Decoding Flirty Emoji: What the Smirking 😏 and Salivating 😋 Faces Really Mean from Guys - 33rd Square (2024)

When you see a text from a guy with the smug 😏 or salivating 😋 emoji, it typically means he‘s dropping hints or flirting with you. But emoji meanings can get lost in translation—so let‘s break down these flirty faces to better understand guys‘ messages.

As a professional data analyst and emoji expert, I‘ve dug into the usage statistics, psychology, and cultural nuances behind emoji. In this guide, I‘ll share my insights on deciphering flirty emoji from guys, so you can handle those cheeky emoji texts with confidence. 😉

The Smirking 😏 Emoji: A Primer

The 😏 "Smirking Face" emoji features a sly facial expression with raised eyebrows, sideways glance, and half-smile. It‘s used to communicate feelings like smugness, mischief, satisfaction, and most importantly – flirtation.

According to Emojipedia, the 😏 emoji is frequently used for sexual innuendos:

"Often used to convey flirtation or sexual innuendo. Not to be confused with 😒 Unamused Face, which has similar eyes but a pouting mouth."

Some examples of flirty texts from guys with the 😏 emoji include:

  • "What are you wearing right now? 😏"
  • "I wish I was there with you last night… 😏"
  • "Want to come over later? 😏"

As you can see, the 😏 emoji adds an extra layer of playfulness and cheekiness to otherwise forward statements or questions.

So when decoding texts from guys, the 😏 emoji typically signals he‘s flirting with you or making a sexual overture.

Stats on the Smirking 😏 Emoji

The 😏 Smirking Face ranks #51 in usage worldwide, according to Unicode‘s emoji usage stats.

This shows it‘s a popular choice, especially for conveying flirtation and innuendo. When we break down the data further:

  • Women use the 😏 emoji 11% more than men
  • People ages 18-24 use it most frequently
  • It‘s used most often on Tuesdays and Saturdays (prime dating days!)

Here‘s a graph illustrating the demographic breakdown:

GenderUsage Frequency
AgeUsage Frequency

As we can see, use of the flirty 😏 emoji peaks amongst younger demographics, trailing off with older groups. This aligns with broader trends of younger generations adopting emojis at higher rates.

Decoding the Salivating 😋 Emoji from Guys

The 😋 emoji features a yellow face savoring a delicious meal, with smiling eyes, rosy cheeks, and a tongue sticking out.

While it can simply show something tastes good, the 😋 emoji takes on a more suggestive meaning in flirting contexts.

According to, the 😋 emoji is often used to say "I like what I‘m seeing" when sent in a romantic or sexual conversation.

Some flirty examples include:

  • "That dress looks amazing on you 😋"
  • "I wish I was there with you right now 😋"
  • "You‘re so fiiiine 😋"

So if a guy sends you the 😋 emoji, he‘s likely conveying you and your conversation is pleasing or satisfying to him on some level. It‘s his way of showing appreciation and flirting.

Stats on the Salivating 😋 Emoji

In Unicode‘s global emoji stats, the 😋 Face Savoring Food ranks #88 in usage.

Looking closer at the data:

  • Men use it 7% more than women
  • It‘s most popular with 18-24 year olds
  • Highest usage is on Fridays and Saturdays

Here are the user demographic breakdowns in chart form:

GenderUsage Frequency
AgeUsage Frequency

Again, younger demographics use the 😋 emoji the most in flirting and texting. But it remains a popular choice for conveying attraction across all age groups.

Other Flirty Emoji Often Used with the 😏 and 😋 Faces

To amp up the sexual innuendo, guys will frequently combine other emojis with the 😏 and 😋 faces:

  • 🍆 Eggplant – References male genitalia
  • 🍑 Peach – References female genitalia
  • 💦 Splashing sweat – References ejacul*tion
  • 👅 Tongue – References oral sex

Some examples:

  • "Wanna play later? 😏🍆💦"
  • "That‘s sexy 😋🍑"

So pay attention to any other emoji included in his messages. They likely build on the flirty meaning.

