inURSDAT, OCTOBER 19, 1944 ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH 13 Annual 51. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH AfT) nrcw UALMTS SALTED WHOLE CASHEW NUTS 85c Value REFUSE CAN LENTHERVC TWEED COLOGNE Your favorite lentheric fro LILLY'S HEPICEBRIN GELSEALS OTTLI OP 100 A selection ef coo inrcvix DJ 0 GET THIS BIG I A- -I! of to rfec Hon for a true teste B-pound eap.citv. M.s.l vLvU vy Uxi Uvi vi vvc SuPpli minimum in MUDESS BUY 30 Safer i-aVi- Sranee now available alcohol form. 'j Pound DOWNTOWN 700 LOCUST (1) SANITARY NAPKINS 95e 69c It's the greatest galaxy of bargains ever assembled! Bigger and better than ever before, this year's MILLION DOLLAR SALE will save the people of your city thousands of dollars in one short month.
Visit your Katz Super Store today and take advantage of these sensational values. Now Low Veaf Q9 WELLSTON HODIAMONT AND EASTON (14) PINE LAWN 4150 NATURAL BRIDGE ROAD (20) While Limited 9uentlty Lasts Kofi Million Dollar Kotw milo. 'e by oeHIn- 4r.l aore apecfof Limit I Pound Kafx milon Dollar ofe Jaeeaf new Kefi Mffffoa Oeffar Sofa Spacfaf Do a. MIHIee 0.11m, special 1 WEftSIUkTotBttol STORES OPEN FROM 7 A. M.
Pyres brand glau CO OC bowls $ai79 VACULATOR GLASS COFFEE MAKER Vacuum process coffee maker In either 4 or cup tiie. Pyrex brand glau bowls, wide mouthed for CO OC eaiy cleaning S73 RUM IMPORTED 86-PROOF FULL, FIFTH $298 1U 35e VICKS I VAPO-RUB I 1 SALVE I I5t Pyrex MATCHED BOWL SET Doilgnod for kaklnt, eerv-Ins, storlnp er mixing; 3 eowle 24. 1'. and 1 suart. Rented te save pace.
Plestle Coated RAIN CAPE Smartly ttyled, plaittc "mioav I ATUaOAT I oated for water reiiif. ance. white rain capei with a daih. WITH THIS COUPON 98 aT 2 Kofi Million Dollar Salt Spatial! CARTER'S CP' 27( LIVER PILLS KINSEY'S DRY GIN $19 94.4-PROOF FULL FIFTH 4d aVSaniS 1V $1.50 Simulated Leather PICTURE FRAME of s'lso'hM -J? tarfor $1.5. js VALUE! Kofi Million Dollar Solo Special 30 Ini Wood frame, simulated leather covered.
In assorted colors. Easel backed. Size 8 inches by 10 inches. 70 PETRI DRY WINES 5)c BURGUNDY, CLARET, ETC FULL FIFTH JJ Kd Pinto Pereira's Brandy $98 IMPORTED; 84-PROOF FULL FIFTH JbJ OPORTO PORT WINE $H49 IMPORTED FULL FIFTH IS0PR0PYL ALCOHOL $2.00 2-Plece CARVING SET Knife and fork at hlh earbon stool. 2-plete set.
98 SELF POLISHING WAX Eeiy to epplyl Provides letting luster! Jiffy Brand Fun )7c Quart Excellent body rub for re'ief ef muscular aches and pains. Shops Prldoy ontl Soterdey $149 Kofi Mifffen Dollar Solo Special i With This teepee 75c Stuart Hall AIRMAIL STATIONERY LlmUl 70c I VASELINE HAIR TONIC I vicks 1 I NOSE DROPS 75c BAUME- BENQUE I ANALGESIC FITCH'S 1 I SHAMPOO Katt Mlllloo Dollar Sola Special 3 s3 7ic Vefca tt Feather weight onion skin paper with Airmail bordered envelope! for your ir 1 1 correspondence. 48 SHEETS 24 ENVELOPES 49e Aco Metal Pot Cleaners 3i BRIT-TEX NAIL CREAM Fer lovely nails. 50c NATIONAL LA(S JUICE SET Includes sparkling crystal pitcher, 4 tumblers and tray. DE VILBISS VAPORIZER a 1 1 a nose and threat congestion qr'ckly and effeetlvely.
