Correlated Data 1. Solutions – safety record Question



y^ 179.6883 0.0895x


An annual reduction of 0.895 incidents per 200,000 hours worked


The coefficient of determination, r 2, which is 0.9391 or the coefficient of correlation of 0.9691. Note that the coefficient of correlation has the same negative sign as the slope of the regression line


0.11 reported incidents per 200,000 hours worked


0.16 reported incidents per 200,000 hours worked. We cannot have negative reported incidents of safety


It suggests that the safety record of ExxonMobil has reached its minimum level and if anything will now decline in an exponential fashion. Using the linear regression equation to forecast for 2009 already shows a negative 0.07 incidents per 200,000 hours worked

2. Solutions – office supplies Question



y^ 17.4441 0.9002x


This might correspond to increased purchases due to back-to-school period


r2 is 0.9388 and r 0.9689 which indicate a good correlation so there is a reasonable reliability for the regression model


£2,701 increase per quarter


June 2007 is £66,057. This is most reliable as it is closer period to actual data. December 2008 is £82,261 and December 2009 is £93,064


Forecasting using revenues has a disadvantage in that it covers up the increases in prices over time. From an operating point of view it may be better to report unit sales in order to see those items which are the major revenue contributors

3. Solutions – road deaths Question



y^ 498,620.49 245.59x using the years as the x-values


The coefficient of determination, r 2. Here the value is 0.9309. Since it is quite close to unity, the regression line seems to be a reasonable predictor for future values. Coefficient of correlation is 0.9649


A reduction of about 246 deaths per year


4,983 (Continued)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

3. Solutions – (Continued) Question





The value of 4,983 for Question No. 5 is achievable with a lot of effort on the part of drivers and national and local authorities. The value of 71 for Question No. 6 is desirable but probably unlikely. These values indicate the danger of making forecasts beyond the collected data and way into the future

4. Solutions – carbon dioxide Question



y^ 28.5455x 55,256.0000


Coefficient of determination is 0.8822 and the coefficient of correlation is 0.9393. For the data given they are greater than 0.8 and indicate a reasonable relationship


28.54 millions of metric tons of carbon per year


2,120 millions of metric tons of carbon per year


Between 2,043 and 2,198 million metric tons of carbon equivalent. To be correct we use the Student-t distribution.


2,406 millions of metric tons of carbon per year


Worldwide there is a lot of discussion and action on reducing carbon dioxide emissions, so that the rate of increase may decline and thus making forecasts using the given data may be erroneous

5. Solutions – restaurant serving Question



Coefficient of determination, r 2 0.8627 or coefficient of correlation, r 0.9288


y^ 5.8088 2.7598x


2.8 minutes for every employee absent


5.8 minutes


22.4 minutes


61.0 minutes. A value of 20 for x is beyond the range of the collected data. This would be an unacceptable internal operating situation (36% of employees are absent). Further, externally many clients would not wait over an hour to get served


People order different meals, and different cooking conditions (Rare, medium, and well cooked steaks). Planning not optimum in the kitchen or in the dining room. Kitchen staff not polyvalent so bottlenecks for some dishes. Clients change their minds



Statistics for Business

6. Solutions – product sales Question



Regression equation is y^ 10,536x 11,944; r2 0,8681. The relationship is strong


28 units/day


65 units/day. The shelf space of 5 m2 is beyond the range of the data collected. Is it realistic for the store?


The extent of product exposure has an impact on sales

7. Solutions – German train usage Question



Regression equation is, y^ 57.2459 3.5570x; r2 is 0.5054, relationship is not strong


Regression equation is, y^ 2.7829 1.7849x; r2 is 0.9156, relationship is strong


About 21 million (20.6319)


y^ 0.0706x2 0.2909x 8.6512; r2 0.9483 a strong relationship. However this profile cannot be maintained indefinitely

8. Solutions – cosmetics Question



y^ 230,981.21 2.28 * advertising budget 745.40 * No. of sales persons. Coefficient of multiple determination r2 is 0.9640 which indicates a strong relationship




Lower limit is £381,835 and upper limit is £589,463


y^ 205,987.21 2.31 * advertising budget 732.79 * sales persons 379.65 * No. of Yam parties. Coefficient of multiple determination r2 is 0.9650, a strong relationship




Lower limit is £366,799 and upper limit is £588,171

9. Solutions – hotel revenues Question



y^ 7.400x 14,742.60


r2 0.9099


$7.4 million per year (Continued)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

9. Solutions – (Continued) Question



$116.60 million. Lower limit $102.70 million and upper 130.70 million


$205.40 million. Lower limit €191.50 million and upper 219.30 million


y^ 0.7652x2 3,053.9712x 3,047,387.6424


r2 0.9722


€348.85 million


€687.90 million


2008 is closer to the period when the data was measured and so is more reliable. The further away in the time horizon that forecasts are made, the more difficult it is to make a forecast

10. Solutions – Hershey Question



The number of shares more than doubles in mid-1996 and mid-2004 indicating a stock split in those periods


y^ 732.7656x 5169.7610


The coefficient of determination, r 2. Here the value is 0.8942. Since it is greater than 0.8 the regression line is a reasonable predictor for future values






$79,248,61 and $100,930,94


A severe economic downturn which could depress stock prices


Probably not significantly reduced. Hershey has been around for a long time. People will continue to eat chocolate and related foods. Hershey is expanding their market into Asia so that it should help to keep up their revenues

11. Solutions – compact discs Question



y^ 15.6727x 31,230.6182; r2 is 0.9275


224.55 million


428.29 million


y^ 1.0114x2 4,028.7705x 4,012,193.1091; r2 0.9522, closer to unity


273.11 million (Continued)



Statistics for Business

11. Solutions – (Continued) Question




844.99 million. Note the value obtained depends on how many decimal places are used for the coefficient. Answers to Question 6 and 7 use eight decimal places


Using polynomial relationships implies that we can reach infinite values. The answer to Question 7 is almost twice that of Question 4. In fact sales of CDs are now declining with Internet downloading of music and further, there is evidence that the CD, introduced in 1982, will soon be replaced by other technologies.1

At 25, compact disc faces retirement, International Herald Tribune, 17 August 2007, p. 12.

12. Solutions – US imports Question



1960–1964; y^ 1,039.50x 2,023,238.40; r2 0.9158 1965–1969; y^ 3,609.20x 7,070,763.00; r2 0.9712 1975–1979; y^ 27,941.80x 55,088,472.80; r2 0.9954 1985–1989; y^ 35,791.80x 70,710,080.20; r2 0.9973 1995–1999; y^ 68,034.40x 134,988,756.40; r2 0.9758 2002–2005; y^ 175,599.60x 350,416,159.10; r2 0.9767


Using the actual data for 1960–1964; forecast for 2006 is $61,998.60 million Using the actual data for 1965–1969; forecast for 2006 is $169,292.20 million Using the actual data for 1975–1979; forecast for 2006 is $962,778.00 million Using the actual data for 1985–1989; forecast for 2006 is $1,088, 270.60 million Using the actual data for 1995–1999; forecast for 2006 is $1,488,250.00 million Using the actual data for 2002–2005; forecast for 2006 is $1,836,638.50.00 million


The actual value for 2006 is $1,861,380 million. Even though the coefficients of regression determined in Question 2 show a strong correlation for the time series data, only using the data for 2002–2005 is a close agreement (a difference of some 1%). This shows that the closer your actual data is to the forecast there is a better reliability. Also, you must know the business environment – in this case there has been a significant change in the volume of US imports since 1960


19602006; y^ 32,733.7090x 64,449,298.3373; r2 0,8368


y^ 0,0000e0,1087x; r2 0,9700


y^ 1.2310x4 9,737.5400x3 28,885,675.8297x2 38,083,581,799.6840x 18,829,057,563,855.8000; r2 0,9935


Linear: $1,345,457 million; exponential: 3,860,721; polynomial: 284,264,832


$2,573,675 million


As the years move on, the slope of the curve increases. Thus using linear regression based on earlier period data is not useful. The curve developed using the polynomial function indicates a close fit and this is corroborated by the coefficient of determination, which is close to unity. From this we might conclude that the forecast developed from this relation for 2010 is the most reliable

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

13. Solutions – English pubs Question



There is a seasonal variation with highest sales in the spring and summer which is to be expected. Also, sales are increasing over time


y^ 32,515.4283x 1,013,146.9843


Ratios for 2004 are winter 0.1997; spring 1.5298; summer 2.1763; fall 0.0873. This means that for 2004 winter sales are 80.03% below the yearly average, spring 52.98% above, summer 117.63% above and winter 91.27% below


Winter 0.2052; spring 1.5606; summer 2.1427; fall 0.0874


r2 0.9031


Winter 328,017; spring 2,551,173; summer 3,580,963; fall 149,200 litre


8,402,514 litre in 2010. There is a lot of concern about the amount of beer consumed by the English and the hope is that consumption will decline or at least not increase

