Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (2024)

Curve fitting in ERLabPy largely relies on lmfit.Along with some convenient models for common fitting tasks, ERLabPy provides a powerfulaccessor that streamlines curve fitting on multidimensional xarray objects.

ERLabPy also provides optional integration of lmfit models with iminuit, which is a Python interface to the MinuitC++ library developed at CERN.

In this tutorial, we will start with the basics of curve fitting using lmfit, introducesome models that are available in ERLabPy, and demonstrate curve fitting with themodelfit accessor tofit multidimensional xarray objects. Finally, we will show how to use iminuit with lmfit models.

If you are familiar with lmfit, you can skip the first section.

import erlab.plotting.erplot as epltimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npimport xarray as xrfrom import generate_data

Let’s start by defining a model function and the data to fit.

def poly1(x, a, b): return a * x + b# Generate some toy datax = np.linspace(0, 10, 20)y = poly1(x, 1, 2)# Add some noise with fixed seed for reproducibilityrng = np.random.default_rng(1)yerr = np.full_like(x, 0.5)y = rng.normal(y, yerr)

Fitting a simple function

A lmfit model can be created by calling lmfit.Model class with the modelfunction and the independent variable(s) as arguments.

import lmfitmodel = lmfit.Model(poly1)params = model.make_params(a=1.0, b=2.0)result =, x=x, params=params, weights=1 / yerr)result.plot()result

Fit Result

Model: Model(poly1)

Fit Statistics
fitting methodleastsq
# function evals7
# data points20
# variables2
chi-square 5.86642273
reduced chi-square 0.32591237
Akaike info crit.-20.5297448
Bayesian info crit.-18.5382803
R-squared 0.99155992
namevaluestandard errorrelative errorinitial valueminmaxvary
a 0.96713173 0.02103116(2.17%)1.0 -inf infTrue
b 2.18308498 0.12301076(5.63%)2.0 -inf infTrue
Correlations (unreported values are < 0.100)
Parameter1Parameter 2Correlation

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (1)

By passing dictionaries to make_params, we can set the initial values of the parameters and also set the bounds for the parameters.

model = lmfit.Model(poly1)params = model.make_params( a={"value": 1.0, "min": 0.0}, b={"value": 2.0, "vary": False},)result =, x=x, params=params, weights=1 / yerr)_ = result.plot()

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (2)

result is a lmfit.model.ModelResult object that contains the results of thefit. The best-fit parameters can be accessed through the result.params attribute.


Since all weights are the same in this case, it has little effect on the fitresults. However, if we are confident that we have a good estimate of yerr, wecan pass scale_covar=True to the fit method to obtain accurateuncertainties.

namevaluestandard errorrelative errorinitial valueminmaxvary
a 0.99389030 0.01125608(1.13%)1.0 0.00000000 infTrue
b 2.00000000 0.00000000(0.00%)2.0 -inf infFalse
result.params["a"].value, result.params["a"].stderr
(0.9938903037183116, 0.011256084507121714)

The parameters can also be retrieved in a form that allows easy error propagation calculation, enabled by the uncertainties package.

a_uvar = result.uvars["a"]print(a_uvar)print(a_uvar**2)

Fitting with composite models

Before fitting, let us generate a Gaussian peak on a linear background.

# Generate toy datax = np.linspace(0, 10, 50)y = -0.1 * x + 2 + 3 * np.exp(-((x - 5) ** 2) / (2 * 1**2))# Add some noise with fixed seed for reproducibilityrng = np.random.default_rng(5)yerr = np.full_like(x, 0.3)y = rng.normal(y, yerr)# Plot the dataplt.errorbar(x, y, yerr, fmt="o")
<ErrorbarContainer object of 3 artists>

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (3)

A composite model can be created by adding multiple models together.

from lmfit.models import GaussianModel, LinearModelmodel = GaussianModel() + LinearModel()params = model.make_params(slope=-0.1, center=5.0, sigma={"value": 0.1, "min": 0})params
namevalueinitial valueminmaxvaryexpression
amplitude 1.00000000None -inf infTrue
center 5.000000005.0 -inf infTrue
sigma 0.100000000.1 0.00000000 infTrue
slope-0.10000000-0.1 -inf infTrue
intercept 0.00000000None -inf infTrue
fwhm 0.23548200None -inf infFalse2.3548200*sigma
height 3.98942300None -inf infFalse0.3989423*amplitude/max(1e-15, sigma)
result =, x=x, params=params, weights=1 / yerr)result.plot()result

Fit Result

Model: (Model(gaussian) + Model(linear))