$098 Marehends HAIR COLOR RINSE nhoneet the heir. 23 LOUIS PHILLIPE LIPSTICK Piatt arinp shades. 79c lie DR. WEST TOOTH PASTE Effective dontrlfloo. Per cleaner, kriphter tooth.
2 29c La Cress PERSONAL FAVOR SET CemplMe manicure equipment. $5.00 I A hltehee neamltyt loan swta and pans clean aelckly, oaailsl Shop Prl my and'toterdey' With Thrs Ceepea $100 I Kofs Million Dollar Sofa Special 5ic Pi limit 1 GLASS TEAKETTLES $1.75 WHISTLING TEAKETTLE Kofi Mllllcn Dollar Sale Spcclsl I UK-. iWiM) an a'' Bl.OO MAR-0-0IL SHAMPOO Loaves hair lustrous. JT BOo CAL0X TOOTH POWDER Far sparkllns tooth. I0c Vafc tl.OO Paoquln HAND CREAM Smooth eoftenea 79c 7 Bo HINDS BEAUTY BARGAIN Lotion and Facial Cream.
49c ROGER 4 GALLET LIP POMAOE Protective m.aiure eoelnst ehapped Hps. 23c No. 3332 Triple X. Flame-ware Teakettle with silver-plated whistle, that whistles when the water boils. KREML HAIR TONIC Lubrlcetee the eealp.
$1.09 a5 eaaaaaaaaeaBBeaeaaaaaaaaaaaee aaaaaeaaeaaeoaeaaaiBaaaBaa $1.25 SIMILAC POWDERED I MILK Qanuint Thermos VACUUM BOTTLE Plnt-siie vecuum bottle 69c I 39c GUP AND SAUCER SET Beautifully; d'aslgned white glass aup aaad aaueer set to add te the ettrectlveness ef year table. PhoVmipay AN DI A A De Luxe Crystal V-MAIL STATIONERY For fatter overaema mall service, V-Mmll. Three tli. 10' 25e 49 that's a must for your lunch kit. $39 Kefi Millie Cellar Sale Special $109 i Limit I No Mail Order.
With Thl. Cm pea 5Vi For tfto IVe-Groomed lan or Woman CLOVEIl'S nnm drdos LADY ESTHER FOUR-PURPOSE FACE CREAM I few LYSOL I DISINFECTANT, inches by Kafi millam Dollar Sac Specof. ANTItirTIC Inches Jl PIPE FOR EVERY FACENO 1YIJIIL ORDERS NOM-ALCOMOLie 1 5 Pour beauty creams In one cleanses, smooths, softens and refines the pares. An all-pur-nose cream for a lovelier REGULAR 25c 43 size Smart, exciting design en exquisite, harmonious blending of grained wood and PACQUMS HAND CREAM Ruggedly bumt tor long servne. flniih.
Polished class 7-JMneh glass. Wheat lasy to complete airenioos la Pr book let with each bottle. A flatfy, wklte eream that svlll aaatha and aaftea JSJ fear hands leaving tkaas leveller thee aver aefara. $1.00 BARBASOL I SHAVE CREAM thick. HERE IS THE PLAN Ask at your Sup.r Store for PUNCH CARD.
Whin the amount of your purchases at Kafi, on this card, totali IS 00, you may buy thl SI value for only JS 87. SHOP PBIOAT ANsV 79' $1.38 SIZE 1 $1.54) Genuine Imported BRIAR PIPE Cheea. a shape to suit your fa.o from this wide selection DR. GRABOW PRR-SMOKED PIPE He kr.eltlni In, ne Mei-hanlcally a emoksa) with fin tobacco. PUREX Certified Pipe Your thole, ef eurpoaard In onioklni Ity er craftsmanship.