14. Solutions – Mersey Store Question 2

Answer Q1: 14,919; Q2: 15,750; Q3: 16,544; Q4: 15,021

15. Solutions – swimwear Question



There is a seasonal variation and sales are increasing over time


y^ 6,830.7796 364,7968x


Ratios for 2005 are winter 0.2587; spring 1.9720; summer 1.66773; fall 0.1083. This means that for 2005 winter sales are 74.13% below the yearly average, spring 97.20% above, summer 66.73% above and winter 89.12% below


Winter 0.2569; spring 1.9627; summer 1.6686; fall 0.1120


Winter 3,302; spring 25,905; summer 22,598; fall 1,555 units


Unit sales are more appropriate for comparison. If dollar sales are used this masks the impact of price increases over time



Statistics for Business

Chapter 11: Indexing as a Method of Data Analysis 1. Solutions – backlog Question



1988 100; 126; 144; 168; 221; 222; 211; 221; 237; 216; 190; 137; 2000 150; 173; 146; 159; 222; 224


In 1989 the backlog was 26% more than in 1988; in 2000 it was 50% more than in 1988; in 2005 it was 124% more than in 1988


1988 67; 84; 96; 112; 147; 148; 140; 147; 158; 144; 126; 91; 2000 ⫽ 100; 115; 97; 106; 148; 149


In 1989 the backlog was 33% less than in 2000; in 1993 it was 48% more than in 2000; in 2005 it was 49% more than in 2000


1988 is a long way back and with a base of 1988 gives some index values greater than 200 which is sometimes difficult to interpret, 2000 is closer to the present time and all the index values are less than 200 making interpretation more understandable


1989 126; 114; 117; 132; 100; 95; 105; 107; 91; 88; 72; 2000 109; 115; 84; 109; 139; 101


In 1990 the backlog increased 14% over 1989. In 1994 the backlog decreased by 5% compared to 1993. In 1998 the backlog decreased by 12% compared to 1997. In 2004 the backlog increased by 39% compared to 2003

2. Solutions – gold Question



1987 100; 98; 85; 86; 81; 77; 81; 86; 86; 1996 87; 74; 66; 63; 63; 61; 70; 82; 92; 116


In 1996 the price was 13% less than in 1987. In 2001 it was 39% less than in 1987. In 2005 it was 16% more than in 1987


1988 115; 113; 98; 99; 93; 89; 93; 99; 99; 1996 100; 85; 76; 72; 72; 70; 80; 94; 106; 133


In 1987 the price was 15% more than in 1996. In 2001 it was 30% less than in 1996. In 2005 it was 33% more than in 1996


1987 is a long way back. A base of 1996 gives index values for the last 10 years


1988 98; 87; 101; 94; 95; 105; 107; 100; 101; 85; 89; 95; 100; 97; 114; 117; 113; 126


1997 when the price decreased by 15% from the previous year


2005 when the price increased by 26% from the previous year

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

3. Solutions – US gasoline prices Question



1990 100.0; 94.4; 94.1; 89.2; 97.5; 94.1; 100.8; 102.3; 84.3; 101.8; 2000 119.2; 113.1; 114.6; 142.1; 155.7; 211.5; 2006 245.8


In 1993 the price was 10.8% less than in 1990. In 1998 it was 15.7% less than in 1990. In 2005 it was 111.5% more than in 1990 or more than double the price


1990 83.9; 79.2; 78.9; 74.8; 81.8; 78.9; 84.6; 85.8; 70.7; 85.4; 2000 100.0; 94.9; 96.1; 119.2; 130.6; 177.4; 2006 206.2


In 1993 the price was 15.2% less than in 2000. In 1998 it was 29.3% less than in 2000. In 2005 it was 77.4% more than in 2000


1990 is in the last century. A base of 2000 gives the benchmark start for the 21st century


1991 94.4; 99.7; 94.7; 109.3; 96.6; 107.1; 101.4; 82.4; 120.7; 2000 117.2; 94.9; 101.3; 124.0; 109.5; 135.9; 2006 116.2


In 2005 when there was a 35.9% increase over the previous year


1990 100.0; 190.0; 100.0; 95.0; 90.0; 95.0; 100.0; 110.0; 95.0; 60.0; 2000 75.0; 150.0; 125.0; 125.0; 135.0; 175.0; 310.0


There is an approximate correlation between the two in that when crude oil prices rise, then the price of refined gasoline rises. This is to be expected. However, there is always a lag when gasoline prices change to correspond to crude oil price changes

4. Solutions – coffee prices Question



1975 100; 138.4; 306.6; 245.9; 297.7; 307.2; 244.5; 223.1; 221.9; 212.5; 1985 280.5; 293.3; 335.2; 334.8; 312.2; 1990 340.0; 324.1; 265.2; 248.5; 386.9; 407.2; 417.4; 476.2; 448.8; 406.9; 2000 374.6; 359.0; 386.9; 431.8; 2004 465.1


In 1985 the price was 180.5% more than in 1975. In 1995 it was 307.2% more than in 1975. In 2004 it was 365.1% more than in 1975


1975 29.4; 40.7; 90.2; 72.3; 87.6; 90.4; 71.9; 65.6; 65.3; 62.5; 82.5; 86.3; 98.6; 98.5; 91.8; 1990 100.0; 95.3; 78.0; 73.1; 113.8; 119.8; 122.8; 140.1; 132.0; 119.7; 2000 110.2; 105.6; 113.8; 127.0; 136.8


In 1985 the price was 17.5% less than in 1990. In 1995 it was 19.8% more than in 1990. In 2004 it was 36.8% more than in 1990


1975 26.7; 37.0; 81.8; 65.6; 79.5; 82.0; 65.3; 59.6; 59.2; 56.7; 1985 74.9; 78.3; 89.5; 89.4; 83.3; 90.8; 86.5; 70.8; 66.3; 103.3; 1995 108.7; 111.4; 127.1; 119.8; 108.6; 2000 100.0; 95.8; 103.3; 115.3; 124.2


In 1985 the price was 25.1% less than in 2000. In 1995 it was 8.7% more than in 2000. In 2004 it was 24.2% more than in 2000 (Continued)



Statistics for Business

4. Solutions – (Continued) Question



A base of 2000 is probably the best as it starts the 21st century. A base of 1975 is inappropriate as it is too far back and we are introducing percentage values more than 100% which is not always easy to grasp


1976 138.4; 221.5; 80.2; 121.0; 103.2; 79.6; 91.3; 99.4; 95.8; 1985 132.0; 104.6; 114.3; 99.9; 93.2; 108.9; 95.3; 81.8; 93.7; 155.7; 1995 105.3; 102.5; 114.1; 94.3; 90.7; 92.1; 95.8; 107.8; 111.6; 107.7


In 1977 when prices increased by 121.5%


In 1981 when prices decreased by 20.4%


Coffee beans are a commodity and the price is dependent on the weather and the quantity harvested. Also country unrest can have an impact such as in the Ivory Coast in 2005

5. Solutions – Boeing Question



100; 96; 92; 98; 106


They were 6% higher than in 2005


94; 66; 25; 84; 100


They were 6% less than in 2001


105; 104; 93; 93


There was a 7% annual decline in both 2002 and 2003 and a 4% annual increase in 2004 and a 5% annual increase in 2005

6. Solutions – Ford Motor Company Question



1992 100.0; 108.5; 126.9; 130.9; 138.5; 144.5; 139.8; 2000 160.0; 166.8; 155.0; 159.3; 163.8; 174.3; 2004 181.9


They were 81.9% higher than in 1992


1993 108.5; 117.0; 103.1; 105.8; 104.4; 96.8; 114.4; 2000 104.3; 92.9; 102.8; 102.8; 106.4; 2005 104.3


1998 by 3.2% and 2001 by 7.1%


1992 100.0; 111.9; 124.3; 115.9; 114.3; 120.0; 118.3; 129.6; 2000 133.6; 116.2; 119.2; 108.9; 2004 106.0


2000 when 33.6% more vehicles were sold than in 1992


Not that great; stock price has fallen; dividends are half what they were in 1992; North American vehicle sales look to be on the decline

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

7. Solutions – drinking Question



Britain 100; 113; 70; 13; 43; 13; 113; 30; 13; Sweden 39


In Ireland 13% more people than in Britain admit to have been drunk. In Greece the figure is 87% less than in Britain and in Germany it is 57% less


Britain 767; 867; 533; France 100; 333; 100; 867; 233; 100; Sweden 300


In Ireland 767% more people than in France admit to have been drunk (almost 8 times as many). In Greece the figure is about the same as in France and in Germany it is 233% more or over 3 times as much


Britain 88; Denmark 100; 62; 12; 38; 12; 100; 27; 12; Sweden 35


In Ireland the drinking level is about the same as in Denmark. In Greece it is about 88% less than in Denmark and in Germany it is 62% less than in Denmark


Southern Europeans seem to admit being drunk less than Northern Europeans. In Southern Europe drinking wine with a meal is common and this perhaps suppresses the notion for “binge” drinking

8. Solutions – part-time work Question



Australia 208; 123; 137; 188; 138; 136; 88; 108; 169; 46; Ireland 138; 115; 200; 277; 169; 162; 77; 92; 112; 196; 42; United States 100


In Australia there is 108% more people working part time than in the United States. In Greece there is 54% less people working part time. In Switzerland there is 96% more people working part time than in the United States