Fit Statistics
fitting methodleastsq
# function evals43
# data points50
# variables5
chi-square 35.1640791
reduced chi-square 0.78142398
Akaike info crit.-7.59989616
Bayesian info crit. 1.96021887
R-squared 0.94677517
namevaluestandard errorrelative errorinitial valueminmaxvaryexpression
amplitude 7.16590435 0.37616176(5.25%)1.0 -inf infTrue
center 4.99152727 0.04220625(0.85%)5.0 -inf infTrue
sigma 0.94300480 0.04687009(4.97%)0.1 0.00000000 infTrue
slope-0.11380431 0.01318512(11.59%)-0.1 -inf infTrue
intercept 2.00633810 0.08441486(4.21%)0.0 -inf infTrue
fwhm 2.22060656 0.11037063(4.97%)0.23548200000000002 -inf infFalse2.3548200*sigma
height 3.03156714 0.11942779(3.94%)3.989423 -inf infFalse0.3989423*amplitude/max(1e-15, sigma)
Correlations (unreported values are < 0.100)
Parameter1Parameter 2Correlation

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (4)

How about multiple gaussian peaks? Since the parameter names overlap between the models, we must use the prefix argument to distinguish between them.

model = GaussianModel(prefix="p0_") + GaussianModel(prefix="p1_") + LinearModel()model.make_params()
namevalueinitial valueminmaxvaryexpression
p0_amplitude 1.00000000None -inf infTrue
p0_center 0.00000000None -inf infTrue
p0_sigma 1.00000000None 0.00000000 infTrue
p1_amplitude 1.00000000None -inf infTrue
p1_center 0.00000000None -inf infTrue
p1_sigma 1.00000000None 0.00000000 infTrue
slope 1.00000000None -inf infTrue
intercept 0.00000000None -inf infTrue
p0_fwhm 2.35482000None -inf infFalse2.3548200*p0_sigma
p0_height 0.39894230None -inf infFalse0.3989423*p0_amplitude/max(1e-15, p0_sigma)
p1_fwhm 2.35482000None -inf infFalse2.3548200*p1_sigma
p1_height 0.39894230None -inf infFalse0.3989423*p1_amplitude/max(1e-15, p1_sigma)

For more information, see the lmfit documentation.

Fitting with pre-defined models

Creating composite models with different prefixes every time can be cumbersome, soERLabPy provides some pre-defined models in

Fitting multiple peaks

One example is MultiPeakModel, whichworks like a composite model of multiple Gaussian or Lorentzian peaks.

By supplying keyword arguments, you can specify the number of peaks, their shapes,whether to multiply with a Fermi-Dirac distribution, the shape of the background, andwhether to convolve the result with experimental resolution.

For a detailed explanation of all the arguments, see its documentation<>.

The model can be constructed as follows:

from import MultiPeakModelmodel = MultiPeakModel(npeaks=1, peak_shapes=["gaussian"], fd=False, convolve=False)params = model.make_params(p0_center=5.0, p0_width=0.2, p0_height=3.0)params
namevalueinitial valueminmaxvaryexpression
p0_center 5.000000005.0 -inf infTrue
p0_width 0.200000000.2 0.00000000 infTrue
p0_height 3.000000003.0 0.00000000 infTrue
const_bkg 0.00000000None -inf infTrue
lin_bkg 0.00000000None -inf infTrue
p0_sigma 0.08493218None -inf infFalsep0_width / (2 * sqrt(2 * log(2)))
p0_amplitude 0.10164911None -inf infFalsep0_height * p0_sigma / sqrt(2 * pi)
result =, x=x, params=params, weights=1 / yerr)_ = result.plot()

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (5)

We can also plot components.

comps = result.eval_components()plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr, fmt="o", zorder=-1, alpha=0.3)plt.plot(x, result.eval(), label="Best fit")plt.plot(x, comps["1Peak_p0"], "--", label="Peak")plt.plot(x, comps["1Peak_bkg"], "--", label="Background")plt.legend()
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f584c481110>

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (6)

Now, let us try fitting MDCs cut from simulated data with multiple Lorentzian peaks, convolved with a common instrumental resolution.

data = generate_data(bandshift=-0.2, count=5e8, seed=1).Tcut = data.qsel(ky=0.3)cut.qplot(colorbar=True)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f584c480610>

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (7)

mdc = cut.qsel(eV=0.0)mdc.qplot()
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f584c1ca590>]

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (8)

First, we define the model and set the initial parameters.