ATUaOAT STERNCREST PIPE The aristocrat ef pipes. Mede with an eya te appearance. $5.00 ul. el briar pipes. 98c COCONUT OIL SHAMPOO BY SUZANNE $3.19 $1.39 11 4' With Tnls Ceepee) BLOND FINISH.
ATTRACTIVf, ej" DURABLE. SERVICEABLE Keeps hair lustrous, avoids av KoH Minima Oeffar $mlo peea dryness, penetrates and cleanses pore openings te promote hair growth. 2S ANACIN ANTI-PAIN TABLETS 1 T3 59 35 Vaa a IMPORTED BRIAR PIPE Kafi MlMae Dollar Solo Special DR. WEST'S Miracle-Tuft TOOTH BRUSH Waterproofed bristles that are anti MONEY-SAVING IMPORTED ROYALTY PIPE- Imparted, choice fralned Rinso Granulated Soap Urge Slic Bai. Par All Hactahaltj Imported briar pipe with felt L.
H. STERN'S AMERICANA PIPE Made of choicest briar. A widely varied selection. 98c K. B.
B. MONTEREY PIPE A ta suit those with the most dls-crimlnatlnp CC Aft tastes. Choice 3 9. UU et will de- carrying ease. it light any pipe smoker.
$1.49 Washlpf Parpotes. yeur shape. LARGE IVORY SOAP SHOP PC I OAT AND SATURDAY soggy. Surgically sterile. In a crystal VJILDROOT clear, sanitary-sealed, container.
et your KATZ MILLION CREAM- With This Ceepee US IP ae in OLLAR SALE COUPON OIL OOK earlyl Take adven- Limit I 1 I KmH MHHee Dmllar Sale SpecM ge of the tremendous ving offered by the val- Mail OraWa tillid able coupons: get your 'l Item, which will cover SO. DR. SCHOLL'S ARCH SUPPORTS cost of the boon to AM PAX Sanitary protection won internally. Vrl loul You'll want to use all kMOWI HAIR CONOITVONEtl 1.00 CHUX DIAPERS Disposable. Small Bex ef SO $1.25 1.
J. BANDAIDS Ready-te-ase kandates. 1 far 23c the 80 coupons in this For true foot comfort. Leather PUNCH ATHLETIC SUPPORTER Firm, comfort, able support. 69c look which will save you poOBO far and cushioned rubber sup ver $33.00.
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Get your book to learn the saving! X3 HeTN I SHOP FRIDAY AND SATURDAY S2.25 MENNEN BABY OIL Gentle $1 skin lubricant lalO SHAVE LOTION CAMAY SOAP I AOO ta these I Items I tubact ta I federal I FIBS The Kotex tampon. 10 BOe MENNEN SKIN BALM. Coollne, sooth- 10c PEBECO TOOTH POWDER WITH THIS COUPON 5' Umil I jj 1 7 50c Six KOTEX For carefree comfort it's Kotex. Two sizes Regular and Junior. 54 89c DR.
KELLY DOUCHE SYRINGE For fftmtntno hygiene. Yours for the asking! Absolutely freel You'll want this effective dentifrice thet cleans, brightens and WHITE ENAMEL BED PAN Htavlly enamolol. $2.98 j. j. COTTON 4 ounces of this absorbent cotton.
33c Grand lor Jfjo attar shaving 03 BOe MENNEN SHAVE CREAM, For a one cleaner thava 03 DE VILBISS ATOMIZER Nese and throat spray. 98c polishes your teeth. Jutt tear the free Pebeco coupon from your COUPON BOOK and bring it to your Katz Toiletries. Dept. Katx Million Dollar Sofa Special 93c KURBS PAIN TABLETS 23c.