Australia 75; 44; 49; 68; 50; 49; 32; 39; 61; 17; 50; 42; 72; Netherlands 100; 61; 58; 28; 33; 40; 71; 15; United States 36


In Australia there is 15% less people working part time than in the Netherlands. In Greece there is 39% less people working part time. In Switzerland there is 29% less people working part time than in the Netherlands


Australia 88; 108; 105; Britain 100; 89; 83; 82; 102; 105; 90; 102; 101; 88; 99; 97; 97; 88; 101; 90; 107; 77; 88


In Australia the proportion of women working part time is 12% less than in Britain. In Greece the proportion of women working part time is 10% less than in Britain. In Switzerland the proportion of women working part time is 7% less than in Britain

9. Solutions – cost of living Question 1

Answer Amsterdam 46% less; Berlin 58% less; New York 18% more; Paris 23% less; Sydney 35% less; Tokyo 38% more; Vancouver 53% less (Continued)



Statistics for Business

9. Solutions – (Continued) Question



Amsterdam 4% more; Berlin 19% more; New York 14% less; Paris 9% less; Sydney 16% less; Tokyo 13% less; Vancouver 10% less


Amsterdam 23% more; Berlin 6% less; New York 165% more; Paris 73% more; Sydney 46% more; Tokyo 212% more; Vancouver 16% less


Amsterdam 12% more; Berlin 6% less; New York 14% less; Paris 9% less; Sydney 16% less; Tokyo 13% less; Vancouver 16% less


Amsterdam 10% more; Berlin 8% less; New York 16% less; Paris 11% less; Sydney 18% less; Tokyo 14% less; Vancouver 18% less


Amsterdam 14% more; Berlin 4% less; New York 12% less; Paris 7% less; Sydney 15% less; Tokyo 11% less; Vancouver 15% less


Most expensive is Tokyo which is 425% more than the least expensive or over 5 times more expensive

10. Solutions – corruption Question



Iceland is the least corrupt; the countries of Czech Republic, Greece, Slovakia, and Namibia are equally the most




Spain 100.0; Denmark 135.7; Finland 137.1; Germany 117.1; United Kingdom 122.9


Italy 100.0; Denmark 190.0; Finland 192.0; Germany 164.0; United Kingdom 172.0


Greece 100.0; Denmark 220.9; Finland 223.3; Germany 190.7; United Kingdom 200.0


Portugal 100.0; Denmark 146.2; Finland 147.7; Germany 126.2; United Kingdom 132.3


Of the selected eight countries from the European Union those in North appear to be less corrupt than in the South

11. Solutions – road traffic deaths Question



Mauritius is most dangerous and France is the least


Belgium is 220% more dangerous; Dominican Republic 680% more; France 20% less; Latvia 400% more; Luxembourg 220% more; Mauritius 800% more; Russia 300% more; Venezuela 380% more


Belgium is 6.7% more dangerous; Dominican Republic 160% more; France 73.3% less; Latvia 66.7% more; Luxembourg 13.3% more; Mauritius 200% more; Russia 33.3% more; Venezuela 60% more (Continued)

Appendix IV: Answers to end of chapter exercises

11. Solutions – (Continued) Question



Belgium is 23.8% less dangerous; Dominican Republic 85.7% more; France 81% less; Latvia 19% more; Luxembourg 29% less; Mauritius 114.3% more; Russia 4.8% less; Venezuela 14.3% more


Belgium is 23.1% more dangerous; Dominican Republic 200% more; France 69.2% less; Latvia 92.3% more; Luxembourg 30.8% more; Mauritius 246.2% more; Russia 53.8% more; Venezuela 84.6% more


Emerging countries are more dangerous to drive than developed countries. Improved road conditions, better driving education, better traffic control, and severer penalties when traffic laws are infringed

12. Solutions – family food consumption Question



2003 100.0; 2004 110.5


2003 100.0; 2004 141.2


2003 100.0; 2004 109.4


2003 100.0; 2004 109.2


2003 100.0; 2004 109.3


The unweighted price index measures inflation. The unweighted quantity index measures consumption changes for this family. The other indexes take into account price and quantity. The values are close as although the numerator changes, the denominator changes by almost proportionality the same amount

13. Solutions – meat Question



2000 100.0; 2001 100.8; 2002 100.4; 2003 116.3; 2004 133.3; 2005 138.1


2000 89.6; 2001 87.2; 2002 74.8; 2003 86.3; 2004 112.4; 2005 100.0


2000 71.3; 2001 70.9; 2002 70.9; 2003 83.1; 2004 95.4; 2005 100.0


2000 87.1; 2001 86.6; 2002 86.5; 2003 101.4; 2004 116.4; 2005 122.0


The meat prices show a reasonable trend during the period and there is an increasing trend in the quantity of meat handled. This explains a reasonable trend of the indexes



Statistics for Business

14. Solutions – beverages Question



2000 100.0; 2001 85.1; 2002 100.1; 2003 102.9; 2004 103.5; 2005 114.6


2000 82.1; 2001 75.4; 2002 121.0; 2003 123.2; 2004 108.6; 2005 100.0


2000 87.5; 2001 72.4; 2002 81.1; 2003 84.1; 2004 87.0; 2005 100.0


2000 102.5; 2001 84.8; 2002 95.1; 2003 98.6; 2004 101.9; 2005 117.1


The commodity prices show no trend during the period but there is an increasing trend of the consumption of the commodity. This explains the fluctuation of the indexes

15. Solutions – non-ferrous metals Question



2000 100.0; 2001 84.9; 2002 78.4; 2003 96.9; 2004 129.9; 2005 146.5


2000 116.0; 2001 104.5; 2002 71.1; 2003 90.0; 2004 80.2; 2005 100.0


2000 64.8; 2001 56.8; 2002 52.6; 2003 63.5; 2004 82.9; 2005 100.0


2000 92.5; 2001 81.0; 2002 75.1; 2003 90.5; 2004 118.3; 2005 142.6


There is neither a trend in the commodity price or the usage of the metals during the 6-year period. This helps to explain the fluctuation of the indexes


There are many books related to statistics, and numerous sources of statistical information. The following are some that I have used.

Alreck, P.L. and Settle, R. (2003). Survey Research Handbook, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill, New York. Barnes, S. (Ed.) (2005). News of the World, Football Annual 2005–2006, Invincible Press, London, ISBN 0-00-720582-1. Berenson, M.L., Levine, D.M., and Krehbiel, T.C. (2006). Basic Business Statistics, 10th edition, Pearson, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, ISBN 0-13-196869-6. Bernstein, P.L. (1998). Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, Wiley, New York, USA, ISBN 0-47112104-5. Buglear, J. (2002). Stats Means Business: A Guide to Business Statistics, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, ISBN 0-7506-5364-7. Economist (The), Editorial offices in major cities. First published in 1843. Weekly publication, www. Eurostat, Statistical information for Europe and elsewhere, Financial Times, Printed in London and other world cities. Daily newspaper published Monday through Friday on a distinguishing salmon coloured paper, Fortune, Published monthly in the Netherlands by Time Warner, Francis, A. (2004). Business Mathematics and Statistics, 6th edition, Thomson, London, ISBN 1-84480-128-4.

International Herald Tribune, Published by the New York Times, edited in Paris and Hong Kong and printed in Paris, France. Daily newspaper published Monday through Saturday, Levin, R.I. and Rubin, D.S. (1998). Statistics for Management, 7th edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, ISBN 0-13-606716-6. Organization for Economic and Development, www. Tufte, E.R. (1987). The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 2nd edition (May 2001), Graphics Press, Connecticut, USA, ISBN 0-961-39214-2. United Kingdom Government Statistics. Statistical information on many aspects of the UK, www. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, United States Government Statistics. Statistics produced by more than 70 agencies of the United States Federal Government, Wall Street Journal, Europe, Printed in Belgium. Daily newspaper published Monday through Friday, Waller, D.L. (2003). Operations Management: A Supply Chain Approach, 2nd edition, Thomson, Learning, London, ISBN 1-86152-803-5.