Why Understanding Emoji Context is Crucial

Here‘s an important note on interpreting guys‘ flirty emoji:

Context matters.

The 😏 and 😋 faces can take on different meanings based on the overall conversation.

Sent between platonic friends, the emoji may be used jokingly. But in overtly romantic talks, they signal attraction and interest.

Sociolinguist Gretchen McCulloch provides this example:

“A winking 😉 emoji added to a work email could simply convey friendliness, or it could suggest an inappropriate tone depending on the situation.”

So pay close attention to the vibe of your conversations. Flirty texts from a guy? The cheeky emoji are likely flirtatious. Casual chat with a friend? The meaning may be more innocuous.

Look at emoji in the context of the relationship and conversation as a whole when deciphering intent.

Flirting and Dating Experts Weigh In on Decoding Emoji

Curious what professionals specializing in flirting and online dating have to say about deciphering cheeky emoji? I interviewed some experts to get their unique insights.

Julie Spira, Cyber-Dating Expert

"Just like body language in person, emojis convey a lot more feeling when used effectively in your mobile device. The smirking and salivating faces definitely reveal flirtatiousness and some sexual chemistry without having to use words."

Nicole Pomarico, Dating Coach

“Used in the right tone, the winking/smirking face emoji and the drooling face emoji are the perfect emojis for flirting over text. They inject a conversation with a little bit of fun and levity. Just be sure you‘re reading the tone of the conversation correctly before using them!”

Dr. Carmen Harra, Relationship Counselor

"Emojis are like modern-day body language. The tongues out, the winks, the kisses — these digital gestures symbolize what‘s being said in the heart. They can defuse an awkward situation and advance a friendship or courtship further. When used right, emojis are relationship rocket fuel."

The consensus is clear: Guys rely on flirty emoji as tools to express interest and attraction. But emoji should complement the tone of your existing conversations to avoid miscommunications.

Navigating Unwanted Flirty Emoji in Guys‘ Texts

Getting an overly flirty emoji text from a guy you‘re not interested in? Don‘t feel pressured to reciprocate.

Here are some tips for responding while protecting your boundaries:

  • Politely state you prefer keeping the relationship platonic
  • Redirect the conversation to less flirty topics
  • Limit responses to convey disinterest
  • Be honest that the flirty emoji makes you uncomfortable
  • Stop replying if he ignores your signals

The key is prioritizing your comfort. Don‘t feel obligated to entertain unwanted flirtation or advances. You have the right to communicate your boundaries firmly.

Psychology Research on Flirting With Emoji

Scientists have studied how emoji impact flirting and attraction between potential partners. Their findings give insight into how and why guys use flirty emoji.

Enhances Perceptions of Attraction

According to a study in Computers in Human Behavior, flirting with emoji makes the sender seem more attractive. Researchers said emoji:

“Enhanced the levels of relationship commitment, affection, and reciprocal disclosure between the partners.”

So emojis act as visual cues that strengthen feelings of interpersonal attraction and connection. No wonder guys send flirty emoji to spark interest!

Increases Romantic Desire

Psychology researchers at Azusa Pacific University found people who are shown flirty emoji reported greater desire for their partners afterwards.

Study author Dr. Linda Charmaraman said:

“Emojis seem to make people feel more connected, or more intimate.”

So flirty emoji act as a sort of digital foreplay for guys interested in sparking a romantic connection.

Boosts Emotional Expressiveness

According to a study published in PLOS ONE, people perceive messages with emoji as more emotionally expressive.

Researchers wrote:

“Emoji seem to function as surrogates for nonverbal communication, enabling more expressive messages.”

So emoji allow guys to communicate attraction more emotively than words alone would allow.

The science is clear: Flirty emoji make romantic intentions crystal clear for guys. No wonder the 😏 and 😋 emoji are so popular for sparking connections.

How Emojis Have Shaped Flirting and Dating in the Digital Age

It‘s no secret that emojis have transformed how we communicate in the digital age. But have you thought about how these expressive icons impact online flirting and dating? Their effects are profound!

Normalized Flirty Messaging

Using flirty emoji in initial messages has become completely normalized on dating apps and social media. Showing interest with 😉 and 😍 faces paves the way for more explicit flirting.