from import MultiPeakModelmodel = MultiPeakModel(npeaks=4, peak_shapes=["lorentzian"], fd=False, convolve=True)params = model.make_params( p0_center=-0.6, p1_center=-0.45, p2_center=0.45, p3_center=0.6, p0_width=0.02, p1_width=0.02, p2_width=0.02, p3_width=0.02, lin_bkg={"value": 0.0, "vary": False}, const_bkg=0.0, resolution=0.03,)params
namevalueinitial valueminmaxvaryexpression
p0_center-0.60000000-0.6 -inf infTrue
p0_width 0.020000000.02 0.00000000 infTrue
p0_height -infNone 0.00000000 infTrue
p1_center-0.45000000-0.45 -inf infTrue
p1_width 0.020000000.02 0.00000000 infTrue
p1_height -infNone 0.00000000 infTrue
p2_center 0.450000000.45 -inf infTrue
p2_width 0.020000000.02 0.00000000 infTrue
p2_height -infNone 0.00000000 infTrue
p3_center 0.600000000.6 -inf infTrue
p3_width 0.020000000.02 0.00000000 infTrue
p3_height -infNone 0.00000000 infTrue
const_bkg 0.000000000.0 -inf infTrue
lin_bkg 0.000000000.0 -inf infFalse
resolution 0.030000000.03 0.00000000 infTrue
p0_sigma 0.01000000None -inf infFalsep0_width / 2
p0_amplitude -infNone -inf infFalsep0_height * p0_sigma * pi
p1_sigma 0.01000000None -inf infFalsep1_width / 2
p1_amplitude -infNone -inf infFalsep1_height * p1_sigma * pi
p2_sigma 0.01000000None -inf infFalsep2_width / 2
p2_amplitude -infNone -inf infFalsep2_height * p2_sigma * pi
p3_sigma 0.01000000None -inf infFalsep3_width / 2
p3_amplitude -infNone -inf infFalsep3_height * p3_sigma * pi

Then, we can fit the model to the data:

result =, x=mdc.kx, params=params)result.plot()result

Fit Result

Model: Model(4Peak)

Fit Statistics
fitting methodleastsq
# function evals305
# data points250
# variables14
chi-square 566.514610
reduced chi-square 2.40048564
Akaike info crit. 232.510488
Bayesian info crit. 281.810941
R-squared 0.99988540
namevaluestandard errorrelative errorinitial valueminmaxvaryexpression
p0_center-0.59650469 2.5399e-05(0.00%)-0.6 -inf infTrue
p0_width 0.02403002 1.6855e-04(0.70%)0.02 0.00000000 infTrue
p0_height 1161.03463 6.49245237(0.56%)0.0 0.00000000 infTrue
p1_center-0.44489439 4.6412e-04(0.10%)-0.45 -inf infTrue
p1_width 0.01804181 0.00148733(8.24%)0.02 0.00000000 infTrue
p1_height 68.4523785 4.18812978(6.12%)0.0 0.00000000 infTrue
p2_center 0.44353079 5.1714e-04(0.12%)0.45 -inf infTrue
p2_width 0.02372127 0.00164247(6.92%)0.02 0.00000000 infTrue
p2_height 57.0667112 2.80977111(4.92%)0.0 0.00000000 infTrue
p3_center 0.59606494 2.5489e-05(0.00%)0.6 -inf infTrue
p3_width 0.02443832 1.6821e-04(0.69%)0.02 0.00000000 infTrue
p3_height 1152.96218 6.30752762(0.55%)0.0 0.00000000 infTrue
const_bkg 0.27454009 0.13298720(48.44%)0.0 -inf infTrue
lin_bkg 0.00000000 0.000000000.0 -inf infFalse
resolution 0.02634117 1.6289e-04(0.62%)0.03 0.00000000 infTrue
p0_sigma 0.01201501 8.4274e-05(0.70%)0.01 -inf infFalsep0_width / 2
p0_amplitude 43.8247214 0.08237775(0.19%)0.0 -inf infFalsep0_height * p0_sigma * pi
p1_sigma 0.00902091 7.4366e-04(8.24%)0.01 -inf infFalsep1_width / 2
p1_amplitude 1.93994144 0.06140643(3.17%)0.0 -inf infFalsep1_height * p1_sigma * pi
p2_sigma 0.01186064 8.2124e-04(6.92%)0.01 -inf infFalsep2_width / 2
p2_amplitude 2.12637915 0.06652226(3.13%)0.0 -inf infFalsep2_height * p2_sigma * pi
p3_sigma 0.01221916 8.4107e-05(0.69%)0.01 -inf infFalsep3_width / 2
p3_amplitude 44.2594703 0.08273375(0.19%)0.0 -inf infFalsep3_height * p3_sigma * pi
Correlations (unreported values are < 0.100)
Parameter1Parameter 2Correlation

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (9)

Fitting xarray objects

ERLabPy provides accessors for xarray objects that allows you to fit data with lmfitmodels: xarray.DataArray.modelfit orxarray.Dataset.modelfit,depending on whether you want to fit a single DataArray or multiple DataArrays in aDataset. The syntax is similar to xarray.DataArray.curvefit() andxarray.Dataset.curvefit(). The accessor returns a xarray.Dataset with thebest-fit parameters and the fit statistics. The example below illustrates how to use theaccessor to conduct the same fit as in the previous example.