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Index 80/20 rule 17 a priori probability, concepts 84–6, 99, 104 ABS function, Excel 433 absolute frequency histograms, concepts 5–6, 16, 17, 23 absolute frequency ogives 9–11 absolute frequency polygons 7–9, 23 acceptance/rejection issues, hypothesis testing 265–9, 276–80, 305–20 addition rules classical probability 84–5, 91–2, 103 equation 84 alcohol 348 algebraic expressions, concepts 439 alternative hypothesis see also hypothesis testing concepts 265–80, 305–20 answers to end of chapter exercises 449–508 appendices 413–508 answers to end of chapter exercises 449–508 Excel usage guide 429–36 key terminology/formulas in statistics 413–26, 427, 438, 446–7 mathematical relationships 437–47 arithmetic operating symbols list 438 rules for calculations 444–5 sequence of operations 438 arithmetic mean see also mean… coefficient of variation 56–7, 63, 361–2, 365 concepts 47–8, 54–7, 59–60, 63, 120–1, 151–73, 187–212, 231–43, 301–20, 444–6 definition 47, 120–1, 231 deviation about the mean 55–6 different populations hypothesis testing 301–32 distribution of the sample means 190, 194–6, 211 equation 47, 444–5 estimates 231–43 examples 47–8, 161–2, 164–9 hypothesis testing 265–72, 279–80, 302–20 median 59–60, 151–2, 161–2, 164–9, 172–3 normality of data 161–9, 172–3 sampling for the mean 187–212, 231–52 arrangement of different objects (rule no. 3), counting rules 101, 104 assembly operation application, system reliability and probability 97–9

asymmetrical data, concepts 60, 164–9, 172–3 audits 207, 231, 243–5, 251–2 concepts 243–5 estimates of population characteristics 231, 243–5, 251–2 finite populations 244–5 infinite populations 243–4 automobile accidents 387–9 AVERAGE function, Excel 47, 240, 244, 271–2, 433 average quantity-weighted price index see also indexing concepts 395–7 average value see arithmetic mean backup systems, system reliability and probability 93, 95–9, 103 bar charts 5, 16–19, 24 see also horizontal…; parallel… bars of chocolate 149–50, 154–5, 161, 194–5 base factors, indexing 385–8, 391–2, 397 basic probability rules see also probability addition rules 84–5, 91–2, 103 Bayesian decision-making (Bayes’ Theorem) 88–9, 103 bottling machine application 92 classical probability 83–6 concepts 81–93, 103–4 events 82–5 exercises and answers 105–17, 458–61 hospitality management application 89–92 joint probability 84, 85–6, 91–2, 94–9, 103 mutually exclusive events 84–5, 89–92, 99–100 non-mutually exclusive events 84–5, 89–92 odds 93, 103 relative frequency probability 83, 100–1, 103 risk concepts 82, 92–3, 103 statistical dependence 86–8, 103 statistical independence 84–8 subjective probability 82–3, 103 Venn diagrams 89–92, 103 Bayesian decision-making (Bayes’ Theorem), concepts 88–9 beer cans 149–50, 154–5, 161, 269–70, 274–5 Bernoulli, Jacques 128, 134 see also binomial distribution bi-modal datasets 52


Index bias concepts 206–7, 212, 231–2 definition 206 point estimates 231–2, 245, 251–2 samples 55, 206–7, 212, 231–2 bibliography 509 Big Mac index 45–6 binary numbering system, concepts 446–7 BINOMDIST function, Excel 129, 134, 169, 434 binomial distribution applications 129–30, 169–73, 203–6, 211, 272–4 concepts 120, 125, 127–30, 132–5, 136–47, 169–73, 203–6, 211, 272–4 continuity correction factor 170–1 definition 127, 134 equation 128, 203–6 exercises and answers 136–47, 462–5 expected values 128 normal distribution 150, 169–73, 203–6, 211, 272–4 normal–binomial approximation 169–73, 204–6, 211 Poisson distribution 132–4, 135 sampling distribution of the proportion 203–6, 211 standard deviation 128–9, 134, 169–73, 203–6, 211 validity conditions 127–8, 129–30, 134–5 validity deviations 129–30 variance 128–9 binomial function concepts 82, 94–5, 119, 120, 125, 127–30, 134–5, 136–47, 169–73, 203–6, 211, 265–7, 272–4, 279 mathematical expression 128 bivariate data see also numerical data; time series concepts 3, 5, 12–15, 23, 335–9 definition 3, 23, 335 line graphs 12–15, 17, 20 bonds 124–6 bottling machine application, basic probability rules 92 boundary limits of quartiles see also quartiles concepts 57–8 box and whisker plots 12, 59–60, 63–4, 161, 164–6, 172 concepts 59–60, 63–4, 161, 164–6, 172 definition 59 EDA 12, 60 examples 59–60, 161, 164–6 casinos 79–80 categorical data concepts 3, 15–24 cross-classification (contingency) tables 20, 21, 24, 86–8, 92–3 definition 15, 23–4 exercises and answers 25–43, 449–52 horizontal bar charts 16, 19, 24

overview 3 parallel bar charts 16–17, 19, 24 parallel histograms 16, 18 pareto diagrams 17, 20, 24 pictograms 22–3, 24 pie charts 15–16, 24 questionnaires 15, 24 stacked histograms 20–2, 24 vertical histograms 16–18, 24 categories see classes causal forecasting, linear regression 345–7, 365, 388 CEILING function, Excel 433 central limit theorem, concepts 190, 194, 211, 232–3, 269–72, 304 central tendency of data arithmetic mean 47–8, 54–7, 59–60, 63, 269–72 concepts 47–53, 63, 190, 194, 211, 232–3, 269–72, 304 definition 47 exercises and answers 65–77, 453–7 geometric mean 52–3, 63 median 49–51, 57–60, 63, 151–2, 161–2, 164–9, 172–3 midrange 52, 58, 63, 151–2 mode 51–2, 63, 151–2, 165 weighted average 48–9, 63 ceramic plates 169–71 characteristic probability, concepts 99–100, 128 characterizing data concepts 45–77 exercises and answers 65–77, 453–7 chi-square hypothesis test 302, 313–32, 447 concepts 313–20, 447 cross-classification (contingency) tables 313–20 definition 313–14 degrees of freedom 314–19 Excel 317–19 p-value approach 318, 320 significance levels 319, 320 test of independence 315–16 value-determination calculations 316–17, 320 work preferences distribution 317–19 CHIDIST function, Excel 317–18, 434 CHIINV function, Excel 317–19, 434 CHITEST function, Excel 317–18, 434 circuit boards 246–8 class range/width, frequency distributions 4–5 classes, frequency distributions 3–5 classical probability addition rules 84–5, 91–2, 103 concepts 83–6, 103 definition 83 equation 83 joint probability 84, 85–6, 91–2, 94–9, 103 mutually exclusive events 84–5, 89–92, 99–100 non-mutually exclusive events 84–5, 89–92 closed-ended frequency distributions

Index see also frequency distributions concepts 5, 7 cluster sampling concepts 209, 212 definition 209 coefficient of correlation see also correlation concepts 338–9, 345–7, 364 definition 338 equation 338 coefficient of determination concepts 338–9, 343, 345–7, 351–2, 359–60, 363, 364–5 definition 339 equation 339 coefficient of multiple determination see also multiple regression concepts 348–51 coefficient of variation concepts 56–7, 63, 361–2, 365 definition 56 equation 57 examples 57 forecasting considerations 361–2, 365 coffee samples 236 coin-tossing experiments, counting rules 99–100, 125–8, 171 collected-data considerations, forecasts 360–1, 365 collectively exhausting outcomes 99–100 COMBIN function, Excel 102, 434 combinations 100–1, 102, 104, 188 concepts 102, 104, 188 definition 102 combinations of objects (rule no. 5), counting rules 102, 104 commuting times 311–13 computer systems, backups 96–7 conditional probabilities equation 88 statistical dependence 86–8, 103 confidence intervals applications 234–5, 236–7, 243–5 concepts 231, 232–52, 343–4 definition 233–4 examples 233–7, 243–5 exercises and answers 253–62, 475–9 finite populations 231, 236–7, 244–5, 251–2 infinite populations 233–6, 243–5, 251–2 student-t distribution 231, 238–43, 251–2, 344, 350–1 confidence levels concepts 231, 232–52, 343–4, 350–1 definition 232–3 exercises and answers 253–62, 475–9 forecasts 343–4, 364 margin of error 248–52 regression analysis 343–4, 364

constants, concepts 339, 437, 445–6 consumer price index (CPI) see also indexing concepts 386, 388–91, 397 consumer surveys concepts 209–10, 212 definition 209 examples 209–10 contingency tables see cross-classification (contingency) tables continuity correction factor, normal–binomial approximation 170–1 continuous random variables concepts 150–73 definition 150 control-shift-enter keys 5 CORREL function, Excel 338, 434 correlation 335–81 see also forecasts causal forecasting 345–7, 388 concepts 335–9, 345–7, 364–5 definition 335, 338 equation 338 Excel 338 good correlation value 339 costs of errors, hypothesis testing 277–80 COUNT function, Excel 434 counting rules arrangement of different objects (rule no. 3) 101, 104 combinations of objects (rule no. 5) 102, 104 concepts 81, 99–102, 104 definition 99 different types of events (rule no. 2) 100–1, 104 examples 100–2 exercises and answers 105–17, 458–61 permutations of objects (rule no. 4) 101–2, 104 single type of event (rule no. 1) 99–100, 104 covariance concepts 120, 124–6, 134–5 definition 124 equation 124 examples 124–6 portfolio risk 124–6 critical levels see also significance levels concepts 264–80, 302–20 cross-classification (contingency) tables chi-square hypothesis test 313–20 concepts 20, 21, 24, 86–8, 92–3, 313–20 definition 20 degrees of freedom 314–15 examples 21, 87, 93, 313–14 cumulative distributions see ogives currencies 45–6 curvilinear functions 351–3, 362–5 see also non-linear regression



