Manik Acorn: 40 Years Later - TalyllyntheIronWarrior - Sonic the Hedgehog (2025)

Manik Acorn: 40 Years Later

To them, it was just life for them and didn't think much of their own exploits. To their descendants, their life is a story passed down from generation to generation until they become the stuff of legends.

"What was my grandfather really like as a person?" Said a young energetic voice belonging to the cobalt blue son of Manik Acorn. They're both outside in the garden area of Castle Acorn.

It's the spring season in the year 3303 and a beautiful, warm sunny day no less.

"Just like your old man here. Daring and adventurous with a little attitude sprinkled in. Wasn't too crazy about royal duties like your grandmother was but he did well to rule despite not wanting the power." The older Manik chuckled, finding it amusing how much he's like his own dad in his younger days and same applies to his grandfather Jules.

Don't forget cocky and occasionally egotistical as well. He's known for that.

"Was he a good dad?"

"Nicky. He was just about the best dad you could ever ask for just like how Prower's son is the greatest friend you'll ever have."

Manik ran his fingers through the younger hedgehog's hair much to his annoyance. "He knows how to make childhood a fun one and he enjoys chilli dogs like I do. There is never a dull day with him."

"As for his speed… Oh, you should have seen him in his prime. Even I'm in awe of his incredible feats and I have his abilities for crying out loud!"

To imagine a world where Sonic does not have his famous supersonic speed is like imagining a world where there is no Sonic the Hedgehog. The two are nigh-inseparable from each other.

"Sounds like he was a good person."

"He definitely was. He may have had enemies in his day but he always extends the olive branch to them to become his friends. No matter who they were, he can see the good in all of them including his nemesis Dr Robotnik or better known to all you youngsters as Dr Eggman…" Manik to this day wonders how that name managed to stick and be used by the mad scientist himself, let alone accept it. “Always believed in the idea of second chances.

He smiled as he thought of his late father. “Sonic was a forgiving and loving person that always takes the time out of his day to help others, even helping random strangers he barely knows about and those who've tried to kill him many times. Wanna know why?"

That much is true about Sonic. His heart was greater than the sums of his powers.

He never truly regards his enemies as problems to be extinguished. Rather, they're people who are simply lost in the darkness and he wants to show them the way to the light. The light of peace and clarity.

Sonic comforted Geoffrey St. John in his dying moments after taking a fatal shot from a vengeful Dark Presence agent meant for him and saving his life in an act of redemption. Enabling him to leave the mortal world on good terms.

He was the only person to give Metal Sonic a burial after his power core died for good following an act of heroism in helping to defeat Doctor Finitevus for good when the albino echidna was close to causing the apocalypse and erected a tombstone that reads; ‘Built without a soul, shutdowns with a soul.’

Fiona Fox. Dying of an illness she contracted from her long term exposure to the Anarchy Beryls due to her not being a native of Moebius and he was there at her bedside as they finally made up for real. Helping her be able to finally let go of the last visages of her resentment towards the world for her lot in life before departing peacefully with a smile. There now exists the Fiona Fox Foundation created by Sonic that’s dedicated towards helping orphaned children and teens like herself find better lives.

He forgave Shadow despite his more villainous turn as King Shadow and the blue hedgehog got his former rival to make a promise to him before he went. The Ultimate Lifeform eventually renounced his tyrannical ways following a personal realisation and currently dedicates his eternal life to seeking out the ultimate knowledge as a hermit. Occasionally leaving his solitude to go help save the world as per Maria’s wish.


"Because no problem is too big or too small for him to tackle. He believes that life should be enjoyed properly in the moment with other people and any person is welcomed to join in, regardless of who or what they are. That's why he's still celebrated as the hero of Mobius to this day."

In his life, Sonic has helped countless people from friends to folks on the streets and made sure they had a happy smile on their faces instead of a sad frown. Would even spend time with many of them for no other reason than just because he can.

One could say Sonic was as much a saint as he was a hero. A hero for all seasons.

Nicky looked up to his dad. "Do you miss him?"

Sonic may have outraced both his foes and the jaws of death countless times. However, he could never outpaced Father Time itself. Eventually growing slower and slower until his physical form comes to a permanent stop.

He was given a hero’s burial and people from all over including Queen Blaze of the Sol Dimension came to pay their respects to the greatest hero who ever lived.

Those with connections to the Chaos Force could feel a new entity come into being around the same time Sonic had passed on. A benevolent Chaos God who’ll heed the call of those using the Chaos Emeralds to save the world or to save a life and will always appears in the ethereal form of a golden hedgehog with red and white shoes. A being that produces miracles to those that cited his prayer.

Some believe he is Sonic who has ascended to a higher existence beyond death itself while others see this entity as the symbolic embodiment of his justice and power of the will given form. Whichever is the case, this golden figure will alway come to those who need his help during their darkest hour. Manik Acorn included when he was protecting the universe in his father’s footsteps with Skye Prower, Lara-Su and the rest of the Freedom Fighters at his side.

Manik fought to not shed the tear upon hearing that question from his beloved boy. "All the time. He was such a big part of my life along with my dear mother and my beloved Freedom Fighters. But that's the nature of life itself and we must cherish all the good memories we've had along the way."

It's what Sonic is all about. Live fast and live free. Never looking back. No regrets.

"Much like his belief that it's important to live in the moment rather than stress about what the future might bring. I can definitely live by that." The boy said and having traits of his own father in him. “If you got time to worry, then run.”

This brought a smile to Manik's face and warmed his heart deep down. Making the king forget the wistfulness he was feeling just a few moments ago.

"Now you're starting to get it my boy!" Manik lifted Nicky up onto his shoulders and gave him a piggyback ride like his own father used to do when he was a small toddler. "Maybe in due time, you'll become the new fastest thing alive like I was in my youth!"

"Really dad?" Nicky beamed excitably.

"Yep. But only if you stay healthy, do your homework and be a responsible vigilant member of society. Doubt they'd appreciate having to deal with a fast-moving delinquent even if he’s in the right."

Translation: He doesn't want him to grow up to be a troublemaker with attitude and calling his best friend pixel brain. Only because his wife will be giving him a lot of grief over it. Parenthood, ey?

"Do I have to attend tutoring with Longclaw?" The boy groaned, not looking forward to sitting at a desk and listening to the owl's lecturing when he's itching to go fast instead. Very much like his own grandfather.

"You know, I wasn't fond of sitting still for an hour while I was getting my education at your age. But I went and did it anyway."

Remembering all the times he'd try to skip attending his tutoring and his mother always catching onto his attempts at every instance. "If you attend Longclaw's class today, I promise that I'll take you to go see your uncle Skye once it's over. How would you like that?"

Like father, like son.

"Okay dad. I'll go see hertoday and sit through her lectures but only because you promised me."

Still not mad over attending what's basically a boring hour of education about royal duties and blah blah blah. However, the prospect of going to see Uncle Skye Prower is too great an offer to refuse. He liked going over to his place to see the workshop and seeing his best friend there as well. A win-win situation for the young Nicky Acorn.

"Good. I think your mother will be pleased to hear it when we get back and a promise is a promise…" Manik says as they head off to go see Longclaw the Owl. Heading onwards towards their future. Both mundane and exciting.

Living life as it goes along.

There's a blue blur for every season. Nicky Acorn is only one of them.

The End

Manik Acorn: 40 Years Later - TalyllyntheIronWarrior - Sonic the Hedgehog (2025)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.