result_ds = mdc.modelfit("kx", model, params=params)result_ds
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 14kBDimensions: (param: 23, cov_i: 23, cov_j: 23, fit_stat: 8, kx: 250)Coordinates: ky float64 8B 0.2967 eV float64 8B -0.000301 * kx (kx) float64 2kB -0.89 -0.8829 ... 0.8829 0.89 * param (param) <U12 1kB 'p0_center' ... 'p3_amplitude' * fit_stat (fit_stat) <U6 192B 'nfev' 'nvarys' ... 'aic' 'bic' * cov_i (cov_i) <U12 1kB 'p0_center' ... 'p3_amplitude' * cov_j (cov_j) <U12 1kB 'p0_center' ... 'p3_amplitude'Data variables: modelfit_results object 8B <lmfit.model.ModelResult object at 0x7f5... modelfit_coefficients (param) float64 184B -0.5965 0.02403 ... 44.26 modelfit_stderr (param) float64 184B 2.54e-05 0.0001685 ... 0.08273 modelfit_covariance (cov_i, cov_j) float64 4kB 6.451e-10 ... nan modelfit_stats (fit_stat) float64 64B 305.0 14.0 ... 232.5 281.8 modelfit_data (kx) float64 2kB 2.337 2.061 2.908 ... 3.202 4.133 modelfit_best_fit (kx) float64 2kB 2.336 2.437 2.545 ... 2.495 2.392

modelfit_results contains the underlying lmfit.model.ModelResult objects.The coefficients and their errors are stored in modelfit_coefficients andmodelfit_stderr, respectively. The goodness-of-fit statistics are storedin modelfit_stats.

Fitting across multiple dimensions


There is a dedicated module for Fermi edge fitting and correction, describedhere. The following example is for illustrative purposes.

The accessor comes in handy when you have to fit a single model to multiple data pointsacross arbitrary dimensions. Let’s demonstrate this with a simulated cut that representsa curved Fermi edge at 100 K, with an energy broadening of 20 meV.

from import generate_gold_edgefrom import FermiEdgeModelgold = generate_gold_edge(temp=100, Eres=0.02, count=5e5, seed=1)gold.qplot(cmap="Greys")
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f5847397e50>

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (10)

We first select ± 0.2 eV around the Fermi level and fit the model across the energy axis for every EDC.

gold_selected = gold.sel(eV=slice(-0.2, 0.2))result_ds = gold_selected.modelfit( coords="eV", model=FermiEdgeModel(), params={"temp": {"value": 100.0, "vary": False}}, guess=True,)result_ds
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 358kBDimensions: (alpha: 200, param: 7, cov_i: 7, cov_j: 7, fit_stat: 8, eV: 75)Coordinates: * alpha (alpha) float64 2kB -15.0 -14.85 -14.7 ... 14.85 15.0 * eV (eV) float64 600B -0.1977 -0.1923 ... 0.193 0.1983 * param (param) <U10 280B 'center' 'temp' ... 'dos0' 'dos1' * fit_stat (fit_stat) <U6 192B 'nfev' 'nvarys' ... 'aic' 'bic' * cov_i (cov_i) <U10 280B 'center' 'temp' ... 'dos0' 'dos1' * cov_j (cov_j) <U10 280B 'center' 'temp' ... 'dos0' 'dos1'Data variables: modelfit_results (alpha) object 2kB <lmfit.model.ModelResult object... modelfit_coefficients (alpha, param) float64 11kB -0.01774 100.0 ... -3.53 modelfit_stderr (alpha, param) float64 11kB 0.005598 0.0 ... 4.111 modelfit_covariance (alpha, cov_i, cov_j) float64 78kB 3.134e-05 ... 16.9 modelfit_stats (alpha, fit_stat) float64 13kB 106.0 6.0 ... -26.34 modelfit_data (alpha, eV) float64 120kB 5.1 7.021 7.453 ... 0.0 0.0 modelfit_best_fit (alpha, eV) float64 120kB 6.642 6.565 ... -0.0711

Let’s plot the fitted parameters as a function of angle!

gold.qplot(cmap="Greys")plt.errorbar( gold_selected.alpha, result_ds.modelfit_coefficients.sel(param="center"), result_ds.modelfit_stderr.sel(param="center"), fmt=".",)
<ErrorbarContainer object of 3 artists>

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (11)

We can also conduct a global fit to all the EDCs with a multidimensional model. First,we normalize the data with the averaged intensity of each EDC and then fit the data toFermiEdge2dModel.