Index data see also categorical…; numerical… asymmetrical data 60, 164–9, 172–3 characterizing data 45–77 concepts 3–24 defining data 45–77 indexing 383–412 normality of data 161–9, 172–3 presenting data 1–43, 449–52 primary/secondary data 210, 212 data arrays, concepts 50 Data menu bar 12 decimals concepts 439–42, 444, 446–7 fractions 444 defining data concepts 45–77 exercises and answers 65–77, 453–7 degrees of freedom chi-square hypothesis test 314–19 cross-classification (contingency) tables 314–15 student-t distribution 237–43, 251, 269–72, 306–11, 344, 347 dependent populations, hypothesis testing 309–11, 319–20 dependent variables, definition 336, 345 derivatives 364 descriptive statistics, definition 188 development of percentiles 61–2 see also percentiles deviation about the mean, concepts 55–6 Dewey, Governor 185–6 dice-tossing experiments 100, 104, 120, 121–2 different populations exercises and answers 321–32, 489–95 hypothesis testing 301–32 different types of events (rule no. 2), counting rules 100–1, 104 discrete data binomial concepts 82, 94–5, 119, 120, 125, 127–30, 132–5, 136–47, 169–73 concepts 120–35, 169–73 definition 120 distribution for random variables 120–7, 134–5, 136–47 exercises and answers 136–47, 462–5 Poisson distribution 120, 130–5, 136–47 probability analysis 119–47, 169–73 discrete random variables, concepts 120–35 dispersion of data 54–7, 63, 121–4, 128–9, 131, 134–5, 151–73 see also standard deviation coefficient of variation 56–7, 63, 361–2, 365 concepts 47, 53–7, 63 definition 53 deviation about the mean 55–6 exercises and answers 65–77, 453–7

range 53–4, 58 variance 54–7, 63, 121, 124, 128–9 distribution for discrete random variables application of the random variable 121–4 characteristics 120–1, 134–5 concepts 120–7, 134–5, 136–47 covariance 120, 124–6, 134–5 exercises and answers 136–47, 462–5 expected values 121–4, 125–7, 134–5 distribution of the sample means concepts 190, 194–6, 211 sample size 194–6 shape factors 194–5 division of data, percentiles 62 Dow Jones Industrial Average 187 drugs 277–8 e-mail surveys 209–10, 212 EDA see exploratory data analysis 80/20 rule 17 empirical probability see relative frequency probability empirical rule, normal distribution 152, 172–3 equal reliability concepts, parallel (backup) systems 96–9 equations, definition 438 errors hypothesis testing 276–80 Type I/Type II errors 276–80 estimates of population characteristics see also forecasts audits 231, 243–5, 251–2 concepts 229–52 confidence levels 231, 232–62, 343–4, 364 exercises and answers 253–62, 475–9 interval estimates 231, 232, 245–6, 251–2 margin of error 229, 231, 247–52 mean values 231–43 point estimates 231–2, 245, 251–2 population characteristics 229–62 proportions 231, 245–8, 251–2, 272–4, 311–13 sample sizes 231, 235–40, 245–8, 251–2, 272–4, 280, 303–20, 344 student-t distribution 231, 237–45, 251–2, 269–72, 306–9, 344, 347, 350–1 ethics 127, 149 European Commission 301 European Union 229–30, 249–50, 301 events concepts 82–5, 99–102, 103–4 counting rules 81, 99–102, 104 mutually exclusive events 84–5, 89–92, 99–100 non-mutually exclusive events 84–5, 89–92 Excel 4–5, 11–12, 16, 47–8, 51–3, 60–1, 99, 101–2, 129, 131, 154, 156–7, 161–4, 169–71, 197, 198–9, 201–5, 235, 237, 240–8, 251–2, 270–5, 305–13, 317–19, 336, 344, 347, 350–1, 429–36 see also individual functions

Index chi-square hypothesis test 317–19 correlation 338 forecasts 341–3, 347, 349–53, 359–60 graphs 336, 429–32 linear regression 340–3, 432, 436 list of function 433–5 multiple regression 436 random sampling 207, 212 regression analysis 340–3, 347, 348, 349–53, 359–60, 432, 436 scatter diagrams 336–7 student-t distribution 240–3, 244–5, 251–2, 308–11, 344, 347, 350–1 usage guide 429–36 exercises answers to end of chapter exercises 449–508 binomial distribution 136–47, 462–5 characterizing/defining data 65–77, 453–7 counting rules 105–17, 458–61 discrete data 136–47, 462–5 distribution for discrete random variables 136–47, 462–5 estimates of population characteristics 253–62, 475–9 forecasts 366–81, 496–501 hypothesis testing 281–99, 321–32, 480–8, 489–95 indexing 398–412, 502–8 normal distribution 174–83, 466–9 Poisson distribution 136–47, 462–5 presenting data 25–43, 449–52 probability 105–17, 136–47, 174–83, 213–27, 458–74 regression analysis 366–81, 496–501 samples 213–27, 253–62, 281–99, 321–32, 470–9, 480–8, 489–95 system reliability and probability 105–17, 458–61 expected values binomial distribution 128 concepts 121–4, 125–7, 128, 134–5 definition 121 equation 121, 125, 128 examples 121–3, 125–7 law of averages 125–7 portfolio risk 125 two random variables 124, 125 exploratory data analysis (EDA) box and whisker plots 12, 60 concepts 12, 23, 60 stem-and-leaf displays 12, 23 EXPONDIST function, Excel 433 exponential function 334, 353, 362–5, 447 see also non-linear regression concepts 353, 362–3, 365 definition 353 face-to-face consumer surveys 209–10, 212 FACT function, Excel 101, 434

factorial rule, concepts 101, 104 Fenwick trolleys 132–4 filling machines 269–70, 274–6 finite population multiplier, concepts 201–3, 211, 244–5 finite populations audit estimates 244–5 concepts 199–202, 211, 236–7, 244–5 confidence intervals 231, 236–7, 244–5, 251–2 definition 199–200 samples 199–202, 211, 236–7, 244–5 standard error 200–3, 211, 236–7, 244–5, 251–2 fixed base indexes 385–7, 397 see also indexing fixed weight aggregate price index, concepts 396–7 FLOOR function, Excel 434 FORECAST function, Excel 341–2, 347, 359–60, 434 forecasts 333–81 see also estimates…; regression analysis applications 336–7, 341–2, 345–7, 348–51, 354–60, 362–3 causal forecasting 345–7, 365, 388 coefficient of variation 361–2, 365 collected-data considerations 360–1, 365 concepts 333–65 confidence levels 343–4, 364 considerations 360–5 correlation 335–9, 345–7, 364–5 Excel 341–3, 347, 349–53, 359–60 exercises and answers 366–81, 496–501 exponential function 334, 353, 362–5 linear regression 339–47, 353–60, 364–5, 436 market-change considerations 362 model considerations 362–4 moving averages 354–60 multiple regression 347–51, 365, 436 non-linear regression 351–3, 362–5 political forecasts 364 polynomial function 352–3 scatter diagrams 335–7, 345–6, 364 seasonal patterns 353–60, 365, 366–81 student-t distribution 344, 347, 350–1 time series 333–4, 335–44, 353–4, 361–2, 364 time-horizon considerations 360, 365 variability of estimates 342–4, 364 foreign exchange see currencies formulas, key terminology/formulas in statistics 413–26 fractions concepts 439–40, 444 decimal conversions 444 frequency distributions class range/width 4–5 classes 3–5 concepts 3–15, 23, 53, 123–4, 190–4 definition 3 midpoint of class range/width 4–5, 7–8 sampling the mean 190–4



Index FREQUENCY function, Excel 5, 434 frequency polygons 5, 6–9, 23, 161, 164–6 concepts 6–9, 23, 161, 164–6 definition 7 examples 8 gambling 79–104, 120, 125 Gantt charts see horizontal bar charts Gauss, Karl Friedrich 150 see also normal distribution gender pay gaps 301, 305–7 General Electric Company 157 GEOMEAN function, Excel 53, 434 geometric mean concepts 52–3, 63 definition 52 equation 52 examples 53 GOAL SEEK function, Excel 434 Goldman Sachs 47 Gossett, William 237–8 graphs see line graphs graphs concepts 7, 12–15, 17, 20, 23, 429–32 Excel 336, 429–32 Greek alphabet 444, 446–7 groups see classes Hamlet (Shakespeare) 89 health spas 309–11 histograms see also absolute…; relative… concepts 5–6, 23, 123–4, 170 definition 5 historical data, relative frequency probability 83 HIV 351–2 Hope, Sheila 240 horizontal bar charts concepts 16, 19, 24 definition 16 examples 19 hospitality management, Venn diagram application 89–92 house prices, surface area 345–6, 362–3 hurricane Charlie 97 hypothesis, definition 264–5 hypothesis testing 240, 263–99, 301–32, 447 acceptance/rejection issues 265–9, 276–80, 305–20 alternative hypothesis 265–80, 305–20 applications 269–72, 273–5, 305–19 chi-square hypothesis test 302, 313–32 concepts 263–99, 301–32 costs of errors 277–80 definition 264–5 dependent populations 309–11, 319–20 different populations hypothesis testing 301–32 errors 276–80