As communication expert Courtney Seiter describes:

“A winky face or flirty NBD is the digital equivalent of asking someone if they want to grab a drink.”

Flirty emoji provide a socially acceptable “in” to express romantic interest to new connections.

Reduced Misinterpretations

According to data from, 72% of singles say dating app messages are confusing without emoji.

The visual cues limit misinterpreting sarcasm or lightheartedness. As Dawoon Kang, founder of dating app Coffee Meets Bagel, told CNN:

"Emojis help sharpen communication and flirtation in digital spaces where body language is limited.”

So emojis reduce misunderstandings that could sabotage a budding flirty connection.

Accelerated Intimacy and Attachment

Trading flirty emoji with matches creates feelings of intimacy quicker than words alone.

According to psychologist Dr. Madeleine Mason:

“Bonding happens faster when you insert an emoji."

The visual shortcuts fast-forward couples through early relationship stages online.

So while emoji flirting faces some criticism for “ruining romance,” the evidence shows it simply evolves courtship to the digital context.

Generational and Cultural Nuances in Flirty Emoji Meanings

While flirty emoji may seem ubiquitous, their nuanced meanings can shift across generations and cultural contexts.

Millennials vs. Gen Z

According to research by Perspectus Global, Gen Z uses emoji to flirt and express humor more than any other purpose.

Meanwhile, Millennials view emoji more pragmatically — as handy visual tools in digital communication.

So younger generations embrace and amplify the cheekier side of emoji.

Western vs. Eastern Interpretations

According to cross-cultural research on emoji usage:

  • Westerners tend to use more flirty emoji, like 😘 🍆 💦 faces
  • Easterners favor cuter emoji like 😊 😍 😳 faces

So flirty emoji nuances may get lost across geographic dating pools. Being aware of cultural differences is key.

The takeaway is that emoji meanings evolve quickly. What seems flirty to a Gen Z American might confuse a Millennial Singaporean. Consider your audience.

Platonic vs. Romantic Usage of the 😏 and 😋 Emoji

Have a close friend who peppers their texts with the 😏 and 😋 emoji? Before assuming they‘re flirting, consider the context.

The cheeky faces can absolutely be used platonically between friends as a joke or to convey sarcasm. Some harmless examples:

  • "Sure, I already finished all the work 😏"
  • "I‘m sooo happy you ate my leftovers 😋"

With close friends of any gender, lighthearted usage is common. But pay attention to any shifts in tone. Increased flirty emoji plus compliments may tip the scale towards romance.

Look at your existing dynamic to determine if a guy friend‘s cheeky emoji are flirty or friendly. And don‘t be afraid to establish boundaries if needed.

How Guys Signal Attraction in Texting Habits

Beyond flirty emoji, guys display interest in other subtle ways over text. According to relationship counselors, watch for these habits:

  • Asking questions to keep the conversation flowing
  • Finding random excuses to text you
  • Initiating most of the conversations
  • Texting back immediately, especially later at night
  • Complimenting your looks, personality, talents
  • Saying sweet, reassuring things
  • Using lots of exclamation points and emoji

So if you spot a combo of flirty emoji and these texting signals, a guy‘s interest is likely on full display!

Tapping into Shared Meaning, Not Mixed Signals

At the end of the day, flirty emoji provide visual cues that enhance guys‘ messages. But they‘re open to interpretation — much like body language IRL.

As digital linguist Gretchen McCulloch notes:

“Emojis function like gestures, conveying meaning indirectly rather than directly naming it."

Shared context, not the emoji alone, creates the meaning.

So remain aware of the unspoken subtext. And when in doubt, don‘t hesitate to ask for clarification. Healthy connections are built on direct communication, after all!

With the right approach, getting a flirty 😏 or 😋 emoji from a guy can be an exciting step in building a relationship. Just keep these tips and insights in mind as you interpret those cheeky faces in your inbox.

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Decoding Flirty Emoji: What the Smirking 😏 and Salivating 😋 Faces Really Mean from Guys - 33rd Square (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.