from import FermiEdge2dModelgold_norm = gold_selected / gold_selected.mean("eV")result_ds = gold_norm.T.modelfit( coords=["eV", "alpha"], model=FermiEdge2dModel(), params={"temp": {"value": 100.0, "vary": False}}, guess=True,)result_ds
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 244kBDimensions: (param: 8, cov_i: 8, cov_j: 8, fit_stat: 8, eV: 75, alpha: 200)Coordinates: * eV (eV) float64 600B -0.1977 -0.1923 ... 0.193 0.1983 * alpha (alpha) float64 2kB -15.0 -14.85 -14.7 ... 14.85 15.0 * param (param) <U10 320B 'c0' 'c1' ... 'offset' 'resolution' * fit_stat (fit_stat) <U6 192B 'nfev' 'nvarys' ... 'aic' 'bic' * cov_i (cov_i) <U10 320B 'c0' 'c1' ... 'offset' 'resolution' * cov_j (cov_j) <U10 320B 'c0' 'c1' ... 'offset' 'resolution'Data variables: modelfit_results object 8B <lmfit.model.ModelResult object at 0x7f5... modelfit_coefficients (param) float64 64B 0.03604 8.09e-06 ... 0.04345 modelfit_stderr (param) float64 64B 0.0004463 2.749e-05 ... 0.001243 modelfit_covariance (cov_i, cov_j) float64 512B 1.992e-07 ... 1.545e-06 modelfit_stats (fit_stat) float64 64B 82.0 7.0 ... -3.98e+04 modelfit_data (eV, alpha) float64 120kB 2.027 1.905 ... 0.0 0.0 modelfit_best_fit (eV, alpha) float64 120kB 1.965 1.965 ... 0.02488

Let’s plot the fit results and the residuals.

best_fit = result_ds.modelfit_best_fit.transpose(*gold_norm.dims)fig, axs = eplt.plot_slices( [gold_norm, best_fit, best_fit - gold_norm], figsize=(4, 5), cmap=["viridis", "viridis", "bwr"], norm=[plt.Normalize(), plt.Normalize(), eplt.CenteredPowerNorm(1.0, vcenter=0)], colorbar="all", hide_colorbar_ticks=False, colorbar_kw={"width": 7},)eplt.set_titles(axs, ["Data", "FermiEdge2dModel", "Residuals"])

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (12)

Providing multiple initial guesses

You can also provide different initial guesses and bounds for different coordinates. Todemonstrate, let’s create some data containing multiple MDCs, each with a different peakposition.

# Define angle coordinates for 2D dataalpha = np.linspace(-5.0, 5.0, 100)beta = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 3)# Center of the peaks along betacenter = np.array([-2.0, 0.0, 2.0])[:, np.newaxis]# Gaussian peak on a linear backgroundy = -0.1 * alpha + 2 + 3 * np.exp(-((alpha - center) ** 2) / (2 * 1**2))# Add some noise with fixed seed for reproducibilityrng = np.random.default_rng(5)yerr = np.full_like(y, 0.1)y = rng.normal(y, yerr)# Transform to DataArraydarr = xr.DataArray(y, dims=["beta", "alpha"], coords={"beta": beta, "alpha": alpha})darr.qplot()
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f58472a80d0>

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (13)

We can provide different initial guesses for the peak positions along the betadimension by passing a dictionary of DataArrays to the params argument.

result_ds = darr.modelfit( coords="alpha", model=GaussianModel() + LinearModel(), params={ "center": xr.DataArray([-2, 0, 2], coords=[darr.beta]), "slope": -0.1, },)result_ds
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 7kBDimensions: (beta: 3, param: 5, cov_i: 5, cov_j: 5, fit_stat: 8, alpha: 100)Coordinates: * beta (beta) float64 24B -1.0 0.0 1.0 * alpha (alpha) float64 800B -5.0 -4.899 -4.798 ... 4.899 5.0 * param (param) <U9 180B 'amplitude' 'center' ... 'intercept' * fit_stat (fit_stat) <U6 192B 'nfev' 'nvarys' ... 'aic' 'bic' * cov_i (cov_i) <U9 180B 'amplitude' 'center' ... 'intercept' * cov_j (cov_j) <U9 180B 'amplitude' 'center' ... 'intercept'Data variables: modelfit_results (beta) object 24B <lmfit.model.ModelResult object ... modelfit_coefficients (beta, param) float64 120B 7.324 -2.0 ... 1.993 modelfit_stderr (beta, param) float64 120B 0.1349 0.011 ... 0.01735 modelfit_covariance (beta, cov_i, cov_j) float64 600B 0.01819 ... 0.00... modelfit_stats (beta, fit_stat) float64 192B 31.0 5.0 ... -450.2 modelfit_data (beta, alpha) float64 2kB 2.453 2.402 ... 1.404 1.64 modelfit_best_fit (beta, alpha) float64 2kB 2.553 2.553 ... 1.526 1.504