exercises and answers 281–99, 321–32, 480–8, 489–95 independent populations 302–9, 319–20 mean values 265–72, 279–80, 302–20 null hypothesis 265–80, 305–20 one-tail, left-hand hypothesis tests 265, 267–8, 279–80, 307–9 one-tail, right-hand hypothesis tests 265, 266–7, 279–80, 307–11 p-value approach 274–6, 280, 305–6, 310–11, 318, 320–32 power of tests 278–80 proportions 272–4, 280, 311–13, 315–16, 319–20 risks 276–80 significance levels 264–80, 302–32 single populations hypothesis testing 263–99 test statistics 268–72, 279–80, 304–20 two populations 302–32 two-tail hypothesis tests 265–6, 279–80, 305–20 Type I/Type II errors 276–80 IF function, Excel 434, 435 IKEA 97 Imperial measuring system, concepts 442–3 imported goods, United States 333–4 independent events, classical probability 84–6 independent populations, hypothesis testing 302–9, 319–20 independent variables, definition 335–6 index base value, definition 385–6 index numbers, definition 385 index values, definition 385 indexing 383–412 average quantity-weighted price index 395–7 base factors 385–8, 391–2, 397 comparisons 387–8, 397 concepts 383–97 CPI 386, 388–91, 397 definition 385 exercises and answers 398–412, 502–8 fixed base indexes 385–7, 397 Laspeyres weighted price index 393–4, 397 moving base indexes 387–8, 397 Paasche weighted price index 394–5, 397 price index number with fixed base 386, 397 quantity index number with fixed base 385–6, 397 relative regional indexes 391–2, 397, 403–12 relative time-based indexes 385–91, 397 rolling index number with moving base 387, 397 RVI 390–1, 397 time series deflation 390–1, 397 unweighted index numbers 392–3, 397 weightings 392–7 inferential statistics 81, 187–8, 211, 229–52, 276 concepts 187–8, 276 definition 187, 211 infinite populations

Index audit estimates 243–4 concepts 196–200, 211, 231, 233–6, 243–5, 251–2 confidence intervals 233–6, 243–5, 251–2 definition 196 samples 196–200, 211, 233–6, 243–5, 251–2 inflation 22–3, 386, 388–91, 392–3, 397 integers concepts 120, 438 definition 438 inter-quartile range see mid-spread interval estimates 231, 232, 245–6, 251–2 concepts 232, 245–6, 251–2 definition 232 proportions 245–6 inventory levels, estimates of population characteristics 243–4 joint probability concepts 84, 85–6, 91–2, 94–9, 103 equation 85 key terminology/formulas in statistics 413–26, 427, 438, 446–7 kiwi fruits 240–3 KURT function, Excel 154, 434 kurtosis 152, 153–4, 172–3 labour costs 301, 305–7, 391–2 lambda, Poisson distribution 131–5, 447 laptop computers 392–4 Las Vegas 80 Laspeyres weighted price index see also indexing concepts 393–4, 397 law of averages concepts 100, 125–7 definition 125 expected values 125–7 least squares method see also regression… concepts 339–40 equations 339 left-skewed data, normal distribution 164–9 left-tail hypothesis tests, concepts 265, 267–8, 279–80, 307–9 leptokurtic curves, normal distribution 153–4, 172 leukaemia 263 license plates, counting rules 100–1 light bulbs 157–61 line graphs bivariate data 12–15 concepts 7, 12–15, 17, 20, 23, 336, 429–32 definition 12–13 Excel 336, 429–32 pareto diagrams 17, 20, 24 linear regression see also regression…

alternative approaches 344 application 340–2, 345–7 causal forecasting 345–7, 365, 388 concepts 339–47, 353–60, 364–5, 432, 436 definition 339–40 equation 339 Excel 340–3, 432, 436 exercises and answers 366–81, 496–501 seasonal patterns 353–60, 365 standard error 343–4, 347, 359–60, 364–5 time series 339–44, 353–4, 361–2, 364 variability of estimates 342–4, 364 linear relationships, forecasts 333–4 LINEST function, Excel 343, 347, 348, 349–50, 359–60, 434 margin of error 229, 231, 247–52 concepts 248–52 confidence levels 248–52 definitions 248–9 equations 248–9 marginal probability see classical probability market research 209 market-change considerations, forecasts 362 marketing life-cycle 362–3 mathematical relationships 437–47 MAX function, Excel 4, 434 mean see arithmetic mean mean proportion of successes, definition 203–4, 245–6 mean value of random data concepts 120–4 definition 120–1 equation 121 median arithmetic mean 59–60, 151–2, 161–2, 164–9, 172–3 concepts 49–51, 57–60, 63, 151–2, 161–2, 164–9, 172–3 definition 49–50 equation 50 examples 50–1, 161–2, 164–9 normality of data 161–2, 164–9, 172–3 MEDIAN function, Excel 51, 434 Melcher, Jim 364 mesokurtic curves, normal distribution 172 metal prices 383–5 methods, samples 206–12 metric measuring system, concepts 442–3 Microsoft Excel see Excel mid-hinge, properties of quartiles 58 mid-spread, properties of quartiles 58, 151–2, 161–2, 172–3 midpoint of class range/width, frequency distributions 4–5, 7–8 midrange concepts 52, 58, 63, 151–2 definition 52 examples 52



Index MIN function, Excel 4, 434 mobile phones 351–2 mode concepts 51–2, 63, 151–2, 165 definition 51 examples 51–2, 165–9 multi-modal datasets 52 MODE function, Excel 52, 434 model factors, forecast considerations 362–4 Monte Carlo 80 moving averages 354–60 moving base indexes 387–8, 397 see also indexing multiple regression see also regression… application 348–51 coefficient of multiple determination 348–51 concepts 347–51, 365, 436 definition 348 equation 348–51 Excel 436 standard error 348–51, 364–5, 436 murders 278 mutually exclusive events, classical probability 84–5, 89–92, 99–100 Nestlé 348–9 Newcastle United Football Club 88–9 non-integers, definition 438 non-linear regression see also regression… concepts 351–3, 362–5 exponential function 334, 353, 362–5 polynomial function 352–3 non-mutually exclusive events, classical probability 84–5, 89–92 normal distribution 149–83, 197–206, 238, 241–3 applications 157–61, 169–71, 242–3 asymmetrical data 164–9, 172–3 binomial distribution 150, 169–73, 203–6, 211, 272–4 characteristics 150–1, 172–3 concepts 149–73, 197–206, 238, 241–3 confidence intervals 231, 233–7, 251–2 continuity correction factor 170–1 definition 150–1 demonstration of normality 161–9, 172–3 description 150–61, 172–3 different means/standard deviations 152–4, 172–3 distribution of the sample means 190, 194–6, 211 empirical rule 152, 172–3 equation 151–2 Excel functions 156–7 exercises and answers 174–83, 466–9 kurtosis 153–4, 172–3 leptokurtic curves 153–4, 172

mathematical expression 151–2 mesokurtic curves 172 normal probability plots 167–8, 172–3 normality of data 161–9, 172–3 percentiles 167–9, 172–3 platykurtic curves 153–4, 172 samples 171, 173, 196–212 standard normal distribution 155–6, 172–3 student-t distribution 240 symmetrical data 160–9, 172–3, 234–5 transformation relationship 154–5, 172–3, 197–9, 211 verification of normality 161–4, 172–3 z values 154–73, 197–206, 238, 241–3, 247–52, 272–80, 304–5, 311–13, 319–20 normal probability plots 167–8, 172–3 normal–binomial approximation concepts 169–73, 204–6, 211 continuity correction factor 170–1 sample size 171, 173 NORMDIST function, Excel 156–7, 161–4, 170–1, 275, 305–6, 434 NORMINV function, Excel 156–7, 434 NORMSDIST function, Excel 156–7, 198–9, 201–5, 312–13, 435 NORMSINV function, Excel 156–7, 235, 237, 243, 247–8, 270, 273–4, 305 null hypothesis see also hypothesis testing concepts 265–80, 305–20 definition 265 different populations 305–20 Type I/Type II errors 276–80 numerical codes, time series 337, 344 numerical data see also bivariate…; univariate… absolute frequency histograms 5–6, 16, 17, 23 concepts 3–15, 23–4 definition 3, 23 exercises and answers 25–43, 449–52 frequency distributions 3–15, 23, 53 frequency polygons 6–9, 23, 161, 164–6 line graphs 7, 12–15, 17, 20, 23, 336, 429–32 ogives 9–11, 23 overview 3 relative frequency histograms 6–7, 16, 18, 23, 83, 100–1 stem-and-leaf displays 10–12, 23, 161 types 3, 23 obesity 348 odds, concepts 93, 103 OECD see Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OFFSET function, Excel 435 ogives concepts 9–11, 23, 164

Index definition 9 examples 9–11 oil prices 363–4 one-arm bandits 79, 86, 125 one-tail, left-hand hypothesis tests concepts 265, 267–8, 279–80, 307–9 examples 267–8 one-tail, right-hand hypothesis tests concepts 265, 266–7, 279–80, 307–11 examples 266–7, 308–9 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 204 organizing data concepts 1–43 exercises and answers 25–43, 449–52 ‘other’ category 15, 210 p-value approach 274–6, 280, 305–6, 310–11, 318, 320–32 chi-square hypothesis test 318, 320 concepts 274–6, 280, 305–6, 310–11, 318, 320 hypothesis testing 274–6, 280, 305–6, 310–11, 318, 320 interpretation 276 Paasche weighted price index see also indexing concepts 394–5, 397 paired populations see dependent populations paper 234–5 paperback books 244–5 parallel (backup) systems assembly operation application 97–9 system reliability and probability 93, 95–9, 103 parallel bar charts concepts 16–17, 19, 24 definition 16–17 examples 19 parallel histograms concepts 16, 18, 24 definition 16 examples 18 pareto diagrams concepts 17, 20, 24 definition 20 examples 20 line graphs 17, 20, 24 part-time workers 204–6 Partouche 80 pay gaps, gender issues 301, 305–7 PEARSON function, Excel 338, 435 percentages, concepts 444 PERCENTILE function, Excel 61, 435 percentiles concepts 47, 60–4, 167–9, 172–3 definition 60–1 development 61–2 division of data 62

examples 61–2, 167–9 exercises and answers 65–77, 453–7 normal distribution 167–9, 172–3 standard deviations 167–9 PERMUT function, Excel 102, 435 permutations concepts 101–2, 104 definition 101–2 permutations of objects (rule no. 4), counting rules 101–2, 104 pharmaceutical companies 277–8 pictograms concepts 22–3, 24 definition 23 examples 22 pie charts concepts 15–16, 24 definition 15 examples 16 ‘other’ category 15 platykurtic curves, normal distribution 153–4, 172 point estimates, concepts 231–2, 245, 251–2 Poisson distribution applications 131–3 binomial relationship 132–4, 135 concepts 120, 130–5, 136–47, 447 definition 130–1, 135 equation 131 exercises and answers 136–47, 462–5 mathematical expression 131 standard deviation 131, 135 POISSON function, Excel 131, 132, 435 poker 79–80 political forecasts 364 polynomial function see also non-linear regression concepts 352–3 population standard deviation see also standard deviation concepts 55–7, 240–5, 269–72 population variance see also variance concepts 54–7, 121 populations see also estimates… concepts 54–7, 63, 81, 127–8, 187–212, 229–52, 263–80 different populations 301–32 finite populations 199–202, 211, 231, 236–7, 244–5, 251–2 hypothesis testing of single populations 263–99, 301–32 infinite populations 196–200, 211, 231, 233–6, 243–5, 251–2 sample size 188–95, 231, 235–40, 241–3, 245–8, 251–2, 272–4, 280, 303–20, 344 single populations 263–99



Index portfolio risk, concepts 124–6 postal surveys 209–10, 212 posterior probabilities see also Bayesian decision-making concepts 88–9 POWER function, Excel 3, 99, 435 power of tests, hypothesis testing 278–80 presenting data 1–43, 449–52 bad example 1–2 concepts 1–24 exercises and answers 25–43, 449–52 importance 3 price index number with fixed base see also indexing concepts 386, 388–91, 397 CPI 386, 388–91, 397 price indexes see also indexing concepts 385–97 primary data concepts 210, 212 definition 210 printing 236–7, 244–5 probability 79–117, 119–47, 169–73, 174–83, 213–27, 231–52, 274–80, 458–74 see also basic probability rules binomial distribution 120, 125, 127–30, 132–5, 136–47, 169–73, 203–6, 211 concepts 79–104, 119–35, 231–52, 274–6, 280 definition 81–2 discrete data 119–47, 169–73 distribution for discrete random variables 120–7, 134–5, 136–47 exercises and answers 105–17, 136–47, 174–83, 213–27, 458–74 law of averages 100, 125–7 normal distribution 149–83 p-value approach to hypothesis testing 274–6, 280, 305–6, 310–11, 318, 320–32 Poisson distribution 120, 130–5, 136–47 system reliability 81, 93–9, 103 Type I/Type II errors 277–80 product costing, weighted averages 48–9 production output 307–9 properties of quartiles see also quartiles concepts 58–60, 161–2, 172 proportions applications 246–8 binomial distribution 203–6, 211 concepts 203–6, 211, 231, 245–8, 251–2, 272–4, 280, 311–13, 315–16, 319–20 definition 203 different populations hypothesis testing 311–13, 319–20 equation 203, 272–3

estimates of population characteristics 231, 245–8, 251–2, 272–4, 311–13 hypothesis testing 272–4, 280, 311–13, 315–16, 319–20 interval estimates 245–6 mean proportion of successes 203–4, 245–6, 311–13 sample sizes 245–8, 272–4, 280, 311–12, 319–20 sampling distribution of the proportion 203–6, 211 standard error 204–6, 245–6, 311–13, 319–20 quad-modal datasets 52 quadratic polynomial functions 352–3 see also non-linear regression qualitative data 3, 15–24, 250 see also categorical data quantitative data 3–15, 23–4, 156–7, 334–65 see also numerical data quantity index number with fixed base see also indexing concepts 385–6, 397 quantity indexes see also indexing concepts 385–97 quartile deviation, properties of quartiles 58 QUARTILE function, Excel 57, 60 quartiles boundary limits 57–8 box and whisker plots 12, 59–60, 63–4, 161, 164–6, 172 concepts 47, 57–60, 63–4, 161–2, 172 definition 57 examples 58–60, 161, 164–6 exercises and answers 65–77, 453–7 properties 58–60, 161–2, 172 questionnaires concepts 15, 24, 209–10, 212 consumer surveys 209–10, 212 examples 15 quota sampling, concepts 209, 212 RAND function, Excel 207, 435 RANDBETWEEN function, Excel 207, 435 random numbers 207–8, 212 random sampling concepts 207–8, 209, 212 definition 207 examples 207 Excel 207, 212 random variables see also distribution for discrete random variables characteristics 120–1, 134–5 concepts 86–8, 120–7, 134–5, 150, 207, 446 range, concepts 53–4, 58 ratio measurement scale, definition 388 raw data, definition 3 real value index (RVI) 390–1, 397

Index redundancy issues, backup systems 97 regression analysis 335, 339–81, 432, 436, 496–501 see also forecasts; linear…; multiple…; non-linear… alternative approaches 344 application 340–2, 345–7, 348–51, 354–60, 362–3 causal forecasting 345–7, 365, 388 concepts 335, 339–65, 432, 436 confidence levels 343–4, 364 considerations 360–5 definition 335, 339–40 equations 339, 345, 348 Excel 340–3, 347, 348, 349–53, 359–60, 432, 436 exercises and answers 366–81, 496–501 seasonal patterns 353–60, 365, 366–81 standard error 343–4, 347, 348–51, 359–60, 364–5, 436 variability of estimates 342–4, 364 rejection/acceptance issues, hypothesis testing 265–9, 276–80, 305–20 relative frequency histograms concepts 6–7, 16, 18, 23, 83, 100–1 examples 7, 18, 101 relative frequency ogives 9–11 relative frequency polygons 8–9, 23 relative frequency probability, concepts 83, 100–1, 103 relative price index concepts 386, 397 definition 386 relative quantity index concepts 385–6, 397 equation 386 relative regional indexes (RRIs) see also indexing base selections 391 concepts 391–2, 397 equation 391 exercises 403–12 relative time-based indexes see also indexing base changes 387 comparisons 387–8, 397 concepts 385–91, 397 equations 386 exercises and answers 398–412, 502–8 price index number with fixed base 386, 397 quantity index number with fixed base 385–6, 397 rolling index number with moving base 387, 397 time series deflation 390–1, 397 reliability of estimates see confidence… reliability of systems, concepts 81, 93–9, 103 research hypothesis see alternative hypothesis right-skewed data, normal distribution 164–9 right-tail hypothesis tests, concepts 265, 266–7, 279–80, 307–11 risk 81, 82–117, 124, 276–80 see also probability attitudes 82–3, 92–3

aversion 82–3 basic probability rules 82, 92–3, 103 concepts 82–3, 92–3, 103, 124, 276–80 definition 82 hypothesis testing 276–80 portfolio risk 124–6 takers 82–3 rolling index number, definition 387 rolling index number with moving base see also indexing concepts 387, 397 ROUND function, Excel 435 RRIs see relative regional indexes RSQ function, Excel 339, 435 RVI see real value index safety valves 198–200 sample mean, definition 196, 199 sample standard deviation see also standard deviation concepts 55–7, 240–1, 342–3 sample variance see also variance concepts 54–7 samples 54–7, 63, 81, 132–3, 169, 171, 173, 185–227, 229–62, 263–99, 301–32, 470–9, 480–8, 489–95 see also estimates… applications 198–200, 201–3, 204–6, 236, 240–8, 269–72, 273–5, 305–19 bias 55, 206–7, 212, 231–2 binomial concepts for the proportion 203–6, 211 central limit theorem 190, 194, 211, 232–3, 269–72, 304 concepts 54–7, 63, 81, 132–3, 169, 171, 173, 185–212, 229–52 distribution of the sample means 190, 194–6, 211 exercises and answers 213–27, 253–62, 281–99, 321–32, 470–9, 480–8, 489–95 finite populations 199–202, 211, 231, 236–7, 244–5, 251–2 frequency distributions 190–4 hypothesis testing 240, 263–99, 301–32 inferential statistics 81, 187–8, 211, 229–52, 276 infinite populations 196–200, 211, 231, 233–6, 243–5, 251–2 margin of error 229, 231, 247–52 methods 206–12 normal distribution 171, 173, 196–212 normal–binomial approximation 171, 173, 203–6, 211 population estimates 229–62 proportions 203–6, 211, 245–8, 251–2, 272–4, 311–13, 315–16, 319–20 size issues 171, 173, 188–97, 211–12, 231, 235–40, 241–3, 245–8, 251–2, 272–4, 280, 303–20, 344