Let’s overlay the fitted peak positions on the data.

result_ds.modelfit_data.qplot()result_center = result_ds.sel(param="center")plt.plot(result_center.modelfit_coefficients, result_center.beta, '.-')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f584c64cf50>]

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (14)

The same can be done with all parameter attributes that can be passed tolmfit.create_params() (e.g., vary, min, max, etc.). For example:

result_ds = darr.modelfit( coords="alpha", model=GaussianModel() + LinearModel(), params={ "center": { "value": xr.DataArray([-2, 0, 2], coords=[darr.beta]), "min": -5.0, "max": xr.DataArray([0, 2, 5], coords=[darr.beta]), }, "slope": -0.1, },)result_ds
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 7kBDimensions: (beta: 3, param: 5, cov_i: 5, cov_j: 5, fit_stat: 8, alpha: 100)Coordinates: * beta (beta) float64 24B -1.0 0.0 1.0 * alpha (alpha) float64 800B -5.0 -4.899 -4.798 ... 4.899 5.0 * param (param) <U9 180B 'amplitude' 'center' ... 'intercept' * fit_stat (fit_stat) <U6 192B 'nfev' 'nvarys' ... 'aic' 'bic' * cov_i (cov_i) <U9 180B 'amplitude' 'center' ... 'intercept' * cov_j (cov_j) <U9 180B 'amplitude' 'center' ... 'intercept'Data variables: modelfit_results (beta) object 24B <lmfit.model.ModelResult object ... modelfit_coefficients (beta, param) float64 120B 7.324 -2.0 ... 1.993 modelfit_stderr (beta, param) float64 120B 0.1349 0.011 ... 0.01735 modelfit_covariance (beta, cov_i, cov_j) float64 600B 0.01819 ... 0.00... modelfit_stats (beta, fit_stat) float64 192B 31.0 5.0 ... -450.2 modelfit_data (beta, alpha) float64 2kB 2.453 2.402 ... 1.404 1.64 modelfit_best_fit (beta, alpha) float64 2kB 2.553 2.553 ... 1.526 1.504

Visualizing fits

If hvplot is installed, we can visualize the fitresults interactively with the qshow accessor.


If you are viewing this documentation online, the plot will not be interactive. Run the code locally to try it out.



The accessors are tightly integrated with xarray, so passing a dask array willparallelize the fitting process. See Parallel Computing with Dask for more information.

For non-dask objects, you can achieve joblib-based parallelization:

  • For non-dask Datasets, basic parallelization across multiple data variables can beachieved with the parallel argument to xarray.Dataset.modelfit.

  • For parallelizing fits on a single DataArray along a dimension with many points, thexarray.DataArray.parallel_fit accessor can be used. This methodis similar to xarray.DataArray.modelfit, but requires the name ofthe dimension to parallelize over instead of the coordinates to fit along. Forexample, to parallelize the fit in the previous example, you can use the followingcode:

    gold_selected.parallel_fit( dim="alpha", model=FermiEdgeModel(), params={"temp": {"value": 100.0, "vary": False}}, guess=True,)


    • Note that the initial run will take a long time due to the overhead of creatingparallel workers. Subsequent calls will run faster, since joblib’s default backendwill try to reuse the workers.

    • The accessor has some intrinsic overhead due to post-processing. If you need thebest performance, handle the parallelization yourself with joblib

Saving and loading fits

Since the resulting dataset contains no Python objects, it can be saved and loadedreliably as a netCDF file using xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf() andxarray.open_dataset(), respectively. If you wish to obtain thelmfit.model.ModelResult objects from the fit, you can use the output_resultargument.


Saving full model results that includes the model functions can be difficult.Instead of saving the fit results, it is recommended to save the code that canreproduce the fit. See the relevant lmfit documentation formore information.

Fermi edge fitting

Functions related to the Fermi edge are available in To fita polynomial to a Fermi edge, you can use

import erlab.analysis as eraimport erlab.plotting.erplot as epltgold = generate_gold_edge(temp=100, seed=1)result = gold, angle_range=(-15, 15), eV_range=(-0.2, 0.2), temp=100.0, vary_temp=False, degree=2, plot=True,)

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (15)

The resulting polynomial can be used to correct the Fermi edge

era.correct_with_edge(gold, result).qplot(cmap="Greys")eplt.fermiline()
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f583f08a2d0>

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (16)

Also check out the interactive Fermi edge fitting tool,erlab.interactive.goldtool().

Using iminuit


This part requires iminuit.

iminuit is a powerful Python interface to theMinuit C++ library developed atCERN. To learn more, see the iminuit documentation.