Index samples (Contd ) standard error 196–212, 232–7, 243–5, 251–2, 269–72, 303–20, 343–4, 347, 348–51, 359–60, 364–5, 436 statistical relationships 187–97, 211, 272 student-t distribution 231, 237–45, 251–2, 306–11, 344, 347, 350–1 theory 187–212, 231–52 transformation relationship 197–9, 211 variability issues 195–7 sampling distribution of the means see distribution of the sample means sampling distribution of the proportion see also proportions definition 203 sampling methods cluster sampling 209, 212 concepts 206–12 consumer surveys 209–10, 212 exercises and answers 213–27, 470–4 primary data 210, 212 questionnaires 15, 24, 209–10, 212 quota sampling 209, 212 random sampling 207–8, 209, 212 secondary data 210, 212 stratified sampling 208, 209, 212 systematic sampling 207–8, 209, 212 scatter diagrams see also time series application 336–7, 345–6 concepts 335–7, 345–6, 364 definition 335–6 dependent/independent variables 335–6 examples 336–7, 345–6 Excel 336–7 seasonal index (SI), concepts 357–60 seasonal patterns, forecasts 353–60, 365, 366–81 seaworthiness of ships 273–4, 275–6 second-degree polynomials see quadratic polynomial functions secondary data, concepts 210, 212 series systems assembly operation application 97–9 concepts 93–5, 97–9, 103 shopping malls 119, 120 SI see seasonal index side-by-side bar charts see parallel bar charts sigma 444, 447 significance levels 264–80, 302–32 see also hypothesis testing chi-square hypothesis test 319, 320 concepts 264–5, 279–80 definition 264–5 simple probability see classical probability single populations, hypothesis testing 263–99 single type of event (rule no. 1), counting rules 99–100, 104

size issues, samples 171, 173, 188–97, 211–12, 231, 235–40, 241–3, 245–8, 251–2, 272–4, 280, 303–20, 344 skewed data 60, 164–9, 172–3 see also asymmetrical data SLOPE function, Excel 435 snowboard sales 336–7, 340–2, 344 soft drinks 354–60 SORT function, Excel 11, 12, 435 SPC see statistical process control spread see dispersion of data SQRT function, Excel 240 stacked histograms concepts 20–2, 24 definition 20 examples 21–2 standard deviation binomial distribution 128–9, 134, 169–73, 203–6, 211 coefficient of variation 56–7, 63, 361–2, 365 concepts 54–7, 63, 121–4, 128–9, 131, 134–5, 151–73, 196–212, 232–43, 269–72, 304–20, 342–4 definitions 55, 121, 124, 131, 342–3 equations 55, 121, 124, 128, 131 examples 55–6 hypothesis testing for different populations 303–20 normal distribution 151–73, 197–212, 232–7 normality of data 161–9, 172–3 percentiles 167–9 Poisson distribution 131, 135 standard error 196, 198–9, 232–7, 251–2, 269–72 sum of two random variables 121–4, 134 test statistics 269–72, 304–20 standard error concepts 196, 198–9, 200–2, 232–7, 243–5, 251–2, 269–72, 303–20, 343–4, 347, 348–51, 359–60, 364–5, 436 definition 196, 200–1 different populations hypothesis testing 303–20 equation 196, 200–1, 343 exercises and answers 213–27, 470–4 finite populations 200–3, 211, 237–8, 244–5, 251–2 linear regression 343–4, 347, 359–60, 364–5, 436 multiple regression 348–51, 364–5, 436 proportions 204–6, 245–6, 311–13, 319–20 regression analysis 343–4, 347, 348–51, 359–60, 364–5 standard deviation 196, 198–9, 232–7, 251–2, 269–72 standard normal distribution see also normal distribution concepts 155–6, 172–3 statistical dependence basic probability rules 86–8, 103 equation 88 examples 87

Index statistical independence, basic probability rules 84–8 statistical process control (SPC) 169, 173 statistical relationships, samples 187–97, 211, 272 statistics key terminology/formulas in statistics 413–26, 427, 438, 446–7 principal uses 54–5 STDEV function, Excel 55, 240, 435 STDEVP function, Excel 55, 435 steel rods 188–95 stem-and-leaf displays concepts 10–12, 23, 161 definition 10 EDA 12, 23 examples 12 stratified sampling concepts 208, 209, 212 definition 208 examples 208 student-t distribution 231, 237–45, 251–2, 269–72, 275–6, 306–11, 344, 347, 350–1 application 240–5, 269–72, 275–6, 307–11, 347, 350–1 concepts 237–45, 251–2, 269–72, 275–6, 306–11, 347, 350–1 confidence intervals 231, 238–43, 251–2, 344, 350–1 definition 237–8 degrees of freedom 237–43, 251, 269–72, 306–9, 344, 347 examples 238–9, 307–11 Excel 240–5, 251–2, 308–11, 344, 350–1 forecasts 344, 347 normal distribution 240 profile 238–9, 251–2 sample sizes 231, 241–3, 251–2, 306–9, 344 z values 238, 241–3 subjective probability, concepts 82–3, 103 SUM function, Excel 435 summation concepts 444–7 SUMPRODUCT function, Excel 48, 435 supermarkets 348–51 surface area, house prices 345–6, 362–3 symbols arithmetic operating symbols 438 Greek alphabet 444, 446–7 Microsoft Word 446–7 terminology 427, 438, 446–7 symmetrical data, normal distribution 160–9, 172–3, 234–5 system reliability and probability assembly operation application 97–9 concepts 81, 93–9, 103 examples 94–9 exercises and answers 105–17, 458–61 parallel (backup) systems 93, 95–9, 103 series systems 93–5, 97–9, 103

systematic sampling concepts 207–8, 209, 212 definition 208 systems concepts 93–9, 103 t-distribution see student-t distribution taxes 271–2, 275 TDIST function, Excel 11, 240, 275, 308, 310, 435 tee-shirts 243–4 telephone surveys 209–10, 212 temperature 442–4 terminology key terminology/formulas in statistics 413–26, 427, 438, 446–7 symbols 427, 438, 446–7 test of independence, chi-square hypothesis test 315–16 test statistics concepts 268–80, 304–20 definition 269 equation 269 time series see also scatter diagrams concepts 333–4, 335–44, 353–4, 361–2, 364 definition 335 linear regression 339–44, 353–4, 361–2, 364 numerical codes 337, 344 time series deflation concepts 390–1, 397 definition 390 time-horizon considerations, forecasts 360, 365 TINV function, Excel 240, 244–5, 271–2, 308, 309–11, 344, 347, 350–1, 435 transformation relationship see also z values normal distribution 154–5, 172–3, 197–9, 211 samples 197–9, 211 tri-modal datasets 52 Truman, Harold 185–6 Turkey 229–30, 249–50 two populations, hypothesis testing 302–32 two-tail hypothesis tests concepts 265–6, 279–80, 305–20 examples 265–6 Type I errors, concepts 276–80 Type II errors, concepts 276–80 unbiased estimates see point estimates univariate data see also numerical data concepts 3–12, 23 definition 3, 23 unweighted index numbers see also indexing concepts 392–3, 397 US measuring system, concepts 442–3



Index VAR function, Excel 55, 435 variability issues, samples 195–7 variables, concepts 86–8, 120–7, 134–5, 150, 207, 335–6, 345, 437, 445–7 variance see also standard deviation binomial distribution 128–9 concepts 54–7, 63, 121, 124, 128–9 definitions 54, 121, 124 distribution for a discrete random variable 121, 124 equations 54, 121, 124, 128 examples 55–6, 124–6 sum of two random variables 124–5, 134 variation see dispersion of data VARP function, Excel 55, 435 Venn diagrams concepts 89–92, 103 examples 90–1 hospitality management application 89–92 vertical histograms concepts 16–18, 24 examples 17, 18 vitamin C 240–3

wages 301, 305–7, 391–2 Wal-Mart 334 weighted average, concepts 48–9, 63 weighted indexes see also indexing average quantity-weighted price index 395–7 concepts 392–7 Laspeyres weighted price index 393–4, 397 Paasche weighted price index 394–5, 397 whole numbers, concepts 120 wine sellers 121–2 Women and Work Commission (WWC) 301 work preferences 313–19 XY(scatter) function, Excel 336, 429–32 z values 154–73, 197–206, 238, 241–3, 247–52, 272–80, 304–5, 311–13, 319–20 see also transformation relationship

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.