ERLabPy provides a thin wrapper around iminuit.Minuit that allows you to uselmfit models with iminuit. The example below conducts the same fit as the previous one,but using iminuit.

from import Minuitfrom import MultiPeakModelmodel = MultiPeakModel(npeaks=4, peak_shapes=["lorentzian"], fd=False, convolve=True)m = Minuit.from_lmfit( model, mdc, mdc.kx, p0_center=-0.6, p1_center=-0.45, p2_center=0.45, p3_center=0.6, p0_width=0.02, p1_width=0.02, p2_width=0.02, p3_width=0.02, p0_height=1500, p1_height=50, p2_height=50, p3_height=1500, lin_bkg={"value": 0.0, "vary": False}, const_bkg=0.0, resolution=0.03,)m.migrad()m.minos()m.hesse()
FCN = 566.5 (χ²/ndof = 2.4) Nfcn = 5120
EDM = 4.13e-06 (Goal: 0.0002) time = 0.9 sec
Valid Minimum Below EDM threshold (goal x 10)
No parameters at limit Below call limit
Hesse ok Covariance accurate
Name Value Hesse Error Minos Error- Minos Error+ Limit- Limit+ Fixed
0 p0_center -596.505e-3 0.016e-3 -0.016e-3 0.016e-3
1 p0_width 24.03e-3 0.11e-3 -0.11e-3 0.11e-3 0
2 p0_height 1.161e3 0.004e3 -0.004e3 0.004e3 0
3 p1_center -444.89e-3 0.30e-3 -0.30e-3 0.30e-3
4 p1_width 18e-3 1e-3 -1e-3 1e-3 0
5 p1_height 68.5 2.8 -2.7 2.9 0
6 p2_center 443.53e-3 0.34e-3 -0.34e-3 0.34e-3
7 p2_width 0.0237 0.0010 -0.0010 0.0010 0
8 p2_height 57.1 1.8 -1.7 1.8 0
9 p3_center 596.065e-3 0.016e-3 -0.016e-3 0.017e-3
10 p3_width 24.44e-3 0.11e-3 -0.11e-3 0.11e-3 0
11 p3_height 1.153e3 0.004e3 -0.004e3 0.004e3 0
12 const_bkg 0.27 0.09 -0.09 0.09
13 lin_bkg 0.0 0.1 yes
14 resolution 26.34e-3 0.10e-3 -0.10e-3 0.10e-3 0
p0_center p0_width p0_height p1_center p1_width p1_height p2_center p2_width p2_height p3_center p3_width p3_height const_bkg resolution
Error -0.016e-3 0.016e-3 -0.11e-3 0.11e-3 -4 4 -0.3e-3 0.3e-3 -1e-3 1e-3 -2.7 2.9 -0.34e-3 0.34e-3 -0.001 0.001 -1.7 1.8 -0.016e-3 0.017e-3 -0.11e-3 0.11e-3 -4 4 -0.09 0.09 -0.1e-3 0.1e-3
Valid True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True
At Limit False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False
Max FCN False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False
New Min False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False
p0_center p0_width p0_height p1_center p1_width p1_height p2_center p2_width p2_height p3_center p3_width p3_height const_bkg lin_bkg resolution
p0_center 2.68e-10 0.01e-9 (0.004) -309.64e-9 (-0.005) 0.02e-9 (0.004) -0.47e-9 (-0.029) 1.09497e-6 (0.024) -0 -0.04e-9 (-0.002) 24.04e-9 -0 0.01e-9 (0.004) -283.08e-9 (-0.004) 9.90e-9 (0.007) 0 -0.01e-9 (-0.005)
p0_width 0.01e-9 (0.004) 1.17e-08 -442.668e-6 (-0.981) 0.001e-6 (0.036) 0.001e-6 (0.007) -10.032e-6 (-0.033) -0.002e-6 (-0.045) 0.006e-6 (0.054) -13.035e-6 (-0.068) 0.01e-9 (0.008) 0.009e-6 (0.785) -352.815e-6 (-0.801) -3.894e-6 (-0.419) 0 -0.010e-6 (-0.879)
p0_height -309.64e-9 (-0.005) -442.668e-6 (-0.981) 17.4 -41.28e-6 (-0.033) -63.7e-6 (-0.015) 1 (0.043) 66.39e-6 (0.047) -173.7e-6 (-0.040) 0.5 (0.062) -523.22e-9 (-0.008) -362.570e-6 (-0.802) 14 (0.823) 0.132 (0.369) 0 394.794e-6 (0.906)
p1_center 0.02e-9 (0.004) 0.001e-6 (0.036) -41.28e-6 (-0.033) 8.75e-08 0 (0.016) -7.69e-6 (-0.009) -0 (-0.001) 0 (0.004) -1.73e-6 (-0.003) 0 0.001e-6 (0.026) -31.38e-6 (-0.026) -0.59e-6 (-0.023) 0 -0.001e-6 (-0.028)
p1_width -0.47e-9 (-0.029) 0.001e-6 (0.007) -63.7e-6 (-0.015) 0 (0.016) 9.86e-07 -2.6249e-3 (-0.949) -0 0.1e-6 (0.057) -53.5e-6 (-0.030) 0.04e-9 (0.003) 0.007e-6 (0.067) -212.3e-6 (-0.053) -20.8e-6 (-0.244) 0e-6 -0.005e-6 (-0.045)
p1_height 1.09497e-6 (0.024) -10.032e-6 (-0.033) 1 (0.043) -7.69e-6 (-0.009) -2.6249e-3 (-0.949) 7.76 2.16e-6 (0.002) -111.5e-6 (-0.039) 0.1 (0.023) -98.11e-9 (-0.002) -24.143e-6 (-0.080) 1 (0.072) 0.042 (0.177) 0 20.462e-6 (0.070)
p2_center -0 -0.002e-6 (-0.045) 66.39e-6 (0.047) -0 (-0.001) -0 2.16e-6 (0.002) 1.15e-07 0.03e-6 (0.084) -44.92e-6 (-0.075) 0.05e-9 (0.009) -0.002e-6 (-0.065) 83.33e-6 (0.060) 0.30e-6 (0.010) 0 0.002e-6 (0.052)
p2_width -0.04e-9 (-0.002) 0.006e-6 (0.054) -173.7e-6 (-0.040) 0 (0.004) 0.1e-6 (0.057) -111.5e-6 (-0.039) 0.03e-6 (0.084) 1.07e-06 -1.6728e-3 (-0.911) 0.57e-9 (0.033) -0.001e-6 (-0.011) -0.7e-6 -20.8e-6 (-0.234) 0 -0.003e-6 (-0.031)
p2_height 24.04e-9 -13.035e-6 (-0.068) 0.5 (0.062) -1.73e-6 (-0.003) -53.5e-6 (-0.030) 0.1 (0.023) -44.92e-6 (-0.075) -1.6728e-3 (-0.911) 3.15 -752.74e-9 (-0.026) -4.459e-6 (-0.023) 0.3 (0.036) 0.021 (0.136) 0.0 11.425e-6 (0.062)
p3_center -0 0.01e-9 (0.008) -523.22e-9 (-0.008) 0 0.04e-9 (0.003) -98.11e-9 (-0.002) 0.05e-9 (0.009) 0.57e-9 (0.033) -752.74e-9 (-0.026) 2.71e-10 0.01e-9 (0.005) -373.21e-9 (-0.006) -16.96e-9 (-0.012) 0 -0.01e-9 (-0.008)
p3_width 0.01e-9 (0.004) 0.009e-6 (0.785) -362.570e-6 (-0.802) 0.001e-6 (0.026) 0.007e-6 (0.067) -24.143e-6 (-0.080) -0.002e-6 (-0.065) -0.001e-6 (-0.011) -4.459e-6 (-0.023) 0.01e-9 (0.005) 1.18e-08 -432.171e-6 (-0.980) -3.878e-6 (-0.417) 0 -0.010e-6 (-0.879)
p3_height -283.08e-9 (-0.004) -352.815e-6 (-0.801) 14 (0.823) -31.38e-6 (-0.026) -212.3e-6 (-0.053) 1 (0.072) 83.33e-6 (0.060) -0.7e-6 0.3 (0.036) -373.21e-9 (-0.006) -432.171e-6 (-0.980) 16.5 0.128 (0.367) 0 384.873e-6 (0.905)
const_bkg 9.90e-9 (0.007) -3.894e-6 (-0.419) 0.132 (0.369) -0.59e-6 (-0.023) -20.8e-6 (-0.244) 0.042 (0.177) 0.30e-6 (0.010) -20.8e-6 (-0.234) 0.021 (0.136) -16.96e-9 (-0.012) -3.878e-6 (-0.417) 0.128 (0.367) 0.00736 0.000 3.146e-6 (0.351)
lin_bkg 0 0 0 0 0e-6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0.000 0 0
resolution -0.01e-9 (-0.005) -0.010e-6 (-0.879) 394.794e-6 (0.906) -0.001e-6 (-0.028) -0.005e-6 (-0.045) 20.462e-6 (0.070) 0.002e-6 (0.052) -0.003e-6 (-0.031) 11.425e-6 (0.062) -0.01e-9 (-0.008) -0.010e-6 (-0.879) 384.873e-6 (0.905) 3.146e-6 (0.351) 0 1.09e-08

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (17)

You can also use the interactive fitting interface provided by iminuit.


  • Requires ipywidgets to beinstalled.

  • If you are viewing this documentation online, changing the sliders won’t changethe plot. run the code locally to try it out.

Curve fitting - ERLab 2.8.0 documentation (2024)
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